Water and its effect on the body. Presentation on theme: "Influence of water on human health. What are the properties of water

Everyone wants to be healthy, energetic, full of strength. Our health depends on many factors, one of the most important is the sufficient consumption of ordinary, clean, drinking water. The influence of this natural substance on well-being and even the duration of human life is scientifically proven. Let's start with the fact that the person himself is 2/3 of the liquid. But if the water that a person drinks daily is polluted, health and longevity are out of the question.

Today we will talk with you on a very important topic - about the water that we drink every day, cook food on it, and use it for domestic needs. Let's find out how water affects health? Let's talk about the benefits when it is fresh, clean, and also learn about the dangers when it is contaminated with all kinds of waste.

Water is one of the main elements on our planet, but still a little-studied substance. It can give life, or it can cause a fatal disease. After all, it is known that it dissolves and at the same time accumulates a variety of substances from the soil or the atmosphere. Once in the human body, these substances can cure the disease, or they can poison it.

The benefits of clean drinking water

A person cannot stop drinking. Without water, the body will simply die. Therefore, this substance is needed not only to maintain health, it is necessary for human life itself. If he daily consumes clean, fresh water, not polluted by industrial and organic waste, health improves significantly, many diseases disappear. Here are some useful features:

Weight. It's no secret that water helps you lose weight. It is known that it does not contain calories. But after drinking a glass, you will fill your stomach, which means that the feeling of hunger will noticeably decrease. Drink a glass of water before dinner and you will eat less food than usual.

Blood pH balance. Pure water improves blood balance as it has a similar pH. This indicator is normally necessary for the normal functioning of important enzyme proteins in the body. The pH balance normalizes all metabolic processes occurring in the body. This, in turn, affects the overall health of a person.

Skin and hair condition. If there is enough clean, soft drinking water in the diet, there is no need to spend money on expensive cosmetics. Water will keep the skin, hair in a healthy, youthful state. It is known that the condition of the skin, its appearance, youth and beauty directly depends on the saturation of its moisture. The same applies to hair.

Anesthesia. With sufficient saturation of the body with moisture, muscle tissue becomes more elastic, joint pain is significantly reduced, pain sensations, negative consequences from damage, and sprains are reduced.

Detoxification. Water has a detoxifying effect, washing out toxins, harmful, toxic substances from the body. Helps the body to excrete them naturally.

Harm of polluted water

Water contaminated with various toxins also affects health. But only in the most negative way. Unfortunately, very often, the so-called drinking water, pouring from domestic taps, cannot be drunk at all. In most cases, it is suitable only for technical needs - washing, washing dishes, floors, washing, etc. But even spring water, beloved by many, also often does not meet drinking standards. Its quality is affected by ecology, soil pollution with waste.

Its quality is influenced by many factors: wastewater from household activities, industry and agriculture. As a result, the water that enters our house from the tap contains organic microbes, oil products, nitrates, and cyanides. It contains salts of heavy metals, chlorine, alkalis, all kinds of acids.

Of course, during its cleaning, their content is significantly reduced. But what remains can cause negative processes in the body. You also need to know that water is often contaminated with radioactive substances, which are almost impossible to get rid of. Therefore, such a substance has the most unfavorable, and sometimes even fatal, effect on human health.

Once in the body, these substances are not all excreted. Some of them accumulate, being deposited in the cell tissue. They also remain in the organs and systems of the body, contributing to the development of many diseases. The simplest example is nephrolithiasis, cholelithiasis.

The most dangerous is when water containing toxic substances enters the body. Such water may contain poisons used in the cultivation of agricultural fields or toxic compounds from industrial waste (for example, mercury). Such a liquid affects the internal organs, tissues and systems.

Gradually accumulating, they cause toxic lesions, provoke the development of very dangerous diseases, in particular, oncology. And some toxic substances that destroy the body can affect a person's heredity.

As we have said, our body is 2/3 water. If it is a pure, useful substance, a person will live a long time without suffering from diseases, and will retain his ability to work until old age. Well, if it is dirty, containing poisons and toxins, it makes no sense to talk about health and longevity.

Therefore, knowing this, try to drink, cook food using filtered or bottled water. Be healthy!

Water is part of the tissues, without it the normal functioning of the body, the implementation of the metabolic process, the maintenance of heat balance, the removal of metabolic products, etc. are impossible. Dehydration of the body by only a few percent leads to disruption of its vital activity. Lack of water during the day (especially in hot regions) already has a negative effect on the morale of a person, reduces his combat effectiveness, strong-willed qualities, and causes rapid fatigue.

The loss of a large amount of water by the body is dangerous to human life. In hot areas, without water, a person can die in 5-7 days, and without food, in the presence of water, a person can live for a long time. Even in cold zones, a person needs about 1.5-2.5 liters of water per day to maintain normal performance.

The amount of water needed to maintain normal water balance in the body

Average air temperature, °C Minimum water requirement, liters
32 - 3
26 - 1,9
21 - 1,5
15 - 1,4
10 - 1,3
4 - 1,2

If the amount of water that a person loses reaches 10% of body weight per day, a significant decrease in working capacity occurs, and if it increases to 25%, then this usually leads to death. However, even with a large loss of water, all disturbed processes in the body are quickly restored if the body is replenished with water to the norm. Knowing the signs indicating a lack of water in the human body, it is possible to approximately determine the percentage of dehydration relative to body weight. Signs indicating a lack of water in the human body: 1-5% - thirst, feeling unwell, slowing down movements, drowsiness, redness in some places of the skin, fever, nausea, indigestion; 6-10% - shortness of breath, headache, tingling in the legs and arms, lack of salivation, loss of ability to move and violation of the logic of speech; 11-20% - delirium, muscle spasms, swelling of the tongue, dullness of hearing and vision, cooling of the body.

At an ambient air temperature of +30°C, even 20-25% dehydration is easier to tolerate than dehydration of 10^-15%, but at a higher air temperature. You can live without food for almost a month, without water - 3 days.

Chaotic, excessive drinking worsens digestion, creates an additional burden on the cardiovascular system and kidneys, leads to an increase in the excretion of a number of substances valuable for the body (for example, table salt) through the kidneys and sweat glands. Even a temporary overload of water disrupts the working conditions of the muscles, leads to rapid fatigue, and sometimes causes convulsions. Inadequate water intake also disrupts the normal functioning of the body: body weight drops, blood viscosity increases, body temperature rises, pulse and breathing become more frequent, thirst and nausea appear, and efficiency decreases. The feeling of thirst is determined by the fact that the amount of fluid in the body decreases, the concentration of salts in the blood increases and the center of thirst signals the need for water consumption. The minimum amount of water required to maintain the water-salt balance during the day (drinking norm) depends on climatic conditions, as well as the nature and severity of the work performed. For the climatic conditions of central Russia, with minimal physical activity, it is necessary to consume 3.5 liters of fluid along with food and drink; during physical work of moderate severity - up to 5 liters; during heavy work in the open air - up to 6.5 liters. It should be noted that apples and fruits are equal in weight to water. Half a kilo of eaten apples is equal to 1/2 liter of liquid.

Proper drinking regimen is especially important to observe in conditions in which a large amount of fluid is lost. This often happens in hot climates, when working in hot shops, during prolonged and significant physical exertion (for example, during training and competitions, mountain climbing, marching, etc.). Residents of areas with a hot climate can completely quench their thirst only after eating and severely limit fluid intake in between meals. It is best to use tea, which increases salivation and eliminates dry mouth, and add fruit and vegetable juices or their extracts to the water. In hot workshops, it is more useful to drink sparkling water or decoctions of dried fruits. Athletes are advised to quench their thirst only after the end of the exercise. During the exercise, rinse your mouth and throat with water. It is more useful to quench your thirst during mountain climbing only during large halts. So that there is no disorderly drinking and the introduction of excess liquid during hikes or on the march, you should drink 1-2 glasses of liquid before the performance, refrain from drinking at the 1st and 2nd small halts, then drink no more than 1-2 glasses of water for 3 -m and 4th. You can drink plenty on a big halt.

If you follow the drinking regimen correctly, then working capacity will remain for a long time and the body will not be dehydrated or overloaded with liquid.

Various parts of the human body contain a certain amount of water: the vitreous body of the eye consists of 99% water, 83% of it is contained in the blood, 29% in adipose tissue, 22% in the skeleton, and even in tooth enamel -0.2% .

Water with organic and inorganic substances dissolved in it is necessary for the vital activity of cells. It is 80% of a child's weight and 70% of an adult's weight. Part of it is inside the cells and is called the intracellular fluid. About 30% of body water is contained in the intercellular substance. This is an intercellular, or interstitial, fluid. Blood plasma makes up 5% of body weight (about 3 liters) and delivers nutrients and oxygen to the tissues, which are delivered to individual cells through the intercellular fluid.

The share of intercellular, or interstitial, fluid accounts for about 12 liters. It is an external environment for cells that extract salts, nutrients, oxygen from it and into which they secrete metabolic products.

Intracellular fluid makes up about 50% of body weight. It is located inside the cells, contains electrolytes (potassium, phosphates), nutrients (glucose, amino acids) and, thanks to the constant enzymatic activity, provides metabolic processes.

The exchange of tissue fluid occurs as follows: on the one hand, the hydrostatic, or mechanical, pressure of the plasma is higher compared to the intercellular fluid, and therefore it tends to go beyond the blood capillaries. On the other hand, plasma proteins that cannot penetrate into the intercellular fluid create a high osmotic pressure, due to which the fluid from the tissues tends back into the blood stream. At the arterial end of the capillaries, the hydrostatic pressure is higher than the osmotic pressure, and therefore the fluid passes into the tissues. At the venous end, the hydrostatic pressure decreases and the osmotic pressure increases, so the fluid flows back into the capillaries. Normally, the volume of fluid leaving the capillaries is greater than that entering them back. Excess interstitial fluid is excreted from the tissues through the lymphatic system.

The exchange between the intercellular and intracellular fluids depends not only on the osmotic pressure, but also on the selective permeability of the cell. a membrane that is freely permeable to substances such as oxygen, carbon dioxide and urea. Other substances have different concentrations inside and outside the cell, which is associated with their active transfer through the cell membrane. For example, potassium accumulates mainly in the intracellular fluid, and sodium - on the opposite side:<леточной мембраны. (Калий и натрий - электролиты.) Человек за день теряет примерно 2600 мл воды: 1500 мл - с мочой, 600 мл - через кожу, 400 мл - через легкие, 100 мл - с калом. Таким образом, за день необходимо выпить примерно 2,6 л воды, из них для образования мочи - 1,5 л. Образование меньшего количества мочи может привести к повреждению мочевых путей и к образованию камней в почках. Без воды человек не может злтть более трех недель. И если физиологическим сигналом голода служит снижение количества глюкозы в кро-зи. то чувство жажды возникает из-за увеличения в крови концентрации соли и глюкозы, которое быстро нормализуется при питье воды.

Water cleanses the body of toxins and is essential for digestion, absorption, circulation and excretion. It promotes the transfer of nutrients throughout the body, helps to restore cells and tissues.

In all acute diseases, diarrhea, febrile conditions that cause high fever; with a rapid pulse, since the body consumes a significant amount of water during these periods (through the lungs, skin, urine, etc.);

With rushes of blood to internal organs (heart, lungs, liver, spleen, stomach) and inflammation in them; with rushes of blood to the abdominal organs and in general to the lower part of the body, for example, with hemorrhoids, poisoning of the liver, kidneys, etc .;

With a delay in blood circulation and improper distribution of blood, with stagnation in the glands, with internal and external neoplasms, cysts, polyps, abscesses, growths, deposits;

For the removal of bile in jaundice and uric acid in joint diseases;

With the accumulation in the body of decay and metabolic products.

With the help of a liquid - sweat - various slag-toxins, all kinds of waste products of metabolism are released from the body. The body is cleansed through the pores as effectively as through other excretory systems. Perspiration and sweat are also necessary in order to release the body from excessive heat, to maintain a normal temperature in the body. Water plays an extremely important role in all life processes, not only as an integral part of the cells and tissues of the body, but also as an environment in which various physiological transformations occur associated with the vital activity of the body. People who do not drink enough liquid often suffer from anemia and indigestion. In this case, their rectum is contaminated, and the body is forced to absorb spoiled foods.

Excess water entering the body leads to edema. Conversely, increased excretion of water, such as with diarrhea and/or vomiting, causes pathological dehydration. The oxygen contained in water is essential for the oxidation of food. Moreover, it is necessary for almost all metabolic processes occurring in the body and ensuring their vital activity.

It is harmful to drink a lot of water on an empty stomach, immediately after exercise and especially after a bath on an empty stomach. Drink water slowly, in small sips. When swallowing water, try to keep it in your mouth for a while. This way of drinking is very beneficial. Drinking very cold water is harmful, and if there is no other way out, then you should drink such water after taking a sufficient amount of food.

Water plays a huge role in nature. After all, it was the sea that became the cradle of life on Earth. Ammonia and carbohydrates dissolved in sea water, in contact with some minerals at sufficiently high pressure and under the influence of powerful electrical discharges, could provide the formation of protein substances, on the basis of which the simplest organisms later arose. According to K. E. Tsiolkovsky, the aquatic environment contributed to the protection of fragile and initially imperfect organisms from mechanical damage. The land and atmosphere subsequently became the second place for the life of living beings.

In the primary water shell of the Earth, there was much less water than now (no more than 10% of the total amount of water in reservoirs and rivers at present). An additional amount of water appeared later as a result of the release of water, which is part of the earth's interior. According to experts, the Earth's mantle contains 10-12 times more water than the World Ocean. With an average depth of 4 km, the World Ocean covers about 71% of the planet's surface and contains 97.6% of the world's known free water reserves. Rivers and lakes contain 0.3% of the world's free water.

Glaciers are also large storages of moisture; up to 2.1% of the world's water reserves are concentrated in them. If we imagine for a moment that all the glaciers suddenly melted, then the water level on Earth would rise by 64 m and about 1/8 of the land surface would be flooded with water. During the epoch of glaciation in Europe, Canada and Siberia, the thickness of the ice cover in mountainous areas reached 2 km. Currently, due to the warming of the Earth's climate, the boundaries of glaciers are gradually receding. This causes a slow rise in the level of water in the oceans.

0.0005% of the total free water is concentrated in the atmosphere. Its entry occurs mainly due to evaporation from the surface of the seas and oceans - about 86%, and only 14% due to evaporation from the land surface. The amount of water vapor in the surface air is not constant. Under especially favorable conditions, evaporation from the underlying surface can reach 2%. Despite this, the energy of water movement in the seas is no more than 2% of the energy of air currents. This happens because more than 1/3 of the solar heat absorbed by the Earth is spent In addition, a significant amount of energy enters the atmosphere due to the absorption of solar radiation passing through it and the reflection of this radiation from the earth's surface. already in the upper half-ie of water due to strong absorption in the infrared part of the spectrum.

Without nutrients, a person can live for several weeks, but without water, he can live no more than 3 days. To ensure a normal existence, a person must introduce into the body about 2 times more water by weight than nutrients.

On average, the body of animals and plants contains more than 50% water. In the body of a jellyfish, it is up to 96%, in water-gossels 95-99%, in spores and seeds from 7 to 15%. The soil contains at least 20% of water, while in the human body ash is about 65% (in the body of a newborn up to 75%, in an adult 60%). More than 10% water loss from the body can lead to death.

Korneva Elizabeth

Research topic:

"The quality of drinking water and its impact on human health"

The relevance of research: In order to feel good, a person should use only clean, high-quality drinking water. Today, the preservation and strengthening of human health is one of the most urgent problems of our time.

Object of study: human health.

Subject of study: drinking water.

Hypothesis: water has an impact on human health, water in the city of Kovrov, supplied through a centralized water supply, complies with SanPiN "Hygienic requirements and drinking water quality standards."

Purpose of the study: study the impact of drinking water quality on human health.


  • study the scientific and educational literature on this topic;
  • to study the importance of water for the human body;
  • study outpatient data on the main diseases of schoolchildren

MOU SOSH No. 15;

  • conduct a survey among schoolchildren on the subject of awareness on this topic
  • examine the quality of tap drinking water;
  • to identify the dependence of the incidence of schoolchildren on the quality of drinking water;
  • evaluate the results.

Research methods: the study of scientific and educational literature, observation, analysis, synthesis, generalization, sociological survey, experiment.

The main provisions of the research work:

1. Raised the problem of drinking water quality and its impact on human health.

2. Studied the importance of water for human health.

4. We revealed the level of knowledge of school students about the quality of drinking water and its effect on the human body through

3. To analyze the quality of drinking water, water samples were taken:

tap water from the faucet MOU SOSH No. 15;

tap water from the column tap on the street. Fedorov;

tap water from the tap on the street. Muromskaya, d. No. 11

The results of the study are summarized in the table (Appendix, Table 3).

4. We studied the diseases of the students of our school associated with the work of the organs of the human digestive and excretory systems, since these organs are strongly affected by the quality of water.


  1. The results of the study confirmed that the water in the city of Kovrov, supplied through the centralized water supply, complies with SanPiN "Hygienic requirements and drinking water quality standards".
  2. Water quality has a significant impact on human health.



Municipal budgetary educational institution

Secondary school №15, Kovrov


on this topic:

« Drinking water quality

and human health"

The work of a student 3 - A class

Root Elizabeth

Scientific director

Konnova Svetlana Vladimirovna

2011 - 2012 academic year


1. Introduction 3

2. Goals and objectives. 4

3. Literature review 5

4. The value of water for the human body. 6

5. Water quality and health. 7 - 8

6. Practical part.

6.1 Sociological survey. 9 - 10

6.2 Carrying out experiments that determine the quality of water. 11 - 14

6.3. Analysis of the health status of schoolchildren of the Ministry of Education and Science

Secondary School No. 15 in Kovrov. 15

7. Conclusions. 16 -17

9. Application. 19 - 23


"Water! You have no taste or smell

you cannot be described, you are enjoyed without knowing what you are!

Can't say you're needed

for life: you are life itself"

Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

Water has a huge impact on human health. For the survival of a living organism, a certain amount of water is required daily. The issue of the quality of the supplied water plays an important role in maintaining human health. Judging by historical evidence, even Hippocrates associated the quality of drinking water with human health: “one should know about waters, which waters are harmful and which are very healthy, what inconveniences and what benefits come from drinking water, since they have a great impact on human health.”

Relevance of the topic

In order to feel good, a person should use only clean, high-quality drinking water. Today, the preservation and strengthening of human health is one of the most urgent problems of our time.

Purpose of the study:

  1. study the impact of drinking water quality on human health


  1. study the scientific and educational literature on this topic;
  2. to study the importance of water for the human body;
  1. study outpatient data on the main diseases of schoolchildren

MOU SOSH No. 15;

  1. conduct a survey among schoolchildren on the subject of awareness on this topic
  2. examine the quality of tap drinking water;
  3. to identify the dependence of the incidence of schoolchildren on the quality of drinking water;
  4. evaluate the results.


  1. water has an impact on human health.
  2. water in the city of Kovrov, supplied through a centralized water supply, complies with SanPiN "Hygienic requirements and drinking water quality standards".

To test the hypotheses, I used various research methods.

Research methods:

  1. study of scientific and educational literature;
  2. observation;
  3. analysis;
  4. sociological survey;
  5. experiment.

Logistics and technical support:

  1. digital camera;
  2. scanner;
  3. computer


In the process of working on this topic, I studied and analyzed the scientific and educational literature, which helped to carry out the implementation of this work.

1. Selection based on materials from the Internet:

2. Brief medical encyclopedia. - M., 2001

3. Yakovlev P.I. Defenseless water. Ecology and life. - 2007. - No. 8.

4. Vitaly and Tatyana Tikhoplav. Water is the key to human health. - M: Astrel, 2007

5. Hygienic assessment of harmful substances in water, ed. G.N. Krasovsky, M., 1987;

6. Big Encyclopedia "Cyril and Methodius 2004"

7. SanPiN "Hygienic requirements and drinking water quality standards" Ministry of Health of Russia, M., 2003


Water is the second most important substance after air for human life.

The importance of water in human life is very great. Sufficient intake of water in the body is one of the main conditions for a healthy lifestyle. Water delivers nutrients to every cell, removes toxins, toxins and excess salts, and helps to lower blood pressure. Drinking enough water is one of the best ways to prevent kidney stones. Water, as it were, "lubricates" the joints, and also regulates body temperature and provides elasticity to the skin. Water is essential for normal digestion. By participating in the metabolism, this unique liquid allows you to reduce fat accumulation and reduce weight.

The loss of water for the body is more dangerous than starvation: a person can live without food for more than a month, without water for no more than a few days.


Water can have both positive and negative effects on human health. First of all, this is due to the quality of the water used.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) - 85% of all diseases in the world are transmitted by water. Diseases transmitted through contaminated water cause ill health, disability and death in large numbers of people, especially children. Every year, 25 million people die from these diseases.

The water we consume must be clean. According to sanitary standards, any water that flows from a tap must meet drinking water standards. (SanPiN - 01 "Drinking Water") (Appendix, Table 1)

There are basic indicators of drinking water quality. They can conditionally

divide into groups:

1. Organoleptic indicators (smell, taste, color, turbidity)

2. Toxicological indicators (aluminum, lead, arsenic, phenols,


3. Indicators affecting the organoleptic properties of water (pH, hardness

General, petroleum products, iron, manganese, nitrates, calcium, magnesium,

Oxidability permanganate, sulfides)

4. Chemicals generated during water treatment (residual chlorine

Free, chloroform, silver)

5. Microbiological indicators (thermotolerant coliforms or E.coli,


As a rule, drinking water undergoes one or more types of treatment before being supplied to the consumer. However, it happens that such cleaning is carried out with violations or is insufficient. Reduces water quality and technical condition of water pipes. As a result, tap water carries a large amount of foreign substances (bacterial contamination of water, the presence of impurities in it, salts of heavy metals, chlorine, etc.), many of which are dangerous to our health. The table below (appendix, table 2) lists the substances most commonly found in drinking water and their impact on our health. Exceeding the maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances in water is harmful to human health.

The presence of microorganisms in drinking water is very dangerous, especially bacteria from the group of Escherichia coli and enteroviruses that affect the gastrointestinal tract, and

also the hepatitis virus. To disinfect water from microorganisms, it is chlorinated.

Chlorine disinfects water, because it is able to destroy pathogens. However, with some compounds in the water, chlorine reacts. As a result, much more unpleasant compounds are formed than chlorine itself. They give the water an unpleasant odor, affect the liver and kidneys.

(Appendix, Table 2).

Sometimes in drinking water there are many salts of hydrochloric and sulfuric acids (chlorides and sulfates). They give the water a salty and bitter-salty taste. The use of such water leads to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

rigidity. Constant ingestion of water with increased hardness leads to the accumulation of salts in the body and, ultimately, to diseases of the joints (arthritis,

polyarthritis), to the formation of stones in the kidneys, gallbladder and bladder.

Water is also responsible for human teeth. The incidence of caries depends on how much fluorine is contained in the water.

With prolonged use of drinking water and foods containing significant amounts of nitrates, it reduces the ability of the blood to carry oxygen, which leads to adverse effects on the body.

Many chemicals most often cause cancer or affect the liver and kidneys and, as a result, the blood, since the kidneys and liver are the "cleansing organs of the human body."

Without any exaggeration, we can say that high-quality water is one of the indispensable conditions for maintaining people's health.



In order to find out the level of knowledge of school students about the quality of drinking water and its impact on the human body, we conducted a survey among schoolchildren. A total of 100 people were surveyed.

1) What kind of water do you drink?

  1. raw water - 21%
  2. boiled - 40%
  3. filtered - 30%
  4. Difficult to answer - 9%

2) What harmful elements does the water you drink contain?

  1. Salts - 10%
  2. Iron and calcium - 17%
  3. Pollution by bacteria and microbes - 9%
  4. I drink purified water - 20%
  5. Difficult to answer - 46%

3) What do you think about the quality of drinking water in our city?

  1. low - 14%
  2. high - 35%
  3. meets the standards - 40%
  4. Difficult to answer - 11%

4) Does water affect human health?

  1. Yes - 40%
  2. No - 50%
  3. Difficult to answer - 10%

5) What organs are negatively affected by the water you drink?

  1. For the liver - 18%
  1. On the kidneys - 31%
  2. On the digestive system - 21%
  3. On the heart - 5%
  4. Difficult to answer - 25%


Based on the results of the survey, we concluded that many schoolchildren are not sufficiently informed about the consequences of the impact of low-quality water on the body of each of us. The guys underestimate the harm caused by such drinking water to the human body. Not every student associates existing diseases, various ailments with the quality of drinking water.


Research methodology:

Water samples were taken for analysis:

  1. tap water from the tap MOU SOSH No. 15;

  2. tap water from the column tap on the street. Fedorov;

  3. tap water from the tap on the street. Muromskaya, d. No. 11

The results of the study are summarized in the table(Appendix, Table 3).

Carrying out a series of experiments to study water quality.

a) Study of organoleptic indicators of water.

Any acquaintance with the properties of water begins with the definition of organoleptic indicators, i.e. those for which we use our senses: sight, smell, taste.

Organoleptic characteristics include such characteristics as color, transparency, taste, amount of suspended solids.

Sensory evaluation provides a lot of information about water quality.

1. Color analysis should show what color the water is, transparent, cloudy, with some shade. Determine this using a white sheet of paper. In daylight, put a sheet behind the test tubes and carefully look at the color of the water.

This analysis showed that the water in all samples was transparent.

2. Sediment analysis shows if there are any particles, flakes, etc. in the water. Distinguish as insignificant, insignificant, noticeable, large. Result: no sediment in water in all samples.

3. Smell analysis should show if any foreign odor is present.

Distinguish - putrid, marsh, earthy and so on. The smell is determined at room temperature and when heated to 50-60 degrees. The strength of the smell is determined on a 5-point scale. Result: No odor was detected in all samples. 0 points.

4. There is one more organoleptic analysis - it tastes. You have to taste the water.

Water in all samples is tasteless.

5. Clarity analysis determines how transparent the water is. Put an empty glass on a piece of paper with a font. Pour water into a glass gradually, following the clarity of the font until the letters become poorly distinguishable. The height of the column of water poured into each glass, expressed in centimeters, was an indicator of transparency.

Result: Water is clear in all samples. The height of the pillar is 10 cm. Through the water you can read everything to the smallest letters.

At home, you can conduct a study of some of the chemical indicators of water, using indicators to determine the quality of water "NILPA Test".

The test includes:

  1. vial with indicator - 15 ml
  2. measuring cup with lid
  3. color scale
  4. instructions for use

Test systems for monitoring the quality of drinking, natural and treated waste water have passed state metrological certification and are approved for the purposes of state environmental, technological and sanitary and hygienic control.

b) Study of some chemical indicators of water.

1) Determination of nitrate content in water.

Pour 5 ml of water into test tubes, add 7 drops of the indicator. Mix with a circular motion of the hand. Place the test tubes in turn on a white background in the center of the color scale for 5-7 minutes

After the experiment, the content of nitrates is equal to:

tap water MOU SOSH No. 15 - 15 mg / l

tap water from the column tap on the street. Fedorov - 25 mg / l

tap water from the tap on the street. Muromskaya, d. No. 11 - 40 mg / l

2) Determination of the level of water acidity (pH).

Pour 5 ml of water into test tubes, add 2 drops of the indicator, mix with circular movements of the hand. Match the color of the liquid in the test tubes with the color chart.

Result: tap water from the tap MOU SOSH No. 15 - pH 8

tap water from the column tap on the street. Fedorov - 6.5 pH

tap water from the tap on the street. Muromskaya, d. No. 11 - 7.5 pH

3) Determination of the content of ammonia and ammonium.

Pour 10 ml of water into test tubes, add 12 drops of the reagent, compare with the color scale.


tap water MOU SOSH No. 15 - 0 mg/l

tap water from the column tap on the street. Fedorov - 0 mg / l

tap water from the tap on the street. Muromskaya, d. No. 11 - 0 mg/l

4) Determination of carbonate hardness of water (expressed in degrees).

In test tubes with 5 ml of water, add the indicator drop by drop, stirring after each drop, with circular movements of the hand, until the color changes from blue through green to yellow. The number of drops corresponds to the value of carbonate hardness in degrees: very soft - 5, soft - 5-10,

medium - hard - 10-20,

very hard - over 30.


tap water from the tap MOU SOSH No. 15 - 23 degrees

tap water from the column tap on the street. Fedorov - 25 degrees

tap water from the tap on the street. Muromskaya, d. No. 11 - 20 degrees

Unfortunately, it was not possible to conduct a more complete analysis of water quality at home due to the lack of certain equipment and chemicals.


The quality of drinking water in the city of Kovrov meets the standards and requirements of SanPiN . However, the water we drink is characterized by a high content of nitrates and increased hardness within the acceptable range.


We studied diseases associated with the work of the organs of the human digestive and excretory systems, since it is on theseorgans are strongly affected by water quality.

The main research method was the processing of diagnoses of diseases of school students according to medical records, analysis of the results, development of recommendations.

Research results and analysis of the disease schedules of schoolchildren of the secondary school No. 15 in Kovrov in the period from 2009 to 2011.

The diseases of the digestive system, which schoolchildren of the secondary school No. 15 had been ill with, include gastritis, peptic ulcer, and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. After analyzing the graphs, it can be seen that in 2011 the number of children who had these diseases increased (Appendix, Diagram 1).

The diseases of the excretory system that we studied and that were noted in the students of our school include chronic and acute pyelonephritis, chronic nephritis, urolithiasis and other kidney diseases. As can be seen from the graphs, there is an increase in the percentage of sick children in 2011 compared to 2009 and 2010 for all types of diseases (Appendix, Diagram 2).

Thus, it can be assumed that water affects the health of schoolchildren and the first organs that react to water quality are the digestive and excretory systems.


  1. The results of the study confirmed that the water in the city of Kovrov, supplied through the centralized water supply, complies with SanPiN "Hygienic requirements and drinking water quality standards".
  2. Water quality has a significant impact on human health.


Without any exaggeration, we can say that high-quality water that meets sanitary, hygienic and epidemiological requirements is one of the indispensable conditions for maintaining people's health.

March 22 is World Water Day. It is celebrated not because there is a lot of water on Earth, but because it increasingly requires protection. Scientists say that in the 21st century there will be wars over water. The reduction of fresh water on Earth is due to human misuse, population growth, deforestation, pollution of our planet. Huge oil slicks on the surface of the oceans can lead to the death of all life in them.

I believe that the problem of water and ecology as a whole should be studied and understood from early childhood. And when we become adults, this will be our work, our life.

Clean water is the future of our planet!

A) defending tap water; at the same time, the residual

Free chlorine, which is used to disinfect water;

B) boiling water; The main purpose of the boiling process is

Disinfection of water and reduction of its hardness;

B) freezing water; it is believed that such water is the purest, better

Penetrates through biological membranes, quickly removed from

The body's excretory organs;

D) filtering; filters reduce water hardness and

free chlorine.


Table 1. Water quality standards for household needs adopted in Russia.



SanPiN Drinking water.

WHO guidance

EU Directive 98/83/EC

Organoleptic indicators















Generalized indicators

Hydrogen indicator

pH units

6.0 - 9.0

6.5 - 8.5

6.5 - 9.5

General mineralization



General hardness


hydrogen sulfide



Oil products


inorganic substances

Ammonium by nitrogen


































within 0.3 - 0.5

0.2 - 0.5

microbiological indicators

Common coliform bacteria

number of bacteria in 100 ml



Total microbial count

number of colony-forming bacteria per ml

Table 2. Influence of inorganic and organic substances, bacteria and viruses on the human body

The name of the substance, bacterium or virus

Human organs and systems affected by these compounds

inorganic substances




Kidneys, liver


Skin, blood; carcinogen

Nitrates and nitrites





Kidneys, developmental delay

organic matter



Pesticides (DDT, anachlor, heptachlor)


Chlorine compounds (vinyl chloride, dichloroethane)

Blood, kidneys, liver


Liver, kidneys, metabolism


Nervous system, kidneys, liver

Bacteria and viruses


Gastrointestinal tract


Gastrointestinal tract

hepatitis virus


Table 3. Results of the study of water quality


The result of the study of water from the MOU secondary school No. 15

№ 6

(Muromskaya st.)

The result of the study of water from the microdistrict

№ 2


(St. Fedorova)










no taste

no taste

no taste






Hydrogen indicator

Ammonia and ammonium

0 mg/l

0 mg/l

0 mg/l


0 mg/l

0 mg/l

0 mg/l


15 mg/l

40 mg/l

25 mg/l

General hardness

Diagram 1. Diseases of the digestive system of students of MOU secondary school No. 15

Diagram 2. Diseases of the urinary system of students of the secondary school No. 15.

Today I want to talk to you about water. Water and our body are interconnected things. Science knows that we humans are 60-70% water, but not everyone has heard of the fact that as a person ages, the amount of water in our body decreases.

In a healthy middle-aged person, one can observe the water balance in the body, meaning that the amount of water that he has consumed will be equivalent to the amount that will be excreted from his body. The exchange of water in the body is immeasurably important, since it is the main component of the metabolism in the human body.

The role of water for the human body

Different parts of the human body contain different amounts of water, for example, the vitreous body of the eye contains 99% of water, blood is in second place - water is 83% there, followed by adipose tissue - 29%, there is even water in our skeleton - 22%, and, surprisingly - in tooth enamel - 0.2%.

In general, our body needs 2-2.5 liters of water per day. For water balance in our body, it is necessary to remove the same amount of fluid from it. 50-60% of water leaves the body due to the work of the kidneys and urinary tract. If a person's moisture loss is about 6-8% above normal, then our body temperature rises, breathing and heartbeat become more frequent, muscle weakness and dizziness may appear.

If the loss of fluid in the body is more than 15-20%, then a person can simply die, because of this the blood thickens and the heart simply cannot cope with its pumping. Therefore, compared with food, when a person can starve for more than a month, without water, our body can only last a few days. Thus, the value of water for a person is simply enormous.

But often we do not have a special need for clean water. Perhaps many do not even think about how the fluid in our body is replenished if we ourselves do not consume the required amount of water? In fact, only 3% of water is formed in our body through biochemical processes. The food consumed by a person brings about 30-40%.

And the remaining percentages are the amount that we need to use in its pure form, because liquids such as juices, coffee and tea are food. And here it is very important to know that you can not drink water only when you feel an impulse of thirst, as it is already a serious signal of dehydration.

Thus, it has long been calculated that drinking 1.5 liters of pure water per day will maintain our water balance, and, accordingly, our health, in the norm. However, it would be wise to consider factors such as:

  • excess weight;
  • old age (when the body ages, the work of the kidneys also becomes weaker, the feeling of thirst is no longer so pronounced, and the constant use of drugs requires a lot of fluid);
  • heat, low humidity, breastfeeding, fever, over-exercising, alcohol and coffee, and smoking all dehydrate our bodies to a great extent.

In all three cases, it is necessary to increase the consumption of clean water, assuming that a person needs 30 ml of water for every 1 kg of weight.

Water is part of our body tissues. The proper existence of the human body, namely: the implementation of the metabolic process, the maintenance of heat balance, the excretion of waste products, and so on, will be impossible in the absence of water. Being limited in water consumption throughout the day (and especially in hot climates), a person's morale worsens, his willpower and combat capability decrease, and also leads to fatigue.

The influence of water on the human body is grandiose, therefore it is certainly important to maintain a normal drinking regime, and especially when a person is in such conditions when a large amount of fluid leaves our body under the influence of external factors. Often this happens in hot climates, if we work in hot shops, long training sessions or competitions.

For those people who live in hot countries, tea will help quench their thirst, as it increases salivation, removing dry mouth, and adding fruit and vegetable juices or their extracts to water. It is necessary to drink liquid only after a person has eaten, limiting water intake between meals.

If you work in a place where it is very hot, then it will be more useful to drink water with gas or a decoction of dried fruits.

And athletes need to quench their thirst when they have already completed the exercise, but not during training, during which only rinsing of the mouth and throat with water is allowed.

Proper adherence to the regimen of water intake provides us with both efficiency and stability of the drinking balance, where there will be neither dehydration nor overload of the body with water.

Water contains many organic and inorganic substances that are very important for the life of the cells of the human body. The weight of a child is 80% water, and an adult is 70%. Blood plasma - this is 5% of our body weight (approximately 3 liters) delivers nutrients and oxygen, which enter some cells only through the intercellular fluid. The latter, in turn, is 30% water.

Due to the action of water and certain processes in the body, a variety of slags and toxins, metabolic products, are released from the human body through sweat and other excretory systems. With the help of water, and later - perspiration, a person maintains a normal temperature in his body, freeing himself from excess heat.

As well as the lack of water, and its excess will adversely affect the human body. Excess fluid can cause swelling in the body. It is also impossible to drink a lot of water in one gulp and on an empty stomach. It is best to drink water slowly and in small sips. Some researchers recommend holding water in your mouth for a while while taking water.

Benefits of water for our body

Water is an invaluable source of all life on planet Earth, which ensures the health and long life of all living beings in the world. Water is a symbol of fertility, working miracles, ridding us of diseases, cleansing our body and thus keeping us young. Insufficient consumption of this seemingly simple liquid leads the human body to autoimmune diseases, allergies and cardiovascular diseases, joint problems.

  1. Skin rejuvenation.

For a long time, scientists have proven that when drinking clean drinking water, our skin cells receive a beneficial effect due to the fact that water simply does not allow the cells to dry out, nourishing them with moisture, as it were from the inside.

  1. Removal of toxins from the body.

Many people are aware of water's assistance in removing harmful toxins from our gastrointestinal system. In this, our body also owes the function of the kidneys, the effective work of which is ensured by the same simple water and its proper use.

  1. Reducing the risk of a heart attack.

Cardiovascular experts advise sticking to at least five glasses of water throughout the day, as this can reduce the risk of heart attacks by up to 70%.

  1. Water is a natural lubricant in the joints.

It has been scientifically proven that an insufficient amount of water in our body can provoke muscle spasms, because water is the main component that plays an integral role in the formation of "lubrication" for joints and muscle tissue. To prevent muscle spasm during physical sports, doctors recommend drinking water before and after training.

  1. Restoration of energy in the body.

During the day, we not only consume fluid, but also lose it, as a result of natural processes: when we breathe, when we sweat, when we urinate, and so on. And this is normal for our body, if we keep our water balance in the body normal. But if dehydration occurs, that is, when we lose more fluid than we use it, then this certainly causes headaches and muscle cramps, but also makes a person irritable, distracts our attention. Therefore, to restore energy in the body, we need water.

  1. A direct necessity for the functioning of the digestive tract.

Naturally, in order to simply digest the food that we have consumed, the human body needs water. Well, if you suffer from constipation, try to start by simply increasing the amount of clean water consumed throughout the day. It should be at least 1.5 liters. You will be surprised, but in a day or two you will even forget about what difficulties you had. Water takes part in all processes of the gastrointestinal tract, from the delivery of nutrients and trace elements, to the removal of all unnecessary and already processed materials.

  1. Reducing the risk of infectious diseases.

If there is little water in the body, this increases the risk of dehydration, which certainly leads to a decrease in the functioning of the immune system. The latter becomes the cause of frequent diseases and infection, which also passes with great difficulty.

  1. Natural regulation of body temperature.

Water is responsible for thermoregulation in our body. If we warmed up due to, for example, playing sports, then we just need to restore the amount of fluid in the body for cooling, which water will help us with.

In order for muscle to form from fat mass, that is, to simply burn fat, a huge amount of energy is needed. And only cells that are fully saturated with water can dissolve adipose tissue.

  1. Improving overall well-being in the body.

You yourself know that all doctors, when a patient is diagnosed with acute respiratory infections, advise drinking more fluids, because the action of water helps to reduce fever and remove everything unnecessary for a quick recovery and excellent health.

For longevity and eternal youth, preservation of your beauty and health, always remember how useful water is and drink it always during the day!

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal Agency for Education

State educational institution

"Impact of water on human health"



1. Water and its properties

1.1 Water in nature

1.2 Physical properties

1.3 Chemical properties

1.4 Water state diagram

2. Effect of water on human health

2.1 Effects of water composition on health

2.3 Impact of drinking water contaminants on human health




Water in our life is the most common and most common substance. However, from a scientific point of view, this is the most unusual, most mysterious liquid.

All living things, including humans, consist of water, so its quality greatly affects the state of all living things and, in particular, human health.

A person encounters water in its various forms: drinking water, a bathing pond, a pond near the place of residence, places of frequent stay, and many others. others

Of course, all components of the environmental situation affect human health: air, soil and water pollution, but the quality of the latter is of the utmost importance.

There is a saying that a person drinks most diseases with water. Considering that a large number of the population has impaired metabolism, the accumulation of harmful compounds began to accelerate, and often at the age of 30 young people have kidney stones, gallstones, cancer and other types of diseases associated with water quality. A special place is occupied by infectious diseases, which we can catch through water.

1. Water and its properties

1.1 Water in nature

Water is a very common substance on Earth. Almost 3/4 of the surface of the globe is covered with water, which forms oceans, seas, rivers and lakes. A lot of water is in a gaseous state as vapor in the atmosphere; in the form of huge masses of snow and ice, it lies all year round on the tops of high mountains and in polar countries. In the bowels of the earth there is also water that soaks the soil and rocks.

Natural water is never completely pure. Rainwater is the purest, but it also contains small amounts of various impurities that it captures from the air.

The amount of impurities in fresh water is usually in the range from 0.01 to 0.1% (wt.). Sea water contains 3.5% (wt.) dissolved substances, the main mass of which is sodium chloride (table salt).

To free natural water from particles suspended in it, it is filtered through a layer of porous material, such as coal, baked clay, etc. When filtering large amounts of water, sand and gravel filters are used. The filters also trap most of the bacteria. In addition, to disinfect drinking water, it is chlorinated; for complete sterilization of water, no more than 0.7 g of chlorine per 1 ton of water is required.

Filtration can remove only insoluble impurities from water. Solutes are removed from it by distillation (distillation) or ion exchange.

Water plays a very important role in the life of plants, animals and humans. According to modern ideas, the very origin of life is associated with the sea. In any organism, water is a medium in which chemical processes take place that ensure the vital activity of the organism; in addition, she herself takes part in a number of biochemical reactions.

1.2 Physical properties of water

The physical properties of water are anomalous, which is explained by the above data on the interaction between water molecules.

Water is the only substance on Earth that exists in nature in all three states of aggregation - liquid, solid and gaseous.

The melting of ice at atmospheric pressure is accompanied by a decrease in volume by 9%. The density of liquid water at a temperature close to zero is greater than that of ice. At 0°C, 1 gram of ice occupies a volume of 1.0905 cubic centimeters, and 1 gram of liquid water occupies a volume of 1.0001 cubic centimeters. And the ice floats, which is why water bodies usually do not freeze through, but are only covered with an ice cover.

The temperature coefficient of volumetric expansion of ice and liquid water is negative at temperatures below – 210°C and + 3.98°C, respectively.

The heat capacity during melting almost doubles and in the range from 0°C to 100°C is almost independent of temperature.

Water has abnormally high melting and boiling points in comparison with other hydrogen compounds of elements of the main subgroup of group VI of the periodic table.

Additional energy is needed to loosen and then break the hydrogen bonds. And this energy is very significant. That is why the heat capacity of water is so high. Thanks to this feature, water forms the climate of the planet. Geophysicists say that the Earth would have cooled down long ago and turned into a lifeless piece of stone, if not for water. As it heats up, it absorbs heat, and as it cools, it releases it. Terrestrial water both absorbs and returns a lot of heat, and thus “evens out” the climate. Particularly noticeable is the influence of sea currents on the formation of the climate of the continents, forming closed circulation rings in each ocean. The most striking example is the influence of the Gulf Stream, a powerful system of warm currents running from the Florida peninsula in North America to Svalbard and Novaya Zemlya. Thanks to the Gulf Stream, the average January temperature on the coast of Northern Norway, beyond the Arctic Circle, is the same as in the steppe part of the Crimea - about 00 C, i.e. increased by 15 - 200 C. And in Yakutia at the same latitude, but far from Gulf Stream - minus 400 C. And those water molecules that are scattered in the atmosphere - in clouds and in the form of vapors protect the Earth from cosmic cold. Water vapor creates a powerful “greenhouse effect”, which traps up to 60% of the thermal radiation of our planet, preventing it from cooling. According to the calculations of M. I. Budyko, with a halving of the water vapor content in the atmosphere, the average temperature of the Earth's surface would drop by more than 50 C (from 14.3 to 90 C). The mitigation of the earth's climate, in particular, the equalization of air temperature in the transitional seasons - spring and autumn, is significantly affected by the huge values ​​​​of the latent heat of melting and evaporation of water.

But this is not the only reason why we consider water to be a vital substance. The fact is that the human body is almost 63 - 68% water. Almost all biochemical reactions in every living cell are reactions in aqueous solutions. With water poisonous slags are removed from our body; The water secreted by the sweat glands and evaporated from the surface of the skin regulates our body temperature. Representatives of the animal and plant world contain the same abundance of water in their bodies. The least water, only 5-7% of the weight, contains some mosses and lichens. Most of the inhabitants of the globe and plants consist of more than half of the water. For example, mammals contain 60-68%; fish - 70%; algae - 90-98% water.

In solutions (mainly water), most technological processes take place at the enterprises of the chemical industry, in the production of medicines and food products.

Also, health is affected by the water with which we come into contact in our activities or everyday life. Natural water bodies in which a person bathes may contain organisms that cause dangerous diseases.


Thus, the need of our population for clean, transparent, colorless, tasteless and odorless drinking water is quite obvious. This will save the health of millions of people, will save huge amounts of money that will potentially have to be spent on providing medical care for diseases that occur as a result of the use of poor-quality water.


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