Projects of two-storey houses up to 250 sq m

Cottages over 150 sq. m are considered spacious family houses. These buildings have enough space to accommodate a family of 4-6 people. Those who dream of building a cozy family nest and those who value free space will be comfortable inside such a home. Projects of houses up to 200 sq. m include an area for arranging a recreation and sleeping area, separating the kitchen and living room, organizing a spacious bathroom with windows.

Features of projects of houses with an area of ​​​​150 to 200 meters

Being engaged in the development of projects for such buildings, architects take into account the need for personal space for each of the three generations of the same family (children, parents and grandchildren). Projects of houses and cottages up to 200 m 2 are houses where each of the residents can study, work or be creative on their territory and relax in a common area.

Structural differences of this type of buildings are presented:

  • number of storeys - most often these are two-story houses;
  • rational layout (attic, utility rooms and a second kitchen on the basement);
  • the presence of balconies, loggias and terraces;
  • placement of bathrooms on each floor;
  • organization of a common area below (kitchen, living room, dining room, hall, guest room);
  • accommodation of bedrooms, offices and a bathroom under a roof.

The project of a 200-square-square house has increased living quarters, includes a place for a car in an internal garage, and may contain a veranda, a winter garden, and a sauna. Our catalog contains the best projects of residential buildings and cottages 200-250 sq. m with photos and drawings. Choose a typical one or order the development of an original version of a family residence.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of family cottages:

  • spacious rooms;
  • household comfort and the possibility of receiving guests;
  • real estate status and high market price.

Large houses also have their drawbacks, which affect suburban residential buildings up to 250 square meters in size. m.:

  • high cost of construction and operation;
  • high maintenance and utility costs;
  • impressive dimensions of the heated area;
  • significant costs of home security.

Should be pretty roomy. It must have several bedrooms and lounges. Also, do not forget about the guest rooms and other mandatory premises. For a comfortable stay, it will be rational to build a house with an area of ​​​​200-250 square meters. m.

The project of a large house 250 sq. m

Houses of this area can be one-story or two-story. The second floor can be full or as. It will depend on the desire and financial capabilities.

As a rule, buildings of such an area must be strong and durable, while often using:

  • shell rock,
  • aerated concrete,
  • brick,
  • tree.

The shell rock has strength, durability and practicality in use. Aerated concrete has similar properties, only in terms of its heat capacity it is several times superior to brick and shell rock. Facade brick, as an expensive material, is most often used for cladding a building, since building walls from it will be expensive. The basement floor is also made of brick, which provides warmth to the entire room.

Project of a wooden house up to 250 sq. m

Recently, it has become very popular to build on a suburban area. They are distinguished by their environmental friendliness and durability. There are several types of such building material, with the help of which a variety of masonry is performed. Wood for construction is pre-harvested, dried and treated with special antiseptic substances. They help to protect the surface of the tree from a variety of insects and from rotting. The only disadvantage of using this building material is that it is prone to burning, despite processing.

Houses made of brick, shell rock and aerated concrete are considered fire resistant. Also, unlike wood, they do not absorb moisture and are not exposed to various climatic and weather phenomena.

Large two-story house built from shell rock

Planning for the construction of a house up to 250 sq. m

To build a house of such a large area, you must initially conduct a qualitative analysis of the soil on a suburban area. Large houses involve the construction of a fairly large and solid foundation for them.

Projects of private houses with an area of ​​200-250 sq. m

Advice. For houses with an area of ​​at least 200-250 sq. m is best to make a monolithic reinforced concrete base. It is the most durable, and does not deform under the influence of groundwater and a slight displacement of the soil. The only thing that will need to be taken into account is the quality of the building material that is used for the foundation.

A columnar or shallow foundation for such a large-scale structure is not suitable, as it cannot withstand the heavy load from the weight of the walls. And the structure itself with it will not be strong enough and durable.

In order to build a house up to 250 sq. m, you will need to first assess the size of the site and determine the size of the future building, which, depending on the area of ​​​​the site, can be one-story or two-story. After that, a detailed plan for future construction is drawn up. It indicates all the dimensions and parameters of the house, as well as the amount of necessary building material.

This video shows a project and an example of planning a house with an area of ​​250 m2, built on a plot of 6 acres

Large house layout

To ensure a comfortable pastime in the house, you need to make the correct layout of the rooms. The layout should be carried out rationally and ergonomically. In order to make a high-quality layout in the house, it will be necessary to determine the sunny side of the future building. As a rule, it houses a kitchen area and a living room.

Read also

Projects of houses in a modern high-tech style

Bedrooms are best placed on the east or west side so that the sun does not heat up the room too much during the day. Then it will be comfortable to sleep in it. As for the guest room and private office, they should be arranged according to the principle of bedrooms.

As a rule, in a house of 200-250 sq. m is located:

  • hallway;
  • pantry;
  • boiler room;
  • living room;
  • bathroom;
  • kitchen;
  • two bedrooms;
  • guest room;
  • cabinet.

Projects of houses with one floor

Ready-made projects of one-story houses up to 250 sq. m can be ordered from a specialist in this field, or you can make it yourself. To do this, you need to know the size of the future building and the size of the site. In order to, it will be necessary to estimate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site, as well as the location of the septic tank on it. Any structure should not be too close to the drain pit to prevent groundwater from violating the integrity of the foundation. As a rule, the house is located at a distance of at least 5-10 m from the septic tank.

The layout of a large one-story house up to 250 sq. m

Advice. Particular attention should be paid to this distance if there is a septic tank with filtration fields on the site. To place a house up to 250 sq. m, it is necessary that the site itself be at least 15-20 acres.

There is a possibility at the construction stage. It will also take up a certain space on the site, and may not be included in. It can be built over time, not all at once. This point will need to be taken into account when planning.

If the house is one floor, and its area reaches 200-250 sq. m, then the second floor may not be needed. It will be rational to make the foundation more durable in order to enable the roof to be used over time to expand the living space - to make it an attic.

As for the roof, it can be of any size and shape. It has become very popular to use. So that you can then make a second floor out of it, you need to rationally make its layout. With a roof with a large slope, it will be impossible to build a full-fledged second floor. All this is due to the fact that the broken corners of such a roof will eat up a large amount of space.

Project of a house with a sloping roof

The size of the house is 200-250 sq. m can be different, the main thing is to rationally distribute all the rooms in the house and make them as comfortable as possible. An entrance hall is being built. In another way, it is called a tambour. It can be located in the building itself, or it can be separately attached. Such a modern extension is called a bay window. It can be of any size and any convenient shape.

If the hallway is in the house, then making its size quite large is not recommended. This is due to the fact that it will hide a large amount of space. On the left side of the hallway is a storage room or boiler room. For such a room, you will need to think carefully about the ventilation system. It can be artificial or natural. In the latter option, modern ventilation systems (air conditioners or other equipment) are often preferred.

The entrance to the living room should be spacious. Very often, such a room is made combined with a hallway. This design of the room creates the effect of open space. If in the future it is planned to make a second floor, then the place for the future staircase should be next to the door of the boiler room or pantry. This placement will help save space in the living room.

An example of the layout of a one-story large house up to 250 sq. m with terrace and veranda

A kitchen area is usually located next to the living room. She must be big. A convenient area for such a room is considered to be at least 9-11 square meters. m. It would be rational to connect it with the living room. Such modern design solutions allow you to save space to a greater extent.

Projects of houses up to 250 square meters are already considered to be a more spacious building, due to an increase in usable living space. Such houses will be an ideal solution for a family of 5-6 people. Why ideal? A country cottage with such a number of squares allows you to place 4-5 bedrooms, an office, or even two offices, a large living room and a large kitchen. If 5 bedrooms is a lot for you, then you can apply such a solution as a second light or make a sauna with a relaxation room. The entire space of a country house can be divided into two zones - the lower active zone and the upper bedroom. Only two reasons can prevent such an implementation - this is the reluctance to have a two-story cottage or cohabitation with older people, for whom a room on the second floor is not a very rational solution, so it should be on the first one, which destroys the ideology of clear zoning.

If you have a family of 3-4 people, then a fairly decent amount of free living space is released, which can be used as a garage, workshop, game room, cinema, billiard room or gym. Of course, we do not mean very large premises, but from 15 to 20 square meters. If you don’t need all this, then, as noted above, you can find a project with a second light, which, combined with a large living room, a bay window and high windows, will give you a feeling of space, lightness, freedom.

Projects of cottages up to 250 meters, as a rule, are two-story, the second floor of which can be attic or full. One-story buildings of such an area will turn out to be very large, which significantly affects the cost of construction. Also, the presence of a basement will affect the cost of construction. Projects of private houses up to 250 m2 with a basement floor will be plus / minus 10 by 9 meters, excluding the footage of the terrace and porch, but it becomes possible to move down such premises as a boiler room, storage room, laundry room, sauna and other technical premises.

Choosing a private house of 250 m2, you should be well aware that you will have to pay for such convenience, space, comfort. If this is compared with buildings up to 150 square meters, then the installation of engineering networks, interior decoration, as well as subsequent operation, including more heating costs, are more expensive.

Standard solution with changes

The iDomPK construction company offers a large number of ready-made country cottages designed by the specialists of our architectural bureau. In our catalog you will find not only projects up to 250 meters, but also houses ranging from 80 to 1000 square meters, of any size, in all currently popular architectural styles. Each cottage can be customized to suit the needs of your family as a whole. A typical solution can be improved so that it already outgrows being such.

If you have not found a suitable cottage project from 200 to 250 sq m, then we are ready to offer our services for individual design.

The Shop-project company offers to quickly and at an affordable price solve the housing problem. If you want to build your own cottage and are looking for suitable options, then just look at our catalog projects of houses up to 250 sq. m.

Your attention is presented to an extensive selection of options for private suburban housing from economy to elite class with photographs and detailed floor plans. Among the presented projects of houses and cottages up to 250 sq. m. You will find buildings made of a variety of materials - from wood to natural stone - and built in a variety of architectural styles. It doesn't matter what style you are - modern, baroque, country, classic or avant-garde - in any case we will find something to offer you.

Each cottage project is 250 sq. m. takes into account all the needs of its future tenants. For example, in some options, in addition to the main premises (kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms, living rooms and dining rooms), there are also rest rooms, a sauna, a garage, an attic, an office, a wardrobe and much more.

It is convenient to navigate in the catalog, where projects of houses of 250 m 2 are presented. This will help you sorting and grouping the presented cottages according to various parameters (price, area, popularity, etc.). Thanks to colorful photographs, you can quickly make a choice.

Making an order with us is very easy. To do this, you need to select your favorite house project 250 m 2 and add it to the basket. After that, our managers will contact you to discuss the details. If you have any questions, just send us an e-mail

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