Are Sagittarius and Aquarius Compatible? Sagittarius - Aquarius: compatibility in love relationships. Sagittarius and Aquarius - an example of an ideal relationship

Astrology is an interesting and rather mysterious thing. For many years, this science has forced people to plunge into its secrets, and those who were able to do this were rewarded with a happy life. Many of us today, relying on the horoscope, are trying to build our relationship with love and marriage.

Someone does not even enter into relationships with other signs that are not recommended to them by the horoscope. In this publication, we will look at the compatibility of Sagittarius and Aquarius and find out if friendship or love is possible between them.

Sagittarius temperament features

Sagittarius (dates of birth 11/23 - 12/22) is patronized by Jupiter, who endowed them with generosity and justice. People born under this sign seek knowledge all the time and are sincere in their prejudices. With such a man, as well as with a woman, you need to be extremely careful, because they do not tolerate lies.

Sagittarians belong to the fire element. But at the same time, their ardor is somewhat different from other signs of this element. They have a calmer temperament than Aries or Leo (especially when the horoscope is Monkey, Tiger, Dog and Snake). If in the ascendant of a person born under this sign of the Zodiac, the Sun or the Moon, then he is curious and inspired by his future accomplishments.

It is very difficult with a Sagittarius man if you are trying to change him, and everything to try to put pressure on him leads to harsh criticism. The whole problem is that awareness of the situation comes much later than this representative of the zodiacal world expresses his, in his opinion, correct position. Which he will soon regret.

Sagittarius loves to patronize, and Aquarius does not interfere with this. Moreover, sometimes this behavior of Sagittarius helps to get out of a difficult and problematic situation, in which a representative of the air element very often finds himself.

People born under this zodiac sign are sociable and friendly, so they tend to have a lot of friends.

Positive traits:

  • active life position;
  • high mental abilities;
  • honesty;
  • friendliness;
  • sociability;
  • resourcefulness.

But rudeness, harshness and straightforwardness do not always help to build relationships in love, marriage and friendship.

What character traits are inherent in Aquarius

Aquarians are born under the auspices of Uranus and Saturn - the dates of birth are 21.01 - 20.02. This tandem endowed the zodiac sign with vitality, brightness and incredible willpower. In addition, such people have the ability to be creative and innovative thinking.

Representatives of this zodiac world belong to the Air element, which awarded them with high intellectual abilities and sociability. Thanks to these abilities, they are able to achieve high goals in their professional activities. Aquarians are humane, altruistic, which gives them an incredible desire to change the status quo. Friendship for Aquarius is not just a word, it is mutual understanding and mutual assistance, so such people do not have so many friends.

People born under this zodiac sign are absolute realists. But at the same time, they do not live exclusively in the present, but prefer to look ahead and make plans for the future (especially if their horoscope is Ox, Rooster and Dragon).

Thanks to a broad outlook, representatives of this sign feel comfortable in a different society. They are calm and reasonable, but at the same time they sometimes like to challenge public opinion by entering into controversial situations. And if you are dealing with Aquarius, then be prepared for various kinds of surprises.

Positive traits:

  • high intellectual capabilities;
  • sociability;
  • logics;
  • generosity;
  • independence.

If we talk about negative qualities, then they include:

  • stubbornness;
  • irresponsibility;
  • excessive curiosity;
  • distraction.

Relationship between Sagittarius man and Aquarius woman

A fairly favorable combination of zodiac signs. They may well become good friends, companions and spouses. Their vitality will help them quickly find common ground. The fair sex is perfect for the Sagittarius guy, because next to her he can be himself. This is due to the fact that for a girl born under the sign of Air, there is nothing more important than the good attitude of her lover towards her. And since she is not angry at the rude criticism of her chosen one, which in any case will be present in the relationship, in gratitude, he treats her very well.

Affairs of love

Compatibility in love is very high (if as a percentage, then this indicator fluctuates within 90-95%). In the love relationship of this couple, everything happens very quickly. They are literally drawn to each other. Sagittarius will be able to win the attention of a girl with his serious attitude to everything around him. The beauty of the relationship between Aquarius and Sagittarius is that she does not seek to take a leading position, and he is pleased to make decisions for two.

The Sagittarius man and the Aquarius woman will never let strangers into their relationship. At the same time, for a girl, as well as for a guy, personal freedom is very valuable, so each of these signs does not tolerate close control. Moreover, it is this trait of temperament that will bring this love union closer. They will begin to trust each other more and will no longer be afraid of harsh criticism from the chosen one for this or that misconduct.

Such a love union exists, as a rule, for a long time. This is due to the fact that they feel comfortable in the company of a partner, at ease and easily, which becomes decisive for the Aquarius girl and the Sagittarius guy when creating a new cell of society.

In most cases, the Sagittarius-Aquarius union very quickly decides to enter into an official marriage. Moreover, each of the signs perfectly understands that he cannot find the best pariah for this.

Married life

Marriage compatibility is very high. Even astrologers say that the Sagittarius man and the Aquarius woman are the perfect union to create a family. Marriage exists through emotional intimacy. They are built on mutual understanding and trust of spouses. They practically do not hide anything from each other, and, in fact, they have no desire to lead a double family life. Sagittarius man, Aquarius woman can find common ground and resolve any controversial situation without obvious criticism and quarrels.

A man and a woman Aquarius and Sagittarius are good together. The manifestation of the impulsiveness and aggressiveness of the spouse for the wives of Aquarius does not mean anything, and they try not to pay absolutely no attention to this. In addition, the fair sex always tries to provide her husband with moral support and gives him the opportunity to throw out all the accumulated negative emotions out. I would like to note right away that the wives of Aquarius do not make excellent housewives, but at the same time, this does not bother the man at all, because for him life is not the most important thing in family life.

The sexual compatibility of the Aquarius girl and the Sagittarius man is quite high. She is relaxed, sexy, loves experiments in sex (especially if Venus is present in her ascendant), which, in turn, fully satisfies a man. Aquarius woman, compatibility Sagittarius and Aquarius, compatibility in bed at the highest level only thanks to the ingenuity of the fair sex.

As a rule, in marriage, the compatibility of these signs can only be broken by the appearance of a child, and even then, this is only for a short period of time.


The compatibility of the Aquarius girl and the Sagittarius guy in terms of building friendly relationships is good. The Aquarius girl and the Sagittarius guy have many common interests and topics for discussion. They trust each other and can chat for hours on end on various topics. But at the same time, a strong, true friendship between a man and a woman of these zodiac signs is a rarity. After all, in most cases they are connected not by friendly relations, but by mutual sympathy. Both the girls of Aquarius and the guy of Sagittarius are an additional opportunity to show themselves and take a closer look at the dignity of the interlocutor, once again convinced of their own sympathy.

The Sagittarius man and the Aquarius woman are a good couple in all respects, and what is the compatibility in the love relationship of the Sagittarius woman with the Aquarius man, we will consider in the next section.

Relationship between Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman

Even when Sagittarius and Aquarius work together and they are connected by a purely business relationship, they still feel sympathy for each other. Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman will always find something to talk about, they have common life positions and hobbies. And even in the case when the Aquarius man and the Sagittarius woman already have families, this will in no way prevent them from communicating. Sometimes, such office romances, which seem to be just a momentary hobby, lead to the fact that the Sagittarius woman and the Aquarius man break their marriage and tie life together to always be together.

The Aquarius woman and the Sagittarius woman differ in their concepts of married life. And if for the first it is important to always be behind the strong back of her husband, then for wives born under the sign of Sagittarius, there are no barriers to happiness. Neither financial well-being, nor the children that are in the family, will interfere with putting an end to the relationship for the sake of true and sincere love.

What awaits in love

Sagittarius and Aquarius, their compatibility in love is high, in percentage terms it is 90-95%. In most cases, the Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman do not have time to show their sympathy to each other. There is already a spark between a man and a woman of these signs on an intuitive level, so they just have to meet.

Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman have a lot in common. Sagittarius and Aquarius in some cases even complement each other. He often gets into all sorts of problematic situations, while she will always come to his aid and help solve the problem.

Thanks to the diplomacy of the young man, he manages to avoid conflict situations with his chosen one, which allows Aquarius and Sagittarius to maintain their relationship.

He and she Sagittarius and Aquarius need each other like air, but at the same time, we are not talking about painful dependence. Everything is very simple: they have a lot in common, they feel good together, and this love affair for them is an opportunity to adopt the positive qualities of a partner.

Married life

Are Aquarius and Sagittarius compatible in terms of building a married life? Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman marriage compatibility is excellent. Sagittarius - Aquarius their union is the most favorable for creating a strong and friendly family. They have no mutual claims. The Aquarius guy and the Sagittarius girl trust each other, so they don’t see the point in deceit and omissions.

The Aquarius guy and Sagittarius girl have slightly different plans for spending personal time. She prefers hobbies, while he is busy with work. But at the same time, they manage to go to the cinema together or take a walk in the park. Such a love idyll is destroyed extremely rarely, because there is nothing stronger than this attachment.

It is impossible to argue that a couple of Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman have a fully established life. For wives, as well as for husbands, this side of the issue is practically on the lowest rung of life priorities. For a couple of Aquarius men and Sagittarius women, there is a need for cleaning just before the arrival of friends, relatives and relatives.

Aquarius and Sagittarius will get the perfect horoscope of sexual compatibility if they can open up to each other, which should not be much of a problem. The relationship between Sagittarius and Aquarius in the same bed is passionate. And even after several decades, the Aquarius man and the Sagittarius woman have a very high compatibility in sex.

Aquarius compatibility in marriage with the signs Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

The compatibility of Sagittarius and Aquarius is quite high, but sometimes there are such couples when it is extremely difficult for them to build a relationship. To improve the compatibility of Sagittarius and Aquarius, astrologers recommend following some tips:

  1. Often, in the compatibility of the zodiac signs of Sagittarius and Aquarius, a split occurs due to monotony and boredom. Therefore, in order to maintain the union, or rather maintain a warm and trusting relationship, diversify your leisure time: walks in an amusement park, going to the movies, etc.
  2. Aquarius and Sagittarius will get the perfect horoscope if they learn to trust each other.
  3. So that independence does not destroy the compatibility of this zodiac couple, they should not abuse their freedom. And if for the air sign betrayal is not a reason to break off relations, then the representatives of the fire element do not tolerate this and, without doubting the correctness of their behavior, immediately put an end to the relationship, no matter what they are.

May you always be lucky in life!

The union of Sagittarius and Aquarius is considered one of the ideal combinations of zodiac signs. People born under these constellations are unusually similar in spirit, outlook and way of life. They have many common interests and hobbies. The open and friendly Sagittarius attracts the crazy and unpredictable Aquarius. These people are as similar to each other as they are radically different, like opposites. But, despite the differences in character and temperament, representatives of these signs easily find mutual understanding, they seem to complement each other.

The nature of Aquarius is multifaceted, his actions are absolutely unpredictable. He is characterized by a frequent change of mood, from infecting others with fun, sharply turning into melancholy and despondency. Representatives of this sign do not know how to clearly express their feelings, which sometimes makes it difficult to build strong relationships with members of the opposite sex. But with Sagittarius, Aquarius on a subconscious level feel and understand each other. They easily converge in decisions on any, even the most controversial issues, since the level of mutual understanding between them is unusually high.

A happy and long-lasting marriage is foreshadowed by astrologers to the union of these two signs. Although they warn that their compatibility in amorous affairs is not perfect, there are gaps in it that can destroy such a seemingly strong relationship.

Filling these gaps and learning how to solve emerging problems together is what this couple should strive for in the first place. Otherwise, this couple of charming adventurers, always ready to realize their most extravagant ideas together, will find a common language. Representatives of both signs value independence very much, moreover, both their own and someone else's, which is another important factor bringing them together.

Aquarius and Sagittarius are great optimists, they are confident that a cloudless happy future awaits them, and they are trying to do everything possible to ensure that it is so.

Sagittarius Woman

Among the representatives of the signs of the zodiac, the Sagittarius woman is the most straightforward. She always says what she thinks to her face, and it does not matter to her how others will react to it. However, she does not always choose expressions to express her opinion. This lady does not tolerate deception, in any case, she will not calm down until she gets to the bottom of the truth.

So it's best to be as honest with her as possible. A woman born under the constellation Sagittarius is very friendly and sincere, she values ​​​​her independence and is always open to those people who behave towards her honestly and fairly. She has a light disposition, a cheerful and optimistic attitude makes her pleasant to talk to, it is always interesting and pleasant to be with her, because, thanks to her highly developed intellect, this woman is able to support any conversation.

Whatever the representative of this sign does, she does it from the bottom of her heart, and never seeks to harm others, offend a person for no reason or hurt his feelings.

The Sagittarius woman is a very self-confident young lady, she knows exactly what she wants from life, always achieves her goal, and never doubts her abilities. She is extremely energetic, is in constant motion, tries to help everyone, even unfamiliar people. For this reason, she often has conflicts in the family, because because of her desire to help everyone and everyone, the household is left without sufficient attention from her. Often for this woman, social life, the path to self-realization and to achieving any goals set for herself are more important than personal life and family relationships. Therefore, it often happens that a Sagittarius woman marries at a fairly mature age.

Due to her penchant for adventure and adventure, the representative of this sign simply cannot live without any travel, trips and distant wanderings. During her trip, she rejoices in the freedom that she loves and appreciates so much. These women need a frequent change of scenery, they do not like monotony and monotony.

The Sagittarius woman is very freedom-loving and independent, so a man who wants to connect his fate with her must understand this and not limit her, otherwise there will not be a strong and lasting union between them. She must see in her chosen one a partner equal in intelligence and character. It is precisely such an equal partner that the Aquarius man can become for her. Compatibility in love relationships, according to astrologers, in such a combination of zodiac signs is very prosperous.

A weak-willed and spineless man is unlikely to attract the attention of this young lady. It needs to be understood and accepted as it is. You should not try to remake a Sagittarius woman and impose your opinion on her, this will lead to inevitable resistance and. No matter how dear and close her man is, she will not allow anyone to control her. And in this regard, the Aquarius man will suit her best. Since he also loves and appreciates the freedom of both his own and loved ones. In a relationship with a beloved man, the representative of the constellation Sagittarius is light, natural and open. She is not prone to mannerisms and pretense.

Having married, this woman will be an excellent mistress in the house, she will create a cozy nest for her family and will be devoted to her chosen one. He should understand only that it is not worth encroaching on her personal space, forbidding her to do what she loves or limiting her relationship with friends. A man must learn to trust her completely, and if he allows himself unreasonable scenes of jealousy or interference in her work or pastime, then he risks losing her love once and for all.

The Sagittarius woman, gifted by nature with a bright appearance, outstanding mental abilities, a thirst to learn something new. She needs to be always on the move, in search of adventure and new sensations. Sitting at home by the fireplace with knitting is not about such ladies. It is restlessness, fortitude, courage and a thirst for adventure that attract the Aquarius man to the Sagittarius woman. He likes the openness, sincerity, lack of cunning and lies of the chosen one, who does not pretend to admire the intelligence of her partner and his intellectual abilities. She likes to comprehend the secrets of the soul of her man, she supports his propensity for adventurism and incites him to eccentric and unpredictable actions.

Aquarius Man

A man born under the constellation Aquarius is distinguished by his openness, ease and ease in communication. He is sociable, smart, independent and idealistic. He himself is honest and natural in relations with people, and therefore does not accept falsehood and secrecy in relation to himself. Aquarius is a very freedom-loving and independent person, he does not follow any generally accepted rules if he does not agree with their correctness. For him, the only correct opinion is his opinion, and it is extremely difficult to convince such a person of anything.

If a woman who has feelings for an Aquarius man wants to get him as a husband, then she must remember the main rule - do not encroach on his freedom. You should not limit this man in something, just believe him, because he is a very honest and fair person, you should not get him with suspicions, this will push him away from you. In this regard, he will feel very comfortable next to the Sagittarius woman, since this couple is very similar in temperament and life position.

Maximum freedom, and you will have a happy and harmonious relationship. In his soulmate, the Aquarius man is looking not so much for a lover as for a friend. A strong foundation for future family relations with him will be the presence of common interests, the ability of a woman to support and understand her husband in any life situation, the absence of greed and obsession with material goods.

In family life with a man born under the constellation of Aquarius, it will never be boring, he is easily carried away by any occupation and is able to carry his whole family with him. He is a great inventor and original. Therefore, it is quite normal for him to unexpectedly pack his bags and go on a trip. And the Sagittarius woman, an adventurer by nature, will fully support him in this regard.

Such alliances, as they say, are made in heaven. More successful compatibility is difficult to find among all the signs of the zodiac. They are kindred spirits, and so much so that they understand each other at a glance. The rapidly developing romance of this unusually harmonious couple often ends in a wedding a few months after they met.

The Aquarius guy is a big romantic, he can often arrange romantic dates for his beloved, give her gifts, literally carry her in his arms. This couple will never be bored together. They are constantly in search of adventure and unforgettable experiences. They are united by mutual love of freedom, they do not limit each other, but, on the contrary, complement each other, their relationship is very harmonious and easy. Family relationships are strong and joyful. Spiritual kinship and intellectual interest will akin this couple, since for both of them material well-being is not so important, so many happy moments from spending time together, the opportunity to give each other happy moments. Such is the compatibility of the Aquarius man and the Sagittarius woman.

Aquarius Woman

A woman born under the sign of Aquarius has a rather complex character. She is calm, restrained in feelings, not jealous and not suspicious. She knows her worth and has a fairly highly developed self-esteem. But, despite the fact that she greatly appreciates her independence and freedom, in marriage such a woman becomes a faithful and devoted friend to her chosen one for many years. Ideal for a woman of this sign can be an alliance with a representative of the stronger sex, born under the constellation Sagittarius. They have a lot in common. They have similar goals in life and a vision to achieve them.

The representative of the constellation Aquarius usually has a developed intuition. It is very difficult to deceive such a lady. She is very inquisitive, she is attracted to everything unknown and new, everything is interesting to her. The man who became her husband will never miss his beloved wife. She will not pester him with jealousy, as she will marry only the man whom she will completely trust, and she will not limit his freedom, since she herself values ​​\u200b\u200bit. What is very important for the Sagittarius man, who greatly values ​​​​his freedom and does not tolerate encroachment in this regard.

The husband of an Aquarius woman will never be ashamed to appear with her in society, as she always looks perfect, has good manners, is sociable and erudite, so she can keep up the conversation and become the soul of the company. But also at home they will never be bored together, this young lady will always find something to do for spending time together with her family.

Sagittarius man

A man born under the sign of Sagittarius is a man of honor, he always acts according to his conscience and nobly. Cruelty in any of its manifestations is alien to him. This man needs variety and freedom in his life. He rarely obliges himself with promises, enters into a serious relationship with extreme caution. Sagittarians often marry at a fairly mature age.

A life partner is chosen carefully and deliberately. He closely studies all the positive and negative qualities of the partner. She must certainly be equal to him both in temperament and in terms of intelligence. She should be a balanced, sociable, humorous woman who loves to experiment, explore something new and interesting, travel. She should not try to re-educate her Sagittarius husband, this is a useless exercise. You either need to accept him for who he is, or, in general, not to enter into a relationship with him. The key to the heart of such a man is lightness and spontaneity. It is important for him in his chosen one, first of all, to see a good and devoted friend.

Compatibility in love relationships Sagittarius Aquarius is very high. This can be an ideal union, a pair of equally interesting people living in peace and harmony. Their house is always warm, joyful, crowded and comfortable. Friends often come to visit them, and hospitable hosts will always be happy to receive them, treat them and entertain them.

This is a pair of like-minded people with similar interests and hobbies that bring together and make their union stronger. They are freedom-loving and appreciate the freedom of a partner. Without encroaching on his personal space. Both of them do not like any restrictions and conventions. They think in their own way and act according to their convictions, not succumbing to the influence of strangers.

The Sagittarius man happily takes part in the many adventures of the Aquarius woman. They are never bored and uninteresting together. They often get out into nature, love to travel, learn something new. In everyday life, the Aquarius woman is not an ideal hostess, tied to the kitchen and pots. She will certainly keep order in the house and fulfill her duties, but without much joy.

We examined the character traits of men and women of such zodiac signs as Aquarius and Sagittarius. We hope that you learned something new and interesting from this article. Now we know that Sagittarius Aquarius love compatibility is very high. Such a union promises to be strong and durable, but, of course, people are different and situations in life also differ. Therefore, a person, regardless of which star he was born under, can make mistakes or unintentional actions. We wish all our readers to be wise and prudent people in life, not to rely entirely on horoscopes, but also to make efforts themselves, improve themselves and never lose heart. After all, life is so beautiful.

An interesting horoscope develops when Sagittarius and Aquarius meet. Representatives of these extraordinary signs of the zodiac are drawn to each other. Sometimes, everything goes smoothly. A couple falls in love, gets married, has children and forgets to think about some compatibility tips. Their love story is simple to the point of impossibility. But, it doesn't always work out that way.

More often - Sagittarius and Aquarius enter into a dance of love confrontations. Everyone is trying to subdue their partner. It is very important here who is a man in a pair and who is a woman.

In any case, watching their relationship develop is always very exciting. Aquarius girls, be careful, because the insidious Sagittarius can very quickly cloud your mind with talk about passionate feelings, experiences, promise castles in the air. Although, the Sagittarius man must also keep his eyes open. Your romance begins, will love win this time?

Before falling in love, look into the horoscope

In the old days, before accepting a marriage proposal, a woman went with her mother to a fortuneteller, a soothsayer. She always asked the date and time of birth of the bride and groom. This ritual was immutable, because it could determine the fate of marriage. Refusals were given even to the most enviable suitors, if it turned out that the life of a couple would be a series of quarrels, scandals and failures. In India, the mother of the groom still goes to the seer monk, who will tell everything about the future daughter-in-law. Again, her date of birth is required. The compatibility of zodiac signs has been known since ancient times.

Today it is fashionable to turn to an astrologer to find out the fate of marriage. In love or sexual relationships, people show their worst, sometimes, qualities. I want to be sure that everything will work out, and life will really be a fairy tale with a happy ending. Of course, when you suddenly fall in love and it's mutual, it's very hard to believe that your chosen one or chosen one is actually hiding their "dark" side. And you yourself, think about what your desires or vices are silent in the first year of marriage?

Who is a Sagittarius?

If you are interested in a man born under the sign of Sagittarius, study him inside and out. Why? This will reveal his horoscope to you. He can make you the happiest person in the world or doom you to suffering. We ourselves make a choice, and the Stars only warn us. The Sagittarius woman is also not simple. She knows how to manipulate people, knows how to make them believe that she is right. In love, she is not as sincere as it might seem at first glance.


It’s worth starting with the fact that this person is very enterprising. In your school company, he did not rest in the summer, but worked. Let for a penny, but already stuffed bumps, learned to contact people. The science is very simple - it does not concentrate on learning. Money is important for him, a very materialistic person, this man is Sagittarius. He knows 10,000 ways to earn them. It looks like you can't get lost with it. This is not entirely true. He does not like to share his earnings. Sagittarians usually force their wives to work even harder, motivating this with some higher goals: to buy a bigger apartment, earn a decent rest, send their children to good schools. More often than not, he just doesn't want to spend all his money.

The sexual life of Sagittarius is rich in impressions and partners. From his youth, he was used to the fact that you can get what you want if you use your imagination. Women are greedy for beautiful words, it seems to them that this man, who quotes the great ones, will definitely not quit in the morning. He leaves without even closing the door behind him. In relationships with women, Sagittarius is not sincere. As long as something is needed from her, he will be a cute cat, as soon as the need has disappeared - sorry, goodbye, my love. Of course, everything changes when he meets a woman equal to himself in strength of mind and ingenuity. Sagittarius in love is no longer a predator. Although, he will not forget about his ambitions. Remember, Sagittarius always remains himself, just for the sake of love for you, he makes you concessions.


The life horoscope of the Sagittarius woman is rich in events. She does not waste time idle sitting at home. It turned out to be a free evening - rather, to the people, to the lights of the big city. She loves to have fun in the company. There are always many friends around this woman. And there is something to love her for - active, positive, there is always news and incredible stories. One "but". Like a man, a Sagittarius woman is greedy for money. She's even more comfortable. If a man needs to earn them by the sweat of his brow, then a woman just needs to be smart, cunning and insightful. Then she will get everything she dreams of. Her sex life is very well thought out. She doesn't like to hand out her phone number right and left. The main thing is to make sure that the person is standing.

When she walked up, there will be many contenders for the hand and heart. The Sagittarius husband must understand with whom he connects his life. She is not one of those wives who will iron socks, cook soups and be touched by children. She is, rather, one of those active wives who give a beautiful car, a passport and enough money on a bank card. If the husband wants to share a fun, eventful life with her - great, they will be fine. Sagittarius generally appreciates when someone respects her interests, even the most unusual ones. You will think about children later, but while you are young - go ahead, meet adventures. This will only strengthen your compatibility.

Who is Aquarius

One of the brightest representatives of the water signs of the zodiac is Aquarius. It is best for him to live near a river or sea. The stagnant water of Aquarius repels. His horoscope develops best where there is running water, because it takes away all sorrows. Aquarians are introverted people. They live a hectic life in their head. The Aquarius man understands that he had the need to fight for his place in the world, although he really does not want to. Such a husband will curse work and secretly wish to stay at home, and let the wife work.


Aquarius man firmly decided as a child - life must be lived in such a way that only he was not touched. He likes to get lost in the crowd. At work, the Aquarius man is ready to do routine work, if only he didn’t have to offer anything, invent, somehow work creatively. His sexual life begins late, rather at the initiative of a woman. In sex, he is not very disposed to experiments or trying new things. His love awaits after 30 years, and before that he will have to gain experience, fill bumps and be disappointed in women more than once. Aquarius marries the woman who immediately promises him that the care of the house, finances and children will fall on her shoulders. She herself will take care of all these uninteresting and boring things so as not to irritate him. The wives of Aquarius are waiting for such a life where there is no special hope for their husband.

Aquarius becomes attached to one woman

His compatibility with other signs of the zodiac is not very great, about 40% at best. The compatibility of two Aquarius is even less. Well, how to live life together if everyone refuses to take on at least some responsibility? Such a house will soon fall apart, burying the husbands and wives of Aquarius under it. The Aquarius man is ready for children only after he has lived with his wife for a year or two. You need to be sure that his choice is correct. His life passes in marriage without betrayal, novels on the side. It's easier than looking for excuses and justifications.


A special story is the Aquarius woman. She is patronized by the Moon, and there is little Venus in this woman. This speaks of emotional coldness, lack of empathy. In love in friendship, she is easily disappointed in people, because she does not see their hidden motives. As a joke, he does not see the joke itself, but only various opportunities to offend her person. Selfishness is a hallmark of this sign. Most likely, the Aquarius woman was not popular at school, college, or at work. Even her good looks she manages to hide. All because her soul is very vulnerable. Offending her is easy, but she can forgive you for years. This is how friendships collapse, former love turns into a bitter enemy.

The compatibility of an Aquarius woman with men is not great, but it is often possible to meet a wise man. He is ready to accept her for who she is. Although, in this case, betrayal is frequent. The husband says that she is too cold, sexual initiative is never shown on her part. This is how marriages break down. The Aquarius woman must keep this in mind, otherwise there will be a series of unsuccessful marriages. You need to talk about your desires and problems, the only way to save the family from collapse. The husband will not always stubbornly get to the bottom of the reason for her silence.

A pair of Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman is immediately doomed to failure

At work, she also does not show proper initiative. It does it well and neatly. Aquarius loves to work with his hands. She has no talent for numbers or technical wisdom. The more fantasy, the fewer people around, the more successfully Aquarius works. Understand this, the parents of the Aquarius girl, do not force her to do the exact sciences.

couple in love

These are such different characters, a completely different attitude to life, love, sex, marriage. Starting a relationship is easy. Very soon you will realize that it is impossible to live in such a climate at home. Compatibility is minimal, it becomes very difficult to withstand each other for a long time. Such couples exist, but they are usually kept by something specific: early children, material values, any kind of addiction. So simply, out of love, it could not have been formed. Aquarius husband will be jealous, angry, hate his wife. He just needs to understand - Sagittarius will not sit at home in front of the TV. Why suffer like this when you can have a good break. Stay friends, call up on holidays.

For the signs of the zodiac in combination, the male Sagittarius, the female Aquarius, are more likely. Of course, the sexual life here is of great importance for Sagittarius, and if Aquarius wants to be an impregnable cold fortress, then he will quickly find another, more accommodating side. A Sagittarius man rarely leaves a marriage. He does not leave his wives because of trifles. Family values ​​are important to him. These signs of the zodiac have a future if they make peace: Aquarius is busy at home, Sagittarius accepts her as she is. Over the years, they are connected by common habits, compatibility increases, and love grows stronger. They begin to understand each other.

There are many tips to give, but the main points are:

  • Confidence

Aquarius rarely opens immediately. A completely inconspicuous person who can harbor fountains of fantasy, millions of ideas, beautiful scenarios. Nobody asks and he/she doesn't tell. For water signs of the zodiac, this is a characteristic feature - to keep everything in themselves. The world loses a lot because of this property of Aquarius.

  • sexual energy

Sagittarius is born under the auspices of Mars and Jupiter. These are powerful sources of power. The Sagittarius husband will please his wife with a variety of sexual activity. For Aquarius, this is not so important. At first, she may show love for sex, but in reality she is just as cold in bed as she is in life. The sexual energy in her flares up closer to 30 years, when she can form and express what her body wants.

  • Attitude towards home

The life horoscope of Sagittarius is always associated with the house. He can leave, run away, live in another country for years, but the house is always the only one for him. There he aspires, there he returns. For smart wives, this is useful knowledge. Even if there is betrayal or leaving for another, he will never forget a simple house, sooner or later he will return. For such signs, this can play a decisive role in choosing a bride.

Aquarius has a different attitude towards home. Her horoscope is always associated with water, as you know. From any place, Aquarius is drawn to where there is a lot of water. She can often move, leave everything without regret and go to the Ocean. This is the call of her nature, the energy of the Stars.

If you find a compromise on these three points, then life together will be balanced, harmonious. The love horoscope of this couple can always be adjusted, balanced, like scales. For such different signs, in fact, it is useful to spend a lot of time together. This harmonizes their personalities, erases sharp corners. Love will lead you down a confusing path, but your feelings will become a beacon in pitch darkness.

Compatibility between representatives of the zodiac signs Sagittarius and Aquarius is considered one of the best. Companions are distinguished by openness of natural characters and immediacy in communication. It brings partners closer. Contribute to the development of prosperous relationships and the elements themselves that control people. Air kindles fire well. In other words, Aquarius is able to bring a spark of inspiration into the life of Sagittarius, saturated with positive and emotions.

Sagittarius Man and Aquarius Woman Compatibility

Sagittarius man and Aquarius woman are energetic and optimistic companions. They quickly converge and they are pleased to communicate with each other. For a partner in such a pair, it is a great opportunity to remain themselves under any circumstances. Next to the Aquarius woman, the man becomes more restrained, and his partner becomes more serious and ceases to be frivolous about life.

In a love relationship (compatibility in love 98%)

The compatibility of the Sagittarius man and the Aquarius woman in a love relationship is very high. Love between partners always develops rapidly. Having met, the partners are so fond of each other that sometimes it is difficult for them to talk enough, because they can discuss any topic.

Aquarius woman is fascinated by smart and erudite men. Representatives of these zodiac signs are never bored together. They are able to organize a wonderful pastime, filling it with positive emotions.

In love tandems, complete understanding and tolerance reign. Their distinctive feature is the unwillingness to quarrel for any reason. It contributes to a prosperous atmosphere that partners easily relate to emerging life difficulties, never dramatize the current life situation.

In a love union, complete equality reigns, none of the partners strives for leadership. Representatives of these signs of the zodiac can get used to everyday inconveniences against the backdrop of a philosophical attitude that everything in life will work out on its own. Yet that is often what happens. But if love leaves, then Sagittarius and Aquarius, without regret or resentment, part.

In bed (compatibility in sex 76%)

The compatibility of the Sagittarius man and the Aquarius woman in bed is high. Partners do not have any natural complexes, so the sex life is filled with exclusively positive.

Some difficulties in intimacy arise due to the fact that the Sagittarius man is more passionate. A soft partner in her temperament cannot always meet his requirements. That is why the partner must understand that in order to get maximum pleasure in bed, you need to get close to your partner on a spiritual level.

In the intimate sphere, relations are always equal. And the longer they continue, the more harmonious they become. At first, the partner needs to remember the natural vulnerability of the partner. You need to be more gentle with her.

In the intimate sphere, loving people always have everything at the highest level. Over time, a thin and sensitive partner begins to understand exactly what a partner needs, therefore, she shows ingenuity.

Married (compatibility in family life 53%)

The compatibility of Sagittarius and Aquarius in marriage is not high, but this only indicates that the lovers are in no hurry to formalize the relationship. The marriage of representatives of this zodiac sign is always strong. It is based on emotional intimacy and absolute mutual understanding, so divorces are rare.

Spouses are always frank with each other, they never pretend. The calm and balanced wife of Aquarius never perceives the rough emotionality of her husband in her address. She understands that life circumstances have developed in such a way that a loved one needed to throw out the accumulated negativity. For example, if a husband is angry at work, then the wife will definitely try to cheer him up.

Spouses are interested not only in being together, but also attending various social events. They perceive life as a routine, so they are always ready to cancel all household chores. The Aquarius woman is far from the best hostess, but her husband is not at all annoying. If necessary, the spouses put aside all affairs and put things in order together in the house, or resolve other household issues by agreement.

In friendship (compatibility in friendships 74%)

Friendship between representatives of these signs of the zodiac is always strong. And often it develops into love, so the second half of people have something to worry about. In a friendly tandem, friends completely trust each other.

As a rule, friendly relations develop on the basis of common interests. As a rule, friends are united by a common hobby. A similar rhythm of life and the same outlook on life are also unifying factors.

Friends and in the business sphere perfectly cooperate. They are creative in solving production problems, so they often become successful. As a rule, in such a tandem, a friend comes up with solutions, and a friend brings them to life.

Aquarius Man and Sagittarius Woman Compatibility

Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman are always attracted to each other. Representatives of these signs of the zodiac are united by the kinship of souls and the compatibility of natural characters. As a rule, they are connected by common interests and hobbies.

In a love relationship (compatibility in love 80%)

Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman are highly compatible in love relationships. But at the same time, in order for the tandem to develop successfully, it is important that the lovers coincide on an intellectual level.

Erudite and sociable people are easy together. They can talk for hours on any topic. Relationships are romantic and positive. Partners are not inclined to dramatize the life situation, therefore they are philosophical about all the events taking place in the world around them.

The compatibility of Aquarius and Sagittarius in love indicates that there are almost never any problems in the love unions of representatives of these zodiac signs. Each of the partners in a pair strive to treat the other with understanding. Tandems are created on full confidentiality. Partners quickly get used to each other and complement one another. But at the same time, Aquarius and Sagittarius are freedom-loving and independent. Danger for a love union can be considered boredom and intellectual alienation.

In bed (compatibility in sex 60%)

The compatibility of Aquarius and Sagittarius in bed is not entirely unambiguous. The thing is that in such a pair, the partner is more passionate. And although the Aquarius man is always beautifully caring and has eloquence, he does not pay due attention to intimacy.

Therefore, in order to improve relations in the sexual sphere, a Sagittarius woman will need to show patience. As a rule, she succeeds and after a while the intimate sphere harmonizes. A man begins to understand the needs of the chosen one in sex and fully satisfies them.

If necessary, the partner is able to discard all conventions, move away from traditions and agree to any experiments. The Aquarius man can be completely liberated and interesting in bed. This suits the sensual young lady.

Married (compatibility in family life 51%)

The compatibility of the Aquarius man and the Sagittarius woman in marriage is not high. This indicates that partners do not seek to create family unions. But in fact, representatives of these zodiac signs are very suitable candidates.

First of all, it is very important that spouses under any circumstances are able to understand each other. They never make claims and do not blame one another, no matter what happens. There are no omissions between husband and wife, the family union is built on absolute trust. It is noteworthy that in such a tandem, spouses can even forgive betrayal.

The household sphere of the spouses is not well-established, but it is of little interest to them, therefore, disagreements on this matter never arise. Despite the fact that equality reigns in the family, traditional relationships are formed. The husband devotes more time to work, and the wife prefers to spend a lot of time on personal hobbies.

The spouses are hospitable, but they also enjoy visiting. Smart and happy children grow up in a prosperous family. Divorces rarely happen between representatives of these zodiac signs. If the spouses decide to leave, then they do it peacefully, without sorting out the relationship. If they are connected by children, then the former spouses continue to communicate.

In friendship (compatibility in friendship 80%)

A real, strong friendship is often established between a Sagittarius woman and an Aquarius man. If friends are free, then they can simply enjoy communication. Friends often share a common hobby.

The commonality of interests and the same rhythm of life allows us to find a common language when discussing any issues. In friendship there is no dependence on each other. Partners are freedom-loving and prefer to make all vital decisions on their own.

If married Sagittarius and Aquarius meet, and a friendship is established between them, then the halves have something to worry about. If friends spend a lot of time together, then there is a high probability that a love spark will slip between them.

A Sagittarius girlfriend and an Aquarius boyfriend can create a wonderful business alliance. But it is desirable that friends work in the ideological sphere. The energy and activity of partners allows you to successfully resolve any life situation. This is facilitated by the fact that partners understand each other perfectly. As a rule, a man comes up with original solutions to the tasks, and his girlfriend, who is more practical, implements them.

The meeting of a Sagittarius woman and an Aquarius man very often happens unexpectedly. But, being attracted on a subconscious level, the chosen ones simply cannot pass by each other. That is why a Sagittarius woman may have a completely natural desire to win the heart of a man she likes.

For the chosen one, an important factor that will make you maintain an acquaintance will be the sincerity and friendliness of the beauty. It is also important to demonstrate your erudition by casually supporting conversations on any topic.

It is very good if it turns out to be close to the chosen one as often as possible. He will certainly notice the activity and ease of communication of the beauty. It is important to accompany a man at all events. With such behavior, the girl will definitely be interested in the swift and unpredictable Sagittarius.

It is important to remember that the chosen one appreciates sincerity in people. Suspecting hypocrisy, he will never continue the relationship. Sometimes harsh criticism may follow from his side. But to contradict him in the initial period of dating is not worth it. It is necessary that he understand that his chosen one is ready to accept him the way he is in his natural character.

How can an Aquarius man conquer a Sagittarius woman?

Since the Aquarius man and the Sagittarius woman are attracted on a subconscious level, it is absolutely not difficult to win the heart of a beauty. But in order to stay together for a long time, you need to take into account some of the nuances.

The chosen one loves active and purposeful men. She likes to take risks and is ready to participate in interesting and fun adventures. That is why you need to spend a lot of time with her in the company of friends. Periodically, you should invite her to picnics, as well as various social events.

In no case should you put pressure on the chosen one, born under the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius, because she is freedom-loving. Be sure to demonstrate the fact that her opinion matters to you.

It is important to look well-groomed and imposing. It is necessary to demonstrate to the chosen one your erudition, easily maintaining conversations on any, the most abstract topics. It is very important that the beauty feel the warmth and kindness of her chosen one. She will agree to continue the relationship if she is confident in the sincerity of her chosen one. She must understand that a man will become her reliable life support and support.

> Sagittarius and Aquarius Compatibility

We can assume that we are looking at one of the most ideal zodiac combinations. Between them, such a harmonious relationship is established that they can understand each other literally at first sight. Everyone lives in the style of an adventurer and together they venture on the most incredible adventures. Sagittarius and Aquarius are easy-going, always ready to go on a journey and explore the unknown. They sincerely believe that they are provided with a good love union. And it is not surprising that their optimism further increases the prospects.

Sagittarius and Aquarius Love Compatibility

They are incredibly comfortable in love. Air Aquarius welcomes in a partner the desire to develop the relationship as naturally as possible. In addition, the fiery Sagittarius does not require something extraordinary in bed. He will also appreciate the ingenuity of Aquarius and his openness.

They are not shy about their feelings and for the sake of acuity they are ready to make love in the most unpredictable places. They are not tied to comfort or intimacy. No one wants to get power, there is no excessive jealousy. All this strengthens their relationship, and a beautiful love union retains its integrity.

Their acquaintance begins as an interesting and exciting game. They are so easily drawn in that they do not notice how they have lived together all their lives. The novel will be remembered for a huge number of crazy inventions, various experiments and incredible emotions.

Because of his straightforwardness, a man is often considered rude. But her truthfulness in the forehead only pleases, since she herself has a complex character, but does not tolerate hypocrites and liars near her. The girl respects those who are trying to protect their inner world, as this corresponds to her worldview. In a partner, they will see a kindred spirit that they have been looking for for so long.

Sagittarius can disrupt relationships with their unpredictability. But it will be only a slight hesitation, and not a scandal or a break. The real threat is boredom and a monotonous routine. She makes them indifferent not only to life, but also to a loved one. To keep the connection, they must learn to put themselves in the position of the other. For people with such a flexible psyche, this will not be difficult.

They have practically no reasons for quarrels, and if they disagree, they quickly extinguish the conflict and eliminate the causes. Some shy away from Sagittarius because of his sharp tongue, but she is able to see a compliment where others hear only an insult. Her tolerance will surprise a man a lot, and Sagittarius will understand how valuable a person is next to him. They are not bored together, and they are ready to spend 24 hours a day both on vacation and at work.

No matter how old they are, this love union always resembles the love of two teenagers. They are slightly hooligans, running away from stereotypes and rules. They seem to play a game between themselves and constantly change the rules for fun. Such people become not just lovers, but friends and partners. Every year their family only grows stronger, so the risk of divorce disappears over time by itself.

They are not afraid of novelty, they easily dare to radical changes. Therefore, do not be surprised if such a couple breaks tomorrow and goes on a trip around the world without a penny in their pocket. Although they love freedom, they may not tolerate if one of them uses his rights not for the good of marriage.

Humor often helps. Jokes never turn into insults. They are not in danger of difficulties, as obstacles only warm up the excitement and force them to prove themselves. Seriousness comes with the advent of the first child. Then they understand that it is necessary to properly educate and provide for him.

There should be as much positivity, simplicity and friendship in their connection as possible. Otherwise, they will not get out of everyday troubles and lose their love. To prevent this from happening, they always need to focus on ambitious goals and develop in their careers.

Articles dedicated to Sagittarius

  • Peculiarities ;
  • Peculiarities ;
  • How ;
  • Who is Sagittarius most compatible with? ;
  • What to expect from

Articles dedicated to Aquarius

  • Peculiarities ;
  • Peculiarities ;
  • How ;
  • Who is Aquarius most compatible with? ;
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