The snail can drink with his foot yes or no. Achatina snails: varieties and interesting facts. These creatures have a brain divided into four sections, thanks to this property they have the ability to think. Snails can even make different decisions based on

Snails are one of the oldest inhabitants of the planet. Scientists claim that these crumbs appeared more than 500 million years ago. They can adapt to any environment and do not require much food. These amazing creatures are the most striking example proving Darwin's theory and his principles of evolution.
Snails belong to the class of shellfish. Their body is asymmetrical and consists of a leg with a sole, a torso and a head. The head and leg are drawn into the shell with the help of a very strong special muscle that covers the entire body of the snail.

Snails live both on land and in water. Even when humanity interferes with their environment, they are able to survive and adapt to a comfortable existence next to us. Scientists also confirm the fact that snails are much smarter than we think about them.

These creatures have a brain divided into four sections, thanks to this property they have the ability to think. Snails can even make different decisions based on their life experiences.

These creatures mainly move by slowly sliding on the sole of the foot, with movement carried out by waves of contraction running from back to front along the sole. The mucus that is secreted during the movement of the skin makes it easier to slide, because it softens the friction. When the snail moves, its body is on a kind of slime cushion, so even if it crawls along the blade, its body will not be damaged.

Snails live on average about 15 years. Their viability is amazing: during unfavorable conditions, they can hibernate even for six months! With the onset of the cold period of the year, the mollusk draws its leg and head into the shell, having previously hidden under the leaves or in the ground. The entrance is sealed with mucus, which hardens over time.

This dream lasts until the onset of spring. Thus, snails can tolerate extreme cold and heat. For example, garden representatives can withstand temperatures down to -120 degrees. With the onset of the warm season, the snails wake up and greedily pounce on food. When the forces are restored, nature tells the mollusks to start thinking about offspring.

It turns out that most snails are hermaphrodites, very rarely heterosexual creatures are found. They reproduce by laying eggs. In one period, the snail lays an average of 85 pieces. The egg maturation period lasts 3-4 weeks. Babies are born with a transparent shell, as they grow, it becomes denser. The strength of the snail shell depends on the amount of calcium in its food: the more it consumes, the more reliable its "house". In almost all types of snails, the shell twists to the right, i.e. clockwise. But sometimes, very rarely, there are left-handed shells.

Snails are distributed throughout the world. In many parts of the world, their shells are used as decorations and for fakes, many cuisines of the world use their meat as a delicacy, there are even special farms for breeding them.

Recently, scientists are beginning to use the cochlea as a donor of nervous tissue for brain treatment. There are even results of such therapy in rats.

Today we tried to learn more about such wonderful creatures as snails, to touch a little on their habitat and way of life. Nevertheless, it is always worth remembering that flora and fauna must be protected and protected for future generations. We hope you enjoyed your time.

The largest representative of land molluscs - the giant African snail Achatina is covered with pimply, wrinkled skin. The snail shell is massive and thick-walled. Respiration is cutaneous, gills are absent.

Two pairs of small horns serve as sense organs for the giant snail. Eyes are located at the ends of the first pair of horns.

The snail reaches a length of 15-20 cm and has a conical shell. The shell itself can be twisted both counterclockwise and in the opposite direction. In old African Achatina, 7 to 9 turns can be counted on the shell.

The color of the snail shell is different, but usually brown with alternating dark and light stripes. The body is gray to dark brown.

Life span of the African Achatina snail: at home 5-9 years.
The weight of the snail is about 250 grams.

Nutrition and feeding of the African snail Achatina

Achatina snail nutrition occurs with the help of a "tongue" seated with horn spikes.

Feeding the Achatina snail:
they eat rotting vegetation, carrion, mushrooms, algae, lichen, citrus bark. They feed mainly at night, in the evening. Its diet includes more than 500 different types of plants, vegetables, beans, pumpkin, melon, lettuce, potatoes, onions, carrots, sunflowers, eucalyptus, etc.

Achatina are nocturnal, although in wet weather they often crawl out during the day. If there is not enough food and humidity decreases, snails burrow into the ground and hibernate. The mouth of the shell clogs with a film of mucus.

The tropical African snail can even survive frost and snow, but loses up to 60% of its own weight during hibernation.

Reproduction of African snails Achatina

Hermaphrodite. One Achatina snail lays eggs, about 100-400 small eggs, each of which is 4.5-5.5 mm in diameter.
Over the course of a lifetime, Achatina lays up to 5 mln. eggs.

Mollusks are very unpretentious. However, an appropriate correct care and maintenance of Achatina snails. When something does not suit them, for example, they do not like the conditions of detention, they can easily hibernate. Achatina do not like dry air and temperatures above +30 and below +16.

Some Achatina domestic snails with their hibernations - they are trying to achieve, for example, cucumbers or bananas, which they love very much.

Interesting facts about African Achatina snails

In medicine, Achatina snails are used as donors of nerve tissue for the treatment of human brain diseases.

Achatina snail horns It's the nose that's turned inside out. All olfactory receptors located inside the human nose are elongated in snails into horns.

Snails do not see, but they distinguish between light and darkness.

A snail has about 25 thousand teeth, which are arranged in the form of a "grater". With the help of this arrangement of teeth, they grind food.

In Africa, Achatina snails are eaten because they consider their meat to be delicious. In the USA, they are feared, as they can very quickly destroy hectares of planted crops and cause a national disaster.
In Europe, these large snails are ideal pets for children and adults.

The most amazing thing about African domestic snails is that they can sing. Naturally not like birds, their singing is more like a squeak. You can hear the singing or squeaking of Achatina when they get scared and begin to frantically hide in their shells.

Slowly, very slowly, something that looks like an alien crawls out of the shell - without a head, without legs, and, it seems, even without eyes. Although no - here the antennas are put forward and the points of the pupils are clearly visible on them. The antennas move nearsightedly (one wants to say - they squint, but something is not noticeable for a century), following the antenna, a head is shown that turns sideways and down - it's time to say hello and get to know each other: Achatina!

Achatina are popular pets. In a short time, they won the hearts and hands of those who dreamed of having an animal in the house, but did not dare because of the complexity of cares and burdensome care.

Snails are almost perfect pets. They do not bark at every sneeze and do not purr at 4 in the morning on the head of a sleeping owner. They do not shed hair, and they do not gnash their teeth in search of long-bred fleas. They do not require feed only from natural products, and a banana skin or washed potato peels will please Achatina no worse than a delicacy. You can generally offer Achatina to chew paper - they love this business very much. Some snails only eat bleached paper, others prefer yellow paper.

You can take a snail everywhere with you - it does not need tickets for a trip, it will gladly “watch” Christmas trees and performances with the owner, and at a party it can peacefully doze off in a basin of water. It is interesting that many Achatina owners, knowing that snails do not have an organ of hearing, nevertheless claim that snails hear, respond to the name and joyfully crawl towards them. In fact, of course, the snail does not understand speech, but it is extremely sensitive to air vibrations, including when talking. The snail memorizes the features of pronunciation (and air vibrations) of the most frequently repeated words very quickly. What word is repeated the most? That's right, the pet's name. And now a familiar muzzle protrudes into the usual shaking of the air.

The mood of the owner and his attitude to what is happening outside, the snail also evaluates by fluctuations in the air. Even if you take her with you to children's performances, she will feel the joy of a small owner holding a shell in her palms, and together with him will energetically (according to snail concepts, of course) follow the flickering silhouettes, stretch her neck after the sound and light. By the way, snails also do not see very well - no further than half a meter, but they have excellent night vision.

As pets, they often keep snails of the Achatina genus: fulika, Achatina proper, reticulate, immaculata. Other species are less common - due to the peculiarities of keeping and breeding. A couple of days of communication with a giant snail is enough to see its individuality, and together with the snail to learn how to live in this world in a relaxed and unhurried way.

Snails belong to the class of shellfish. Their body is asymmetrical and consists of a leg with a sole, a torso and a head. The head and leg are drawn into the shell with the help of a very strong special muscle that covers the entire body of the snail.

Snails live both on land and in water. Even when humanity interferes with their environment, they are able to survive and adapt to a comfortable existence next to us. Scientists also confirm the fact that snails are much smarter than we think about them.

These creatures have a brain divided into four sections, thanks to this property they have the ability to think. Snails can even make different decisions based on their life experiences.

These creatures mainly move by slowly sliding on the sole of the foot, with movement carried out by waves of contraction running from back to front along the sole.

The mucus that is secreted during the movement of the skin makes it easier to slide, because it softens the friction. When the snail moves, its body is on a kind of slime cushion, so even if it crawls along the blade, its body will not be damaged.

Snails live on average about 15 years. Their viability is amazing: during unfavorable conditions, they can hibernate even for six months!

With the onset of the cold period of the year, the mollusk draws its leg and head into the shell, having previously hidden under the leaves or in the ground. The entrance is sealed with mucus, which hardens over time.

This dream lasts until the onset of spring. Thus, snails can tolerate extreme cold and heat. For example, garden representatives can withstand temperatures down to -120 degrees. With the onset of the warm season, the snails wake up and greedily pounce on food.

When the forces are restored, nature tells the mollusks to start thinking about offspring.

It turns out that most snails are hermaphrodites, very rarely heterosexual creatures are found. They reproduce by laying eggs.

In one period, the snail lays an average of 85 pieces. The egg maturation period lasts 3-4 weeks. Babies are born with a transparent shell, as they grow, it becomes denser. The strength of the snail shell depends on the amount of calcium in its food: the more it consumes, the more reliable its "house".

In almost all types of snails, the shell twists to the right, i.e. clockwise. But sometimes, very rarely, there are left-handed shells.

These cute creatures live in small groups. When it gets cool, mostly at night, they crawl out of their shelters to feed. Snails are not able to chew, they grind food with their 25 thousand teeth, which are arranged in the form of a grater.

They eat everything: small larvae, grass, leaves, worms. They search for food by touch, with their tentacle horns. These creatures drink not only with their mouths, but also with the help of the outer integuments of the skin.

Dried specimens have absorbed through the mucous membrane such an amount of water in six hours that is equal to half of their total weight. At dawn, snails drink dew with their outer covers, shaking it off the leaves. They see very poorly, their microscopic eyes can only distinguish night from day.

But at the same time, their sense of smell is at its best: for example, a snail without a shell can smell food at a distance of up to two meters. Hearing in these creatures is completely absent. They are unable to make sounds. Snails interact with each other by touch.

The horns of these creatures are the nose, but turned inside out. All the receptors that we have inside are extended into these horns. In addition to all this, these mollusks have organs of chemical sense and balance.

Interesting fact! In France, the Burgundy snail lives, which sleeps in winter in frost and in summer in drought, but when it rains warm, quiet, it begins to “sing” - it makes sounds that resemble melodious singing.

Who drinks with their feet? frog.

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