Installation of a plastic window sill on pvc windows. Do-it-yourself installation of a plastic window sill. How to properly fix the window sill on your own and what should be done for this Installation of pvc window sill boards

When replacing old window structures, it is necessary to immediately install new window sills from modern materials. Today at the top of the popularity of plastic products. The width of the PVC panel is 60 cm, which makes it possible to install them with almost any wall thickness. How to install a plastic window sill qualitatively and reliably, read on.

  1. Preparatory work
  2. Exception - installation of wooden structures

Preparatory work

The preparatory stage includes the measurement and selection of the design, the selection of tools, the purchase of building materials. If the double-glazed windows have not been replaced, the old window sill will need to be dismantled. When replacing a window, the old window structure is completely removed. Installation of a new double-glazed window is carried out by the manufacturer's specialists. Installation of a plastic window sill can also be carried out by specialists or independently by the customer.

Installation of a plastic window sill is carried out only after installing the window frame and double-glazed window.

When replacing only the panel, you must first make the correct measurement:

  1. Measure the width of the window opening. Throw another 10 cm and get the total length of the structure.
  2. The width of the panel is equal to the distance from the installed window to the corner of the wall plus 5 cm per ledge. It is not advisable to make the base of the window wider, since air circulation is disturbed, which leads to fogging of the glasses.

Read a more detailed article on the topic: the correct height and width of the window sill.

Tools and materials

To install a plastic window sill with your own hands, you will need a set of tools:

  • carpenter level;
  • electric jigsaw or grinder;
  • carpentry knife and hacksaw;
  • ax and hammer;
  • square;
  • marker and masking tape.

From the materials should be prepared:

  • sealant;
  • gun and mounting foam;
  • window sill panel;
  • three sets of plastic or wood substrates of different widths;
  • two end caps.

Preparing the installation site for the PVC window sill

Installation of a plastic window sill

With the help of a hacksaw, an electric jigsaw, an ax, the old structure and the window frame are removed. The cement screed is removed along the edges of the wooden product. The opening is cleaned of broken building material, insulation.

Specialists install a new PVC window so that a distance of at least 5 cm is maintained between the base of the window opening and the lower part of the frame. The left opening will serve as a support for the new structure.

If you plan to install a PVC window sill with your own hands longer than the window opening, grooves are sampled on the sides at the base. To do this, you need a hammer and grinder. First, the wall is cut, and then the building material is carefully knocked out with a hammer. The height of the groove is such that the new panel fits easily. The length of one groove is more than 5 cm.

The distance between the base of the window opening and the frame is foamed with mounting foam or laid with insulation. After the foam has completely solidified, the excess is cut off with a carpenter's knife. When installing a plastic panel the size of a window opening, mark the attachment points of the brackets at a distance of no more than 80 cm.

Video: Installing a window sill

Before installing the PVC product, it is necessary to once again clean the base from debris and dust. Be sure to wet the brick with water to ensure adhesion.

Installing a plastic window sill

All materials are purchased and tools are ready to go. Start installing the window sill.

  1. Determine the width of the structure. It can be the same as the width of the old base. When replacing windows and installing a new PVC product, its new width is calculated. Ideally, the edge of the panel is located in the same plane as the middle of the heating system battery. When mounting the panel, the edge of which protrudes beyond the battery, vent holes are equipped in the panel itself. Such holes are also made in the casing in front of the battery. They are needed for good air ventilation in front of the window, which protects the window structure from condensation.
  2. Select the length of the plastic base. When two windows are located side by side, one holistic design is preferred. When installing PVC window sills in size equal to the window opening, the length of the panel is made shorter by 10 mm.

According to the selected panel sizes, they make an order at a hardware store. Shop masters immediately carry out trimming according to the specified parameters. Sometimes they buy a blank, and trimming is done at home on their own.

  1. The support for mounting plastic window sills is made from substrates purchased in advance. The width of the bar must be at least 50 mm, and the length must not exceed the width of the product. The shortest underlay should be 100mm less than the width of the panel. Particular attention is paid to the thickness of the substrate. After installing the bar, the panel should enter the window sill space between the lower window frame and the substrate.
  2. Before installing the substrate bars, the surface of the base is leveled with cement mortar. At least three substrates are required per design. The optimal distance between the bars is 40–50 cm.
  3. The supports are aligned strictly horizontally and the correct installation is checked using a level in all planes. Make a control installation of the plastic panel. The result of the correct fastening of the substrate is a tight entry of the structure into the gap between the edge of the window and the support.
  4. Do-it-yourself installation of plastic window sills begins with the removal of the protective film from the side adjacent to the window. Install plugs on the ends of the panel. Carefully insert the structure onto the fixed supports.
  5. The panel is firmly in place. With light tapping, align the product with respect to the window frame. Carry out a control measurement of the level in two directions.
  6. Left and right leave gaps of 5 mm, which makes it possible to protect the panel from deformation. At the end of the installation, the gaps are sealed with sealant.
  7. Carefully foam the space under the plastic window sill with mounting foam. If the panel is poorly fixed, it will skew from the increase in foam in volume.
  8. Spacers are installed along the edges and in the center of the window opening. They are made independently or bought transforming spacers in the store. They do not allow the mounting foam to lift the installed base of the window opening. When the foam hardens well, the spacers are dismantled and the excess foam is cut off.
  9. After the slopes are installed, they begin to seal the gaps. Masking tape is glued along the edges. Fill the gap with silicone sealant. Remove excess and remove masking tape.
  10. The protective film is removed after completion of work.

If you have stained the window sill with foam, read how to clean the surface of the foam.

Video: Installing a window sill

Exception - installation of wooden window sills

Window sills made of oak, pine, beech, ash or cherry wood make the interior of the house warmer and more comfortable. Giving preference to natural materials, many owners of apartments and houses choose natural wooden bases instead of artificial plastic. The stores sell wooden panels covered with varnishes of different shades with different surface textures. Having made your choice, proceed to install a wooden window sill with your own hands.

Wall preparation

The base is cleaned of dust and litter. The surface is moistened with water to ensure good adhesion. If there is a niche under the window, metal or wooden supports are laid horizontally on top so that the panel does not hang in the air. The wooden structure in this case is dressed in a metal frame.

Window sill alignment

Pre-expose the window sill with wedges, achieving its slope into the room by only 2 degrees. Along the window, the board is located strictly horizontally. When all the necessary indicators are achieved, the wedges are strengthened with a small amount of mortar by removing the workpiece.

Fixing a wooden window sill

A layer of mortar is laid on the base, covering the wedges by 5 mm. Mostly cement mortar is used, but putty or gypsum can be used. Install the window sill in place and firmly press it against the wedges until it stops. The excess that comes out is removed with a spatula.

Advice! For safety net, an insulating film is first laid on top of the solution to protect the tree from direct contact with the aqueous solution.

Sealing and reinforcement

For more reliable fixation from the side of the facade, long self-tapping screws are driven into the end of the wooden window sill through the window frame. After the fastening of the structure is completed, small cracks are sealed with liquid acrylic.

Now you know how to install a plastic window sill and a wooden structure yourself. Follow our advice and you will succeed. For better assimilation of the material read, watch the video we have selected about different editing options.

Video: Installation of the Window Sill. Installing Window Sill With Tile Adhesive.

Video: Work after installing a plastic window sill.

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At first glance, all plastic window sills seem the same. However, you need to choose this part of the window wisely. The main feature of a high-quality window sill is the presence of stiffeners inside the plastic product. This should be paid special attention if the window sill is long. In the absence of ribs during operation, the window sill may be deformed.

Practitioners also advise when buying a window sill to pay special attention to its appearance. Products must be covered with a protective special film. If it is absent during installation, the window sill will need to be wrapped with something. This will bring some inconvenience, because the film placed on top will not be able to hold like a “native”, and as a result of its slipping, scratches may appear on the surface.

The third thing you need to pay attention to is whether there is a marriage. Often, defects are not so noticeable under the film, so the risk of acquiring a defective window sill that is on sale is quite high. If this happened to you, you can try to hide scratches on the surface of the window sill with liquid plastic. Problem areas just need to be puttied with this substance, and the scratches will become almost invisible.

Such ingenuous tips will help you choose a product, and you can proceed with its installation only after studying the step-by-step instructions.

We install the window sill with our own hands

You are offered the most common method of installation, which is done quite easily and quickly. However, there are non-standard situations when one of the stages is either not required or will be carried out differently. For example, a product from the outside of the building is attached to a rail located at the bottom of the window frame with self-tapping screws. However, in some designs there is no such rail, so the window sill should be screwed to the frame from the inside. Then the screws are screwed obliquely at the bottom of the window. If, for some reason, this is also impossible to do, the window sills are fixed with mounting foam. The main thing is to realize the following before installing a plastic window sill - there is no standard technology for putting a window sill into operation. Therefore, it is possible to deviate from the installation scheme at any stage, if circumstances so require.

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Dismantling the old window sill

You are lucky if the old window sill is simply not there, since it takes several hours to disassemble it. The fact is that in many residential buildings built in Soviet times, window sills are installed "in good faith". They are so firmly fixed that they are most easily removed together with the window frame. If the dismantling of the old window sill is carried out separately (the window has already been installed), it will be necessary to tinker a little. If the window sill is wooden, it must be removed very carefully so as not to tear out a piece of the wall along with it. There are very few benefits to this. If the window sill is made of concrete, it will be even more difficult to dismantle it. Such a concrete attribute of the window is tightly adjacent to the wall surface and is a solid block that requires the use of a perforator. If you do not have such an expensive power tool, it is not necessary to buy it. By renting a hammer drill, you will avoid unnecessary expenses. Such a service is not so expensive, especially since you will not take the tool for a long time, you will only need it for one day.

During dismantling, two factors are the main ones: accuracy and consistency. A careful approach to disassembling the window sill will not damage the glass or window frame, and will also keep the walls intact. The whole dismantling process is carried out as follows: we cut the wooden window sill in the central part with a hand saw or a jigsaw in the transverse direction. After that, a mount is inserted between the window sill and the window frame, which must be slowly moved away from the window opening. When it is impossible to move the dismantling object, it is necessary to check whether the window sill is attached with screws or special nails. When there are no fasteners, and the window sill does not start to move, you need to inspect the slopes. Most likely, they are closely adjacent to the window sill, so you will have to use a perforator or jackhammer to break the junctions.

The manifestation of white plaque - efflorescence

The concrete window sill is easier to remove, but this requires the use of physical force. This type of window sill is not attached with additional details, so you just need to slowly break the product with a perforator. In this case, you need to pay attention to the fact that, regardless of the material of the old window sill, the new one during installation will also go deep by about 5-10 cm into the bottom of the side slope. Notches in the slopes are required so that the edges of the window sill can easily go into them. Thus, the product is fixed more firmly. After the dismantling work is completed, you can proceed to the installation of plastic window sills using the standard scheme.

Installing a new window sill

All installation steps for a newly purchased product must be performed in a specific order. First you need to use a tape measure to make measurements of the acceptable width of the window sill, given that its edges will go deep into the slope. After the product is tightly attached to the window sill bar and screwed with self-tapping screws. At this stage, it is necessary to carefully ensure that there are no gaps between the window and the window sill surface. After that, wooden linings are placed under the windowsill. Such wooden planks will help to adjust the horizontal position of the window sill in level. The free space in the places of recess and under the surface of the window sill is filled with mounting foam. After the substance has dried, the product is completely ready for use.

Installation work ends here. If everything is done correctly, there will be no problems when using the window sill. A solidly installed product will serve for a long time.

Usually, the installation of a window sill, plastic slopes and low tide occurs immediately after the installation of the window. In most cases, this is done by a team of builders specializing in metal-plastic structures. But there are times when it becomes necessary to install a window sill with your own hands, and how to do it correctly, we will consider in the article.

How to choose a window sill

There are various reasons why there is a desire or need to install a window sill with your own hands:

  • The window is in good condition, but the window sill is damaged (dirty, scratched, melted, burned, etc.).
  • The old window sill was installed incorrectly.
  • There was a desire to install a window sill of a different color. For example, after a renovation in a room, the color of the PVC board does not match the new interior.
  • There is a need to replace the window sill with a wider or narrower one. A wider window sill is placed if a large number of items need to be placed on it, for example, flower pots or seedlings. A narrower window sill may be needed if too wide prevents the free movement of warm air from the battery upwards and the circulation of air in the room during the cold season. At the same time, warm air from the battery does not heat the window, it “sweats”, dampness and even fungus appear.
  • It is difficult to find a master who will take on such a small amount of work as installing one window sill.
  • Installing a window sill on your own is not at all difficult, and you can save money that could be spent on paying for the work of the master.
  • It's just nice to make something useful with your own hands.

Important!A wide window sill visually enlarges the room and its usable area.

So, if it became necessary to replace the PVC plate, you need to know that window sills are different:

  • colors, in addition to light and dark shades, there are imitations of stone and precious woods;
  • dimensions: width from 110 to 800 mm, length from 4050 to 6000 mm, thickness from 18 to 22 mm;
  • company and country of origin;
  • price (from 3 to 20 dollars per linear meter);
  • the quality of the material - polyvinyl chloride, including wear and scratch resistance, heat resistance, moisture and vapor resistance, UV resistance, environmental friendliness, strength.

Did you know? Polyvinyl chloride has a very wide application. PVC is even used to make condoms for people with latex allergies.

In addition to the window sill itself, it is necessary to purchase two end caps that are installed on the side sections of the window sill at the final stage of installation work. If there is a need for a direct or corner connection of two window sills, you should purchase a universal corner connector for PVC boards.

Required Tools and Consumables

For high-quality installation of a plastic plate with your own hands, you will need the following tools and consumables:

  • Metal square.
  • Marker or pencil.
  • Roulette.
  • Primer.
  • Bulgarian, jigsaw or hacksaw.
  • Hammer drill (optional, only if the slope material is dense concrete).
  • Chisel and hammer.
  • Brush.
  • Building level.
  • Construction foam and gun.
  • A set of plastic substrates or wooden blocks.
  • Cement, gypsum mortar or glue to set the bars to the required height or to raise the level of the base.
  • Sealant.
  • Masking tape.
  • Stationery knife.

Installation process

Regardless of whether the window sill is installed by a specialized installation team or a novice person in this business, the entire process of installing a PVC plate can be divided into several stages.

Preparatory stage

The place where it is planned to mount the PVC plate should be prepared, namely the lower part of the window opening and the side window slopes. The window sill should slightly enter the wall on the sides, therefore, in the slopes, it is necessary to cut connectors 1-2 cm deep on each side in order to bring a plastic plate there. To do this, the window sill is applied to the wall and marks are made for cuts with a pencil or marker. Next, carefully select the grooves so that the window sill freely enters them. This work requires accuracy, so as not to restore grossly damaged slopes and not to close up large holes in the slopes.

Important! In order to minimize the procedure for restoring slopes, you should treat them as carefully as possible during the installation of the window sill.

If the corners of the slopes were leveled using metal perforated corners, then the metal corner should be carefully cut with a grinder. It is also advisable for a grinder to make a horizontal gash in a slope. The rest of the recess in the wall is conveniently done with a chisel and a hammer. These tools are most suitable if the slope material is gypsum plaster. If the slopes are made of concrete, then the recesses in the slope should be made using a perforator. Side grooves in the slopes serve as additional support for the window sill on the sides.

The lower part of the window opening and the support profile, which is located under the window frame and is used for mounting the window sill, should be cleaned of pieces of plaster, concrete and brick that appeared in the process of creating grooves in the slopes. Then use a brush to sweep away all debris and dust. The cleaned surface should be moistened. This is necessary for better adhesion of the mounting foam to the surface on which the window sill will be located. It is advisable not just to wet the surface with water, but to use a primer for this purpose. The primer strengthens the surface, removes dust and moisturizes it at the same time. The primer is generously applied to the surface with a brush, impregnating all the pits, bulges, pores, cracks.

Important! In order to prevent blowing from under the window sill, it is necessary to control the quality of foaming of the window frame and, if necessary, eliminate all shortcomings at the preparatory stage of work.

Window sill trimming

AND When washing the finished window sill, it is necessary to cut out a blank for the window sill from it. To do this, you need to calculate the length and width of the future window sill. The length of the window sill must be greater than the length of the surface for the window sill and extend beyond the slopes. The length of these protrusions depends on individual taste preferences, usually 5-7 cm on each side, but you can limit yourself to a protrusion of 1-2 cm.

The blank width is calculated by summing:

  • window sill width;
  • the depth to which the slab is inserted under the window into the stand profile (usually about 20 mm);
  • the protruding part of the window sill, which should not be more than 100 mm, so as not to impede the passage of heat from the battery.
Along the edges of the window sill, rectangles should be cut that prevent the canvas from being slanted. The plastic sheet is cut quite easily. You can choose any tool for cutting: a grinder, a hacksaw, an electric jigsaw. All notches, bumps and other small trimming defects will be covered with plastic end caps.

After the workpiece is ready, it must be tried on in place, that is, put on the lower part of the window opening and brought into the recesses of the slopes and inside the stand profile. If during fitting any inaccuracies are revealed, they should be eliminated before the final installation of the window sill.

Gasket installation

Some installers install the window sill strictly perpendicular to the window, using a metal square for control. However, most experts believe that a properly installed window sill should have a slight degree of inclination into the room, so that if moisture appears, it flows down.

To fix the desired installation option for the window sill blank, you need to place plastic spacers or wooden blocks along its plane. Their dimensions must be chosen so that the surface of the PVC plate is perfectly flat. To install one window sill, at least 3 supports are required (one in the middle and two closer to the edges). The distance between the supports should not exceed half a meter. In order to prevent gaskets or wooden blocks from moving, it is advisable to glue them to silicone sealant, gypsum or cement mortar.

Important! The process of fitting and installing a PVC window sill must be constantly monitored by the building level.

The supports of the window sill should be placed at such a level that when trying on the window sill blank, there is no gap between the window sill and the window frame. If, to comply with this requirement, the supports are higher than 40 mm, this is unacceptable. A foam layer exceeding 40 mm will not be of high quality, there will be voids in it, it will not be able to withstand the required load, and the thermal insulation properties will be insufficient. In this case, before placing the lining under the window sill, you need to raise the level of the lower part of the window opening. This can be done with cement or gypsum plaster, self-leveling floor, etc.


At the preparatory stage of the installation of the window sill, we cleaned the lower part of the window opening, strengthened and moistened with a primer. By the time the window sill is installed, the primer has already dried up, and for better adhesion and acceleration of the foam hardening process, the surfaces that the mounting foam will come into contact with must be wet. Therefore, it is necessary to moisten both the lower part of the window opening and the lower part of the window sill. The PVC board is covered with a protective film. The edges of the window sill, which will be mounted under the window frame and into the openings of the slopes, must be cleaned of the protective film.

On the remaining parts of the window sill, it is advisable to keep the film until the end of all repair work. In order to prevent a blow from under the window sill, the first step is to lightly foam the space between the lower part of the window opening and the window support profile. Then the foam is applied in a wide strip under the far edge of the window sill, and then in dense strips on the entire plane of the base. For the convenience of applying foam, additional extension nozzles are used.

Important! The height of the foam should not exceed the level of the supports placed under the window sill. When foaming, the main thing is not to overdo it.

When solidified, the foam increases in volume so much that it is able to lift the window sill up. To prevent such a nuisance, you need to put some kind of load on the PVC plate. It is advisable to put something flat under the load so that the weight is distributed evenly. The load should be placed on the inner edge of the window sill, since the outer edge will already be firmly pressed by the window block.

Deviation check

Once again we check if there are any cracks, whether the window sill is installed evenly, whether the protrusions are the same at the edges, whether the necessary slope is observed. If small irregularities are found within the first two hours after installation, they can be easily corrected. You may need to make a few gentle blows with a hammer in the right direction, and the formation of holes or bumps can be leveled by moving the load on the surface of the window sill.

Gap sealing

Gaps and cracks appear at the junction of a window sill and a slope, a window sill and a window, as well as a window and a slope. Obviously, it is advisable to correct such shortcomings after all the main elements (window, window sill and slope) are installed.

Gap sealing is carried out using silicone sealant, which is applied in a thin strip at the joints. It is advisable to seal the edges of surfaces on which the sealant should not get in advance with masking tape. Moreover, excess sealant and masking tape should be removed immediately after applying the sealant. Once it dries it will be much harder to do and the result will be less neat. Excess dried foam under the window sill should be removed. Foam is easily cut with a clerical knife. The resulting recess should be filled with ordinary wall plaster.

Excess foam under the window sill must be removed so that the thickness of the plaster layer is at least 1 cm. Such a layer will lie securely and will not be pressed through during further work and operation.

Setting clamps

At the final stage, the side edges of the window sill are protected with end caps, and the window sill itself is cleaned of the protective film.

How to wash a window sill

When common home remedies such as: soap, soda, vinegar, tooth powder, chalk were powerless in the fight against pollution, special chemicals will come to the rescue. The choice of modern household chemicals will be able to cope with any contamination on the plastic surface. You only need to correctly formulate your problem to the sales assistant in the household chemicals department, emphasizing that you need a plastic cleaner.

Careful operation and regular maintenance will help to avoid problems associated with the laundering of difficult contaminants. The main thing is not to use metal scrapers and abrasives: they leave scratches in which dirt then accumulates.

Do-it-yourself installation of a window sill or use the services of a specialized construction team - it's up to you. In fact, the process of installing a window sill is not complicated, but it requires the availability or acquisition of the necessary tools, consumables (the remnants of which may no longer be useful) and work skills. If the first attempt to install a PVC plate with your own hands is unsuccessful, then the total cost of self-installation can be much more than the salary of the master.

Video: how to install a window sill with your own hands

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The window sill is not only a decorative element on which you can place flower pots with plants, household trifles, but also a constructive detail. Standard installation of a window sill on plastic windows can prevent a sharp movement of warm air from the radiator to the ceiling. In a similar way, heat exchange is regulated inside the room, the lower structures are heated. Let's look at how to install a window sill on a plastic window yourself.

Types of window sills

Window sill blocks must be made of wear-resistant, high-quality material. Now in the construction market there is a wide selection of products for different tastes and budgets. The most popular designs for windows are made of stone, wood boards, and plastic.

PVC window sill board

Such window sills are distinguished by good operational parameters and reliability. They perfectly tolerate conditions of high humidity, exposure to ultraviolet radiation, almost do not deform and do not become moldy.

Another advantage is the ease of installation. Installation work will not take much time. This window sill does not need to be coated or painted. Such designs are inexpensive, which is why they are in demand.

PVC products are very durable due to special stiffening ribs. Their surface is laminated, for which films based on acrylic resin or melamine are used.

Composite systems

This type of construction is created from 2 parts - a board that lies at the base and in the top coating (can be made of laminate, special film or veneer).

These products include window sills made of WPC, MDF or chipboard. Often the basis of chipboard are sawdust of deciduous and coniferous species.

Now many apartment owners correctly believe that installing chipboard window sills on plastic windows will be a practical and economical option. Over time, this raw material does not swell from moisture and is not damaged. MDF boards are made from fine chips, which are processed in a special way and combined into blocks. This material is environmentally friendly - it is safe for human health.

The window sill, consisting of fiberboards, is quite durable. The owners will not have to worry about cleaning such products. For washing, it is better not to use powders that scratch the surface. During installation work, it is recommended to lay thermal insulation at the ends.

Window sills made of WPC (Wood Polymer Composite) consist of polymers and special fillers made from natural materials. Plastic windows with these window sills have all the advantages of wooden structures, they are not subject to the appearance of mold. The surface of this product is more durable, and their difference from wood structures is their resistance to fire.

This profile may resemble plastic or MDF depending on the amount of wood component used. WPC window sills can be coated with varnish or enamel paint, finished using different types of films consisting of synthetic materials.

wooden window sill

For facing the space in the window opening, wood has been used for a long time. The highest quality products are made of ash, beech, cherry, oak. To create window sills, materials of other valuable species are used, for example, maple, mahogany. More economical are structures made of larch or pine.

Processing of raw materials is carried out by a large number of stages. It is dried, then polished, coated with wax and natural oils. The structure is treated with a special waterproofing impregnation and a layer of varnish. This ensures the quality and ease of use of the finished product.
The cost of a plate made of natural wood is quite high. Window boards made of ash are 30% more expensive than oak, due to the fact that ash perfectly retains its shape. Window sills made of soft coniferous trees can become damaged and pitted over time. These window sills are cheaper.

For plastic windows, wooden window sills have many advantages. They are distinguished by good thermal insulation performance. This choice will be the best for the owners if you want to use a similar window sill in the loggia or kitchen. Often, the window sill block is used as an additional work surface. Hot objects are placed on it, moisture also gets on the windowsill. In order for a product to withstand such a load, it must be durable and solid.

PVC window sill installation

Installation of a window sill to a plastic window requires certain skills from workers. Improper installation of the window sill can lead to poor thermal insulation of the entire window structure. The installation of this product is often carried out simultaneously with the replacement of the window frame. In terms of the consumption of financial resources and the cost of materials, it is more economical, faster and more convenient. Let's study the detailed instructions on how to install a plastic window sill.

Determining the size of the window sill

Window sills that are made of PVC are best suited for plastic windows. It is necessary to start work by calculating the dimensions of the window sill for the desired plastic window. To determine how long the window sill should be, you need to measure the width of the opening with a tape measure. 60 mm should be added to the value obtained. On each side, the window sill should protrude at least 30 mm beyond the slopes. Otherwise, the plastic corner with an F profile, which is used for the installation of slopes, will significantly protrude beyond the window sill, which is considered unacceptable.

The indicator of the width of the plastic profile is determined quite simply.

It should be remembered that the value of the permissible protrusion of the window sill from the opening is from 50 to 70 mm. Otherwise, it will block the battery, which will prevent the passage of heat.

This can cause not only fogging, but also the formation of frost on the windows. Under the window structure itself, the window sill must be brought in by approximately 20 mm. Accordingly, these figures must be added to the value of the depth of the window opening, which is measured from the profile to the wall.

Making a window sill blank

When installing a window sill with your own hands, it is necessary to apply the obtained indicators. Then a window sill blank of the appropriate width and length is cut out. The cutting process is carried out by a grinder, as with its help you can get perfectly smooth edges. If this tool is not at hand, then a jigsaw is also suitable for work, you just have to cut it carefully. If there is no jigsaw, then you can saw off the workpiece using a conventional saw.

How to fix if the workpiece is not included in the opening? It is necessary to cut out those parts that interfere with it. You can make the protruding parts of the window sill on the right and left recessed into the wall. After the installation process on the plastic window sill in this way, the recesses are puttyed.

The effect of solidity of the window sill and wall should be ensured. To do this, using a perforator, small recesses are made in the wall. Then you need to attach a window sill to the opening and make marks for the cuts. Rectangles that interfere with installation are cut off to the right and left. Now the plastic window sill blank is completely ready for installation in place.

Surface preparation

Before installing a plastic window sill, it is necessary to clean the horizontal surface from construction debris and dust. The question arises, how to install the product correctly?

It should be borne in mind that, regardless of the material of manufacture of the window sill, it must always be installed at a slight slope towards the room.

This is necessary so that water from glass condensation or watering plants does not collect under the frame. A slope of a few millimeters will suffice.

Before fixing the window sill to the plastic window, special wedges or spacers must be installed, which should be fixed using a plaster mortar. They are needed to set the window sill to the required level. Then linings are prepared under the windowsill. Linings should not protrude so that they do not have to be cut off in the future. Now a check is made to see how exactly the window sill can be installed.

Fixing a plastic window sill

There are several ways to attach a plastic window sill:

  • On two-component polyurethane foam (the most common method).
  • On glue using spacers. They act like a press.
  • On a special type of brackets. This also includes situations where the width of the window sill significantly exceeds the size of the window opening.
  • With the use of special retaining brackets.

Mounting foam is applied along the frame, a plastic window sill is installed, fixed. All remaining voids are filled with mounting foam. It should be remembered that the foam can expand greatly in volume, so you need to be careful and accurate. When the mounting foam has completely hardened, it is necessary to remove the spacers and check the quality of the installation of the plastic window sill using a level. Acrylic seals the places where the plastic window sill touches the frame and slopes.

Window sill care

Plates of their polyvinyl chloride must be cleaned with water and detergents. For wooden parts, it is better to use a well-wrung cloth and no abrasive materials. It is not advisable to clean the wood with abrasive products and wet it with water. The surface of the window sill must be protected from freezing. Dust is removed with a dry cloth, and every 3-4 years it is required to cover the product with a new layer of varnish, wax or paint.

A new window sill will last you longer if the following conditions are met:

  • Accuracy in carrying out work.
  • Use of high quality building materials and raw materials.
  • The right choice of material from which the window sill is made.
  • Installation according to all instructions and requirements.
  • Careful handling and regular maintenance of the surface.

It follows that the installation of window sills for plastic windows, as well as replacing the window sill with a new one, can be done independently. You only need to follow all the steps in the workflow.

The final stage in the arrangement of window openings is the installation of PVC window sills with your own hands - with proper preparation and minimal repair skills, this work can be done independently, quickly and reliably.

Characteristics of PVC window sills

The window sill is the most visible part of the window design and the most functional part of the entire window. They prevent heat leakage from the room and are a barrier to outside cold air, they serve as a support for various interior items (including very weighty and bulky ones - for example, flower pots). Do-it-yourself installation of a PVC window sill will allow you to acquire a strong, durable and beautiful surface along the entire length of the window, thanks to the following qualities of these products:

  • Resistant to sunlight, high and low temperatures and humidity;
  • Resistance to impacts, scratches, pressure and other types of mechanical impact;
  • Lightness - compared to a wooden product of similar dimensions, the weight of a plastic window sill is 3-5 times less. This greatly facilitates installation work, from preparation to installation;
  • Ease of sanitization and resistance to chemically active substances;
  • Durability - both in terms of maintaining aesthetic merits and strength qualities;
  • Environmentally friendly, no harmful fumes and emissions during the entire service life.

The service life of plastic window sills is from 10 to 30 years - that is, it is quite comparable with the service life of a newly installed plastic window. To achieve such longevity, the installation of PVC window sills with your own hands must be based on the observance of a number of rules and recommendations.

Installing a PVC window sill with your own hands - according to GOST we are preparing a window opening

The width of plastic window sills varies from 30 to 70 cm. The greater the width, the greater the mass of the product and the more stringent the requirements for the base for mounting.. Of great importance is the type of opening to be equipped - whether the window sill is installed together with a plastic window or partial installation is performed. The design advantages of PVC plates allow you to mount them under old wooden frames - such a budget repair will allow you to update window openings at a relatively low cost.

Any preparation for installation work with PVC window sills begins with the removal of their "predecessors" and the study of the exposed wall. You should be prepared for the fact that the result of our study will be deplorable. In old-built houses, under massive wooden window sills, you can find jagged walls with mortar influxes, shaped dips and potholes. It will not be possible to manage with the removal of construction debris; the basis for PVC window sills must be even and solid.

You will have to work with the solution, since the volume of filling activities will be small. It is necessary to take a flat board 10-30 cm longer than the length of the window opening and use a level to fix it to the wall. The upper edge of the board will become the lower boundary of our "foundation". Further, in the side walls, cuts are made under the window sill to be installed - 5-10 cm from the corners. At the third stage, all the cracks in the depth of the opening are isolated - between the already installed window and the opening. After that, the base for the window sill is poured with cement or cement-crushed stone mortar.

Modern cement mixtures harden quickly, but the proper strength is achieved in 1-2 days. The installation of PVC window sills should be started no earlier than the specified period, otherwise the base can be damaged during the installation process - and then you can not even dream about the accuracy of the work.

How to install a PVC window sill - installation instructions

With a solid and even base, installing a PVC plate as a window sill will not take much time, but care and accuracy should be exercised. First of all, you should decide on the size of the "removal" of the end relative to the wall - it is recommended to limit it to 8 centimeters. With a larger offset, it is difficult to guarantee the strength of the structure under strong pressure on the end part.

However, if heating batteries are installed under the window in special niches, the dimensions of the “removal” can significantly exceed 8 cm and reach 15 or even 20 cm. In this case, a deep insertion of the entire slab into the side walls and additional fasteners along the window line is necessary. The battery itself should be located with a large margin relative to the window sill extended above it, for good air circulation in the heated room. There are a lot of advantages, they are quite feasible and made of plastic.

Modern models of plastic windows are equipped with a hidden rail profile at the bottom of the end. It is to this rail that the window sill plate is attached, which guarantees the tightness of the entire window. Even if there is no rail groove, it is forbidden to move the plastic window sill further than the vertical border of the window - it is not intended for contact with atmospheric precipitation and frosty air.

Do-it-yourself trimming of plates when installing PVC window sills is carried out using ordinary hacksaws for metal and exactly at the installation site. Further installation goes as follows:

  • The plastic plate is pre-inserted in its place to assess the accuracy and horizontalness of its location. Pay attention to tight contact with the lower edge of the window frame, as a guarantee of the future tightness of the entire structure;
  • Wedging is in progress - wooden wedges should be installed between the base and the window sill to firmly fix the PVC window sill. A window with a width of 1.5 meters will require 3 wedges (at the edges and in the center), for large windows, 4 or 5 wedges are required;
  • The window sill is removed and the wooden wedges are attached to the mounting base (lightly at first, they can be adjusted). Be sure to remove the wedges from the outer end, because. a separate rail will be fixed under the front border of the window sill;
  • The PVC board is mounted on fixed wedges and checked for levelness with a level. If necessary, the position of the wedges is changed or they are simply cut on the spot.
  • When the whole structure is located accurately and firmly, an even rail is attached to the front of the opening - it will serve as an additional and reliable basis with an effort on the end part of the window sill;
  • Once again, the strict horizontalness of the plate installed on wedges and rails, its tight contact with the window frame, and resistance to mechanical pressure in various places are checked. It will not be superfluous to check the free opening and closing of window sashes;
  • Before finally fixing the PVC window sill, all internal openings between the wedges and the rail are treated with mounting foam. The PVC plate gently slides into place - when it hardens, the foam will expand and fill the entire internal space.

It remains to fix the window sill in the mounting gaps on the side walls, and this must be done with the help of fragments of stones or bricks, in combination with a cement-sand mortar. After the mortar and foam harden (that is, the next day), you can proceed to the design of window slopes, the installation of heating radiators and other stages of repair and improvement of the premises.

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