Transiting Saturn in Capricorn. New era: Saturn in Capricorn (2018–2020) - forecast by zodiac sign. The influence of Saturn in the sign of Capricorn for each zodiac sign

Saturn moved through the zodiac and constellations, passing on its wisdom so that we could gain a deeper understanding of who we really are.

Now, 28 years later, Saturn is preparing to return home, moving into the sign of Capricorn on December 21, 2017, where it will remain until March 23, 2020. As Saturn prepares to return home, we will all feel profound changes within ourselves, and a cosmic energy will reign in our lives to enable us to return to our roots and find a new sense of belonging and grounding in who we are and why we came here. And in the constellation Capricorn, Saturn will help you express all your best qualities and materialize them for all of us, which will greatly contribute to learning and growth.

Saturn symbolizes boundaries, foundation and responsibility. In fact, Saturn is often perceived as a strict teacher in astrology. Saturn can give tough lessons and demand that everyone homework has been done, but once you accept the lessons and work hard, Saturn will always reward you.

Now that Saturn is preparing to leave Sagittarius, where it has been since December 2014, if you pay attention and see where you have been forced to work a little harder and face more challenges in your life since 2014, you may gain an intuitive understanding that lessons have been prepared especially for you.

As we approach December 21st, we all begin to feel a sense of completion when it comes to... final stage these lessons, and, of course, you will feel stronger, wiser and more confident in the specific area of ​​your life that the planetary teacher helped to work through. As mentioned, Saturn always rewards its students for their hard work, so pay attention and see what gifts the Universe brings your way.

As Saturn exits Sagittarius and moves into Capricorn, we will all be feeling a shift for ourselves. It's quite big planet, it will easily create cosmic waves and vibrations in the Universe. While Saturn is in Capricorn, the feeling of order and structure will not leave you. Situations will become more grounded and organized, in other words, as if everything fell into place. To learn the lessons of Saturn, we must approach that edge of transition and take responsibility for our lives, act in accordance with personal beliefs and true essence, in other words, without betraying ourselves.

Saturn in Capricorn will encourage you to look at life realistically and look for realistic and practical ways, so we can make changes and create boundaries in order to get what we want. Of course, sometimes we ourselves will be limited in some ways, but this is only in order to reconsider what we really want and what we are willing to do to get what we want. At times, this energy may seem a little harsh, but we must remember that Saturn always has our best interests at heart. He pushes us into difficulties and unusual situations not because he wants us to, but so that we reach our full potential. He doesn't spare us and allows us a couple of hard blows because he knows we will come out stronger and more determined.

Saturn helps us take our dreams and turn them into tangible reality. It gives us the motivation to work hard and get results, and the more we can embrace that energy, the more we can use it in a productive and thoughtful manner. This energy is suitable for getting a big boost in productivity and motivation, especially when it comes to any career goals.

At the same time, the energy of Saturn in Capricorn can also push you to return to your “roots” and connect with your family. Long-standing family conflicts will also surface and finally be resolved safely.

On a global level, Saturn in Capricorn will shine its shining light on authority figures. People in power, or people who have power over others, will really have to make sure that they act ethically and for the greater good, or Saturn may have to step in and show them the right path. Saturn moves into the sign of the Earth, Mother Earth will also be in the spotlight and we all must think about the environment and take measures to protect the planet, even at our micro level, plant trees and flowers, remove garbage, at least for ourselves, so that this lesson will be with you was learned. In fact, ignoring the Earth during this transit can have serious consequences, so it is very important that we all come together and start supporting our planet and all its inhabitants.

Saturn in Capricorn is a powerful planetary phenomenon and to make the most of it, we will have to become practical and hardworking. In their native constellation, Saturn, they certainly feel more comfortable and more confident; here the soil is fertile and ready for us to begin building according to the desire of our hearts. However, since Saturn is practical and wants us to look at things more realistically, we must really evaluate and find reasons for what we want and why we chose to get things moving.

Saturn wants to make sure that our motives are pure and that we are reconnecting with our higher purpose, not straying from our destined path.

For those born between 1988-1990 and 1959-1961, Saturn in Capricorn will be even more noticeable, and various questions will periodically pop up in front of you:

  • Why do you do what you do?
  • Is this what you should do?
  • What do you want for your life?
  • What do you want for your future?
  • Where do you see yourself in the next 30 years?
  • Are you living up to your potential?

These are the types of tough questions that Saturn will force you to answer. You will have to come to terms with some decisions along the way. Before you make a decision, always make sure you choose wisely.

Saturn has a strong masculine energy and if there are any wounds around the male attitude in your life, they can also be highlighted at the moment. The most important relationship is the relationship with the father. Typically, Saturn energies bring a lot of healing related to the father and you may find that this perfect time to settle all differences with men.

Saturn in Capricorn will also feel strong for those with their sun, moon or rising sign in Capricorn.

Accept the lessons of this wise planet and your wisdom and hard work will definitely be royally rewarded, because Saturn is not only harsh and fair, but also generous.


At the end of 2017, not far from everyone’s favorite and long-awaited holiday New Year, almost at the chime, flavored with the aroma of tangerines, Saturn moves into Capricorn. As a matter of fact, for Saturn, Capricorn is an abode, his home, and therefore here he becomes a strong business executive, a fighter for discipline, order, observance of subordination and, of course, begins to actively teach and edify.

If anyone doubts the effectiveness of Saturn’s work as a strict teacher, and sometimes literally an overseer, then ask Sagittarius, especially those who have many planets in this sign, they will tell you what it was like for them in the period from 2014 to 2017 The year is probably not sweet, but there may be better epithets. Such a Saturn also has wonderful feeling responsibility for oneself and for others, unique performance and endurance, as well as a fairly objective assessment of oneself, without illusions.

If we talk about general trends Saturn’s ingression through the sign of Capricorn, then for us it will be a time of great work, difficult, hard, but very useful. Saturn does not accept weakness and laziness, so he may dislike those of us who are not at all accustomed to work and constant work stress. We are not talking about immediately gaining powerful ambitions and conquering the world for the sake of such a transit; Saturn does not like upstarts, and in Capricorn he is also a great moralist, a rare dogmatist, he believes that the result, especially great, is necessary deserve it and therefore will not give anything to anyone just like that. It was not for nothing that in ancient times, from December 17 until the winter solstice (5-7 days), the Saturnalia lasted, the days when people paid tribute to Saturn and these were holidays, the meaning of the celebration was that anyone can achieve great heights if they work hard and purposefully develop their talents.

It may seem strange that I am writing about the cosmic body as a living and powerful character, but an astrologer works with energies that act on a person, and it is more convenient for him to explain the work of planetary influences through such metaphors. Energy doesn’t just start acting and doesn’t just stop, it always influences, it makes a connection between the events of the past and the events of the future through its influence in the present. Saturn will evaluate what we have done before, whether we have worked diligently, and how ready we are for the new stage of our social development. If our results were so-so, did nothing, floated on the waves, were lacking initiative or too chaotic and did not bring a single task to the end, were optional in their responsibilities and did not value their own achievements, easily exchanging them for something new, ephemeral, then he will definitely give us his feedback, but in Capricorn he is not distinguished by tact.

In this case, there is no need to wait for progress, everything will happen in order, first we will have to finish everything we started, take on the minimum set of responsibilities that our Saturn considers necessary to give us, and only then will there be at least some progress. So, if you realize that you are stalling, think about what you didn’t do, what you missed important in situations where you want to advance, what you walked away from and didn’t do something important steps.. Because the periods of Saturn can be very fruitful, with strongly manifested, high-quality results, but they require dedication and a serious, expert approach and our involvement in them.

And that’s just about that same quality result. Saturn is the planet of manifestation, the materialization of our goals. I very rarely see in the forecast good period to realize their social aspirations without a working Saturn, because Jupiter gives expansion, faith, inspiration, suitable circumstances, community of ideas and the opportunity to lead others, but Saturn realizes all this, it concretizes the circumstances that create the event, it gives real, practical the support of very specific people, it gives stability to the creation process and it contributes to a well-manifested result, because only according to Jupiter the result can be very bright and joyful, but more at the level of ideas than at the level of matter. If only Jupiter works, then we will not be able to take advantage of its benefits after a while, they simply won’t be there, emotions will remain, which is also important, but it would be good if there were also something left that can support us practically in life, but for that we go to Saturn.

We must also remember that Saturn is the planet of social achievements, that is, setting some personal goals during a resonant transit on your map is not entirely effective. Although, it depends on what they concern. For example, during the passage of Capricorn, Saturn will aspect your Sun. If you do not have any business projects and you are generally a homebody for some reason, then you should devote these three years to developing such qualities as discipline, responsibility for yourself and your loved ones, diligence , modesty, decency, the ability to obey circumstances and recognized authority (maybe one’s own spouse...), the ability to give up big things for the sake of small, but important and valuable things, the ability to manage one’s life, the development of skills to administer one’s plans with all the delights of this process.

If you have been waiting for a very long time for the period of achievements to come, real, real, which you can feel and which you can rely on for new goals, then it has come. Let me make a reservation right away that when giving an interpretation of the coming period, I am not making a personal forecast, I am writing about general trends and only about them. Capricorn is a sign of social fulfillment, our career ambitions; it is a very materialistic, consistent sign, a sign of measured actions and limitless, but well-reasoned patience. So our goals must be practical, measurable, feasible (realistic), set in time, have structure, consistency in their implementation, and be sure to create a perspective for greater goal(goal by goal). Do you recognize? Sounds like SMART? Oh yes, he is the real Saturn in Capricorn. If you have all this, and you undertook to implement your task not now, but the preparation was carried out on Saturn in Sagittarius, then you have a very good chance of realizing it in the upcoming ingression. It is advisable that the goal be ambitious, associated with a new level for you in the social hierarchy, since career plans are a priority for such a Saturn.

From an astrological point of view, Saturn is one of the special planets. She has the power not only to turn life around specific person, but also change trends in society as a whole. That's why it's worth keeping track of all Saturn's clues.

This is important because one of the largest planets solar system each time she changes her zodiac sign on average every 2.5 years.

In astrology, Saturn is the planet of diligence, self-discipline and restrictions, in its control of forms, boundaries and time itself.

In traditional astrology, Saturn is associated with the sign of Capricorn, Aquarius and the tenth house of the horoscope, which is responsible for social realization.

It's no secret that in order to achieve long-term and sustainable success, you need to set yourself a goal and systematically move towards it. And yes, you will have to give up something, limit yourself in something in order to achieve this goal.

Success according to Saturn's rules is not winning the lottery, nor is it something that can be achieved just like that, quickly and accidentally. However, unlike momentary ones, “Saturnian” achievements are something that will stay with you for a long time.

However, in any case, the energy of Saturn is associated with tests and restrictions. Depending on what sign Saturn is in, they will affect certain areas of life of each zodiac sign and types of activities.

Period of Saturn in Capricorn

C December 20, 2017 By December 17, 2020 Saturn moves through the sign of Capricorn.

The sign of Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, and here strict Saturn feels like a rightful master.

The Capricorn sign is one of the most purposeful, responsible, practical and hardworking signs of the Zodiac.

Why is it so important to consider the transit of Saturn?

Transit is the actual movement of the planet according to the zodiac sign at one time or another. The planet Saturn, on average, passes through one Zodiac sign every 2.5 years, which gives a certain character to a fairly significant period of your life.

Important: the next time Saturn will be in the sign of Capricorn will only be in 2047.

Consequently, those events, tasks, issues and projects that will be laid down now will continue to operate for a fairly serious period.

Therefore, if Saturn in Capricorn favors you or the field of activity in which you are engaged, you should not miss such a rare opportunity.

That is why you should read this article more carefully and take all the necessary steps to take advantage of the opportunities and protect yourself from trouble.

Step 1. Determine how Saturn in Capricorn will affect you

In general, if Saturn manifests itself as a favorable planet in your horoscope, you will be able to note that in the areas associated with the sign of Capricorn and this planet, there is a systematic arrival of new opportunities.

If your solar, lunar or rising zodiac sign is Capricorn, if key points are associated with it in your horoscope, the influence of Saturn will be stronger on you than on others.

During the transit of Saturn through the sign of Capricorn, it is favorable:

  • Bring order to that area of ​​life that is also associated with the sign of Capricorn.
  • Understand the business sphere, the sphere of social implementation in your life. That is, set a goal and persistently achieve it. For example, preparation practice is very suitable, provided that in addition to your desires, you outline and carry out some practical steps.
  • Show hard work and perseverance, perseverance, diligence, practicality, refuse spontaneous purchases.
  • Maintain discipline and introduce healthy habits.

Depending on where Saturn in Capricorn falls in your horoscope, you can expect a special influence from this serious planet in one or another specific area of ​​life.

Step 2. Identify those areas that will be affected by Saturn in Capricorn

During the entire period that Saturn passes through the sign of Capricorn, there will be more restrictions in a number of industries and areas of activity than in the market as a whole.

All areas of activity associated with the sign of Capricorn will undergo strict testing by Saturn during the period until December 17, 2020.

Capricorn is a sign Saturn, therefore, it will be favorable to work on this planet in your horoscope.

Among the areas that will be affected by the influence of Saturn in Capricorn are the following:

  • mining, mining and manufacturing industry,
  • construction, architecture,
  • building materials,
  • purchase and sale of land and real estate,
  • forestry and woodworking industry,
  • agriculture and farming,
  • teaching, exact sciences,
  • medicine,
  • glass production,
  • footwear, leather and textile industries,
  • commission trade, second-hand,
  • warehouses, storage,
  • household services,
  • sewing work clothes,
  • office supplies
  • and some others.

So, let’s summarize what needs to be done during the period of Saturn in Capricorn to avoid negativity:

  • Determine exactly how the passage of Saturn through the sign of Capricorn affects your situation.
  • Check whether Saturn in Capricorn coincides with a significant point in your horoscope (position of the ascendant, Sun, Moon, etc.). If yes, then the influence of Saturn on you will be stronger than on others.
  • Use recommendations about the risks and opportunities that Saturn in Capricorn opens up.
  • Study which industries and areas of activity will be tested by Saturn. If you are planning new projects, starting a new business or moving to new job, please note that in these areas Saturn will demand to restore order and introduce delays and restrictions.
  • Make the most of favorable opportunities in order to make a good foundation for many years to come, and carry out correct actions, to "put a straw".

Pick up optimal solution for your situation, you can consult, read more about which you.

Timing of video forecast according to zodiac signs:

Important information for all signs - 00:00
Horoscope for Aries - 12:53
Horoscope for Taurus - 15:37
Horoscope for Gemini - 17:45
Horoscope for Cancer - 19:25
Horoscope for Leo - 21:40
Horoscope for Virgo - 23:34
Horoscope for Libra - 25:16
Horoscope for Scorpio - 27:20
Horoscope for Sagittarius - 30:33
Horoscope for Capricorn - 34:37
Horoscope for Aquarius - 38:04
Horoscope for Pisces - 41:36

Have questions? Please write them in the comments to this article. I will also be grateful for your response.

With respect and good luck,

The presence of Saturn in Capricorn from 2017 to 2019 is considered a bright phenomenon. This is due to the fact that the planet finds itself in its own abode together with Uranus, in the element of Earth. Compared to other Saturns, this one has an amazing sense of purpose, confirming its powerful position. Here all the power of Saturn is manifested, starting from endless ambitions, overexertion, promising ideas and ending with complete self-denial or self-sacrifice.

Most of all, during this stay, a person will exhibit such qualities as perseverance to achieve a goal, patience, incorruptibility, and restraint. All this is required not only at a young age, in order to implement the plans, but also for further significant step-by-step plans.

According to mythological data, Saturn is Chronos, setting limits on everything that is subject to him. He is the guardian of the border between life and death, a strict observer of everything that must come to an end. Such power is given to Saturn due to the fact that the planet is located further than the others and its orbit outlines the boundaries visible to humans reality.

The main functions of Saturn are highlighted:

  • establishing order and discipline;
  • organization of life processes;
  • restriction within strict limits;
  • meaningful direction of actions;
  • ability to fulfill one's own obligations;
  • demanding of yourself and the people around you.

Saturn in Capricorn gives the strongest position, control, and in harmonious aspects - powerful ambition, determination, and the ability to overcome difficulties. At the same time, it endows a person with prudence, caution, hard work and practicality.

In Capricorn, all the strongest positions of Saturn are manifested 100%. Therefore, the presence of Saturn in Capricorn for the period 2017-2019 for the signs Aries, Cancer, and Libra will be a time of great testing.

Transit of Saturn in Capricorn for 2017-2019

In December 2017, Saturn's transit through Capricorn begins. During this interval, the planet goes to the first degree of Capricorn, subsequently it leaves the zodiac sign once to come back in retrograde motion. Finally, Saturn will leave the sign of Capricorn for three decades. So, for more than two years, humanity will have to exist under conditions of Saturn, influential in status and strong in aspects.

In the period of time when Saturn changes the sign of its own presence, a change occurs in the conditions, choices, circumstances, and life principles of a person. Thus, the sign of transit Saturn shows how people will achieve their plans and goals, make far-reaching plans, and also on what basis they will decide the most complex life tasks within the given period. In this case, an important point is related to what restrictions await a person while the planet is in Capricorn.

In 2015, Saturn was directed through the sign of Sagittarius and solved problems related to expanding horizons in life path, acquiring wisdom and knowledge. From December 2017, the planet, which finds itself in the sign of its own abode, will embody the intended prospects and turn them into concrete structures, applying the knowledge gained from the previous period of being in Sagittarius.

The time of Saturn's stay in Capricorn is a serious stage that will be associated with certain events for humanity. During this period, one of two events can happen - conquering the top of the Mountain, the guardian of which is Capricorn, or a painful fall and collapse of all plans.

The influence of Saturn in Capricorn on men

The combination of Saturn and Capricorn gives big advantage representatives of the stronger sex. It gives men a practical mind. At the same time, it is difficult for a person to open up immediately when communicating with other people; he is very secretive and shy, therefore he seems cold and inaccessible to women.

The transition phase of the planet in Capricorn determines the material stability of men, which is achieved through his own efforts and intelligence. Some representatives may show strength of character and excessive commercialism, which are not in the best possible way will affect the people around you.

Impact on women

Ladies during the period when the planet is in Capricorn have bright combination iron will, ambition, incredible patience, as well as warmth and sacrifice. Such girls are neither emotional nor capable of showing great feelings towards members of the opposite sex. They are as reserved as possible in their love, but are always committed to business relationships.

A distinctive feature of women during the period of time during Saturn’s stay in Capricorn is the struggle for power. Here, such ladies are aces and are ready to achieve success in any field. They are winners by nature; there are no restrictions for them to achieve their goals. At the same time, girls do not like to be helped or given advice in the professional sphere. They achieve everything on their own.

Look video about the transit of Saturn with a forecast for all signs:

You will rejoice, but in less than a week Saturn enters Capricorn and the chart for this entry is beautiful. Below is the text of the beautiful Galina Volzhina, who is too lazy to read the whole thing - I copied the important parts in bold, enjoy.

This can be interpreted as the fact that the main trend in the coming years will be the strengthening of everything conservative, traditional, rigid and rigid. Saturn symbolizes all kinds of boundaries and restrictions. With such a strong influence of Saturn, isolationist tendencies can be expected to intensify in the coming years. Saturn is associated with taxes and pensions (since old age is under Saturn) - changes will certainly occur in this area. Saturn will rule Pluto, so the force of transformation will be aimed at strengthening restrictions, even greater influence of law enforcement agencies and the state itself. Many laws may change. The Black Moon in Capricorn can make Saturn's manifestations excessive and sometimes absurd.

Since the Moon with Pluto and their ruler Saturn are in Capricorn, the power of Pluto’s transformation will extend, first of all, to the people (Moon), and its goal will be to strengthen the influence of the state and security forces.

Inclusion on the axis of the 2nd and 8th houses and others listed indicators the cards indicate that during the transit of Saturn through Capricorn one can hardly expect economic growth, rather, on the contrary.

As already mentioned, ingression is the beginning of the cycle of a planet’s passage through a sign. Therefore, what is said about the chart of Saturn’s ingression into Capricorn will, to one degree or another, retain its influence until the end of his stay in this sign and will receive further development under the influence of upcoming transits.

Galina Volzhina

On December 20th, 2017, Saturn enters Capricorn, the sign it rules. He will stay there until December 17, 2020. What can we expect? is it from the transit of Saturn through Capricorn?
In order to understand what the transit of a social or higher planet in a particular sign will bring, many astrologers like to turn to history and analyze previous transits of this planet in a given sign, expecting similar events in the future.
I am not a supporter of this approach, although I do not deny the importance of retrospective analysis. Life is constantly changing, nothing is ever completely the same. In addition, not a single event - personal or public - is associated with the influence of any single planet. The world is holistic, everything in it is interconnected, each phenomenon is generated by a combination of various factors. And the relative positions of the higher and social planets and lunar nodes (those factors that have a significant impact on mundan processes) are never completely repeated. Therefore, to better understand the role of any significant transit, it is better to consider a combination of many factors.
Of course, the defining moment of such an analysis is the map of the planet’s ingression into the sign, since this is the beginning of the cycle of the planet’s passage through the sign. And the meaning of any cycle in astrology is determined by its beginning.
Let's look at the chart of Saturn's ingression into Capricorn.
The map (12/20/2017, 7:48:47 Moscow time) is based on Moscow, so much of it relates to the influence of Saturn in Capricorn on Russia. For any other country, you can build a map of its capital.
The Sun is in the last degrees of Sagittarius, in the same sign Venus and Mercury, the latter retrograde, stands on the southern node of Uranus in conjunction with the ascendant of the chart. The Sun is coming to an exact conjunction with Saturn, and in the same place (4.5 degrees from Saturn) stands the Black Moon, which entered Capricorn in the fall.
The Moon in Capricorn is conjunct Pluto and Pluto's South Node. Both luminaries and the other aforementioned planets are located in the first house of the chart.
The position of the second social planet - Jupiter in Scorpio - immediately attracts attention. While Saturn was in Sagittarius, Jupiter ruled it. Jupiter itself is ruled by Pluto in Capricorn, and while Saturn was in Sagittarius, the center of the control chain consisted of Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto. Now, after Saturn enters Capricorn, the influence of Jupiter will weaken; Saturn, through Pluto, will control it, becoming for a long time the final dispositor of one of the chains of any transit chart. The strong influence of Saturn on Jupiter (via Pluto) will remain until Jupiter leaves the sign of Scorpio.
The nodes in the map for Moscow are located in the included signs on the axis of the 2nd and 8th houses.
The sun rules the north lunar node, which indicates in which direction society will develop. As already noted, the Sun is preparing to leave the sign of Sagittarius and is heading towards a conjunction with Saturn and the Black Moon in Capricorn. This can be interpreted as the fact that the main trend in the coming years will be the strengthening of everything conservative, traditional, rigid and rigid. Saturn symbolizes all kinds of boundaries and restrictions. With such a strong influence of Saturn, isolationist tendencies can be expected to intensify in the coming years. Saturn is associated with taxes and pensions (since old age is under Saturn) - changes will certainly occur in this area. Saturn will rule Pluto, so the force of transformation will be aimed at strengthening restrictions, even greater influence of law enforcement agencies and the state itself. Many laws may change. The Black Moon in Capricorn can make Saturn's manifestations excessive and sometimes absurd.
A few words about the Moon with Pluto at the latter’s nodes. The position of the night luminary confirms and strengthens what has been said about the conjunction of the Sun, Saturn and the Black Moon. Pluto's nodes enhance its transformative influence. Since the Moon with Pluto and their ruler Saturn are in Capricorn, the power of Pluto’s transformation will extend, first of all, to the people (Moon), and its goal will be to strengthen the influence of the state and security forces.
The sign of Aquarius in the map for Moscow is included, the ruler of Uranus, Mars, is in Scorpio (going to the conjunction with Jupiter), it is ruled by Pluto in Capricorn and through it Saturn. This suggests that freedom-loving Uranus will fall under the restrictions of Saturn. One can expect restrictions on freedom on the Internet. Leo, naturally, is also included, it is ruled by the Sun in Sagittarius, Leo's inclusion complicates Jupiterian “expansion” and strengthens Saturnian tendencies towards “compression”. The inclusion of the 2nd and 8th houses on the axis and other listed indicators of the map indicate that during the transit of Saturn through Capricorn one can hardly expect economic growth, rather, on the contrary.
As already mentioned, ingression is the beginning of the cycle of a planet’s passage through a sign. Therefore, what is said about the chart of Saturn’s ingression into Capricorn will, to one degree or another, retain its influence until the end of his stay in this sign and will receive further development under the influence of future transits.
While Saturn is in Capricorn, Jupiter and the southern lunar node will enter there:
Saturn in Capricorn: from December 20, 2017 to December 17, 2020
Nodes Cancer - Capricorn (southern in Capricorn): from November 6, 2018 to May 5, 2020.
Jupiter in Capricorn: from December 2, 2019 to December 19, 2020
Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008, the first ingression into Aquarius will occur in March 2023, it will turn retrograde in the same (first) degree of Aquarius, return to Capricorn and enter Aquarius finally in January 2024.
Based on the given dates, we can conclude that Saturn will have the strongest influence on mundan processes in the period from November 2018 to December 2020, especially from December 2019 to May 2020.
Despite the somewhat pessimistic social expectations from the transit of Saturn through Capricorn, it also contains positive points. When a planet is in its own sign, this is a prerequisite for the most adequate embodiment of its principle. I say “prerequisite” because the combination “planet - sign” is not the only factor of harmony, but only one of all other factors. While Saturn is in Capricorn, each of us (with desire and conscious effort, of course!) can cultivate patience, a sense of proportion, responsibility, punctuality and all other constructive qualities of this planet. During this period, you need to be especially respectful of Saturn and its demands. You can make friends with Saturn - if you fulfill its requirements, it gives realization and results.

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