Bright orange wall paper. Orange wallpaper for the kitchen (35 photos) - we create an "island" of warmth and comfort. Orange wallpaper in the interior of the house

Colors play an important role in interior design. The main color of the environment in the room can perform several practical functions at once. With it, you can visually change the parameters of a limited space, adjust the quality of visible light. Thus, it is able to directly influence the mood of the owner. To achieve the desired effect, you need to know the basic color combinations. Harmonious shades will create a comfortable environment for finding or living in this room. One of the brightest trends of recent times is the orange color in the interior. Adapting a positive, but somewhat aggressive color to the conditions of the room is quite a challenge. To cope with it, it is worth familiarizing yourself with its physical characteristics and the psychology of the impact on a person.

Palette characteristic

Orange is characterized by its assertiveness, defiant look. He demands attention and actively influences everyone without exception, even if he does it in different ways. Depending on the purpose of the room (be it a bedroom or a kitchen), its shades should vary. Since priority should be given not so much to creation as to providing the premises with an atmosphere of comfort.

In the color spectrum, orange is the warmest hue, and is located between red and yellow. This largely determines its symbolic component, which can be described as life-affirming, sensual, dynamic. Mixing the meanings of the two surrounding colors here does not seem random, rather it accumulates their common energy.

Associations with strength, speed, youth, some pampering only complement the image of a charismatic color. They help to cope with negative trends in a person’s life, cleanse themselves of filth and just a dull mood. His presence can symbolize imminent changes, the opening of new horizons.

Color Features

These include the following points:

  • Orange color excludes, only warmth is inherent in it;
  • It has a beneficial effect on the human body, stimulating the improvement of the most significant organs (brain, stomach);
  • Favorably affects the mood, creates a feeling of happiness. Giving joy is one of its main functions;
  • The ability to activate the forces of a person and excite his energy went to orange from a red neighbor. At the same time, there is no negative aggression or a sense of anxiety inherent in the red color;
  • Orange color is able to visually expand the space and increase the volume of objects;
  • Its effect on surrounding objects can be characterized by a change in the purity of their immediate color. He makes them softer;
  • The presence of orange in the interior is a motivating factor that encourages trusting human communication. His sensuality and emotionality can even go off scale.

Orange color has a whole universe of various shades, depending on the degree of approximation to the red or yellow neighbor in the spectrum. It is also able to absorb other colors (pink, gray), while forming completely new tones. For example, light shades include cream, pale peach or light apricot shades.

Bright, even fiery shades include tangerine, coral or amber, which are in perfect harmony with other colors, forming a rich range. The muted ones include those that contain discreet shades of beige, and are not provocative in nature (terracotta, ocher). Often they are used as the main color in the design of living rooms.

Role in the interior

The choice of this dynamic color is typical for optimists bursting with health and positive. Their conviction in their own ability to cope with life's difficulties is admirable. The demonstration of superiority, the warmth coming from them eloquently testifies to the absence of even a hint of a cloudy mood.

Stable associations with the sun, sea sand and oranges simply cannot act otherwise. The sages of the ancient East firmly associated it with church bells, which have a beneficial effect on the spiritual side of human life. Sailors and conquerors of mountain peaks have long used this color as a symbol of salvation, noticeable even at a great distance.

All these properties are also transferred to the creation of a comfortable interior in the house. Orange shades are used in a variety of styles suitable for rooms of any purpose. The universality of color does not make a difference between who exactly lives in a given room - a man or a woman, a boy or a girl. Therefore, orange is the best choice for.

The unique ability of the orange color in the interior is also that it brings the surrounding objects closer - be it a furniture set or walls. This necessitates a competent approach to design design, since abuse can lead to a visual reduction in space. In addition to approximation, it also visually increases their volume. Carpets in orange shades appear somewhat larger than their counterparts in a different color.

In interior design, the most commonly used shades are peach, pumpkin and terracotta, as they are subconsciously perceived better than bright aggressive tones.

Options for use in the interior of the house

  1. Combination with . The essence of this method is to create a specific impression: in order for orange to only barely appear, it must be drowned in neutral, restrained colors. These are pastel mint and delicate cream tones that do not allow the active color to clear up. It is intended only to revive a boring interior, while drowning in a common light range.

For example, if the owner of the house has purchased a bright orange sofa that attracts too much attention, its catchy upholstery can be partially covered with a light cape. This technique will allow you to level out an overly poisonous shade, but at the same time leave its solar essence visible.

  1. Cooling of the color spectrum. To calm the riot of a bright fiery color, it is enough to recall the restraining influence of blue. The cool palette of shades of the latter is able to neutralize the tangerine madness of the former. It is recommended to use these two colors in equal proportions to balance the impression. You should also pay attention to the harmony of their combination. For example, discreet terracotta will look good with steel (cobalt as an option). Brighter, carrot or orange, should be combined with such cool shades as turquoise or azure.
  1. Show the courage of imagination. Here we mean the psychological moment. It doesn’t take much to decorate a room with orange, but using it correctly will make the interior more soulful. For example, saturated should not be used in a small space, it is much more suitable for a spacious room. Otherwise, a bright shade will cause anxiety in a person. An important point is also the selection of a suitable furniture set. It should create a certain contrast with an extraordinary shade of orange. For this, it is recommended to use light colors.
  1. Create an orange composition. It can be several items in the style of which an orange accent will stand out. It is bold to use a deep shade of rust or tangerine, as its texture will invariably divert all attention to itself. The remaining shades of orange will somewhat give in to his pressure, emphasize the dominant position.

At the same time, it is important not to allow the abuse of color. To do this, the space around the composition should be made as neutral as possible, white, sand or dark gray.

  1. Orange accent on unusual objects. To feel the completeness of the interior, there is often not enough “fire”, a catchy element. This can be any component of a furniture set - a dressing table or orange ends on all items. Much will depend on the owner himself. Only he knows which object should become central. There are no rules or exceptions here, everything is at the mercy of the person himself. Courage and determination must accompany the right choice.
  1. Ornament with orange small decorative elements. It is the most accurate and careful technique. Allows you to quickly organize a bright accent in the interior, which can always be removed later. With orange shades, this is all the more true, since a person’s mood is not constant, it can often change. In addition, do not discount the various fashion trends in design. An example is the use of bright textiles, whether it's a throw in the bedroom or a patterned tablecloth in the kitchen. You can also brightly arrange kitchen utensils. There are actually a lot of options here.

Suitable premises

Most designers agree that the use of bright orange shades is appropriate in the kitchen (where it will encourage a friendly conversation), in the nursery (children simply need a symbol of the sun and happiness), in the office (it is very important to think positively), and also in the dining room ( because it stimulates the appetite).

And vice versa, you should not use bright color in the lounges, because then you will not be able to completely relax, something will distract. Also, a tangerine shade can negate all the romance of the bedroom.

The use of fiery orange in sunny areas is strictly contraindicated. And so the hot space will be red-hot. A similar effect must be avoided, neutralized with other shades.

As for the style, the most popular here are retro (the 60s belong to this style), Mexican style, country. Orange is also used in the more modern, minimalist designs of the east. But such classic styles as empire or try to avoid it, only occasionally combining it with brown.

In the interior of the living room

Its use in the living room is primarily due to the factor of friendliness, sociability of color. However, you should use pastel shades that do not strain your eyes. The actual use of orange can make the living room exit to the north side.

Then you just need to use orange inserts to warm it up in this way. It can be orange curtains combined with a bright sofa of the same shade. Or textile accessories on light objects.

Painting the entire space of the room with solid orange is not at all worth it. For a general harmony in the perception of orange inserts, it is recommended to use a combination with colors such as blue, gray, and also snow-white.

Some designers, on the contrary, recommend that in the living room you show courage and give free rein to your imagination. For example, paint the ceiling orange. This guarantees warmth and excellent mood to all guests. It should only be remembered that peach shades or the same ocher should be preferred to pure orange.

In the interior of the kitchen

Since scientists have long confirmed the beneficial effects of color on the digestive tract, its use in the kitchen is almost the best move.

Warm peach tones will significantly increase your appetite. It can be not only wallpaper or tiles on the walls, but also napkins, kitchen accessories, dishes in a characteristic orange color. If we are talking about furniture, then it is good to combine it with the gloss of facades.

The main condition for this will be the cleanliness of the selected surface, since a dirty orange tile will negate the entire comfortable effect.

In the interior of the bathroom

To relax in a warm room, it is enough to use colorful pieces of furniture, a variety of lockers.

Matching black and gray colors and orange

Their reflection in the mirror will contribute to the fact that the person's face will appear somewhat fresher and younger. Skin color will acquire a beautiful natural shade.

Recently, many interior design professionals are increasingly trying to use bright colors in the design of various rooms and areas of the apartment, using attractive materials for this. One of these materials is orange wallpaper. They, as well as their various combinations with canvases of other colors, are great for various interior styles. Moreover, they can be used not only on the walls, but sometimes on the ceiling. In today's article, we will consider the use of orange wallpaper in interior design using the example of kitchens and bedrooms, as well as other places in the living space. In addition, we will talk about how best to combine them with curtains and furniture.

The decision to use this color is quite bold. But if you do everything right, the result will not disappoint

Orange wallpaper for the kitchen

Sometimes choosing the main color in the kitchen is quite difficult. Designers recommend in this matter to build on the main purpose of the room, and in this case, the shade of the walls should help create a pleasant atmosphere and promote food intake. At the same time, of course, it is not necessary to work only with traditional "kitchen" colors. On the other hand, too bright and creative solutions are best left for active areas (living room, hallway, etc.).

What should be the kitchen under the orange wallpaper

The color scheme of this room should be as cozy and comfortable as possible. Well, besides this, you need to remember that a properly selected combination of colors can visually shift the intended boundaries, increasing or decreasing them, and make the room warmer.

So, when choosing the main color, you need to consider a number of factors:

  • the theme of the interior and its style direction;
  • side of the world;
  • general geometry;
  • personal preferences;
  • the psychological impact of color.

Interior features with this color

This color is credited with the ability to visually reduce the total volume of the room, and at the same time, increase individual objects. It also actively affects those objects and surfaces that are in close proximity to it. Do not use it to finish the entire room. It is best to use orange in combination with other shades.

In addition, it is worth abandoning the monochrome filling of the interior, performing walls and furniture in it at the same time: it is best to prefer it for one thing. Well, to find the right group of colors, you can use the color wheel.

We must remember! Since orange perfectly attracts attention, it should be used only to create accents, and best of all it emphasizes the following styles: avant-garde, ethno, country, as well as minimalism. It is worth completely abandoning the use of this bright shade in the Baroque, Empire or classical interiors.

Orange Blossom Design Options

The question of compatibility has always been in the first place. Let's say you have an orange kitchen. What kind of wallpaper is better to stick in this case? We are considering another issue: you already have an orange-colored wallpaper. What furniture and curtains should be chosen in such a situation? As a rule, this background is chosen by passionate dreamers, but psychologists agree that orange helps to get rid of mental fatigue. Its overall palette is very extensive, ranging from delicate apricot shades to terracotta and carrot tones.

Some designers believe that it is best to choose orange wallpapers for the kitchen, stopping either on plain canvases or picking up those that have a certain pattern or are made in stripes. But you need to experiment with the saturation of tone very carefully, since there is always a risk of choosing an overly irritable shade, which, alas, will not be suitable for the kitchen.

By the way! To decorate the ceiling, you should prefer the classic white okrasu, but if desired, it can be decorated with small orange lamps. Well, the flooring should be more saturated, dark, making the room more comfortable. Kitchen furniture is best chosen in the color of natural wood.

For a successful color combination with orange wallpaper, you can choose apricot curtains with green contrasting elements. Also, white curtains will be very appropriate. These colors perfectly complement each other, forcing the interior of the room to open up in a new way. For orange wallpapers, you can find other equally interesting color combinations, such as olive, blue, brown and khaki.

Other premises

Although designers allow the use of orange wallpaper for the kitchen, they often use this color in the design of other living areas:

  1. Bedroom - here it is not used so often, as some of its shades are quite bright and aggressive. in Provence or country styles, and it is best combined with green or rich brown, as well as light curtains.
  2. Living room - this background is relevant especially for those rooms that face the north side. This color scheme is especially successful for those who regularly spend holidays in the living room, invite relatives and friends. Well, in order to eliminate the effect of irritation, it is worth decorating the living room in soft shades, and it is suitable for ethnic, African or oriental style. in this case it will be green.
  3. The entrance hall is the best solution for a room where there is no natural daylight. Well, to make the hallway more hospitable, it should be decorated in soothing colors.
  4. Children's - it is recommended to introduce orange only for those children who suffer from apathy and are not active enough in life. In other cases, this tone should be used with extreme caution. Orange bright shades can only be included in the playing areas.
  5. Bathroom - if this room is small, then its use should be minimal, otherwise the bath will seem even smaller. It is best to use orange accents for bathrooms, which will bring warmth to the room.

Orange wallpaper for the bedroom

The most important room that has a fairly strong impact on the mood of the owner is the bedroom. It is very important to choose the right color for the bedroom - the main thing is to focus on your taste. Listen to your intuition, and you will understand which tone is closest to you. If you can't stop at a particular shade, choose orange. This cheerful, sunny, warm shade will delight you every day. In the morning, the orange interior will give you a charge of positive and energy for the whole day, and in the evening it will help you relax and unwind after a hard day.

Photo: classic interior and “juicy” orange colors

This natural, “orange” background symbolizes strength and energy, evokes joyful emotions, promotes brain activity and interesting communication. This color is intended for intuitive people, for dreamers. We meet him everywhere - fresh oranges, playful freckles, natural flowers, alluring sunset. It is this shade that will help relieve mental fatigue after a worker, psychologists say.


You can safely take apricot, peach, carrot, soft and even vital "sunny" shades. The walls of the room can be confidently glued to selected wallpapers, as a single-color type,. For calm, quiet people, it is better to choose calm pastel apricot or peach tones with a discreet print, but for active and energetic people - plain or with a small pattern.

You must take into account! You should not choose "flashy" too colorful and bright colors for this room - they will have a very negative effect on your vision.

In combination with orange wallpaper in the bedroom, the ceiling is best left classically white. It is better to choose a lamp or a lamp in similar bright colors for it. For an orange bedroom, a brown floor or parquet is suitable, which will create coziness and comfort in the room. You can perfectly complement the design of the interior space with the help of such decor elements as a white rug, light curtains, pillows of different shades of this bright background.

Combinations in the interior with other colors

The orange background goes well with green, blue, olive and of course brown. Fill the design of the room with unusual combinations. The combination with green gives us a summery positive combination that will look good in an adult room.

Pleasing to the eye will also be a combination with blue hues. To soften a bright shade, you can use a combination with cream, beige or nude. This color combination will suit any furniture and various accessories. Sometimes a combination with black is allowed, provided that its presence is sufficiently limited, or is present in furniture, decor elements or curtain ornament details.

Photo: an example of how well you can choose furniture and light-colored curtains

Create a sunny, warm cozy corner and spend wonderful time in it with your loved ones. Stop your choice on the orange bedroom - an island of warmth in your life.

Perhaps every housewife dreams of a compact, comfortable, functional and, of course, beautiful kitchen that evokes only positive emotions. In this sense, the orange kitchen is the best option!

What associations pop up when you contemplate the color orange? Light, heat, sun, hot summer months. And at the same time, a sea of ​​joy, happiness, optimism, energy, desire to communicate.

And no apathy and depression! So the orange color will make any prosaic kitchen corner a place of pleasant pastime.

Wallpaper "appetizing" orange color

The role of color in the interior of the kitchen is very important, because the colors around us affect not only our mood, but also the well-being of the body.

Therefore, a well-chosen color of kitchen wallpaper is a guarantee of comfort, excellent appetite, proper digestion, sincere communication and readiness to create culinary masterpieces!

Pros of orange wallpaper

  1. Breakfast, lunch and dinner in the kitchen with such "juicy" wallpapers will benefit all family members. The orange color not only warms and returns a good mood, it disperses the most hopeless blues and charges with optimism for the whole day.
  2. In addition, orange wallpaper in the kitchen increases appetite and has a positive effect on the digestion process. It is not surprising that color therapy experts recommend wallpapers of this “sunny” color for kitchens and dining rooms.
  3. Orange wallpaper is a real find for families with small children. They react very positively to all shades of this color, and you no longer have to persuade them to eat well - orange “lures” them into the kitchen and whets their appetite.
  4. Scientists have long found that this color stabilizes blood pressure and improves blood circulation.
  5. And yet, in the orange kitchen it will always be light and bright (even in poor lighting).

What to consider

When deciding which wallpaper to choose for the kitchen, consider the following:

  • Orange is not the best option for tiny, cramped kitchens. For such a rich color, more space is needed.
  • Not a very good service orange can serve for those who are on a diet. But this does not mean at all that you need to deny yourself this pleasant color, because you can choose wallpaper in more muted shades of orange.

Note! Orange color has many beautiful calm shades: coral, amber, gummigut, peach, salmon, cream, terracotta…

All of them are delicate, but quite festive, they will be a wonderful decoration for the walls of a small kitchen, or for a house where people of honorable age live.

These shades have the same beneficial properties, however, are softer on the eyes.

  • What interior styles are orange wallpapers suitable for? First of all, for modern, minimalism and for any oriental style (for example, Mexican, Arabic, African).

Good orange color is also suitable for contrasting high-tech, fashionable art deco, pop art and avant-garde. Not the best solution is bright orange wallpaper for interiors in the style of classics, Provence and country.

But the calm tones of this “sunny” color will be very appropriate. The variety of choices will allow every hostess to transform the kitchen with her own hands!

  • Best of all, orange wallpapers are combined with wicker kitchen furniture (tables, chairs, cabinets with rattan inserts, wicker decorative elements). In addition, the price for it is quite acceptable.

Advice! In the kitchen interior, where the walls are orange and the furniture is wicker, you can add a couple of panels with herbariums of leaves and flowers, which will help create a wonderful lyrical autumn mood.

Lucky Combinations

This "appetizing" color should not be used alone, so that the kitchen interior does not turn out to be too tiring for the eyes.

All shades of orange are warm, so you need to combine it with warm shades of other colors.

To create a spring atmosphere, a pair of orange + a warm shade of green will perfectly serve.

So, for example, you can pick up a “juicy” set, and choose light green or another calm shade of green for an orange kitchen.

Or use these two colors against a neutral cream or beige background to lighten up the kitchen.

Another natural combination is orange + blue. Clear sky, warm sea, hot sun - this is what this combination is associated with.

Kitchen design can be planned as follows: sunny-colored furniture, heavenly wallpaper for an orange kitchen and an apron with photo printing of “fluffy” clouds. This design will always relieve stress, give a charge of vivacity and inspiration for the whole day!

No less harmonious looks orange with cream. A soft color neutralizes the excessive energy of its neighbor, due to which the kitchen has a calming, rather than annoying environment.

Although white is not a warm color, it harmonizes perfectly with orange. Despite the saturation of the latter, such a duet looks pretty calm.

And all because the white color takes on some of the heat and at the same time balances the aggressiveness of the orange.

It should be noted that the combination of these two colors is most suitable for a minimalist or modern kitchen, as can be seen in the photo.

Black can also be combined with bright orange, but the effect here is completely opposite to the previous example!

Next to black, the sunny color begins to pulsate even more, and you won’t be able to mentally relax in a kitchen with such an interior. To somehow facilitate it, you can add light gray or the same white color.

But the kitchen, dominated by beige or gray, rich orange will enliven. Here you can use bright furniture, decorative elements and various accessories.

Should know! When creating a kitchen interior, you should not use combinations such as orange + purple and orange + pink. It will look very tasteless.

Especially for you, our website contains a video instruction in which an experienced colorist talks in more detail about each color and their combination with each other.


If you like the "juicy" orange color, then do not be afraid to use it in the interior. Dozens of orange kitchen ideas plus your imagination - and you will certainly find an original solution for your kitchen!

orange interior

Orange is the second color of the spectrum, located between red and yellow and includes both of these colors. Therefore, their main characteristics are inherent in it: the passion and activity of red and the calmness and cheerfulness of yellow. Orange is the color of the holiday, associated with New Year's tangerines, sunny beach, fireworks. However, orange can be used not only for decorating holiday venues, but also for home interiors. Are you ready to bring some holiday orange into your home? Then let's get to know this interesting color closer.

Orange color: main characteristics

  • Orange is always warm, it does not have cold shades.
  • The orange color in the interior improves mood, which is confirmed by psychologists.
  • The orange color in the interior excites and activates - these properties were inherited from the red color. However, orange is not as aggressive as red, and therefore less likely to cause a feeling of irritation and anxiety.
  • From yellow, orange got another property: to create a feeling of well-being and happiness.
  • Orange color is able to visually bring objects closer: orange walls, furniture, accessories.
  • Orange color visually increases the volume of objects: for example, orange will appear more voluminous than green. The volume of the orange room does not visually increase.
  • Orange is warm, light and even dazzling. He seems to transfer a piece of himself to other objects nearby. So, in a room with orange walls it can seem creamy, and a mirror in an orange-peach bathroom will create a beautiful reflection, as if by magic, improving the skin color of the person looking into it.
  • The orange color in the interior stimulates the brain, improves appetite, and improves tone. In addition, the color orange increases the level of emotionality and encourages conversations.
  • The neighboring colors of orange are red and yellow; the complementary (opposite) color of orange is blue.

Orange color in the interior: the main aspects

The amount of orange in the interior

The main use of orange in the interior is accenting. That is, it is less often used for painting walls and furniture, but more often for accessories, textiles, etc. The introduction of orange accents creates the desired effect - it makes the room more cheerful, warmer, more active, etc., but you do not have to worry about wall pressure and an annoying effect.

Orange is also used for finishing large planes, but care must be taken here so as not to cross the line between “invigorates and warms” and “irritates and tires”. Play with shades of orange, combine it with others - and you can enjoy all the benefits orange color in the interior .

The strength of orange in relation to other colors

Orange tends to crowd out all colors. That is, entering the room, a person will pay attention to orange objects - whether it be walls, furniture, carpet on the floor or accessories. The more orange, the less noticeable the color of objects of a different color. This must be taken into account. If you want, for example, to emphasize your beige upholstered furniture in the living room, do not abuse the orange trim of the room - paint only one or two walls in this color, and put the sofa against the wall of a different color (for example, gray).

Orange color in the interior: in what rooms and styles is it appropriate

The classic design rule is that Orange color good in areas such as kitchen, dining room, nursery,
office (home office). Orange is not suitable for rooms where you relax and unwind, for romantic bedrooms, as well as for rooms that are too bright and hot.

Styles of rooms in which orange is more often used: mid-20th century retro (60s style), minimalism (including Japanese minimalism), ethnic style (oriental, Mexican, etc.), art deco, avant-garde, pop art. Classics, Empire, Rococo do not accept orange, but it is quite acceptable to use terracotta shades obtained by mixing orange and brown.

Orange color in the interior as a design tool for correcting the shortcomings of the room

It is worth using the orange color in the interior of the rooms, the windows of which face the north side. Where it is almost always dark and cool, orange compensates for the lack of sun and creates a joyful mood. By the way, sometimes it is enough to hang orange translucent curtains on the windows - and a dark, cold room will immediately change.

Since the orange color, as mentioned above, tends to visually bring objects closer, you should not use orange for wall decoration in small rooms. This property of orange can be used to visually correct the volume of a narrow and high room. The orange ceiling will visually lower, due to which the walls will visually expand.

Shades of orange in the interior

When we talk about orange color in the interior , we mean, of course, not only pure orange, but also its various shades. The reference orange is not often used for wall decoration - usually its more complex shades are preferred.

So, orange-peach color, associated with freshness, is popular. It is also warm and joyful, but not as active and energetic as orange, so it is great for bedrooms, dining rooms, bathrooms.

Orange with brown gives complex shades such as terracotta, ocher, copper, mahogany. These shades are good for living rooms, bedrooms and offices. They are used to create oriental interiors.

Light tangerine shade will be successful in the nursery. Pumpkin, apricot - in the kitchen and dining room. Honey - in almost any room.

In a word, speaking of orange color in the interior, it is not always necessary to mean only orange color. Orange, like red, has many shades. Choose a less energetic color for large surfaces, smoothed out by other tones, and use pure orange for accents: these are pillows, bedding, bedspreads, lampshades, vases, etc.

The shades of orange are numerous:

Orange color in the interior: a combination with other colors

How to combine orange color in the interior? It can be difficult to find a good shade to combine with orange, since the color is not very simple. The main thing is to remember one rule: orange has no cold shades. It is very warm, so it does not go well with cold shades. For example, orange can be combined with blue, but only with its warm shade. Well, now let's look at all the successful and not entirely successful combinations of orange with other colors.

Orange and white. Great combination. Orange on a white background creates an association with the sun. White, but a little
loses in its cold, virgin whiteness, adjacent to orange, but takes on some of the heat. At the same time, the brightness of orange is enhanced against the background of white. White and orange are a great combination for a minimalist bathroom, living room and kitchen.

Orange and black. Of course, you can combine orange and black, but this combination turns out to be brutal, aggressive. Against the background of black, orange begins to burn, blind, pulsate. This combination is used for modern futuristic interiors, but designers still recommend diluting it with the presence of other colors - for example, white, red or gray.

Orange and blue. People who are far from working with color often cannot imagine such a combination. In fact, orange and blue are complementary colors that can become very friendly neighbors and create a harmonious combination. One rule is to use warm shades of blue. Delicate blue and orange - what does it remind us of? Of course, the sky on a clear day. Can such a combination be called unsuccessful if it is conceived by nature itself?

The combination of complex shades of blue and orange also reminds of the sea, which is why it is often used to create interiors in a tropical, Mediterranean style, as well as in style. Orange here, of course, should not be fiery, but soft enough - peach, apricot, etc. This combination is also used for Asian ethnic interiors. It is not for nothing that the combination of shades of orange and blue is so often found in the textiles of the peoples of Asia.

Ethno-style textiles: a combination of orange and blue

Orange and purple. It is believed that this is a very unfortunate combination. Never use it in the interior, unless you are a super extravagant person, prone to crazy experiments.

Orange and green.
This is also a natural combination, reminiscent of a flowering meadow. And green in combination with orange reminds us of the New Year holidays - joyful and fragrant. When combining orange with green, you need to remember the rule that shades of orange are combined only with warm shades of other colors. So, we select a warm green shade.

This combination is the best in the kitchen and dining room , as it reminds us of a basket of fruits: peaches, apricots, oranges and pale green apples. It is these shades that you combine: apple green with one of the fruity shades of orange. For example, if you have orange-fronted kitchen cabinets, make a backsplash out of pale green tiles. Lay out the floor with the same color tiles. In curtains, combine both of these colors, as well as in chair covers, napkins and decor items. The walls can be painted in some neutral, but always warm color (for example, cream or light beige).

Orange and cream. Cream color - very calm. With his calmness, he will balance the energy of orange. For example, against a white background, orange will begin to “burn”, and against a background of cream, beige and shades close to them, on the contrary, it will slightly “go out”. This combination is often used when decorating walls: for example, 1-2 walls of a room are painted orange, and other walls are painted cream.

Orange and grey. This is also a good combination. A light gray tint, like cream, dampens the brightness of orange, slightly neutralizes its activity. At the same time, these colors do not contradict each other, but quite harmoniously coexist. The combination of gray and orange is universal in terms of the impact on the psyche - both energetic and very calm people will feel comfortable in such interiors.

By the way, you can combine orange with cold gray: this combination is used for modern high-tech interiors. This alliance is usually used only in kitchens.

Orange and hot pink. No, not the best combination, difficult for the psyche.

A combination of orange with close shades. This is an option for lovers of monochrome interiors. You can take several close shades of orange - darker and lighter - and combine them with each other. For example, pale apricot walls, honey-colored parquet, an orange sofa and warm golden wood furniture. Add here accessories of terracotta and other complex shades of red, brown, yellow, and your interior will turn out to be warm and unobtrusive, reminiscent of an autumn park.

The combination of the color of the walls and furniture upholstery, as well as carpeting

If you choose orange walls, pay attention to upholstered furniture in light green, light blue, beige, light gray and white. Carpet or carpet in this case, you can choose dark gray, brown, green, blue and even reddish.

If you want to put orange upholstered furniture, paint the walls white, green (if the upholstery is light orange, not bright), light blue, gray.

When choosing shades, be guided by the color wheel: combine shades that are in the same inner circle.

We spend a lot of time in the kitchen. Here our morning begins with an invigorating mug of coffee, the day ends with a delicious dinner with relatives. Holidays and fun gatherings with friends do not bypass the kitchen. We also carry out the most daring culinary experiences here. The kitchen is the soul of the apartment, so it should be cozy, positive, stylish.

The psychology of color

Color plays an important role in interior design. To choose it correctly, you need to understand what you want to get as a result. Orange color improves mood, helps to cope with depression, energizes, helps to feel the taste of life. But there is one caveat: the orange color makes food more appetizing. Therefore, for those who are losing weight, it is better to avoid bright colors in the kitchen, and choose a calmer shade - peach.

Only one orange color in the kitchen should not be used. The interior will be heavy and tasteless. You can dilute it with wallpaper or curtains in other colors. Diversity and color will help bring and kitchen furniture.

When developing a design, it is worth considering the fact that the orange color draws all attention to itself. This shade is reminiscent of warm summer, relaxation and carelessness, so it is perfect for a kitchen in the northern part of the house. Orange will help keep you warm. Another orange palette can adjust the space and shape of the kitchen. The elongated room will become wider.

Good lighting will add additional brightness and joy to the orange kitchen. You should not be limited to one orange color, because it has a very wide palette. You can opt for orange, apricot, terracotta, carrot, coral. Each of these shades is able to bring juiciness, originality and brightness.


Organic color combinations

Wallpaper for the kitchen should be selected, focusing on the color of the furniture. Orange headset dictates its own rules. To him you need to choose calm colors. White, blue, pistachio, beige, gray, sandy, milky are suitable here.

For white it is better to choose a warm shade of orange. Dairy wallpaper will soften the interior of the orange kitchen. Lovers of modernity should take a closer look at gray, it will make the kitchen modern and fashionable. In this color version, the kitchen will become even more comfortable. Black should be used carefully, in small quantities, in detail.

green wallpaper it is better to choose calm shades - olive, mint, pistachio. With green, the entire orange palette is very organically combined. The design of such a kitchen will be complemented by floral patterns or an unusual print.

With lettuce shades the interior will be very fresh and energizing.

Suitable for lovers of tranquility beige wallpaper. They will calm the flashy orange color. The kitchen will turn out bright, but not defiant.

For bold and original

Blue - rather strict color because of its cold spectrum. Such wallpapers will make the orange kitchen more serious and presentable. For a simpler and more relaxed interior, blue wallpapers are suitable.

Luxury connoisseurs should choose wallpaper colors for the orange kitchen Ivory. Get a chic, expensive interior. Furniture must match the chosen style and be of high quality.

Eternal summer in the kitchen will allow you to achieve a combination of orange with sandy. Such a warm environment will help to relax and unwind. You can imagine yourself in a small cozy cafe on the seashore.

Do not match

With purple wallpaper, the combination of an orange headset will suit bold and original. This is quite a bold decision for the kitchen. This color scheme will add individuality to the interior. To slightly dilute such active colors, you can add light details. It is important to choose the right shades of orange and purple, otherwise it will turn out not stylish, but tasteless.

To the shiny surface of the headset will not fit matte wallpaper and vice versa. Materials must be of the same texture. Strict red matte wallpapers and shiny orange furniture will look very strange.

For a juicy orange, orange headset, it is better to glue the walls in light gray, yellow or milky. In such a situation, wallpapers of both light and dark shades are suitable. The main thing is that they are not flashy and do not clog the bright color of the kitchen set. Orange can be used to decorate walls, but only in small quantities, as elements and additional details.

Colored photo wallpapers are another not the best option for an orange kitchen. Bright fruits on the photo wallpaper will take all the attention and will only make the interior heavy. In combination with energetic orange, a sad picture will turn out, despite the riot of colors.

Orange in interior styles

Under the brown furniture in the kitchen, orange wall cabinets are perfect. You can use white wallpaper with a large geometric print. Get a style with a reference to futurism. Above the worktop, you can stick structured brown-terracotta wallpaper or tiles in a small square.

For a glossy countertop or mirror table, orange style is a great choice. The kitchen will be light, airy, warm and cozy. This combination is suitable for minimalism or hi-tech.

The Japanese-style kitchen looks very concise and unusual. Dark brown plain wallpaper is suitable for an orange kitchen set. The interior can be diversified with white inserts above the countertop. Furniture can also combine orange, brown and white. A picture with bamboo or sakura will harmoniously complement the interior.

Transparent bar stools, greenery and flowers in rectangular glass containers. Perfectly white ceiling, walls can be made a tone darker. Elongated lamps in metal design. Orange set and a massive white countertop. So you can create the perfect kitchen in a modern style.

Quality and material

When choosing the color of the wallpaper for the orange kitchen, do not forget about their quality. Since the wallpaper is designed for the kitchen, paper ones will definitely not work. It is also worth immediately abandoning fabric, acrylic and liquid. All these models are afraid of dirt and water. You won't be able to clean them.

Vinyl and non-woven wallpaper will be an ideal option for the kitchen. If necessary, they can be washed, it is wear-resistant and resistant to damage. For the kitchen, these are very important qualities. Over time, they will not fade or fade. Vinyl and interlining do not absorb odors, so there will be no unpleasant odors in the kitchen.

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