Vitamin f. What fatty acids does vitamin F contain? Indications for use in various dosage forms

Vitamin F (Vitamin F)- an anti-cholesterol, fat-soluble vitamin, consisting of unsaturated fatty acids obtained from food.

Actually, Vitamin F should be understood as combination of several fatty acids: linoleic, linolenic, arachidonic, therefore, in early sources, there is no mention of vitamin F, and only now this name has begun to be used after the systematization of the above 3 acids.

When both families of polyunsaturated fatty acids were first discovered in 1923, they were classified as vitamins and named "vitamin F". In 1930 both families were shown to be fats and not vitamins at all.

But, nevertheless, leaving the traditional name “vitamin” for polyunsaturated fatty acids, they should, from a biochemical and pharmacological point of view, be singled out as a special group of biologically active compounds that have both paravitamin and parahormonal effects. In favor of the first is their ability, when introduced into the body, to eliminate avitaminosis-like phenomena. In favor of the parahormonal action of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the presence of the enzyme prostaglandin synthetase, the ability to turn into prostaglandins, leukotrienes, thromboxanes and other powerful intracellular mediators of hormonal effects is evidence.

Linoleic, linolenic, arachidonic acids are very sensitive to sunlight, elevated temperatures, and are also quickly destroyed when in contact with air, but with proper storage and use of products containing vitamin F, the body is completely provided with it.

The main property of vitamin F is participation in the absorption of fats, the normalization of fat metabolism in the skin and the removal of excess cholesterol from the body. This vitamin is especially relevant for fast food lovers, in which some food is simply saturated with cholesterol. And in general, in the era of GMOs, it is always worth watching what we, dear readers, eat.

Vitamin F is also important for the cardiovascular system, because. in addition to removing excess cholesterol, it also prevents its excess deposits in the arteries, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves blood circulation, and normalizes the pulse.

Due to the improvement of fat metabolism, weight is normalized, which positively affects the health of overweight people. By the way, if excess weight is an urgent issue for you, I suggest you read, which is quite well written on how to remove extra pounds.

Vitamin F is a fat-soluble vitamin, so it needs fat to be absorbed.

Vitamin F also effectively fights inflammatory processes in the body, improves tissue nutrition, affects reproduction and lactation, has an anti-sclerotic effect, and ensures the functioning of muscles. In addition, it deeply moisturizes the skin, keeping it healthy. Another boasts a similar function.

Vitamin F is used for the prevention and treatment of skin diseases, immunodeficiency and oncological diseases.

Vitamin F has an anti-allergic effect. Gamma-linolenic acid is able to transform through dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid into prostaglandins E1. It is known that prostaglandins E1 inhibit the first phase of histamine release, for example from mast cell granules, and stop histamine-induced allergic bronchospasm, and also have a sensitization-preventive effect, like histamine inhibitors.

Vitamin F plays an important role in the musculoskeletal system. By providing normal nutrition to the tissues of the joints, fatty acids have a preventive effect on the development of rheumatoid diseases.

Gamma-linolenic acid, like other polyunsaturated fatty acids, is an energy substrate in the process of intracellular respiration and is part of the phospholipids of animal cell membranes. With a lack of it in food, there is a disruption in the functioning of biological membranes and fat metabolism in tissues, which leads to the development of pathological processes, in particular, liver damage, and atherosclerosis of blood vessels develops.

In addition, vitamin F has many other functions:

- treats a number of skin diseases:, and;
- protect the skin from aging;
- maintains in a healthy state: hair, nails, mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract);
- has anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effects;
- improve the process of sperm maturation, which has a beneficial effect on reproductive function;
- stimulates the immune system (protection) of the body;
- prevents the formation of blood clots;
- protects cells from damage by harmful substances;
- affects the formation of prostaglandins and much more.

Vitamin F metabolism

Essential fatty acids are absorbed in the small intestine, like other fatty acids, and transported as part of chylomicrons to organs. In tissues, they are used to form the most important lipids that are part of biological membranes and have regulatory activity. During metabolism, some of their double bonds are restored.

If there is enough linoleic acid in the body, then the other two fatty acids can be synthesized. Excessive carbohydrate intake increases the need for vitamin F.

The body stores this vitamin in the heart, liver, kidneys, brain, blood, and muscles.

Most often, vitamin F deficiency manifests itself in early childhood (in children under 1 year of age), which may be due to insufficient intake of them with food, malabsorption, and infectious diseases. The clinic of hypovitaminosis in children is manifested by stunting, weight loss, peeling of the skin, thickening of the epidermis, increased water consumption with a decrease in diuresis, loose stools.

In adults, suppression of reproductive functions, the development of cardiovascular and infectious diseases are also noted.

In addition, vitamin F deficiency can lead to the development of diseases that are difficult to treat, as well as premature aging.

With a lack of vitamin F, the work of the liver, immune and cardiovascular systems suffers.

With a prolonged lack of vitamin F in adults, the risk of developing atherosclerosis, and their complications, and brain stroke increases.

Additional symptoms of vitamin F deficiency:

- skin diseases can be observed (in particular), even in infants;
- allergic diseases;
- dullness, brittleness and hair loss;
- brittle nails;
- acne;
- excess cholesterol;
— cracks, incl. anal;
- Decreased firmness and elasticity of the skin;
- appearance.

Indications for taking vitamin F

As we already know, unsaturated fatty acids (vitamin F) are indispensable, but they are not formed in the body themselves, so they must be supplied with food.

The daily requirement of vitamin F is measured in mg.

There is no clear data on the required amount of vitamin F for the body, so there are approximate data - about 1000 mg.

To get this amount of fatty acids to the body, it is necessary to swallow 25-35 g (two tablespoons) of vegetable oil.

For people with high blood cholesterol, overweight, vascular atherosclerosis, it is recommended to consume vitamin F 10 times more, which is associated with its ability to accelerate the slow metabolism of fats.

Also, the dosage increases with sports. If the type of exercise is speed-strength, then during training the need is 5-6 g per day, at competitions 7-8 g per day. If the classes are aimed at developing endurance, then the entire training period, the dosage of vitamin F is 7-9 g per day, during the competition it increases to 10-12 g per day.

In addition to athletes, the daily dose of vitamin F should be increased for pregnant and lactating mothers. True, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, doses should be prescribed only by a doctor.

The absorption of fatty acids in the intestine is affected by the composition of the food consumed. The more carbohydrates, the less fat-soluble vitamins, including vitamin F, are absorbed. Carbohydrates act as a kind of sponge that “absorbs” linoleic and linolenic acids.

Additional amounts of vitamin F are also required for people undergoing treatment for skin and autoimmune diseases, diabetes, and organ transplant operations.


vegetable. Vegetable oils from the ovary of wheat, flaxseed, sunflower, safflower, soybeans, peanuts; almonds, avocados, walnuts, sunflower seeds, black currants, dried fruits, oatmeal, corn, brown rice. All vegetable oils must be first cold pressed, unfiltered, undeodorized (i.e. retained their smell).

Animals. Fatty and semi-fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines, trout, tuna), fish oil.

Synthesis in the body. Vitamin F is not synthesized in the body.


Information is expected.

Vitamin F is very unstable to elevated temperatures, i.e. it is found only in cold-pressed oils, which should be considered when choosing this product. In addition, sunlight also reduces the vitamin F content of the oil, so it should be stored in a dark, cool place.

Interaction of vitamin F with other substances

Features of vitamin F - fat-soluble, very sensitive to light, heat and contact with air, which generates the formation of toxic oxides and free radicals, therefore, to protect vitamin F, it should be taken simultaneously with antioxidants (vitamin E, beta-carotene and selenium).

In order for vitamin F to last longer in the body, it is necessary to use it together with vitamin B6, or.

Helps vitamin D perform its function of strengthening bones.

Promotes more efficient deposition of calcium and phosphorus salts in bone tissue.

The action of vitamin F is enhanced together with zinc and vitamins B6 and C.

Vitamin F video

Vitamin F, unlike other vitamins, is not one substance, but a whole group of polyunsaturated fatty acids. The main one is linoleic acid, followed by linolenic and arachidic fatty acids.

None of them are synthesized in the body. But with sufficient intake of linoleic acid from food, the body can produce other forms from it.

The vitamin got its name from the first letter of the English word fat - “fat”. This is understandable: the substances that make up the group are found mainly in oils and oily products.

Products containing

The highest content of linoleic and related acids that make up a complex called "vitamin F" is noted in various vegetable oils:

  • olive, sunflower, soy, peanut, corn, linseed, walnut and others;
  • in fish oil and ocean fish: cod, halibut, mackerel, tuna, shark liver;
  • in avocado, nuts, blackcurrant.

There is practically no vitamin F in meat. In fried foods, polyunsaturated acids are also not preserved: they all quickly decompose under the influence of high temperature and in the light. Moreover, the decay products cannot be called neutral.

Medical preparations

The following dosage forms are best known

  • Vitamin F 99 (in capsules and in the form of an ointment);
  • Linetol;
  • Essentiale;
  • Lipostabil.

In addition, it is contained in all medicines, which indicate the presence of substances "Omega-3" or "Omega-6".

Vitamin F is also used in the production of cosmetics for hair and, as it is well absorbed and successfully enters the blood and tissues through the skin.

daily need

1-2 grams of vitamin F per day is enough for a healthy person with moderate physical activity.

With high physical activity, the need increases, that is, people of physical labor, athletes need vitamin F in slightly larger quantities.

Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers also need higher doses of polyunsaturated acids.

A sufficient amount of unsaturated fatty acids is contained in 2 tablespoons, but not overcooked, but fresh. Heat treatment destroys unstable substances.

It is advisable to eat cold-pressed food, they contain linoleic and other similar polyunsaturated acids in the largest amount.

Indications for use in various dosage forms

Vitamin F performs many functions. It is responsible for the elasticity of cell membranes, for regeneration processes, for the absorption of calcium by the body. Thanks to fatty acids, the level of cholesterol in the blood is significantly reduced, and, accordingly, the risk of deposition of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls also decreases.

Getting enough vitamin F can reduce the chance of heart attack and stroke. Polyunsaturated fatty acids have a positive effect on, maintaining its health and normal function.

For appearance, vitamin F is no less important: the condition of the hair, the person, the strength and health of his nails depend on this substance. Vitamin F hypovitaminosis leads to dry skin, acne, rashes, age spots, brittle hair and hair loss.

Hypertension is also often the result of insufficient intake of vitamin F.

However, it must be emphasized: in the dosage form, this substance can be taken only as prescribed by a doctor. Usually you can get the required amount of a valuable substance with food. Vitamin F 99 in capsules is prescribed after a mandatory detailed medical examination.

Vitamin deficiency and excess

Hypovitaminosis, associated with insufficient intake of unsaturated fatty acids in the body, manifests itself in a deterioration in the condition and appearance of the skin, nails and hair.

Allergic reactions to various substances may intensify or appear. Urticaria, acne is often noted, the skin becomes rougher. An increase in blood pressure can also be indirect evidence of a lack of vitamin F.

Hypervitaminosis is extremely rare and only if a person takes vitamin F in a dosage form in excess of the dosage. Weight may increase, pain and discomfort in the epigastric region, heartburn may appear.

Interaction with other drugs and vitamin-like substances

Vitamin F promotes good absorption of calcium, so it is useful to take it together with ergocalciferol (D2). Taking vitamin F along with retinol and tocopherol enhances its antioxidant properties. taken with vitamin F is also better absorbed.

Vitamin F is necessary and important for human health. Undoubtedly, all vitamins are necessary and beneficial for health. There are a huge number of them. The most popular and known to everyone are A, B, C, E.

Each of them has its own influence and has a certain benefit for the organs or systems of the body. But few people have probably heard about such a vitamin as F.

And it also exists and plays an important role for the development of the body and all human health.

The popularity of vitamin F is not so great, because it was discovered much later than all known vitamins. Vitamin F in its composition refers to fatty acids.

There are three of them in total and they have the following names - arachidonic, linoleic and linolenic. Vitamin owes its name to the fact that in English the word "fat" begins with this letter.

The benefit of this vitamin is that it gives elasticity, firmness and beauty to your skin, which allows you to always look attractive, but also in many other ways.

First of all, vitamin F is good for facial skin.. This prerogative is due to its fat composition.

Lack of vitamin leads to acne on the skin, blackheads, and such troubles as eczema can also occur. Skin pigmentation changes. In addition to all this, small sores may even appear on the skin of the body.

Skin problems are just a visible cause. Other dirty tricks lie much deeper. The lack of fats that make up the vitamin can cause a malfunction in the body.

Vitamin F helps regulate blood cholesterol levels, normalize blood circulation, blood pressure and metabolism. Vitamin F is also useful for the coordinated work of the heart and blood vessels.

It helps to thin the blood, thereby preventing the appearance and accumulation of blood clots. It is also good for inflammatory processes, swelling and pain of various types, as it helps to eliminate all these unpleasant sensations.

Lack of fatty acids leads to problems with the musculoskeletal system. In order to avoid this, you can just take vitamin F.

Diseases such as osteochondrosis, sciatica and arthritis will be little known to you if you consume enough vitamin F.

It is also rightfully called the "vitamin of beauty". After all, it helps not only the skin to look beautiful, but also copes with brittle hair and foliation of nails.

Given such a rich list of beneficial effects, it can be noted that vitamin F is a kind of building material for the entire human body. From its acute shortage, tissues and cells can begin to collapse. This will subsequently lead to a shorter lifespan.

Now let's talk in more detail about the functions of vitamin F when it enters the human body. It has a beneficial effect on the membranes of all organs and their cells, helping them to recover faster, renew themselves and generally appear.

It can also help in the accumulation and restoration of muscle mass. And if this vitamin is used in tandem with other well-known ones - A, E, K, then you can get the most desired result.

In cosmetology, for example, it is used in conjunction with other vitamins. Regular intake of foods with vitamins F in the composition helps to smooth fine wrinkles and significantly slows down the process of emergence of new ones.

In addition, the complexion improves, blood circulation improves and blood vessels are cleansed. Also, the fats of this vitamin help keep the skin hydrated and act as a kind of barrier from external negative influences.

Summarizing all that has been said, it is necessary to highlight the main functions of vitamin F for the body and human health:

1. Performs the role of an anti-inflammatory agent.

2. Affects spermatogenesis.

3.Significantly increases the immune response.

4. Heals wounds.

5. Prevents obesity by helping the body absorb and break down fats.

6. Helps the liver, removing everything harmful from the body.

7. Has a rejuvenating effect.

8. Beneficial effect on the sexual function of both sexes.

Lack of vitamin F in the body

A lack of vitamin F in the body can give out very clear evidence. The skin becomes dry, rough, unattractive, quickly aging, flaky.

In addition, on the skin of the most exposed areas - the face, décolleté and back - various spots and pigment disorders appear. This is a major change in the subcutaneous tissue.

The thing is that the sebaceous glands begin to clog. Such an environment becomes quite beneficial for the emergence and further reproduction of all kinds of microbes, bacteria and other harmful microorganisms. Because all this dirt soon crawls out.

Foods with vitamin F

To make up for the lack of vitamin F, you need to know in which products it is available.

1) It is present in many vegetable oils - corn, rapeseed, linseed, sunflower, peanut, olive, nut.

The effect and benefits of the oil will be if it is as fresh as possible and it is cold pressed. It should be eaten raw. But not only oil can take advantage of this vitamin.

2) Sea fish (salmon, mackerel, trout).

3) fish oil.

4) soy and legumes.

5) avocado.

6) blackcurrant.

9) almonds.

10) dried fruits.

At the same time, eating foods containing a significant amount of vitamin F, you can oversaturate the body. This too will have bad consequences.

First of all, allergic rashes will appear, heartburn and stomach pain will also torment. And with a very large overdose, internal bleeding can begin.

To saturate your body with vitamin F, eat fresh salads seasoned with vegetable oil of any kind. Also, do not refuse steamed fish or a handful of dried fruits.

The main thing to remember is that products containing this vitamin must be subjected to minimal heat treatment. This will help you keep the maximum benefit.

If possible, eat raw; if not, cook with minimal exposure to heat. A great option is steam cooking.

This type of vitamin can be taken not only inside. Vegetable oil masks are great for the skin. You can simply spread it directly on the face, then rinse with warm water. It can also be combined with other ingredients.

Several recipes.

To refresh the skin, give it elasticity and shine, you can make a mask of vegetable oil, honey, chamomile infusion and egg yolk. All this is mixed, applied to the face and décolleté. After ten minutes, wash off with warm water.

A tandem of lettuce, lemon juice and the same oil, crushed to a state of gruel, will help moisturize the skin. You can also add components that are suitable exclusively for your skin type.

As you have seen, the benefits, importance and necessity of vitamin F for each person are quite considerable.

Therefore, do not forget about those products in which it is available when preparing meals for your family. So that everyone can fully benefit from it.

Everyone has heard of vitamins. This is the best support for the body in difficult conditions for it. Health, working capacity and, most importantly for a woman, the beauty of the skin depends on the proper functioning of all body functions. Modern cosmetology offers a rich ensemble of various fortified products that do an excellent job of caring for the epidermis.

But if almost everyone knows about the elixirs of life C, A, B, E, then few people know vitamin F. The fact is that this substance was discovered quite recently - in 1928 by the American Herbert Evans. Numerous studies have only confirmed the opinion of cosmetologists that vitamin F for facial skin has excellent anti-aging properties.

Mysterious Wizard

Vitamin F is a complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids essential for maintaining vitality. The composition of the biocomplex includes 5 PUFAs:

  1. linoleic (omega-6);
  2. linolenic (omega-3);
  3. eicosapentaenoic (omega-3);
  4. arachidonic (omega-6);
  5. docosahexaenoic (omega-3).

These biologically active acids are vital for us. They help not only to maintain the strength of the body, but also to maintain the attractiveness of the skin, restoring its youth and slowing down the aging process.

In nature, vitamin F is found in some vegetable oils (wheat germ, olive, peanut, linseed, sunflower, safflower, soy and some legumes). There is a lot of it in almonds, corn, avocados, rose hips, fish oil, oatmeal and brown rice.

We will not repeat the truth that in our diet such products must be constantly present. Polyunsaturated acids are actively involved in the synthesis of fats, have powerful anti-inflammatory, regenerating properties, strengthen and enhance the immune system and help resist various diseases.

But the fight against aging should be carried out on all courses: internal and external. For external protection against the attacks of time, an ampoule vitamin F for the face has been created.

Trusted friend

The vitamin complex with PUFAs is ideal for the epidermis - after all, the membranes of the cells of the epidermal tissue consist practically of polyunsaturated acids. By using vitamin F products on a regular basis, we will provide the skin with a constant supply of these essential elements.

Vitamin F is fat soluble and is detrimental to exposure to sunlight, heat and air (in which case it begins to oxidize). It must be stored exclusively in a cold place.

Protection and assistance

How exactly can vitamin F for the face be useful to us? First of all, it is worth focusing on this complex for those whose skin is dry and flaky. This powerful natural antioxidant deeply and maximally moisturizes the skin and preserves the freshness of the face and its elasticity. No wonder vitamin F is called the "defender of youth and beauty":

  • it has excellent regenerating effects, promotes rapid healing of wounds, cracks, abrasions, acne marks;
  • due to its strong anti-inflammatory properties, it helps the skin to avoid the appearance and development of allergic reactions;
  • has a calming effect on the epidermis;
  • prevents the appearance of many skin ailments (acne,);
  • significantly improves the metabolism in epidermal tissues.

This vitamin will protect the skin from sunburn, exposure to harmful radicals, help reduce swelling and restore elasticity, freshness and beauty to the epidermis. For ladies after the 35th milestone (when the time comes for age-related changes), vitamin F will become a reliable assistant in skin care.

How to use vitamin F for facial skin

As you already know, vitamin F is found in many products that can be successfully used for facial care.

  • For smooth and matte skin

Pharmaceutical chamomile flowers (30 gr) pour boiling water (1/4 cup). Leave for half an hour, then add liquid honey (18 ml), egg yolk and any vegetable oil (5 ml) to the chamomile infusion. Apply the mask on the face and cover with a paper towel, keep for 10 minutes.

  • Anti-aging agent

Grind a small apple in puree and add olive oil (5 ml), egg yolk, honey (12 g), chokeberry juice (16 ml) to it. The time of the mask is a quarter of an hour.

Vitamin F can also be used in ampoules. They can be purchased at any pharmacy. Open ampoules cannot be stored - they are used immediately.

  • To cleanse oily skin

Grind oatmeal (20 g) in a coffee grinder, add to them the St.

  • Nutrition for the eyelids

Melt cocoa butter (3 g) for a couple and combine with sea buckthorn oil (6 ml) and ½ ampoule of PUFA. Gently apply to the area around the eyes. The procedure takes a quarter of an hour. It is best to do it before bed 3 times a week.

  • Rejuvenating mask

Take your usual nourishing cream (10 g), add Aloe juice (6 ml) and an ampoule of vitamin F to it. Spread the composition evenly over the skin of the face and keep for 10 minutes.

Gogen and Ganter in 1928 named unsaturated fatty acids - linoleic, linolenic and arachidine - vitamin F.


Linoleic, linolenic and arachidic acids are colorless oils.

Vitamin F is soluble in fats and in solvents of fatty substances, insoluble in water, easily oxidized by atmospheric oxygen.

Vitamin F is obtained from vegetable oils, which are saponified for this.

Linolenic acid is inactive and its main role is to activate linoleic acid. Linoleic acid is found in large quantities in foods.

Arachidic acid in the body can be synthesized from linolenic acid with the participation of pyridoxine.

Arachidic acid is biologically more active than linoleic and linolenic acids by 2-3 times; it is contained in foodstuffs, it is not enough.

It was assumed that unsaturated fatty acids are not synthesized in the body. However, in the work of B.I. Kadykova et al. showed that an increased content of vitamin B 1 in the absence of fat in the diet can ensure good growth and development of animals, their survival and, therefore, protect animals from F-vitamin deficiency due to the endogenous synthesis of unsaturated fatty acids. Other B vitamins - (B 2 , B 6 , B 12) did not have this property.

Determination of the activity of vitamin F is carried out by a biological method according to the degree of change in the function of the skin of the tail of a rat (Schafer-Lin method).

Linoleic and linolenic acids are synthesized.


Vitamin F is necessary for the normal growth of the animal, it promotes the absorption of fats by the body, participates in the fat metabolism of the skin, and is important for the normal course of the processes of reproduction and lactation. It prevents the development of atherosclerotic changes in the vessels, helping to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood.

Unsaturated fatty acids favor the removal of cholesterol from the body by converting it from insoluble fatty acid esters to soluble compounds. Cholesterolemia is therefore reduced not so much by reducing the amount of fat in the diet, but by replacing animal fats with vegetable fats rich in unsaturated fatty acids.

Vitamin F increases the resistance of the walls of blood vessels. Vitamin F seems to be part of some enzymes and thus takes part in enzymatic processes. It is believed that it is an antagonist of some sex hormones (esterones and progesterones), which determines its regulatory effect on the function of the reproductive system. However, the role of vitamin F in this process appears to be limited.

Vitamin F is deposited in the liver, spleen and adrenal glands.

The need for vitamin F and its content in foods

Determining the need for vitamin F is difficult. It is assumed that a person needs to receive 1-2 g of unsaturated fatty acids per day. Higher requirements (4-8 g) were also proposed. The presence of hydrogenated fats in the diet increases the need for vitamin F.

To meet the human need for vitamin F, vegetable fats should also be included in the diet along with animal fats.

Linoleic and linolenic acids are found in large quantities in flaxseed oil, arachidine - in oil obtained from peanuts (peanuts), as well as in animal fat. Oils derived from corn, sunflower, maize, soybean, sea buckthorn, cotton, poppy, fish oil, and seal oil, as well as, to a lesser extent, butter and lard can serve as sources of unsaturated fatty acids (Table 1). Oils that contain vitamin F are easily oxidized.


Linoleic acid in very large doses causes various toxic effects: paralysis of the hind limbs, muscular dystrophy, testicular atrophy, sometimes mild endocrine disorders. It is assumed that vitamin F is to some extent an antagonist of vitamin E. Thus, the disorders observed with excessive intake of vitamin F into the body of an animal can be eliminated by the administration of vitamin E.


In 1929, T. Barr and M. Barr showed that rats put on a diet poor in fat, but containing all the necessary vitamins, fell ill; in animals, weight loss, growth retardation, dryness, peeling of the skin, in particular in the tail area, desquamation and hair loss on the hind legs, tail tip necrosis, hematuria, kidney and bladder stones were found. The disorder of reproduction was manifested in the form of abortion, degeneration of spermatozoa, atrophy of the uterine mucosa, ovulation disorders; there were violations of water metabolism (increased absorption of water without increasing diuresis), which led animals to death if unsaturated fatty acids were not introduced into the diet. Similar results were obtained by Hansen and Wiese1 in 1943 on dogs (hair loss, skin dryness, thickening and severe desquamation of the skin). With F-avitaminosis, there was also a shortening of the time of excitation of peripheral motor nerves and a lengthening of the time of muscle excitation.

In humans, the symptoms of F-avitaminosis are unknown.


  • For skin diseases.

    The effectiveness of vitamin F treatment of eczema (with different forms and stages of the disease) was studied; positive results were especially convincing in cases where the disease was associated with a deficiency in this vitamin.

    In the domestic literature there is a report on the successful treatment of patients with true and seborrheic eczema with vitamin F; 2 and 5% emulsions of this vitamin were applied topically (A.S. Gusarova, V.I. Leibman). Esters of linoleic and lpnolenic acids isolated from linseed oil were used as a vitamin F preparation.

    Of the 56 patients who underwent treatment, 26 had a clinical recovery, 15 improved, and 15 patients did not respond to treatment.

    Preparations of vitamin F - linol and linolene - were tested by G. F. Nevskaya in the treatment of patients with radioepidermitis. The author believes that these drugs are effective and significantly reduce the time of epithelialization of the affected skin. With dryness, roughness and desquamation of the skin, vitamin F has a therapeutic effect if the cause of the violation was F-vitamin deficiency.

    A study of the topical application of vitamin F in the treatment of ulcerative skin lesions (EM Sokolova) showed that vitamin F has a positive effect on the healing of trophic and pyococcal ulcers. With significant trophic changes (with rough changes in the edges of ulcers, deep lesions of underlying tissues, up to bone changes), the effectiveness of vitamin F is negligible and does not provide scarring and epithelialization of ulcers.

  • With atherosclerosis

    The use of vitamin F as an anti-sclerotic factor is essential. This question is still under study, and the available observations are still few in number.

    Convincing results were obtained in a study conducted by P. E. Lukomsky and co-workers, when studying the effectiveness of linetol (see below) in patients with coronary atherosclerosis. They noted favorable changes in lipid and protein metabolism: a decrease in serum cholesterol, an increase in the phospholipids / cholesterol ratio, a decrease in the fractions of β-globulins and β-lipoproteins, and an increase in albumin.

    The observations made confirm that it is unsaturated fatty acids that determine the beneficial effect of vegetable oils on lipid and protein metabolism. The authors consider it possible on this basis to use linetol for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes in patients with coronary atherosclerosis.

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