Stereoscopic wallpapers: views, design ideas, volumetric photo wallpapers in the interior, gluing. Stereoscopic wallpapers: views, design ideas, voluminous photo wallpapers in the interior, sticking Choice and placement in the interior

3D wallpapers for walls create a three-dimensional effect in the room, which results in a stylish and unusual design. Realistic images make the interior unforgettable and exceptional.

What is 3D wallpaper?

A large-format pattern that was modeled on a computer and applied to a paper, vinyl or non-woven roll base. With the help of certain particles that reflect light, the impression of a three-dimensional image is created.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like all other varieties, 3D wall murals for walls have their pros and cons.

Types of volumetric wallpaper

Allocate the main types of wallpaper for walls with a 3D effect.


Seamless fabrics of a standard size, with a pattern that does not require complex joining. Most often these are geometric or abstract patterns.


Decorative paintings or individual parts of the image. They are placed on the wall as an independent element, sometimes framed along the contour.


They make it possible to create incredibly realistic scenes. Panoramic wallpapers, the length of which can reach several tens of meters, are glued to several walls at once or around the entire perimeter of the room.


They are an electronic system consisting of LEDs. The remote control allows you to change color, choose brightness or composition.


In daylight, they look like ordinary wallpaper for walls with a 3D effect, and at night they are significantly transformed and begin to emit a flowing soft light. To give the paintings a special realism, fluorescent lamps will help.

In the photo there is a bedroom and fluorescent murals with a 3D effect on the wall.


A three-dimensional drawing that acquires volume due to the peculiarities of human vision. Stereoscopic wallpapers are characterized by a realistic and high-quality image.

Design Options

They allow you to transform the interior and make it unique in its own way.


Elements of floristry are quite relevant and in demand when decorating rooms in various styles. Such an abundance of floral plots with rosebuds, orchids, sakura, field daisies, simple dandelions, luxurious peonies, delicate tulips or beautiful water lilies with a watercolor effect can captivate everyone and create the most unique design.

The photo shows the interior of the living room and 3D photo wallpaper with flowers on the wall.

Wall mural expanding space

Especially suitable for small rooms. Properly selected models of photo wallpapers that expand the space will give the room lightness and volume and are ideal for the chosen interior design.

Under the brick

They give the interior an unusual look and create a light and cozy atmosphere in it. Especially, this can be achieved when using wallpaper with brickwork in light colors.


Images of night megacities, various buildings, streets and famous places will become an elegant and unbanal solution, create the effect of presence and the illusion of space in the room.

In the photo there is a hall with a wall decorated with 3D photo wallpapers with a night city.


Such 3D wall murals for walls will make the surroundings of the whole room unique. The high-quality image looks very realistic and resembles a real forest, sea, mountains, waterfall or the whole underwater world.


Images of animals will harmoniously complement the design of any room, regardless of its style. Canvases with a rhinoceros are suitable for lovers of African motifs, and 3D wallpapers with horses will emphasize the atmosphere of drive and energy in the interior and make an indelible impression.

In the photo there is a living room and a wall with 3D photo wallpapers with a rhinoceros.


The cubic effect created by 3D wallpaper with geometric patterns is visible only in large rooms, at a certain distance. Quite often there are images of squares, rectangles, three-dimensional cubes, balls floating in the air, and many others.


Able to transform the room in the most amazing way. Favorite brands of cars, rare cars and sports cars will create dynamics and become a bright and unique decor for the entire interior.

The photo shows a living room with a wall decorated with 3D photo wallpapers with a car.


Creative abstract canvases that create optical effects are suitable for those who want to create a truly original design.

View from the window

This image is suitable for small spaces. 3D wallpaper with a view from the window will give the room a unique landscape and become a simple, but at the same time ingenious interior design idea.


The theme of space is quite an interesting and popular motif. Images of endless outer space are breathtaking and admirable for their mystery, coolness and frightening beauty.

In the photo there is a teenager's room and a wall with space 3D photo wallpapers.

With perspective

Wallpaper for walls with an artistic technique such as linear or vertical perspective allows you to create the feeling of a receding object. They will become a real highlight of the interior, expand the space and change its geometry.

In the photo there is a dining room and 3D photo wallpaper with a perspective on the wall.

black and white

They give the room expressiveness and unusualness. Such an original design will emphasize the great taste and will successfully fit into the interior of any room.


Naturalistic drawings in different styles look spectacular and are in perfect harmony with the stucco and the rest of the interior design.

Young woman

This image is not suitable for every interior. Best of all, such canvases look in rooms in a modern style, loft or high-tech. They will emphasize the original taste and become a real art object.

Room Design Ideas

For the design of each room, you need to take into account not only the features of the room, but also carefully select the theme.


Living room or hall

In a small living room, you can pick up 3D photo wallpapers in bright colors with a perspective image. For a room of more impressive size, dark colors and unusual three-dimensional patterns are chosen. The main thing is that the canvases are combined with the general theme of the interior of the hall.

Corridor and hallway

Wallpaper with 3D effect will bring a unique, original and unusual atmosphere to the interior of the hallway. They will make this small room very original and pleasing to the eye from an aesthetic point of view.


Often choose floral prints or natural images. For a small bathroom, drawings that visually expand the room are suitable.


Due to its moisture resistance, photo wallpapers are perfect for decorating a bathroom and give it a special originality, while bright plot images will make it cozy and modern.

In the photo there is a bathroom and 3D photo wallpaper depicting a tunnel.

Shape and location

The original placement of wall 3D wallpaper will allow you to transform the room without much effort.


They allow you to implement non-standard ideas, effectively transform the interior and help in the ergonomic organization of space.

Whole wall

This arrangement on the wall will expand the boundaries of the room and create a creative atmosphere in the room.


More neutral and calm volumetric images will do. Wallpaper imitating wood, bamboo, brick or stone will look great.

Behind the TV

It is desirable that the pattern on the 3D wallpaper is not too bright and catchy and does not distract attention from television viewing, but at the same time complements the general view of the wall behind the TV.


A decorative panel with a 3D pattern will become an interesting and stylish accent in the room.

Photo in various styles

3D wall murals are a fairly versatile material for wall decoration and are suitable for almost any room style.

High tech

Abstract elements, robots and unusual forms of modern technologies diversify the interior and fill the space.


In this style, 3D canvases depicting cities, streets, bridges or abandoned buildings will look interesting.

The photo shows a loft-style dining room and 3D photo wallpaper with the Brooklyn Bridge.

Selection rules

There are several rules for a competent choice:

  • For small narrow rooms, you should choose calm and unobtrusive landscapes with a perspective that will visually expand the space.
  • The pattern on the 3D wallpaper should harmoniously fit into the interior and not stand out from the overall design of the room.
  • It is desirable that the background wall decoration matches the photo wallpaper and emphasizes the pattern.
  • It is better to purchase 3D wallpapers for walls in specialized stores, from reputable manufacturers.

How to glue volumetric wallpaper?

Pasting walls with 3D canvases coincides with the general algorithm for sticking photo wallpapers, but requires more care and accuracy. It would be better to entrust this process to professionals.

Photo gallery

3D wallpaper for walls with beautiful three-dimensional images will give you amazing emotions and the illusion of complete immersion in space. They can relax or, on the contrary, tone up, as well as relieve fatigue and stress.

Wall murals are a widespread type of wall decoration, which are often used both for zoning rooms and for placing semantic accents in a room. In recent years, conventional photo wallpaper has increasingly been competed with wallpaper with a 3D effect. What are they?

3D wallpapers are the same images with pictures of nature, urban life, seascapes, mountains, space and other drawings that have won the love of consumers, for which a special technique is used that “spreads” open spaces and creates a realistic panoramic image.

In what rooms can 3D wallpaper be glued? There are no restrictions here. Volumetric paintings of various subjects are used for decoration:

  • Kitchens - photos with still lifes, sunflowers, berry baskets and fields prevail here.
  • Bedrooms are the room in which you can most often see images of flowers and landscapes. For the bedroom, it is better to choose three-dimensional paintings made in pastel colors.
  • Children's room is a huge selection of wallpapers with images of various cartoon characters and fairy tales. It is important here that the images of the characters are kind, otherwise the child may be afraid of them.
  • Living room - in the interior of this room you can see a wide variety of 3D wallpapers: pictures of nature, photos of cities, images of outer space or fantastic stories.
  • Hallway - in order for the 3D effect to open in this room, it is necessary that the room be very spacious (which is quite rare) and then you can use such interesting ideas as a 3D image of a closet or pictures with paths going into the distance for decoration.
  • Bathroom - here, as a rule, wallpaper of a marine theme prevails: waves, coast, palm trees, etc.

The main requirement for the room in which it is planned to stick voluminous photo wallpapers is its area. The room should be quite spacious. It makes no sense to glue 3D wallpaper in rooms with an area of ​​​​less than 18 square meters: the effect of a three-dimensional image in a small space simply will not be revealed.

Advantages of 3D photo wallpaper

The popularity of 3D images is explained by their advantages:

Man has always been interested in everything new. Therefore, the new technology for creating patterns on wallpaper could not go unnoticed by people. With the help of 3D space takes on a completely different look.

Environmentally friendly wallpapers - they are created only from materials that are safe for human health.

Ease of wall decoration with the help of photo wallpapers and simple care for them: as a rule, all photo wallpapers have a protective film, which makes it possible to wipe and wash them with a damp cloth and even a brush.

Photowall-paper is protected from ignition, conforms to requirements of fire safety.

If you decide to change something in your apartment or room, take the opportunity to buy inexpensive 3D photo wallpapers in our online store. Explore the catalog on the site and choose the best price for your budget.

With the advent of 3D images, the world has changed. 3D wallpaper is a special material that is interesting, pleasant and comfortable to work with. Designers immediately took note of this way of decor. It also appealed to young people, housewives, businessmen, office workers, shop and factory workers.

This is a bold, bold approach. The effect of presence is a distinctive feature. Photos of 3D wallpapers invite you to a world where everything is possible.

Practicality and reliability

This type of wallpaper is a solid foundation, a special type of digital image, modern, latest technology that is easy to use. You can safely study the catalog of 3D wallpapers, buy and start repairing. Motivates to buy functionality, practicality, beauty.

They are made from environmentally friendly materials, they are reliable. Their surface is covered with a special composition that protects the image from fading, distortion. They refer to wallpaper that can be washed, moreover, with absolutely any detergent.

Manufacturers have made every effort to protect the surface. Wallpaper will last for many years, will not spoil the impression. The composition with which the surface is treated is also fireproof.

This wallpaper is easy to stick to the wall with your own hands. The adhesive required is the same as for standard vinyl. Professional builders have already mastered this material, effective gluing techniques. They will help create the perfect decor if required.

Often they prefer to entrust the work to people who have the skill. You can not ignore the tenderness, delicacy of this variety of building materials.

It is necessary to take into account two points when deciding to buy a 3D wallpaper, to decorate the area available with their help: it is necessary to process the surface well, it must be absolutely even, carefully adjust the pattern, and achieve an absolute match.

It is important to correctly calculate your strengths, calculate the budget, analyze how much material it will not be a pity to accidentally spoil, the time that is left. It should be noted that one cannot cope with this task alone - it is necessary that at least four people act together at the same time.

Not always friends and relatives will agree to help. It’s easier to spend a little more money on repairs, hire professional builders, make a gift for yourself, a surprise for your loved ones.

Either way, your hard work will pay off. Modern 3d wallpaper is a paradise for receptors, a special load. Its pace and degree can be controlled at your own discretion.

Types of wallpaper with the effect of presence

There are several options for these wallpapers. They will help create a panorama or slightly update the design of the room without changing its style too much. These wallpapers can play not only the role of the first violin in the orchestra, but also the role of the second violin, which, of course, is valuable.

They are versatile and extravagant at the same time. One partition decorated with them will completely change the impression of the room.

On sale are:

  • standard - with the image of abstraction, ornament, geometric shapes of different densities;
  • fluorescent - in the dark, their weak glow becomes noticeable;
  • single - sheets of a predetermined size with a pattern that are suitable for decorating a small section of the wall;
  • panoramic - completely cover the surface, create volume, perspective, multidimensionality;
  • LED 3D wallpaper - LED technology is in harmony with the digital image.

Places where it is appropriate to use them

This wallpaper is no worse than a wall of mirrors to expand the space. Columns, tunnels, non-existent rooms may appear. Any wall with their help will disappear. It is advisable to strive to maintain a balance between an ideal optical illusion, a parallel world, another reality and a sense of comfort and safety.

On the other hand, you can take risks. This is a matter of personal taste. In which direction the interior design with 3D wallpaper will be transformed, the person who chooses their type and pattern decides.

They are suitable for decorating living rooms and office spaces, with a large area and a small one. Living room, hallway, bedroom, nursery, kitchen, bathroom - everywhere their use is relevant. Bathroom, toilet is usually decorated with tiles.

But these wallpapers can withstand moisture. So if the ventilation works well, the curtain protects from steam, you can decorate the bathroom with them. For example, almost every person thought about a bathroom with a European-style window. It's easy to make dreams come true with 3d wallpaper.

Cute drawings in the nursery will help the baby develop imagination, be more active, cheerful. They will get rid of the fear of darkness, improve mood, beckon to explore the world. For adults, they will help change stereotypes, develop new habits.

Teenagers will like these wallpapers, they will help to gain confidence. With their help, you can begin to perceive the world as it is, to eliminate self-deception. Sometimes adults lack confidence. Knowing that there really is no door, it is still difficult to be surprised and surprised, play, flirt.

In public places

3D wallpaper for walls with a neutral theme pattern is ideal for decorating non-residential premises - office, reception, office, staff room, cafe, bar, restaurant, shop and others. This is the latest invention that is likely to become a classic one day. This design will help increase the flow of visitors, reduce the number of conflicts.

Brightness, attractiveness is an obvious advantage. An ideal theme, a win-win option are images of flowers, art objects. Every person loves them. They are harmoniously combined with ethnic style, hi-tech, minimalism and other trends.

Today and tomorrow

Finding the right 3D wallpaper is both easy and difficult at the same time. If you make a mistake, instead of a room for relaxation, relieving psychological stress, you can create a realm of frightening deception.

The easiest way to understand their concept is to start from the elements, choose wind, water, fire, earth as a guide. The elements are dangerous. They were tamed, overcoming fear, risking their lives.

It no longer makes sense to dream of a fireplace in the hall. For what? It is only because of the heat, the dynamics of the fire, that one can desire to build it. It's easier to buy 3D wallpaper with its image. The same goes for the fountain. With their help, you can feel what the galaxies, the Universe, the labyrinth of the Minotaur, the jungle, the sea, the desert are.

If you want to change the decor after a while, you should not deny yourself this. The need for beauty, harmony, pleasure from design must be satisfied.

Involve more than just walls

An surreal, magnificent design in a room or in an apartment, a house will also help to create 3d floors. This technology is noteworthy if 3d wallpaper is chosen. It applies on its own.

The advantages are practicality, functionality, reliability. Disadvantages - relatively high cost. And yet beauty is worthy of generosity.

The combination of wallpaper and floor is a good choice. In the era of astronautics, nanotechnology, ingenious discoveries, great changes, such a design is most welcome. Every person can afford it. It is out of competition because of its uniqueness. At least one room will surely want to be decorated like this by every person. There is no reason to deny yourself this.

To risk to buy or forget?

This type of wallpaper and floor can claim the status of an absolute creative, be its symbol. As you know, for many years, scientists believed that the ability to be creative underlies evolution, but only a person demonstrates it.

Recently, the opposite has been proven. It was found that animals are able to think and act in this way. But this does not mean that they can develop just as quickly, compete with the king of nature.

Civilization, art, science and industry develop when the mind creates something new, something that could not be imagined before.

These wallpapers and floors, 3D technology is a real creative breakthrough. Their appearance is a revolution in the history of design. They will be popular for many years. Although it may seem that they are just beautiful, nothing more.

This is a deceptive impression. With their help, magic, thriller, action becomes closer. The room will turn into a paradise or a room of fear, laughter, fantasies, goals, plans, cognitive dissonance.

Photo 3d wallpaper

The living room is most often the main room in the apartment, because it is here that the whole family gathers, and parties and friendly meetings take place. That is why the arrangement of the hall is an important task for those who want to impress their guests and leave a pleasant impression for a long time. One of the most successful options can be 3D wallpapers, which are not only unusual, but really help to enliven the atmosphere in the interior of the apartment.

Features, advantages and disadvantages

3D wallpaper is a high-quality, wide-format pattern printed on various types of substrates. First, the selected image is modeled on a computer, after which the desired color is selected. The last step is to transfer the image to a roll base and print. The base can be different - paper, non-woven or vinyl.

The 3D wallpaper itself can also be divided into several options. Standard models with abstract drawings and single ones, which are small separate fragments, are very common. For true connoisseurs, designers are ready to offer large-format panoramic wallpapers that can create a feeling of complete immersion in the picture. Fluorescent canvases look very beautiful, allowing the room to glow slightly in the dark.

The most expensive and chic solution is LED wallpaper, famous for its ability to change the picture at the request of the owner.

3D wallpaper in an apartment has a lot of advantages. The first of them is an extensive assortment, where everyone can choose for themselves both a small picture and a whole panorama. Cloths are easy to stick, they are resistant to sudden changes in temperature, cold, sunlight, dampness.

Small dirt is quickly removed with ordinary soapy water, and pets will not be able to damage the surface, trying to use it as a scratching post.

In addition, wallpaper can be glued to a wall of any size: both on the entire surface and on its part.

Along with such visible advantages, 3D wallpapers also have a number of significant disadvantages. They are not very suitable for tiny rooms with low ceilings, because to fully enjoy the effect, it is worth viewing from a distance. For those who quickly get bored with fresh repairs and want something new, such canvases are also not recommended, because they are not cheap, and a hastily selected picture can get bored.

We must not forget that the constant contemplation of the picture and immersion in its atmosphere can cause severe fatigue.

Subtleties of choice and gluing

Choosing stylish wallpaper for the living room, first of all, you should consider its size. Designers do not recommend 3D canvases for small spaces, however, if you like this option, you can always try. Think about models that expand the space - light wallpaper with a perspective image. This solution will help to visually enlarge the room, make it more spacious and brighter. Calm colors should prevail in the color scheme - white, peach, light blue, soft yellow, pale pink, pastel.

Having a living room of impressive size, you can afford more ideas. For a large-scale room, it is appropriate to choose even dark wallpapers with an unusual panorama, the main thing is that they fit into the overall theme of the interior. Wide volumetric images occupying the entire area of ​​​​the wall look interesting.

Be careful when choosing a shade - light wallpaper will give the room warmth and comfort, while cool or dark tones will expand the space.

It would be a good idea to delimit the hall into different zones. For example, a place where you used to relax can be beautifully decorated with the help of calm natural landscapes. The guest area, where noise and brightness are important, will be ideal if wallpapered with rich abstract patterns.

Pay attention to the color of furniture and accessories - bright elements should not contrast too much with the wallpaper, otherwise the whole picture will turn out to be mixed.

To shade furniture in bright colors, pick up calm light canvases with a neutral pattern.

Wallpapering on adjacent walls will also help to highlight a certain area in an original way. This will create a beautiful transition effect of the picture, and emphasize the realistic atmosphere conveyed by the image. On adjacent walls, stereoscopic models look quite creative, especially landscapes and the beauty of the underwater world.

When sticking such wallpaper, select the glue that is suitable for the base, and do not let it get on the front of the canvas.

Modern widescreen 3D wallpapers look perfect behind a TV or sofa. Also, if the living room has a fireplace, you can perfectly decorate this area with the help of such photo wallpapers. It is worth considering that the glossy surface strongly reflects light, so it is reasonable to glue shiny canvases in darker areas, and not opposite windows and balcony doors. In addition, bright sunlight will shimmer with glare on the pasted over walls, which can drastically distort the picture.

Popular topics

It is sometimes very difficult to choose an image for widescreen wallpapers, because a huge assortment can captivate for several hours, or even days.

If you cannot decide on the style of the picture, experts recommend contacting an interior designer who will offer a photo catalog and the latest novelties.

The subject of drawings is very extensive, however, to facilitate the selection, it can be divided into several categories.

Natural motives

This is one of the most common 3D wallpaper themes. Calm landscapes relax, bring peace and harmony to the room. Not only images of rivers, lakes and forests look great, but also canvases overlooking the ocean, tropical island and beach. Paintings with sunset, animals, flowers will also be a good idea - they will cheer you up and will be able to keep you busy contemplating the beautiful for a long time.

“Wallpaper with a window frame” is very popular, then it seems that all this beauty is right outside the window.


For those who have long been bored with natural landscapes, a great solution would be to create a city in your living room. Urban views are a wonderful novelty in the world of interior design, it is gaining more and more popularity. Feel free to purchase paintings with images of famous cities, masterpieces of architecture and sculpture, historical monuments, streets and squares. Black-and-white photo wallpapers with a view of the night city look especially advantageous. And if they are also fluorescent, then you definitely won’t have to wait for the end of the guests.

Continuation of the interior

Pictures that seem to continue the interior of the room have one of the most amazing effects. You can look at such an image for hours, and it will never get bored. As a picture, you can choose a summer terrace, a balcony, a window, a staircase going forward or up.


Abstractions are primarily interesting for those who prefer minimalism in everything. Such wallpapers will perfectly fit into the living room, made in a modern style - minimalism, hi-tech, loft, fusion. You should not choose a pattern that is too intricate, the concept of most trends involves simple, clear lines and geometric patterns.

macro photography

Canvases with images of macro photography are a real find for photographers and creative people. Close-ups of water droplets, foliage, snowflakes, flower petals, ladybugs look great. Enlarged photographs of natural elements - fire or water - would be a good idea.

When buying such models, it is necessary to take into account their brightness and how they will be in harmony with the rest of the living room interior.

Nowadays, 3D photo wallpapers are often used in interior design. Now we can observe such images everywhere, although ten years ago the concept of three-dimensional drawings remained far beyond our understanding.

Wall mural 3d differ in their volume, close to reality. They are characterized by an optical illusion, which allows you to implant the image into the surrounding reality. Instead of the standard wall decoration, you can choose wallpaper in 3D format from our catalog or send us your version of a high quality 3D image.

At the request of the client, our professional designers will be able to create 3D wallpapers for walls from scratch. They will select the background and overlay any three-dimensional image with animals, landscapes, flowers, famous reproductions, abstraction, etc.

Selection of the original plot of 3d wallpaper

It is quite understandable that an individual approach is needed for decorating rooms. So, for each room a certain plot is chosen. For example, images with the underwater world or sea portholes, in which exotic fish and flocks of dolphins swim by, are ideal for decorating a bathroom. Show all your creative abilities by sticking these photo wallpapers on the wall. 3d photos will help to create an imitation of reality, striking in its similarity with realistic images.

For a children's room, 3d photo wallpapers are perfect. The KLV online store offers a wide range of photo wallpapers for interiors of various purposes. Just imagine that thanks to such three-dimensional wallpaper, your baby will find himself in a real fairy-tale kingdom full of mysteries and fascinating stories.

As for the bedroom 3d wallpaper in the interior will look unusually beautiful, emphasizing the aesthetics and original design of the room. The theme of the images should promote relaxation and sleep. It can be an azure sea or a colorful mountain landscape.

3d wallpapers are ideal for spacious rooms where certain laws of space are observed. Due to this, the visual effect is enhanced.

How do photo wallpapers with a 3D effect change a room?

3D wallpaper pasted on the wall with a photo can greatly change the room. So, for example, if the bedroom cannot boast of large sizes - these wall coverings can correct this situation. In order to visually expand the room, you should give preference to options with a perspective: the horizon, sunset or dawn over the sea, the image of an endless field. It is enough just to imagine how such 3d wallpapers look like to understand: this is an ideal option for a small room, moreover, it has a low price.

For the kitchen, you can buy inexpensive 3D photo wallpapers in our online store with the image of a window into a marvelous garden or a wonderful city landscape. Such a design technique will create the illusion of a large space and everyone who sees such a design will certainly get the impression that he is really looking out the window and practically inhaling the aroma of amazing and unusual flowers. In particular, this option is suitable for urban residents, far from nature.

How to buy 3D photo wallpaper without leaving home?

How much do 3d photo wallpapers cost? The price for them does not differ at all from other photo wallpapers, because it does not depend on the image, but on the texture and type of printing you have chosen. So, it is in your power to choose a more original image for your home.

How to buy 3d photo wallpaper? Moscow and Belgorod - in these cities you can purchase products directly at our office. In other regions of Russia, wallpapers are delivered by a delivery service convenient for you. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, products are delivered free of charge.

We are always ready to help you with the creation of a unique 3D design - call us right now.

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