Sagittarius woman Leo man informal horoscope. Two perpetual motion machines: compatibility of a male lion and a female archer. What a Sagittarius woman needs to know about a Leo man

Recently, people have begun to pay more attention to astrology, in particular, to the characteristics of their zodiac sign. Astrologers assure that, given the compatibility of the horoscope, you can create strong family relationships. Perhaps this is so, since the zodiac gives a description of the character, and by owning information and using it correctly, you can do a lot.

Characteristics of the signs of the zodiac

As for such signs as Leo and Sagittarius, here the opinions of astrologers differ a little: some consider this union to be impeccable, others assure that comfort is possible, but everything is not so simple.

In fairness, it should be noted that after all they are like-minded people who have the same life views, close in temperament. Very often they have one goal for two.

a lion

The lion symbolizes Fire, which is patronized by the Sun, therefore, first of all, it is characterized by aspirations for power and strength. Leo people are endowed with purposefulness and great willpower, so they achieve a lot on the path of life. Despite the condescending attitude towards others, they know how to be friends, they will always respond to the request of friends for help, because by nature they are devoted, disinterested and sympathetic.

Depending on the year of birth, others are added to the main features:

  • the year of the Rat lets in the world of cute, sociable representatives, connoisseurs of art, lovers of nature;
  • in the year of the Ox, the most persistent and stubborn are born, with a sense of self-respect and dignity;
  • the year of the Tiger is characterized, oddly enough, by the nobility of the soul and pride;
  • the year of the Cat (Rabbit) will give Lions a silky character and complacency;
  • Leo-Dragon are disinterested and have a subtle nature;
  • Snakes are absolutely truthful, decent people;
  • those born under the sign of the Horse are strong in spirit and fearless, which helps to overcome any obstacles;
  • in the year of the Dog, faithful and reliable Leos predominate;
  • the tandem of Leo and Goat releases pathologically responsible representatives who can be relied upon for everything;
  • Lions-Monkeys are merry fellows and wits;
  • The rooster makes Leo sensitive, but a little arrogant and ambitious;
  • The year of the Pig gives an increased level of pretension to oneself and others, entrepreneurial spirit.

Despite the fact that Leos know how to make money, they also know how to spend it easily. This sign is characterized by the excitement and generosity of philanthropists.


Sagittarius is pathologically friendly. Representatives of this sign are distinguished by openness, spontaneity and optimism.

Sometimes, with their straightforwardness, they can inadvertently injure the interlocutor, which affects business relations.

The year of birth introduces additional characteristic features:

  • Sagittarius, born under the sign of the Rat, really look at the world around them, do not lose heart, accepting it as it is, they are characterized by flexibility of thinking and excellent endurance;
  • representatives of the year of the Ox - incorruptible and friendly at the same time, attentive to people;
  • Sagittarius, who grew up under the auspices of the Tiger, are incorrigible romantics, moderately changeable and dreamy;
  • Cats, as usual, are good-natured exotics;
  • Dragon Sagittarius love risk, adrenaline seethes in their blood, they look positively at the world, and he answers them the same;
  • the year of the Snake gives birth to people with a strong character, who can be a little cunning;
  • Horses are active and sudden in their actions, but at the same time carefree;
  • representatives of the sign born under the sign of the Goat are good-natured and indulgent;
  • Sagittarius-Monkeys love to invent something new, constantly improve, they are smart and quick-witted;
  • Sagittarius-Roosters are more confident than all the signs, determination is their main feature;
  • the year of the Dog brought tolerance, breadth of soul and mind;
  • The year of the Pig endows the representatives of Sagittarius with adventurism and innocence, which sometimes interferes very much in life.

Since Sagittarians are adventurous, they are attracted to adventure and risky events. Therefore, they are often among the most gamblers. Since passion is in their blood, Sagittarians fall in love quickly, but they can cool off just as quickly. And although the representative of this zodiac sign is reliable and faithful as a friend, in love it can turn out to be frivolous.

The prospect of family life

In general, Leo and Sagittarius are compatible only in their main quality - the desire for freedom. The first strives for independence in action, the second for freedom of thought. Everyone imagines himself the center of the universe, trying to adjust to his picture of the world and partner. Sagittarius usually yields, but this does not cause him discomfort. Leo appreciates straightforwardness and justice in a partner, and he, in turn, admires the nobility and care of Leo, which pushes him to bold accomplishments.

The relationship between them is romantic and vibrant, you can even consider them strong if both the man and the woman strive for this. However, one should not expect from them some kind of constancy, a settled life and a cozy family hearth.

Leo finds an excellent rear in Sagittarius, knows that he will be faithful and will not betray either in love or in other respects. And Sagittarius under the "cover" is revealed from all sides, demonstrating a brilliant mind, wisdom, and the ability to find compromises.

Usually a couple strives to achieve some common goals, however, Leo needs confidence in personal success, so Sagittarius always has to accept this. However, the latter likes to obey, to feel protected, thanks to which he feels safe from any adversity.

Both signs are hardworking and know how to earn money, while not limiting themselves in spending. And since the costs go to common interests, then there are no conflicts.

Routine can ruin a marriage: no one likes everyday household chores. Therefore, Leo and Sagittarius are always in action: repairs, travel, rearrangement, interesting work taken home. So they are saved from boredom.

In a love relationship between partners, passions and sensual tenderness reign. As representatives of the fiery element, they are open, inspired, devoted and happy from this.

The compatibility of these two signs, as already mentioned, is unique, but it is worth considering two cases.

Leo man and Sagittarius woman

The reviews of astrologers and representatives of the signs confirm that Leo and Sagittarius, like no other, are suitable for each other.

The attraction of partners of these signs of the zodiac flares up instantly, proceeds brightly and spectacularly. As a rule, it is not difficult for a Sagittarius woman to fall in love with a man, but Leo will have to win her love first. Since the “royal” partner is always surrounded by admirers, and the one born under Sagittarius does not accept the crowd, she always stands at a distance, which offends the narcissistic man. He will have to look for a reason for rapprochement himself, but the answer does not always follow immediately, which inflames him even more. Although the reason is not the woman's coldness, but her fear of close relationships, violations of the boundaries of independence.

However, the first stage of the relationship never causes disappointment, gives hope for a comfortable future. Usually, the emerging union is based on the desire to constantly receive signs of attention from the partner, confirming devotion, fidelity and love. Leo, by virtue of his imperious temperament, forces Sagittarius to obey, but a wise friend always uses little tricks that allow them to achieve harmony painlessly for both. No need to think that a woman, having a strong character, constantly steps on the throat of her opinion. No! She is completely independent, she simply respects her partner's self-confidence, the ability to take responsibility for herself and others in any situation. The only problem is the sharp tongue of Sagittarius, therefore, in order not to lose Leo, she will have to remain silent in controversial situations in time.

This couple always draws attention to themselves and makes some people jealous of their relationship. Independence and freedom is the main principle of their joint existence. Very often they do not enter into an official marriage, since the desire to be near is reinforced by the opportunity to express themselves. Since both signs are absolutely indifferent to trifles, there are no various nit-picking each other, which strengthens the union more strongly. Of course, the head of the family is Leo, but the wisdom of Sagittarius smoothes all the corners, and gradually even the sovereign companion listens to her advice. However, as a rule, such couples do not get a cozy nest - they live on ideas and travels.

Leo woman and Sagittarius man

A man in a Lioness will be attracted by boldness of judgment, independence in views, a confident life position. And a woman will like strength, assertiveness and activity in Sagittarius. It is these qualities that can cause such a volcano of passions, about which poets compose poems.

Their relationship at the first stage is like flashes of fire. Sagittarius, burning with passion and jealous, idolizes, bestows and surrounds the Lioness with care. A woman, in turn, constantly requires confirmation of feelings. If during this period a man gets tired of worship, then he will leave, but only to return again.

In this case, the union is also one of the most successful. The commonality of views, interests, hobbies, the same life positions make relationships in marriage strong.

Of course, it cannot do without problems, since both signs are prone to jealousy, therefore, at first, emotional outbursts are likely even without obvious mutual betrayals. Flirting in Sagittarius nature is common, but at the same time he does not forget to be jealous of the sociable other half, which angers the Lioness.

There may also be some kind of power struggle, then the family may suffer, although even in this case it rarely breaks up. Since the Sagittarius man is determined and persistent, he strives to take a leading position. If it seems to him that his companion is behaving inappropriately, her actions can harm the relationship, then he will try to fix something, not hesitating to resort to manipulation and blackmail. It all depends on the wisdom of the Lioness. More often than not, scandals are rare in such families.

Life in this marriage is a burden to both: for a woman it’s boring, for a man it doesn’t matter, because order or its absence are such trifles. Therefore, there is no reason for quarrels here.

Astrologers warn that partners need to remember: Lionesses love compliments, so a loving man should reward her with them and remember that there are many around who can easily take away his “half”. And women are advised not to look for flaws in their husband and be able to shut up in time: the truth is not always necessary - it can hurt a loved one.

The advice for both is to remember the strong character of each, moderate the desire to command and not laugh at each other's mistakes. It is better to support with a kind word or deed.

Relationships in friendship

Leo and Sagittarius are usually great friends. They are characterized by an active lifestyle, love travel, entertainment and communication.

The combination of these two signs is absolutely comfortable. They are never bored with each other, there are almost no disputes and conflicts between them. They are complementary: if one is depressed, the other will find something to cheer you up.

As a rule, they are connected by one social circle, a company with which they spend a lot of time. Conversations are not limited to complaints about life, gossip and discussion of troubles. More often these are secular conversations, interesting discussions, debates. They do not take a close part in the fate of each other.

Both signs are fiery, so it’s not natural for them to make a whole tragedy out of trouble. Lions are proud by nature, they do not know how to ask for help. At this time, it is better not to touch him - he can handle himself. And if you fall under his arm, then Leo will make it clear that he is not ready for communication, perhaps even in a rude form. As for Sagittarius, at the moment of some kind of trouble, he becomes nervous, irritable, everyone, including friends, can suffer from his unrestrained slander. At such moments, the friendship of signs can end.

A girl and a guy, if they are not free, under this set of circumstances, can be great friends. Otherwise, friendship is more likely to develop into a love affair.

Interaction at work

For work, such a duet is a godsend for a leader: Leo brings purposefulness and focus on results into the tandem, and Sagittarius - efficiency and flexibility. At the same time, both are full of ambitious plans, but competition is only an incentive, not a contradiction.

As a rule, these signs quickly climb the leadership ladder, this is facilitated by their perseverance, perseverance, flexibility, extraordinary mind, and ability to work. For business, the pair of Sagittarius with Leo is successful: it guarantees success, rapid development and prosperity.

Relationship between child and parent

  • If the mother is Leo, and the child was born under the sign of Sagittarius relationships are unique. From an early age, the baby is surrounded by care and love. The lioness is proud of her child, his achievements. Her cheerfulness and ease coincides perfectly with the optimism, liveliness and cheerfulness of Sagittarius. They will be happy to travel together, give each other amazing experiences.

However, in the future, there is a risk that the mother will begin to put pressure on the teenager, forcing him to go towards those goals that she herself once did not achieve. In this case, a conflict may arise. It is better for the lioness to reduce the pressure: the Sagittarius child loves freedom and will find his own way, but, having lost the support of his mother, he will be confused, which will not do him any good.

The violent temperaments of both signs sometimes lead to quarrels between relatives, but already an adult Sagittarius will always be the first to reconcile.

The lioness will invisibly patronize the child all her life, appreciate his humor, energy, ability to get out of any situation with victory, the child will always admire his mother, realizing that you can rely on her wise advice.

Each sign has its own traits in character and behavior, even if they are now hidden. We will reveal the subtleties and secrets of the side of the woman - Sagittarius and the man - Leo.

This compatibility horoscope will be most useful for those who plan to connect their lives with a partner, but are afraid of surprises in marriage. We will tell you with whom a happy marriage is possible for you, and who should be feared and avoided.

Woman - Sagittarius: in relationships, in love, in the family

The Sagittarius woman is an unusually spectacular person, who is distinguished by excellent courage and enviable success. She is able to attract the attention of everyone around her not only with her bright appearance, but also with her openness, the ability to listen and support in difficult times. There are always a lot of men around her who are trying to court a Sagittarius woman or at least somehow draw her attention to their person. She has a strong disposition and a sober look at the state of things around her.

Everything she does or says, she does sincerely and from the bottom of her heart, a girl born under this zodiac sign will never lie to her eyes if her views are different from yours. She is real, with a great sense of humor and her own zest. She has a pure heart and compassion for the weak, Sagittarius is always eager to help the defenseless and establish justice.

Sometimes, people are not able to understand and accept her straightforwardness, which leads to misunderstanding in relationships. A Sagittarius woman may have frequent mood swings, her chosen one must have strong, hardened nerves, and be able to withstand fits of whims. It happens that the environment of a Sagittarius woman can perceive her emotionality as a performance or pretense, but be sure that if Sagittarius are crying, then they feel that way. Typical for representatives of this zodiac sign is a curvaceous appearance with magnificent breasts, which certainly helps in the personal life of every girl.

In relationships, she gives herself to the full, if there is love in her union, then she blossoms in these relationships, because, according to the horoscope, this is one of the most emotional and sensual signs. She dives headlong into love and often her actions cannot be rationally explained, because for a girl - Sagittarius, being in love is the same as being completely dedicated to a partner. Her personal life is very eventful and stormy, you will not be bored with such a lady. If a Sagittarius woman feels in love with a man, she will show it in any way possible, which others may regard as frivolity or debauchery. Only brave and strong men can be close to such a straightforward girl.

Sexual relations with such a girl will not be burdened with unnecessary complexes, she behaves as openly as possible with her chosen one. Sex with a girl - Sagittarius is very energetic and emotional. She can get complete satisfaction in bed only with the man for whom she truly has strong and sincere feelings. However, astrologers are sure that the carriers of this sign value their freedom more than others and are in no hurry to get married quickly, they love attention from the opposite sex and do not suffer from its lack.

The Sagittarius woman prefers to build a family nest not in an apartment, but in her own house, it is even better if he is on the outskirts of the city, where no one can interfere, there will be an orchard and a pond with fish nearby. She prefers high ceilings and large bright rooms. Home for her is a place where you can retire and hide from all the problems of the outside world. In marriage, she always demands equality, the excessive social activity of the wife - Sagittarius does not allow her to focus on the general cleaning of the apartment, compiling the evening menu. You can rarely meet a Sagittarius housewife, but if it does happen, she will try to make family life as active and united as possible by organizing warm family dinners and joint trips on weekends.

With what signs is a happy marriage possible, and who should be feared?

In order for you to determine for yourself the likelihood of a warm relationship with one sign or another, we have prepared a few more compatibility horoscopes for you, below you will find tips: which man should you pay attention to, and who should you be afraid of.

Sagittarius woman and Taurus man
Such an alliance is simply saturated through and through with optimism and indifference. The wife will try to motivate her husband to new exploits and steps forward, but he doesn’t need it at all. He periodically wants to feel the taste of freedom, childishness and adventure, but over time she simply cannot give him all this. His feelings can both brightly arouse to the representative of this sign, and quickly go out.

Sagittarius woman and Aries man
These representatives are simply drawn to each other from the first day they met, they suit each other with their vigor, optimism and unquenchable passion. A storm awaits them in bed, and mutual understanding in everyday life. She feels like a fragile girl next to him, and he feels like a conqueror. The girl will not be able to resist his pressure and will surrender to his captivity.

Sagittarius woman and Pisces man
In this union, love will be saturated with romance, dreams and thoughts. These two zodiac signs are persistent and will definitely achieve what they have in mind. Relationships will be full of surprises and pleasant moments, sex will be passionate and sensual. There will be some disagreements on the same things, but their love is able to extinguish any scandals.

The Leo man is always dressed "to the point", he has a damn attractiveness and dizzying sexuality. He understands all his strengths and uses them to the fullest. If he enters the room, be sure that all eyes will be on him. Lions choose beautiful and stately women for themselves, but an important feature is the modesty of the chosen one, she should not dress provocatively and speak in a low voice.

Sometimes Lions can be called tyrants, they love competitions, and even more so to win them. The Leo man loves to laugh, and as we said above, the Sagittarius woman has a great sense of humor. Often Leos have inflated self-esteem and megalomania, they surround themselves with people who will endlessly sing odes to them about their beauty, talents and intelligence. A Leo man strives for wealth and a comfortable life, so his work is almost in the first place. He never leaves things halfway, does not do anything halfway, and he is not familiar with the concept of "half measure". If you work, then to earn a million, if you love, then the queen. Leo can be a true friend, a caring husband and a passionate lover at the same time, if he met that one, he gives himself to the fullest. He knows how to compliment women and is able to turn the head of even the most reserved nun.

How to make a Leo fall in love with you?

The Leo man is used to being the first in everything, he needs a woman who will not push him off the pedestal and pull the blanket over himself in any aspect of their life together. If you want to fall in love with an ambitious Leo, you must have an attractive appearance, a great sense of humor and be a person who can obey him and be led. He will not be able to live with a woman who seeks to command him. She will have to sing odes to him about his virtues all the time.

Let's see with you what to expect from the union of a woman - Sagittarius and a man - Leo, is it possible to achieve peace, love and complete understanding in the family, where you need to give in, and where it is better to be persistent.

These two signs of the Zodiac belong to the element of Fire, which is why the percentage of compatibility of such a union is very high. It is possible that at the first meeting, their feelings will be aroused by a bright flame and will burn for a long time and evenly. The Sagittarius girl is looking for the perfect relationship, the warmest feelings and the purest love.

The Leo man is looking for the same, but his selfish side plays a cruel joke with him as a couple. He considers only himself ideal and sees flaws in almost every person, it is very difficult for him to choose a life partner for himself. Sagittarius will not be able to agree with this for a long time, because she wants to be on a par with her chosen one.

According to astrologers, the sexual relationship of a woman - Sagittarius and a man - Leo should be very bright, rich and intense. For Leo, this is the most important part of a relationship and will do everything possible to keep the fire in your bed. Passionate sex will not get bored for a long time, Leo will always add variety and zest to this aspect of the relationship. Sagittarius likes it, and she is ready to play along with her chosen one.

Love in such a married couple will be easy and relaxed. It will not burden, but only push each other to self-improvement. People around will envy such a union, because outwardly Sagittarius - Leo look like a couple from a good movie. Love will be harmonious, calm, without unnecessary nerves with the right amount of romance. Such relationships are doomed to be strong and long, everything that these two signs are looking for, they can find in each other.

The Leo man will definitely provide for his family and unload the chosen one as much as possible. If the couple works together, they have great chances for good career growth, Sagittarius and Leo can work well together and complement each other at work. Initially, you should define goals and set limits, in which case the couple will strive in one direction, and not pull the blanket.

Sagittarius and Leo are not accustomed to give in to something. They are always right and it is difficult for them to give in to their partner. Leo can be quick-tempered, and the extra emotionality of a Sagittarius woman can only add fuel to the fire. To smooth the corners, one of the partners will have to give in, and, most likely, it will be the Sagittarius wife.

Men - Lions are quite jealous natures and are not ready to share even the look of their chosen one with others. A Sagittarius woman simply needs compliments from the male sex to maintain a healthy self-esteem, so difficulties and misunderstandings may arise in this area of ​​​​family life. In this case, the Sagittarius woman will have to choose between the calmness of her man and her own pride.

A Leo man, thinking about procreation, will experience very ambiguous feelings. He will be filled with anxiety, fear, but at that time he will be filled with pride and love. He can become a wonderful father, devoting all his free time to his child. A Sagittarius woman does not strive for a quick procreation, she will decide for a long time on this important step. Leo will take his pregnant love everywhere, he must show everyone he knows and prove that he could! Boasting about something is his nature. Such a couple can become excellent parents of a small pride.

Watch the video in which astrologer Renata Raevskaya answers the most intriguing questions from readers:

It is not often possible to see a lion and an archer peacefully communicating. Representatives of these zodiac signs argue all the time, quarrel from scratch, interrupt each other in mid-sentence. There are, of course, exceptions, but in cases where circumstances oblige each of this pair to behave respectfully towards the other. Sagittarius and Leo can get along in a working environment, but on condition that there is no competition between them.

Sagittarius man and Leo woman

A Leo woman has a fairly high self-esteem, and for a Sagittarius there are neither ideals nor authorities. If the lioness does not cross his path, the man may well not show the manners of a rude and tyrant, but if this happens, condescension will not follow from either side. A woman will be offended not so much by the intransigence of the archer, but by his dismissive attitude. Neither a high rank, nor public recognition, will in any way elevate her in his eyes, for him everyone is equal, he does not single out anyone. In order to prevent conflict, the lioness should behave less arrogantly, and the archer should try to restrain his emotions.

♐ + ♌: In love

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- It is more difficult for a Sagittarius guy and a Leo girl to pair up than to maintain an existing relationship. The fact is that even if this young man is attractive to the lioness, his signs of attention will seem to her less expressive than she expected. The Sagittarius guy does not like to care for a long time, if the lady of the heart does not reciprocate in a short time, he can easily switch to another. The situation is such that the lion girl from the very beginning of the relationship will have to give in to him.

Free time lovers will spend together. Representatives of the fire signs of the zodiac need outdoor activities, noisy campaigns and fun. Unfortunately, instead of having a pleasant time, such outings often turn into quarrels. Both strive for leadership and public recognition, but it is common for a lioness to behave as if she came unaccompanied. Only she will speak, the young man will be left completely unattended, so he will be forced to occupy himself. Sagittarius loves flirting, and taking advantage of the situation, he will not miss such a chance. His beloved, of course, it will infuriate. The Leo girl does not like public quarrels, but the Sagittarius guy can force her to abandon her old principles. If young people do not begin to listen to each other in time, they are unlikely to be able to avoid a break in relations.

♐ + ♌: Married

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- If the marriage of a lion and an archer was not hasty, then the spouses have more chances for a peaceful life. Having managed to study each other's character traits, they have probably already learned how to get around sharp corners, so they do not quarrel once again.

The domestic side of life is not important to both. The lioness considers chores around the house to be boring, and the Sagittarius in general hardly pays attention to the lack of order in the house. On trifles, the husband and wife do not find fault with each other, they live with emotions, therefore the reasons for their quarrels are of a corresponding nature.

Sagittarius tends to be jealous of a bright and sociable spouse, despite the fact that he allows himself both flirting and intrigues on the side. A lion woman is very angry if her husband continues to bend his line even where it is inappropriate. Very often, sensible proposals are received from her side regarding joint acquisitions, cash investments, and the establishment of profitable relationships. The husband does not refuse to be useful, but when it comes down to it, he may change his mind, or maybe take part in the request of his wife, but do it in such a way that all plans go downhill.

To keep the peace in the family, spouses should not rely on each other, because individually they are doing much better. It would be nice for both of them to take control of their emotions, to exclude harsh behavior and sharp phrases addressed to each other.

♐ + ♌: In friendship

GOOD COMPATIBILITY- A Sagittarius guy and a Leo girl can be friends. Both love fun, communication and outdoor activities. Very often they are united by a common campaign in which they enjoy spending their free time. Their conversations are secular, without unnecessary revelations and complaints about life. In difficult situations, the lioness and the archer readily help each other. in this case, it can last a long time, but the distance between them, in any case, remains.

Leo man and Sagittarius woman

Leo man and Sagittarius woman can easily find a common language. The personal relationship of this couple is developing successfully, there is no struggle for leadership. The representative of the Sagittarius sign is in many ways inferior to the lion, and he treats her with due respect and listens to her opinion.

If an archer and a lion are connected by common affairs, they will become reliable partners and helpers for each other. Thanks to the fresh ideas of the Sagittarius and the unconventional approach of the Leo to solving current problems, this couple acts quickly and smoothly. Mutual respect and keen interest in each other's points of view contribute to long-term and productive cooperation.

♌ + ♐: In a love relationship

EXCELLENT COMPATIBILITY- The Leo guy loves sociable and relaxed girls, so he will immediately notice the representative of the Sagittarius sign. The lion will not have to seek reciprocal sympathy for a long time, most likely, the girl noticed him even earlier, but did not want to act first.

Leadership in the relationship will go to the guy, and this will suit both. Although the Sagittarius girl has a strong character, she respects the masculine qualities of the lion, his self-confidence, lack of fear of responsibility. The young man dreamed of just such a chosen one. She allows him to dominate, but at the same time is completely independent, leaves the last word for him, but also has her own opinion.

The only danger to the relationship is the incontinence of the girl. She must understand that even in the most controversial and conflict situations it is unacceptable to criticize a lion, make fun of his shortcomings, and speak rudely to him. It is enough for her to allow herself such behavior only once to lose her lover forever.

♌ + ♐: Married

EXCELLENT COMPATIBILITY- The marriage of a Sagittarius woman and a Leo man promises to be strong. It is impossible to call their life completely cloudless, from time to time the spouses will not agree with each other, and each of them proves his case with special zeal. On the other hand, representatives of fiery signs do not tolerate pretense, so each other's frankness will be appreciated. In any case, it is better to refrain from harsh criticism for both, especially for the wife. In the heat of a quarrel, she can say too much to her husband, after which reconciliation will not be quick.

The domestic side of life is lame, but both spouses are of little concern. Leo is busy with work, and prefers to spend his free time outside the home. The Sagittarius woman does not like household chores, but she also does not allow a complete mess. The husband does not find fault with her over trifles, so quarrels do not arise from scratch.

The sexual compatibility of this couple is high. Husband and wife remain interesting to each other for many years, mutual passion does not leave them. The only problem may be the excessive criticality of the Sagittarius woman, which can manifest itself even in such a delicate area. If the lion does not feel at his best, he will begin to seek recognition on the side, and this is dangerous for marriage.

♌ + ♐: In friendship

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- Leo guy and Sagittarius girl can communicate, but not too closely. When everything in life goes well for each of them, they are open, kind and sociable. Representatives of the fire signs of the zodiac are not inclined to make tragedies out of ordinary troubles, but at such moments they focus on solving them and behave differently. If a lion has problems, he will not turn to his friend for help, pride will not allow him to. At such moments, it is better not to touch the guy at all, because he is not in the mood for communication.

If a trouble happens to a Sagittarius girl, she becomes nervous, so people who happen to be nearby, including friends, can also fall under the distribution. The lion guy, after such an incident, will stop communicating with her immediately. Friends are connected only by a fun vacation, they do not take part in each other's life. Too close connection in this case is not related to, but speaks of mutual interest.

Video: SAGITTARIUS ♐ Zodiac sign

Video: LEO ♌ Zodiac sign

The compatibility of Leo and Sagittarius in love can be called ideal, which in percentage terms is confidently approaching the one hundred mark.

Characteristics of signs

The zodiac signs Leo and Sagittarius are perfect for each other, both emotionally and physically. The “one for two” element of Fire endowed the representatives of the signs with many similar character traits. The commonality of interests and views allows Leo and Sagittarius to build a happy relationship. The disadvantage of an alliance between representatives of signs can be a “struggle for power” over a partner, but this can also be overcome by reaching mutual compromises.

a lion

The zodiac sign Leo symbolizes strength and power. Representatives of the sign are distinguished by a majestic appearance and condescending attitude towards others, which is facilitated by the patron planet of the Sun. With great willpower and determination, Leos achieve a lot in life. People of the sign are loyal and generous in friendship and are always ready to help those in need. Lions love to give advice and are "greedy" for flattery.

Representatives of the sign, born in the year of the Rat, are sweet and sociable people who love art and nature. Lions born in the year of the Ox are persistent and have a sense of dignity. The year of the Tiger "fills" the soul of the representatives of the sign with pride and kindness, and the year of the Cat - with gentleness and good nature. Lions - Dragons are generous and refined natures, and Lions - Snakes are open, honest and charming people.

Representatives of the sign, born in the year of the Horse, are strong and fearless personalities who "go through life", easily overcoming obstacles. Lions born in the year of the Goat are reliable and responsible. The tandem of Leo and Monkey "gives birth" to merry fellows and "jokers", and the union of Leo and Rooster "produces" attentive, generous and a little conceited people. The Year of the Dog endows the representatives of the sign with fidelity and reliability, and the year of the Pig - with enterprise and exactingness towards oneself and others.

Marriage and family are always a priority for Leo, so sometimes the whole life of a sign representative is spent in search of a “soul mate”. In love, Leos are demanding of a partner and know how to forgive. Representatives of the sign love money and know how to earn it. They can be gamblers, crazy spenders and generous philanthropists. Leos with Venus in the sign love to be in the spotlight, and those whose horoscope is influenced by the Moon tend to "dramatize the situation", putting their feelings "on display".


People of the Sagittarius zodiac sign are open and friendly. They are distinguished by children's spontaneity and straightforwardness. In their remarks and comments, Sagittarians are often tactless, which affects the friendship and business relations of the representatives of the sign. Sagittarians with an ascendant in a sign that “doubles” all their qualities can be simply unbearable in this regard.

Representatives of the sign born in the year of the Rat are resilient realists who are characterized by endurance and "flexibility" of thinking. Sagittarius, who were born in the year of the Ox, are honest, friendly and attentive to others. Sagittarius - Tigers are changeable and dreamy natures, and Sagittarius - Cats are good-natured lovers of the exotic. The Year of the Dragon brought into the character of the representatives of the sign a love of risk and a positive perception of the world, and the year of the Snake - firmness and a little cunning.

Sagittarians born in the year of the Horse are unpredictable, active and carefree. Representatives of the sign, who were born in the year of the Goat, are kind and peaceful people. Sagittarius - Monkeys are smart and inventive natures, and Sagittarius - Roosters are decisive and self-confident individuals. The Year of the Dog brought “breadth of mind”, tolerance and friendliness to the nature of the representatives of the sign, and the year of the Pig “gave” them adventurism, gullibility and sociability.

Sagittarians are attracted to danger and adventure, they are gamblers and prone to "bad habits". Representatives of the sign tend to fall in love “at first sight”, but they also quickly “cool down” to the object of passion, this character trait is especially pronounced in Sagittarius with the Sun in the sign. In friendship, they are reliable and responsive, but in love they can be frivolous.

Leo man - Sagittarius woman

For a couple where the Leo man and the Sagittarius woman are characterized by good compatibility in love relationships and work. The commonality of interests and similar outlooks on life allow partners to create a strong alliance without quarrels and mutual claims. Leo guy and Sagittarius girl are perfect for each other in bed, which further strengthens their relationship. Marriage between representatives of signs not only "may take place", but will also be very successful.

Sign compatibility

A Leo man and a Sagittarius woman can make a very happy couple of strong personalities. This union cannot be called super-ideal, but it will be positive from all sides. The Sagittarius girl will conquer the Leo guy with her active and cheerful disposition. She immediately “recognizes” a leader in a man and will not “swing her rights” to his freedom.

The Leo man will conquer the Sagittarius woman with strength of character, confidence and success. With him, the girl will feel protected. Good compatibility for Leo, a man and a woman, Sagittarius "brings" the fact that both of them are representatives of the same element - Fire, which endowed partners with dynamism and energy. Sagittarius and Leo will find in each other many common character traits that will "force" them to lead an active lifestyle, travel, learn new things and develop themselves.

Sexual Compatibility

The horoscope of sexual compatibility Leo men and women Sagittarius "promises" lovers many wonderful moments in bed. The passion and energy of partners will not allow them to “get bored”. In sex, as in life, the Leo guy plays a dominant role and tries to be "the best." The Sagittarius girl in bed is prone to the manifestation of playfulness and fantasy, which will undoubtedly be "to the taste" of the Lions.

Marriage Compatibility

Excellent compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac Leo and Sagittarius in marriage allows partners to create a strong and harmonious family. The head of the family union will undoubtedly be the husband, with which the wife will readily agree. Leo will take over all male responsibilities in marriage, and the creation of comfortable conditions for the life of a spouse will “fall” on the lot of Sagittarius's wife. Family relationships between a Leo man and a Sagittarius woman will develop on the basis of mutual love and respect. A woman feels a “strong shoulder” in her husband, and the husband does not consider it “shameful” to listen to the opinion of his wife.

The dynamic nature of the spouses will not allow them to "sit in one place." They will travel a lot, and common hobbies will further unite the union of signs. Spending a lot of time together, the spouses will not "encroach" on each other's freedom. This marriage is not characterized by betrayal and intrigue, as it is difficult to choose the best life partner for Leo and Sagittarius. A “fly in the ointment” in this wonderful “barrel of honey” can be brought in by the wife’s habit of criticizing and making fun of her husband, which the Lions will not tolerate.

Sagittarius man - Leo woman

Sagittarius man and Leo woman have every chance of being "happy together." However, in this union, everything is not as cloudless as it might seem at first glance. Both representatives of the signs of the Zodiac are strong and self-sufficient individuals who claim to be "leadership" in a pair. If Sagittarius and Lioness, building relationships, begin to "measure their strengths", then nothing good will come of this connection.

Sign compatibility

The combination of personality traits of Sagittarius and Lioness allows us to say that partners are well compatible in love and marriage. It will be easy for a Leo woman to “fall in love” with a man. Sagittarius in such a girl will be attracted by her self-confidence, courage and independence in life and judgment. The guy will interest the Leo woman with his active life position, strength and assertiveness.

Common interests and views will further strengthen their relationship. The mutual attraction between Sagittarius and his girlfriend can awaken a whole "volcano of feelings" about which novels are written and poems are composed. However, partners who are strong in character can often enter into conflicts, considering their judgments to be the most correct. The attractiveness of the Lioness and the love of Sagittarius can serve as a reason for the mutual jealousy of partners.

Sexual Compatibility

Sexually, serious problems between Sagittarius and Lioness should not arise. However, there are some differences in the temperaments of partners and their behavior during sex. The lioness is more restrained in this regard, although she is not averse to "trying out something new." As for the man, he is more temperamental in bed and, also, "open to everything unknown." With mutual love and willingness to give in to a partner, sexual relations between lovers promise to be unforgettable.

Leo compatibility with Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

The negative factor of the union is the struggle for the "palm" between the spouses. The imperiousness of Lviv and the inflexibility of Sagittarius can play a “cruel joke” with a husband and wife, setting them against each other. Ultimately, the spouses either find a solution to the problems, or the marriage breaks up. If “conflicts are settled” and mutual understanding is gained, the union of the representatives of the signs will be long and happy. Over time, the spouses "dissolve into each other", adopting the character traits of the chosen one.

How to save a relationship

Despite the excellent compatibility in love between the Leo man and the Sagittarius woman, partners need to consider that:

  1. Leo needs to remember that his chosen one needs praise and compliments no less than he does. Having won the heart of a woman, do not forget that there are many men around who are ready to “steal” your “half”.
  2. Sagittarius does not need to "look out" for flaws in a partner and constantly "cut the truth-womb". Your chosen one is good the way he is - otherwise you would not “get along” with him.

Leo woman and Sagittarius man need to remember that:

  1. Sagittarius should not forget about the proud and strong character of the chosen one, who is hard to endure the eternal "banter" over her mistakes and shortcomings. After all, it doesn’t cost you anything to praise your beloved once again or give her a compliment - and you will immediately feel the difference in her attitude towards you.
  2. The lioness should somewhat "moderate" her pride and desire to "command and rule." Remember that your partner is a man who should be your “wall” and “support”. By giving him the “palm” in a relationship, you will not only not “drop yourself”, but also strengthen your union.
Although not every Leo man and Sagittarius woman is destined to meet and truly fall in love, those with whom this happens will find themselves bound by such a connection that will not be easy to break.

But they will try!

It may seem to these two more than once that they have only one thing in common - a mutual desire to cultivate an inferiority complex in each other.

Don't be fooled: they're actually testing their relationship with a strange combination of seeking confirmation and denial at the same time. Confirmation of mutual fidelity and devotion and denial of no less mutual fear of being deceived in that faith in each other, which love eternally requires.

This is a completely natural game for the signs of Fire.

If they are lucky (and fortunately, most Leo and Sagittarians are unusually lucky, although not all) they will very soon realize how many happy hours they spend on testing games.

If they are not so lucky and their usually happy personal Suns were adversely influenced at birth, they will go through many emotional blows before they realize what a fool they are.

For example, Leo will go far, violating the boundaries of decency well known to him, arrogantly commanding his beloved Sagittarius girl, demanding that she obey his desires if she does not want to lose his sunny smile and strong warm hands, and expected that she would serve him as housemaid; sternly chastising her for the slightest disobedience and not allowing her to have an opinion or find employment outside the home.

In fact, he is not a tyrant at all, he does not want and does not think to be cruel and despotic, he only quietly and subtly, often unconsciously, plays a test game, looking for confirmation of her loyalty, proof of her devotion and finding out for this how ready she is to obey and how far can he go before she decides that she doesn't love him as much as she first assured her.

Then he will check it, waiting not for confirmation, but for denial. He will be angry and growl or pout and take offense at her most innocent smile addressed to another man, accusing her of all sins (up to outright betrayal), without the slightest reason and reason, secretly hoping for and desperately needing an eloquent denial.

The more angry and indignant she is, the more clear the denial becomes and the calmer it becomes.

In turn, she will join the same game.

Knowing full well (she has a very clear, quick mind) how this man craves always sincere compliments, she will purposely deny him even a crumb of admiration, no matter how hard he tries to impress her, testing what impossible obstacles he will overcome to deserve her attention and applause.

And if he ceases to be bothered by her opinion, it means that he does not love her, as he once swore. Then, also knowing perfectly well how he suffers when his male pride is trampled upon in front of someone, she will deliberately put him in an awkward position in front of strangers by shutting his mouth or telling some story about him in which he looked ridiculous.

Secretly (often unconsciously), she hopes that later he will arrange an angry scene for her in private, demonstrating to her such fury that only an infuriated Leo is capable of, and proving that he loves her, that only she alone can inflame him like that. As for the second part of the game, denial, she plays by the same rules as he does.

She will fall into bitter sarcasm and blame him every time he leaves her to go somewhere alone, and will bluntly state that she cannot be fooled - she knows him, misbehaving with admirers when he is out of her sight , because one woman is not enough to satisfy his erotic appetites, while in her heart she is sure that he does not change her by word or deed.

But she needs to hear his impassioned denial...

Isn't this a stupid, annoying, no-go game for a man and woman who love each other? Since she belongs to the Movable sign (it is easier for her to adapt), and he belongs to the Constant (he is stubborn), it is she who should be the first to say how tired she is of the checks and how she wants to start all over again and return to those relationships when they trustfully kept by the hand, like happy children, gently touching each other, full of joy every morning, discovering a new miracle together; when everything he did filled her with awe and everything she said was magical and sweet and funny.

When the mere proximity of his warm strength and calm wisdom made her tremble, when her joyous smile made his heart turn over and a lump came to his throat; when he promised himself that he would always protect her, and would not allow anyone to offend this cheerful and generous, but such a vulnerable woman ...

Nothing more is required of her.

Just take the first step.

Just being honest about exactly how she feels. Sagittarians never know how to pretend.

He will take a second step, which he would never take towards anyone but her. He admits to her that he was wrong, that he was wrong, that he is very, very, very sorry, and that now he is weak and scared, although he shows self-confidence and icy detachment to everyone. Then she, too, will apologize for all those thorns that she stuck in this big and soft Lion's paw and which caused him such pain, and for all the scenes when she allegedly doubted his fidelity.

They almost lost each other, but they stopped the game before the truth left them.

Leo man and Sagittarius woman belong to those lucky ones for whom moments of passion and moments of tenderness are one and the same, who need first of all softness and then power, whether they connect their bodies, minds or souls.

Those whose auras are out of harmony will never touch each other mentally, spiritually or physically and will always look at each other with indifference.

But for Leo and Sagittarius, who are destined to love, life is a magical carnival of ideas and ideals, dreams and discoveries.

They stimulate each other's physical desire, mental quest for spiritual attainment.

If they one day break the barriers of his false pride and her skepticism, and there is enough sunshine in their relationship to revive his enthusiasm and her bright faith in the future, they will have no time for questionable games. Their days and nights will be filled with a thousand adventures, whether they will travel together (which they often do) or simply lie in the grass on a summer night, counting the stars and listening to the chorus of cicadas.

However, she must be careful not to fall into the trap and resist the temptation to correct him when he shows Spica in the night sky among the stars, but in fact it is Arcturus.

He knows.

He's just testing her.

When she finally realizes that he always knows everything, they will be halfway to happiness.

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