The structure of the reception and accommodation service in the hotel. Hotel reception and accommodation service and improving its efficiency. Organization of the work of the reception and accommodation service of the hotel

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor relations in the Russian Federation.

1. General Provisions

This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the administrator.

1. The administrator on duty belongs to the category of technical executives and reports directly to the Director.

2. The duty officer is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the hotel director.

3. A person with a specialized tourism education, a bachelor's degree or higher, is appointed to the position of administrator, without presenting requirements for work experience

4. The administrator must know:

regulations, instructions, other guidance materials and documents related to the work of the duty officer. The procedure for registration, accounting and preparation of the established documentation. Legislation on labor and labor protection of the Russian Federation. Fundamentals of labor organization. Internal labor regulations. Rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

2. Job responsibilities

1 Carries out the reception of clients, their registration, payments for the services provided.

2 draws up the necessary documentation when working with clients, makes extracts and stores documents related to work in the appropriate order.

3 prepares and issues certificates to the guest in person or by phone;

4 ensures the serviceability and safety of inventory, equipment and other property.

5 accepts guest payments;

6 makes checklists for maids

7 keeps a book of financial receipts;

8 keeps a financial journal;

9 provides information services to guests about the possibilities of the hotel;

10 books excursion routes at the request of guests;

11 keeps track of the movement of beach towels (according to the internal rules of the hotel);

12 provides information to the driver about transfers for the coming day;

13 informs the director of the cafe in writing about the number of people for breakfast on the coming day;

14 fills out a bill of lading and pays for breakfast in a cafe;

15 receives the room before the guest checks out;

16 clarifies information about the guest's time for the upcoming day;

17 keeps records of guests' birthdays, controls congratulations;

18 sends the list to the animator for the upcoming day of departure, information about the children (for signing certificates)

19 at the morning meeting provides information about the filling of the hotel;

20 is the link between all hotel services;

21 keeps a log of staff working days;

22 issuance of advance payments to hotel employees on the specified dates (according to the internal rules of the hotel);

23 receives and transmits the necessary messages to customers in person or by phone;

24 keeps track of feedback (questionnaires of guests);

25 Delivery of guest things to the laundry;

26 filling in the guest information card;

27 entering data for each guest into the Kontur program;

28 storage of the guest's documentation data in a personal profile.

3. Duty administrator rights:

1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the hotel management regarding its activities.

2. Submit proposals for the improvement of the work related to the duties provided for in this instruction for consideration by the hotel management.

3. Within the limits of their competence, report to their immediate supervisor about all the shortcomings identified in the course of their activities and make proposals for their elimination.

4. Require the hotel management to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

4. Responsibility.

1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Tasks, duties, rights and responsibilities can be specified in accordance with the change in the structure, tasks and functions of the structural unit and workplace.


Hotel manager [Name]


[Company name]

Legal. address:

Fact. address:

We have read and agree with the job description:

Full name ____________________________________________ Signature ____________

Add your HOTEL, HOTEL, GUEST HOUSE, RESTAURANT, CAFE, SPA or SHOP to the SWITIPS site, which works like the Booking site and others like it, BUT you can set the commission amount yourself!

The site has a powerful and rapidly growing audience, as the site offers its customers a bonus program and the opportunity to save on their purchases and earn on recommendations in every city in the world!

Introduction 3

1. Organization and technology of the reception and accommodation service

1.1. Organizational structure of the service 4

1.2. Operational service process 4

1.3. Functions of the reception and accommodation service 6

1.4. The procedure for booking places and rooms in the hotel 7

1.5. The order of registration and accommodation of guests 14

1.6. Features of registration of tourist groups 17

1.7. Features of registration of foreign citizens 18

1.8. Documentation required to account for the use of the number of rooms 20

1.9. Types of settlements with residents 21

1.10. Rules for calculating payment for accommodation 23

1.11. Automated processing of data in the reception and accommodation service 24

2. Organization and technology of the reception and accommodation service in SE NO "Hotel Oktyabrskaya" building "Volzhsky slope"

2.1. General information about the hotel 28

2.2. Technical equipment of the reception and accommodation service 28

2.3. The structure of the service of the hotel "Volzhsky Otkos" 29

2.4. Room reservation 29

2.5. The order of registration and accommodation of guests 30

2.6. Documentation required to account for the use of the number of rooms 30

2.7. Rules for calculating payment for accommodation 31

Conclusion 32

Bibliography 33



Tourism occupies an important place in the economy of modern Russia. One of the priority tasks of the Federal Target Program "Tourism Development in the Russian Federation" is the formation of a modern, highly efficient and competitive tourist complex in Russia.

In order to successfully solve the whole variety of guest service tasks, the staff working in the field of tourism and hospitality need to acquire professional knowledge and constantly improve it.

Hospitality cannot exist without meeting the primary needs of a person, such as: sleep, food, rest. In this regard, the most logical is the following definition of a hotel:

Hotel is an enterprise that provides services to people who are away from home, the most important of which are accommodation and catering services.

The essence of providing accommodation services is that, on the one hand, special premises for living are provided, and on the other hand, services that are performed by employees, so the hotel staff is an important link in creating a customer experience. And since the guest, first of all, is in contact with the reception and accommodation service, it is necessary to have good employees in this service.

The main functions of the reception service are: hotel booking, registration and accommodation of tourists, settlement of payments upon departure of the guest, provision of various information. In order to become a highly qualified manager of the hotel and tourism business, it is necessary to clearly know these functions.

The main purpose of the author's work is to study the organization and technologies of the reception and accommodation service. To do this, you need to complete a number of tasks. Firstly, to study the activities of the reception and accommodation service, secondly, to study the organizational structure of the service, and thirdly, to study the documents that SPiR employees work with.

Organization and technology of the reception and accommodation service.

1.1 Organizational structure of the service.

The organizational structure of the hotel enterprise is determined by the purpose of the hotel, its category, the size of the room stock, location, the specifics of the guests and other factors. It is a reflection of the powers and responsibilities assigned to each of its employees.

The composition of the service: deputy director (manager) for accommodation, administrator service, porter, operators of mechanized calculation, employees of the passport and information desks, porters, porters, security service, etc.

Approximate diagram of the reception and accommodation service.

1.2 Operational service process.

The process of serving guests in hotels of all categories can be represented as the following stages:

preliminary reservation of places in the hotel (booking); reception, registration and accommodation of guests; provision of accommodation and catering services (room cleaning); provision of additional services to residents; final settlement and check-out.

Pre-booking of places, registration at check-in, payment for accommodation and services rendered, check-out takes place at the reception and accommodation service, where the duty administrator, porter, cashier (operator of mechanized calculation) and passport officer work. In many hotels in the Russian Federation, this service has the English name "Reception".

Services to residents can be provided by hotel staff (service and room service) and staff of other enterprises (trade enterprises, hairdresser, first-aid post, etc.) located in the hotel.

According to the "Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation" No. 490, "the contractor must ensure round-the-clock registration of consumers arriving at the hotel and departing from it." Therefore, the work of the reception and accommodation service has a shifting character. According to the chosen mode of work of shifts, the number of employees of the service is determined.

The hotel has different opening hours. There is a work schedule for staff every three days, this work schedule has a number of advantages: time is saved for transferring shifts, the porter has the opportunity to study the guests, which plays an important role in security. But in general, this model is recognized as inappropriate, which is associated with great responsibility and emotional stress of employees. Service standards require you to meet the guest and it's hard physically. Abroad and in many Russian hotels, the working shift is 8 hours: day shift from 7 am to 3 pm, evening shift from 3 pm to 11 pm, night shift from 11 pm to 7 am. Often they use a non-matching schedule, which involves a delay at work until 15:30, and the departure of the evening shift 30 minutes earlier, i.e. at 14:30. Thus, employees of the day and evening shifts work for an hour together. This way of working creates the possibility of a smooth transition from one shift to another, otherwise it is called "seamless service". During the shift, when two shifts work at the same time, it is very effective. the dealers have the opportunity to fully transmit information both orally and in writing in the shift transfer journal. Sometimes an additional work shift from 6 am to 2 pm may be required to offload the day shift if a mass check-in or check-out of guests is planned.

In large hotels with a Western style of management, the day and evening shifts include a senior administrator (shift supervisor), a receptionist, a cashier, a concierge, a telephone operator, and a telephone operator's workplace may be located in a hotel room.

The night shift is formed from an administrator on duty, one or more night auditors and operators.

1.3 Functions of the reception and accommodation service.

The reception and accommodation service is the first unit that the guest gets acquainted with when arriving at the hotel. The impressions received from this acquaintance largely form the guests' feedback on the quality of service in general.

The main functions of the service are:

distribution of rooms and accounting for free places in the hotel; greeting the guest and completing the necessary formalities upon arrival and departure; issuing invoices and making settlements with guests.

The job responsibilities of the reception staff, as well as the skills and knowledge required to perform them, are defined by the professional standard. (Annex 1)

Starting work administrator must look at the log with the records of the previous shift. This log records information about what happened during the shift, about the needs of guests who contacted the service during this period of time, but were not satisfied for any reason. Before starting work, you must also view information about the availability of seats and applications for the current day. Based on the documents, which will be discussed in the following sections, the administrator keeps records of the use of the number of rooms.

The reception and accommodation service should ensure the maximum load of the hotel, avoiding unreasonable downtime.

During check-in and check-out, payments for hotel accommodation and additional services are made. When checking out, they check the guest's account, clarify all his expenses during the stay and accept payment. Check-out control is very important in order to prevent the departure of guests who have not paid their bill.

receptionist is responsible for storing and issuing room keys to residents upon presentation of a business card. In addition, guests often contact the reception and accommodation service to receive some information or other service.

Mechanized settlement operator (cashier) controls the timely payment of all types of services, receives payment for accommodation in cash and makes cash calculations for accounting.

Passport office worker checks the data of the passport, the correctness of their entry in the registration card, controls the validity of visas, issues passes based on the passport data.

The reception and accommodation service (S&R) is called the “face of the hotel”, because the first impression that the guest receives from the hotel complex depends on the reception and accommodation service. The service includes: administrators, porters, cashiers, porter, luggage carriers, messengers, bellboys (on duty on the floor), concierges.

The number of SPiR employees depends on the size of the hotel and the capacity of the room stock, the category of the hotel, clients, etc. If in a small hotel one employee is enough at the registration desk to perform all operations for receiving and registering a guest, then in a large hotel they can work at the same time at the reception desk. several people performing a strictly defined function. The average rate of the number of reception staff is 1 employee per 50 rooms.

Sometimes it is necessary to introduce an additional work shift (from 6.00 to 14.000 in order to unload the day shift during the so-called rush hour, coinciding with the mass departure of customers and change in the service (7.00), as well as the organization of an additional shift (from 10.00 to 18.00) in order to so as not to create delays in customer service during the lunch break for employees of the evening shift.

The technology for performing various types of harvesting work is described in detail in the textbook by I. Yu. Lyapina.

For comfortable work of the maid, it is necessary to provide overalls. The best option is for the maid to have two sets of clothes: a work uniform and an elegant one. Work clothes are used during room cleaning and consist of overalls or work robes or work suits in the appropriate color and type of fabric. To clean the bathrooms, rubberized aprons and gloves must be worn. The dress code usually consists of a dark-colored skirt, a white blouse, a white lace apron and a matching headdress. In hotels of the highest category, there should be a corporate style of clothing, including maids.

On each floor there is a maid's office, consisting of several rooms: a rest room, a storage room for clean linen, work equipment, storage of water bottles for customers and personal items for customers. A shower and a service toilet are required.

The reception and accommodation service (S&R) is located at the entrance, in the lobby of the hotel, whose staff has the longest contact with customers. The service, as a rule, consists of two parts: Front office, the counter itself, and Back office - the room behind the counter, out of sight of the guests.

Working tools of employees: computer, professional laser printer for printing invoices; credit card authorization machine, electric plastic credit card rental machine, key coding terminal; digital multichannel telephone exchange, which transfers calls inside the hotel; fax, copier, money detector, calculator, information key board, documentation, stationery, information brochures (can be placed nearby on special racks). All this should be hidden from the eyes of the client and placed conveniently for work.

Space is provided in front of the counter to avoid crowding during check-in for large groups. Employees behind the counter must work while standing.

In international practice, three shifts of the reception service are accepted: daytime from 7.00 to 15.00; evening from 15.00 to 23.00; night from 23.00 to 7.00.

A folder with the following documentation must be formed for each employee:

· Job descriptions.

· Absolute standards (always smile, offer to visit the hotel restaurant, offer membership in the system).

Procedures (detailed actions and their sequence, down to the smallest nuances; these are a kind of tips and explanations for everything that has to be done in the workplace).

· Orders and additional memorandums that regulate the work of this employee.

· Staff Regulations - a document that regulates the requirements for appearance and behavior at work, probationary period, training, working conditions, lunch time, parking place for personal vehicles, smoking rules, telephone conversations, etc.

Under each of the listed documents, the newly hired employee signs. The rules are learned by heart.

Service personnel:

Main: accommodation service manager, senior administrator (shift senior), administrator (registrar, receptionist);

Auxiliary: assistant manager of guest services, cashier, porter, telephone operator, (dispatcher, telephone operator), concierge, messenger, garage attendant, doorman.

The reception service is the face of the hotel, so there are some requirements for the staff: the face of the employee must be pleasant and expressive; the use of cosmetics is mandatory; empathy - the ability and ability to win over people; the ability to talk to a person whom you have never seen; personal charm; the ability to find words that will show the guest that he is welcome; speech should be free and expressive; good diction; uniform is required.

The main functions of the service: sale of the room stock, organization of the meeting of guests, reception and accommodation, check-in and check-out, coordination of all types of customer service, providing guests with information, settlements with guests for rooms and services, monitoring the state of the room stock, management information on the use of the room fund.

The main staff of the SPiR is the hotel administrator ("man at the counter", receptionist, registrar). This is an employee whose responsibilities include: meeting and registering guests, resettling (allocation of rooms), calculating when a guest leaves, taking care of customers, issuing keys to guest rooms and monitoring their safety, answering questions from guests, working with mail and messages, organizing the storage of guests' valuables, handling complaints, organizing actions in extreme situations, organizing departure and seeing off guests.

Table 1.2 displays all categories in the form of the following stages.

Table 1.2.

Hotel guest service technology

Table 1.2.

Hotel guest service technology

Pre-booking of places, registration at check-in, payment for accommodation and services rendered, check-out takes place at the reception and accommodation service, where the duty administrator, porter, and cashier work. In many hotels in the Russian Federation, this service has the English name "Reception".

According to the "Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation" No. 490, approved by the Government Decree of April 25, 1997: "the contractor must ensure round-the-clock registration of consumers arriving at the hotel and departing from it"... This determines the shifting nature of the work of the reception and accommodation service. Proceeding from the number of employees of the service is determined from the mode of work of the shift.The reception and accommodation service is the first unit that the guest gets acquainted with when arriving at the hotel.The impressions received from this acquaintance largely form the guest's feedback on the quality of service in general.

The job responsibilities of the reception staff, as well as the skills and knowledge required to perform them, are defined by the professional standard.

In most hotels, receptionists work 24 hours a day, starting at 9 am. At the beginning of the work shift, the administrator must review the log with the records of the previous shift. This log records information about what happened during the shift, about the needs of guests who contacted the service during this period of time, but were not satisfied for any reason. Before starting work, you must also view information about the availability of seats and applications for the current day. The administrator keeps records of the use of hotel rooms.

SPiR should ensure maximum load of the hotel, avoiding unreasonable downtime.

During check-in and check-out, payments for hotel accommodation and additional services are made. When checking out, they check the guest's account, clarify all his expenses during the stay and accept payment. Check-out control is very important in order to prevent the departure of guests who have not paid their bill.

The receptionist is responsible for storing and issuing room keys to residents upon presentation of a business card. In addition, guests often turn to SPiR to receive some kind of service.

The cashier controls the timely payment of all types of services, receives payment for accommodation in cash and draws up cash reports for accounting.

The main working tool in SPiR is an automated control system.

Technological processes in SPiR.

Accommodation is a process consisting of several operations: meeting, registering a guest, handing over the key and escorting to the room.

Meeting - transfer, pre-registration.

Registration - application form, guest card; the most important part of the registration procedure is the contact with the guest.

Handing over the key - all hotels must comply with the international requirement: "non-disclosure policy of the room number" as a security measure.

Escort to the room - messenger, 1 minute.

Payment for services:

cash payment at the time of settlement as a preliminary payment for future services at the hotel rates;

· credit limit - collection as an advance payment of a certain amount, set by the hotel administration, against the guest's future expenses. In some hotels, the guest is given a plastic credit card, through which he makes payments in the hotel services; accommodation on credit - when the guest pays with a credit card during the final check-out;

· non-cash payment - the use of traveler's and nominal checks;

transfer through the bank of the actually spent amounts to the hotel account (used mainly to pay for the accommodation of groups and business travelers).

The luggage of arriving guests is received by a porter or bellboy and placed at the time of the guest's check-in in the room next to the bellboys' quarters. The guest is given a check for luggage (ticket).

The calculation and discharge of departing guests are made at the hotel cash desk. At the box office, all expenses of the guest are credited to his account.

At the same time, the employee must provide clarifications on the client's account if the client has questions. The client's statement is recorded with immediate notification of other services of the hotel, especially the economic one.

In automated hotels, operational documentation is generated automatically after entering the guest registration data.

The program contains various information that can be obtained instantly: numbers occupied, free, on reservation; list of numbers paid up to 12; a list of guests leaving on any given day; information about a particular guest; list of regular guests of the hotel; list of unwanted hotel guests; statistics for the day, month, year, etc.

The administrator on duty must at any time clearly represent the state of the room stock (loading) in the shift: the number of booked rooms, vacant by 12, expected arrival, management booking, VIP check-in, rooms for free accommodation.

The first count is made early in the morning. At the same time, you should reserve several different rooms for an unforeseen event. You can remind the guest that it is time for him to leave, but you cannot force the guest to leave. The best rooms are provided for: regular guests, VIPs, business partners.

Check-in and check-out policies for the various contingents of guests at the hotel.

The resettlement of guests is the next stage of the operational process, which consists of a meeting, registration, handing over the key and escorting to the room.

There are two types of meeting:

1) at the airport or train station (on the distant approaches);

2) near the entrance to the hotel or in the lobby (at the nearest approaches).

A meeting at the distant approaches allows you to get to know the guest before arriving at the hotel, draw up or adjust a service program, talk about the hotel and the services provided. Such a meeting is agreed upon when booking. In high-end hotels, guests are greeted by a porter who greets them at the entrance.

In small hotels, the guest comes to the reception desk, where he is greeted by the administrator. In the event that the client arrives at the hotel not for the first time, it is advisable to address him by name. This will make a positive impression.

The rule for many hotels is that the receptionist stands behind the counter, not sits. By this he emphasizes his respect for the guest.

The registration process varies in hotels of different categories in terms of time and quality of service, but the information about the guest is the same everywhere. In hotels with an automated system, check-in is very fast.

There are two types of clients who come to register. Some of them pre-booked hotel rooms, others did not. When pre-ordering, the customer's details are already known from the booking request. The administrator specifies the application number, selects the required module in the computer system, and registers. The guest is only required to sign the registration card. The process of registering guests without prior booking takes longer, sometimes up to 5 minutes. In this case, the administrator takes into account the nature of the accommodation required by the guest.

According to the "Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation": "the contractor is obliged to conclude an agreement with the consumer for the provision of services. The contract for the provision of services is concluded upon presentation by the consumer of a passport, military ID, identity card, other document duly executed and confirming the identity of the consumer. Upon receipt of confirmation for accommodation, the guest fills out a registration card (form No. 1-G), which is an agreement between the Contractor and the Consumer. In the questionnaire, the guest indicates the address of his permanent place of residence, the address of the organization that pays for the accommodation, if payment is made by a third party, and the type of payment: cash, credit card or check.

After filling out the card, the guest signs it, thereby concluding an agreement with the hotel confirming the type of accommodation, duration of stay and room rate. After the guest has filled out the questionnaire, the administrator checks the data of the questionnaire and the guest's passport, enters in the questionnaire the number of the room in which the guest will live, the date and time of arrival and signs it. Next, the administrator issues a settlement permit - a document giving the right to occupy a room or place in a room. The settlement permit must be issued in two copies, for the cashier and the porter or floor attendant, in a file cabinet to control timely departure.

After payment, the guest receives the 2nd copy of the invoice, according to which he pays for accommodation and services provided. Upon registration, the guest is issued an invoice for accommodation, which includes the rate of the room (or place) multiplied by the number of days, payment for the reservation, payment for additional services that the guest orders during registration and various hotel fees.

The administrator fills in a business card (guest card) - a document for the right to enter the hotel and receive a room key. The guest card is always issued in one copy, and must contain the following data: guest's last name, room number and length of stay. Many hotels use the business card as a means of advertising. It may contain information about the location of the hotel and transport, with which you can get to the hotel, as well as information about the operation of auxiliary and additional services: location, opening hours.

Upon completion of registration, the bellboy or messenger escorts the guest to the room provided to him, helping to carry the luggage.

During check-in, luggage arriving at the hotel is located in the lobby. In large hotels there is a special room where luggage carriers bring guests' belongings. To identify luggage, it is convenient to use coupons on which the owner's surname is written, and after check-in the room number is entered. Such a ticket is issued by a porter or luggage carrier at the guest's entrance to the hotel. This simplifies the work of luggage carriers. In the absence of a coupon, the guest points to his luggage, shows the permission to settle, where the room number is recorded, and the carrier takes the luggage to the room. In the room, he shows the guest how to use the equipment and tells the safety rules.

Sometimes it happens that the required number has not yet been removed. In this case, the head of the reception and accommodation service makes his personal apologies to the guest, asks to wait for some time in the hall, while offering a cup of tea or coffee. In addition, they can be given orders to deliver "compliments" to the guest's room (flowers, fruits, pastries, sweets, etc.)

When assigning a room, it is necessary to take into account national characteristics, traditions, habits, lifestyle of guests from other countries. This helps them feel at home in the hotel. When choosing a room, you must also take into account the age, lifestyle, purpose of the arrival of customers.

When placing guests, the registrar uses the "Settlement" subsystem. In this subsystem, the following tasks can be solved: registration of guests, their accommodation, maintaining a card index of clients, issuing the necessary registration documents; resettlement and correction of client data; formation of reporting documentation for the shift; obtaining information about the state of the room fund; quick search for guests by last name or number, etc.

The registrar must comply with all the rules associated with the registration of various categories of residents.

When a tourist service settles in a hotel, its head presents to the administrator the direction of the travel company: a document confirming the right of residence of this service in the hotel and guaranteeing that payment has been made and a list of the service drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the passport regime.

The administrator reports the room numbers that are booked for this service. Tourists from the service are usually accommodated in double rooms, and only a single room is provided for the head of the service. All tourists fill out questionnaires, in the column for the purpose of arrival should be written: tourism. The administrator fills in a group permit for settlement by bank transfer, which indicates the numbers of the rooms in which the tourists will live. The administrator issues a business card to each guest. An invoice for accommodation is not issued upon registration of the service, since payment is made by bank transfer.

Very often, in travel companies, along with a ticket, tourists are given labels with luggage numbers. The number on the label corresponds to the tourist's serial number in the service list, which is held by the head of the service. By comparing the numbers on the luggage and in the service list, the carrier determines the room number and delivers the luggage there.

Often, in order not to pay for another day of accommodation, tourists vacate rooms, and check luggage in a luggage room, but the group is left with one room for tourists to relax.

There are also features of registration of foreign tourists.

Entry into the Russian Federation requires a visa.

Visas are: single and multiple; individual and group; student; entry, exit, transit, etc.

From August 1, 1997, the following categories of visas are valid for entry into the territory of the Russian Federation: diplomatic (DP), service (SL), ordinary (OB), tourist (TU). Visa coupons are pasted into the national passport of a foreign citizen.

For the implementation of border control, cards of the arrival or departure of a foreigner are provided, which are attached to the national passports of foreign citizens. A mark on the registration of stay in the territory of the Russian Federation is made on the reverse side of the sheet of the national passport, on which the visa is pasted. Upon arrival at the destination, the entrant must present his passport for registration within three days, excluding holidays and weekends.

In order for the hotel to have the right to independently register foreign citizens, it is necessary to obtain a license for international tourism activities.

During check-in at the hotel, the administrator pays attention to the validity of the visa, puts down the guest's registration number, the name of the hotel and the date of registration in the visa. In some hotels, foreign citizens do not fill out a questionnaire. The foreigner's bill includes a state fee of 20% of the minimum wage (SMW) if this is the first registration point after crossing the border.

There is no fee for a diplomatic visa. Every day the hotel submits a report to the passport and visa service on the number of registered foreign citizens with notifications of payment of the state fee.

The reception service is often referred to as the "heart" or "nerve center" of a hotel. With this service the guest contacts most of all, here he turns for information and services during his stay at the hotel.

The most important functions of the reception service include greeting the guest and performing the necessary formalities when placing him. After the porter standing at the entrance, the receptionist (receptionist) is practically the first employee of the hotel with whom the guest contacts. The first, often the strongest impression of the hotel as a whole, largely depends on how the guest is received, how they are greeted, how quickly the necessary formalities are completed (checking the reservation, filling out the questionnaire, prepayment). Therefore, the following requirements are imposed on the reception service:

Reception service should be located in the immediate vicinity of the entrance to the hotel;

· in the case of a large area of ​​the hotel lobby, the dynamic nature of the interior should orient the guest in the direction of the location of the check-in desk (reception).

There are no standard requirements for check-in counter equipment. The length of the counter depends on the number of rooms in the hotel, the operations carried out at the counter and the overall design of the lobby.

Signs are usually placed above, behind, or on top of the counter showing where work procedures are to be performed:

· registration, cash services, issuance of information and mail, etc.;

· The check-in desk should be clean, free of cluttered papers and unnecessary items. In general, its configuration should hide equipment and information used by staff from nearby guests;

Reception staff must be of impeccable appearance and conduct themselves accordingly. Guests should only be spoken to while standing. You can't keep guests waiting.

When placing, you should once again agree on the conditions of the preliminary reservation (room category, availability of amenities, type of payment, price, length of stay, estimated date of departure, etc.). If the guest needs to fill out a questionnaire, you should make this procedure short. For example, if a guest has already been to this hotel, then only his signature on the questionnaire is sufficient (meaning that information about the guest has been saved since his first stay at the hotel).

The functions of the reception service and the settlement part also include the distribution of rooms and the accounting of free places in the hotel, the issuance of invoices and the production of settlements with customers.

Prior to the arrival of the guest, the reception service receives processed requests from the booking service, in accordance with which it draws up a map of the movement of the room stock, which helps to keep track of free places in the hotel. In most large hotels, the accounting of free places is carried out automatically using a special computer program. In small and medium-sized hotels, until recently (in some hotels even now), a special number stand was used for this purpose, having cells where multi-colored cards were inserted in accordance with the number of days the client stayed in the hotel. Different colors allow you to see different categories of guests. Such a number stand gives a clear picture of the number of rooms and availability of rooms. Information about the availability of rooms in the hotel and the number of guests staying is clearly and promptly transmitted by the reception service to all other hotel services.

To store the keys to the rooms, a stand with numbered compartments is used. In order to reduce the number of stands at the check-in counter, many of them are functionally combined, for example, a key stand and a mail stand.

Immediately after the guest is placed in the hotel, the settlement part opens an account in his name. Usually the guest uses the services of various services of the hotel, presenting a business card or calling the room number. These services report the guest's expenses to the billing part, which includes them in the total bill. At the end of the guest's stay, the settlement part is settled with him and informs all hotel services about this.

One of the functions of the reception service is to maintain a card index of guests. For each guest after his stay in the hotel, a special card is filled out, which contains information collected from all hotel services that had contact with the guest. When a guest arrives again, this information enables the staff to significantly improve the quality of service, and allows in many respects to anticipate the preferences and wishes of the guest. Such work is very important for the purpose of acquiring regular customers and is an additional advertisement for the hotel. In modern hotel enterprises installed computer programs allow you to create an extensive database of customer data.

In some foreign hotels with established traditions of service, there is a position of a night porter as part of the reception and settlement department . He is endowed with a wide range of functions and duties, which are twice the duties of an ordinary receptionist. The night porter, as a rule, replaces the day porter no earlier than 23.00, taking over, first of all, the functions of reception and settlement. After 24.00 the night porter often acts as a bartender in the lobby bar, which is open around the clock.

One of the main duties of the night porter is to go around the building in order to check the serviceability of the alarm system (security and fire) and the security of the hotel. During the round, the night porter collects sheets of breakfast orders in the room, which are filled in by customers and hung out the door. At night, there are at least three such rounds. Everyone's time is recorded in a special journal.

After all sheets of breakfast orders in the room are collected, the night porter enters into the journal information about the type of breakfast (usually "continental" or "continental plus"), their cost and quantity for each room.

At 7.00 shift change is carried out, the night porter provides a report.

The reception and accommodation service is where the guest's acquaintance with the hotel begins, and how it ends.

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Ministry of Education of the Republic of Karelia

State Autonomous Vocational Educational Institution

Republic of Karelia

"Sortavala College"

Course work

on the topic: "Problems of the reception and accommodation service and ways to solve them"

Danilkina Anna



E.A. Shishlova

Sortavala - 2015


1. Characteristics of the operational process of serving guests in a hotel

1.1 Operational process of serving guests and documenting the services provided

2. Functions and tasks of SP&D, composition of personnel

2.1 Functions and tasks of SP&D

2.2 Composition of the personnel of the SP&R service

3. The culture of personnel behavior is one of the components of service cultures

3.1 Requirements for the appearance and personal hygiene of hotel staff

4. ACS in hotels

4.1 ACS in hotels

4.2 History of automation systems

4.3 ACS used in hotels

5. The main stages of improving the organization of the activities of the reception and accommodation service of the hotel



At the present stage, the hospitality industry is developing at a rapid pace, trying to meet the ever-increasing needs of the population and, of course, make a profit. For this purpose, new services are being created at the enterprises of the hotel industry.

The relevance of this topic today is obvious. People in the hospitality industry are the most important asset of a company, therefore, human resources management acts as a coordinator of these powerful assets and is an impressive contribution to the dissemination and development of a company's style and management system. The high quality of guest service is ensured by the collective efforts of employees of all hotel departments, constant and effective control by the administration, work on improving the forms and methods of service, studying and implementing best practices, new equipment and technology, expanding the range and improving the quality of services provided. Theoretically, any organization can achieve the highest goals, any profits, under one condition, if it has specialists capable of solving the tasks set. However, the role of the reception and accommodation service in the hotel is key and decisive, since it is this service that can be called the face of the hotel, and the occupancy rate, and, consequently, the economic efficiency of the hotel, depends on it. All this emphasizes the relevance of the chosen topic.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of tasks:

Consider the theoretical aspects of the reception and accommodation service at the hotel;

Analyze the work of the reception and accommodation service

To develop measures to improve the service of reception and accommodation in hotels.

The subject of the study is the organization of the work of the reception and accommodation service in hotels.

The course work used modern scientific and industry periodicals relating to topical issues of marketing and competition in the hotel services market, regulations, statistical materials, materials on the activities of the hotel.

1. Characteristics of the operational process of serving guests in a hotel

1.1 Operational process of guest service and documentationservices rendered

preliminary reservation of places in the hotel (booking);

provision of accommodation and catering services (room cleaning);

provision of additional services to residents;

According to the "Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation" No. 490, "the contractor must ensure round-the-clock registration of consumers arriving at the hotel and departing from it." Therefore, the work of the reception and accommodation service has a shifting character. According to the chosen mode of work of shifts, the number of employees of the service is determined.

The hotel has different opening hours. There is a work schedule for staff every three days, this work schedule has a number of advantages: time is saved for transferring shifts, the porter has the opportunity to study the guests, which plays an important role in security. But in general, this model is recognized as inappropriate, which is associated with great responsibility and emotional stress of employees. Service standards require you to meet the guest and it's hard physically. Abroad and in many Russian hotels, the working shift is 8 hours: day shift from 7 am to 3 pm, evening shift from 3 pm to 11 pm, night shift from 11 pm to 7 am. Often they use a non-matching schedule, which involves a delay at work until 15:30, and the departure of the evening shift 30 minutes earlier, i.e. at 14:30. Thus, employees of the day and evening shifts work for an hour together. This way of working creates the possibility of a smooth transition from one shift to another, otherwise it is called "seamless service". During the shift, when two shifts work at the same time, it is very effective. the dealers have the opportunity to fully transmit information both orally and in writing in the shift transfer journal. Sometimes an additional work shift from 6 am to 2 pm may be required to offload the day shift if a mass check-in or check-out of guests is planned.

In large hotels with a Western style of management, the day and evening shifts include a senior administrator (shift supervisor), a receptionist, a cashier, a concierge, a telephone operator, and a telephone operator's workplace may be located in a hotel room.

The night shift is formed from an administrator on duty, one or more night auditors and operators.

List of forms of documents of strict accountability

The process of serving guests in any hotel, regardless of its category, can be divided into several stages:

booking - pre-booking of places in the hotel;

reception, registration and accommodation of guests;

provision of accommodation services;

provision of additional services;

final settlement and check-out.

2 . Functions and tasksSPiR, composition of personnel

2.1 Functions and tasks of SP&D

Reception staff is responsible for the main interaction with clients and has the longest contact with them. According to the assessment of the quality of service and its maintenance system adopted in the hospitality industry, the reception and accommodation service is the main “point of contact” by which the entire hotel is evaluated as a whole.

Negative impressions of the client from this service can develop into a denial of the hotel in the future. A tactless question, "wrong" intonation from the point of view of the client, can cause his negative reaction of much greater force than the satisfaction that he was simply well served.

It is important that all information about booking a room is at the reception desk (cost and type of room, payment method, room possibilities).

Functions of the reception and accommodation service:

sale of rooms, registration of guests and distribution of guest rooms;

processing reservations when the hotel does not have a special unit or when it is closed;

coordination of all types of customer service;

providing guests with information about the hotel, local attractions and any other information of interest to the guest;

providing hotel management with accurate data on the use of the number of rooms (report on the status of rooms);

preparation and issuance of payment documents (invoices) for the services provided and final settlements with clients.

The porter service exercises control over the hotel's room stock, keeping a file of room occupancy and availability, and performs the functions of an information center. Information through the porter service moves in two directions: to guests (informing about the types of services provided by the hotel, about local attractions, about the operation of public transport, etc.) and to various departments of the hotel enterprise (about the needs of customers).

The process of serving guests in hotels of all categories can be represented as the following stages:

1. pre-booking of places in the hotel (booking);

2. reception, registration and accommodation of guests;

3. provision of accommodation and catering services (housekeeping);

4. provision of additional services to residents;

5. final settlement and check-out.

Pre-booking of places, registration at check-in, payment for accommodation and services rendered, check-out takes place at the reception and accommodation service, where the duty administrator, porter, cashier (operator of mechanized calculation) and passport officer work. In many hotels in the Russian Federation, this service has the English name "Reception".

Services to residents can be provided by hotel staff (service and room service) and staff of other enterprises (trade enterprises, hairdresser, first-aid post, etc.) located in the hotel.

According to the "Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation" No. 490, approved by the Government Decree of April 25, 1997: "the contractor must ensure round-the-clock registration of consumers arriving at the hotel and departing from it." This determines the shifting nature of the work of the reception and accommodation service. Based on the mode of operation of the shift, the number of employees of the service is determined.

The reception and accommodation service should ensure the maximum load of the hotel, avoiding unreasonable downtime.

During check-in and check-out, payments for hotel accommodation and additional services are made. When checking out, they check the guest's account, clarify all his expenses during the stay and accept payment. Check-out control is very important in order to prevent the departure of guests who have not paid their bill.

The reception and accommodation service is the first service that a hotel client contacts. The attitude of the guest to the whole organization largely depends on it. Therefore, the following requirements are necessarily imposed on the reception and accommodation service.

Firstly, the reception and accommodation service should be located in close proximity to the entrance to the hotel. If the hotel lobby is very large, then it should be equipped with appropriate signs or customers should be met by hotel staff. The reception desk should be convenient for customers and equipped with various information materials and signs.

Secondly, the customer check-in counter must be clean and free from foreign objects. It should have a clear functional zoning - information for customers should not be mixed with the information materials of the hotel staff. Equipment and information for hotel staff should be hidden from customers.

Thirdly, the employees of the reception and accommodation service must be neatly dressed, have an impeccable appearance. Reception staff should behave appropriately and be as open and friendly as possible. Talk to guests only while standing. And most importantly - you can not make people wait. For example, a sign of bad taste is the simultaneous service of the client and communication on the phone.

Thus, it was revealed that the main functions of the reception and accommodation service are: hotel booking, registration and accommodation of tourists, settlement of payments upon departure of the guest, provision of various background information.

2.2 The composition of the personnel of the SPiR service

3. The culture of personnel behavior is one of the components of service cultures

Service culture is an important element of organizational culture aimed at serving customers based on certain rules, procedures, practical skills and abilities. The culture of service is dictated by the policy of the enterprise, supported by a system of rewards for service personnel and a number of other activities.

Today, it is common to understand the culture of service in the narrow sense as a set of rules of courtesy (ethics of conduct). However, this concept should be considered much broader, in all manifestations of its elements.

The word "culture" in Latin means "processing, cultivation, improvement, upbringing, education." Culture characterizes both the degree of development of a particular sphere of human life, and the person himself.

The division of culture into material and spiritual is generally accepted. Therefore, culture includes a set of material and spiritual goods and values, as well as ways of human activity to create and use them.

The culture of service is often integral to the general culture of society. And it should be considered as a certain level of development (degree of perfection) of the service process, which is expressed in psychological, ethical, aesthetic, organizational, technical and other aspects. In hotels, all these aspects are interconnected and interdependent.

The culture of service is developed by each hotel. In one hotel it can be very low, in another it can be quite high. The manifestation of a high culture of service is determined by the behavior of the staff, who clearly knows how to act in any situation and what customers and management expect from him, as well as the fact that a high culture makes all employees purposeful and makes them treat their hotel with respect.

Service culture is a complex concept, the components of which are:

safety and environmental friendliness during maintenance;

interior aesthetics, creation of comfortable service conditions;

knowledge of the psychological characteristics of the individual and the service process;

knowledge and observance by the staff of aesthetic standards of service;

knowledge and observance by the staff, establishing the order and sequence of serving guests.

Thus, one of the components of the service culture is the culture of personnel behavior.

Speaking about the culture of behavior of hotel service workers, there are two sides: contacts with the guest and contacts with the staff, which primarily imply the organization of accommodation and, most importantly, communication with the guest. Regardless of the interior and living conditions in the hotel, the level of service and communication with the guest remains extremely important.

The goal of the service staff is to create an open, friendly atmosphere, therefore, addressing the guest by name or surname, any hotel employee will be able to achieve the location of the guest. Guests and employees should build their relationships on mutual respect, becoming equal business partners. It is necessary that each guest can contact any hotel employee with his problems and work, and his expectations are justified. It is this level of service that is a guarantee of success and competitiveness in the hotel services market.

The guest is not the person with whom one should argue or who should prove who is stronger. The guest is always right!

Each employee must understand that quality is not an inaccessible luxury, but vigilant attention to the needs of guests. The staff of any hotel should be open to change and new ways of continually improving guest service.

An important role is played by the relationship of staff among themselves. If the hotel staff is multinational, employees should treat each other with respect, regardless of position and cultural differences.

Each member of the team becomes one with the goods and services provided by the hotel.

The culture of behavior of a hotel worker includes all aspects of the external and internal culture of a person, namely: the rules of treatment and treatment, the ability to correctly express one's thoughts, and observe speech etiquette.

Politeness testifies to the culture of a person, his attitude to work and to the team.

It is very important for a hotel worker to be tactful in relationships with guests, to always remember about respect for the person.

The tactful behavior of hotel workers is made up of a number of factors. The main one is the ability not to notice mistakes and shortcomings in the behavior of guests, not to focus attention on them, not to show excessive curiosity about their clothes, customs, and traditions.

You can not ask unnecessary questions, talk about your affairs, be importunate.

You can’t show a guest whether you like him or not, make unnecessary remarks, read moralizing, express various complaints, ask guests about their personal lives.

It is necessary to behave tactfully in relation to the visitors of the guests - you can not ask them about the purpose of the visit, and also enter the room without the permission of the resident.

Tact is also manifested in attention to the guest. If the guest is sick, you need to help him get the medicine, call the phone. It is necessary to be especially attentive and tactful towards the elderly, to forgive their weaknesses - after all, they are often absent-minded, forgetful and vulnerable. Dignity and modesty are obligatory traits of a human character for a hotel worker.

If modesty requires restraint and tact in communication, then discipline requires compliance with the established order, accuracy, accuracy. Modesty and discipline imply a high sense of responsibility for the assigned area of ​​work.

Long-term contact between guests and service personnel sometimes leads to familiarity that goes beyond the scope of official relationships. Service personnel must always remember that the floor or room of the maids is, first of all, service premises, and the personnel employed in the shift are on duty.

The culture of behavior and communication is also associated with the concept of a culture of speech. A hotel worker needs to be able to competently, clearly express his thoughts. The culture of speech, as well as tone, must be monitored constantly. The culture of speech etiquette implies not only the ability to speak, but also the ability to listen. Listening carefully to the interlocutor without interrupting him, and at the same time showing sincere participation is an art.

Much depends on the ability to properly meet the guest. The guest should be met in the reception area and on the floor with a friendly phrase: "Welcome to our hotel!".

He should be given a brief description of the hotel and accurate information about the order of residence, about the services that he can use.

When seeing off the guest, the administration and employees of the floor, in addition to a polite farewell, must necessarily wish the guest a good journey and invite them to visit the hotel again. Of course, this has nothing to do with servility and fawning over the guests.

The guest from the first step at the entrance to the hotel and until the very departure from it should feel respect for himself.

There are rules of conduct for hotel staff:

1. A hotel employee must always be ready to provide a service to a client.

2. The employee must demonstrate a positive attitude towards the guest: show respect, conduct a conversation politely, maintain restraint.

3. The employee must smile at the guest, maintain eye contact.

4. You need to be able to tactfully inform the guest and tell him even unpleasant news.

5. Not a single hotel employee has the right to argue with a guest, even over trifles. And if he is not very clear about the desire of the guest, then politely ask again.

6. Guest problems must be resolved quickly and without delay. The hotel employee must do everything possible to reassure the guest.

7. Every worker must demonstrate confidence and competence.

8. Hotel staff should practice "3 steps away" service.

9. Hotel employees must be responsible for the maximum level of cleanliness of the hotel.

3. 1 Requirements for the appearance and personal hygiene of hotel staff

The appearance of the staff creates an initial impression of the hotel for the guest.

Therefore, all hotel employees should take care to look smart and well-groomed, tidy.

If the girl's hair is longer than her shoulders, they should not fall on the face, they should be secured with a ribbon or hairpin.

Men's faces must be clean-shaven, mustaches and beards trimmed and groomed (wearing a beard is only allowed for staff not in contact with guests).

Shoes should be comfortable, in good condition and polished to a shine.

It is mandatory to use deodorants and antiperspirants, and when working with physical exertion, taking a shower. Personal hygiene products should be used in moderation and not irritate.

The breath of employees should always be fresh and not irritating.

If the hotel provides for the wearing of a uniform, then all staff must strictly comply with this requirement. The uniform must be clean, tidy and ironed. As a rule, washing of uniforms is carried out in the laundry of this hotel, so the staff can either give the uniform to a clean one.

Wearing a uniform includes wearing a name badge. Also, the uniform implies neutral or black stockings for women, black socks for men or matching uniform trousers.

Employees in contact with guests must wear black closed shoes without decorations, the heel of women's shoes should not exceed 5 cm.

Jewelry should be kept to a minimum. They should be small and discreet.

Women's makeup should be subtle. Nails - clean, short, manicured.

4. ACS in hotels

4.1 ACS in hotels

Automated information system - an interconnected set of tools, methods and personnel used to store, process and issue information in order to achieve the goal.

A system is understood as any object that is simultaneously considered both as a single whole and as a set of heterogeneous elements united in the interests of achieving the set goals. Systems differ significantly from each other both in composition and in main goals.

In computer science, the concept of "system" is widespread and has many semantic meanings. Most often it is used in relation to a set of hardware and software. The system can be called the hardware part of the computer. A system can also be considered a set of programs for solving specific applied problems, supplemented by procedures for maintaining documentation and managing calculations.

The addition of the word "information" to the concept of "system" reflects the purpose of its creation and functioning. Information systems ensure the collection, storage, processing, search, and issuance of information necessary in the process of making decisions on tasks from any area. They help analyze problems and create new products.

Information system - an interconnected set of tools, methods and personnel used to store, process and issue information in order to achieve the goal.

An information system is a system that provides authorized personnel with data or information relevant to an organization. The management information system, in general, consists of four subsystems: a transaction processing system, a management reporting system, an office information system, and a decision support system, including an executive information system, an expert system, and artificial intelligence.

Information systems are used by organizations for various purposes. They improve productivity by helping you get the job done better, faster and cheaper, functional efficiency, and help you make the best decisions. Information systems improve the quality of services provided to customers and customers, help create and improve products. They allow you to retain customers and alienate competitors, change the basis of competition by changing such components as price, costs, quality.

AIS is a human-machine system that provides automated preparation, search and processing of information within the framework of integrated network, computer and communication technologies to optimize economic and other activities in various areas of management.

4.2 History of automation systems

Stage 1. The first information systems appeared in the 1950s. During these years, they were intended for processing invoices and payroll, and were implemented on electromechanical accounting calculating machines. This led to some reduction in costs and time for the preparation of paper documents.

Stage 2. 60s are marked by a change in attitudes towards information systems. The information obtained from them began to be used for periodic reporting on many parameters. To do this, organizations needed general-purpose computing equipment capable of performing many functions, not just processing invoices and calculating payroll, as was the case in the past.

Stage 3. In the 70s - early 80s. information systems are beginning to be widely used as a means of management control, supporting and accelerating the decision-making process.

Stage 2. By the end of the 80s. the concept of using information systems is changing again. They become a strategic source of information and are used at all levels of an organization of any profile. Information systems of this period, providing the necessary information in time, help the organization achieve success in its activities, create new products and services, find new sales markets, secure worthy partners, organize the release of products at a low price, and much more.

4.3 ACS used in hotels

Modern computer technologies are being actively introduced into the field of social and cultural services (SCS) and tourism business, their application is becoming an essential condition for successful work. The well-known saying “Who owns the information, owns the world” is especially relevant for the tourism business, since it is the efficiency, reliability, accuracy, high speed of processing and transmitting information that largely determine the effectiveness of management decisions in this area. The implementation of these conditions is possible only within the framework of the use of information computer systems.

Any management information processes include procedures for registration, collection, transfer, storage, processing, issuance of information and management decision-making. In organizational management systems, automated information technologies are most common, in which the development of a control action is entrusted to a person - a decision maker (DM). These systems include almost all information systems used in the field of social and cultural services and tourism.

Hotel service is the leading branch of the service sector. The current state of the hotel services market is characterized by a high level of competition, a variety of types of basic and additional services provided, and an increase in the level of service. From the point of view of organization and management, hotel complexes are complex systems that consist of various interconnected services.

Among foreign hotel information systems, the most famous is the Fidelio system, as well as Lodging Touch. To date, a number of developments of domestic firms have appeared and are successfully operating, providing automation of the management of the hotel complex. These include software products "Edelweiss", "Reconline", "Barsum" (firm "Rek-Soft"), the Hotel-2000 system (firm "Intour-Soft"), the software complex "Russian Hotel" (Firm "Service Plus" jointly with East Concept), the Hotel-Simple, Meridian-1 systems (Nortel), the Kei-Hotel system (Kei-Company).

Hotel Automation System Hotel-2000

The system is designed for hotels with any number of rooms. The system has a modular structure and consists of subsystems for automation of hotel functions (Hotel-2000) and automation of restaurants and bars (Restaurant-2000).

The Hotel-2000 system provides for the following functions:

1) room stock management, optimization of hotel occupancy and timely provision of up-to-date information on the state of rooms;

2) managing the work of maids and monitoring the timely cleaning of rooms;

3) individual and group booking in real time with checking the availability of rooms and the possibility of optimizing the load of the hotel;

4) booking blocks of rooms with guaranteed and non-guaranteed forms of payment;

5) viewing and changing information about the booking and instant restoration of canceled bookings and no-shows;

6) automation of procedures for registration and registration of individual guests and groups, both with and without prior reservation, with an instant search for the number required for the guest;

7) issuance of invoices with automatic accrual of the cost of accommodation and additional services provided;

8) receiving at any time at the request of the client all the necessary information about accommodation with the issuance of interim invoices;

9) maintaining an archive of guests;

10) quick and simple daily closing of the day, allowing you to carry out all accruals for the past day and check the work of cashiers without stopping the work of the hotel;

11) managing the pricing policy of the hotel, taking into account seasonal fluctuations, terms of relationships with partners, etc.;

12) financial management of the hotel;

13) accounting, providing communication with Russian and Western accounting systems for reporting in accordance with the Russian chart of accounts and the chart of accounts in the GAAP standard.

The Hotel-2000 system allows you to get more than 100 different statistical and financial reports and analyze information about the hotel. Provides accounting of cash transactions using registered cash registers.

This system operates in the hotels "Academic", "Soyuz", "Sheremetyevo-2" (Moscow), "Beresta Palace Hotel" (Nizhny Novgorod), business hotels "LUKOIL-Moscow" (Moscow), "Yakhont" (Krasnoyarsk) , "Sakhalin-Sapporo" (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk), boarding house "Ural" (Anapa), etc.

All systems have a user-friendly interface; provide for the maintenance of archival copies; setting for any number of users; provide differentiation of access rights for different users, protection against unauthorized access through the use of a parody system, configuration for any type of printers.

Automated hotel management system "Russian Hotel"

The system covers all aspects of hotel and restaurant activities. Full accounting of revenue is carried out using computer cash registers. The system provides for full accounting. The system is a single complex of interrelated business processes that fully cover the main production activities, accounting and control, built on the technology of automated workstations, which excludes the possibility of passing documents not recorded in the system. The information model embedded in the system corresponds to the typical organizational structure of the hotel, and the application software is designed as software modules that implement certain functions. A set of modules that cover all the functional needs of a particular workplace is designed as an automated workstation (AWS).

The system has a number of advantages: it is mobile in the use of hardware, easy to operate and easy to expand by introducing new jobs. The system provides for the possibility of protecting data from unauthorized off-system access. Inside the system, data access protection is provided by a unique user identification code and password.

The system consists of the following functional components:

Subsystem "Management". The subsystem is designed to automate the activities of the hotel manager and provides: processing of business documentation; execution control; checking the state of the hotel industry and the state of work by departments; service.

Subsystem "Commercial Department". The subsystem is designed to automate the activities of the hotel's guest service department and provides: maintaining contracts with corporate clients; planning the reception and service of guests; collection of reporting information on commercial activities; collection of reference information on the status of cashless payments with partners.

Subsystem "Porter". The subsystem is designed to automate the main production activities of the hotel and provides: reservation and reservation of rooms; registration, registration and accommodation of guests; receiving and processing payments; accounting and operational control of hotel loading.

Subsystem "Store service". The subsystem is designed to automate the activities of the hotel floor service and solves the following tasks: accounting for the number of rooms; issuance of various reference information on the state of the hotel rooms; tracking debtors for services rendered; maid work management; maintaining a schedule of repairs to the number of rooms.

Subsystem "Dispatcher". The subsystem is designed to automate the activities of the dispatch service and ensures the processing of applications for current repair work in the hotel; maintaining a schedule of scheduled repairs of the number of rooms.

Subsystem "Restaurant". The subsystem is designed to automate the activities of catering departments and solves the following tasks: maintaining recipes and technological reference books; menu formation; calculation of dishes and menus; monitoring the availability of products in the warehouse and production; calculation of spent products; registration of the movement of products in production and requirements for ordering products to the warehouse; registration of documents for the sale of products; registration of write-off of products based on the results of the sale of products and from production; formation of various reports and certificates; maintaining the program of meals for guests and managing the loading of the halls. operating reception accommodation hotel

Subsystem "Warehouse accounting". The subsystem is designed to automate the work of hotel departments responsible for receiving, storing and issuing material assets and food products, and provides documentation of their accounting and movement.

Subsystem "Accounting". The subsystem is designed to automate the accounting of production and economic activities of the hotel.

Subsystem "Salary". The subsystem provides a solution to the tasks of calculating wages according to the rules adopted for each type of hotel employee, taking into account the current legislative acts.

Subsystem "Personnel". The subsystem is designed to automate the activities of the personnel department of the hotel.

Subsystem "Operational accounting of income". The subsystem ensures the formation of reporting documents for the types of production activities of the enterprise for various time intervals. Types, forms and components of reporting documents are determined and configured depending on the needs of the enterprise.

Accounts with clients. All settlements with guests for the services provided are made at automated workplaces equipped with cash registers (CCM) models IPC POSIIS-SP or IPC GRS-38001-SP, which are included in the state register. The use of a unified payment system opens up wide opportunities for the introduction of an internal hotel credit card. Relationship with external electronic systems. If the hotel has its own automatic telephone exchange, which has a port for issuing information about past telephone conversations, it is possible to dock the control system with a telephone exchange in order to speed up the receipt of data on registered telephone conversations. The system performs their billing and generates invoices for calls for settlements with clients. If the hotel has an electronic locking system that has an open interface for communicating with other electronic systems, the control system is docked with the locking system.

Automated information system for hotels "Hotel - Simple"

The "Hotel-Simple" system is designed to automate the activities of hotels, it works in a local area network environment with a dedicated or non-dedicated server. The system can also work on one personal computer, but in this case the possibilities are limited. In the network version, the "Hotel-Simple" system is divided into several automated workstations (AWS), and computers at the workplaces can be configured to combine any set of functions from different workstations.

Administrator workstation. The workplace provides for the following functions: hotel accommodation for arriving guests on the basis of group and individual requests; operational settlement, eviction and resettlement of guests; receiving reports on the availability of rooms available and ready for occupancy, the formation of lists of groups preparing for departure and other information; logging of administrator's actions, daily operations report.

cashier's workstation. The workplace provides for the following functions: acceptance of payments for accommodation, long-distance negotiations and additional services, setting up types of services for the needs of the hotel; the use of an electronic cash register with the issuance of an invoice for payment, a check and the maintenance of a control tape; the possibility of shift work of cashiers, and maintaining individual cash reports for each cashier; cash collection independent of shifts; support for several tariff scales for different categories of guests; support for tariff changes, calculation in accordance with the terms of tariffs; the ability to set tariffs in currency terms with conversion at a rapidly changing rate; processing of incoming long-distance calls at the time of settlement with the client; receipt of operational cash reports, lists of debtors for accommodation and negotiations and other information; Maintaining monthly financial statements.

Commandant's workstation. The functions of the system include: maintenance of the number fund; accounting for the complete set of rooms with additional equipment; Accounting for cleaning rooms after release; receiving reports on the workload of the room fund to account for the production of maids.

Placement service workstation. The system monitors the course of placement and actions of administrators, registration of clients' passport data; draws up analytical reports on the state of the hotel, placement of arrivals, a schedule for loading the hotel; maintains a list of unwanted clients.

AWP of settlement service. The functions of the system include: settlements by transfer, issuance and maintenance of accounts; writing off non-recoverable debts, unrelated telephone conversations; refund at the checkout; maintenance of the tariff scale, exchange rates, classifier of currencies and services; receipt of paid and unpaid statements of accommodation, negotiations and services.

Workstation of a systems engineer. The system performs a number of functions, including: allowing operators and maintaining a password system; cleaning classifiers of categories, countries, organizations, currencies; database prevention; maintaining long-term archives.

The "Hotel - Simple" system allows you to divide duties and powers between hotel employees and record their actions using a computer.

Technical characteristics of the system: number of buildings - up to 9; the total number of beds in the hotel complex - up to 4000; room numbering - 4-digit; phone numbers - 7-digit; working hours - round-the-clock with breaks for prevention (30 min 2 times a week)

The "Hotel-Simple" system is implemented and operated in the hotel complex of the Russian Academy of Public Administration (RAGS) (two buildings, 1500 seats) and in the Akademicheskaya Hotel of the Russian Academy of Sciences (three buildings, 900 seats).

Meridian-1 system

The Meridian-1 system is a specialized software product that automates the performance of a number of functions for the collection, processing and storage of information in the hotel system.

Functionality of the Meridian-1 system:

1) The system allows you to store, process and issue the necessary information, which includes: data on the status of rooms (occupied, free, booked, etc.); information about the guests (name, length of stay of the guest in the hotel, etc.); information about the level of room service; billing for telephone services, etc. This information allows hotel managers to quickly analyze the current state of affairs in the hotel and immediately determine those areas where work needs to be improved.

2) The use of a hotel voice mail system (HVS) is provided, which significantly improves the speed, accuracy and quality of information exchange processes between all departments and allows for operational control over the current work of the hotel, as well as making management decisions based on up-to-date information. The HVS system reduces the need for internal written communications and meetings, and provides hotel managers and staff with the ability to send voice messages to several different voice mailboxes simultaneously.

3) The use of the remote system "Companion" provides managers with the opportunity not to miss an important call, being anywhere in the hotel. The Companion system can also be used to improve internal operations by helping speed up hotel internal communication and connect with hotel staff wherever they are.

4) The complex of additional services of the Meridian-1 system includes: auto-alarm clock; listening to the room if the guest left the child alone there and asked to follow him; the presence of a liquid crystal display on the phone showing the time and date; conference call is a standard feature used throughout the business world, can be activated by all hotel guests; The Do Not Disturb feature allows guests to direct calls that come in their name to their own voicemail box, such as when they are sleeping, leaving their room, having a meeting in their room. The time it takes for a customer to answer a call can be kept to a minimum. The hotel may also set up a CRS selection hotline to make sure no reservations are missed.

Edelweiss control system

This is an automated management system for hotels of various classes. Booking is carried out on the reservation plan, which allows you to do this operation as quickly and conveniently as possible. Optionally, only rooms with specified characteristics can be shown on the reservation plan. There are ample opportunities for managing guest accounts in general, as well as individual items of these accounts. The system allows you to maintain accounts receivable, including special accounts for any credit cards. Payment by the guest of his account can be made in any form (cash, check, credit card).

One of the most important advantages of the system is the use of a visual reservation plan, which allows you to do all operations with reservations as quickly and conveniently as possible. The system has a well thought out and intuitive user interface, which allows you to work with the system without special training.

The Edelweiss system has a number of the following functionality for the following positions:

1) Booking:

Using a graphic reservation plan with the allocation of a specific number on the reservation plan or by type (category) of the room without highlighting a specific number;

The ability to scale the reservation plan and display only the specified types of rooms using drag-and-drop technology, which are performed visually;

Implementation of all operations with the reservation through the local menu (by right mouse button);

Working with the booking is simple and intuitive, in line with Windows standards.

2) Work with guest accounts:

Support for multiple accounts for one guest;

Convenient work with the account using drag-and-drop technology;

Visual control of the guest's account balance;

Automatic payment of accommodation fees and other predefined services to the guest's account;

The ability to automatically turn off the phone after the deposit expires;

Ability to preview invoices before printing.

3) Service modules:

Built-in word processor for preparing and printing documents and letters;

Ability to insert information about the guest's account and booking data into the document;

Built-in report generator providing preview and printing of reports;

A set of high quality reports;

Ability to develop additional reports or change the appearance of existing reports at the request of the customer.

4) Working with external systems:

Ability to receive and process data from external devices (POS - cash systems, Pay TV - paid TV channels, etc.);

Intelligent interface with accounting systems (for example, "1C");

Integration with ACS "Restaurant";

Close integration with the billing system "Barsum", designed for tariffication of telephone conversations;

Possibility of receiving and processing data from any rater;

Support for access control systems (electronic locks with magnetic cards).

The main advantages of the Edelweiss system include: two ways of booking (on the reservation plan and by type or category, without highlighting a specific room); support for multiple accounts for one guest; built-in document processing system and report generator; receiving and processing data from external devices (mini-ATS, cash systems, etc.); modern intuitive user-friendly interface; ease of use and the best price.

The users of the system in Russia are the Pulkovskay, Yunost, Grand Hotel Europe hotels, Neptune business center (St. Petersburg), Arktika (Salekhard), Kaliningrad (Kaliningrad), Polyarnye Zori ”, “Meridian”, “Arktika” (Murmansk), etc. There are more than 150 installations abroad (Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, South Africa, Australia, etc.).

Reconline control system

The system provides connection to global booking systems. The hotel's direct connection to a specific booking system ensures that only the channels of that GDS are used. This significantly reduces the number of potential customers. Connecting to multiple booking systems requires a significant investment. In order to increase the number of customers and at the same time reduce the necessary costs, the Reconline system was developed. "Reconline" is a flexible system that provides its users with access to the named booking systems at the same time.

The data transfer process takes a matter of seconds. For example, the operation of booking a room for a customer does not exceed 7 seconds. from anywhere in the world. Just as fast is the change or cancellation of the reservation.

The Reconline system has the following advantages:

Provides simultaneous connection to the largest GDS: Saber, Amadeus, Galileo, Worldspan;

Handles all types of GDS requests (teletype and on-line);

Reduces the time spent on processing requests of type "B";

Allows various connection options: interactive (via a digital communication channel); semi-automatic (via analog communication channel); manual (using fax); offers lower connection and operation costs compared to a direct connection to GDS.

Barsum control system

This is an automated system for recording telephone conversations. The system receives data on calls from mini-PBX, saves them in the database and charges in real time. At the same time, it is possible to set tariff surcharges (discounts) for groups of subscribers, types and directions of calls. The calculation of expenses for these categories is carried out automatically. The system provides three billing schemes: fixed cost of a call, taking into account the duration; cost according to the tariff for the zone where the call was made (analysis of the dialed number); the cost depending on the duration of the call, time of day (graceful hours), day of the week (weekends), day of the year (holidays).

The cost of a call can be determined by the digits of the dialed number (used to charge a specific hotel service).

Information about charged calls is transferred to an external hotel management computer system or an accounting system in real time. It is also possible to output information about billed calls in real time to an additional printer. The system has a permanent visual display of information about processed calls, administrative structure and billing tables. The program has a clear and convenient Russian-language interface, mouse support, context-sensitive help system.

The Barsum system provides differentiation of access rights to the system for different users, logging of information changes in the system, logging of errors detected by the system.

The Barsum system has the following advantages: it can be configured for any type of mini-ATS that provides access to billing information; performs billing according to several schemes; has a simple and intuitive interface; protects data from erroneous and incorrect actions of personnel; allows you to control the correctness of invoices from telephone companies; offers high quality at an affordable price.

Lodging touch control system

The Lodging Touch hotel management system improves the quality of guest service, automates the administrative, marketing, financial, economic and economic activities of hotels and hotel complexes, as well as boarding houses, holiday homes, sanatoriums and motels. It covers porter services, reservations, sales and marketing, provides for events, group services, work with travel agencies and organizations. The Lodging Touch system has a friendly graphical user interface (GUI), where each function has its own icon, is convenient and easy to use, and is configured in accordance with the accepted technology of the hotel. The screen forms used are universal, which makes it easier to work with the system.


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