Dreamed of older people. Why does an old man dream of young people. Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great What does the Old Man mean from the dream book

If he sees in a dream an old person or in adulthood, this is to well-being, to the appearance of a benevolent friend.

If a young man sees in a dream that he has become an old man, then his honor, honor and learning will increase, and the end of his life will be glorified.

If the elder sees himself young in a dream, in joy and joy, then he will become the head of the army and become younger.

If someone sees an old man in a dream, he will be a husband of experience and advice.

Interpretation of dreams from the Muslim dream book

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What does the dream mean Old Man

If you saw yourself in a dream in old age, then in the near future nothing threatens you. To make this time last longer, take a warm bath with common salt (5 tablespoons per bath) at night for a week.

If you dreamed of an unfamiliar old man, then they want to beat you. To make sure nothing happens, find and eat hair with food.

Interpretation of dreams from the Mayan Dream Interpretation

Dream about an old man

Seeing weak old people is a sign of mental decline and pessimism.

A decrepit old woman: portends spiritual disappointment or the extinction of some kind of feeling.

A decrepit old man: a sign of impotence and decline in business.

Usually such dreams indicate that you need to bring some kind of fresh stream into your life, otherwise mental decline will turn into failures.

At the same time, seeing active and strong old people is a sign that you will be able to solve your problems in some old and tried and true way.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the 20th century

What do dreams mean old man

Seeing old people is troubles and worries that will depress you and deprive you of peace of mind.
See also Beggar, Handshake.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

Dream about the old man

For a woman to dream that an old man is caring for her is a sure sign that she will receive a certain amount of money and she will be successful in all her endeavors. For a girl, such a dream portends that she will marry a rich young man, they will have many children, who will also be rich.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

What does the old man mean in a dream

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Kananit

What does the Old Man mean in a dream

Long life; talking to him is an unexpected legacy; painful - illness and death; to be old - you will be respected

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Hasse

The meaning of sleep Old Man

If you dream of an old man, expect in reality a troublesome business that will not bring you any satisfaction. You will experience grief and heartache.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation for Women

Dream Interpretation Old Man

Seeing an old man in a dream - in reality, chores will unbalance you.

Imagine that an old man has a young son who helps him in all matters.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

What the Old Man predicts in a dream

Associated with a holistic knowledge of past experience, nature and life, awareness of the presence of Being, giving birth to wisdom in relation to any becoming or "here-being". The old man is the ancient mind, the source of every becoming, the personification of vital wisdom. He conveys messages to Ying-se in the "I", while the "I" does not yet know about him and is not directly connected with him. The old sage acts as the prophet In-se, and his brief utterances are judgments from the very depths of universal and individual life. In accordance with the level of maturity of the subject, such a sage-prophet appears in the form of a traveler, woodcutter, villager, baker, shepherd, fisherman. When the subject is close to the historical incarnation of his In-se, then the sage may appear in the form of something divine, solar. He can also come in the form of some great person whom the subject knows in his real life.

Interpretation of dreams from the Free Dream Book

What does it mean to see an old man in a dream

Old man (unfamiliar) - Benevolent - you are initiated into some kind of knowledge, secrets. They give a blessing. Angry, scary - you are not fulfilling your task, doing something wrong, and they want to set you on the right path.

Interpretation of dreams from

according to Loff's dream book

The old man and the old woman are the primary symbols of wisdom and spiritual power. For many people, the role that a father or mother played in their lives has been lost in the whirlpool of life due to divorce, excessive workload, or some kind of emotional dysfunction. The human psyche has a tendency to search for a replacement for the lost and recreate it from anything, even from itself. Often these characters personify and authenticate some source of wisdom that has not been taken into account by the psyche. Perhaps you have to solve a problem that cannot be solved because of your too conscious worldview. So a more efficient way to solve the problem might be the one you characterize as deprecated. The image of wisdom in a dream is trying to open your eyes to this. Do you have some fear or disdain for your heritage, for the prospect of your own old age? Do you resist accepting the wisdom offered by your elders about the life choices you face? Are you in search of wisdom or do you feel a lack of it in solving life's problems?

Dreamed of a man

according to Miller's dream book

To dream of a handsome, well-built and dexterous man means that you will fully enjoy life and take possession of the fortune. If a man seen in a dream is ugly and gloomy, you will face disappointments and many difficulties that will torment you. If a woman dreams of a very handsome man, she will gain fame and she will like it. If in a dream she is frightened by his repulsive appearance, then she will have unpleasant experiences because of the person whom she considered her friend.

Why is a man dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

Man, boyfriend or ex - pleasure (for a woman); for a man - a new thing, depending on the type and behavior; (for a woman) - personal relationships; unfamiliar men - troubles or unforeseen events in a proven, well-coordinated business.

Why is the old woman dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book


The meaning of sleep about old age

according to Freud's dream book

In a dream, to see yourself or someone you know as old - do not be afraid to experiment in sex, otherwise you can go in cycles in the same tricks that you, of course, do very well, that's just ... this is not enough in order to consider you a sexy person.

Dreamed of grandma and grandpa

according to Miller's dream book

To meet your grandparents in a dream and talk with them promises you a meeting with difficulties that will not be easy to overcome. However, good advice will help you cope with difficulties.

See wrinkles in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

According to an African legend, death entered the world in the following way: “Once upon a time, people could shed their skin like snakes. Everyone did this and lived forever, regaining their youth. One day a woman forgot that she had to do this and put on her old skin again, and death came into the world. Dreams about wrinkles can be disturbing because they create images of old age and death. You may feel like you are wasting time in real life and your subconscious is reminding you that life is short. Another variation on wrinkle sleep is accelerated aging, in which your skin seems to shrink or wrinkle within minutes. This dream reminds you that you are not getting any younger in moving towards your life goals. These dreams can be disturbing, but they don't have to be. Dreams of this nature often serve as a means for your mind to say, "Hey, it's time for something new," and encourage you to take steps in that direction: change your old hat for a new one. Are you resisting the aging process on some level? Do you feel like others are preventing you from displaying the qualities or wisdom normally associated with your age? Are you experiencing a resurgence or removal of "old" restrictions?

Why do wrinkles dream

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

popularity with the other sex.

What is the dream of stubble

according to Tsvetkov's dream book


The meaning of sleep about bristles

according to Freud's dream book

For women: if in a dream you touched male bristles, it means that you really missed reliable male hands, the feeling of strength. What to do - life decided to give you a few lessons of independence.

Why is grandfather dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

warning in cases; take care of your health.

Why dream of a beard

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to see how it grows - to wealth (the same for leg hair); in curls - a quarrel with relatives; cut - monetary and personal losses; cut to another - to a quarrel; trim - to improve things; for a girl - a hasty marriage or relationship; for a married woman - to widowhood or the loss of her husband; for a widow - for another marriage; for a pregnant woman - to the birth of a son; for a child - death; loss of a beard - a break in relations, loss of property and honor; shaving yourself is a solution to worries in love; redhead - treacherous friends (yellow - envy).

Dreamed of a beard

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a beard in a dream means that some person alien to you in spirit will confront you, you will have a fierce struggle for power, and you will probably have losses in this struggle. A gray beard means failure and quarrels. Seeing a bearded woman means unpleasant meetings and a long illness. If in a dream someone pulls your beard, expect that you will be at great risk if you do not give up your property. Combing and grooming your beard means that your vanity will grow along with your wealth, making you extremely unpleasant for your former friends. If a young woman grooms her beard in a dream, the dream indicates her desire to break the vow of celibacy and the fear of an unsuccessful marriage.

If you dream of old people, this portends troubles and worries that will depress you and deprive you of peace of mind.

Old man according to Hasse's dream book

Long life; talking to him is an unexpected legacy; painful - illness and death; to be old - you will be respected.

Old man according to the Family Dream Book

A dream about old people portends chores and worries that can seriously disturb your peace of mind.

Old man according to the Esoteric dream book

Benevolent - you are initiated into some knowledge, secrets. They give a blessing.

Angry, scary - you are not fulfilling your task, doing something wrong, and they want to set you on the right path.

The old man according to the dream book of Evgeny Tsvetkov


Old man according to the dream book of Catherine the Great

Old man - you see old people in a dream - because of some troubles, you will lose your peace of mind for a long time; you will always return to some thought, and it will be difficult for you to concentrate. It’s as if you are talking with an unfamiliar old man - you will soon demonstrate your respect to someone. You see an old woman who is affectionate to you - you will have joy in real life.

The old man according to the Noble dream book of N. Grishina

Unknown old man, old man - help from a friend, happiness, good advice, reverence, fatherly help. An old man met on the road is a call for concentration in work. The evil old man is a kind of deception.

The old man according to the dream book of the healer Akulina

What does the Old Man mean in a dream - Household chores will unbalance you. Imagine that the old man has a young son who helps you in all matters.

The old man according to the dream book of Artemidor

You dreamed of an Old Man - Meet an old man A dream that occurred in the spring - to get good advice; in summer - to fatigue; in the fall, - to disappointment; seen in winter, it means that soon you will meet a person who can play an important role in your life.

The old man according to the Mayan dream book

Good value If you saw yourself in a dream in old age, then in the near future nothing threatens you. To make this time longer, take a warm bath with common salt (5 tablespoons per bath) at night for a week.

Bad value If you dreamed of an unfamiliar old man, then they want to beat you. To prevent anything from happening, find and eat hair with food.

The old man according to the Italian dream book Meneghetti

Associated with a holistic knowledge of past experience, nature and life, awareness of the presence of Being, giving rise to wisdom in relation to any becoming or "here-being". The old man is the ancient mind, the source of every becoming, the personification of vital wisdom. He conveys messages to Ying-se in the "I", while the "I" does not yet know about him and is not connected with him directly. The old sage acts as the prophet In-se, and his brief utterances are judgments from the very depths of universal and individual life. In accordance with the level of maturity of the subject, such a sage-prophet appears in the form of a traveler, woodcutter, villager, baker, shepherd, fisherman. When the subject is close to the historical incarnation of his In-se, then the sage may appear in the form of something divine, solar. He can also come in the form of some great person whom the subject knows in his real life (see Master).

Old man according to Shuvalova's dream book

Old age symbolizes decadence, halt in development, dying. This image is undeniably negative and indicates that a vampiric takeover is taking place in relation to you. But if you see a neat old man, with expressive looks, without any special signs of illness and infirmity, then this is a positive image. It is good if an old man is dreaming, who is familiar with the true knowledge of nature and life - a sage. In this guise appears your true essence. Your real needs fall through. Listen carefully to the words of such an old man if he tells you something in a dream, and then boldly follow his advice in reality. Such a wise man - a prophet may appear in the form of a traveler, woodcutter, farmer, shepherd, fisherman. When a person is ready to live in accordance with his inner being, then the sage appears as a soothsayer who brings wisdom.

The old man according to the Old Russian dream book


Old man according to the dream book for women

If you dream of an old man, expect in reality a troublesome business that will not bring you any satisfaction. You will experience grief and heartache.

Old man according to the dream book of Health

To see a strong, healthy old man - to longevity; Haggard and painful - to illness or possible death, especially for seriously ill patients; An unpleasant, scary old man - to a possible evil eye or damage.

Old man according to the Old English dream book

For a woman to dream that an old man is caring for her is a sure sign that she will receive a certain amount of money and she will be successful in all her endeavors. For a girl, such a dream portends that she will marry a rich young man, they will have many children, who will also be rich.

Old man according to the Russian dream book

Decrepit - to great losses;

strong - listen to what he tells you - this is important news for you

The Old Man according to the 1829 Dream Interpreter

To see an old man or an old woman in general portends happiness; but the old man in particular means wisdom, and the old woman - superfluous chatter.

The old man according to the Psychoanalytic dream book of V. Samokhvalov

Old men. Parents.

Aged people. The old man is the image of immeasurable wisdom and intuition; the embodiment of spiritual fatherhood; he may manifest as a philosopher, a scholar, a beggar, or a king intermediate between heaven and earth. Male Self and female Animus.

The old man according to the Old Persian dream book Taflisi

If he sees in a dream an old person or in adulthood, this dream - to well-being, to the appearance of a benevolent friend. Another meaning of this dream: whoever sees such a dream is destined to gain considerable wisdom and help with competent advice to all those in need.

If a young man sees in a dream that he has become an old man, then his honor, honor and learning will increase and he will end his life fanned with glory and surrounded by honor.

If the elder sees himself young in a dream, in joy and joy, then in reality he will be appointed head of the army and will even be able to find the right means of rejuvenation.

Old man according to Loff's Dream Interpretation

The old man and the old woman are the primary symbols of wisdom and spiritual power. For many people, the role that FATHER or MOTHER played in their lives has been lost in the maelstrom of life due to DIVORCE, excessive workload, or some kind of emotional dysfunction. The human psyche has a tendency to search for a replacement for the lost and recreate it from anything, even from itself.

Often these characters personify and authenticate some source of wisdom that has not been taken into account by the psyche. Perhaps you have to solve a problem that cannot be solved because of your too CONSCIOUS worldview. So a more efficient way to solve the problem might be the one you characterize as deprecated. The image of wisdom in a dream is trying to open your eyes to this.

Do you have some fear or disdain for your heritage, for the prospect of your own old age?

Do you resist accepting the wisdom offered by your elders about the life choices you face?

Are you in search of wisdom or do you feel a lack of it in solving life's problems?

The old man according to the Gypsy dream book

You will be called upon to demonstrate your knowledge to others.

Have you had such a magical dream: a young man is sitting next to you, gently taking his shoulders, and your soul is torn with delight? The plot is so pleasant that it's a shame to open your eyes. But its essence is not so joyful. In fact, the dreamer does not feel protected in this world, she lacks friendly or family support. There is no one to complain about fate, so as not to run into criticism. Sad, right? To remain indifferent in the arms of a guy to be satisfied with the current state of personal life. The old man dreams of the young, usually all dream books are interpreted in the same way, firstly, and this is verified, expect a stab in the back if in a dream a person sees the death of a loved one. Do not interpret this dream literally. on the contrary, this image in a dream indicates the deliverance of negative factors that interfere in life. most likely, in the near future, new horizons will open before the dreamer.

Other stories.

Meeting with a guy. Angry and disheveled - your evil self, your antipode.

Seeing in a dream people dressed in junk - to mental anxiety. Tramps or beggars rummaging through junk are a harbinger of long and hard work in order to achieve a lofty goal. In a dream, dealing with a junk dealer is a sign of well-being.


What to do in such a situation, how to get out of it? The dream does not tell about this, so decide for yourself. But you should urgently change something, otherwise you will get into trouble under the influence of accumulated negative emotions. Often this is due to the fact that you could not overcome feelings of guilt towards the former. If possible, talk to this person, take off the load. And if the chance does not present itself, ask for forgiveness in your soul. Why drag destructive, useless guilt along with you? Seeing in a dream a man with whom you were once happy means the approach of the desired changes in your personal sphere. Rekindling a relationship with an ex.

Seeing a young month in a dream portends a promotion at work. Dream Interpretation An old young man dreamed of why an old young man dreams in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book.

Buying junk in a dream portends a bad deal, as a result of which you will remain on the beans. See interpretation: antiques.

If in a dream you marry a young man, in real life you will experience grief from your loved ones.

To see young people - all family conflicts will be settled and you can safely make plans for the future; youth has returned to you - your efforts to return the lost will not be successful; for a mother - to see that your son has become young - your old wounds will heal and the cheerfulness and dreams of youth will return to you .; for a mother - to see her son as a schoolboy - it's time to start improving the family hearth; but if the son dies - misfortune, suffering. Evil Old Woman - Enemies will harass/deception.

Selling junk - order will be established in the house.

A young man is dreaming of an old man, there are new things or interests. Sometimes such an image portends love in her declining years, but more often memories of a spring that has sunk into oblivion, exciting, pleasant and intoxicating. The vision tells men to look around more often, not to miss promising chances, because dreams come true at any age, and there is no need to refuse this.

Seeing yourself much younger in a dream means that an attempt to regain your previously lost positions will not be successful, moreover, it can lead to even worse consequences, so it’s best to come to terms with your current situation and leave everything as it is. Seeing young, interesting men in a dream portends the normalization of family relations and complete understanding between spouses after some kind of misunderstanding.

The various forms of sleep can be interpreted as follows:

If an unfamiliar young man is seen by a married woman, then, most likely, in life she is offended by her husband.

The old man falls into a dream depending on your physical and emotional state and carries a hidden meaning. What exactly is an elderly person dreaming of in a dream, the dream book will be able to tell. And a more detailed decoding can be compiled if you remember the various details of the dream.

Why is the old man dreaming? As a rule, it is a symbol of accumulated experience, wisdom and longevity. It is a reflection of your emotions and your current mental and physical state. In a dream, he can appear before you in various forms: for example, an elderly traveler, a fisherman, an old man, or a familiar person.

According to the dream book, the old man dreams of achieving well-being, especially if you talk to him in a dream. Then in reality expect to receive a sudden win. Also, a dreaming old man can personify a patron who will appear in your life and have a significant impact on it.

Some components

Why does the old man dream in a dream for the beautiful half of humanity? A woman dreams of old people before receiving income from some business, and this also promises her a successful start and end of any business.

For a young unmarried girl, seeing an old man in a dream portends a successful marriage in the near future. She will have wonderful children, whose fate will be as prosperous as her own.

The respect of others promises you a dream in which you see yourself as an old man. Seeing your aged reflection means good health and longevity. The dream in which the old man saw himself young has the same meaning.

Decrepit, sick old people who stretch their hands towards you, and you try to fight them off with all your might, personify your fatigue. You now need as many positive emotions and impressions as possible. Do something interesting, bring bright colors to your life, dilute your daily worries with some pleasant activity.

The interpretation of the image of a dying person depends on who you are. If this is your friend or relative, in reality this promises him a long life and good health. An unknown person portends the end of an important matter that has been “hanging” in your plans for a long time, but due to circumstances you could not complete it earlier. Now you have such an opportunity.

Recall how you felt when you learned of someone's death. If you experienced joy, then the dream promises the completion of affairs without much cost and effort. But the sadness of death portends that some efforts will have to be made to finish things.

Activities for the elderly

In a dream, you can watch what the elderly were doing. Based on this, the dream is interpreted in different ways. Let's see what the dream book tells us:

  • The old man walked down the street and leaned on a stick - such a dream warns you that you should refuse to participate in dubious matters, otherwise you may lose something valuable.
  • Seeing an old man in a dream in torn and dirty clothes warns you to be more careful in spending. You should carefully plan your budget and refrain from unnecessary purchases.
  • An elderly man was walking in the park with his grandchildren - expect a visit from distant relatives soon.
  • The old man asked in a dream to carry the bags - someone from the environment needs your help. Be sure to take the time to call your friends to see if they need your support.
  • Helped an elderly person to cross the street - soon you will have fun in the company of nice people.
  • To see an old man sitting on a bench - you may have such a dream before completing all your plans.

If in a dream you dreamed of an old man walking along the road and giving you valuable advice, listen to his words. Perhaps at this point in your life this advice will come in handy for you to get things done.

Remember what mood the elderly person was in, the further decoding of the dream depends on this.

  • Grandfather was in a good mood - in reality you will receive valuable information or learn some secret.
  • The angry old man warns that in reality you are moving in a slightly wrong direction. The dream advises to stop and think carefully about the correctness of the actions performed. Think about what exactly you are doing wrong to achieve success.
  • Laughing grandfather portends you to receive money, and if you talked to him, then in reality expect pleasant troubles and happiness in the family.

Seeing older people get married has different meanings depending on your personal relationship with them. A familiar couple portends them good health and long life. But strangers will bring changes in your life. Author: Ekaterina Sokolova

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