Types of roofs by design with an attic. Photo of roofs of houses with an attic. New trends in the attic space

High-quality mansard roof projects are designed for the construction of additional living space in the attic, if the roof of the house has an inclined or broken shape. Building codes are designed for the location of the line of intersection of the roof and facade at a height of up to 1.5 meters. Otherwise, there will be no attic, you will get an ordinary attic, unsuitable for normal living.

A professional mansard roof project for a private house assumes a wall height of 1.4 meters, so that it is convenient to sit against a vertical wall.

Modern projects of houses with a mansard roof are very economical, they do not involve the construction of a complex expensive foundation.

Advice! Attention should be paid to the hydro and vapor barrier of the house so that the building "breathes".

Design Options

You can pick up ready-made projects of houses with a mansard roof and a garage, given the option of the future roof:

  • triangular;
  • asymmetric;
  • broken line.

A typical project of a house with a sloping mansard roof is suitable for gable, shed, broken, gable, domed, pyramidal, semi-oval roofs.

  1. The simplest design is a single-slope system. The design is represented by an inclined plane fixed on load-bearing walls of different heights. This type is rarely used in the arrangement of attics.
  2. The standard design of a gable mansard roof is assembled from two slopes, which are directed in opposite directions.
  3. Hip and half-hip designs imply four slopes. Inside such systems create comfortable rooms.
  4. Broken roofs are suitable for small structures.
  5. Pyramidal, domed, conical structures are suitable for houses that have a rounded shape.

Choosing the type of attic

During the construction process, you can use a single-level attic in conjunction with a gable or sloping roof. A single-level attic is perfectly combined with two-level supports, remote consoles.

Attention ! When choosing a project for a gable mansard roof, consider the loads that the building will exert on the foundation.

On the video you can see how the attic is being built over the garage:

Gable roofs are characterized by the following parameters:

  • various sizes of cornice overhang;
  • tilt angle;
  • rafter design (hanging, inclined).

This do-it-yourself mansard roof project allows you to make a bathroom and several bedrooms. Such an attic "apartment" is equipped with two balconies, which can be accessed from the bedroom. The material for the frame can be drywall,. Facades can be decorated with plaster or clinker bricks.

Gable roofs are suitable for the following structures:

  • garages;
  • low-rise buildings;
  • economic structures.

Action algorithm

When building an attic, use the following algorithm:

  1. First, we choose the design option for the future gable roof, you can pick up ready-made mansard roof projects by searching for them on the Internet.
  2. We calculate the cost of building an attic.
  3. We purchase materials, implement the mansard roof project in practice.

Characteristics of a gable half-hip roof

This version of the roof is recognized as a functional and original design. Under the roof, you can build an attic in which it will be comfortable to live. The most popular materials for such a roof are metal tiles and corrugated board.

Characteristics of the hip roof

This design assumes four slopes, of which two are triangular in shape, two are made in the form of a trapezoid. The layers of the roof resemble a layer cake:

  • metal tile;
  • waterproofing layer;
  • counterlattice;
  • crate;
  • insulation layer;
  • initial crate;
  • cornice;
  • vapor barrier layer;
  • rafter.

Designing a gable roof

In the case of building a new house, replacing an old roof, consider the external characteristics of the roof. Projects of houses with a mansard roof are common (pictured above) for the following reasons:

  • acceptable cost;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • simple installation;
  • snow and water do not accumulate.

The slopes are fastened together at a certain angle, the house itself acts as a support. Fastening from above is carried out to the ridge of the house, on the side by walls. The truss system for the 9x9 mansard roof truss system project involves the use of dry, high-quality timber.

Prior to construction, the timber is treated with chemicals to protect against high humidity and fungal diseases. It is advisable to cover the bars with an antiseptic and fireproof composition.

Components of a gable roof

A mansard gable roof assumes the presence of the following components: rafters, beams, Mauerlat, ridge, girders, struts, puffs, supports.

If you wish, you can find the following mansard roof projects for free:

  • symmetrical, the basis of which is a triangle;
  • broken lines, allowing maximum use of free space for housing;
  • asymmetrical, giving the building an original look, while reducing the area in the attic.

Advice ! When choosing a simple project of a broken mansard roof, you can build on your own, but it is advisable to entrust serious projects to professional builders.

Drawing of a gable roof

If your plans include the independent implementation of a garage project with a mansard roof, follow the sequence of actions:

  • start with a sketch;
  • think over the plan of the future roof;
  • do all the calculations;
  • purchase materials for rafters and covering.

Mansard roof drawings can be downloaded from a variety of construction sites or purchased from professional engineers.

Advice ! Do not save on drawings, the reliability of the design and its durability depend on their quality.

The video will show the stages of building a mansard roof over the garage:

Calculation of the future gable roof

  1. Performing calculations is a crucial stage, it involves taking into account the maximum weight of the roof, taking into account possible wind, snow, rain loads. Roof projects for different regions of the country have significant technical differences related to the climatic features of the region.

    ​Attention! For regions in which a significant amount of precipitation falls in winter, a roof with a significant angle of inclination is needed.

  2. When making calculations, remember that with an increase in the steepness of the roof, its height, the consumption of materials for the implementation of the planned project will also increase.
  3. Do-it-yourself construction of a new gable roof is a great option to save money (provided you have building skills).
  4. There are many high quality roofing materials on the construction market. If the house is being built from a wooden beam, it is better to purchase a metal roofing.

Advantages of metal tiles: acceptable cost, long service life, aesthetic appearance.

Calculation and installation of the truss system is the most difficult and time-consuming step in the installation of a new roof. The construction of a gable structure involves taking into account many nuances, neglecting them can "cost a lot" to the owner of the house. Do not save on calculations, because in the end you will be able to save money, since the operational life of a gable roof will be significantly increased.

It's not a very common design.

Such a structure should not only complete the integral structure of the building and perform the functions of protection.

But also to have a comfortable life in the room located under it.

In order for the living area to be suitable for use, it is necessary to understand the essence of the design of such a structure and the nuances of its installation processes.

A similar design has a number of elements, which constitutes an integral roof system.

The device of the attic roof looks like this:

  • Roof. Roof covering is necessary for providing reliable protection against the influence of atmospheric conditions both the entire house and the entire roof system.
  • . The supporting part of the attachment system, most often constructed from wooden boards.
  • Skate run. The very top of the whole system.
  • rafters. Supporting ribs that provide rigidity to the structure. They have two varieties - hanging and layered.
  • Mauerlat. The element is represented by beams, which serve to fasten the truss system. It repeats the element in the location of the perimeter of the house and is fastened to each wall with fasteners.
  • Diagonal piles. For that, that the roof construction system has a high level of reliability, the rafters are interconnected by beams arranged longitudinally and vertically, which are connected together by diagonal ties or bevels.
  • Internal supports. An element that is located under each rafter leg and gives it stability.
  • insulating layer. Such a layer unites the entire roof system into a single whole, while creating reliable sealing, vapor and sound insulation. This layer has its own structure and is multi-layered. All materials that are used to equip this layer are necessary to provide all kinds of properties that ensure comfortable life in the attic.

What components and parts the mansard roof consists of, you will see in this drawing:

Mansard roof device drawing

roofing cake

Each type of roof has its own individual structure.

It is represented by several layers of different materials, which necessary to protect the attic space from cold air masses and high levels of humidity.

Roofing pie mansard roof includes:

  • crate;
  • vapor barrier layer;
  • Control grate;
  • thermal insulation layer;
  • Waterproofing;
  • Ventilation systems;
  • Roofing material.

Each layer is designed to perform certain functions that are necessary for the normal operation of the entire roof system.

If you make mistakes during installation or neglect any of the layers, then this may lead to the need to redo the entire structure.

  • . The simplest type of roof over the attic, but not too popular. Represents one inclined plane, which is supported on load-bearing walls of various heights.
  • . Such a variety represented by two slopes, which are opposite to each other.
  • broken line. This type of roof has other names - and half-hip. This kind of design allows you to make the attic space optimal. There are four slopes in this design. It is quite convenient to live in the attic, having this kind of roof.
  • conical. The most complex type of construction, represented by a cone. Suitable for structures which have round or polygonal outlines.

Roof types

If we talk about the varieties of truss systems, then they are of 3 types:

  1. Hanging type of rafters provide load transfer in a horizontal position to load-bearing walls. Such rafters are the basis of the entire system. There is no need for intermediate supports; wooden or metal puffs are used to connect the beams.
  2. A layered variety of rafters is used if the load-bearing wall is located in the center of the building or if intermediate supports are present. This kind of rafters is installed on the outer walls, while their middle part is supported by the inner walls. Such a structure can only be built if the distance from the load-bearing wall to another is up to 6.5 m.
  3. The hanging and layered variety of the truss system is represented by triangles having a right angle. Additionally, such a design is equipped with contractions from the bottom and top of the system. Hanging rafters are used to hang the ceiling.

Mansard roof: gable construction of a wooden house

Tilt angle

A very important parameter in the construction of the roof is to determine the angle of the roof. This value is determined not only by the design of the building, the features of the facade, but also by the chosen roofing material and local climatic conditions.

If the precipitation that falls on the area where the house is located is of great importance, then roof pitch ranges from 45 to 60 degrees.

This value of the slope will provide better snow removal from the surface., and, accordingly, a decrease in the load level. In addition to precipitation, this angle parameter protects the roof from glaciation.

If the house is located in an area in which strong winds are a frequent occurrence, then slope angle value should be minimum. Otherwise, the structure may be destroyed due to weather conditions. Under such conditions, variations of this parameter from 9 to 20 degrees.

However, the most common and optimal roof slope is 20-35 degrees.. This value is suitable for arranging a roof with almost any kind of material.


The angle of inclination largely determines the durability and reliability of the structure.

Tilt angle

Mounting process

In order for the mansard roof, you must adhere to a certain sequence of actions:

  1. Initially, the upper beam is fixed, which has section parameters of 10x10 or 15x15 cm. Fastening is carried out using nails, metal staples or self-tapping screws. At the same time, the first beam provides the function of the rafter frame.
  2. The next one is installation of the Mauerlat, which is necessary to take most of the load. To install it, you will need a board with a thickness of at least 5 cm and a bar with section parameters of 5x10 cm. Before laying the board, cover a layer that is necessary to retain moisture and not destroy structural elements. Attach the Mauerlat with nails or staples and additionally tie it to the wall with a metal wire. The wire is mounted at the stage of wall construction.
  3. Next install the rafters, choosing for this step from 0.6 to 2 m.
  4. Gable rafters are installed first, after which they pull the level and begin to mount the remaining elements.
  5. After the rafter legs are all installed, provide additional structural reinforcement, connecting the rafters to each other in their upper part.
  6. If the value of the roof length exceeds 7 m, then carry out the installation of the ridge beam. Otherwise, equipping a rafter system with a similar element is not necessary.
  7. After installed go to the equipment of the layers of the roofing cake, having previously installed the crate.
  8. The last stage in the construction of the roof is roofing installation.

Lathing installation

Rafter installation

The simple and effective idea of ​​using the under-roof space of a private house in the form of an attic or residential attic is several hundred years old, since the time of the brilliant Francois Mansart, truly mansard roof projects became interesting for a private trader only with the advent of modern roofing vapor barrier and heat-insulating materials. Making the attic comfortable and comfortable with old technologies and materials was not as easy as it might seem to a non-specialist. Today, almost 90% of new buildings in the private sector are houses with a mansard roof, the practicality and rationality of which have already become generally recognized.

What can be considered a mansard roof

The arrangement of an additional room in the under-roof space is not free. Any mansard-type roof options are a complex and expensive structure, therefore, in most cases, the design of the mansard roof of a private house, along with a box of walls and ceilings, is ordered from a specialized construction company, and the finishing and wiring of communications are carried out on their own.

All existing attic structures can be divided into several large groups:

  • Broken roofs with a raised roof;
  • Classic gable triangle;
  • Asymmetric structures with one and two-pitched roofs;
  • Hip and tent frame schemes.

That is, theoretically, an attic project can be made for any non-flat roof, as long as there is enough height under the crossbeams of the rafters and the width between the side projections of the roof. SNiP requires that the width of the building box according to the project be at least 4.5 m, the area should be at least 7 squares, and the ratio of the height of the attic ceilings to its area should be at least 1:2. In human terms, this means that with a minimum attic area of ​​​​7 m 2, the height cannot be more than 3.5 m.

In most cases, mansard roof projects, photos are taken for a room volume of at least 30 m 3, otherwise it does not make sense to rebuild an ordinary roof into a broken or asymmetric one for the sake of a tiny room.

For your information! SNiP No. 54.13330.2011 considers the attic of a private house to be a floor, therefore, when ordering or drafting a project on your own, you should ask lawyers about documenting the attic in terms of taxation and registration as living space.

It is clear that with the same success it is possible to classify any attic as an attic room, therefore, building codes determine what is referred to as an attic room only if the vertical distance from the intersection of the roof and the vertical plane of the facade to the attic floor is at least one and a half meters.

You can find many interesting and complex mansard roof projects if you wish, but their planning and construction, as a rule, requires the use of special methods of strengthening and balancing the frame. Such projects are built only according to the drawings of mansard roofs, obtained as a result of repeated testing of the strength of the frame using specialized programs.

For an ordinary private house with an attic, projects of mansard roofs are used, photos of two types - with a broken and triangular - asymmetrical silhouette.

Attic with sloping roof

The most common is the project of an attic room with a sloping roof. Such a design is much more expensive in construction; in appearance, the mansard roofs of houses with an attic do not look as attractive as a gable or hip roof, so they resort to it only if a room of maximum size is needed on the second floor.

Depending on the project, the attic room can be:

  • Independent from the ground floor, with a separate entrance. In this case, the staircase is attached to the side wall of the building;
  • Continuation of the first or second floor of the house. In practice, such a decision is made in the form of an additional tier of the last floor;
  • The main floor in the building, the first floor is allocated in the form of utility and technological premises.

The design of a sloping roof in any of the above cases is based on the use of an additional power element - a transverse tightening, with which the rafters of two roof slopes laid at different angles are combined.

In various projects, the rafter legs of the frame can rest directly on the mauerlat of the walls or on remote cantilever supports, photo.

In this case, it is possible to obtain a significant increase in the width of the attic room at minimal cost.

For small buildings, the project provides for the transfer of the weight of a broken mansard roof only to the outer walls of the house, but with an increase in the width of the span, it is necessary to compensate for the increased weight by installing additional vertical supports in the central part of the roof structure. Most often, the supports are sewn up with drywall and decorated to match the main walls.

Attic rooms may differ not only in the presence of a ceiling or additional supports. The main difference is in the design of the side walls. For example, for small attic projects with sloping roofs, in most cases, the side walls of the room remain sloping like a roof slope. This gives an additional gain in the usable amount of space, especially since the peripheral zones are usually reserved for bedroom furniture.

The use of a sloping roof almost always reduces the attic to a minimum, the height of the attic in the most successful projects does not exceed one meter. Therefore, often the floor that separates the attic from the attic is simply abandoned in favor of the usable space of the room.

Windows in the attic

For a small attic, you can leave windows on the gables of the roof, but more often this is not enough to fully provide lighting for the room due to sunlight. According to the norms, glazing is required at least 12-20% of the floor area. Therefore, the project usually lays sloping windows mounted in the roof slopes.

This may be a tunnel window opening in the form of a dormer window, photo.

This solution complicates the installation of roofing, but simplifies the design of the window opening, the frame and the window itself. Installing an additional extension allows the use of standard metal-plastic windows of any size and glazing area.

A more complex project is the use of sloping window frames for the attic room, mounted directly into the roofing pie.

In this case, the window frame made of glued laminated timber or PVC profile is covered with additional cast cornice strips, the joints are sealed with sealant and sealed tightly with a waterproofing film. Window vents and window sashes are made according to a swing pattern.

Important! Inclined windows are able to provide a sufficiently high quality of ventilation of the premises without disturbing the heat transfer inside the attic room.

The optimal installation height of the window frame is 1.5-1.8 m above the floor.

Triangular and asymmetric mansard roofs

A sloping roof always remains a forced compromise between the need to provide maximum volume for the attic space and the relatively small dimensions of the building. If the span of the house box exceeds six meters, then the project customers often abandon broken structures in favor of conventional triangular profiles.

The diagram below clearly demonstrates that:

  1. An attic room under a sloping roof is always wider than that of a triangle;
  2. There are no bevels and inclined corner sections that reduce the useful volume of air in the room;
  3. The roof structure itself is lower, which means less windage of the structure.

But with all the obvious advantages of a sloping mansard roof, this design did not supplant triangular and asymmetric projects. Why?

First, a triangular gable roof is easier and cheaper to build, perfect for any building project. Secondly, triangular silhouettes look an order of magnitude more attractive, and, oddly enough, it is this factor that determines when the customer chooses the building project he likes the most. Thirdly, a triangular roof turns out to be much more reliable and convenient, especially if a house with an attic is built in areas where there is a large amount of precipitation in the form of rain and sleet.

Structurally, an equal-sided gable mansard roof differs from the usual scheme only in the presence of additional crossbars, struts and supports that form the walls and ceiling of the attic.

In this case, to simplify the project, the side walls, in whole or in part, are inclined. The height of the vertical sections should be at least 120-150 cm, otherwise part of the room will be used inefficiently.

The layout of the premises and buildings with a triangular mansard roof

It is worth noting that due to its versatility, the triangular version of the mansard roof is able to fit into any building project. For example, to make an attic for a country house, as in the photo.

The use of a sloping roof in this project would have increased the size of the attic, but the spectacular appearance of the building would have been clearly lost. The triangular structures of mansard roofs can be very accurately combined with hip and tent schemes, photos.

Broken mansard roof projects look less impressive.

Triangular mansard roofs have one significant drawback. The attic occupies no more than 60% of the useful volume of the under-roof space. Due to the small height of the side pockets under the roof slopes, it is not possible to use them, like the attic space.

This problem is especially acute for projects of houses with relatively gentle slopes of the roof. If a building with an attic floor is planned to be built in an area with strong winds, then instead of the traditional gabled triangular roof, a chalet-style project will need to be used, with long and gentle roof slopes.

In this case, the attic room is not allocated as one room, but is equipped in the form of an additional tier, without a ceiling.

No less beautiful are projects with an asymmetric arrangement of roof slopes, photos.

By shifting the axis of the attic room to the side, it is possible to significantly expand the under-roof space and even partially improve the geometry of the walls and ceiling.


Almost all mansard roof projects greatly change the appearance of the building itself. Most experts in the field of architecture and planning of private low-rise buildings note that in modern projects the ground floor of the building is increasingly becoming technical, its space is occupied by garages, boiler rooms and utility rooms. The bedroom, living room and office have already moved to the attic floors, in the future, perhaps, the attic will become the main space in the house.

Mansard roofs solve two problems at once - they create additional free space and add zest to the exterior of the building. Thus, it is possible to make a lounge or a bedroom, saving on the construction of the upper floor of private houses. In order to rationally use space, it remains only to choose the right project and compact furniture. It is worth considering how the roofs of houses with an attic are planned.

What should be the attic

To get the perfect attic, it is better to prepare its project at the stage of building a house. The planning of the dwelling affects the setting of the load-bearing elements of the roof. When you have to equip a room in already built private houses, there are difficulties with laying thermal insulation, locating stairs, ordering doors and windows. Wooden elements require protective treatment.

Most often, attics are planned under roofs:

  • broken gable;
  • gable.

The gable roof is often found in the photo of private houses built in the traditional style. Such a roof consists of two intersecting rectangles. It has a simple design, but the project looks neat and cute.

Important! The best option for the attic is a gable sloping roof with sloping rafters, this design leaves a maximum of usable space.

For the manufacture of rafters, coniferous trees are used. The material is carefully sanded and dried. Humidity should not exceed 18%. Otherwise, the rafters may deform over time, which will lead to the distortion of the entire building.

Types of roofs of houses for the arrangement of the attic

Depending on the type of roofing of private houses, the attic area will vary. Also, its design will affect the overall cost of construction. The following are the most common types of roofs, their advantages and disadvantages.


Shed roofs are affordable and easy to install. In this case, the roofing sheet rests on load-bearing walls that differ in height.

Shed roofs are rarely used in residential construction. More often, these types are used in the arrangement of garages and utility rooms, and not private houses. The space under them is extremely inconvenient to use for decorating the attic.


Gable roofs are very common, such a project can be called a classic. Such a roof consists of two parts, which at the intersection are connected by a metal ridge. At the same time, the size of the canvases and the angle at which they are fixed may differ.

Gable roofs are considered the most functional. The space below them is convenient to use for arranging the attic.


Hip roofs are a complicated design of gable roofs. Instead of external walls, called gables, they have triangular slopes (hips). As the projects show, windows are often placed on them.

Hip roofs look very interesting in the photo. Due to their complex design, their design and construction should be entrusted to specialists. These types of roofs are better able to withstand strong winds and precipitation. In private houses and cottages, hip roofs are most often equipped. Under them there is enough space for the attic.

Attention! Another version of the roof with hips is hipped roof. It is designed from triangular slopes, which can be 4 or more. They are held by metal skates, converge at the very top in the center.

broken line

A sloping roof is, in fact, the same gable roof, but the roof sheets have a break. In the photo you can see projects with windows on the gables.

The advantages of a sloping roof are that the streamlined shape makes it resistant to gusts of wind. Also under it there is enough space for arranging a living room.


The design of combined roofs can include elements of several varieties at once. This is the most costly type of roofing that requires careful design and the use of quality materials. Otherwise, numerous joints cause leaks. Due to the complex shape, the roof is not so resistant to strong winds.

Combined roofs are suitable for balconies and attics. They look very original in the photo, but require considerable costs for the project and construction.

What are the types of attic

The type of attic is determined by the project and the wishes of the residents. The following main types are presented: single-level and two-level.

single level

On the roof, it is easier to equip a single-level attic. It does not require lengthy calculations. The following are the types of such attics, there are three of them.

  1. Attic under a gable roof. Due to the location of the roof sheets, nothing prevents the convergence of precipitation. Therefore, this version of the mansard roof is the most simple and practical.
  2. Attic with sloping roof. It is a little more difficult to equip such a room, but it turns out with smooth walls and a full-fledged ceiling. In the photo, such a house looks original.
  3. Attic with remote consoles. The most time-consuming version of the mansard roof. However, with this type of roofing in the attic, a large room is obtained. The canopy, which is obtained due to the displacement of the roof, is often used to build a veranda or garage.


A two-level attic contains two rooms located, as the name suggests, on different levels. Sometimes it stands out as a separate project. Differs in the presence of mixed-type supports.

Advantages of the attic device

A mansard roof has a number of advantages.

  1. Additional living space. In the attic you can make a rest room, bedroom or office.
  2. Thermal insulation. If the house has a residential attic, heat loss through the ceiling is noticeably reduced.
  3. Allow to reduce the total area of ​​land for construction.
  4. You can increase the living area of ​​an already built house.
  5. Set up in a short time.
  6. Allows you to get another full-fledged room with minimal investment.

Important! To maximize the use of space, you should choose small-sized furniture.

What features should be considered when choosing materials and furniture

The mansard roof also has certain disadvantages. The following are recommendations that should be considered when choosing building materials and furniture for the upper room.

  1. Choose high-quality vapor and waterproofing. Given the location of the materials, they should be light so as not to weigh down the structure. Good materials will help maintain comfortable air humidity in the room.
  2. Ensure adequate thermal insulation. This is very important for an attic room to prevent heat loss.
  3. If the structural elements are made of wood, they are treated with an antiseptic.
  4. For interior decoration of the room, light-weight materials (for example, drywall) should be used.
  5. It is necessary to select furniture taking into account the sloping ceiling.

How to equip the attic

In order to maintain a favorable microclimate in the attic, the following layers are arranged in order.

  1. Ventilation. The best option would be to install two ventilation gaps. The first is done under the roofing, it is designed to remove moisture from under the "roofing cake". The second is located above the insulation layer and eliminates the accumulated steam.
  2. Vapor barrier. This layer prevents the formation of condensate and wetting of the insulation.
  3. Thermal insulation. A layer of special material does not let cold air from the street into the room and does not allow heat to go outside.
  4. Sheathing and rafters. Due to these structural elements, the load is evenly distributed over the walls. Made from wooden beams.
  5. Waterproofing. A layer of this material is necessary to prevent moisture ingress.
  6. Roofing film. Needed to protect insulation and rafters.
  7. Roof material. This is the final layer that protects against the adverse effects of the environment.

The mansard roof has an original look in the photo and allows you to increase the living space of the house. By following the recommendations on the choice of materials and furniture, you can equip a full-fledged and spacious room in the attic.

During the construction of a private house, everyone wants his house to be beautiful in appearance, unlike others. At the same time, you need to take into account the functionality of the house and its convenience, because you need to live in it. Ideally, such a building should not be very expensive, since not everyone can afford a huge castle. The mansard roof allows you to solve all these problems at once. Externally, the house will get an attractive look, it will be interesting, and by combining several roofings you can make it unique.

The cost of building an attic

Creating an attic floor is considered a relatively inexpensive pleasure, since there is no need to build and erect walls, but this is only partially so.

First of all, you need to spend a lot of money on creating a truss system. Its price directly depends on the type of mansard roof, as well as the cost of lumber. Secondly, the lion's share of financial expenses will be taken by thermal insulation and vapor barrier of the roof. It is logical that the roofing material is not enough to provide the required air condition for the living space.
If the attic is residential, then it must be insulated with high quality using a thick layer of heat-insulating material. On average, for Russia, a layer of mineral wool should be at least 20 centimeters, if these are cooler regions, then even more. In addition, we must not forget about the waterproofing and vapor barrier layers.
Thirdly, expensive skylights. If the windows are made dormer, then it is necessary to build a special truss system, which will also lead to an increase in financial costs for materials and their installation. Also, the window can be located in the plane of the roof, in which case it must be carefully sealed so that snow or rain does not penetrate into the attic. Because of this, the cost of skylights is twice as expensive as usual, their installation will also cost a pretty penny. Skylights should have a more complex design, their frame should be stronger. Glass is reinforced to cope with loads, and the frame is swivel. In total, there are two types of skylights - those in the roof and vertical ones.

A popular and inexpensive option for roofing is a metal-based material, such as corrugated board or metal tiles. However, it is worth noting that all of them are not suitable for covering a mansard roof, and here's why:

  • These coatings have high thermal conductivity. Metal easily transmits heat, which means that it is necessary to increase the thickness of the heat-insulating layer. If this is not done, then it will be too cold here in winter, and unbearably hot in summer.
  • Noise. During precipitation in the form of rain, it will be very noisy here, because the roof will knock like a drum. Inside, this problem can be overcome with high-quality sound insulation, but outside this problem cannot be removed, so it is best to abandon metal-based materials. In addition, if the house is located in close proximity to neighbors, then they may be dissatisfied with the constant noise, after which disputes and conflicts may arise.

If we calculate all the costs to increase the layers of thermal insulation and sound insulation, then it turns out that there was no financial benefit in the construction of the attic, so it is better not to use such roofing material. It is better to initially buy a more expensive coating so that in the end it turns out to be more profitable. That is why you need to calculate the pros and cons even before roofing.

Advantages of building an attic floor:

  • The lightness of the attic floor. Thanks to this, it is not necessary to build a foundation that is too strong, which will save money in the initial stages.
  • If there is not enough money, then the construction of the attic, its insulation can be postponed for some time until new funds appear. It is also worth noting the fact that such a delay will be useful. During construction, wood species with high humidity are used. If the process of warming starts instantly, then moisture will be absorbed into the heat-insulating layer. If the “pie” is made in the right way, then the moisture will leave correctly. In case of violations, there may be problems, so a short pause will even be useful, because the material can dry out a little, losing excess moisture.
  • With the help of the attic floor, you can create an original and even unique building. In general, a private house with an attic always has an interesting appearance, is able to express the individuality of the owner and his decisions.

Roof types

The mansard roof can have different device options; any type of roof is suitable for the attic floor, except for a flat one.

Houses with a shed roof will always look original and non-standard. Installation and installation of such a roof is quite simple, the bevel is carried out using different heights of the walls. The slope angle varies between 30-45%, this range is explained very easily. If you make the angle of inclination smaller, then snow will accumulate on the roof, and this will create a load on the roof and supports, you will have to create additional supports, which will reduce the space of the attic floor. If the angle is larger, then there will be difficulties in installing the roof, and its strength will decrease significantly. In general, the use of such a roof is the easiest and most affordable financial option.

The most popular is the gable roof, the cost of its construction is not very high, and outwardly such a structure looks quite attractive. When building such a roof, it is necessary to take into account the functional feature of the attic, whether it will be residential or not. It is necessary to calculate the height of the roof so that it does not interfere with free movement in the attic. In general, there are two types of gable roofs: symmetrical and asymmetrical.
A sloping roof is a kind of gable roof, the only difference is that one plane is divided into two, having a different angle of inclination. When building such a roof, no walls are needed, and the space will be only 15-20% less than on the 1st floor of the house. The rafter system is much more difficult here, it needs special attention.

A four-pitched roof is a complex option that requires calculations. The roof surface is larger than in previous versions, which means that the costs increase significantly. The advantage lies in high resistance to winds and other "whims" of nature, as well as in the original appearance, which is considered the most attractive.

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