Interpretation of sleep deafness in dream books

If in a dream you are dealing with a deaf person, it means that in reality you will forget to do something very important.

To feel deaf in a dream - to hear something extremely unpleasant in your address. Such dreams speak of your inner discomfort and contradictions with loved ones.

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Dream Interpretation - Deafness, blindness, loss of the ability to feel

This is a very symbolic event. Here is an example of the memories of one 34-year-old man:

"I'm dreaming of a situation in which I have to make every effort to help a stranger avoid danger. All of a sudden, all of a sudden, I stop seeing. This greatly discouraged me."

To lose one of the sensory abilities for some unknown reason is not at all like being injured in an accident. Without any explanation, the image disappears. Such a dream makes you wonder if you are able to cope with the responsibilities that everyday life imposes on you, in addition, such dreams reflect a person’s unwillingness to take on the role of a HERO.

The role of the hero can be quite intrusive, and it is not necessary that you accept it with joy. Suddenly you are visited by a sense of duty and responsibility in relation to those with whom in life you are not bound by any obligations. This complicates the situation. Many of us are simply trying to fulfill our responsibilities towards the people around us.

Another version of the unfolding scenario is the loss of sensitivity in exchange for something or someone. The notorious expression "I would give a lot for ..." expresses a person's desire to exchange his ability to feel for something more valuable. Note that our mind, to help us test the relative value of relations and objects, very often resorts to using the principle of exchange.

Such losses often bear the tinge of martyrdom, especially in cases of loss of sensory faculties as a result of illness. The loss is perceived as an adequate substitute for something that was received during sleep or in real life.

Interpretation of dreams from

Why dream of deafness

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Deafness, deaf - You see a deaf man in a dream - you will be happy; an extraordinary event will occur to which you will be indifferent (the deaf person does not hear beautiful music), but it is from this event that many of your blessings will begin. You yourself are deaf - a dream portends an illness; another interpretation of sleep: due to several major blunders in business, you will lose confidence.

Why dream of deafness

Ladies dream book

Deafness is the unwillingness to hear your inner voice.

Why dream of deafness

Big dream book

Deafness - If in a dream you are dealing with a deaf person, it means that in reality you will forget to do something very important. To feel deaf in a dream - to hear something extremely unpleasant in your address. Such dreams speak of your inner discomfort and contradictions with loved ones.

Why dream of deafness

Astrological dream book

Deafness - to see a deaf person in a dream - your words and requests will not be heard. You will fail in your business. Going deaf is a serious illness. Listen to the advice of others, this will allow you to change the situation for the better. This dream may also indicate that you want to leave things unchanged. Pisces, 12th house of the horoscope.

Why dream of deafness

Christian dream book

Deafness (go deaf in a dream) - To achieve your goal, you will have to sacrifice something important. Consider if you need it. Imagine that your hearing returns to you, you hear all sounds clearly and clearly.

Deafness - means to lose one of the sensory abilities - very symbolic. This is not at all like getting injured in an accident. If the sound (or image) suddenly disappears, it is worth considering whether you are able to cope with the duties assigned to you. In addition, such dreams reflect a person's unwillingness to take on the role of a hero, which can be quite intrusive. Another version of the dream is hearing loss in exchange for something or someone. Deafness, deaf in a dream - You see a deaf person in a dream - you will be happy; an extraordinary event will occur, to which you will be indifferent, the deaf does not hear beautiful music, but it is from this event that many of your blessings will begin. You yourself are deaf - a dream portends an illness; another interpretation of sleep: due to several major blunders in business, you will lose confidence.

Why dream of deafness

Home dream book

Deafness in a dream - Symbolizes callousness and misunderstanding, and sometimes outright stupidity. To meet a deaf person in a dream portends that you will be refused help and will have to rely only on your own strength. Going deaf yourself in a dream is a sign that in reality you have lost sight of something important, and this prevents you from successfully implementing your plans ..

Why dream of deafness

Islamic dream book

As for deafness, it speaks of the depravity of the faith of the dreaming person.

Why dream of deafness

Loff's dream book

Deafness, blindness, loss of the ability to feel - For some unknown reason, losing one of the sensory abilities is not at all like being injured in an accident, Without any explanation, the image disappears. Such a dream makes you wonder if you are able to cope with the responsibilities that everyday life imposes on you, in addition, such dreams reflect a person’s unwillingness to take on the role of a HERO. The role of the hero can be quite intrusive, and it is not necessary that you accept it with joy. Suddenly you are visited by a sense of duty and responsibility in relation to those with whom in life you are not bound by any obligations. This complicates the situation.

Deafness - Many of us are just trying to fulfill our responsibilities towards the people around us. Another version of the unfolding scenario is the loss of sensitivity in exchange for something or someone. The notorious expression I would give a lot for... expresses a person's desire to exchange his ability to feel for something more valuable. Note that our mind, to help us test the relative value of relations and objects, very often resorts to using the principle of exchange. Such losses often bear the tinge of martyrdom, especially in cases of loss of sensory faculties as a result of illness. The loss is perceived as an adequate substitute for something that was received during sleep or in real life.

Deafness in sleep- symbolizes callousness and misunderstanding, and sometimes outright stupidity.

Meet a deaf person in a dream- portends that you will be refused help and will have to rely only on your own strength.

Go deaf in your sleep- a sign that in reality you have lost sight of something important, and this prevents you from successfully implementing your plans.

Dream Interpretation of Solomon

Deaf- difficulties, troubles, vain efforts.

Dream interpretation of D. Loff

Deafness- not at all like getting injured in an accident, Without any explanation, the image disappears. Such a dream makes you wonder if you are able to cope with the responsibilities that everyday life imposes on you, in addition, such dreams reflect a person’s unwillingness to take on the role of a hero. The role of the hero can be quite intrusive, and it is not necessary that you accept it with joy. Suddenly you are visited by a sense of duty and responsibility in relation to those with whom in life you are not bound by any obligations. This complicates the situation. Many of us are simply trying to fulfill our responsibilities towards the people around us.

Another version of the unfolding scenario- loss of sensitivity in exchange for something or someone. The notorious expression "I would give a lot for ..." expresses a person's desire to exchange his ability to feel for something more valuable. Note that our mind, to help us test the relative value of relations and objects, very often resorts to using the principle of exchange. Such losses often bear the tinge of martyrdom, especially in cases of loss of sensory faculties as a result of illness. The loss is perceived as an adequate substitute for something that was received during sleep or in real life.

Modern combined dream book

Be deaf in your sleep- to the news.

see the deaf- means that, having shown ingenuity in business, you will be able to extract the maximum benefit from it.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Deaf- the need to listen to something (someone). Reflection of unwillingness to recognize the obvious in the spheres of feelings and emotions. A reminder of deafness to feelings of one's own or others. The need to open the heart.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

If in a dream you are dealing with a deaf person- it means that in reality you will forget to do something very important.

Feeling deaf in a dream- to hear something extremely unpleasant in your address. Such dreams speak of your inner discomfort and contradictions with loved ones.

General dream book

You dreamed that you were deaf You will soon run out of money.

If you dreamed that someone close to you was deaf- big expenses await you soon.

A dream in which one of your relatives or friends went deaf- means: you will have to lend someone from your friends a large amount of money.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Deaf- What do you not want to listen to in life? Why are you plugging your ears? Open your ears. Open your heart.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Seeing a deaf man in a dream- means that in reality you will forget about something important, miss some trifle, which later turns out to be important and significant.

Communicate in a dream with the deaf and dumb in their language, teach them the alphabet- a harbinger of the fact that you will learn some kind of someone else's secret, important or interesting to you.

Interesting news awaits you.

Islamic dream book

As for deafness- she speaks of the depravity of the dreamer's faith.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

be deaf- important news; indifference.

Modern universal dream book

We all sometimes wish that total and absolute silence reigned. Possibly deafness in sleep- a sign that you need to take a break and be in silence in real life.

The most obvious meaning of this symbol- unwillingness to hear. Who is deaf in your dream? If this is you, what do you not want to hear? What do you refuse to hear?

If someone else is deaf- perhaps this person does not like to listen to what you say.

If you are deaf in a dream, how do you feel? Do you feel anxious, worried that you might miss important information? Or are you glad you can't hear what they're saying?- perhaps deafness is your refuge, a way to forget about unused opportunities?

When one person says to another: “Are you deaf?”- in fact, he wants to say: "You do not want to listen to me and what I say." Perhaps it seems to you that in real life no one is listening to you and you are talking into the void.

Seeing yourself deaf in a dream also- a sign that you are very independent and determine the path of life for yourself, not considering it necessary to justify other people's expectations.

Dream interpretation of a gypsy

If you dream that you are deaf- you will soon get rid of all your worries and troubles.

If in a dream you are trying to talk to a deaf person- this means that you will be angry because of trifles.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Deaf or deaf to see- joy.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Deaf- difficulties, troubles; be him- illness, sadness, news.

Would you like to deal with problems in different life situations, assess your emotional state? We suggest reading selected interpretations of dreams about the Deaf in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these interpretations of dreams, there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream in a dream Deaf

Modern dream book

What is the dream of the Deaf in the dream book?

D. Loff wrote that losing one of the sensory abilities in a dream is very symbolic. This is not at all like getting injured in an accident. It was a dream that the sound (or image) suddenly disappears, it is worth considering whether you are able to cope with the duties assigned to you. In addition, such dreams reflect a person's unwillingness to take on the role of a hero, which can be quite intrusive. Another version of the dream is hearing loss in exchange for something or someone. The expression is known: "I would give a lot for ..." - expresses a person's desire to exchange his sensory ability for something more valuable.

Dream Interpretation of Pastor Loff

Why dream and what does Deaf mean?

Deaf, blindness, loss of the ability to feel - Such a dream makes you wonder if you are able to cope with the responsibilities that everyday life imposes on you.

Dream Interpretation Deaf - Being deaf in reality you will always hear very well.

Spring dream interpreter

To be deaf is not to notice the suffering of other people. Do not give help to those who ask it from you.

Dream Interpretation Deaf - indicates an unwillingness to listen to the inner voice; unwillingness to hear about things that, in our inner conviction, I can! harm us, this is how this dream is interpreted, in which the Deaf man dreams.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why does the Deaf dream in a dream?

Deaf; See - difficulties, troubles, vain efforts; to be deaf yourself - to losses, illness.

Dream interpretation of A. Vasiliev

If you dream and what the Deaf symbolizes:

I dreamed that I was deaf - your words and requests will not be heard. You will fail in the planned business. Being deaf is a serious illness. Listen to the advice, it will allow you to change the situation for the better. This dream may indicate that you want to leave things unchanged. Pisces, 12th house of the horoscope, for more details, if you dream of Deaf, see below.

Dream Interpretation of Gypsy Seraphim

What is the dream of the Deaf, interpretation of sleep:

Inability to hear, know, or express the truth.

Summer dream interpreter

We saw in a dream a deaf-mute, explaining on the fingers - to find out about the existence of a person who is stealthily harming you.

Autumn dream interpreter

We saw in a dream a man who speaks on his fingers - to the good news.

Spring dream interpreter

Seeing in a dream a person who is explained by gestures and knowing that he is deaf is a meeting with a serious enemy who acts against you without warning and pity.

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