Old car tires for flowers in the country. How to make a garden bed out of tires and tyres. Swan from an old tire

Such a solid, durable and voluminous waste material, like worn tires, does not leave many indifferent. A myriad of useful and fun products made from old rubber have already been invented. At the same time, finishing their surface with a variety of colors creates unimaginable scope for creativity. It is important to choose the right materials and ensure a reliable coating.

What paint is best for painting tires?

For painting, you can use any kind of paint. The coating will perfectly lie on a well-prepared surface and will last on the tire for more than one season:

  • Special latex paints are ideal for rubber. Such a coating is flexible after drying, so that reliability and durability are ensured. For that they cost a lot.
  • Automotive paints are designed to work in tough conditions and will also work great and last. The dye is suitable both in a spray can and in a jar.
  • Widespread oil paints adhere well to rubber and will last a long time. Their use is a great opportunity to use the remnants of materials after repairs in the house.
  • Nitroenamel will please with quick drying, which is important if the coating is made in two layers.
  • Paint of any type in a can provides the possibility of applying patterns with smooth transitions. Their capabilities are easy to assess by studying graffiti on walls and fences.
  • Acrylic paints will free you from pungent odors, but for good adhesion to rubber, its surface should be thoroughly degreased and primed before painting.
  • Other water-based paints work in much the same way, but may fade in the sun over time.

All of these materials provide excellent opportunities for creativity and imagination, while for small drawings, dyes designed to work in atmospheric conditions should be used. For the same purposes, you will need a small brush.

Tire painting techniques

Rubber requires special treatment. If you paint a tire without pre-treatment, the paint may peel off after rain. To increase the adhesive properties of the coloring composition, you must first thoroughly wash the tire, degrease the surface, and then apply a primer to it.

When painting with oil paints, it is better to use primer GF-021. When using water-dispersion paints, PVA glue is suitable. At the same time, there will be less roughness on the surface, the paint will lie more evenly and will last longer.

The primer is applied with a brush. Painting is carried out only after the complete drying of the primer. Wheels can be painted in different colors, arranged randomly or grouped in a special order.

Some craftsmen prefer to use aerosol cans of paint to decorate car tires. At the same time, the dye lays down well and dries quickly. With the help of an aerosol, original drawings and inscriptions can be applied to flowerpots.

Other Uses for Colored Tires

You can make an excellent flowerpot from an old tire, but hardly anyone will like its gloomy dirty gray color. The flower bed needs painting, and it is necessary to paint the flowerpot not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

We must not forget that dark colors attract sunlight to themselves. In hot weather, this can kill plants, so lighter shades should be preferred. In this case, the soil inside the flower bed will not heat up to extreme temperatures for flowers.

Human imagination is limitless, and car tires are best suited for the realization of what was conceived. Perhaps, after flower beds, various creations for children can be considered the most popular tire products.

The use of painted wheels for the benefit of the case is very common. It remains only to be surprised at the imagination and skill of folk inventors.

What kind of crafts are not made by craftsmen with their own hands. Among the most popular are the following:

  • border;
  • bird feeders;
  • original chandeliers;
  • trash can, etc.

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The desire to ennoble the summer cottage, transforming it into an attractive cozy corner for a comfortable stay, is quite natural. Favorite by many gardeners, flower arrangements are an invariably popular element of landscape design for suburban areas. A worthy frame for such compositions are often flower beds made of tires, which are one of the easiest to create and practical products to use. Of course, you can buy ready-made flowerpots in specialized stores. But flowerbeds made from tires with their own hands are not only a beautiful and functional design element that gives the design of the site exclusivity and uniqueness, it is, first of all, the pride of every summer resident.

How to choose the right tire?

It's great when there is a choice. When choosing between old tires of a domestic manufacturer and imported products, preference should be attributed to the latter. Imported waste tires have softer and thinner rubber, which is much easier to work with. If you choose between "summer" and "winter" tires, then the winter version is more suitable for work.

When deciding to create original flower beds from tires with your own hands, turning old used tires into bizarre street vases, you need to prepare the source material in advance and think over its design

In order to make a flower bed from an old tire, it is advisable to choose wheels with maximum tread wear. The worn tread layer makes the product softer and makes it much easier to turn it inside out.

Tires contaminated with earth and sand must be cleaned. And it’s not even that it’s more pleasant to work with a clean product. It's just that when working with dirty tires, the blade of a knife and file becomes dull much faster.

Manufacturing step by step

Before you start making a flower bed from a tire, you need to think about how the finished product will look like: a bowl with smooth edges, a flowerpot with a wavy cut line or a flower bed in the shape of a large flower bordered with petals or fringe.

The drawing, along the contour of which the cut line will be drawn, is applied to the side of the product

Thinking over the shape of the cut, it is necessary to be guided by the fact that the result should be a construction according to the “pot - lid” principle: a deep lower part and a cut off upper part. Around the entire circumference, the contour is easily applied with a felt-tip pen or chalk.

The edges of the cut, made with wavy lines or designed in the form of teeth and fringe, look interesting.

Stage # 2 - cutting along the contour

Thinking over how to make a flower bed out of an old wheel, decorated in the form of a large flower, it is necessary to cut petals along the edge of the product. The size of each petal should not exceed 10-12 cm. Otherwise, when the tire is turned inside out in these places, the rubber simply will not bend, and the flower bed will not take an even round shape.

A shoe knife can be used to cut the wheel. A well-honed tool will significantly speed up the work

To facilitate the cutting process, you can use liquid soap to lubricate the knife blade.

Great if you have a jigsaw handy. With the help of a jigsaw, it is convenient and quick to perform curly sawing.

The mechanization of labor is described in detail in the video:

After cutting the tire along the contour, it is necessary to make longitudinal cuts along the grooves of the tread at a distance of 5-10 cm.

Stage #3 - tire eversion

When creating a flower bed on a leg of wheels with your own hands, the first step is to turn the rubber tire inside out. For many craftsmen, this stage of work becomes a real stumbling block. The process of turning rubber itself is a rather laborious process.

In order to cut the metal cord, it is necessary to make several cuts along the outer side with the help of a grinder. Cut through the rubber smoothly. The contact of the disk with the cord can be judged by the plaque formed on the surface of the product and the white smoke emitted. Make cuts at an equidistant distance of 15-20 cm.

After completing the preparatory work, you can begin to turn the tire eversion. Before you start turning the flower bed tire inside out, we would like to tell you one secret: it is enough to turn at least a small piece of the tire inside out, and the work will go “like clockwork”.

The turning process is well shown in the video:

A flowerbed of old wheels is ready, you can start decorating it.

Finished product design

Creating and growing flower beds in black forms is not entirely aesthetically pleasing. Therefore, as soon as the flower bed was given the desired shape, you can start decorating it. Until the outer surface of the inverted flowerpot is covered with a layer of dust, it is desirable to paint it.

Painting is the easiest and most affordable way to design a black rubber flower bed.

Oil, enamel and nitro paints are excellent for painting rubber products. On a clean rubber surface, the paint lays down in an even layer and lasts for quite a long time. You can also use leftover car paint to paint the flower bed. With an aerosol can, the job can be done in just a few minutes.

The use of light colors of colors in the design of the flower bed will prevent overheating of the earth inside the container.

The combination of colors looks interesting when the base of the flower bed is decorated in one color, and the teeth or petals in another

Most craftsmen paint the rubber flower bed only from the outside. But still, in order to give the container a more attractive look, it is advisable to slightly capture the upper part of the inner surface of the product.

In the design of the flower bed, you can give complete freedom of imagination. Glass aquarium pebbles glued to the petals of the flower bed will create the illusion of dew drops.

If you want to further decorate the flower bed, you can apply an ornament of a different color on top of a plain layer of paint. But you should not be especially zealous: with the violent growth of flowers, the pattern of the flower bed can be completely covered with hanging or creeping plants.

A minimum of costs, a little free time - and a chic decoration for arranging a suburban area is ready.

Such a flower bed will be a worthy addition to the interior and an element of landscape design of the cottage. It remains only to fill the container with a layer of soil and plant your favorite flowers.

Each owner of a country house seeks to decorate the area adjacent to it. Buying industrial flowerpots made of concrete or plastic modules quickly solves this problem, but is accompanied by serious costs. In order to save money, you can use a step-by-step guide to create such a simple product as a do-it-yourself tire flower bed: a photo of a wheel tire flower bed and practical recommendations will help you navigate this issue.

The feasibility of making flower beds from tires with your own hands

Creating a flower bed on the site is one of the most effective ways to ennoble the landscape. The original and bright design of the product will become the object of everyone's attention. Often, flower beds are made from improvised materials, such as car tires. This point is due to the fact that the rubber from which the wheels are made is easily amenable to various types of processing. It has a flexible and elastic structure that allows you to give products the desired shape.

Using tires for the manufacture of flower beds, you also care about the environment. Most motorists throw their used tires into a landfill, where they take up usable space and pollute the environment. If you do not have material on hand, you can ask neighbors who do not need old tires for it.

Car tires can be painted. To improve the decorative characteristics, many owners of summer cottages complement their appearance with other materials, while creating flower beds with a unique appearance.

Advantages and disadvantages of tire products

Numerous photos of do-it-yourself flower beds from a tire, which you can come across on the net, indicate that the main advantage of a rubber product is its originality.

There are other benefits as well:

  • simple and understandable manufacturing technology;
  • the ability to achieve interesting forms due to the characteristics of the material;

  • the ability to color finished products;
  • external attractiveness;
  • low costs (subject to the availability of used tires).

There are practically no drawbacks to this method of creating flower beds. The only downside can be considered that not all owners of suburban areas consider such a material option as an attractive option as a car tire. Some of them lean towards more elegant or simple flower beds that do not require time and effort to make.

Do-it-yourself types and photos of flowerbeds from tires

To create an original flower garden from wheel tires, you do not need to have special skills and knowledge. You just need to familiarize yourself with the basic information, have the instructions and the appropriate tools at hand.

According to the type of construction, the following types of flower beds are distinguished:

  • low;
  • round;
  • high;
  • single-tier;

  • curly;
  • multi-tiered;
  • suspended.

A round flower bed in its original form is the simplest and most concise design option. It is enough to paint the tire in the color you like, fill it with earth and plant the plants.

Multilevel structures are created on the basis of tires with different diameters. They are placed on top of each other (in decreasing order of size) and filled with soil. According to the pyramid principle, ordinary tires of the same size can also be stacked. Only in this case, a certain number of wheels are placed in the base of the structure, and this number decreases with each tier.

Hanging-type flowerbeds are attached to a pipe, a tree branch with chains or a rope, having previously blocked the bottom with some kind of material. This type of flower garden is created according to the principle of flower pots.

To start work, you should decide on the design and its dimensions based on the available materials and the size of the site where the flower bed will be installed. It should be noted that in large areas it is recommended to install large and massive products. Suitable flower beds of a multi-tiered type or compositions from a large number of small flower beds.

Use these helpful tips to create your own flowerbed of tires, the photo of which you liked.

Rules for creating a successful flower bed:

  • tires designed for use in winter roads are more pliable and much more comfortable to use than summer tires. It does not require special efforts when cutting;
  • when choosing tires, it is better to choose those that are as worn as possible. The rubber on such wheels has become thinner, softer, which will simplify processing;

  • tires with worn tread are much easier to turn out;
  • at the initial stage of creating a flower bed, the material is always prepared for work. To do this, the tire is thoroughly cleaned of traces of dirt and foreign objects;
  • if it is planned to cut curly elements, it is necessary to apply preliminary marking in order to facilitate the cutting of the material, to make the result accurate and accurate. For these purposes, it is best to use markers, chalk.

How to paint a flower bed from tires: photo, instruction

It is not recommended to leave the flower bed in its original form after the work on its form is completed. The black product looks unaesthetic. Before starting work, you should stock up on paint and materials for decorative decoration of the flower garden. Think ahead of the future design. Bright colors will diversify the appearance of the flower bed. They can be combined.

Allowed use:

  • patterns;
  • drawings;
  • geometric images.

Rubber is a specific material that requires special handling. The following types of paints can be used to paint a car tire product:

  • automobile;
  • oil;
  • nitro paint;
  • enamel.

To increase the adhesive properties of the oil coloring composition, it is recommended to pre-treat the rubber surface with a primer. This preparatory procedure will allow you to get rid of the roughness and irregularities that may be on the tire. In this case, the primer composition GF-021 will be optimal. It will reduce paint consumption. To enhance the strength of the coating, a small amount of PVA adhesive can be added to the primer.

The flower bed must be painted not only from the outside, but also from the inside. Since the black edges will still show through the green spaces. The primer is applied to the surface of the product with a brush. The staining process can only be started after it is completely dry.

Do-it-yourself flower bed of tires: photo of a flower bed of wheel tires and creation technology

At first glance, it may seem that the worn rubber of a car tire is not the best material for creating a flower bed. The round shape of the tire itself looks rather plain and boring. But this does not mean that the design of a flower bed made of this material is strictly limited to its original shape.

Flexible rubber allows you to roam your imagination and come up with many options that are suitable for creating a flower garden on the site. Most of these products do not even evoke the idea that old car tires served as the material for their manufacture.

Conventionally, the most popular design options can be divided into several categories:

  • objects (pot, tea service items, for example, a cup, a teapot);
  • birds (flamingos, swans, cockerels, parrots, penguins);
  • flowers;
  • animals (turtles, frogs, pigs);
  • curly objects (pots and flower beds with original slots and curved shapes).

Each type of construction has its own manufacturing characteristics. Using the recommendations for creating beautiful flower beds from car tires, you can easily fill your site with original products.

Features of creating flower beds from wheel tires with your own hands: photos and tips for making flower beds in the form of objects

Flower beds in the form of voluminous flowerpots can most often be seen on the territory of suburban areas. Such designs are simple in execution and have a spectacular appearance. To begin with, you should take care of the availability of the necessary tools, materials and related devices:

  • sharp knife;
  • stones or pebbles of various sizes (additional decor);

  • tires;
  • coloring composition;
  • primers;
  • chalk (soap, marker) for marking;
  • metal mesh;
  • brushes.

The simplest flowerbed in the form of a turtle will require two identical tires, an old rubber ball and a spring. One tire is laid on the ground and remains intact (it will be the body), the second is cut so that four pieces of the same size eventually come out. The cut parts are fixed to the structure. These will be the paws. With the help of a spring (neck), a head in the form of a ball is mounted on the body.

The finished product is dyed. The necessary details are being drawn: eyes, nostrils, mouth. According to this principle, you can create figures of other animals.

Making a flower bed from a tire in the form of a flowerpot: instructions

The manufacturing technology of this product involves turning the tire inside out. That is why it is so important to choose tires with soft and thin rubber.

Main stages of work:

  • Cutting petals.
  • Turning the tire inside out.
  • Coloring and decorative finishing of the finished product.

  • The shape of the petals can be absolutely any:

    • triangular;
    • rectangular;
    • wavy;
    • round;
    • in the form of leaves;
    • abstract, etc.

    These petals will subsequently be located along the edge line of the flowerpot.

    Marking with chalk or soap is applied to the top of the tire (on one side). Using a cutting tool (scissors or jigsaw), make cuts along the marked lines.

    Turning the tire on the wrong side will require some skill and some effort. To achieve the desired result, you need to turn the tire with the whole side up, grab the product by the edge line of the just made cuts located at the bottom with your hands, and, pressing on the tread, carefully unscrew it. At about half the work done, the tire should be flattened into an oval. After that, turning it inside out will become even easier.

    The last step will be the coloring of the finished product in the selected color. It is better if the shade is in harmony with the general appearance of the site. Solid colors look attractive, but a variety of colors will make the flower bed more spectacular.

    Step-by-step instructions for creating and photo flowerbeds from tires in the form of a flowerpot on a leg

    The easiest way to make a standing flower bed is to attach 3-4 legs to the previously described version of the product. To create them, you can use semicircular tire trimmings (the area near the disk), bent pipes or fittings.

    To create a more stable flower garden, you can use a tire equipped with a metal disc. The execution technology is almost the same as in the previous case: the wheel is laid on a flat surface, markings are applied in the form of petals and cuts are made up to the tread itself. Both parts of the tire turn outward.

    The elements are stacked on top of each other so that a large flowerpot on a leg is obtained. Before planting plants, it must be painted. Decorative design can be the most diverse:

    • coloring the product under a flower (colored top, green bottom);
    • imitation of a concrete or metal flowerpot (depending on the color of the paint);
    • drawing beautiful patterns or drawings;
    • decoration with pebbles, glass, shells and other elements.

    The technology of creating a tea service from tires

    A tea set in the form of a cup and a teapot is quite simple to create. For the kettle, you will need three tires with different diameters. The largest tire fits under the bottom. It will serve as the bottom. Two other tires are stacked on top of it. Moreover, the smaller of them should fall in the middle of the structure, and the one that is larger (but less than the bottom) is laid on top of it.

    Pipes are required to form the spout and handle. The spout is made of a drain with a curved shape. An ordinary pipe with a diameter of 3 cm is suitable for a handle. It needs to be shaped like a hook. Having made these elements, they should be attached to the structure in the places of fixing and mark the lines of cuts, where they will subsequently be inserted and fixed.

    The cup is made from three tires of different sizes. Take a pair of tires from a car. You will also need a large truck tire. It will serve as the basis for creating a saucer. To do this, the top is cut off from the product. Both edges (outside and inside the wheel) are processed so that a flat part resembling a saucer remains. It is slightly buried in the soil, and tires from a car are installed on top (one on top of the other).

    The resulting tea service items are filled with soil into which flowers are planted.

    Creating a flower bed from tires with your own hands: video and recommendations for choosing colors

    Animal-like flower beds are partly made from whole and cut tires. A flower garden in the form of a swan is considered one of the most difficult options for making a flower bed. It includes a tire-reversing method. But at the same time, complex markup is done.

    Cutting with an electric jigsaw must be accurate and accurate. To make the neck of the bird curved and fix it in this position, you should use a wire. The decor is done in such a way that the flowerbed looks like a swan. The beak is made separately.

    The following flowers are suitable for creating compositions with a combined height:

    • petunias;
    • marigold;
    • pansies.

    In the central part, you can place dahlias, phloxes, plants with an unusual shape and foliage. They will attract the eye, focus attention at the required point.

    Having tried simple ways to make flower beds from old tires, you can move on to more complex designs. Tires are suitable for flowerbeds in the form of snails, frogs, parrots, zebras, bears, turtles.

    The easiest way is to put the old tire on the site, throw land there and plant seedlings. This, of course, is simple, but it does not pull on an exclusive decoration. Well, let's try to improve the situation. Let's take bright acrylic or oil paints, choose a few of them that match in color and paint several tires. Then we install them on top of each other and get a wonderful multi-level flower bed.

    A multi-level flowerbed of multi-colored tires will become a bright detail of landscape design

    An original vertical flowerbed of tires with your own hands is created from several tires of different diameters, stacked on top of each other like a pyramid. You can put a flower pot on top if there is no small tire on the farm. After painting and filling the inner space of the tires with earth, you can grow ampelous plants in the resulting flower bed, for example, petunias or strawberries.

    A vertical flower bed is perfect for growing strawberries

    Tire beds can also be suspended. Fasten a strong metal chain (thick cord, rope, etc.) to the tire and hang it on a tree. In order to be able to fill the flower bed with earth, the bottom of the tire must be covered. For example, fix inside a planter with a diameter slightly larger than the inner circumference of the tire. Or put a dense piece of rubber inside - think for yourself, for sure there is a material suitable for overlapping on the farm.

    A snow-white suspended flower bed made from a car tire is a spectacular "highlight" of modern style

    And if you dream up a little, then you can build a composition from tires on the theme of ... well, for example, home tea drinking. A few tires will perfectly play the role of a teapot and a cup - it is enough to supplement them with simple details - a pipe cut and bent pieces of metal tape.

    Teapot and cup - original composition from old tires

    Red cup with white polka dots - exclusive for flower tea drinking

    Painting flowerbeds from car tires

    Now about how the wheels for the flower bed are painted and how to turn a boring tire into an interesting flower garden. The main requirement for paint is resistance to weathering.

    Paint selection and technical points

    They paint tires with enamels, oil, acrylic and car paints, nitro paints. To beautifully paint tires for a flower bed, you need to follow a few rules:

    • select light colors so that the soil inside does not overheat along with the roots of plants;
    • do not apply too thick a layer of paint, otherwise it may crack, especially in harsh winters or in the heat;
    • remember the primacy of plants and not let the pattern dominate the flowers.

    Bright colors set a festive backdrop for the yard

    The design of flowerbeds from tires begins with their degreasing with acetone, white spirit or special liquids for rubber. When the used product has completely evaporated, the surface is cleaned with a very fine sandpaper. Then, as a primer, a thin, but continuous layer of white is placed - this will allow any shade to play in full force.

    It is better to apply the paint with an aerosol can, then it will penetrate into all the relief areas of the tread, but there is a high risk of staining the grass around. Therefore, the tire is painted with a spray can, laying thick polyethylene under it. Each layer is given time to dry for at least a day.

    You can decorate a bed of tires with your own hands with a brush. This is longer, but you can work by first installing the product in a permanent place. With the help of a brush, they also create more subtle patterns and drawings, emphasizing details and shapes.

    Folk painting: bright, original, spectacular

    Taking into account the general concept of garden decor will allow you to properly paint the tires for the flower bed, while they can:

    • leave monotonous;
    • decorate with stripes;
    • cover with a pattern using a stencil;
    • paint on the checkered tread;
    • turn into an ethnic flower garden.

    Scarlet dye, black hearts, two yellow antennae - ladybug Quick strokes of the ornament seem to repeat the negligence of multi-colored petunias. Ethnic pot for succulents It is good to plant emerald greens on top of such a juicy painting. Noble combination of red and green on white

    Do not rush to throw away unusable tires. They will be burned, adding pollution to the air. Try to turn them into a unique man-made flower garden, which will decorate the garden and warm the soul. Bright, solid and almost eternal flowerbeds of used tires are a wonderful use for the creative impulses of a person living on their own land.

    The feasibility of making flower beds from tires

    Used tires are a material in which any landscape designer who imagines how to make flowerbeds from tires with his own hands opens up new possibilities. It is the tire, and not just a sheet of rubber, that has certain advantages that make it easier to work with it:

    • Rough cost. Surely among the neighbors there are car owners who dream of parting with old tires. For them, this is rubbish, but for the artist, it is a future work of art that can only be rolled to the site or brought in the trunk.
    • Ease and speed of processing. Chalk, a sharp knife or a jigsaw, a grinder and a spray can of paint - these are all the tools needed for such creativity. And the simplest flowerbed of cylinders is built in half an hour: the tire is placed on the ground and “stuffed” with soil.
    • Durability. A rubber bed does not attract bacteria and fungi, does not rot, is not afraid of accidental impact and does not collapse under the influence of precipitation. If it cracks after especially severe frosts, it is easy to replace it.
    • Mobility. A flowerbed from an old tire is a one-piece structure, which, if necessary, can be easily moved to another place. To do this, you just need to remove the soil from it.
    • Possibility of transformation. Even DIY tire flower beds can get boring over time. The easiest way to avoid this is to repaint the outside and plant other types of plants.

    Figured flower bed from an old tire

    Doubts about the advisability of decorating the garden with flower beds from tires are usually associated with the dimensions of the cylinders specified by the manufacturer. In a very modest area, they really can look foreign, and in a large area they can get lost. The problem is solved by combining tires with paths, benches, lighting elements, as well as building flower beds from several tires and multi-tiered compositions.

    Lazy Option: Potted Plants Placed on a Stand

    How to cut tires and how to do it right

    When looking at a wheel that is so huge and hard, capable of withstanding the weight of a loaded Gazelle or a powerful SUV, the question arises of how to cut a car tire for a flower bed. In fact, rubber is even easier to deal with than plywood if you choose the right tool for each step of the job, of which there are three:

    1. Ripping of rubber. The best tool for the first cut is a shoe knife. It can be made independently from the blade of a mechanical saw or a planer blade. The handle of such a knife is wrapped with several layers of electrical tape, which allows the knife to sit firmly in the palm of your hand. This is important as the rubber will resist the blade. The knife is inserted into the incision and moves upwards with the other hand, bending the rubber layer to the side with the other hand.
    2. Side processing. You can cut the tires for the flower bed evenly or in waves. In the first case, a shoe or other sharp knife with a thin butt is sufficient; in the second, it is better to use an electric jigsaw, the saw blade of which is periodically lubricated with grease or a solution of laundry soap. Some craftsmen use a grinder with a small disc, but high speed entails strong heating and even burning of rubber with smoke and an unpleasant odor.
    3. Cord cutting. Steel cord reinforcement (breaker), which serves as the basis of the tire carcass, is cut with a grinder, less often with metal scissors. You can recognize the presence of steel in the breaker by marking Steel. The absence of such a marking indicates a nylon cord, which is cut with a strong sharp knife.

    A car tire is more complex than it looks

    Electric jigsaw - the perfect tool for cutting old wheels

    To cut a tire for a flower bed and not injure yourself, be sure to use tight gloves and goggles. Especially carefully should be handled with sharp metal cord threads - splinters from them are very painful. You need to work on a wide solid surface: a table or a piece of plywood laid on the ground. With a large amount of rubber dust, which distinguishes Chinese tires, a respirator will be useful.

    Ideas for flowerbeds from old tires


    A flower bed made from a car tire in the form of a flower bed is an ideal solution for those who want to achieve a feeling of rustic comfort on their site. In addition, the well will emphasize the beauty of your flowers.

    Old car tires are a popular replacement for traditional flower beds. It is convenient to place them in small yards without lawns, along roads, in places with high groundwater. The flowerpot from the tire is easy to move to any place on the site, if desired, it can be installed on legs. Another popular garden shape is wheels stacked in the form of a pyramid.

    To create flower beds, it is better to use winter rubber products, they are much easier to cut. Old tires are thoroughly cleaned of gravel and other foreign matter, washed and dried. Then they can be painted in the desired shade, painted with an original pattern. Another popular option is flowerpots in the form of volumetric bowls. To make them, zigzag cuts are made on the top of the tire with a sharp knife or jigsaw. Turning the product is difficult, this will require significant physical strength.

    In order for the plants to develop well, fertile soil with a lot of compost is needed. During the planting season in tires, they are periodically fed with complex fertilizer for flowers. It is important to ensure that the soil does not dry out; planting in a limited capacity should be watered daily.

    What flowers can be planted in tires

    Most often, annuals are used for planting in flowerbeds from tires. Seeds germinate for several weeks, so it is more convenient to use grown seedlings. When planting, the needs of each particular plant are taken into account. For example, for the normal development of a bush petunia, at least 5 liters of soil are needed, ampelous forms will require up to 7 liters.

    For planting in tires, letniki with a beautiful bud shape and a variety of colors are suitable. Regular and terry petunias, bush or cascade are popular. It is best to use modern hybrid forms, they form lush compact bushes with a large number of buds.

    Nasturtiums look very impressive: orange, red, yellow. Nasturtium does not tolerate transplantation well, so seedlings are planted in tires in peat cups or swollen seeds are sown. In rubber beds, you can plant decorative calendula and escholcia, these species form a beautiful composition. Another example of a successful color combination is silver cineraria and bright red salvia.

    Suitable annuals include viola, verbena, marigolds, subulate phloxes, and celosia. Higher plants look interesting - lupins, cosmea, saffron, fragrant tobacco. As an accompaniment, you can plant ground cover plants, such as alyssum with a delicate honey aroma.

    Some gardeners plant perennials in homemade planters. When dividing the bushes, a lot of planting material remains, tires will be an excellent field for experimentation. Small-flowered chrysanthemums, various types of carnations, primroses, daisies, daylilies, decorative onions can be planted in tires. Beautifully flowering plants should be supplemented with fragrant herbs with elegant leaves - thyme, oregano, lemon balm, mint. They not only look beautiful, but also repel pests.

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