Words of drinking songs for drinking and partying. Folk words. Drinking Songs - And It's Snowing

The drinking song is warm, sincere, without it it is boring both at a wedding and at a birthday party. The words of drinking songs for drinking and partying are simple, understandable to everyone, and can bring people together even in an unfamiliar company. The song is able to fill life with bright emotions, cheer up. In our country, a cappella singing, or to accompaniment, has always been an integral part of any holiday.

Drinking chant is a kind of tradition that is passed down from generation to generation. And it is also the wisdom of the people, and its spirit. In companies, the most famous works are usually performed: folk, yard and student songs, popular at feasts and romances.

Song lyrics for a feast

The fast pace of life, modern gadgets and technologies make people forget about simple communication, gatherings in the kitchen with a guitar, visiting guests and singing songs at the table. But drinking songs are so familiar and familiar to a person that any soul will instantly warm up to understandable words about love and friendship.

Unfortunately, lately, people began to sing less, lyrics began to be forgotten. Why is the tradition of singing, gathered around the table, practically sunk into the past? After all, how good it is to sing, in chorus, together, from the heart, simple and understandable song words, motives dear to the heart.

We are not supporters of the loss of folk tradition. We are for table singing! To prove this, this section has been created, on the pages of which, for the purpose of familiarization, the words of popular songs for the feast will be regularly published. Therefore, read and remember that joint singing at the table unites not only in the company, but also unites nationalities, generations, all people on the planet.

On the wide Volga

In a smart shirt for his beloved
A good friend came to explain:
Yesterday I said - I fell in love forever,
And it didn't come out on time.
The date is forgotten, over an open book
A friend leaned in the golden window.
Before the morning shift, before the first siren
Steps gently rustle under the window.
Oh, summer nights, tugs whistles.
The guy is worried and wants to leave.
But the girls are more beautiful than in our Sormov,
He will never be found anywhere.
And in the morning at the entrance of the native plant
A girl in love will meet again
And he will say: “I read a lot of books,
But there is still no book about our love.”
On the wide Volga, on the distant arrow
The ship is calling with its horns.
Under the city of Gorky, where the clear dawns,
A friend lives in a working village.

I got drunk drunk

I got drunk drunk
I won't go home...
The path brought me far
To the cherry orchard.

There is a cuckoo chirping
My heart is worried.
You tell me, tell me
Where does my darling sleep?

If he is on the road
Help him, God
If with Lyubushka on the bed,
Punish him, God.

Why am I not like that
What is someone else's other?
I'm good, I'm pretty
Just a share...

If I had known before
What is so badly married
I would unravel a Russian scarf,
Yes, I would sit at home.

I got drunk drunk
I won't go home...
The path brought me far
To the cherry orchard.

On the Murom path

On the Murom path
There were three pine trees.
My dear said goodbye
Until next spring.

He swore and swore
Be alone with me.
On the far side
Don't forget me.

In the morning he left
Darling sped off into the distance.
Left in my heart
Longing only and sadness.

And at night I dreamed
Terrible, terrible dream
That my dear got married
He broke his oath.

And I laughed at my sleep
In bright daylight.
Yes, is it possible
So that the darling forgot me?

But my dream soon came true.
And in early spring
My darling has returned
With a beautiful wife.

I stood at the gate
When he passed.
me in a crowd of people
He looked for it.

Seeing my tears
He lowered his eyes.
And I realized that forever
Lost my heart.

On the Murom path
There were three pine trees.
My dear said goodbye
Until next spring.

No one married us in the church

Nobody married us in the church,
And the whole soul is on fire.
Why, Cossack, did you rush off to the steppe
On your black horse?
Why did you meet me
When I watered the horse in the Don,
Why forelock beauty
Cossack conquered the heart?

Ah, my destiny, my destiny, oh my destiny,
Ah, my fate, tell me why,
Ah, my fate, separation is fate,
I can't find the answer?

Why did you throw lilac flowers
Into my midnight window?
Why are you the best in the world
Like sunshine when it's dark.
Why are you so desirable
Like a blue-eyed vernal Don?
Why in the village behind you
Cossacks walk in a herd?

How to ask your dream
Trouble-separation is not threatening?
Nothing to blame, nothing to forget
You can't stop loving.
Why did you take off on a horse
Rushed off into the azure dawn?
Neither you nor me
Fate has no answer!

On the mountain collective farm, under the mountain state farm

On the mountain there is a collective farm, under the mountain there is a state farm,
And my dear asked me a question
Ai, I-I yay, yes oh ee ee
And a nice little one asked me a question.

He asked a question, he looked into his eyes,

Ai, I-I yay, yes oh ee ee
you are a collective farmer - you can not love.

Yes, I'm a collective farmer, I don't deny it,

Ai, I-I yay, yes oh ee ee
Yes, I'm not going to love you.

I'll go where the thick rye

Ai, I-I yay, yes oh ee ee
And I will find someone who looks like me.

I found him, and he is young,

Ai, I-I yay, yes oh ee ee
he is young, but his name is Volodenka.

And we met, but the curls curled,
parted, and tears flowed.
Ai, I-I yay, yes oh ee ee
parted, and tears flowed.

On the mountain collective farm, under the mountain state farm
And I'm cute, yes I asked a question
Ai, I-I yay, yes oh ee ee

Above the window is a month

Above the window is a month. Under the window wind.
The flown poplar is silvery and bright.
The distant cry of a talyanka, a lonely voice -
And so dear, and so distant.

Crying and laughing dashing song.
Where are you, my linden? Linden age-old?
I myself once on a holiday early in the morning
He went out to his beloved, unfolding the talyanka.

And now I mean nothing dear.
Under someone else's song and laugh and cry

I do not regret, do not call, do not cry

And where can I get such a song And about love and fate, - And so that no one would guess That this song is about you. So that the song flies around the world, Takes someone by the heart, Lures someone into the grove, Takes someone into the field. For the club...


Drinking Songs - And It's Snowing

And it's snowing, and it's snowing And everything around is waiting for something... Under this snow, under quiet snow, I want to say in front of everyone: "My most important person, Take a look at this snow with me - It's clean, like that, oh what I am silent about, what I want to say "...


Drinking Songs - What to Do?

Words by L. Oshanin. Music by A Ostrovsky. One concern tormented my heart, Dreams turned my head... Today it's Saturday again in the club, Dances are playing... Will you come? So what to do? What should I do? Dances are playing ... Will you come ...


Drinking Songs - And I See

Words by L. Oshanin. Music by A, Ostrovsky A guy walks - sadness itself. The guy is looking into the distance. And I see: because of the wattle fence, he squints at me with his eye. He says: - Where are you going? Very good evening now. And with his eyes, not melting, ...


Drinking Songs - And I Love Married

(From the movie "It was in Penkovo) Words by N. Dorizo. Music by K. Molchanov. There are so many golden lights On the streets of Saratov, There are so many single guys, And I love a married man. Oh, he started a family early. A sad story. I'm from.. .


Drinking Songs - August

Autumn is coming soon, August outside the windows, The bushes have darkened from the rain, And I know that you like me, As I once liked you. Why is longing eating you, Why are you so sad with me, - Can't it come true in August, What ...


Drinking Songs - Oh, This Girl

I met a girl: Crescent eyebrow. On the cheek of the spring And in the eyes of love. Chorus: Oh, this girl drove me crazy, broke my heart, took peace! I lost her, Together with her - love, A mole on her cheek, A crescent...


Drinking Songs - Ledum

Somewhere wild rosemary blossoms on the hills, Cedars pierce the sky... It seems as if the Land, where I have never been, has been waiting for me for a long time. Smoke will swirl near the tent, A fire will break out over the river... If only I could live young all my life,...


Drinking Songs - The River Runs

Words by B. Evgushenko. Music by E. Kolmanov. The river runs, melting in the fog, It runs, beckoning me. Oh, I have enough cavaliers. But I don't have good love. I dance foxtrots-waltzes, I sing in a circle at the wattle fence. I don't want,...


Drinking Songs - White Snow

Words by G. Varshavsky. Music by E. Rodygim. With white snow, white snow, the blizzard night covered that stitch, along which, along which I, my dear, walked side by side. Remember, dear, our meetings And the words of love that you told me ...


Drinking Songs - White Birch

White birch, friend of spring dawns, transparent rivers, Tell me, tell me, what kind of blizzard, Tell me, tell me, what kind of blizzard Has left its snow for you? You reach for me with branches, You put your hands on my shoulders And rustling foliage, And rustling ...


Drinking Songs - Birch Juice

As soon as the snowdrop blossoms on time, As soon as the first thunderstorms approach, sap appears on the white trunks - Then the birch trees cry, then the birch trees cry. How often, getting drunk on a clear day, I wandered at random through the spring ...


Drinking Songs - Birches

I touch blond braids, I catch your thoughtful look. Above us the whole evening birch About something barely audible rustle. Birches, birches, Native birches do not sleep. Maybe they're singing The familiar song of spring, Maybe they're remembering...


Drinking Songs - Take Your Overcoat, Let's Go Home

And we are with you, brother, from the infantry, And in summer it is better than in winter. We have ended the war, We have finished the war, We have finished the war, - Take your overcoat, let's go home! The war bent and mowed us down, The end came to her too...


Drinking Songs - Biryusinka

Goodbye, white city With lights in the air! Through the steppes, through the mountains Me to the river Biryusa. Only moose praise in the pipes There is the Siberian spring, Only lumberjacks are felling the Angarsk pine there. Chorus: Where there is a river, a river ...

Each song has lyrics written by a specific author. But in most drinking songs, the authorship of the texts is indicated - folk words. What does it mean? And understand that the authors of the texts of these songs and their first performers are the Russian people themselves. True, "wandering" from one singer to another, the content of the songs could vary and change, but the unity of the melody and words remained intact.

Since ancient times, Russian folk songs have accompanied all the most important moments of people's labor activity and their way of life. The words of Russian folk songs tell about various life circumstances that caused any experiences, feelings and thoughts. But these are not “stories” about the feelings and thoughts of a single person, but the transmission of the thoughts and feelings of the whole people.

In Russian folk art, the most ancient are the works of the times of the ancient Slavic world, created during the founding of Kievan Rus. Most of these works are calendar ritual songs, the singing of which took place at some specific time of the year, occasionally on a specific day of the month or year. The words of such old songs tell only about the labor activity of the people, but also about the worldview, beliefs associated with the worship of the Sun, with the animation of various natural phenomena.

The main theme of the texts of Russian folk songs was the work of the farmer and individual natural phenomena that could affect the success of this work. In the words of some works, hard gardening and field work is mentioned, however, there are no complaints about the hardships of women's labor in these texts. On the contrary, in such songs the words of the people lovingly poeticize peasant labor and what it is done with. For example, in the text of one of the songs it is said that “the girl stung with a silver sickle”, and the “sickle” itself had a “golden pen”.

Quite often, folk song words about labor served as a background against which a different theme was created. For example, work and family life merge in the lyrics of many songs, smoothly moving from work to family relationships. According to popular notions, the Russian family should have a basis consisting of mutual respect, love, friendship and respect for each other. Therefore, words about love can be found in a large number of folk lyric songs. And it is in the “love” songs of the people that their idea of ​​beauty is expressed, which is based on both work and health.

[N-O] [P-S] [T-H] [W-Z]

Songs with letters L-M

Easy on the heart from a cheerful song

Easy on the heart from a cheerful song,
She never gets bored
And they love the song of the village and the village,
And big cities love the song.


She, like a friend, calls and leads,

Step forward, Komsomol tribe,
Joke and sing so that smiles bloom!
We conquer space and time
We are the young masters of the land.

We will get everything, understand and open:
Cold pole and vault blue.
When the country orders to be a hero -
Anyone becomes a hero.

We can sing and laugh like children
In the midst of stubborn struggle and labor,
After all, we were born this way in the world,
That we will not give up anywhere and never.

And if the enemy is our living joy
He wants to take away in a stubborn battle,
Then we will sing a battle song
And let's stand up for our Motherland.

The song helps us to build and live,
She leads to victory on wings,
And the one who walks through life with a song,
He will never disappear anywhere!

Favorite city

A friend flies to a distant land,
Native winds fly after him.
Favorite city in a blue haze is melting -
A familiar house, a green garden and a gentle look.

Comrade will pass all the battles and wars,
Not knowing sleep, not knowing silence.
Beloved city can sleep peacefully
And see dreams, and turn green in the middle of spring.

When will my friend return home,
The native winds will follow him.
Beloved city will smile at a friend -
A familiar house, a green garden, a cheerful look.

You are my dear

There, in a distant land, I will be your wife

My dear, I would take you
But there in a distant land, I have a wife

My dear, take me with you
There in a distant land, I will be your sister

My dear, I would take you
Yes, there in a distant land I have a sister

My dear, take me with you
There, in a distant land, you will call me a stranger

My dear, I would take you
Yes, there in a distant foreign land, I don't need you

My dear, take me with you
There, in a distant land, sprinkle me with earth

Let my head be gray
Let my head be gray
I have nothing to be afraid of winter.
Not only the cargo of my years,
My years are my wealth.
Let my head be gray
Not only the cargo of my years,
My years are my wealth.

I often rushed time
Get used to everything.
Let me not save money
My years are my wealth.
I often rushed time
Let me not save money
My years are my wealth.

I whisper "thank you" for years
And I drink their bitter medicine.
And I won't give them to anyone
My years are my wealth.
I whisper "thank you" for years
And I won't give them to anyone
My years are my wealth.

And if the centuries tell me:
"Your star, alas, went out..."
Raise a child's hand
My years are my wealth.
Someday for sure
Raise a child's hand
My years are my wealth.

Songs with letters L-M

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