Glass blocks for walls in the interior. Glass blocks in the interior of premises for various purposes with photo ideas. Wall and furniture decoration

in the photo: glass blocks in the interior of apartments

The corrugated glass blocks were especially popular during the era, and while they never went out of style, they made a great comeback in the 1980s with the Art Deco renaissance.

What is the advantage of this material? It seems to me that, in addition to being stylish, glass blocks provide an advantage for privacy. After all, they let light through while still providing just the right amount of blur.

Today we will show you some modern spaces where glass blocks are used. You will see that this building material can be used to complement a variety of styles. From modern to eclectic. Partitions and piers are the traditional place of application of glass bricks. However, the imagination of designers is not limited to these places. Let's take a look at interiors where glass blocks are used in a stylish and useful way.

1. Glass blocks in the bathroom

Let's start with the bathroom. Traditionally, designers use glass blocks in the interior of this room, using the uniqueness of the material - to divide the space, providing, on the one hand, the privacy created by such a separation, and on the other hand, illumination from light transmission.

in the photo: glass blocks in the interior of the bathroom
photo: glass block wall in the bathroom
in the photo: glass blocks in the design of the bathroom

in the photo: glass block window in the interior of the bathroom
in the photo: shower wall from a glass block window

photo: glass block windows in the bathroom

2. Glass blocks in the apartment

Let's leave the bathroom and explore other rooms of the house where glass blocks can create true design magic. In the 1980s, glass blocks, white walls, wood floors and vibrant artwork combined to create many amazing interiors. Let's take a look at the modern implementation of this magic.

in the photo: glass block decor in the interior of the living room
photo: glass block wall in the living room

In the photo: glass block wall in the bedroom in the photo: interesting decor made of glass bricks
in the photo: glass bricks in the interior of the corridor
in the photo: a window of their glass bricks
in the photo: colored glass bricks in the interior partition
photo: glass block partition

Many of us, when we hear the word “glass blocks”, think of Soviet buildings with bluish-green glass squares of glass that served as windows or partitions in various public buildings, from canteens to bathhouses. In those days, it never occurred to anyone to use this building material as a decor. The use of glass blocks was due to the strength, availability and obvious functionality of the products. Nowadays, this building and finishing material has undergone external changes and is used not only for its main purpose, but also for decorating the interior and facades of buildings. Over the past ten years, the use of glass blocks in the design of residential premises has been gaining popularity - modern designers offer options for the construction of practical and aesthetic structures, the use of glass blocks locally, as a functional decor.

Glass blocks are an excellent soundproofing material that is resistant to moisture and has good heat-saving properties. That is why it was so often used in utilitarian premises for taking water procedures. And today, glass blocks can most often be found in bathroom design projects, where partitions are created from translucent cubes, window openings are laid out and racks are installed.

The design of the glass block is simple - it is a “brick” hollow inside, the walls of which are 6-8 mm thick. The rarefied air inside the block provides the product with high soundproofing properties and low thermal conductivity, which helps to save heat in the premises. As a result, industrial glass blocks are used both for the construction of non-load-bearing walls inside the building, and for cladding the outer surfaces of buildings.

As a rule, glass blocks are produced in a square shape, but there are also products in the form of "bricks", end (corner) blocks and even rounded shapes. As for colors, transparent, colorless glass blocks have an advantage here, but recently tinted products with various decors inside (pebbles, shells and even herbariums) are gaining popularity, LED products look especially luxurious and modern. Glass blocks can be of different sizes, but still the most popular options are standard shapes: 19x19x8 cm and 24x24x8 cm.

Glass blocks in interior design

Partitions, racks and more

One of the most popular options for using glass blocks in the interior is the creation of partitions in the bathroom. There are several reasons for this popularity:

  • glass blocks let in up to 85% of sunlight, but at the same time create a barrier behind which you can retire;
  • excellent moisture resistant properties;
  • structural strength;
  • relative cheapness of the material;
  • ease of care;
  • excellent soundproofing properties allow you to drown out the sound of pouring water;
  • glass block partitions are able to retain heat, creating a comfortable atmosphere for taking water procedures.

In order to create a safe and easy-to-use glass block partition, products with a rounded shape are used in the last row of the building. As a result, your opening, passage or niche in the partition will be ergonomic, safe and visually attractive.

The creation of semicircular partitions made of glass blocks that separate the shower space from the common room has become most widespread in modern design projects. You get a bathroom space isolated from high humidity, but at the same time you keep the presence of sunlight in the shower area.

The combination of transparent and tinted glass when erecting partitions in bathrooms allows you to create not only functional protection of the room from moisture, but also decorate the interior, bring an element of originality.

Products of different sizes and colors will help to bring originality to the construction of a glass block partition. Here is an original combination of transparent rectangular glass elements with square emerald blocks with a corrugated surface.

In creating glass block partitions from colored glass, the main thing is not to overdo it with brightness and maintain harmony in the use of color solutions.

Partial laying out of one of the walls of the bathroom with the help of glass blocks will allow you to maintain the privacy of the room, but at the same time create the possibility of using light coming from the adjacent space. As a result, during the day you can not use artificial lighting when visiting the bathroom.

Windows in rooms for different purposes

Most often, glass blocks are used for the construction of window openings in utility rooms - bathrooms and toilets. This choice makes sense because you end up with a window that lets in almost as much light as regular double glazing, yet creates a private atmosphere without the need for curtains or blinds. Most often, glass block windows can be found in private urban-type houses or suburban households.

The use of glass blocks for window decoration allows you to create both panoramic monolithic window openings, and entire compositions from small sections with a translucent composition.

The use of glass blocks of different sizes and shapes allows you to build not just window openings, but real decorative interior elements that can raise the level of design uniqueness to an unprecedented height.

Creating a window from glass blocks in the bathroom allows you to use the resulting surface as a base. For example, when one or two sinks are located near such a window, you can hang mirrors and even small shelves directly on the glass structure.

Panoramic glass block bathroom windows can be used to mount various accessories. In the shower space, it can be handrails or small shelves, mirrors.

But not only in bathrooms you can find windows made of glass blocks. Originality and practicality bring this inexpensive material to the living room space. In this case, glass products are used not only for their functional qualities, but also as a decorative element.

When refurbishing former industrial spaces into living spaces, glass blocks are often used as a nod to the times when these glass products were used solely for their functional qualities. Here is a design project for a spacious kitchen with high ceilings and glass block windows.

Another example of arranging a glass block window in a modern kitchen-dining room

Even in the interior of the hallway, the use of a glass block window looks organic. Modern and unique.

Original solutions in a modern interior

Windows and partitions made of glass blocks can hardly surprise anyone. But the use of this durable, but at the same time translucent building material as the basis for flooring can bring originality to any interior design. Here is just such a way to design an office with a seating area. The glass roof, complete with a glass block floor, made the room completely airy, light, and light.

A semicircular bar counter made of translucent glass blocks? Easily! The design will look especially impressive if you add lighting to the structure - color or monochrome.

Small inserts of glass blocks in the walls are a unique opportunity to bring originality to the interior of the room. The room is filled with light, glare plays on surfaces, but at the same time the walls do not lose their strength and wear-resistant qualities.

Creating an interior partition of transparent glass blocks in the space of the stairs will help create a light, almost weightless image of this structure. The solid construction will ensure that your stairs are exposed to sunlight from adjoining spaces.

Unusual use of glass blocks can be found even in the bedroom. Windows made of this material can protect your space from prying eyes, but at the same time fill the room with subdued sunlight.

Glass blocks in the interior - functional, aesthetic, modern

At the word “glass block”, most of us picture in our imagination the dull green walls of massive glass cubes that “decorated” many public buildings, hospitals and baths in Soviet times. It was no coincidence that we took the word “decorated” in quotation marks, since then no one thought to use glass blocks in the interior for a decorative purpose. This building material was popular because it is quite cheap, yet durable, soundproof and heat-saving. And in our time, thanks to these advantages, the glass block is experiencing a rebirth.

Types and specifications

A glass block is a fairly simple product - it is a “brick” hollow inside, the walls of which are formed by glass plates with a thickness of 6 to 8 mm. It is the rarefied air inside that ensures the low thermal conductivity of this material, and good soundproofing qualities. Industrial glass blocks are used for the construction of non-load-bearing walls inside the building, as well as for finishing exterior walls. Contrary to their airy and "light" appearance, they have amazing strength, as well as fire and moisture resistance. Interior or decorative glass blocks dimensions have standard:

  • 19x19x8 cm;
  • 24x24x8 cm.

Thickness varies from 7.5 to 10 cm, and glass block weight usually ranges from 2.5 to 4 kg. We have described the usual square-shaped hollow wall glass blocks, and they are also rectangular, corner (end), in the form of halves, and even round, used to erect columns. With the help of this material, you can create a unique design of walls and partitions, because there are many varieties of them on the modern market. There are glass blocks colored and colorless, transparent and opaque, large and small, as well as especially beautiful - LED. By the way, illuminated glass blocks with decorative elements inside in the form of pebbles, shells and other things are often called the abbreviation "3d", because they really look voluminous and very realistic. See how beautiful glass blocks look in the interior (photo below).

Glass blocks in the interior of the apartment

Glass blocks for walls and partitions inside residential premises have been used by designers and architects for a long time. But over the past ten years, the popularity of this material has grown significantly. An unprecedented variety of shapes, colors and textures appeared, and mass production of blocks with decorative fillers and lighting began. The ability of this material to effectively resist moisture encourages the use of glass blocks in the bathroom. Perhaps this is the most popular place to use them, and there are several important reasons for that.

Advice It is very reasonable to use glass blocks in the bathroom, because bacteria and mold fungi do not multiply on the surface of the glass, in addition, it is simple and easy to care for such walls and partitions.

A translucent wall made of glass blocks can be used for the purpose of zoning a room. This is an excellent technique that allows you to divide a room into zones, and at the same time give the interior lightness and airiness, because interior partitions of this type let in up to 85% of sunlight, but at the same time do not allow you to clearly see what is happening behind them. They can be installed in the kitchen, thereby separating it from the dining room or living room, and in the bedroom, and even in the hallway. You can use them instead of a window, or build a decorative insert in a brick wall or plasterboard partition. In a word, you can use glass blocks in the interior of the apartment in any way, the photo below is a vivid proof of this.

We build walls and decorative partitions

The most widespread way to use glass blocks in the interior (photo above) is the construction of walls between rooms or the design of original and functional partitions. A striking example of a successful solution is the construction of a bar counter, which both decorates the room and performs a useful function. It is worth remembering that any bold design idea must be implemented with a sense of proportion. Including glass block partitions, photo examples of which you see here, only then harmoniously fit into the interior when their design is well thought out.

Advice Carefully approach the choice of color and shape of the partition, and do not overload the design with decorative elements, because when working with glass blocks it is easy to slip into pretentiousness.

Shower cabins and windows

Let's return to the glass blocks in the interior of the bathroom, you have already seen photos of several interesting examples in our first photo gallery. In most of the pictures we see the same spectacular technique - the use of glass blocks in the shower instead of standard partitions. Having built a shower cabin from glass blocks, you can cope with several tasks at once: to fence off the space, protect the rest of the room from splashes of water, provide privacy and decorate the interior of the bathroom. And windows made of such material allow you to create an atmosphere of privacy, and at the same time fill the room with sunlight. Below you see beautiful shower cabins made of glass blocks, the photos prove that such a design can look very stylish with all its simplicity.

Do-it-yourself glass block laying

Now let's discuss how to install glass blocks, and dismantle them if necessary. There are only three mounting methods:

  • "Dry", using special frames, profiles or wooden modules;
  • On cement-sand mortar;
  • On adhesive.

Using the first method, even a beginner can easily figure out how to lay glass blocks. The module consists of cells in which blocks must be placed and fixed with rubber gaskets. In a very short time, you can build a solid, and absolutely even wall or partition, you don’t even need a building level and a plumb line. Another indisputable plus is that such a structure can be subsequently dismantled and moved to another place, while maintaining the integrity of the glass blocks. Mounting on mortar or glue leaves no such freedom. However, no matter which installation method you choose, there is one general recommendation.

Important Before laying the glass blocks, do not remove the protective film from them, especially if the installation is carried out on a mortar. During the laying process, it is possible to damage or stain the glass block, and the film will avoid these problems.

Glue, crosses and modules for installation

Special glue for glass blocks, sold in hardware stores along with them, allows you to work quickly and efficiently, in addition, it has a transparent structure and does not spoil the appearance of the finished partition. The mounting modules that we mentioned above have an even longer list of advantages, but many craftsmen still prefer to use a cement-sand mortar and spacer crosses, simply because it is cheaper and more familiar. Let's take a closer look at how to mount glass blocks using mortar:

  • For kneading, use sand of a very fine fraction, since large grains of sand can easily scratch the surface of the glass;
  • Do not rush to finish the work, it is recommended to lay no more than three rows of glass blocks in one day, since the setting of the mortar with glass is much slower than, for example, with a brick;
  • Do not build too high walls with mortar. Numerous reviews of masters indicate that the lower layers can crack under the weight of the upper ones. Knowing how heavy a glass block is, imagine how much a floor-to-ceiling structure weighs;
  • Before putting the next row of glass blocks, insert metal rods with a section of 4-6 mm into the seams, this will significantly strengthen the structure;
  • Be sure to treat the seams with colored grout, because the gray cement stripes will obviously not decorate the partition. You can immediately use colored cement instead of regular cement, this will save you time.

Masonry technology on video

To understand in detail how to fix glass blocks, it is best to familiarize yourself with a visual video tutorial. From it you will learn about all the intricacies of laying, and you can easily repeat the whole process with your own hands.

glass block partition This is a modern approach to arranging the interior of a house or apartment.

This material, which did not differ in particular sophistication, was widely used in public buildings before.

The glass block is a block of thick, glass plates fused into a single structure. Inside such a block, a sealed, air cavity is formed, which increases the sound and heat insulation parameters.

In other words, a glass block is a kind of glass brick of various shapes, from which it is possible to produce laying of various building and interior elements.


Due to its structure, glass block has the following advantages:

  1. Natural materials in the composition provide environmental cleanliness.
  2. Unique properties: high mechanical strength (including compression and impact) and wear resistance, resistance to low and high temperatures, as well as temperature extremes.
  3. Increased heat and sound insulation properties that are not inferior to hollow bricks.
  4. Fire safety ensured by the incombustibility of the material.
  5. Ease of installation and maintenance. Blocks can be cleaned with any detergent.
  6. Absolute moisture and water resistance, which makes it possible to use it as outdoor elements and in rooms with high humidity, even in water.
  7. Decorative. The surface of glass blocks does not require additional finishing coatings. Modern blocks have different colors and shapes, which makes it possible to create the desired, attractive design.

An important distinguishing feature of glass blocks is the ability to transmit scattered sunlight and provide unique room lighting. At the same time, the opacity of the elements protects from prying eyes.


Like any building material, glass blocks have certain disadvantages that must be considered during construction:

  1. A large weight significantly burdens the entire building structure. Given this property, it is undesirable to build walls and partitions with an area of ​​​​more than 16 m².
  2. The increased cost of decorative glass blocks, which can reach 1500-1700 rubles / piece. At the same time, you can use ordinary economy class blocks with a cost of 100-130 rubles / piece.
  3. Problems that arise when attaching shelves and attaching various items, because in glass blocks it is difficult to fix a screw or a nail. They can be solved using other, typical fasteners and suction cups.

In general, glass blocks continue to be unfairly considered an exotic material. This attitude is developed due to a distrustful attitude towards the strength of glass. However, the glass block is quite difficult to destroy even with hammer blows, and their use is limited, perhaps, only by the increased cost.

What are glass blocks?

Modern glass blocks do not have a legal classification, but the following main criteria for distribution by type can be distinguished:

  1. Block size. The most common are square-shaped glass blocks measuring 19x19 and 24x24 cm with a thickness of 8-10 cm, as well as rectangular elements measuring 19x9x8 and 24x11.5x8 cm. The weight of bricks depends on the size and is in the range of 3-4.5 kg.
  2. Form. In addition to the most common square and rectangular options, glass blocks are available in triangular, round shapes, as well as in the form of a hexagon and the letter "G". Elements can have clear, straight or rounded corners.
  3. Color palette and interior design. The color of glass blocks can be different - from unpainted glass to bright colors (red, blue, black, etc.). There is usually an air cavity inside, but some models use decorative elements that are melted inside the block and create a certain pattern.
  4. surface structure. Elements can have a smooth, glossy, corrugated, patterned surface. In addition, products with a matte surface are produced. The light transmission of the material depends on the structure.
  5. Glass element thickness. This indicator is responsible for the strength, specific gravity and some other characteristics of the material. Most often, blocks are made of glass with a thickness of 5.5-7 mm.
  6. Mechanical strength. Standard elements have a sufficiently high strength, however, high-strength glass blocks are additionally offered, which can withstand even a bullet from a gun.
  7. Optical parameters. Products according to this characteristic have a wide range - from almost transparent to opaque options. Glass blocks can provide directional or diffuse light output.

Finally, the glass blocks are distributed by appointment. There are such main categories - decorative, interior and building blocks. They differ in appearance, size, color, strength and other parameters.

Features of interior glass blocks

With the help of glass blocks, you can create a beautiful and original interior indoors or form a decorating surface outside the house.

The following areas of application are especially popular:

  1. Wall. By laying glass blocks, you can build even and fairly strong walls. The best option is rooms with high humidity (bathroom, sauna, bathroom), where high water resistance of the material is useful. At the same time, the glass is not subject to decay, the development of mold and fungi. You can lay out the entire wall from such elements or combine with other materials (for example,).
  2. Partitions. The construction of zoning partitions from glass blocks is one of the most popular solutions. Most often, with their help, places for swimming are separated. Glass blocks are harmoniously combined with tiles, which ensures the preservation of the chosen design style.
  3. Window. A panoramic wall is laid out of glass blocks, and the transparency of the material ensures the performance of the role of a window. A room with a wall-window will be quite light and insulated.
  4. Floors. The material in question can be an excellent replacement for ceramic tiles on the floor. The use of corrugated elements eliminates the slipperiness of the glass, and the appearance provides an original design.
  5. Furniture. Glass blocks are used in the creation of stationary furniture. The facades of them for the bar counter look great. Of these, you can build a table or coffee table, bedside table, wardrobe. In this case, the blocks are used both as a frame or facade, and to form a table top.
  6. Decorating elements. There are practically no boundaries for the use of glass blocks in the interior of a room. Their use as decorating elements ensures the fulfillment of any fantasies. Products with internal decorative inserts allow you to decorate a picture with a three-dimensional effect on the wall. Such a picture is easily cleaned of dirt and retains paint for a long time. With the help of glass blocks, the interior can be decorated in a modern style (loft, high-tech, modern), art style or baroque. Art Nouveau stained glass windows with classic or oriental scenes look great. Arches, niches, columns are laid out of glass bricks. Individual elements built into the wall can play the role of spotlights.

Modern trends in interior planning make it possible to give different functions to walls and partitions made of glass blocks. The most typical solution room zoning. In this case, partitions can occupy the entire space from floor to ceiling or be installed with a height limit (for example, a bar counter).

Another interesting feature is light transmission. In the walls of glass blocks, there is no need to insert windows, the light flux penetrates through the entire surface. At the same time, depending on the type of products, good illumination or twilight is provided.

The functionality of glass block walls expands the heat and sound insulation properties of the material. Such walls are able to retain heat well without requiring additional coatings and decoration. Water resistance makes it possible to equip a separate bathroom, shower or bathroom.

Installation of glass block partitions

Laying glass blocks with your own hands can be done in different ways. It is important that the structural element has support(bearing wall or rack). The most typical installation methods:

  1. Traditional or classical method. It requires guide frames made of wooden beams or metal profiles. The bonding of glass elements is provided by a cement-based mortar or special glue.
  2. Frame option. In this case, a frame structure is first installed, in which the blocks are fixed with seals and sealant.

Installation of glass blocks must be carried out after proper site preparation. It must be carried out in strict accordance with the previously developed laying scheme, for which careful marking is first provided. A detailed scheme is especially important when laying decorative elements, drawings and patterns.

Traditional masonry

The classic laying of blocks for glue or mortar begins with the manufacture of the base - guide frame.

It is most often made from a wooden bar, but you can use a steel or aluminum corner.

To do this, the first row of blocks is laid out with the installation of plastic separators between them.

The dimensions of this row are precisely measured and the frame is assembled according to these dimensions. It is attached to the floor. A frame of the same width is installed strictly vertically on both walls and fixed to it with dowels.

A reinforcing mesh is used to strengthen the structure. It is formed from galvanized steel wire in the horizontal and vertical direction. Their location should coincide with the seams between the glass blocks.

To exclude direct contact between glass and wire, plastic crosses are used when installing the reinforcing mesh. Holes are drilled in the wall and bottom frame for fastening the reinforcement.

To fasten the glass blocks together, a special glue is used, preferably white. You can independently prepare a cement-sand mortar in a ratio of 1: 3.

Blocks are laid in the following order:

  1. Marking and installation of guide frames.
  2. Installation of vertical reinforcing bars.
  3. A layer of glue or mortar up to 10 mm thick is applied to the surface of the frame. The solution is also applied to the side faces of the blocks and the first row is laid. To fix the reinforcement and ensure the same width of the seam, crosses are installed, which remain in the masonry and are simply rubbed with mortar.
  4. The bottom row is aligned horizontally with a mallet and checked by the building level. Further, a horizontal reinforcing rod is installed on top of the blocks and fixed in the hole in the wall.
  5. All subsequent rows are stacked similarly.

Taking into account the severity of the elements, it is recommended to build a wall in parts of 4-5 rows with a break for the solution to solidify. This will eliminate the danger of subsidence of blocks. After the masonry is completed, the joints are neatly grouted. For sealing, you can use a silicone compound.

Frame technology

The technique "on the frame" allows you to lay glass blocks without mortar, but for this you need to install special frame system.

In fact, it is a metal or wooden structure in which cells are formed to accommodate glass elements.

The dimensions of the cell should not exceed the dimensions of the glass block by more than 1.5-2 mm.

For a metal system, an aluminum profile is usually used. The wooden structure is assembled from polished boards, the width of which is equal to the width of the bricks.

The entire structure is carefully aligned horizontally and vertically using a building level and a plumb line. Then the frame is painted in the desired color, in harmony with the blocks.

The finished frame system is securely attached to the floor, wall and ceiling with dowels. Glass blocks are carefully installed in the cells, after which they are fixed with silicone-based seals. The hardening time of such a sealant is about 9-10 hours.

Required Tools

For a typical do-it-yourself installation of glass blocks, you will need the following tool:

  • perforator;
  • Bulgarian;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • spatulas;
  • notched spatulas for glue;
  • mallet;
  • hammer;
  • paint brush.

For measurements and quality control, you need:

  • roulette;
  • metal ruler;
  • square;
  • building level;
  • plumb.

If there is a need to manufacture a wooden frame, then in addition it is necessary to prepare a screwdriver, a hacksaw, a chisel.

The use of glass blocks in the interior of the premises is becoming increasingly popular. This is facilitated by high performance, strength and durability of the material.

Modern glass blocks are produced in a wide range, which makes it possible to choose in color, shape and other parameters. Self-assembly allows you to somewhat reduce the main drawback of the material - price.

If you still associate this material with unpresentable glass squares from the recent past, it's time to get to know it better. The scope of modern glass blocks is almost unlimited, the design solutions are practical, beautiful and original, and the installation of glass blocks with your own hands can be done even without special skills in construction.

Features and technical characteristics of glass blocks

Modern glass blocks are a hollow material, which is formed from two glass plates 6-9 mm thick, hermetically connected by pressing. Currently, they are produced on automatic lines, which guarantees the invariance of the qualitative composition of the glass mass and the tightness of the seam. Glass block can be transparent, matte, colored or corrugated. According to their light-optical properties, they are divided into translucent, light-scattering and light-guiding. The thickness of the tiles is 7.5-10 cm, the weight is within 4.3 kg. In addition to standard square and rectangular blocks, they produce triangular, angular, round and half elements. There are also decorative glass blocks. They are presented in a wide range of colors and textures, which allows them to be used in various interior styles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other material, double-glazed windows have their pros and cons. This, in turn, affects the possibility of their use for certain purposes.
Moisture resistance.
light transmittance.
Fire safety.
Frost resistance.
Ease of maintenance.
Does not require additional finishing.


The wall remains intact. It is impossible to drive a nail or screw a screw into it, as well as to carry out an electrical wiring or sewage system inside.
Glass blocks are not processed. They cannot be sawn to fit the required size. All measurements must be calculated in advance.
In a room where the window opening is glazed with glass blocks, it is necessary to carry out additional ventilation systems.

Glass blocks in the interior (hallway)

Options for using glass blocks in the interior

Not so long ago, glass blocks have returned to fashion and have become widely used in interior design. With their help, you can bring to life the most daring and original ideas, it is beneficial to play with light. Glass blocks in the interior of an apartment photo are used to create walls, partitions, windows, furniture and much more.

Glass block wall

During the redevelopment of apartments, it is often necessary to remove or move some walls. This helps to plan the space and create a convenient option for the arrangement of rooms. The glass wall is an original and interesting solution. Visually, it makes the space easier. There is only one downside to this option. By itself, the glass block looks cold and does not contribute to the creation of comfort. Therefore, it is often combined with other materials, such as drywall or using multi-colored elements. This combination allows you to make the interior more interesting.
This type of decor is especially popular in corridors, lobbies and other darkened rooms, where a wall made of glass block will be not only a functional element, but also an additional source of light. Glass blocks will look chic if in the interior of the apartment it is possible to lay out a wall that is rounded as in the photo.


Partitions of varying complexity, width and height of glass blocks are often installed in the bathroom. Glass here looks the most harmonious, goes well with tiles, is not afraid of moisture, is not affected by fungus and is easy to clean. Frosted glass blocks allow not only to zone the space and organize the so-called intimate areas, but also to create practical shower cabins of the desired size and shape from glass blocks according to the photo. A small partition can advantageously divide the kitchen into a working and dining area, and the living room into a bedroom and living room.


This way of connecting the outer and inner space through transparent or frosted glass blocks is best suited for baths and pools. As a decorative element, a glass panel is made in the form of a window. If desired, it is decorated with light curtains. Glass blocks in this form are laid not only in the bathroom. Original windows can separate the living room or kitchen from the corridor. When glass blocks are used as windows, openings usually take on the most incredible shapes.


The strength of the material allows the use of glass blocks with a rough texture as a floor covering. Under such transparent areas, usually, a backlight is placed, the effect is impressive.

Do not lay glass blocks on the floor in the bathroom or hallway, where their surface can become dangerously slippery.


Modern glass "bricks" are a convenient and practical material for creating furniture designs. In the kitchens, they build islands or bar counters. In the bathroom, you can build a console under the sink, and a narrow wall of glass blocks can smoothly turn into a small functional table. Glass furniture looks spectacular and original, but it will be difficult to rearrange.

Separate decorative elements

Decorating the walls of rooms, glass blocks are often placed pointwise. Recessed into the wall, they do not transmit light, but reflect it very beautifully. One tile is placed on an approximate area of ​​1 m2. The options for using the material are limited only by the imagination of the designer. Glass tiles make out a kitchen apron, frame door and window openings, mirrors. Lay out of them the risers of stairs, podiums and even false fireplaces. The shower cabin made of glass blocks looks interesting photo, as proof.

Glass blocks in various interior styles.

When developing the design of a room, it is important to take into account that glass blocks must harmoniously fit into the style of the room and create a single composition with it. Particular attention should be paid to the color and texture of the building material, to choose the right shape and method of constructing structures. The most harmoniously transparent or monotonous glass block looks in modern styles, urban, loft or high-tech. The decorativeness of baroque or art deco can be emphasized by multi-colored tiles, as an addition to the main material. Stained-glass windows will fit into the art nouveau interior in the best way, they will also be appropriate in oriental stylizations and modern classic interiors. They practically do not use the material in the interior, made in the style of country, rustic or retro.

Installation of glass blocks

Having mastered the theory, you can safely proceed to practice. Installation of any element of glass blocks can be done in one of two ways:
on the frame;
for glue or mortar.

Regardless of the method chosen, before proceeding with the installation, it is necessary to take into account a number of features of working with the material.
The floor on which the glass blocks will be laid must be perfectly flat and clean.
The total wall area should not exceed 15 m2, otherwise the blocks in the lower rows may crack due to their heavy weight.
Any wall made of decorative glass block cannot be used as a load-bearing wall.
The protective film of frosted glass blocks is removed only after filling the seams.

Technique "On the frame"

This installation technique is quite simple. Sometimes it is called dry. The glass block is fixed on special modular systems. This method allows you to quickly lay out perfectly smooth walls without plumb lines and levels. Usually, the frames are made of plastic or wood, aluminum and polyurethane are also found. Each block has its own cell, its size is selected depending on the dimensions of the glass block. The frame is attached to the wall with screws, also fixed on the floor and ceiling. In the cells, the blocks are fixed by means of special rubber gaskets. This installation method does not require special skills, but is used only to create decorative or interior partitions where good sound insulation is not needed.

For glue or mortar.

This technique is more complex, time-consuming and will require certain knowledge. Fix the material on a special glue for glass blocks. Reinforcement is performed at the installation site. Two stainless steel rods are laid on the floor parallel to each other. The width between them should be less than the depth of the glass block. Vertical reinforcement is performed with a step equal to the width of the block. For better sealing, an insulating tape is fixed to the base of the frame. On it, the place of joining of the blocks is marked with the help of spacer crosses. After laying each row, the structure is reinforced, two reinforcing rods are laid in parallel and recessed into the solution.

Glass block laying

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