Psychology of rejuvenation. How to enhance the effect of rejuvenation of the human body hundreds of times, secrets from Yuri Martsinishin

One and a half to two extra pounds of weight are associated exclusively with an excess of fluid in the body. These kilograms, literally in one day, can be thrown off with the help of diuretic herbs. For this purpose, it is recommended to take horsetail or dandelion root 1 g in capsules twice a day. This form for herbal remedies is typical for American phytomedicine. Instead of capsules, you can take 12 drops of tincture in a glass of warm water 2-3 times a day. Other herbal diuretics will be offered to you at the nearest Pharmacy. This emergency method is suitable for those who have excess fluid in the body. Some swelling of the body may indicate it.

Psychological youth

Experts, both doctors and psychologists, agree that a person is as old as he looks and feels. What makes us younger? Memories of happy love, of falling in love. Psychological auto-training in all schools of psychology connects the image and the state of a person. Everything that pleases the soul reflects positively on the skin. So pretend to be young, pretend to be a teenager. Psychological youth is the basis of physical youth.

Remove bags under the eyes and puffiness around the eyes

Try to remove puffy eyelids that add five extra years to your face. Since bags under the eyes and swelling are aggravated by posture during sleep, it is recommended to sleep on your back, on a low pillow. If you sleep face down, buried in a pillow, then gravity will squeeze out the soft tissues around the eyes as much as possible, bags and puffiness of the eyes will increase. Instant Eye Puffiness Remedies include a drying astringent, vitamins and caffeine. Cold helps shrink the fibers, so you can try using a cold compress from a slice of cucumber (tightens and tones the skin) and a green tea compress, which contains the same caffeine.

Smooth out wrinkles without expensive cosmetics

The condition of hair and skin, if a person is under stress, worsens. With psychological stress, the technique of auto-training will help to cope with the use of remembering the beneficial pleasant moments of life. Otherwise, anything that saturates the skin with moisture will help. From moisturizers to installing a humidifier in the room you are in. Skin massage, various types of water treatments - that's what you need to hydrate the skin and make it younger, and very quickly. Eleutherococcus extract, ginseng - good adaptogens. Mate tea is rich in anti-stress vitamin B6 and does not contain caffeine. Dry red wine contains antioxidants, they increase the firmness and elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, improve blood circulation and skin nutrition. Dr. Michael Rosen, an American nutritionist from New York, considers it very useful to take half a glass of good dry red wine daily to rejuvenate the body.

Have more sex

Regular sex will reduce a woman's biological age by five to eight years. Men will also get younger. The rejuvenating effect of lovemaking, sexual games is well known. This advice is also expected, but how can we advise someone to have sex more often?

Feed off the energy of movement

A person who moves vigorously, dances, looks young. Movement helps to remove fluid from the body. Increases blood circulation, including in the capillaries of the skin. 5 km walk every day! Beauty is more accessible if you walk to work instead of transport. Movement as the sixth way to maintain youth.

A stooped posture ages, slimness makes you younger

Gray hair shows age. Stylists and cosmetologists recommend using only natural dyes for hair coloring, such as henna, which does not contain chemicals that damage the hair, besides, henna nourishes the hair, being a natural vegetable dye. Posture, which physical education helps to strengthen, muscles that are well strengthened by classes in the gym - this is an indicator of age. If you have good posture, you look 5-7 years younger. The seventh way to rejuvenate is to keep good posture.

Here are seven signs of youth and, accordingly, seven ways of rejuvenation, which are available to almost everyone.

Old age. This word causes fear, panic, humility. Positive emotions - almost never. What is it connected with? Why are we afraid to grow up? What causes the process and how it affects the body? About everything in order. Consider the psychology and types of aging.

Experts note that the wilting program is activated in our body literally from birth. Unfortunately, this process is inevitable. When we consider ourselves young, our body is already wearing out. Gradually, functions begin to decline from about 25 years old - this is the heyday and the maximum point.

There are many classifications, different types and types of aging are distinguished in gerontology. One of the main theories relies on the rate of change of the body and systems. It is believed that the rate of wilting can be fast, normal or slow.


Natural decrepitude is a relative concept. These are average indicators allocated by scientists, which are constantly changing. For the sake of clarity, we refrain from exact figures. People are individual. One has mental disorders already at 60, the other has a clear mind at 80.

Approximately between 40 and 50, the joints lose their flexibility. Even with a normal state of health, movements are difficult, speed drops. For 5 years (45-50), on average, physical strength decreases by 7%. For 15 - by 35%. Loads and regular training slow down degenerative changes, but cannot stop them completely.

In the same period, problems with hearing and vision appear. Often a person develops farsightedness or nearsightedness. It's okay, however, if the violations go beyond the norm, you should immediately consult a doctor. Inaction is fraught with headaches, migraines and other problems. The weakening of the sense organs is the first sign of aging and old age.

Another “symptom” is loss of skin elasticity. The epidermis is not able to retain its former forms, which is why the likelihood of a second chin is high, even with normal weight. Bags form under the eyes.

The ability to adapt suffers: both physical and psychological. The body does not withstand the previous loads so easily, it loses the ability to recover. From a psychological point of view, a person has a one-sided thinking. Older people often avoid everything new: technology, contacts, vivid impressions and emotions.

It is impossible to completely stop natural changes. It is in our power to avoid psychological aging, slow down the processes of withering, keep the mind clear and the body healthy for as long as possible.


It is characterized by rapid decrepitude and transformation of the psyche. Experts have identified 3 main reasons for a shortened life:

  • constant stress;
  • severe pathologies;
  • unfavourable conditions.

These categories include: hazardous work, living near sources of pollution, loneliness, etc. The main signs of premature decrepitude are chronic fatigue, poor memory, absent-mindedness and weakness. The lower limit is 30 years.

Sometimes premature decline is associated with early menopause and impotence. Against the background of what is happening, the work of the cardiovascular and nervous systems is disrupted, hormonal disruptions occur. Rarely, serious brain damage is found, as a result of which a person under 65 years of age has to be placed in a nursing home, where he receives professional care.

Alas, the elixir of youth does not yet exist. There is only one way to deal with early wilting - a healthy lifestyle. It consists of proper nutrition, sports, the absence of bad habits and stress.


A rare event. Scientists have not yet come to a unanimous conclusion about the reasons for the slowdown in wilting. According to statistics, the majority of centenarians live in the mountainous regions of Abkhazia, as well as in Ukraine and Lithuania. It was found that all record holders have a common feature - low blood pressure.

So far, a sharp increase in life expectancy is impossible, but research in this direction is underway. Presumably the reasons lie in environmental features and positive habits.

So, withering is a completely normal natural process. We can influence the stages and keep the quality of life at an acceptable level, but it is not in our power to stop. So why then is this topic given so much attention? What scares people? Here, too, we have to turn to science.

Psychology of aging

The main types of normal aging in gerontology are chronological, biological, psychological and social. The first is associated with the number in the passport, the second - with the state of health. The social indicator is more indicative of the well-being of the society, and not of an individual person. It is clear that many are interested in psychological aging, including as a consequence of biological.

How does the mind change with age? For a better understanding of the process, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with two theories.

8 psychosocial crises by Erik Erickson

An American psychologist, considering psychological and social aging, identifies 8 personality crises that affect the formation of personality. According to Erik Erickson, the success of overcoming them has a special meaning precisely at the last stage of life.

  1. First year of life. How responsible are the guardians or parents in caring for the baby? If the child does not receive enough attention, and his needs are not met, distrust of the world around him arises.
  2. Teaching cleanliness. Occurs in early childhood. Cleanliness is the first step towards socialization. The emergence of independence or uncertainty depends on the success of accustoming.
  3. Second childhood. Directly related to the previous crisis. It feeds on the upbringing of parents. To what extent do guardians trust the child? Is he allowed to do the work himself, or is he constantly criticized, reworked, not allowed to act? As a result, such qualities as initiative, activity or the habit of going with the flow, guilt and dependence are acquired.
  4. School. Instills a love of work or a sense of inferiority, uselessness.
  5. Choice of destination. It consists in the choice by a teenager of his profession, his further life path. Fills existence with meaning or, conversely, makes you feel uncomfortable in the future.
  6. Search for a partner. Loneliness or family? Young people are actively looking for a future life partner. This affects many areas of life.
  7. Family. It is characterized by the preservation or destruction of the family, success in other endeavors, career development or decline. One of the last turning points.
  8. Completion of the path. Evaluation of the results of their own activities. The success of overcoming the crisis entirely depends not on current actions, but on previous experience. Possible Consequences – Sense of Wholeness or Frustration

If a person has a feeling of satisfaction, if he is confident in his decisions, he becomes balanced, calm and does not feel much anxiety. Otherwise, the realization comes that it is too late to correct the mistakes. There is fear of death, hopelessness, despair. That is why the psychology of old age and aging is placed in a separate section.


If abroad it is customary to often turn to psychologists, then for some reason they are embarrassed about this in our country. As a result, there are a number of features that are characteristic of the inhabitants of the CIS to a greater extent. This does not mean that foreigners have completely different stages of psychological aging. In other states, growing up can be internally experienced in a different way.

Domestic scientists tried to develop their own classification. VV Boltenko took the greatest part in the experiments. Domestic gerontopsychology has identified 5 main stages of wilting.

  1. Preservation of interests. After leaving work, the pensioner remains interested in his professional activity. This is especially true for creative people: they still read the latest news, draw pictures, visit exhibitions, etc. It is possible to occasionally return to your previous job. If a person did not have a connection with creative or intellectual work, then, as a rule, he immediately goes to the second stage.
  2. Gen. The range of interests is narrowed down to everyday life. Thoughts about what kind of dinner to cook, how to spend more time with grandchildren prevail, family successes are discussed. It becomes difficult to distinguish the former housewife from yesterday's engineer.
  3. Health. More and more people talk about diseases and doctors. The attending physician becomes a key figure in a person's life. This is a kind of attempt to grab onto life, instincts.
  4. Sharp isolation. At the stage of isolation, the pensioner cuts off all the superfluous from himself. He may refuse to communicate with distant relatives, hat friends, does not make new acquaintances. Sometimes the elderly try to leave the house less often. Among the contacts are neighbors, social workers, a doctor and those family members who do not cause inconvenience.
  5. Needs. Communication stops almost completely. The craving for emotions and new impressions disappears. Only basic needs are met. If no measures are taken on their own, only sleep and food remain.

Not the most impressive prospects, right? In order for an aging person not to feel uncomfortable, he needs to work hard on himself. Family matters a lot at the end of the journey. Without the support of loved ones, a pensioner is doomed to loneliness.


To help the elderly feel better, you need to understand a little psychology. What happens in the soul of a neighbor?

  1. Emergence of voids. This is especially true for those who have always been engaged only in a career. Getting fired leaves a huge empty space that can easily be filled with negativity.
  2. idealization of the past. This refers not to one's own past, but to the social one. As soon as the words are heard that the youth is not the same now, the elderly seem to agree with his position.
  3. Physiological disorders of the psyche. Usually expressed in the deterioration of memory, slowness and absent-mindedness. With mindfulness training, the difference is almost imperceptible, which is why it is so important to take care of yourself.
  4. Rejection of change. Due to reduced adaptability, pensioners do not accept not only new items, but also some small permutations. For example, a kettle placed in the wrong place can cause a scandal. This should be treated with understanding.
  5. Deterioration of character traits. Grumpy becomes unbearable, gloomy becomes depressive, and caring becomes obsessive. Others do not always understand this, which is why they get angry. Often - completely in vain.
  6. The approach of death. The fear intensifies. If in youth death seemed distant and not too real, now it is one of the main thoughts. It is much easier in such situations for believers and successful people.

Communicating with older family members is sometimes difficult, but necessary. Do not be offended by quarrels over trifles. Try to support your loved ones in every possible way and talk. No wonder they say that old people are like children.

How to help others and yourself

So far, we've been talking about generalities. Do not be afraid: old age, of course, is not a joy, but it also has its advantages. Growing up doesn't mean that you wake up sick all of a sudden and desperately grasp at the last straw. It is in our power to resist age!

The first thing to do is to understand that you are not alone. Everyone gets old. This is not a punishment, not a disease, not a feature. You shouldn't fight alone. Old age is a time that you can shine on children, grandchildren, your favorite hobby. The main thing is not to give up on yourself. Lightweight training, proper nutrition, communication and joyful events return energy and positive. Even the young will feel dead if his weekdays are empty and gray!

Under no circumstances should you be left alone. Against the background of isolation, complexes and neuroses develop. They are the cause of many diseases. By the way, pathology and old age are far from synonymous. Even in old age, you can be practically healthy.

Although aging has its own characteristics, a lot depends on the person himself and his mood. If he treats what is happening as a well-deserved rest and the opportunity to be with loved ones, everything will be fine. With a negative attitude, even young people turn themselves into recluses.

Take care of yourself, take care of your family. The key to success is healthy habits, proper nutrition, sports, social activity. Then no years will be terrible.

Modern psychology has proven that you can get rid of wrinkles with the help of self-hypnosis before going to bed. True, psychologists advise doing this a little differently than healers and sorcerers hundreds of years ago. You can identify several problem areas and program your body to gradually eliminate them.

After some time, you can evaluate the result and correct the task. The task should be short, clear and not contain the “not” particle. The fact is that our subconscious mind does not perceive the “not” particle, discarding it.

For example, before going to bed, you can use the following settings:

My complexion is improving. The skin tone turns pink, it begins to glow. The skin of the face is tightened.

Wrinkles are smoothed out.

The skin becomes fresh, smooth, firm and elastic.

Lips become fuller, look sexy.

Eyebrows and eyelids rise.

Reduces and disappears bags under the eyes.

Disappear, edema resolves.

The oval of the face becomes even and clear, the jaw muscles are strengthened.

The nasolabial folds are softened.

The nose is shortened and narrowed.

The corners of the mouth rise.

The chin is strengthened, the second chin goes away.

The skin of the neck becomes smooth and elastic.

The eyes begin to shine, as before.

I'm in a great mood.

If you want to improve the body, then you can pronounce the following settings:

My body is strong and flexible, beautiful and agile.

I have a fast, good metabolism and high vitality.

My buttocks become elastic, hips - slender.

My stomach is tightening up. It is flat and soft.

My chest is high and beautifully shaped.

My legs are slender, long, smooth, beautiful.

I have energy, vivacity and youthful enthusiasm.

Rejuvenation can also be carried out with the help of photography.

To do this, take your photo, in which you are captured young, attractive, full of strength and energy. This photo should evoke pleasant memories for you. Relax. Look at the image carefully, concentrate on it. Remember yourself at that age vividly, emotionally; recall various events and episodes of that time. Recall a variety of details and any minor details. How would you re-live those moments when you were young, happy and looked wonderful, when all the best was ahead.

Mentally live with the past, immersing yourself in the memories of your younger years. Remembering past dreams, hopes, vivid experiences, pleasant impressions, feel again that energy of beauty and youth. Relive in your memory the feelings and emotions that the events of those days evoked in you. Remember what the most powerful and pleasant sensations you experienced. Catch the old spirit, the old mood. Remember yourself at this age vividly, visibly, how good you felt then, how young you looked, how great you felt.

In order to more fully, more tangibly return to your past, you need to identify yourself with the present with the former in the photograph. We can make our past our present and even our future. Looking at our picture, we can say: “I am you. You are me". When we often and for a long time look at our photo, where we are depicted as young and attractive, our former image is laid in our subconscious, and our body begins to adapt to our image in the photo:

The face becomes calm and relaxed

Wrinkles disappear

Smoothes wrinkles around the lips

Relieves internal stress

Facial expression becomes kinder and more attractive

Rejuvenation occurs, you are filled with energy and freshness.

If you often look at your most successful photo, admire yourself, then our two images, the former and the present, will gradually begin to merge into one, beautiful and young. Gradually, you will begin to become prettier if you look at yourself with positive thoughts and a calm mood.

Return to the past

Rejuvenation by returning to the past is another effective way. Sometimes, in order to escape from the routine of everyday life, you can simply remember your former self, small, cheerful and perky. Sometimes you want to return to childhood again - to feel the childish carelessness, the warmth of the spring sun and the taste of mother's dinner again. Our memory cherishes the wonderful moments of childhood that can be experienced again. Remember how you, as a pretty girl or a mischievous boy, ran, waving your briefcase, along cheerful, murmuring streams. How good and joyful it was in my soul. How, rejoicing at a good grade, I wanted to receive praise from my parents and, having abandoned my briefcase, quickly run to play with the neighbor's children.

You can return to childhood not only in dreams and memories, but also in reality. To plunge into the atmosphere of ancient times, take a walk in the places of your childhood. Walk the very road along which you merrily hurried home from school. Try to find the place where there was that bench where you shared your secrets with your girlfriend, or that swing, because of which you often argued with your friends. Buy the very delicacy that you loved so much as a child. Look through your school photos.

No matter how old a person is, he remains a child in his soul. This is probably why many adults love to spend time with children, flying a kite, blowing soap bubbles, playing with a large multi-colored ball. This is also rejuvenation. Adults, like children, love fun and bright holidays with carnival and pranks. Children know many wise secrets. For example, when you are sad, jump on the bed with your heart or ride a bicycle with the breeze. Pleasant little things and trinkets help many adults turn back time and feel like a child: soft bears, beautiful pens, bright key chains.

Can you dream? With age, this ability is lost, unfortunately. A dream is a guide of the spirit and another way to rejuvenate. It helps to break away from the dullness of everyday life and rush up. It is the dream that prompts a person what he needs most of all. After all, we often experience dissatisfaction and consider our life to be gray precisely because our dreams, sometimes very old ones, that pull us back, do not come true.

Sometimes communication with childhood friends, pleasant memories help to turn into a lively boy or a little minx. The feeling of freedom and carelessness experienced again restores peace of mind and reduces years. The intimate atmosphere of communication with childhood friends can become a rejuvenation for you. After all, the feeling when it seems that everything is ahead, that nothing is impossible in the world and that all dreams will surely come true, erases negative feelings in the present.

Psychological recipes for rejuvenation are as follows:

1. Eat right

Over the years, more and more vegetables and fruits, seafood should be included in the diet, reducing other foods, and portions should be reduced.

2. Find an interesting job

Nothing rejuvenates like an interesting job. A job you love helps you keep fit. There are special professions that rejuvenate: an artist, a musician, a priest.

3. Find your love

Love is the elixir of youth.

In the body of a person in love, endorphins are produced - hormones of happiness. Kisses, hugs, regular sex are wonderful rejuvenation and strengthening of the immune system.

4. Take an active life position

A person who stands firmly on his feet, has an active life position and does not concentrate on one problem, is less prone to emotional breakdowns.

5. Have an optimistic outlook on life

If a person has a tendency to remember the bad, get angry, annoyed - he gets old faster. It is hard to walk, carrying on your shoulders the burden of painful memories and endless worries. Optimists look younger. Rejuvenates and a sense of humor.

6. Physical activity

Flexibility is the key to eternal youth. Excellent mobility of the knee, hip and ankle joints. Good coordination of movements is the result of proper physical activity. (cm. Sports for those who…)

7. Enough sleep and rest

In order for the body not to wear out, you need to give it the opportunity to recover. Learning to relax is very useful for outdoor recreation.

8. Temper

Low temperature, like limited nutrition, slows down the aging process. Those who sleep in a cool room retain their flowering appearance longer. Rejuvenation gives and dousing with cold water, a contrast shower.

9. The ability to bring joy to yourself

Everyone has their own reasons for rejoicing.

You can occasionally afford a piece of cake, the purchase of a beautiful item, communication that lasted until the morning, dancing until you drop, a day off spent with a detective. But still, reasonable asceticism must be observed. If you give in too much to your weaknesses and temptations, the body becomes worn out, and the appearance becomes shabby.

10. Make the brain work

11. Rejuvenate with communication

Communication with young people creates the illusion of one's own youth. It does not allow blood to stagnate, increases the level of energy, helps to keep the body and spirit in good shape.

It has long been known and scientifically proven that intermittent fasting is good for health. Our ancestors regularly kept fasts, and the saints even went on hunger strikes for a certain period, because. such unloading of the body helped to purify not only the body, but also to clarify the mind.

In modern society, the cult of food is fussing - we try to eat regularly, often, without even having time to feel real hunger. But such a diet does not have the best effect on well-being.

This article is devoted to the benefits of fasting and fasting days.

Professor of Medicine Koda Mitsuo, known for his research on fasting, says: “If you fast at the end of each week and carefully come out of fasting, you will get the effect of a long fast. In six months or a year, you will become healthy beyond recognition. Therapeutic starvation is highly appreciated by many doctors and enjoys hidden popularity among specialists.

Here's what doctors say about a one-day weekly fast:

- If one-day fasting once a week is continued for a year, then this will improve the constitution of a person and save him from diseases.

- Fatigue of the internal organs is largely removed by one-day fasting. There are many cases where a mild degree of diabetes was cured only by allowing the pancreas to rest for several days of fasting.

- One day of fasting rejuvenates the body for three months.

It turned out that Hippocrates, Avicenna, Paracelsus and other doctors treated patients with the help of fasting in ancient times. At present, there is already a lot of scientific data that reveals the mechanism of the therapeutic effect of fasting, which stimulates the metabolism, rejuvenates the body and prevents aging.

During complete fasting, the energy that we spent on digesting food is used to treat existing diseases and, in fact, to cleanse. From personal experience, I was convinced that an empty stomach copes with a runny nose in two days, with the strongest flu, for some reason, in three.

But if in the first case you can move around, then the flu is accompanied by alternately terrifying fever and drowsiness. The most amazing thing is that after such treatment you look like after SPA treatments. I don’t know what’s the matter here, but the body is clearly being cleansed both externally and internally. By the way, if you have already decided to treat diseases with hunger, then in no case do not take any medicine.

You can only drink water - often and in small portions. You need to drink 1.5-2 liters of fluid per day. In addition to pure water, you can drink a weak rosehip infusion or herbal tea (no sugar!).


By the way, short-term fasting, in addition to cleansing and significantly improving appearance, has another unexpected effect. It consists in increasing the power of imagination and the ability to create. For example, John Lennon, one of the legendary Beatles, practiced meditation and was fond of fasting. It is possible that his creative insights in the musical field were the result of not only talent and hard work, but also the periodic rejection of daily bread.

T.Toyo, a former member of the House of Commons of the Japanese Parliament, strongly recommended weekly one-day fasts to all doubters as a way of healing and activating thinking. He repeatedly emphasized that this is not just a diet, because thanks to fasting, the head works better and ideas constantly arise.

The only thing that should not be forgotten: before fasting, you need to cleanse the body. To do this, 2 days before the scheduled date, exclude animal products from the diet. Switch to a plant-based diet. The menu should consist of all kinds of cereals, vegetables and fruits. Always start with no more than 1-2 days of fasting, then move on to 3 days. How long the hunger lasted - so much the way out of it.

It is possible to alternate one-, two-, three-day fasting in a row, ending each with the same exit from the process in duration. A further increase in the timing should be carried out after longer breaks. Gradually, you can bring fasting up to 7 days. It is advisable to carry it out once every 6 months. Longer fasting at home (at least until you get it right) is not recommended.

And most importantly, in the process of self-purification, an optimistic attitude is very important. Start fasting, believe in success, and you will achieve amazing results. The body will independently cope with any diseases, and when regular fasting becomes your habit, you will generally stop getting sick.


If you competently and efficiently prepare for daily fasting, and do them consistently and systematically every week, then you can achieve good results for weight loss.

According to experts, the mild stress that the body experiences during moderate fasting has a positive effect on immunity and reduces the likelihood of cancer. A prerequisite - if you have already decided to starve, then do it regularly and drink water during this process.


You have to start with attitude. At first, fasting causes discomfort, a slight stressful constant background, and in order to overcome it, one must have sufficient motivation.

On the day before fasting, be restrained in food, it is advisable not to drink alcohol, do not eat a lot at night, do not eat meat in the evening.

Try to find something to do. It is better if these are things in the fresh air, in the country, in the forest. Don't have your first fast at work. Possible problems in the form of various unpleasant sensations - headaches, dizziness, weakness, bad mood, bad breath, can ruin your relationship with others, and make fasting itself difficult. In the future, you can starve "on the job" and no one will even notice.

I do like this:

Sunday. At 18:00 a light dinner, then I try to go to bed early.
Monday. Throughout the day (until 18:00), as I think about food, I drink water.

Monday 18:00, exit from fasting. I make a salad of grated carrots (I don’t season with anything). Then you can eat a piece of bread, preferably coarse, stale. After 2 hours, you can cook the porridge (preferably on water and without oil).

Exit from a one-day fast

P. Bragg's recommendations for nutrition during the recovery period.
1 day (24 hours) = If you like, you can add 1/3 teaspoon of raw honey and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice to distilled water, this makes the water pleasant and dissolves mucus and toxins.

At the end of this fast, the first meal should be a salad of fresh vegetables, mostly grated carrots and grated cabbage. As a seasoning, you can use lemon or orange juice. Such a dish acts like a broom on the intestines. After that, you can eat boiled vegetables, such as stewed tomatoes. You can eat a variety of greens - spinach, pumpkin, collard greens, cooked celery, or string beans. Never interrupt a fast with animal products: meat, cheese, fish, nuts or seeds. Do not eat any acid food for 2 days.

Any person can go without food and water for several days without serious consequences, and only our ignorance makes us die of fear in such a short time.

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