The very first symptoms of AIDS. AIDS: symptoms, treatment and prevention. Symptoms of the last stage

Any person will perceive as a sentence the immunodeficiency virus found in his blood.

Until recently, this was the case, but treatment in the early stages of HIV with antiretroviral drugs can not only prolong life, but also restore the patient's immune system to some extent.

What is this disease?

The human immunodeficiency virus is a viral disease that very slowly and gradually destroys the body's immune system. As a result, it weakens so much that it cannot defend itself against secondary infections and tumor diseases. In the later stages, the patient manifests poorly treatable fungal, bacterial, viral and oncological diseases. This condition is called acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). The virus originally appeared in West Africa, but it has now spread across the planet. Information about the structure, transmission routes and vital activity of the virus did not help create drugs that completely cure the disease, so the number of people infected with HIV and AIDS is growing every year in the world.

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Possible routes of infection

HIV infection can be transmitted:

  • during unprotected intercourse;
  • when using other people's syringes and needles;
  • when transfusing infected blood;
  • from an infected mother to a child during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding;
  • upon contact of blood or scratched human mucosa with blood, semen, breast milk and other biological secretions of the patient;
  • when using improperly sterilized piercing and tattoo instruments;
  • when using someone else's toothbrush, razor with minimal blood residue.

It is believed that HIV is not transmitted through sweat, saliva, tears, urine and feces. This is due to the fact that you can become infected when a minimal dose of the virus enters the blood and damaged mucous membranes. For example, a drop of blood placed on the end of a sewing needle is enough to infect HIV. The same amount of virus is contained in 4 liters of saliva, and it is too difficult to consume such a volume.

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How to recognize HIV in the early stages

All people are afraid of the thought of possible HIV infection. Therefore, the question often arises: “How does HIV manifest itself in the early stages?”. After all, it is still possible to treat the disease at the very beginning, and then the immune system is completely destroyed. As a result, it is not HIV itself that kills a person, but other diseases that the immune system is not able to fight. How to recognize HIV in the early stages? There are few signs that allow you to do this. It is almost never possible to determine HIV infection by early external signs.

Each of them is similar to the manifestations of common viral diseases - influenza, SARS, rotovirus or enterovirus infection:

  1. Unreasonable severe fatigue. Chronic fatigue can signal a huge number of diseases, including HIV infection. Do not panic if you feel constantly tired even after a normal night's rest. Take note of it. If you feel a complete breakdown within a few weeks or months, you still need to undergo a comprehensive examination to rule out HIV.
  2. Muscle and throat pain, headache, and chills are signs of flu and colds. However, all of them can also signal the activation of HIV.
  3. Swollen tonsils in the throat and enlarged, painless lymph nodes in the neck, groin, and armpits are characteristic of systemic disease. With HIV, the cervical lymph nodes swell more than the inguinal and axillary ones. To understand and find out the diagnosis, an examination is necessary.
  4. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may accompany the initial stage of HIV infection. If any of the signs last for 1-3 weeks, it's worth it.
  5. Ulcers in the mouth and on the genitals. If this symptom is manifested in combination with the above signs of HIV, you should be wary. Especially if you have not suffered from similar skin problems before.

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HIV does not appear immediately, it can “doze” in the body for a long time or develop very imperceptibly. The incubation period depends on the strength of the human immune system, it can range from a few weeks to 10 years. In some patients, HIV leads to the development of AIDS after 10-12 years if left untreated.

Clinical manifestations of HIV infection are divided into several stages. The first stage of the disease occurs at least 2-6 weeks after infection with HIV. This period is characterized by the following features:

  1. Some enlargement of the lymph nodes in the neck, in the armpits and in the groin. Swollen lymph nodes are firm and painless.
  2. Sore throat and swollen tonsils.
  3. Chills and elevated body temperature (37.5-38 0 C).
  4. Diarrhea.
  5. Spotted rash, as in rubella (occurs in half of the cases).
  6. Rare cases of meningitis and meningoencephalitis.

At an early stage, HIV infection may not manifest itself in any way, so a person does not know about the development of a terrible disease for a long time. However, the listed symptoms are almost always attributed by people to a cold, flu or poisoning, thereby depriving themselves of the chance to prolong life.

The second stage of HIV infection occurs after the acute manifestations subside. It lasts for 3-10 years, the disease almost does not manifest itself, or these are very vague signs:

  • pain in the joints;
  • muscle pain;
  • night sweats;
  • weakness and fatigue;
  • frequent diarrhea;
  • problems with coordination of movements;
  • frequent exacerbations of herpetic infection;
  • systematic rise in body temperature;
  • persistent dry cough;
  • drastic weight loss in a couple of months.

In the early stages, women with HIV have menstrual irregularities: intermenstrual bleeding, irregular cycles, painful periods or their absence. It is believed that HIV infection can provoke hormonal disruptions in the body. Inflammatory diseases of the genital organs in infected women are difficult to cure. In addition, the risk of developing cervical cancer increases several times. There are no hormonal changes in men with HIV infection. Symptoms of the immunodeficiency virus in children have their own characteristics. Newborns with HIV often have diarrhea and recurrent infections. Infected children under the age of 2 years are characterized by frequent bacterial infections, stunted growth and body weight, enlarged lymph nodes, fevers, pneumonia, infectious diseases of the skin and mucous membranes.

HIV-infected children over 2 years of age suffer from digestive disorders, intractable pneumonia and viral infections, as well as candidiasis of the mucous membranes and skin.

The third stage of HIV infection begins with the development of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Without treatment, AIDS begins 3-10 years after infection. The patient's immunity can not cope with anything, a person is tormented by endless fungal, bacterial, viral and protozoal infections. Along with this, HIV encephalopathy, HIV dementia, tuberculosis, cervical cancer, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, Kaposi's sarcoma, etc. are quite common in AIDS patients. The patient has enlarged lymph nodes, fever and a temperature of the order of 38-40 0 C.

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HIV treatment trends

Scientists around the world are struggling with the problem of treating HIV, but have not found a way to completely cure patients. Treatment regimens only slow down the progression of the disease and slightly improve the quality of life. Finding out that you have HIV is a huge stress, so the patient needs constant psychological support from psychologists and psychiatrists, as well as their own family and friends. Not everyone can handle the situation. In this regard, such people require a sparing protective psychological regimen. Along with this, active therapy with antiretroviral drugs is carried out. Patients with HIV need constant medical supervision for early detection and treatment of secondary diseases.

The World Health Organization (WHO) in 2010 recommended starting treatment of HIV-infected patients with a CD4 cell level below 350/mm3. However, new WHO research confirms that early HIV treatment leads to better outcomes. They insist that patients should be given antiretroviral drugs as early as 500 CD4 cells/mm³ or below. This makes treatment safer and more affordable. In addition, early therapy reduces the amount of viruses in the blood. This reduces the risk of HIV transmission to others.

With regard to infected children, WHO insists on the need for antiretroviral therapy for all babies under the age of 5, regardless of the number of CD4 cells. The same applies to HIV-positive pregnant and lactating women, married couples where only one of the partners is infected. WHO recommendations have not changed regarding the provision of antiretroviral treatment to all HIV patients with active tuberculosis or hepatitis B.

AIDS is one of the most serious illnesses that a person is diagnosed with. The disease caused by the insidious immunodeficiency virus (HIV) weakens the body's defenses so much over the years that a person can die from a common cold. No wonder AIDS was called the "plague of the 20th century." The disease fully justifies its name even today, because people still continue to die from this insidious disease.

However, modern medicine has made considerable progress in the fight against such a disease. Today, doctors can extend the life of carriers of this terrible virus for decades. True, this can be achieved only with early detection of the virus and timely treatment. In this regard, every person should know what HIV is and what are the early signs of infection.

Manifestations of HIV

First of all, let's say that the disease has four stages, each of which has its own symptoms. This:

1. Incubation period.
2. The period of primary manifestations.
3. The period of secondary manifestations.
4. Terminal stage (AIDS).

Incubation period

It must be said that when a terrible virus enters the body, it may not manifest itself for a long time. At this time, the cells of the virus "settle" in the body, attaching themselves to immune cells and gradually destroying them. This phase can be transient (3 months), or it can stretch for a long time (1–3 years). The insidiousness of this stage of the disease lies in the fact that a person does not even suspect what deadly virus has settled in his body. Even worse is the fact that the disease is not suspected by those around them, who are at risk of contracting HIV infection from a carrier.

In fairness, let's say that the earliest signs of pathology, the same for all infected, are still present in such patients. However, they are so insignificant and so vague that people do not even think about going to the doctor. As a rule, this is a slight increase in lymph nodes, as well as subfebrile temperature, which for a long time stays at the level of 37.1–37.5 ° C. A person simply does not have any other reasons to suspect a serious infection and consult a doctor.

Primary manifestations of HIV

According to statistics, in 30% of patients, HIV infection is detected during the primary exacerbation of the disease. Symptoms of the disease at this time are already beginning to disturb the patient, forcing him to seek help from a doctor. True, the detection of HIV, even taking into account a visit to a specialist, is not guaranteed, because the insidious virus “masquerades” as other common diseases. We list the main symptoms of the acute phase of the disease, characteristic of all HIV-infected people, regardless of gender and age.

In the classical version of the development of HIV, the first symptoms of the disease are easily confused with the common cold:

1. The patient's body temperature rises, he often has a fever, he has problems with sleep, there is profuse sweating, there is a sore throat and tonsils swell.
2. The patient feels constant weakness, which does not go away even after rest, he quickly gets tired and often complains of a headache.
3. Other early signs of HIV infection include chronic diarrhea that does not go away with the treatment with fastening drugs, as well as the appearance of small pinkish spots on the skin.

In the blood test of an HIV-infected person, an increase in leukocytes is detected, and after an ultrasound of the internal organs, doctors reveal a significant increase in the liver and problems with the spleen. According to the analysis, such a patient is often diagnosed with mononucleosis.

In this case, the infection can manifest itself not only as symptoms of SARS. In the case when the disease develops according to a different “scenario”, the brain of an infected person is affected. This is manifested by nausea and vomiting, high body temperature and severe headaches. Examination usually reveals encephalitis or meningitis in such patients.

In rare cases, the first manifestation of HIV infection is an inflammation of the stomach, aching pain in the chest, and problems with swallowing food. In some cases, the symptoms of the virus in the patient proceed so implicitly that he simply does not seek medical help. In any case, the first manifestations of HIV last no more than six months, after which an asymptomatic course of the disease occurs, which lasts for several years. That is why it is important to listen to your body in order to identify the insidious virus as early as possible and begin treatment. Only then can we expect that the terminal stage of the disease (AIDS) will be pushed as far as possible.

The period of secondary manifestations

It is worth saying that more than 60% of HIV-infected people learn about their serious illness during secondary manifestations, approximately five years after infection. Here, the symptoms of the disease in patients of different ages and gender may differ, and therefore we list the signs of the disease for each category of patients.

Signs of HIV infection in men

In men, the virus in question is usually manifested by swelling of the lymph nodes, as well as fungal infections that cannot be treated with drugs. Another characteristic sign of HIV is red-cherry tumors that appear on the scalp, body, extremities of the patient and even in the mouth. These tumors are called Kaposi's sarcoma.

In addition, the patient often complains of fatigue, bouts of heat and excessive sweating, he is tormented by shortness of breath even with a short walk, and chronic diarrhea develops. This painful condition is supplemented by frequent infectious diseases that replace one another, severe weight loss, decreased visual acuity, memory problems and erectile dysfunction. Some HIV-infected people have problems with motor activity, and the swallowing process is disturbed.

According to doctors, early detection of HIV infection is hampered by the denial of the problem, which is habitual for most men. Representatives of the stronger sex are ready to find an excuse for any symptom that appears, just not to visit a doctor, but go to the clinic, usually when the right moment for treatment has already been missed.

Signs of HIV infection in women

Manifestations of an insidious disease in women, in principle, do not differ much from the male manifestations of HIV. True, there are some distinctive features that need to be mentioned. So, at an early stage of the manifestation of the disease, women often develop tuberculosis, as well as vaginal candidiasis. As for the signs of the disease that appear after a long-term lull, then the monthly cycle is disrupted in infected women, and pathologies of the small pelvis may develop. Another sign of a deadly infection is severe weight loss. In addition, each phase of the development of the virus in women lasts an order of magnitude longer than in men.

But what is characteristic, unlike the representatives of the stronger sex, women are more attentive to their health. That is why they usually start HIV treatment earlier, and the chances of delaying the onset of AIDS are much greater.

Signs of HIV infection in children

Sadly, this terrible virus can also be found in newborn children. It can be transmitted to a baby from an infected mother during gestation, or it can enter the body with breast milk. In infected children, signs of the disease first appear within half a year after birth, with the most common symptom in most cases being brain damage. Doctors diagnose mental retardation in such children, as well as intellectual deficiency. Moreover, the appearance of the child also suffers from the action of the virus: the baby does not gain weight, starts to sit late, often suffers from purulent infections and almost constantly encounters intestinal upset.

terminal stage

This stage in the development of the disease is often referred to as AIDS. With it, the patient exacerbates all existing diseases, but most often the disease occurs in one of four forms. The first form is pulmonary, in which the patient suffers from severe pneumonia.

In addition, the syndrome can occur in an intestinal form, which is accompanied by malabsorption of important vitamins and minerals, problems with digestion of food, and severe bowel disorders.

Doctors call the third form neurological, since with it the patient is diagnosed with meningitis, abscesses, hemorrhages in the brain, as well as malignant neoplasms in this organ.

Finally, the fourth and most common form of AIDS is called common. With it, the patient may experience manifestations of a variety of severe ailments, and such a patient dies, as a rule, from acute renal failure.

Concluding the article, I would like to say that modern medicine has made significant progress in the fight against this terrible virus. Today, an HIV-infected person, with proper treatment and taking care of their own health, has every chance to live 30, 40 and even 60 years! And a key factor in the life expectancy of such patients is the early detection of this dangerous virus. Take care of your health!

AIDS is one of the most terrible diseases characterized by the suppression of the human immune system. This ailment can completely worsen the patient's condition, which, as a result, leads to a weakening of the body, vulnerability to the penetration of various infections. AIDS, a condition that manifests itself against the background of the human immunodeficiency virus, is the last final stage of HIV. The virus is able to infect the cells of the system. The disease is incurable. The person needs constant medical care. The carrier is able to become infected in everyday life, at home, there is a possibility of transmission of the virus in utero, the mother is able to transmit the disease to her unborn child. Everyone is at risk for the disease, regardless of their age, lifestyle. You must always remain vigilant and careful when in contact with your relatives, in order to avoid their infection.

Attention! The disease itself does not manifest itself with pronounced symptoms, it can not make itself felt for a long time, especially if a person has a strong immune system.

According to its symptoms, the virus can be confused with a number of other diseases. It is easy to confuse with the flu, with a general breakdown, that is, chronic fatigue. However, the first symptoms in men appear from the moment the infection enters the body.

  1. For the disease, an increase in body temperature is considered characteristic, which is similar to a feverish state.
  2. There are headaches of varying degrees of intensity.
  3. Rash, areas of skin that have a different variation in shape. They appear five to ten days after infection.
  4. Lymph nodes are enlarged in the groin area, also in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mice and on the neck. A sign of enlarged lymph nodes is considered one of the main ones. Not painful, but firm to the touch.
  5. Sharp weight loss, weight loss is due to a deterioration in appetite.
  6. The patient experiences constant fatigue, a passive state, apathy.
  7. Cough that resembles the flu.
  8. The above list also includes poor healing of wounds and cuts. A scratch of any kind can become inflamed, that is, fester and bleed.

Often, men do not go to the doctor, having this or that symptom. There is also the possibility of symptoms disappearing, which can confuse carriers of the virus. It is on this basis that in men, pathology is not always detected on time. The absence of symptoms can last for a couple of months to many years. But as the disease progresses, other signs of the disease may appear, namely:

  1. Sleep disturbance, restless sleep, drowsiness during the day.
  2. Vision deteriorates.
  3. There are frequent diarrhea.
  4. The general level of memory is violated.
  5. Painful sensations when swallowing.
  6. Decreased coordination when walking and moving.
  7. There is shortness of breath.
  8. Sweating at night.
  9. Pain and aches in the joints.
  10. Tendency to contract infectious diseases.
  11. The general background of a man’s health is also deteriorating, the disease can pass into various forms, namely: pulmonary, intestinal, nervous, skin.

FormBrief explanation
PulmonaryWith this type of illness, a man develops pneumonia, tuberculosis, influenza. Diseases are severe, there are many complications
intestinalDiarrhea occurs, weight decreases, the body does not experience enough moisture. The digestive system is disturbed. The patient may experience frequent nausea, vomiting. Loss of appetite, refusal to eat
CutaneousUlcers and erosions appear on the skin and mucous membranes. Have the character of constant inflammation
nervousMemory worsens, depression appears, depression, inhibition of mental processes

When symptoms begin to appear

Upon infection, the virus enters the veins as well as the arteries to attach to the blood cells. Thus, the immune system is damaged. Subsequently, the virus actively progresses and multiplies, affecting a large number of cells. First of all, the lymph nodes suffer, it is in them that an increased number of lymphocytes is noted. To the extent that the immune system is not able to recognize and block HIV, the pathology is transient, which ends in the final stage - AIDS.

Quite a lot of time (up to several years) can pass from the moment of penetration of the virus to the moment of detection. If the immunity of the carrier is weakened, then the primary symptoms may appear after a few weeks. According to average statistics, the stage of AIDS occurs in 10-15 years, until this moment a man will be HIV-infected.

Attention! The asymptomatic course of the disease is not excluded, therefore, with an active sexual life and frequent changes of partners, it is necessary to take an HIV test every six months.

The fleeting form of the course of the disease is explained by the untimely detection of HIV infection, which was not treated. Since the infection does not have clear symptoms, and the patient is not always aware of its presence, it begins to progress, which subsequently has a severe form of treatment. However, if it was possible to identify the pathology in a timely manner, with a diagnosis, a skilled specialist and prescribed treatment can prolong life for more than ten years.

If a man observes the presence of one symptom or more, he should approach this more rationally and responsibly. You need to contact a qualified and certified specialist, in order to further confirm the disease or its absence, draw up a treatment plan.

Attention! Hospitalization for infection is possible when the patient is convinced of the presence of infection. The main thing is that the infected person undergoes intensive therapy in order to slow down the progressive process of cell damage by the virus.

After the virus carrier arrives at the hospital, it is placed within one hour. Hospitalization must take place in exactly the same way as the hospitalization of other patients. This action is required if the carrier, the virus began to take on a progressive character and there is a need for thorough intensive care. The course of therapy is individual, therefore, it is prescribed depending on the form of manifestation of the virus. Treatment is aimed at suppressing the spread of the virus in the body. Each patient infected with AIDS is defined as equal in rights along with other patients suffering from other diseases. The hospital should be attended by doctors who are well versed in the field of this disease. To date, a cure for pathology has not been developed; there are expensive medications that can slow down the impact of the disease on the human body.

When confirming the disease, a man must necessarily inform his sexual partner about this, since he may also be infected. In this state, a man should have only protected sex, be extremely careful in society so as not to infect the people around him.

When staying in a state where the disease progresses, the patient is recommended to undergo treatment in a hospital, under the strict supervision of specialists. After all, an instability of the mental state may appear, the patient is assigned appointments with psychologists, which in turn help to realize and accept this crisis. From the first day of the announced diagnosis, the patient may experience overwhelming fear and anxiety, panic attacks. A person is afraid of the disease, its end result, which can lead to death. Psychologists establish contact with patients, in the future they motivate them to fight for life.

Ways of acquiring AIDS in men

  1. Infection occurs through sexual contact with a person carrying the infection.
  2. Through blood transfusion, there is also the possibility of contracting the virus.
  3. The use of joint piercing objects, non-sterile needles.
  4. With regards to the airborne route of infection (through a kiss, cough), it is impossible to get AIDS.

  1. Be careful about piercing, tattooing.
  2. Use only personal hygiene items (toothbrushes, hair removal products) that involve close contact with the skin.
  3. Have a permanent partner, whose reliability is beyond doubt. At the same time, it is necessary to have protected sex, using barrier methods of contraception, we are talking about condoms.
  4. When identifying certain signs, you should immediately pass a list of tests to identify the disease.
  5. During each year, doctors recommend regularly testing for HIV infection, namely, being at the clinic at the reception, the specialist will advise you to take a blood test for antibodies to the virus. He will prescribe the treatment of the symptoms that have manifested (if any) or the infectious diseases existing at this stage, he will prescribe the appropriate antiviral drugs that can slow down the developing disease.

AIDS, caused by HIV infection, is one of the world's most devastating diseases. Why is HIV so serious? The point is the irreversible damage that the virus causes to the immune system of the infected: as the disease develops, the body ceases to resist the infection, everything ends in death.

An additional difficulty is that HIV symptoms, which are often mistaken for signs of a common cold, do not manifest themselves immediately, but only after the end of the incubation period. Among the additional disappointing facts: the minimum infectious dose, relatively simple conditions for infection, frightening symptoms of AIDS.

That is why it is very important to know about the presence of HIV in the body as early as possible. How to understand that you were attacked by a virus? - you ask. In order to "know the enemy by sight", you need to know everything about him, in particular, to understand what happens in the body of the infected person from the moment of infection to the usual completion of a clinical case.

What happens to a person in whose body the human immunodeficiency virus has settled? The first manifestations of HIV occur at a time after the incubation period. This means that at least 3 weeks must pass after infection for a person to notice the first alarming symptoms.

The period of the first manifestations of developing HIV infection falls on the 2nd stage of the disease. With luck, with the onset of early symptoms, the patient will seek medical attention. However, the often observed symptoms are equated to the clinical manifestations of influenza, SARS, mononucleosis. The patient complains of muscle pain, chills, his temperature rises, lymph nodes in the neck increase. The average duration of the stage is 1 year.

This is followed by a latent stage, which is characterized by an asymptomatic course of HIV. However, antibodies to the virus are already present in the patient's blood, and they can be detected during diagnosis.

Generalized lymphadenopathy is the stage of the obvious manifestation of HIV. The patient finds a significant increase in lymph nodes throughout the body (with the exception of the groin). This symptom encourages the patient to visit a doctor, especially if the symptoms of HIV did not show themselves before.

On average, after 3 months, the disease flows into the stage of secondary manifestations. It becomes much more difficult for the patient to cope with the emerging symptoms. During this period, a whole "bouquet" of secondary diseases develops (generalized infections, Kaposi's sarcoma, CNS lesions, etc.), accompanied by appropriate symptoms.

The next step is the thermal stage or AIDS. During this period, there is an exacerbation of all existing ailments, the development of which most often leads to the appearance of acute liver failure. AIDS proceeds in several stages, each of which brings the patient closer to certain death.

Ways of transmission of infection

Before a deep acquaintance with the clinical picture (signs of infection) of HIV, we will touch on the topic of how the virus is transmitted.

People infected with HIV are the main source of infection at any stage of the disease, including the incubation period (when HIV is not yet manifested). The most dangerous periods of the disease in relation to the possibility of transmission of the virus are the end of the incubation period, the time of primary symptoms and the late stage of the disease.

The habitat of the infection is the biological fluids of patients. We are talking about the blood, semen, vaginal secretions and breast milk of the sick person.

Attention! Virus particles can also be contained in other substrates (tear, saliva, sweat). However, the concentration of the virus in them is negligible, so it is practically impossible to get infected in this way.

From the foregoing, we conclude that there are three ways of HIV infection:

  1. Sexual. The virus enters the body as a result of unprotected sex with a sick person.
  2. Parenteral (through the blood).
  3. Vertical. HIV is transmitted to a child during childbirth or through breast milk.

Historical summary: monkeys carrying HIV

Where the human immunodeficiency virus originated, when the first symptoms of the “plague of the 21st century” appeared, and how the chain of HIV infections began is unknown. The general version of scientists and historians is as follows: the initial infection with the human immunodeficiency virus came from chimpanzees. The epidemic has spread around the world after several men killed and ate HIV-infected animals.

The facts about captured sick chimpanzees can testify to the above. Animals in Africa turned out to be carriers of a virus that turned out to be very similar to AIDS.

Features of HIV symptoms: characteristic symptoms in men and women

What specific symptoms in an HIV-infected woman may indicate an illness? How to recognize the "sore"? Primary manifestations are reduced to an increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees a few weeks after infection. Hyperthermia can disturb the patient for 2-10 days.

The list of the very first symptoms of HIV infection is supplemented by signs characteristic of SARS and flu: cough, pain in the larynx. Then the symptoms of intoxication will appear:

  • weakness;
  • muscle pain;
  • migraine;
  • night sweats.

The first symptoms of HIV appear against the background of an increase in lymph nodes. Inflammatory processes begin to develop. This is evidenced by the cervical nodes, then there will be an increase in the occipital, axillary.

Attention! As a result of HIV infection and the development of the disease, women may experience vomiting and nausea, spasmodic pain syndrome.

The main symptoms of the disease in men are similar to the manifestations of the disease in women. The onset of the course of the disease is accompanied by the appearance of a red rash (colorless spots) on the body. Further, the clinical picture is identical.

Then the disease "gains momentum" there is a lesion of the mucous membrane of the lips, scalp, etc.

In the future, we will talk about the symptoms observed in a patient with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). The clinical picture of HIV and AIDS (SPD) is different.

The first symptoms of AIDS

Complete confidence in the diagnosis of the patient appears when the first signs of AIDS appear: if the manifestation of the first signs of HIV infection can be overlooked, then the first signs of AIDS will not be ignored. Symptoms of the disease occur during the thermal stage, when the patient's immunity is no longer able to resist the virus.

Are there differences in symptoms between the opposite sexes? The symptoms of the disease are identical. Differences can only be in the first signs of AIDS, which are associated with ailments of the genitourinary system.

Symptoms of the disease will be determined externally and detected in the laboratory. AIDS comes in 4 forms:

  1. Pulmonary (development of pneumocystis pneumonia).
  2. Intestinal (against the background of temperature, diarrhea appears, signs of dehydration).
  3. With skin lesions in women and men (formation of ulcers and erosions that provoke severe pain, discomfort).
  4. with CNS damage.


Having found out after what time the first signs of AIDS (HIV) appear and how AIDS manifests itself, let's move on to the topic of diagnosis.

With the ingestion of an infectious dose into the blood in some patients, the first symptoms "come" after 3 weeks, in others 3 months after a dangerous contact (with the onset of the production of antibodies to the virus in the cells of the body). However, the only alarm signal may be a significant increase in the lymph nodes (lymph node in the armpit, neck) during the period of generalized lymphadenopathy.

In any case, they resort to one or more diagnostic methods, while determining the level of viral RNA, the degree of damage to leukocytes, lymphocytes - an assessment is made of the reaction of the patient's body to the virus.

Primarily resort to enzyme immunoassay. With repeated positive results, it is necessary that the patient pass another one - immunoblotting.

How quickly AIDS manifests itself: features of the incubation period

Is there an algorithm of actions for recognizing HIV in the early stages? During the incubation period of a sick person, at least for several weeks, it is impossible to determine: there are no signs of AIDS during this period.

How do you know if you are sick or not? The only thing that can be done if infection is suspected is to pay close attention to your health (check the size of the lymph nodes, determine the causes of sudden malaise, sweating in a timely manner, consult a doctor for any form of illness). So, if the experiences were preceded by unprotected sex, it would not be superfluous to go through all the recommended examinations a few weeks after the NPA.

Attention! The infected person is often confused by the "simplicity" of the symptoms. Be vigilant, do not go on about the false harmlessness of the signs!

Medical treatment

What is meant by HIV treatment? Treatment of HIV infection or AIDS treatment includes a set of measures to slow the development of the disease. To cure the disease, even under the control of the best attending physician today is not possible. Treatment of AIDS involves monitoring the immune status, compliance with preventive measures and the treatment of secondary diseases.

The most correct direction of therapy in the case of HIV is taking antiretroviral drugs. It is necessary to be treated with such drugs as Zidovudine, Nevirapine and Didanosine - they are recognized as the most effective.

However, it is worth remembering that drugs do not affect the result - the death of patients with HIV is inevitable today.


To prevent the treatment of AIDS, it is necessary to follow simple preventive measures. They are well known and sound like this:

  • lead an orderly sex life (use a condom);
  • stop taking drugs;
  • observe sanitary and hygienic standards during medical and cosmetic manipulations;
  • consult a doctor in a timely manner with the development of ailments of the genitourinary system (regardless of the time periods of the development of the disease).

How can you not get infected with HIV?

According to statistics, during sexual intercourse without a condom, the risk of contracting the virus is maximum. This is followed by cases of infection through the blood and the vertical route.

You should not take a fanatical position and avoid everyone, being afraid to "pick up an infection." Remember: HIV is not transmitted in everyday life (when shaking hands, hugging, at home), through a kiss, tears and insect bites.

Innocent genital infections

Unprotected intercourse has an alternative unattractive side. We are talking about the possible risk of contracting an innocent sexual infection (chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, genital herpes, thrush, human papillomavirus), the symptoms of which may look like manifestations of HIV. The situation is especially serious in the case of an infection with an HIV-infected person: with a weakened immune system, the course of such ailments is extremely dangerous.

Attention! With unprotected sexual intimacy, the risk of contracting an STD is 50%.

Prevention of opportunistic infections

In the prevention section, it is impossible not to mention measures that prevent the development of opportunistic infections. At the secondary stage of HIV development, due to a strong weakening of the immune system, such ailments often become the patient's "companions". In addition, such infections increase the risk of infection with the virus and the rapid development of AIDS in the patient's body.

There is a clear need for certain preventive measures against opportunistic infections. Among these: the exclusion from the diet of raw meat and fish, regular care of pets, vaccination against infections and the obvious observance of the rules of personal hygiene.

AIDS or HIV infection is a dangerous disease that is caused. It is characterized, first of all, by damage to the patient's immune system and a variety of clinical manifestations (tumor-like processes and opportunistic diseases). The cause of this disease is retroviruses, today only two of them are well studied, these are HIV-1 and HIV-2. In nature, there are several more variants of this pathogen, but there is no reliable information about what they are and how they behave in relation to the human body.

What is HIV?

The first sign of this infection may be determined by the presence of a retrovirus in the blood. Retroviruses are characterized by pronounced lymphotropism, namely, preference for lymphocytes, cells of the immune system. HIV has a high variability - more than 1,000 mutations per gene, which is many times greater than the influenza virus. infection is found in T-lymphocytes and in other organs and tissues of the human body (macrophages, monocytes, Langerhans cells, megakaryocytes, eosinophils, neurons, intestinal epithelial cells). The virus is also found in the blood, semen, saliva, breast milk of HIV-infected mothers, tear fluid.

HIV. The first sign of infection.

The duration of the incubation period for HIV infection can range from 4-6 months to 4 years or more, in the literature there is information about the incubation period of 15 years. So how can we first suspect that a person is infected with HIV? The first signs of infection may appear as lymphadenopathy and fever (fever), such symptoms develop as early as 5-6 weeks after infection. It is customary to allocate an average period between the appearance of specific antibodies in the blood and the development of the first, this period can be 7-10 years.

The first signs of HIV infection in men and women

  1. Sharp weight loss (for 6 months by 10% or more);
  2. Fever lasting more than one month;
  3. Diarrhea chronic for more than one month;
  4. Generalized pruritic dermatitis;
  5. persistent cough;
  6. Recurrent herpes zoster;
  7. Oropharyngeal candidiasis;
  8. Herpes simplex or recurrent;
  9. Generalized lymphadenopathy.

What should you pay attention to?

In some patients with suspected HIV, the first sign may be neurological symptoms: eye pain, photophobia, headache, signs of peripheral neuropathy and meningoencephalitis. This means that early damage to the nervous system has begun. In some cases, a spotted character may appear like rubella or measles, hair loss, the appearance of ulcers on the mucous membranes. Very often acute is confused with mononucleosis, toxoplasmosis, rubella and other infections. However, acute HIV infection is more characterized by an acute onset, unlike some forms of infectious mononucleosis, with ulceration and mild involvement of the tonsils.

The first signs of HIV infection are not yet a verdict!

In any case, the first signs of HIV infection in women and men indicate trouble in the human body, they should be the first signal that the patient will have to undergo an additional examination. However, the presence of several signs is not at all a reason for making such a serious diagnosis as AIDS. In order to make such a diagnosis, the patient will be asked to undergo special testing, which is carried out both openly and anonymously, and only after several confirmed tests will a diagnosis be made. Do not forget that early diagnosis of the disease is one of the most important anti-epidemic measures, and timely prescribed antiviral therapy can significantly delay or prevent the development of AIDS.

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