Vintage style in the interior: design in the spirit of ancient traditions. Modern interior in an old house Design of apartments in the old style

If you intend to give preference to the vintage style in the interior, you should be patient. Since, in order for the image of the room to turn out to be true, sometimes it takes quite a long time to select the necessary furniture, fabrics and decor, because vintage things are very characteristic, and you can’t find them in ordinary stores.

A distinctive and paramount feature of the vintage style in the interior is that the objects in the setting belong to past eras: the 20th, 19th centuries, and sometimes even older. At the same time, the imprint of time and long-term operation of objects should be clearly felt, for example, in the form of cracks and scratches, chips, patina and fuzzy, faded shades.

In general, vintage, as a style for decorating rooms, may also be of interest to you because it does not require significant financial investments, unless, of course, you purchase expensive antique furniture. Otherwise, the cost of buying finishing materials will be moderate, and some items can be purchased at thrift stores, flea markets, or simply found from friends in the attic.

Features of vintage style in the interior

When choosing a vintage style, you need to know that some modern techniques for decorating a room are completely unsuitable here. So, for example, you should refuse suspended or stretch ceilings, wall panels, laminate, stone or linoleum.

Ease of surface cladding

Flooring in the vintage interior of any room, it should be represented either by parquet, or wooden boards, or tiles. At the same time, it is important that these materials look worn, having been used for several decades. Today, many specialized stores of building and finishing materials can offer a wide range of such artificially aged coatings.

Walls it is best to paste over paper wallpaper in light shades with a floral pattern, large flowers, birds and leafy patterns, or simply paint with a neutral paint.

Ceiling it is necessary to level and paint, decoration with stucco elements is welcome - they very characteristically reflect the meaning of the vintage setting.


Furniture in the "age"

It is neutral surfaces that serve as an excellent basis for using unusual, retro or antique furniture. By the way, tall cabinets with carved decor, patinated chests of drawers, forged couches, shelves with openwork slots, coffee tables with a copper frame, massive wooden tables with cracks on the surface and elegant Viennese chairs with peeling paint in some places will come in handy.

Since we live in the 21st century, cult streamlined plastic chairs from the middle of the last century can be called vintage, as well as retro pieces of furniture such as low cabinets with thin legs, laconic sofas raised above the floor, and floor shelves.

Faded colors and patterns

In the whole setting of a vintage interior, a special harmony should be felt due to discreet color combinations. Basically, it is better to use light colors of fabrics, wallpaper, wood. Colors should look faded, pale: shabby blue, light pink, hazy yellow, beige-gray.

The same applies to those patterns that are present in upholstery, textiles, decorative objects and surfaces: if the inscriptions are barely noticeable, the ornaments and patterns are withered, almost pastel.


For the style of screws, it is incredibly appropriate to use rough surfaces in the interior, deliberately aged, as if demonstrating their true nature. The wood should be used in its natural form, roughly processed with traces of knots, cracks. Wooden furniture can be painted with a neutral paint in one layer to clearly show the pattern of the breed.

It is good if the interior contains copper objects, forged lamps with patina, antique ceramic dishes, silver, crystal.

The upholstery of upholstered furniture can be deliberately worn velvet or faded linen, and chests of drawers and sideboard shelves can be decorated with unforgettable macramé napkins.

Pay attention to mirrors: do not buy new ones, you may have a copy with characteristic black spots on the amalgam, in a carved frame covered with patina.



Decorative items from the past

The issue of decorative design in vintage style needs to be treated quite reverently, but not overdo it with the number of items. The room should not look like a branch of an antique shop - everything in moderation and taste, get creative, acquiring only those items that you like and will not clutter up the space of the room.

  1. Hang an antique cuckoo clock on the wall, put a floor clock or attach a laconic mechanism in a round black frame to the sofa.
  2. Use dried flowers: immortelle, clematis, ears and prickly inflorescences. Put a couple of vases with dry bouquets on a chest of drawers and a coffee table.
  3. Arrange a series of family photos of different generations, we are sure that there will be yellowed black and white pictures in the house.
  4. Decorate with retro posters advertising old movies, food, theater posters from the 50s.
  5. Sofas can be covered with an openwork woolen bedspread, several sofa cushions of different textures can be laid out, and a carpet with geometric patterns can be laid on the floor, similar to those that used to be hung on the walls.



Vintage items in a modern interior

Even if the interiors in your home are already completed and made in modern styles, they can be advantageously complemented by vintage accents to make the atmosphere of the home look more cozy and lived-in.

IN kitchen, corridor or hallway the easiest way is to decorate the surface of the wall with a colorful poster - a poster in the spirit of the 40-50s, put a table lamp or a floor lamp with a lampshade - a cone, or complement the decor with a forged wall shelf.


IN bathroom The central decoration of the interior can be a vintage dressing table or cabinet under the sink with a characteristic touch of patina.


It is not always appropriate to use frankly aged items in the nursery, but you can use furniture of a certain form in the spirit of retro, for example, put a bed with an iron headboard and footboard, cover the bed with an openwork bedspread and lay a soft grandmother's rug woven from patches on the floor.

For modern living room in a discreet elegant interior, an antique chest of drawers, a coffee table or a massive mirror in a carved frame above the fireplace or sofa will be the best addition.


Image bedrooms will become more spiritual and exotic if, for example, the interior is complemented with a Chinese screen, an elegant pouffe or a Windsor chair near the dressing table. Also, the corresponding message will be carried by a floor lamp on a carved wooden support, and a lampshade with a light frill.


To equip a vintage home interior with your own hands is not an easy task and requires certain knowledge. The term "vintage" was first used in winemaking, they called wines with a long aging period. Later, with this term, they began to personify the interior, created with the participation of things from previous generations, looking original and original. The fashion trends of a certain era should be read in things.

Such a thing in the interior design of rooms is an accent, the rest of the situation is played around it. This style does not accept the design framework, it leaves a lot of room for creativity and self-realization. The age of a real vintage item is two decades or more. However, artificially aged furnishings are also suitable for this style. If we consider the choice of style, then it can be any that was once relevant in a particular era. Vintage can be an addition to such styles as country, provence, boho.

Interior design principles

Before finding out the basic principles on which this style is based, it is necessary to define the concepts of antiques and vintage.

Antiques are understood as a certain value of cultural heritage, while vintage is an uncomplicated piece of furniture, very simple and dear to the heart, which allows you to decorate your home without any special financial costs.

Intending to repair an apartment, you should focus on the principles that are characteristic of the vintage style in the interior. To realize the design idea of ​​creating a warm country atmosphere with a cozy vintage, you must adhere to the following postulates:

  1. The design should be distinguished by unique furnishings with a touch of wear, while original items of the 20-30s are appropriate here. of the last century, as well as pieces of furniture stylized under them.
  2. When creating a background by pasting wallpaper or painting walls, pastel colors of materials are selected. On the wallpaper, a small pattern can be seen. For example, some manufacturers have entire collections that are ideal for creating antique interiors.
  3. A set of accessories should also be borrowed from the ancestors. The main condition is that candlesticks, caskets, vases, dishes are in good condition.

Texture of materials

Combinations of materials such as wood and wrought iron, ceramics and copper elements fit perfectly into the vintage country decor. Moreover, each of these materials is perfectly combined with finishing fabrics. It is not difficult to age such materials, but there are no such hand-made things that could reflect the historical spirit of a particular era. Creating a special atmosphere, you can fit into it special items with a long history that will bring zest and special chic to your home decor. If vintage is combined with country style, then flowers will be the best accessory in interior design. Here we can talk about seasonal flower arrangements in vases, bouquets of wild flowers. Flowers such as roses should be present here in the first place. Wicker baskets or ceramic vases will perfectly replace containers for dried flowers. Berry-fruit decor with insects looks good. Each element should be simple, and all together they should have a romantic look with slight negligence.

Wallpaper selection

As noted above, a well-designed background is the basis of vintage design. Preferred wall cladding options:

  1. Lacquer coating in pastel design;
  2. Pasted wallpaper.

Wallpaper suitable for recreating the style can be considered in three options:

  • contrasting with the drawings, and plus the trim with stripes;
  • wallpaper with a patterned ornament (intertwined plant branches, floral motifs), looking from the walls as if they were somewhat burned out under the influence of sunlight;
  • canvases according to the Japanese model, where images of birds or pinkish floral ornaments are visible in abundance.

In modern interior design, vintage style dictates its own rules when decorating walls - glued wallpaper should not look defiant, riveting the eyes of visitors to the room. On the contrary, furniture elements, coupled with individual accessories that are appropriate for the style direction of interest, should become catchy.


Decorating the house from the inside in vintage country style, the main focus is on the furniture. The country interior is not alien to those things that are the inhabitants of pantries and closets. A sideboard, a mirrored dressing table, a chest or a box, a dining table, screens and other similar gizmos will be very useful here. Carved wood or brass overlays can be a suitable decor.

When decorating the interior, you should try not to allow the "museum" when all the furniture is selected in the spirit of the times before last. It is important not so much to recreate a single style as to create an interior that would radiate a feeling of comfort and warmth. This does not require much effort, as the style is multifaceted. Using vintage pieces of furniture, both from the attic and from a thrift store, and newly made, but with the addition of signs of wear, the interior will look somewhat chaotic. The harmonious arrangement of furniture elements will eliminate this nuance.

Floor and ceiling design options

When planning a vintage style in the interior, experienced designers attach importance to surface finishes. The question of facing the ceiling and floor does not remain without close consideration.

When finishing a floor with a vintage-style ceiling, the use of synthetic materials, also made of plastic, is prohibited. The situation does not prohibit the use of modern textures in the design, but subject to their deliberate aging.

For floors, you can choose a laminate, but the best option here is a plank floor. Despite the fact that the board has a whole range of advantages, this option is not entirely suitable for the design of a status interior. Then the palm is given to the usual parquet. If only both materials looked older than their real age, that is, as if they had already been exploited. Although in fact the material used is new.

For a country-style ceiling, several coating options are suitable - whitewash, paint or wallpaper. They go well with the stucco frame, which shows cracks, small chips or bumps.

The game of shades

When choosing textile decor, it is important to remember that vintage design does not accept too bright, as well as too dark shades. The principle of color design is the same - the creation of an airy and light space. With an understanding of this principle, textile decor is also selected to match the wallpaper, floor and ceiling. To prevent merging of shades with each other, it is necessary to adhere to the rules for compiling color variations.

The vintage style is characterized by a restrained range of colors. When decorating the interior, a light color scheme is selected (shades from white and light pink to bluish, lilac and greenish, coupled with gray). The inclusion of brownish shades in the design is not excluded. However, a combination of contrasting colors is not welcome here. Compositionally, it looks like this: a few additional color solutions are added to one base color in a small amount (mostly related colors), while the design should not visually stand out.

DIY vintage style

Furniture in country design is usually made of wood, can be sheathed in silk, cotton or damask plush. At the same time, the sofa and armchairs have small and compact dimensions. The optimal solution here is decorative tables and large chairs. When it comes to do-it-yourself vintage living room decor, then the best solution is to place a huge glass table with a luxurious oversized sofa.

Appropriate here and such decorative things as carpets, wallpapers, paintings, curtains, antique accessories, musical instruments, fluffed pillows, clocks. All of them are selected for country design with a touch of modernity, hinting at a comfortable and cozy lifestyle. The color scheme prevails - pink, white, purple, yellow.

Even seemingly insignificant little things can fill the hall with a completely unusual atmosphere: a patchwork quilt, an old fan, black and white photos with frames, a chest of drawers made of wood with handles, industrial-style task lighting.

Kitchen and bedroom decor

The kitchen is the ideal area for antiques. Silverware, ceramic dishes, and a stainless steel teapot will find a worthy place here. From household appliances, old coffee grinders will fit in well here; a set of sieves, linen napkins, and lace tablecloths will become their addition. The presence of such items in the interior of the country will provide the atmosphere with a special charm, give the room some zest.

If there is an intention to combine several related styles in the interior (for example, country, vintage, retro, etc.), including modern specially aged items in this design symbiosis, you need to start with the details. From such as bedside tables, a coffee table, a chest of drawers inherited from a great-grandmother. In the bedroom, you can put a plasma TV in a niche in a vintage design.

Modern beds may well fit into the interior in country style. After all, it is almost impossible to find well-preserved pieces of furniture now. An excellent decor for a bed is pillows with covers showing burnt patterns on textiles.

In Russia, an item over 50 years old is considered antique. In other countries, the status of an antique thing acquires upon reaching the 60th anniversary, and in the UK - at least a century.

To acquire the status of antiques, antique interior items must have traces of history: for example, reflect the fashion trends of the era in which they appeared, be unique or released in a small edition, and, of course, carry artistic value.

Reliable investment

By themselves, antiques are not only antique interior items that have character, history, and special energy. It's also a good investment.

Often, a tarnished sideboard, a watch with a patina-covered dial, or an old cracked marble figurine that you accidentally inherited from your great-grandmother can cost a tidy sum.

The material and aesthetic value of antiques also increases if in the past it belonged to a famous person or related to some significant historical event.

Vintage or retro?

When it comes to things with history, there is often confusion between the stylistic concepts of “retro” and “vintage”. Let's bring some clarity to these two concepts.

Both styles are basically past-styled and use antique interior items, however, completely different eras are used as a reference point, an object of copying.

So, the “vintage” style is the style of the pre-war period, namely the period of the zero-thirties of the last century; the retro style, in turn, appeared just after the war - in the 50s of the 20th century.

Antiques can harmoniously fit into both a vintage interior and a “retro” style interior, the main thing here is to maintain stylistic unity, tasks, and, most importantly, the general mood of the interior. Noble vintage or positive retro - the choice is yours.

Antiques and "old" in a modern interior

  • Antiques are like hot chili peppers: to keep the balance of taste, you need very little, literally on the tip of a knife.

In order not to turn your home into a museum or an antique shop, you should use antiques in detail: you can decorate the mantelpiece with candlesticks, antique figurines, ceramic plates, a bust of your favorite writer.

At the same time, leave the entire interior as a whole neutral, restrained, with a bias towards the classics.

Noble colors, laconic lines, natural materials will serve as an excellent backdrop for such “talkative” items as antiques. It is they who will be the center of the composition, set the tone for the space and bring zest to the interior.

  • Another way to stylize a modern interior with an old-style interior is to use modern furniture made in the “vintage” style.

Many furniture stores produce entire lines of upholstered and cabinet furniture, stylized for different eras: from the Empire style to pre-revolutionary Russia.

All of them are made of modern materials, using new technologies, but the appearance, proportions, decor, accessories repeat the elements of the past. This balance of “idea-execution” allows you to safely introduce echoes of the past into a modern living room or bedroom from a design point of view.

  • Old houses and apartments that have been preserved since the post-war period deserve special attention.

They are valuable aesthetic objects in themselves: parquet boards, stucco on the ceiling, fireplaces, antique bathtubs with carved legs are often made in a single copy and have no analogues.

The ancient interiors of apartments or estates in this case set the vector for the design of the home. With a careful and attentive attitude and certain financial investments, they can be resurrected, given a new life.

In such a case, the old style of the interior of the house emerges through the room itself - stucco, high ceilings, wrought iron bars on the windows, wooden floor, crystal chandelier with many pendants.

Playing on the contrast, you can fill such a space with actual furniture and textiles. The fusion of antiquity and modernity always looks edgy, bold and fresh, without losing style.

Features and Details

The main component for the interior in the old style is a nostalgic mood. A house filled with things with history involuntarily becomes a storyteller, and you and your guests become grateful listeners.

However, such things do not exclude the neighborhood with modern technology, materials, furniture. Remember that it is the details that set the tone and mood, and the interior itself can be neutral or even modern, especially in combination with the “retro” style.

To maintain balance, designers advise using antique details in strict portions, leaving the background and main furnishings neutral or classic. Then the interior of the room in the old style will retain the functionality of the living space and will not turn into a museum installation.

So, antique gizmos will look harmoniously in combination with:

  • Decorated wallpaper in pastel colors and noble colors;
  • natural ceilings:
    - lined with wood
    - painted,
    - with natural irregularities, cracks;
  • Plank floor or parquet;
  • Curtains made of heavy fabrics with floral patterns;
  • Mirrors and paintings in carved gilded frames;
  • Accessories made of copper, wrought metal, ceramics, porcelain figurines, tapestry, screens, poufs and banquettes.

Antique furniture in a modern interior

Old doesn't mean bad. So don't throw away grandma's chest of drawers, grandpa's rocking chair, or swap out a wooden kitchen set for a new plastic one. By restoring them, you can breathe new life into it. With the help of antique furniture in a modern interior, depth, volume and character appear.

In order for the kitchen interior to acquire the features of an old style, just 1 antique item is enough: a sideboard, a table on wheels, a bench or carved table legs, while the tabletop itself can be easily replaced with a new one.

Perfect for this is tempered safety glass or scratch-resistant clear plastic polymer. Functionality - the same, style - more!

Nov 26, 2017 Sergey

More recently, vintage style has returned to fashion. This direction in design means a skillful combination of antique and modern things. Moreover, a vintage interior does not always mean decorating the entire room with antiques or even antiques, you can just use vintage-style decor.

Usually those things that were created before the 60s are referred to as retro style, those that are younger than 15 years old are referred to as modern. And those items that are made between these dates are vintage. But the vintageness of a thing is judged not only by its age: the thing must be original, original and generally look like a work of art.

Of interest is the vintage do-it-yourself decor, which will bear the imprint of the personality of its owner. You can make decor items from previous eras on your own, and it will not be particularly expensive.

Different garlands and wreaths made of fabric, an organizer for jewelry or decorative elements made of burlap, various artificially aged jars and bottles, old photographs or drawings on aged paper look good.

Also, preserved children's things are often used to decorate rooms or individual vintage expositions: booties, sandals, dresses, caps, undershirts, etc.

Room decoration

To give the whole room the spirit of the past, they use antique or artificially aged furniture, textiles bought in antique shops or flea markets, dishes, utensils and other items that have survived several eras. Vintage interior involves not only the use of antiques, but also a certain decoration of the room.

The main idea is to use natural materials:
- natural ceilings (cracks on them are even welcome, but everything should be in moderation; stucco molding at the junction of walls and ceiling also looks good),
– parquet or tile floor (artificially created scuffs, chips and other defects are used),
- natural wallpapers (either Japanese motifs, or floral patterns, or white walls).

It is worth paying attention not to overload the vintage interior with details. The more small decorative elements are planned, the more airy and spacious the space should be. Combining functional things with old exhibits should be done correctly so that the room does not look like a museum. The main thing is that the room should be convenient and comfortable, and the vintage decor only complements the overall atmosphere and gives the room coziness and exclusivity.

It is important not to overload the interior with vintage decor.

Decor elements

To give the interior of the room a finished look and originality, separate vintage “corners” or “islands” are often decorated. This design is suitable for any room, as well as for almost all design styles, with the exception of minimalism and high-tech style. Paintings, decorations, postcards, dresses, utensils, dishes, candlesticks, toys, caskets and many other things are used as a means of decor.

Vintage corner in the bedroom interior

Vintage décor looks cute, elegant and feminine, so it is most often used in bedrooms, kitchens, even bathrooms, but you can also use vintage-style décor in moderation in the living room or hallway area.

vintage dresses

When designing rooms in the style of punk glamor, a dress is often used as an element of decor. Indoors, vintage dresses are used, which are usually hung in the bedroom or simply on the wall, or on the mirror frame, or on the closet door. The main thing is to put such an original dress on display.

If you are a happy owner of a vintage dress, but do not wear it so that such beauty does not go to waste, use it as a vintage decor. It is desirable that the color of the dress matches the general appearance of the room.

As an addition to this bedroom design, you can use accessories: a hat, a handbag, jewelry or whole compositions of them.

Vintage dress in the interior


Accessories and decorations can also be used as vintage decorations on their own. Making a dressing table with such things will fill the room with girlish and soulful motifs. If you have antique beads, hairpins, brooches, handbags and purses, rings, rings, use them as vintage style decor.

When composing compositions from jewelry, you can strain your imagination to the fullest: here the principle of “good, but not enough” is not appropriate. It is believed that jewelry looks interesting just when there are a lot of them.
As ideas for composing compositions, you can consider a jewelry organizer, deliberately open jewelry boxes with accessories, jewelry on a tray or on old mannequins that are still preserved in some ateliers.


As a means of creating a vintage style in a room, you can consider pieces of furniture. In order not to overload the room, one old table or dressing table is enough. It is difficult to place something significant on such small tables, so most often they do not carry a functional load, but become just an element of decor. On the console table, you can arrange jewelry compositions, an old table lamp or a vintage-style mirror. So all these items will not look lonely, and the composition will look complete.

Small vintage table in the interior

An old one can be used as a piece of furniture if it harmoniously fits into the interior of the room. It can be decorated with your own hands, using old photographs, pictures, creating artificial scuffs or cracks.

Pictures and photos

Another way to give the interior the spirit of previous eras will be pictures or old photographs. Such vintage decor will be appropriate even in high-tech style and will add romance to the room if you skillfully choose pictures. It also looks interesting one, but a large picture with a landscape or still life, and several symmetrically arranged paintings, as well as a whole wall of photographs or old postcard pictures.
A feature of such decorative elements, unlike other vintage items, is that they do not need to be combined with anything. They look natural on their own.


As an option, vintage mirrors can be used to create a vintage mood in the room.

If the mirror is really old, and preferably with scratches or scuffs, then you can use it in the interior without additional decoration.

Mirrors in artificially aged frames are widely used. You can create a similar vintage decor with your own hands, for example, using the decoupage technique.

When creating an interior in vintage style, it is important not to hang the mirror on the wall, but simply lean it against it. This applies to both floor mirrors and small dressing mirrors.
So that the mirror does not “get bored” in the interior, you definitely need to pick up some kind of vintage addition to it: you can use several mirrors in similar frames, you can place some kind of composition, box, table lamp or candlesticks in vintage style under the mirror.


Antique dishes are also considered as vintage decor. Plates, clay pots, perfume bottles or apothecary-like bottles, teapots and even a samovar will look great in a vintage style kitchen. You can find these items at flea markets or antique shops. After their restoration, if necessary, you can additionally decorate them, hiding minor defects. You can also artificially age such things, there are a lot of techniques for this.


In a vintage interior, you can use lighting that matches the overall mood of the room. For this, antique table lamps, candlesticks or floor lamps are used.
The lamp is usually a white or light lampshade in the form of a truncated cone on a massive crystal or metal leg with a complex pattern. You can additionally decorate the lamp by making a lampshade from a children's skirt or napkin.

Take a pinch of antiquity and stir in a modern interior? History has not preserved the name of the one who first tried this recipe, but this is how a new style with a beautiful French name "vintage" was born. Previously, this word meant exclusively aged wine, which has been waiting in the wings for decades. Now the term has spread to the design of both interiors and clothing.

But just taking an old item and including it in an already finished composition will not work. Vintage involves the creation of a single image, an integral picture, where things from a past era will take center stage.

How is a real interior in vintage style created? What little things and important things are worth knowing about? And is it difficult to maintain this unusual style?

Features of vintage style in the interior of the apartment

Transform your apartment and create a magical place even in a small area that will help you escape from the hustle and bustle at work - a dream that can easily become a reality. Vintage style will not deprive you of all the benefits of civilization in the form of the latest sound systems and plasma TVs, "" and an ordinary coffee machine. But it will allow you to change the overall feeling, the atmosphere that prevails in the apartment.

It should be noted that the rules for interior design are rather vague. You can show your imagination and create something unique. And yet there are some character traits by which you can easily recognize this style. Among them:

  • the use of original items that have survived to our times, as well as artificially aged items;
  • recreating a specific era;
  • special attention to the color palette,
  • variety of accessories.

The advantage of this style is that if you wish, you can get the necessary items completely free of charge from friends and acquaintances who want to say goodbye to "junk". You can also look for interesting things in the markets, look for ads in the “give away for free” section. Of course, you will have to work on such decor items to bring them into a decent look. But still, not a single artificially aged thing has the spirit of the times. Real relics of the era you have chosen will create an indescribable atmosphere, on which the perception of the interior largely depends.

It is worth remembering that vintage style refers to different time periods, but still limited to the period from the end of the 19th century to the 80s of the 20th century. Of course, mixing items from different eras, you will not be able to achieve a positive result. That is why creating an interesting interior is so difficult. It may take many months to find and prepare all the pieces of furniture and accessories.

Primary colors in vintage style

Since the entire interior should reflect a journey through time, the designers recommend choosing discreet, slightly “shabby” pastel colors. Soft pink and beige, light yellow and dirty blue- these shades will look great as a background. Drawings of other (often contrasting) colors are welcome, but they should also be with a slight touch of yellowness, slightly burnt out, worn out from time to time.

Calm colors will allow you to enjoy the interior and pay attention to carefully selected accessories. However you can use bright colors, which will stand out as a juicy spot against the background of pale walls. Pieces of furniture, individual or luxurious, for example, will fill the room with amazing charm and a sense of luxury.

Selecting a specific color scheme depends on the period which was taken as a basis. Bright fifties love contrasting and. But the end of the XIX century is characterized by cold shades and floral patterns.

Decorating rooms in vintage style

For the design of whichever room you take, in advance decide on an era. All items must correspond to this period, only in this way will the whole picture be obtained.

Bedroom in vintage style

Try to pay a lot of attention to such an important room. Vintage allows you to include a luxurious large bed in the interior, but it must have. Most often there are forged backs, but you can also find a copy decorated with wood carvings.

Light colors will look great in the bedroom and create not only an atmosphere of coziness and comfort, but also a romantic mood. Add a little pink and pretty ruffles- the perfect bedroom for a young girl.

If you want something less feminine, then you can abandon the frills and give preference to concise and thoughtful details. Light wallpaper with a subtle pattern, furniture in beige or light brown, worn parquet - such a simple, but at the same time cozy look is perfect for the bedroom.

A special chic that will appeal to many lovers of antiquity - canopy over the bed. You can pick up a beautiful thin lace fabric or make it from a dense fabric of rich and deep dark color.

Be careful, this piece of decor is not suitable for small spaces. The canopy hides the space, so only a spacious bedroom should be decorated this way.

It would also be appropriate to look, which will accommodate perfume bottles, photo frames, porcelain dolls and other trifles related to the chosen era.

Living room in vintage style

If you like experiments, then the living room is the perfect room to bring fantasies to life. Traditionally delicate colors are used for decoration: blue, pink, beige, light green. But in this room, you can let yourself go and use the bright and rich colors that were popular in the seventies. If you are guided by this era, of course.

Ceilings are usually painted in a light tone, built-in lights should be avoided. But a large one in the form of candles or (depending on the time period) will come in handy.

If there is one in the living room, then this item can set the tone for the entire interior. Complement the comfort and warmth of real masonry with a fluffy carpet, decorate the shelf with various souvenirs and photographs. The finishing touch will be a rocking chair. Such a living room will beckon with a checkered blanket, delicious tea and an interesting book.

Vintage style kitchen

The problem of contact between the past and the present in this room is especially relevant. The task of the designer is to combine modern technology with objects from a bygone era. It may seem that such a task is impossible, but there are several possible solutions at once.

The simplest, but rather expensive option - purchase equipment that looks similar to the one that was used in the selected period. Italian designers, for example, admire the ZIL refrigerator and consider it almost an icon of the style of their era. Stylized coffee makers, ovens and even hobs are on sale. But such equipment is much more expensive than similar "modern" ones.

Second option - hide all equipment. Built-in ovens, microwaves and dishwashers will help you forget that you are in the 21st century, but continue to enjoy all the benefits.

You can also try to "adapt" the existing technique to the new requirements. An ordinary refrigerator will look less modern if you apply a print characteristic of the 60s to it. And openwork napkins will hide the microwave oven from prying eyes.

Bathroom in vintage style

You can make a luxurious bathroom in a small apartment, but still vintage style requires space. If square meters allow, then abandon the classic arrangement of plumbing along the walls. Samu the bath can be moved to the center of the room and make it the main element of the composition. An exquisite bathtub with handrails on forged legs will look not only stylish, but also aristocratic. A little gilding in the decor, tiles with a worn effect - and the interior will take you to the end of the 19th century.

But even a small space will allow you to enjoy comfort. In this case it's better stick to traditional light colors, to . We recommend laying the floor tiles obliquely, this will also have a positive effect on the visual perception of dimensions. But showers, which save space so well, do not welcome vintage style. If there is not enough space, you can, of course, replace the bathtub with a cabin, but in this case you will have to work hard and add accents. For example, use taps "for copper", small tiles and even a laminate imitating natural wood.

Entrance hall in vintage style

Do not underestimate the importance of the hallway, because it is with her that acquaintance with the house begins. The interior in vintage style will help you immediately plunge into the chosen era and feel the spirit of that time. First of all you will have to Avoid large and bulky cabinets. A wrought iron hanger with a soft padded stool is a more suitable piece of furniture. However, a small cabinet can be left if it is decorated with carvings, and also retains traces of time (scuffs and cracks).

Try to avoid bright and flashy colors, they will be superfluous in this room. But panels or small paintings on the walls will only complement the composition.

The combination of vintage style with other interior styles

Designers rarely use one "pure" style in their work on the interior. And vintage easily finds a suitable "partner". It can be elegant and restrained or loud and defiant pop art, nostalgic or saturated. Everything, of course, depends on the chosen period. It is worth paying attention to what trends were relevant during this period. You can combine vintage only with the style that was at the peak of popularity in the chosen era.

Vintage style furniture

The peculiarity of all items suitable for this style is their wear. And it doesn't matter if the chest of drawers is really 80 years old or if it was created a year ago and specially aged. Of course the shape of the furniture should correspond to the chosen era. Carved headboards and legs, chairs upholstered in velvet refer to the end of the century before last, and plastic chairs on one leg - to the middle of the past.

The color of the furniture, the upholstery, the materials used - all this will help emphasize a certain period of the last or the century before last.

Apartment decor in vintage style

Accessories in this style play perhaps the most important role. It can be numerous, pompoms on tulle curtains and porcelain figurines of angels. But bright posters, geometric patterns, strange decorative plastic gizmos are also appropriate.

In order not to make a mistake in choosing, carefully study the era you like, determine the cult objects, distinctive features, and only after that proceed to create your original interior.

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