Poems for the day of the investigator, congratulations on the day of the investigator. Congratulations on the day of the investigator in your own words Congratulations on the day of the investigator

Happy Holidays!
Lots and lots of joy
Cheerfulness at work
And in work - subtleties,
fair severity,
Not pride - pride!
Happiness, inspiration,
smart decision,
new reading,
Long patience!

4 sms - 210 characters

May law and justice
Will be a matter of life,
So that the villains do not dream,
How to deceive people.

Efficient work for you
To everyone involved in the investigation.
Do not forget you are in worries -
A holiday awaits you today!

4 sms - 206 characters

On the day of the investigating officer, I wish you successful work. Let a bright mind, unique intelligence, high professionalism and ingenuity always help in business. Good luck always and everywhere, happy and joyful life, purposefulness and well-being.

4 sms - 250 characters

Today is your professional day.
And no one doubts
That your nerves are like flint.

We wish you patience, endurance,
After all, the consequence is a thin thread.
And in this web of investigation
We want to save ourselves.

4 sms - 234 characters

I wish you courage, courage,
To detain the villains of all!
After all, you are huge hard workers,
That means success will come to you
And justice will be done in a moment
Thanks to all of you guys!
Let your career go up
And the salary always goes up!

4 sms - 228 characters

Today is a special day, a holiday for the employees of the investigating authorities! We want to congratulate you and wish you good luck in your investigations, forget about fear and fatigue! Your hard and always hard work makes this world a better place!

4 sms - 211 characters

Observance of laws, wisdom, patience,
And, of course, on this day - congratulations to all of you!
Impeccable results, high erudition,
Good luck and good luck to the investigative police.

3 sms - 169 characters

I congratulate the employee of the investigating authorities of Russia on the Day and wish you excellent work, high erudition, brave ingenuity, wonderful intuition, great ideas, undoubted luck, successful activities and prosperity in life.

4 sms - 214 characters

It's not easy for you to conduct an investigation,
Do you have a special job?
Find, see, catch,
And other worries you have.

On your holiday I want to wish
Patience, strength and good luck,
Always be on the lookout, in the ranks
Only this way and nothing else.

4 sms - 213 characters

Those who worked as a result
And it's working now
Today we congratulate
We wish them strength reserve,
Let them open up more
The most difficult crimes
And for our peaceful life
They do everything possible!

3 sms - 196 characters

Your professional holiday Investigator's Day- Employees of the investigative apparatus of the internal affairs bodies celebrate April 6 every year. By the way, this date is symbolic, since on April 6, 1963, the Ministry of Public Order of the Soviet Union received the right to conduct a preliminary investigation. That is, in fact, it was the official origin of the activities of the employees of the investigative apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

When the USSR collapsed Investigator's Day neither canceled nor postponed to another date, especially since from year to year it was actively celebrated by representatives of law enforcement agencies. But at the same time, this holiday was not officially approved, which does not prevent it from being quite popular. Congratulations on Investigator's Day you can often hear from officials, which once again emphasizes its importance.

In any case, if someone in your family works in the investigating authorities, then do not forget to prepare your Wishes for Investigator's Day. This difficult profession always requires great dedication and real masculine qualities. Therefore, a holiday is another reason to remind your loved one of his best qualities.


He is always immersed in work,
His working day is not standardized ...
He is an investigator, that's why he
He does not know rest as such.

Today is his day, which means
May the investigation be lucky!
Let things unwind!
We give congratulations to the investigator!


He is fast, resourceful, very brave,
He does many things,
Always at work, sleeps little,
And he doesn't sit in the office.
Congratulations on Investigator's Day
We bring him, and cognac.
And if we don’t stop in place -
We will congratulate him in absentia,
And with him and the investigators of all -
May they be successful!


He follows the trail day and night,
And everyone calls him an investigator.
Will understand, read any sign,
There is nothing incomprehensible to him!

Although he acts imperceptibly, slowly -
His work will be completed successfully!
He will unravel the most complex tangle,
For this we give him congratulations!


Today the investigator is cheerful,
After all, today is a holiday.
And I didn't even hang the thief
Well deserved time.

Of course he needs to wish
Good luck, happy worries.
Get along well with the prosecutor's office,
To have glory and honor.

We give our Pathfinders
From the heart this congratulations,
Tired and slightly unshaven
Cheerful, smart, like a whistle!


When things go through the labyrinths,
The mind of the tracker will logically pass,
He will prove his guilt skillfully,
Will take away punishment from the innocent!

Your road is thousands of interrogations,
Experiments of the investigation can not be counted,
Let all questions be solved by reason,
Accept respect, not flattery!


You are an investigator. This means
Life with lawlessness in the struggle.
Let the whole underworld cry
When he hears about you.

Let there be fewer violations
More peace and love.
Be brave in making decisions
May your plans come true!


Your work is pride.
Thanks to people like you
Before the law, all obedience
Watch out. Let dreams come true

You in every new day of work
Enter with a smile on your lips!
Let all worries be in joy,
Green light - in all matters!


Today is a special day for us
Praise be to your profession!
I want to congratulate you
You remembered my love.

I congratulate you today
You forgot your fatigue and fear!
And from the bottom of my heart I wish you
Good luck with your investigations.


Iron logic, mind power,
Any problem can be solved by you!

Thank you for having us
That you won't believe in sweet flattery.

We wish, in addition to great intuition,
To make dinner at home a tradition
And so that the minute was for leisure,
And so that they see you as a friend at work!


The work of an investigator is not easy,
After all, he has business, not worries.
And conscience for him is the highest court,
Being honest is his whole job.

The hope of the weak, he is protection and law
And justice for the innocent.
He is our only shield
From those who do not let us sleep peacefully.

So let's wish unseen miracles:
So that the bandits surrender to them hourly,
That disclosure skyrocketed,
And let the streets breathe safely.

Sources used in preparing this section:
Congratulations, poems from Pozdravl.ru
Pozhelanie.ru - congratulations in verse, toasts and SMS wishes
Happy birthday sms for loved ones Greets.ru
Congratulations and toasts on Congratulate OK

Happy Investigators Day
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
You mark it without consequences,
And ask crime pepper.

Justice always triumphs
Know all your honor and courage:
After all, without you, even on the pavement
Could we take a step!

Can you catch the criminal?
And find the loss in an instant,
You are investigating
And you are on guard of the country!

All Russia congratulates
Happy professional day
To you tolerance and happiness,
No problem!

So that all cases are closed,
Prosperity and goodness
So that dreams always come true
I wish you well!

I congratulate you on the Day of the officer of the Russian investigating authorities and sincerely wish you to always follow the right path, never leave a single piece of evidence and detail of the crime unattended, always be guided by high professionalism, brilliant intuition, excellent ingenuity and impeccable logic. Let it work for glory, let it live for pleasure.

Investigators, congratulations,
Your glorious day today.
I wish you crime
I drive away the shadow from Russia
Let the hard work
Will not extinguish the spark in the heart
A reward for labor
Let the shoulder strap decorate soon.
I wish you strength, health,
Never retreat
And in my work difficult
I would like to show the class.

Observance of laws, wisdom, patience,
And, of course, on this day - congratulations to all of you!
Impeccable results, high erudition,
Good luck and good luck to the investigative police.

Those who worked as a result
And it's working now
Today we congratulate
We wish them strength reserve,
Let them open up more
The most difficult crimes
And for our peaceful life
They do everything possible!

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
We wish your success
Were always good.

We wish you health and endurance,
May you always be by your side
There will be loved ones
Welfare and kindness.

Congratulations to the investigators,
We wish them great success in their work.
In a family of understanding, let them always appreciate
Your work will never be forgotten.

Find all the criminals so that they can,
In our vast expanses of the earth.
So that all your affairs go with a bang,
And to make the country proud of you.

On the day of the investigators
We send our congratulations, greetings!
To solve all crimes
Change our world for the better.
Facts, arguments and arguments
Find so that you can in moments.
To make your life easy
Things didn't pile up.
All successfully serve you the right,
And to be happy ourselves!

It's not easy for you to conduct an investigation,
Do you have a special job?
Find, see, catch,
And other worries you have.

On your holiday I want to wish
Patience, strength and good luck,
Always be on the lookout, in the ranks
Only this way and nothing else.

"Secrets of the investigation", a little,
Will open to us in the cinema,
But, of course, all the secrets -
We won't know anyway.

On this holiday
Let me wish you -
Only great results
Never lose heart.

And in any difficult job
There should also be a holiday.
Less disturbing news for you,
Happiness, joy, love!

Honoring the employees of the investigative apparatus began in the Soviet Union. Internal affairs workers needed to be encouraged for their dangerous and difficult work, while creating a strong structure that would meet all the needs of society. Over the years of its existence, the investigative apparatus has undergone many different changes. Nevertheless, in the end, a system operating according to strict rules was created, the duty of which was not only to ensure the protection of citizens and their property, but also to develop the necessary legal norms and constantly update them to meet modern conditions. In order for workers to better cope with their duties, the state encourages them by rewarding them with bonuses and awarding higher ranks. Date, we celebrate the day of the employee of the investigating authorities - April 6.

You have a lot to investigate
Perhaps in life it happened
But that's just the beginning
May God grant that all your dreams come true.
Congratulations on the day of the investigator,
We sincerely wish peaceful victories,
Let the work bring admiration
Let the mood always be excellent.

You are simply a master of your craft,
Investigator - the highest class,
You'll find a clue out of nothing
You will protect us from chaos.
Today is the day of the investigator, congratulations,
We sincerely wish you to achieve your goal,
Let your career grow rapidly
May happiness enter your house without knocking.

The investigator has a lot to do
Investigate everything to the end - his destiny,
He is meticulous, decisive and fair,
Full of energy, enthusiasm and strength.
Dear investigator, accept congratulations,
May all your dreams come true
May every day make you happy
May the Lord keep from troubles and evil.

Investigator's Day is a great occasion
Forget about the villains for a moment.
Let there be order at home and on the street
And so that you reach great heights!
I want a promotion at work
You are not only an investigator
but, but also a lovely person
I wish you a lot of stars on shoulder straps
And nice people to meet!

On the road again, follow the trail
Don't slip past your eyes
And you got the job
You need to unfold the node.
You're used to dealing with everything
And solve mysteries
How can you not admire
Do not give honor to the servant?
Congratulations and wish
Don't lose your talent
After all, they place hope
People are just for you.

Another case on the way
And you're the only tracker of that kind
The bandit will not resist you,
I wish you have enough strength.
Don't let the bullets fly over you
And the holster calmly, quietly sleeps,
Management rewards work
And the Lord himself favors you.
You can handle everything, I'm sure of you
No wonder you serve as an example to all.

You are determined to win, from birth a tracer,
Breakers of the law, again settle into darkness,
Let them be afraid to do something and break laws,
And it's not new to you, to put them behind bars.
There are rumors in the department that the investigator does not sleep at all,
Day and night, a hard worker, sitting at work,
I wish you to rest more often and calmly,
There is still work ahead, enough to save the whole world.

You follow the trail - you find evidence,
You can solve any murder in no time.
Through dirty avenues and dark back streets
Quietly you approach hucksters and urks.
I will not hide my respect from the tracker,
You know the laws, and there is a word in your pocket,
Contaminated gun and bullet at the ready
I hope you can help with banditry.
I wish you health, do not mess with blood,
Good luck and joy, may they be with you.

Dear investigator, local Sherlock Holmes,
May career growth come to you again,
And your makings will all begin to love,
Vile bandits, difficult work to appreciate.
May your work bring joy
And the year will pass quietly, without excesses,
You will cope with the task, you just need to watch,
Everything will work out, you just need to want it.

Every day work: trips, worries,
In search of evidence, our investigator is sitting,
You need to sleep, enjoy life,
Appreciate and love yourself every day.
You are immensely important, brave, smart, courageous,
Behind your back, the experience is not easy.
The main task is to be with luck,
Capercaillie open, and all plant.

Pedantic bloodhound, according to folk sledak,
You will find all the loopholes, the enemy will not be happy at all,
At work day and night, rarely sleep,
You want to open the case again, give the bandit a long time.
I wish you much happiness and good luck,
And I hope the holiday will brighten up, the sadness of another day,
There will be no capercaillie soon and cases will be closed,
There is hope that with you, my life will become cleaner.

The Day of the Investigator of the Russian Federation is a professional holiday for employees and employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, employees and employees of the investigative units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Security Service, the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation. It is celebrated annually on July 25th.

The day of the employee of the investigating authorities of the Russian Federation has been celebrated since 2014, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 27, 2013 No. 741 “On the day of the employee of the investigating authorities of the Russian Federation”.

Back in the middle of the 20th century, jurists argued that the creation of a preliminary investigation body independent of the activities of the prosecutor's office would create effective conditions for the work of investigative bodies and prosecutorial supervision. This idea has been repeatedly voiced in modern days.

On January 15, 2011, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation was created on the basis of the Federal Law. The activities of the employees of this body are aimed at investigating and qualitatively disclosing criminal acts against the life, health and well-being of citizens, corruption and tax crimes. A professional holiday is dedicated to such workers.

Every year on July 25, kind words of congratulations from close people and colleagues are addressed to employees and employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, as well as investigative units of the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs. And those who have shown themselves to be real heroes in the fight against crime receive signs of encouragement from their superiors.

Congratulations on the day of the employee of the investigating authorities of the Russian Federation official in verse

In the investigating authorities, you found a friend,
Knowledge of their application.
To visit you, I came to congratulate
In a career, so that there is movement.
Let "grouse" do not happen in business,
And the protocols will be filled.
I want to wish you happiness in words,
And may all dreams come true.
Do you believe in the truth, respect the law,
You know the price of freedom
You are agile, cheerful and strong
You save people from trouble.
You seek evil, you find light
Do you know the secrets of the mafia
Answer all questions
Attach photos.
Do not conduct investigations today
Don't make it difficult!
Great holiday ahead
We will celebrate!
Today is a holiday for children
In the investigation department
Don't talk about business
All clearing lay!
Let's drink vodka together -
Maybe once a year!
And of course have a bite
Gotta be on the go.
Like a dog you will take a trail,
Same as me!
Happy holiday to you, neighbor,
After all, we are friends!
The work of an investigator is not easy,
After all, he has business, not worries.
And conscience for him is the highest court,
Being honest is his whole job.

The hope of the weak, he is protection and law
And justice for the innocent.
He is our only shield
From those who do not let us sleep peacefully.

So let's wish unseen miracles:
So that the bandits surrender to them hourly,
That disclosure skyrocketed,
And let the streets breathe safely.
Today is your holiday! Hooray!
Greetings from everywhere
And good wishes!
We want to love the service
Be strong, brave, vigilant
And be very happy!
The evidence is all tangled up
All traces are hidden.
And wrapped in mystery
Criminal moves.
But our detective diligently
Unravel the knots.
Everything will be great
When you are on duty!
Search posters are full of,
Interrogations in the station are going on,
And write long treatises
The people who run the business.
We are the investigative body today
Congratulations, thank you -
Their contribution to justice is huge,
Their work is irreplaceable for us!
Finding the culprits is your task
Doing business here is bad luck,
Put all the facts and evidence in a chain,
Look for criminals, murderers and spies.
And on weekends, and on weekdays at work,
What can I say - you live by work.
On this day, we sincerely congratulate
To all investigators, we wish you long years.
Congratulations to you, detectives of the country,
To you, commanders of investigative actions.
We wish you more from the bottom of our hearts
Revealed secrets and fulfillment of desires.

Let not hanging around the neck "hanging",
Things are moving along smoothly.
Good luck, easy on the rise,
And let failures bypass you around.
A lot depends on the outcome.
To whom, where the road "lies",
Here it is important to find all the threads,
Don't make mistakes along the way
So that in court according to the case,
Make the decision skillfully
To plead guilty if,
So that the innocent, live as before,
Good luck in your service,
Wise decisions, people need!

Congratulations on the day of the employee of the investigating authorities on July 25 official in prose

Dear Colleagues!
High professionalism, service to the law and the people, fidelity to duty and homeland - this is what distinguishes you so much in a difficult and dangerous official activity. Investigators of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic continue to successfully fight crime.
A low bow to the veterans of the preliminary investigation bodies, to those who train young investigators with their skills. Your invaluable experience in investigating crimes is passed down from generation to generation.
Thanks to all employees for their loyalty to their official duty, for their professionalism and dedication, for keeping order and legality on weekdays and holidays. I wish good health, success, well-being to you and your loved ones, mutual understanding in the family and further success in this difficult profession!
I congratulate the employee of the investigating authorities on the day and from the bottom of my heart I wish you success, determination, not to “get stale” from everyday work and enjoy life. When investigating another complicated case, remember that you, too, are waiting at home. When risking your life, be careful, because life, it is like that - you can’t return it. May each of your merit be marked by management as it should be, may your salary grow every day, and may the respect of others become your eternal companion! Let weekdays not be hard, and holidays please and inspire!

On the day of the professional holiday, we wish you good health, stability, professional growth, success in solving important tasks and new achievements for the benefit of the Fatherland!
Dear investigators!
Congratulations on your professional holiday!
It depends on your competence, courage and conscientiousness how every inhabitant of the Don can be sure of the safety of their loved ones, the triumph of the Law and the inevitability of punishment for those responsible.
Every year you investigate thousands of grave and especially grave crimes, fight corruption and fraud. Thus, you are making a significant contribution to the stable socio-economic development of the Rostov region.
We are convinced that you will continue to effectively protect law and order in the Don region and uncompromisingly defend the interests of the state and its citizens.
We send special thanks to the veterans of the investigating authorities. Today you share your invaluable experience with young colleagues and serve as an example of professionalism for them.
Good health, prosperity and success in your service for the benefit of the Rostov region and all of Russia!
Dear investigators!
Congratulations on your professional holiday!
The specifics of the work requires from you not only high professionalism, diligence, endurance, but often personal courage.
Your effective activity contributes to reducing the level of crime and corruption in society, strengthening people's faith in the power of law.
On the day of your professional holiday, we wish you good health, stable professional growth, success in solving important tasks and new achievements for the benefit of the Fatherland!

Dear employees and veterans of the investigating authorities! Congratulations on your professional holiday!
On July 25, 1713, Peter I, by his personal decree, founded the investigative office of M.I. Volkonsky, which became the first state body in Russia, subordinate directly to the head of state and endowed with the authority to conduct a preliminary investigation.
Today, investigative units occupy a special place in law enforcement agencies, carrying out the functions of combating crime: exposing a criminal, proving guilt. Devotion to the profession, the ability to make decisions in the most difficult situations, a sense of duty and a high degree of responsibility for the assigned work allow you to successfully complete all the tasks.
I am sure that you will continue to serve as a reliable guarantor of law and order!
Special thanks go to the veterans of the service, who laid down wonderful traditions, passing on knowledge and invaluable experience to the younger generation of investigators.
I wish you good health, prosperity, success in implementing your plans and new achievements in your responsible work!

Congratulations on the day of the employee of the investigating authorities of the Russian Federation short for SMS

Let luck come in a hurry
Every investigative department
On a holiday, you can’t do otherwise,
Even if there is a lot to do!
Indeed, in any division,
All in the investigative only the best minds,
The criminal will not mislead you,
Do not be afraid of rumor speculation!
Your day in April is a holiday to the heart,
When you get some rest
Efforts not to be in vain
May your work be appreciated!
Those who worked as a result
And it's working now
Today we congratulate
We wish them strength reserve,
Let them open up more
The most difficult crimes
And for our peaceful life
They do everything possible!
Happy Holidays!
Lots and lots of joy
Cheerfulness at work
And in work - subtleties,
fair severity,
Not pride - pride!
Happiness, inspiration,
smart decision,
new reading,
Long patience!
On the day of the investigating officer, I wish you successful work. Let a bright mind, unique intelligence, high professionalism and ingenuity always help in business. Good luck always and everywhere, happy and joyful life, purposefulness and well-being.
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
We wish your success
Were always good.

We wish you health and endurance,
May you always be by your side
There will be loved ones
Welfare and kindness.
You save Russia
Remove all danger
And always open
Crime without difficulty.

Congratulations to all employees
We leave you gratitude
We wish you luck
And less crime.
We wish you success in business!
Let it be broken with crime,
In your bulky volumes!
We wish you strength and patience,
In your hard work.
Your work matters
After all, you protect our peace!
Happy Investigators Day!
The evidence is all tangled up
All traces are hidden.
And wrapped in mystery
Criminal moves.
But our detective diligently
Unravel the knots.
Everything will be great
When you are on duty!

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