Professional long-acting fertilizer bazakot. Long-acting complex glass fertilizer Russian long-acting fertilizers

Fertilizing plants with mineral and organic fertilizers in 99% of cases gives a short-term effect, and it has to be repeated several times a season. This is inefficient, not always convenient and impractical. New modern long-acting Osmocot fertilizers will beautifully help to get out of this situation. Use them correctly - and stable growth throughout the entire life cycle will be guaranteed to them!

Detailed description

Osmocote is the first granular fertilizer with a strict ratio of all micro and macro elements necessary for each flower culture. The shell of the brown, red and blue granules is made from a naturally soluble resin that does not delay the release of nutrients. The effect of their use lasts from 1 to 1.5 years. This composition is recommended for feeding evergreen and flowering plants. It is produced in cardboard packages of 25 kg.

The composition of Osmocote is completely natural and does not harm humans and the environment.

Each granule contains the following nutrients:

  • Potassium (more than 35%);
  • Phosphorus (about 25%);
  • Nitrogen (about 15%);
  • Magnesium (it accounts for no more than 5%).

The remaining percentage is evenly distributed among iron, molybdenum, sulfur, boron, zinc and copper. The composition completely decomposes in the soil without polluting it and does not burn the roots. At the same time, nutrients are released gradually, ensuring constant replenishment of their deficiency. Fertilizer production is located in the USA.

  • standard;
  • high;
  • Hi End;
  • Bloom;
  • protect.

How it helps

This composition accelerates the growth of plants, enhances resistance to diseases and pests, promotes the formation of a powerful root system and the normalization of soil microflora. Under its influence, the stems are strengthened, the leaves become more saturated green and crumble more slowly. A lengthening of the flowering period, an increase in aroma, and an increase in yield were also noticed.

Osmocote is not designed to fight root rot, mole cricket and other pests, its purpose is to improve immunity. It also reduces the negative effects of sunlight, low temperatures and chemicals.

VIDEO: Osmokot - fertilizer for the laziest gardeners

Required dosages

The rate depends on the type of crop, the time of application of the fertilizer and its name. In order not to be mistaken in this, it is necessary to take into account the numbers indicated in the official instructions:


Application time


Fertilizer volume per m 3 of soil

Exact Standard 3-4m

perennial conifers

Exact Standard 8-9m

Shrubs, needles

April May

Seasonal flowers, needles (fir, spruce, juniper pine)

Exact Standard 5-6m

April May

Coniferous and deciduous plants, spring and autumn flowers in the open field

Exact Standard High-K 3-4m

October, end of March

Plants requiring potassium and annual crops with a long growing season

Exact Standard 12-14m

Autumn and spring plant transplantation

Deciduous coniferous trees

Exact Standard High-K 5-6m

End of May-beginning of August

Flowers, fruit trees, all crops with acute potassium deficiency

Exact Standard High-K 8-9m

Mid April-end September

Exact Hi.End 5-6m

Early autumn and late spring during the digging of the earth

Only coniferous trees and shrubs

Exact Hi.End 8-9m


Annual blooming flowers (daisies, violets)

Exact Protect 12-14m

October-November and March-May during spring and autumn plant transplantation

Exclusively conifers


Doses can be reduced or increased by 10-20% depending on the season and the condition of the plant.

How to apply

The type of fertilizer is selected based on which plant and when to feed. One package is enough for about 15 square meters. m. The most favorable time for this will be the growing season of the plant. At this stage, one procedure is enough, in total there should be no more than 2-3 of them per season. The very first is carried out during the spring planting of seedlings or sowing seeds.

A prerequisite is that the granules are introduced into the upper, previously loosened and watered soil layer. The temperature at this time should be at least 15 degrees - at a lower temperature, nutrients are released more slowly. If this figure is above 20, then the dose will need to be reduced by 1-1.5 kg.

In the case of making granules during planting, it is necessary to make a hole, add no more than 50 g to it. fertilizer, plant seedlings and cover with earth. It will be possible to water it after a day, it cannot be done immediately. When top dressing during the growing season, you should carefully loosen the soil, make in it, at a distance of 1-2 cm from the bush, a hole as deep as a little finger, put a few granules there and press down with a substrate. It will be possible to water the soil only the next day.

For indoor plants, everything looks the same, only here during the growing season the consumption per 1 kg of pot volume is only 2-4 g. In the case of a flower transplant, the fertilizer consumption per 1 g will be from 50 to 150 g.

These fertilizers are not intended to be dissolved in water or other liquid, they are used only for application to the soil in their pure form. Despite the naturalness of the composition, at this time you should use:

  • gloves;
  • bandage on the mouth and nose;
  • headdress;
  • special glasses.

Remove the granules from the package with a small spatula so as not to crush them. After that, it must be tightly closed and stored in a dark place, away from direct sunlight and food, out of reach of children.

Proper use of Osmokot fertilizer is a guarantee that the garden will always be fragrant and delight you with beauty and health! To do this, you just need to decide on the type of composition and the desired dosage.

VIDEO: Long-acting fertilizers (Osmokot). Advantages and disadvantages

Publication date: 09/29/2017 08:33

Long-acting fertilizer for fruit trees and shrubs in the form of pegs.

Mineral fertilizer for personal gardening and farms.

  • New. It has no analogues in the domestic market.
  • Specialized fertilizer for fruit trees, fruit and berry bushes.
  • Affordable price.


Solid briquettes - stakes, weighing 100g. Packing PE bag, carton box. In one package 5pcs. or 12 pcs. pegs.

Easy and convenient to use. Does not require soil preparation (digging, loosening).

  • Prolonged nutrition of the roots. Does not oversalt the soil.
  • Contains all the essential and important minerals to ensure healthy growth for one year.


The fertilizer is intended for application as the main fertilizer to the soil and plant nutrition throughout the growing season. Dissolution of fertilizers occurs gradually throughout the growing season, unlike traditional fertilizers, which immediately dissolve and are washed out of the soil.

Mass fraction of nutrients:

Total nitrogen, N 5.0;

Total phosphorus in terms of Р2О5 8.0;

Total potassium in terms of K2O 4.0; pH 5.0-7.0.

Submission deadline: Fertilize once a year, in autumn or spring.

Mode of application:

Drive the required number (according to the table) of fertilizer pegs into moistened soil over the entire area of ​​the near-stem circle, focusing on the crown area, using a wooden mallet (with medium-strength blows), in accordance with the recommended doses as the main fertilizer in spring and autumn.

On poor soils, fertilizer doses should be increased by 25-30%.

When feeding during the growing season, reduce the dose by 50%.

We fertilize correctly: fruit trees

Apple, pear, cherry.

During the season, fruit trees consume a huge amount of nutrients that come from the soil in the form of aqueous solutions. The stock just needs to be replenished, otherwise the next harvest will be scarce. But the correct process of fertilizing fruit trees such as apple, pear, cherry is very laborious.

Many gardeners try to make top dressing in a lightweight form, simply by scattering the calculated amount of fertilizer around the near-trunk circle of a tree, which is extremely inefficient.

With surface application, fruit crops do not absorb phosphorus and potash fertilizers. It is usually recommended to use grooves, annular grooves with an average depth of 20 cm, or scatter fertilizer around the trunk circle, and then dig up about half the shovel bayonet.

When digging the trunk circle, there is a risk of damaging the lateral roots of the fruit tree.

Difficult? Is it time consuming? Some amateur gardeners, for these reasons, refuse to fertilize, thereby impoverishing crops, as well as violating the development of the orchard, its quality. And in vain!

In recent years, the method of applying root dressings with the help of specialized fertilizer-pegs is rapidly gaining momentum.

Fertilizers-pegs have a significant advantage in terms of speed of application, labor intensity, and also surpass traditional bulk fertilizers in terms of the quality of nutrition of the root system.

The shape resembles pegs, a little more than ten centimeters long. Fertilizers are convenient, first of all - by the method for making. It is enough to drive the peg fertilizer into the soil, and it starts working from the first minutes, delivering nutrients directly to the root system of the fruit tree.

In this case, the fertilizer reaches the correct depth of the root system. Inserts easily and conveniently.

One of these peg fertilizers for fruit trees is the ROCKET fertilizer.

This is a complex mineral fertilizer containing all the main nutrients NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium).

Fertilizer pegs are remarkable not only for ease of application. These are fertilizers from the class of prolonged fertilizers. The dissolution of the fertilizer occurs gradually, the peg is slowly collapsing, layer by layer gives off nutrients, dosed. For several months of the growing season.

Mode of application:

Drive a few fertilizer pegs into the moistened soil over the entire area of ​​the near-stem circle, focusing on the crown area, using a wooden mallet, in accordance with the recommended doses as the main fertilizer in spring and autumn. The number of "ROCKET" fertilizer pegs for each crop is determined by the calculation table (on the back of the box).

It should be remembered that when applying traditional bulk fertilizers, fruit trees experience stress associated with the “oversalting” of the soil. At this moment, the intensity of water absorption by the roots of plants decreases due to the high concentration of salts, the absorption of water by the roots can almost completely stop.

The use of "ROCKET" fertilizers eliminates both the "oversalting" of the soil and the burn of the roots. The concentration of nutrient salts is even throughout the dissolution time of the fertilizer peg.

Many gardeners know what an ovary reset looks like, they have encountered an unpleasant situation when fruit trees bloom well, start well, and the next day the entire ovary is already under the tree. This is because at this point, the tree determines how many fruits it can bring to maturity, based on how it is fed. At this point, both a lack and an excess of fertilizers are harmful to the tree. If the right amount of nutrients is present in the soil at this point, the fruits will be noticeably larger.

Fertilizer pegs "ROCKET" will perfectly allow you to maintain a balance of nutrients in this case.

It is known that plants absorb only 30% of the applied traditional mineral fertilizers. The rest of the fertilizer quickly dissolves, quickly leaches, destroys soil structure, pollutes surface and groundwater.

Slowly soluble fertilizer pegs "ROCKET" have a beneficial effect on plants and soil fertility. They keep groundwater clean, which means the ecology of the green world around us.

Description: Solid briquettes - fertilizer pegs, weighing 100g. In one package: 5pcs. Package weight: 500g.

Ask for fertilizer in "ROCKET" pegs in the ECOstyle store!

Dear novice farmers, entrepreneurs, owners of new greenhouses and nurseries, large and small!

Thinking about Hydroponics? - Great choice!!! - but only if you have a lot of money and if you don't care what taste your vegetables, fruits and berries will have.

If you decide to start your own farming business and produce natural, environmentally friendly products, but you do not have enough funds, then you have a real opportunity to save on expensive hydroponics equipment (component mixers, solution dispensers, pumps ...) and electricity. At the same time, significantly facilitate their work and ensure consistently high yields.

It does not require anything other than watering with plain water.

Completely eliminates human contact with fertilizer.

How to make your work easier - with Apion, plants need only watering (read); - You get the harvest two weeks earlier - always of high quality (read); - You grow developed and resistant plants and flowers (read), - You save your time, money and other resources (read) - You do not litter the soil with excess fertilizer, moreover, you ennoble it (read). - Read more on Wikipedia The only operation you need to do is to lay the Apiones in the root zone of the growing plant or when planting it, and then just water and carry out the usual care. APION will do the rest for you, while ensuring high productivity and quality. - Contact of people with fertilizers is excluded (read more) If you feel that the cultivation technology that you used earlier does not bring the desired result and does not make your work easier, then you can switch to APIONA at ANY TIME, even if it is the middle of the season. With normal watering, the result will be noticeable in two to three weeks. Be careful! APION - package - DO NOT OPEN!!! APION contains all the main macro-/micro-elements and humates. Apion is placed in a hole near a growing plant or under a root ball when planting seedlings, then only watering is needed (better - drip) and normal care, WITHOUT ADDITIONAL ROOT FEEDING! Foliar top dressing is allowed. In artificial soil mixtures (substrates), we recommend additionally introducing dolomite flour - a source of calcium and magnesium. Only primary filling of the soil with ready-made compost, rotted manure and other fertilizers is allowed. We produce special fertilizer - Apion. This is a long-term fertilizer, with a period of work for various brands from several months to one and a half years. Apion carefully and evenly doses the nutrients contained in it throughout the entire period of action, preventing "starvation" or "oversaturation" of the plant and provides optimal nutritional conditions throughout the growing season. APION contains a specially selected complex of macro-elements, micro-elements and growth stimulants, forming a basic nutrition composition with a formula of 18-6-18 by NPK, which is suitable for almost all plants, subject to local application. The use of APION fertilizer allows you to completely eliminate labor costs for periodic feeding of grown plants, since it implies its single application for a certain period, during which no other actions are required except for watering. With the use of Apion fertilizer, in most cases, no measures are required to protect against diseases, since under the conditions of ideal nutrition that you create with it, the plant is not afraid of either disease or frost, Apion is used both in open ground and in greenhouses or when grown in pots. Nutrients are not carried by irrigation water, as in traditional cultivation technologies, and are not washed into the lower layers, which eliminates soil poisoning. Instead, a slowly dosed amount of the solution is almost completely absorbed by the plant as it grows and bears fruit. Now many are concerned about the search for environmentally friendly food products, and so the content of harmful substances in fruits grown using APION is one and a half times lower than the established norm - this is easily checked. For beginner greenhouse vegetable growers, APION is a great opportunity to reduce the initial investment in expensive dosing equipment and transfer these costs to operating costs. All you need to organize is a greenhouse, drip irrigation with ordinary water, APIONs and the actual seedlings. Then the general care of the greenhouse and plants - and your greenhouse business is ready! Also, APION is widely used in landscaping and landscaping, as it allows you to significantly increase the percentage of survival of green material and optimize their care. These factors are very important for landscape companies, as they eliminate the need to replace expensive plants at customers, often at their own expense, and also reduce labor costs for periodic earthworks associated with plant nutrition. For end customers, these factors are also important, as they help to avoid fuss and waste of money. APION belongs to the class of safe fertilizers, since the APION package is not opened and is placed directly in the shell, which excludes direct contact of a person with fertilizer or solution. It also has a positive effect on weed control, since the fertilizer is released only in the root area of ​​the plant, and not on the soil surface. The membrane shell of Apion is made of a material that completely decomposes in the ground after a certain time after its completion, which makes this fertilizer also environmentally friendly. TU 2186-001-02068870-99. Trademark of the Russian Federation No. 100154 ®. Russian patents. . General Instructions for Use - (read - here) How to lay APION - (see - here) San epidemiological conclusion - (see - here) Extract from the approved rules for the care of green spaces in Moscow. Photo materials, as well as experiences, reviews and results - (read - here) Here we share experience and answer your questions - Country Club - Forum - Local or General food? - Decide for yourself - here. Apion - Automatic Feeding Osmotic Pump is a long-acting fertilizer that provides local nutrition in the root zone of the plant throughout the growing season. NPK content (18:6:18 + trace elements + humates). Apion is sometimes referred to as a long acting osmotic fertilizer. This is a dosing device in the form of a soft container containing nutrients that functions in a root habitat and controls the release of a solution of a balanced complex of macro- and microelements and growth bioregulators into the soil, without the use of any energy sources (replaces a complex set of hydroponic systems). - Synchronous operation of APION with a plant (read - here) Applications: Growing almost all types of plants in open and protected ground - industrial greenhouses, farming, gardening, landscape design, landscaping, winter garden, greenhouse, houseplants.


Frits (Italian fritta, French fritte, from Latin frigo - fry, dry):

  • - ceramic fertilizers, glass fertilizers, fertilizers in the form of glass or ceramic alloys with trace elements (boron, zinc, manganese, molybdenum, copper, iron);
  • - one of the forms of microfertilizers. F. slowly dissolve in the soil (faster in an acidic environment), and therefore trace elements are not washed out and are used by plants for several years.

Finely ground frits are applied to the soil together with organic and mineral fertilizers during the main cultivation or in rows during sowing.

Long-acting complex glass fertilizer

The invention relates to long-acting fertilizers and can be used in agriculture for any crops for 3-5 years with a single application to the soil.

The fertilizer includes, as a phosphorus-potassium fertilizer and trace elements, a phosphate glassy fertilizer containing P2O5, CaO, MgO, Fe2O3, MnO, CuO, B2O3, CoO, SiO2, MoO3, K2O of a certain composition, and as a urea formaldehyde resin, a completely soluble linear- cyclic polymethylene urea at a mass ratio of components: phosphate fertilizer 75-90%, urea 10-25%. The method for obtaining fertilizer includes the synthesis of urea-formaldehyde resin (MFS), which is carried out at 45 ° C for 2 hours in a neutral or slightly acidic medium with a pH of 5 to 7, phosphorus-potassium fertilizer is introduced into the resulting liquid condensate of urea in the form of a powder, then the resulting heterogeneous composite is granulated . The fertilizer provides a balanced nutrition of plants, is universal due to the prolonged action. 2 s.p. f-ly.

The invention relates to long-acting fertilizers and can be used in agriculture for any crops for 3-5 years with a single application to the soil, eliminating the need for other components.

Currently developed glass fertilizers do not weather, do not penetrate into groundwater and provide plant nutrition for 3-5 years. However, they do not include nitrogen compounds, without which the process of photosynthesis, and therefore plant growth, is practically impossible.

Thus, the task of introducing nitrogen fertilizer into long-acting complex glass fertilizers is very relevant, since it makes these fertilizers universal.

A complex granular fertilizer is known, US patent 3954942, C 01 B, published in 1976, including all the components necessary for the plant, enclosed in a polymer shell.

The disadvantage of the known fertilizer is its short duration: no more than 1 year. This is explained by the fact that during the primary local destruction of the polymer shell, the dissolution of its contents is only slightly slower than that of conventional fertilizer without a shell.

Fertilizer is known according to a. With. 1119999, MKI C 05 B 13/06, published on 10/23/84 in BI 39, containing compounds of phosphorus, potassium, trace elements in glass form. This fertilizer works for 3-5 years, but its application requires the annual application of nitrogen fertilizers to the soil, which leads to significant operating costs.

Known adopted for the prototype "Method of obtaining tableted slow-acting fertilizer" and. With. USSR 1527228, MKI C 05 C 9/02, published on December 7, 1989, in BOI 45. According to this method, the initial mixture of inorganic phosphates and urea formaldehyde resin (MFS) is used in nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer.

Neither in the first nor in the second of the known author's certificates is raised or resolved the issue of a consistent and balanced output of plant nutrients in soil solutions, as well as the effect of disintegration and tableting processes on the antagonism of the initial fertilizer components. At the same time, it is known that urea when heated in acidic pH<5 растворах или основных рН>8 solutions, on the one hand, it can be hydrolyzed to ammonia and carbon dioxide, and on the other hand, during polymerization, not only form MFS, but also give biuret, which is extremely toxic to plants even at a content of 0.25 wt %. The objective of the present invention is to provide the versatility of the known glass fertilizer by providing its prolonged action, as well as to develop a method for its production.

The task of the present invention is solved in such a way that in the complex glass fertilizer of prolonged action containing phosphorus-potassium fertilizer, urea-formaldehyde resin (MFS) and trace elements, phosphate glassy fertilizer "Agrovitakva-AVA" (hereinafter "AVA ") with the following composition in wt %:

And as a urea-formaldehyde resin, completely soluble linear-cyclic polymethylene urea is used at a mass ratio of components:

The method for obtaining a glass fertilizer of prolonged action includes the synthesis of urea-formaldehyde resin (MFS), curing and isolation of solid MFS, and subsequent mixing of MFS with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers and microelements, and differs in that it contains glassy phosphate fertilizer as phosphorus-potassium fertilizers and microelements ( AVA) with the following composition in wt %:

And the synthesis of MFS is carried out at a temperature of 45 ° C for 2 hours in a neutral or slightly acidic medium with constant control of the pH level (pH 5-7), a phosphate glassy fertilizer (AVA) is introduced into the resulting liquid condensate of linear-cyclic polymethylene urea in the form of a powder at a mass ratio of components :

Phosphate glassy fertilizer (AVA) - 75-90%;

Linear-cyclic polymethylene urea - 10-25%.

The resulting heterogeneous composite is then granulated by heating to 50°C.

On the basis of urea-formaldehyde resin (MFS), urea-formaldehyde fertilizer (UFU) is produced in accordance with TU 113-03-03-0-85, which is a mixture of polycondensation products such as polymethylol and polymethylene urea of ​​a linear, linear-cyclic and spatial structure, the nitrogen content of which is retained at the average level - 23-33 wt%.

When dehydrated, the MFS passes from the resin-shaped to the glassy state. The dehydration process can be carried out by heating the resin, for example up to 50 o C. The production of MFS is from urea, formalin, alcohol and ammonia, and the pH can be varied over a wide range from 4.5 to 8.5. The solubility of MFS after glass transition depends on the pH level. The higher the pH, the slower the dissolution. Thus, it is possible to equalize the dissolution rate of glass fertilizer and glassy MFS. To compile a universal composite fertilizer, glassy components ground to powder were mixed with MFS at a mass ratio of components:

Phosphate glassy fertilizer (AVA) - 75-90%;

Linear-cyclic polymethylene urea - 10-25%.

And then they were granulated at a temperature of 50 o C. As a result, vitrified granules containing up to 15% nitrogen and suitable for soil application were obtained.

The dissolution kinetics of such fertilizers is similar to the prototype fertilizers, but the proposed fertilizers can work for 3-5 years at temperatures from 8 to 22 o C. This eliminates the separate application of nitrogen fertilizers to the soil.

A positive effect when using the invention is achieved:

  • 1. Due to the higher dissolution rate of MFS compared to AVA, soil solutions are consistently enriched with plant nutrition components with variable concentrations of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus over time. This allows us to speak about the synergism of the agrochemical effect of the fertilizer, since at the initial stage the nitrogen output in soil solutions is 2-3 times higher than the output of potassium, phosphorus, boron and microelements, and after about a month, based on a temperature of 20 o C, and constant humidity the concentrations of the outgoing components per unit of time are aligned.
  • 2. The overall dissolution rate of lentil granules with a diameter of 5-10 mm is significantly lower than pure MFS due to high adhesion on the AVA surface. This provides a prolonged action of the composite with a balanced plant nutrition.
  • 3. The absence of chemical interaction between AVA and MFS allows us to speak of a heterogeneous composite, in contrast to the disintegrated mixtures opposed by the applicants.
  • 4. The output per unit time of mineral components in soil solutions increases with an increase in the specific surface S/m (S is the total surface of the particles of the glassy fertilizer powder, and m is its total mass). A balanced yield of nitrogen and elements of mineral nutrition of plants is achieved for a specific glassy fertilizer - AVA at a ratio of AVA - 75-90%, MFS - 10-25 wt % (powder particles - AVA with a size of 60-180 microns, the dimensions of the granules of the composite are 5-10 mm ). In general, these quantities are variable.

An example of the implementation of the invention.

For example, a sample of KFU TU 113-03-33-0-85 was taken, which is a white granule with a diameter of 3-5 mm. Conducted approximate estimates of the solubility of CFU showed that the resin is a polydisperse product. The kinetics of sample dissolution is non-linear. An analysis of the results shows that in the initial stage of dissolution, two processes should be considered: first, the swelling of the polymer, then the dissolution of the polymer. In the second stage, the kinetic curve reaches saturation.

CFU dissolves at 18 o With up to 60% for 6 days.

It is known from the prior art that by changing the conditions of the polycondensation reaction, it is possible to obtain soluble MFS.

The example uses a method to synthesize fully soluble MFS and simultaneously (without intermediate curing of the resin) to obtain a composite of MFS and AVA glass powder.

The course of reactions of polycondensation of urea with formaldehyde depends on the pH of the medium. In a neutral and slightly alkaline medium pH 6-8, mono- and dimethylolureas are formed in the first stage of the reaction.

When their molecules interact with each other, polymethylene ureas of a linear structure are obtained. It is a soluble product, unable to spontaneously transform into an infusible and insoluble state. Dimethylol derivatives of urea, interacting with each other, form a soluble linear-cyclic polymethylene urea. When urea is heated with formaldehyde in a neutral or slightly acidic medium (pH 5-7), hydrophilic products shaped like resin are formed, which, after dehydration, turn into a fusible glassy state.

In a strongly acidic environment (pH 3), urea reacts with formaldehyde to form mono- and dimethylene urea and gives hardly water-soluble, infusible and amorphous products.

We synthesized MFS from urea, formalin with the addition of alcohol and ammonia, so that the pH was 7.6-7.8. The resin synthesis is carried out under constant pH control. The mixture was heated for 2 hours in a water bath, while the pH changed to 5.0-4.6. The condensate was a liquid syrup. Usually, a curing operation is then carried out. After that, solid resin is released. In our experiments, liquid condensate was directly used to obtain a composite.

AVA-7 glass was introduced into the condensate in the form of a powder. Received 3 series of samples in which the glass content was related as 1:2:3.

Mixtures of condensate and glass were cured under different temperature conditions:

  • 1 series (less glass): 9.5 hours at 45 o C and 4 days at 20 o C;
  • 2 series: 6.5 hours at 45 o C and 2 days at 20 o C;
  • Series 3: 1.5 hours at 45 o C and 20 hours at 20 o C.

The finished samples were tablets with a diameter of 8-10 mm. Using the described technique, we were able to obtain samples in which the resin did not lose solubility during the curing process.

Thus, composites of MFS and AVA glass powder were obtained, which can be used as a long-acting fertilizer.


1. Complex glass fertilizer of prolonged action, containing phosphorus-potassium fertilizer, urea-formaldehyde resin and microelements, characterized in that phosphate glassy fertilizer with the following composition, wt % is used as phosphorus-potassium fertilizer and microelements:

And as a urea-formaldehyde resin, a completely soluble linear-cyclic polymethylene urea is used with a mass ratio of components:

Phosphate glassy fertilizer - 75-90%;

Linear-cyclic polymethylene urea - 10-25%.

Plants suffer greatly from our total employment, frequent business trips and simply forgetfulness. And if watering during the absence can be entrusted to neighbors or an automatic system, then the situation with fertilizers is more complicated.

In order for the plants to feel great, top dressing is recommended to be applied from March to October every two weeks, and during the flowering period - once a week. Autumn and winter are considered dormant times, but many tropical specimens vegetate and bloom at this time: Schlumbergera , , . A saintpaulia , balsam , abutilone able to bloom almost all year round. Plants on glazed terraces and balconies also bloom until late autumn, which means they need care.

Long-term (prolonged) action fertilizers, available in the form of sticks, capsules and granules, will help maintain a home garden in the proper form. Their advantages are not limited only to the ability to nourish plants for a long time (one bookmark is enough for a period of 2 to 6 months). Due to the gradual penetration of elements into the soil, the roots do not suffer.

"Long-playing" fertilizers consist of macro- and microelements necessary for plants, and a filler. Swelling, sticks or granules slowly release nutrients into the ground, which virtually eliminates overdose. The composition of the fertilizer includes nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K) in percentage terms - the formula N-P-K. Magnesium is also an essential component for flowering plants. Of the trace elements in the fertilizers of some brands, there are iron, boron, copper, manganese, zinc, molybdenum.

Before making a long-term action, it is necessary to measure the diameter of the pot or flowerpot - the amount of the drug consumed depends on this indicator. On average, this is 1 stick for a small diameter (9 cm or less), 2-3 sticks for a medium diameter (12-15 cm), 4 or more for a large diameter (20+ cm). The consumption of granules is approximately 5 g per liter of land. For balcony plants, the consumption is increased (all this is written in the instructions for use). The sticks are placed at a distance of 1-3 cm from the edge of the pot to a depth of 4-5 cm. The granules are scattered over the surface, mixed with the top layer of soil. After laying the fertilizer, the plants need to be watered.

It is important to pay attention to the N-P-K values. A fertilizer with a high first digit of the formula, indicating the nitrogen content, is suitable for ornamental leafy plants, since nitrogen contributes to the growth of green mass (15-5-5). Phosphorus (the second number) affects flowering, so for flowering, choose a fertilizer with a high rate of this element (8-10-14). In universal fertilizers, to maintain good plant tone, the ratios of macronutrients are approximately the same (7-7-5).

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