Removing dandelion stains from clothes is easy and simple. The most effective ways to remove dandelion stains at home How to remove milk from dandelions

Spring has come, which means that dandelions have blossomed in gardens and parks - magnificent flowers that simply attract. And it is not surprising that the kids, when they see them, first of all run to collect bouquets or ask their mothers to weave wreaths for them. Familiar picture, right?

It is after such walks that stains from dandelions very often remain on clothes, which can be quite difficult to remove over time, so it is very important not to miss the moment and not be too lazy to remove stains from dandelion juice as early as possible.

Let's start with the simplest….

How to remove dandelion stains on white and colored clothes

If the trace from the juice of the plant is fresh, then improvised and folk remedies will help to ideally cope with it:

Lemon- lemon juice vs dandelion juice. Squeeze lemon juice on the stain and leave for 15-20 minutes, then wash with laundry soap or sprinkle with powder and rub it with the remaining trace.

Onion- cut the onion into 2 parts and rub the stain on both sides with them, then leave a trace of the dandelion on the “closed” bow for 5-7 minutes then wash the clothes in the usual way.

Iron– can do a great job with dandelion stains. Place a clean sheet of white paper on top of the stain, heat the iron to the “Cotton” / “Linen” mode and begin to drive it over the paper, sliding a new part of the sheet onto the stain every 10 seconds. If after a couple of minutes the stain is not removed, proceed to the method described below.

ammonia and peroxide will help to remove an old stain from dandelion juice. To do this, prepare a solution of half a teaspoon of ammonia and two teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide. Then wet the stain, hold for 1 minute and wash with laundry soap. (only suitable for white clothes)

Cleaners and bleaches for dandelion marks on jackets and jeans

In fact, using one of the household chemicals that you probably have in your “arsenal”, you will save yourself a headache and save a thing.

  • Domestos
  • Vanish
  • eared babysitter
  • White.

These stain removers do an excellent job, only most often they are optimally suited for white clothes. According to reviews collected from the Internet, there were cases when Vanish removed traces of dandelions from colored things and even jeans. Therefore, you can try this option, the main thing is to first read the instructions on the bleach and initially do a test, apply the stain remover to an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe clothes.

How to remove dandelion marks from jeans

A little higher, one of the possible ways to remove stains from denim has already been described. But if you besieged the stain and no more than 2-3 hours have passed since that moment, then feel free to pick up a foam rubber sponge and laundry soap, lather the contaminated area intensively and rub well for 1-2 minutes, the stain should go away.

We hope our advice has helped you in removing stains, traces and marks from dandelion juice and now you will not keep children from collecting bouquets and deny yourself the pleasure of weaving wreaths and this so much useful plant for the future.

Recently, in a social network, I came across a discussion of a topical issue, how to remove dandelion stains children's clothes. I became interested, because in the wardrobe of our tomboy there are also a couple of things hopelessly spoiled by these flowers. Persistent stains are left by milk that oozes from a broken stem. It turned out, dandelion can be washed once and for all by affordable means. In the discussion, the moms shared methods that were tested on their own experience, so their advice should definitely be taken into account. In this article, I will list their answers. And then, when I try it myself, I will definitely unsubscribe in the comments 😉

10 ways to wash a dandelion:

  1. The simplest and most effective, according to mothers, is recognized as "Grandma's" recipe ": ammonia and hydrogen peroxide in a 1: 1 ratio.
  2. Another folk way to wash dandelion is lemon. A few drops of lemon juice drip onto the contaminated surface. Depending on the type of fabric, stains either disappear immediately or re-treatment is required. Clothes are rinsed with water or washed with soap.
  3. Grate with Antipyatin soap, leave for 10 minutes, scrape with a brush.
  4. Pencil "Faberlik" to remove stains: smear thicker and leave overnight.
  5. Washing powder "Tide" is able to remove a stain from dandelions in 2 washes in a washing machine. For children's underwear, "Eared Nanny" is good.
  6. Drop a drop of "Domestos" on a cotton pad and rub the stain, then wash in a typewriter. They write that neither colored nor white fabric was affected by this. But still it is better to try first on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe clothing.
  7. Soak overnight with Amway, Oxy, Vanish or Bos brand bleach.
  8. Pencil "Udalix".
  9. Crush 2 Festal tablets, apply to the desired place and rub in, then wash the clothes.
  10. When washing powders and stain removers are powerless, it remains to try such a killer (there is a risk for delicate fabrics, so it’s better to check on what is not a pity, to begin with). They write that from dandelion on clothes very well helps gel "Sanox" for cleaning the toilet. It must be rubbed with an old toothbrush into the stains and left for 5 minutes. Then lather the household. soap and rinse under running water. There is no trace of stains on colored synthetic fabric! They write that for jeans does not fit. Moms tried on white clothes- came off without harm to the fabric. Sanox also does an excellent job of removing engine oil stains.

Our experience: how to wash a dandelion

During one of the spring walks in the park, my son, who at that time was 2 years old, and I played with dandelions: we made bouquets and wove wreaths. I remember that time we were covered with dandelions from head to toe. Since it is easier to remove difficult stains while they are still fresh, the washing began immediately upon returning home. So my steps are:

She poured warm water into a basin and dipped her jacket and jeans into it. While the clothes were getting wet, we went to have dinner with the crumbs 🙂 Then I took out a jacket with jeans, put it in the sink and covered the stains from the dandelion with the Bos stain remover (there is also bleach, they work about the same, both are suitable for both colored and white things). It is important here not to let the agent dry out, so I covered the covered places with the rest of the clothes :))) Sorry for the confusing explanation, I hope you understand, because it’s impossible to express it clearly, in my opinion :))) In general, I folded my clothes to stain with the powder was wet all the time. You can go to do business for another 30 minutes. After this time, we open our “sandwich” and begin to rub either with nails or with a brush, just cloth against each other. The spots should start to fade. If they are very ingrained, we substitute the stain under hot water, lather with household soap, three again. I still had minor spots, threw a jacket with jeans into the machine, pouring the Eared Nanny powder for baby clothes. Took it out - not a trace of stains!

Now my son is 4 years old, we often had dandelion spots. From experience I can say: there is nothing difficult in removing such stains while they are fresh. But a couple of things, as already mentioned, lie in spots, because the moment was missed, and they were not processed fresh in time. Therefore, I really want to try the method with ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. I hope everything works out 🙂

How You see, there are many ways to get dandelions out of clothes. It remains to choose - to use folk remedies or trust modern detergents. Good luck fighting stains! Share your experience How else can you remove dandelion stains?, in the comments 😉

The clothes that we and our children wear require some attention. It is advisable to regularly take care of things, wash, dry and iron, remove stains. Many people rightly consider stain removal to be a whole science, since the techniques are sometimes very extraordinary. In past articles, we talked about, and today we’ll talk about such a plant as dandelion.

In this article, we will look at how to remove dandelion stains on clothes, how to properly use household products and folk recipes.

Girl in a field of dandelions

household products

After a long winter, we are looking forward to the arrival of a warm, bright summer, one of the symbols of which are dandelions. Many children love to play with them: create bouquets, weave wreaths, just pick or tear, while the juice of these plants leave stubborn stains on clothes. The soiling from these wildflowers is so severe that washing often does not remove the stains.

Fortunately, during the fight against such pollution, a huge number of ways to remove them have accumulated, among which, of course, household chemicals are in the first place. And if earlier many parents were extremely worried about things that were stained with dandelion juice, since there were few means to remove these contaminants in stores, now the situation has changed dramatically.

Before we move on to a direct review of stain control products, it must be said that all formulations must be tested before full use. This approach will protect your things from accidental damage.

To remove traces of dandelion from things, you can use:

  • The easiest way, of course, is to use a liquid stain remover like Vanish. (We took Vanish as an example of a well-known brand, you can choose another suitable product for yourself: Bos, Amway, Oxy.) You can choose the usual composition, or one that is designed specifically for children's clothing. This tool removes dirt from both colored and white clothes. It is enough to apply the concentrate for a while on the stain, and then wash the item. Another option for using liquid stain removers is soaking. To remove dandelion stains, it is enough to soak clothes in a liquid solution with a stain remover for several hours, and then rinse in warm water.
  • High-quality stain removers are sold in the form of pencils, for example, the Udalix brand, they also allow you to remove many stains, including stains from dandelion juice. The use of the pencil is extremely simple: you need to moisten the cloth at the site of contamination, and then rub the pencil over it until foam forms, in this state things are left to soak for 10-15 minutes, then rinse in a basin or under running water. It's okay if the pollution has not completely disappeared immediately, you can repeat the procedures again to finally remove the stains.
  • In hardware stores, soaps made from bile are sometimes found. With the help of such a detergent, you can effectively remove various stains, including dandelion stains. To wash clothes, it is enough to thoroughly treat the soiled areas with this soap, and then rinse.

Yellow field colors look pretty
  • A soap composition called Antipyatin also copes with similar tasks. It is used in a similar way with bile soap.
  • For white clothes, without further ado, we use bleach. To remove all dirt from the fabric, we load it into the washing machine, add powder and bleach, and wash it at maximum temperatures of 80-90 ° C. Usually this treatment is enough to remove the most persistent pollution.
  • Many modern housewives use plumbing products for things, considering them to be very effective. The most popular compounds are Domestos and Sanoks, which, in addition to their direct cleaning duties, do an excellent job of removing stains from clothes. To remove traces of a flower, it is enough to pour a little of the composition onto the contamination, and gently rub it over the fabric with a cotton pad. After waiting for a while, wash as usual in warm water, this will completely remove the dandelion juice.

Household products are very effective, but many people do not use them for their own reasons, especially for children's clothing. However, as in many other cases with stain removal, here you can also rely on folk remedies.

folk recipe

Recipes using everyday substances exist for every taste:

  • You can, diluting it to a weak, pink state, and soaking things in it for a couple of hours. Subsequent washing with laundry soap will completely remove traces of dandelions.
  • If a faster wash is required, vegetable oil can be used. It is poured onto the soiled area, after which the fabric in this place is washed with ordinary laundry soap. Further washing is also recommended to be carried out by hand, while for a better treatment of stains, a brush with a soft bristle should be used.
  • You can apply lemon juice, which saves from many stubborn stains on the fabric, for example, with it. In our case, it is necessary to squeeze lemon juice directly onto the spots, rub it lightly and leave it to soak for 10-15 minutes. Then you can carry out a full wash, which will allow you to remove all traces. If once was not enough to remove stains, you can always apply lemon again.

Many children love the pleasant color of these wildflowers.
  • For fresh traces of dandelion, it is better to use not even a lemon, but powdered citric acid. To remove dirt, it is necessary to pour a couple of sachets of acid into the washing machine’s powder container, and then run a regular wash at a temperature of 60 ° C.
  • In addition to lemon, some housewives rub stains with onions: they simply cut the onion into two parts, and the contamination is treated on both sides of the fabric. Subsequent washing in the usual way using standard detergents allows you to completely remove all stains.
  • Interestingly, even drugs are used to remove traces of dandelion. Festal tablets should be taken out of the first-aid kit, crushed, and rubbed into the stains properly. Subsequent washing will completely remove traces of flower juice.
  • If you enjoy making your own cleaning formulas, you can make a combination cleaner. To do this, mix 1 teaspoon of bleach with 2 dishwashing liquids and 4 hydrogen peroxide. Stir the mixture and pour it over stains on clothes. After application, the composition should work for 10-15 minutes, after which things should be rinsed in warm running water.
  • You can make another composition by mixing 1 teaspoon of ammonia with 4 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide. By soaking a cotton pad or cloth in the resulting composition, you can gently wipe the stain. After treatment, do not forget to rinse the cleaned area.
  • Solvents usually do not help remove dandelion juice from clothing, but pure gasoline can be used. To do this, soak a cotton pad in gasoline, and gently wipe the stain. After gasoline treatment, treat with ammonia: wipe the stained area with the composition, and leave it to soak for a few minutes. Wash for final stain removal.
  • You can use a regular iron to process fabrics with stains. To do this, cover the stained area on both sides with white paper or napkins, and then iron it. As it warms up, the juice will evaporate and be absorbed by the paper. By systematically using the iron and changing the paper, you can achieve complete removal of stains.

A wide range of a wide variety of tools will definitely help you make the right choice. Remove dandelion stains from clothes, let your child play and have fun in clean and beautiful clothes.

How to remove dandelions from clothes? This task can cause some difficulties, since the juice of this plant is difficult to remove from the tissue. Its pollen also eats into the material, and with the help of ordinary washing powders you cannot get rid of it. Folk recipes and household chemicals will help eliminate such pollution.

How to wash dandelion from clothes, it will be interesting for any hostess to know.

You can remove traces of this plant from clothes using:
  1. Liquid stain remover. They can wash white and colored clothes. You need to apply the product on the stains and soak in warm water. After a few hours of being in a soapy liquid, the traces are well washed off.
  2. Pencil to remove dirt. It can be purchased at a hardware store. The pencil will successfully remove dandelion stains from clothes. A wet cloth should be rubbed with this product until foam is formed. Rinse after 15 minutes. If the removal of contamination was not successful, the procedure should be repeated.
  3. Bile soap. This soap will help remove a variety of traces. They lather the fabric and rinse thoroughly.
  4. Bleach. How to remove dandelion stains from white clothes? In this case, you can not do without bleach. It should be poured into the washing machine and washed at a temperature of 90 degrees.
  5. Means for cleaning plumbing. Domestos and similar products will help wash the plant juice from clothes. The gel must be poured onto the contamination and rubbed with your hands. After that, wash in warm water and rinse.

These tools will help to successfully cope with pollution of this kind.

Folk recipes

How to remove dandelion stains, our grandmothers knew well. Even when there were no household chemicals, they used the tools that everyone had in the house. They are better than any detergent helped wash the traces of dandelions.

The most effective are the following methods:

  • application of lemon juice. It is necessary to squeeze it out on contamination and rub it well. After a few minutes, wash the dandelion juice with laundry soap. From the first time, the remedy may not work. In this case, the cleaning must be repeated. How to remove the stain if it is fresh? For this, citric acid is suitable instead of lemon. She, along with the powder, is poured into the washing machine and washed;
  • washing with vegetable oil. Sunflower seed oil can be used to remove the problem. It is applied in a small amount to pollution and carefully rubbed with laundry soap;
  • elimination of the problem with onions. The onion is cut in half and rubbed with its juice on the dirty place on the clothes. After that, carry out the usual washing.

How to remove dandelion stains, it will be useful to know. Especially if there is a child in the house. After all, children often love to play with these flowers. Therefore, all mothers will need information about washing traces from them.

Other removal tools

A dandelion stain can be cleaned using a variety of products.

Many housewives prefer to solve this problem:

  • gasoline. A cotton swab is moistened in it and the dirty area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric is carefully rubbed. After that, the stain is lubricated with five percent ammonia and after a few minutes washing is carried out in the usual way;
  • Festal. The drug Festal will help eliminate traces of dandelion from clothes. Several tablets need to be crushed and put on a dirty place. Then carefully rub and wash the fabric;
  • iron. Place a piece of paper over the spot. They heat the iron and iron the clothes through the paper with it. This should be done until the stain disappears completely. There will be traces of dirt on the sheet, so each ironing must be done with a new sheet;
  • homemade stain remover. To do this, dish detergent is mixed with stain remover and hydrogen peroxide. All components are mixed and applied to a dirty cloth for a quarter of an hour. After that, remove the dirt with a normal wash. The method will allow you to solve the problem the first time.

How to get dandelion stains out of clothes? To solve this problem, you have to try.

It is not difficult to choose a method that really removes pollution. All recipes do not require a significant investment of money and time.

Green young grass and a lot of bright yellow dandelions on it magically attract enthusiastic kids. Children are happy to collect bouquets for their beloved mothers and grandmothers, not noticing soiled hands and clothes. Already at home, mom notices traces of pollen from a flower and milk from dandelion stems. And here you have to think about how to wash the dandelion so that things become clean again.

Removing stains with chemicals

The main thing is to remember that any speck will be easier to wash off if it is fresh. Get dirty, come home and immediately start cleaning things. And there are many effective ways to remove traces of dandelion from clothes. Dandelion footprints on any clothes they are afraid of hot water. The main rule when removing such stains: the water temperature should be at least 60 ° C.

Dandelion stain removers:

Rules for the use of funds

Remember that you can combine the proposed options. You choose how to remove stains. From a stain of dandelions on a colored jacket, for example, this method will help: soak for an hour with oxygen bleach, then rub with stain remover soap and let stand for another thirty minutes, then scrub with a brush or pens and wash in the washing machine.

Before cleaning things with chemicals, it is recommended to check the reaction of the fabric to the substance from the wrong side of the clothing.

Folk pollution control methods

Means to combat such pollution have been known for a long time, so the hostess's arsenal is not limited to the products of the chemical industry. There are other ways to get dandelion stains out of clothes:

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