Conspiracy for profit in a barbershop. The strongest conspiracies and prayers for big profits in your store. The best conspiracies for clients and profit

In the struggle for a client, successful managers attend various trainings and hone their skills, bosses negotiate major deals, store owners come up with various promotions and discounts, all in order to attract consumers.

In conditions of high competition, luck occupies a huge place in addition to the efforts of people interested in success. Without a smile from Lady Fortune, deals fail, and the buyer chooses a nearby shop in search of the right product. Simple conspiracies to attract customers and buyers can help lure good luck in business.

Reading a plot, performing a simple ritual to attract good luck is already magic that does not tolerate mistakes, try to follow the general rules so that your ultimate goal is achieved.

Conspiracy for the first profit

Such a conspiracy is suitable for those who have just started work, opened a store, beauty salon or any other business. As soon as you receive the first proceeds, you need to build a fan out of banknotes and wave it over your workplace or over a shop window with the words:

"Money for me, services for you, or money for me - my goods for you."

Try not to spend the first proceeds and do not hand over the change with it.

Conspiracy for the first client

This method is suitable for people who have recently opened their own business or are just planning to do so. To conduct the ceremony, buy a delicious treat, it should be something of high quality and tasty, not cheap toffee. Lay the treat on a beautiful dish and say the words of the conspiracy:

“I treat, treat, I invite customers to make it sweet for you, so that the business is for money! Amen! Amen! Amen!

Be sure to treat the first client with charmed sweets or cookies, try to make him satisfied with the product and service. His positive attitude will attract more appreciative customers to you.

Conspiracy to attract customers to the store

Such a plot is suitable if you need to attract customers to the store. Choose a gold-colored coin, dip it in essential oil, preferably with a bright, pleasant smell. Go outside the counter, where customers are usually located and say the text of the plot:

“Trading roads lead customers to my store. Take money, send good luck! So that clients and good luck come to me, bring a lot of money, increase profits! Amen!"

After that, throw a coin on the floor to make it ring and say: "Purchased, paid!". Do not pick up the coin, let him stay in place and attract money to the store. It will be great if the customer picks it up and buys something from your own store.

Salt spells to attract customers

Anyone can use such a plot: from a manager who is looking for new customers to a seller who has a percentage of the store's revenue.

Take a handful of salt with you when you leave for work. When there are a few steps left before entering the office or store. You need to throw salt over your head back and pronounce the words of the conspiracy.

“I am talking salt, I am attracting buyers! Grains fall, customers queue up. No one will leave without goods, they all bring me money! Amen."

After the words are spoken, continue on your way and do not look back. The result will not keep you waiting.

The second conspiracy for salt involves the use of clean water. Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say over it:

“I am standing on a mountain, on a mountain-hill, I look at the Sun, the Sun is red. Get up, red sun, from the blue sea to the blue sky, rise up, carry handfuls of gold full. Full of your gold in my house (name), and in my garden, in my yard and in my oven. Full, full in the chest and in the underground, in the attic and in the hallway, on the table and in the crate and in the trade. Neither the wind will blow, nor the rain will flood, nor the snow will freeze, nor the heat will burn - your gold is a light around for a hundred miles. So be it, I say, I take water and salt as witnesses. So be it, I say, meeting your dawn. Amen".

Then take a little charmed water into your mouth and spray the counter, showcase or desktop. After that, be sure to spray yourself.

Ancient conspiracy with honey to attract buyers

Such a plot was popular among merchants in ancient times, it was believed that honey could attract buyers like flies.

To do this, you need to find and buy a jar of natural honey, do not skimp, it must be a real good product. Drop a few drops on the threshold of a store or office and say the text of the plot.

“Everyone loves sweet natural honey, given to people by bees. I, the Servant of God (proper name), affirm that this is how buyers will love the threshold of my store (my counter). As bees reach for flower nectar, so do customers in a row pull into my store (to my counter). Amen".

Poppy conspiracy for sellers

A universal conspiracy is suitable for both professional sellers and ordinary people who want to realize any thing.

You need to buy a pack of poppy seeds, it is important to prepare the required amount without change. Choose a day that suits the lunar calendar, take a pack of poppies and say a prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker into it.

If you are a store owner, then sprinkle poppy seeds in front of the counter, from the side of the buyers. If you need to sell an apartment or a car, sprinkle accordingly, in front of the front door or around the car. It is necessary that the buyer stepped on the poppy. Sprinkling poppy, you need to pronounce the words:

  • "Step on a poppy - you bought it from me."

Comb plot to attract customers to the office

To perform the ritual, you need to buy a wooden comb on the day of the growing moon, it can also be bone, but not made of plastic. Every day, when you come to the office, you need to comb your hair to the very ends in front of a large mirror thirty-three times, while repeating the words of the conspiracy:

“There is a flat path to my threshold. Let the clients run, they will be helped here. Good for people, but for me (my name) - a bucket of money. As there are no tangles in my hair, so I have no problems and debts. Amen."

February 7th conspiracy to trade for the whole year

This ritual came to us from ancient times, it was used by merchants for successful trading all year round. The date was not chosen by chance, on this day it has long been customary to resolve financial issues.

The ritual is held once a year - on the seventh of February. You will need a piece of sugar and an oven with a blower. If there is no stove, you should be puzzled and find a house or cottage with it, you can rent it.

Before dawn, you need to put a piece of sugar in the blower and kindle the stove with aspen wood. When the fire flares up, you need to pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

Fire-fire, don't touch my sugar
And touch people, move them, they went for their goods.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

After pulling out the sugar, do not clean it from burning, carefully wrap it in a cloth and take it with you to the workplace. You need to position it so that it does not catch anyone's eyes. Sugar will attract customers all year round. Eleven months later, the ritual is repeated, and last year's piece of sugar must be buried under any fruit tree.

An anthill plot to improve sales

To attract sales, there is another strong conspiracy. To do this, you need to go to the forest, any time of the year is suitable, except for winter, since you will not find an anthill under the snow.

In the forest, take some sticks from the top of the anthill and put them in a cloth bag. Arriving at the store, sprinkle the product that you want to sell from the bag, while saying out loud:

  • « As many ants in that house, as many buyers went to me, God. Amen».

It is believed that there will be as many buyers as there are ants in an anthill.

surrender conspiracy

It often happens that the buyer does not take the change as change, refuses it. This can be used to attract new customers. Take the change home with you and read the conspiracy over it three times:

“A full month, an average month and a young one! Folk me a treasure from a penny. As my mother gave birth to me, swaddled me in the first diaper, So you also bring a big treasure to me! Amen!"

Coins do not need to be spent, put them in a separate pocket in your wallet and wear them. They will bring you financial success.

Strong ritual for successful trading

Such a ceremony should be carried out on a waning moon. Take an old, inconspicuous rag and dust off the counter or table with it, saying the words of the prayer three times

“Dashingly poor, famously unsaleable, don’t touch me, don’t touch my goods! Get away from me, get away from here along the water, through the forest, through the swamp, Don't call me with you, take the dead cancer and lie under the snag. So that I don’t know poverty, my goods don’t stale, I send poverty and poverty away, I sweep away all misfortunes and failures with a rag! Power, water, language. Amen!"

The rag should be thrown into a pond, preferably with stagnant water. Remember that you should return home without turning around and without talking to anyone.

Prayers for successful trading

There is nothing sinful about successful trading, so you can go to church and pray for her.

You can pray to any Saint, but most often people associated with trade choose Nicholas the Wonderworker and Seraphim of Saron, the patron saint of trade.

“O our great mentor, Nikolai! You are kind and merciful, pious and generous. I ask you to hear me, your servant (name), I pray to you and hope for help in business. Behold my work and efforts, humility and fidelity to the Lord God. Protect from hardships and falls, add mind and strength. Beg the Lord for mercy for us, let him save us from the machinations of enemies and direct us to the right path. May you save us from temptations and dishonest deeds. Let us be rewarded for our suffering, for our zeal and humility. We hope for your petition, we ask for help. We fall to the face of your saint with prayers. Cover with your wing from adversity and misfortune, help not to disappear into the abyss of sin and in the mire of our passions. We pray for the salvation of our souls and hope for great mercy.”

“O Wonderful Father Seraphim, the great Sarov Wonderworker!To all who resort to You, a quick-obedient helper!In the days of Your earthly life, no onet You are skinny and inconsolable when you leave, nO everything in sweetness was the vision of Your face andthe divine voice of your words.

To this same gift of healing, the gift of insight, dthe ar of the weak souls of healing is plentiful in appearing in Thee.When God called you from earthly labors toheavenly peace,and Thy fingers are loved from us, andit is impossible to count your wonders,multiplying like the stars of heaven:

Se bo at all ends of our earth lappear to the people of God and grant them healing. Twe eat and we cry to you, ohquiet and meek Pleaser of God, dprayerful to him,Ikolizhe calling thee otrevayay!

Lift up Your pious prayer for us to the Lord of forces,but give us all that is useful in this life andall useful for spiritual salvation, dbut protect us from the falls of sin andmay he teach us true repentance,o still without hesitation to enter intoeternal kingdom of heaven, andwhere you are now in the glory that shines beyond your reach, andtamo sing with all the saintsand the original Trinity forever and ever.Amen".

Do not forget to share part of the profits with those in need, make donations, buy gifts for children from low-income families. Live in accordance with your conscience and pure thoughts, wish people only good, and you will notice how your affairs will begin to improve, and the whole life as a whole will come into harmony.

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In the cruel world of modern business, everyone survives in their own way. Some rely solely on themselves, others rely on help from above. To get the support of higher powers, they choose a conspiracy to attract customers that is suitable for their situation. There are rituals for every type of business: a hairdresser, a shop, catering establishments, an atelier. Rites for good luck are considered universal.

Prayers for business success

It is a sin for Orthodox people to turn to magic. To achieve their goals, it is better for them to seek help from the Lord, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Saints. They pray in church or in private, that is, alone in their home. To achieve good luck in trading, develop a business, the following prayer is used:

“Bring, Lord, clients to me,
Let my business run smoothly
Let luck come
Profit, lots of money
Let a star burn in the forehead of my business,
May it always be so! Amen!"

Rules for reading conspiracies for a successful business

To succeed, a conspiracy to attract customers should be read in accordance with the rules listed below:

  • The best days of the week are Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday.
  • The best time of day is the day; at night, conspiracies to quickly attract customers are not read.
  • To magic that improves business, they turn to the growing moon. Strong rituals are generally performed on the young moon, aimed at increasing, multiplying benefits. Only occasionally such rituals are performed on the full moon or on the new moon.
  • Reading conspiracies to attract customers should be in a quiet, intelligible voice.
  • Many conspiracies and rituals to attract clients came from famous clairvoyants: Vanga, Natalia Stepanova.

Purity in magical rites

Many rituals associated with obtaining benefits from life are performed in the process of cleaning the premises. People wash floors, windows, wipe the dust, while asking the fate of money, increasing sales. Negativity leaves with water, then a lot of happiness and good luck come.

In order for the business to grow, the number of customers to increase, the conspiracy to attract customers as soon as possible must be read while wiping the dust with a damp cloth. Dust is removed from the workplace, counters, shop windows, and other surfaces. Cleaning is accompanied by the words:

“Get away from my goods and famously unsaleable and alien poverty from me! Away from my workplace along the river, along the land, through the forest. Lie under the forest driftwood, don't call my business to you! With a rag I sweep away all failures, I send poverty away - through the forest, along the river, along the water and the earth! My goods do not lie, but are sold in an instant, because strength is in water, purity and language. I invite buyers, I offer goods. Amen!"

This conspiracy to instantly attract customers is spoken three times. After the ritual, the rag is thrown into the pond, when it is not possible to throw the rag into running water, it is burned.

Ritual with a yellow coin

It's good to have a real gold coin. It will help to conduct truly effective rituals for good luck in trading. If there is no gold money, use any yellow coin. A conspiracy to attract customers is pronounced with a prepared coin. They take it in the right hand, stand in the center of the room, the trading floor. The text is as follows:

“Trading roads lead customers to my store. Take money, send good luck! So that clients and good luck come to me, bring a lot of money, increase profits! Amen!"

When they finish reading, they throw a coin on the floor, near the feet. This is a ransom to higher powers for help. When the coin falls to the floor, they say very clearly, very loudly: "Paid." The money is left on the floor, never removed until the buyer picks it up, does not use it to pay for goods, services in your store, salon. Then a strong conspiracy to attract customers will definitely work.

Ritual with salt

A new business causes a lot of worries and worries. When opening a store, a beauty salon, they use a conspiracy that is carried out on salt to attract customers. Such rituals purify the energy of space, help create a positive aura, provide the best conditions for the implementation of their plans. The advantages of the ritual are the ability to conduct it for everyone in normal home conditions. To make everything good, one pinch of salt is enough.

Salt is collected at home in a handful when they go to work. Approaching the place where the business is conducted, they throw salt over their heads. Further, in order to attract customers here, they pronounce a conspiracy:

“I am talking salt, I am attracting buyers! Grains fall, customers queue up. No one will leave without goods, they all bring me money! Amen".

This conspiracy is needed for customers to walk, making your way. After pronouncing the magic words, they enter the working room, waiting for the clients to come and carry the money.

Ritual with honey

Sweet as a symbol of a happy, comfortable life is often used in rituals that promote successful trading, make sure that there are customers. Rituals with honey are performed on Thursday. One of them requires a clay pot, black pepper, salt, church candles. On Thursday evening, church candles are lit on the young moon, and prepared items are placed on the table.

First, honey is poured into the pot, salt and pepper are added. Simultaneously with mixing the ingredients, read:

“Any animal is greedy for sweet honey. He stretches his paw to grab the sweetness. So everyone needs my product, everyone runs to it from the market. They praise, they buy, they don’t know refusal. Honey on the door - the buyer is inside. Amen!".

For mixing, take a wooden spoon, spatula.

In order for such conspiracies to function successfully for an endless stream of clients, they provide direct contact of the charmed substance with the space that is subjected to magical influence. Trade workers smear the doorway to the trading floor, counters. The hairdresser should anoint the mirror, the desktop, the seamstress - the equipment, choosing an area that does not come into contact with the fabric. It is better for a manicure and pedicure master to apply a thin layer of honey on a chair intended for visitors.

When smearing objects with honey, be careful. A minimum amount of sweet substance is enough. They are allowed to anoint stale goods, only in small quantities.

Rite with poppy

Poppy, millet - another permanent magical attribute. They conduct strong rituals, read conspiracies to quickly attract money and customers, often right on the poppy. With it, you can return monetary luck, attract financial flows, and keep prosperity stable.

When buying a poppy, they do not take change. For the entire purchased poppy, a prayer is read to Nikolai Ugodnik. Where to put it, the person conducting the ritual decides for himself. Can be left in a pack, it is allowed to pour into a container. After a prayer, a request is made to St. Nicholas for help, so that the work goes uphill, money flows like a river.

When the conspiracy to St. Nicholas is read so that customers go, the poppy is taken to work, scattered near a place that is accessible to visitors.

Bell conspiracy

A bell placed in the front door area is considered the best way to help attract potential buyers and visitors. The bell is hung on the new moon, when the energy of the new, which has engulfed the nascent moon, is transferred to the bell.

“The bell rings loudly, loudly!
Wakes up the bear in the den!
The client will come to me!
Scares a squirrel in the forest - lack of money runs away!
The ringing is heard all over the world - people are going to the idol!
The ringing is flying around the planet - both adults and children are coming!
Let it be so!"

The first night the bell is kept not far from its native walls: behind a horse, on a balcony, on a closely growing tree. They take them to work in the morning. On the eve of an important event, during a long stagnation, they ring a bell so that profitable people come and bring money.

Comb Ritual

Spellbound objects are often used by people to implement their plans. The most powerful rituals are performed on things that have direct contact with the human body, his hair.

The comb, on which conspiracies are read for a cafe, a hairdresser for clients, is constantly carried with them so that the flow of visitors does not stop. The comb is also used to make a profitable customer come to the store so that everything is fine.

Reliable attraction of customers to the right store helps conspiracies for a new scallop. They buy a new comb made of wood in the store. She brushes her hair on the way to work.

Make 33 movements with a comb through the hair. Actions are accompanied by the words:

“The smooth path leads me to the threshold. If customers contact us, we will always help them. I will do kindness to people, and they will bring me big money. I comb out all the tangles and tangles from my hair so that all my problems and debts disappear. Amen".

You need to know how to attract customers for sure: a conspiracy so that customers constantly go is read alone, outsiders are not initiated into magical plans.

There are rituals of white magic that help to attract customers of services. This is especially important for those people who are directly dependent on their customers: hairdressers, manicurists, massage therapists, salespeople, repairmen, etc. They work 100% and will help ensure an uninterrupted flow of people, their increased interest in your work, and therefore money in your pocket.

Most rituals can be done at home. The main thing is not to tell anyone about the ritual of attracting customers, so as not to frighten off your luck.

Strong conspiracy on the bell

To perform the ritual, you need to purchase a small bell. You should immediately like it, because it depends on how successful your business will be. To perform the ritual, you should wait for the new moon and in the evening say the words of the conspiracy over the bell:

“Ring, bell, long and loud! Invite guests, invite rich people! He will wake up all the animals in the forest, let the client come to me!

After that, the good luck charm should be hung on the street all night. Then bring the bell to the workplace. Thus, the little helper will attract the right and wealthy customers for your services.

For money (ritual with a bill)

This ritual will be especially helpful when there is a stagnation in business, and the influx of visitors does not increase or begins to dry up.

The rite is performed on the growing moon:

  • you need to take a banknote (the larger it is, the better);
  • open the window at night;
  • taking the banknote in your hands, pronounce the words of the conspiracy: “As there is a lot of water and salt in the sea-ocean, there is no counting of sand at the bottom of the sea, so let there be no end to my customers, and the cash flow to me will not dry up forever. Let it be so!".

After that, the bill should be placed as far as possible in the office, preferably hidden in the table. In just a few days, your business affairs will improve dramatically, as if by magic.

Conspiracy for honey

The ritual is performed when the full moon is in the sky. You need to purchase a jar of natural honey in advance, open it on the full moon and turn the following words to the moon:

“Moon-Beauty, clever and my assistant! Give me good luck in business! Let it be sweet and useful, like this honey! Let people flock to me, to my work, the smell is sweet and the look is shining!

After that, in the morning before work, you need to smear a little honey on the front door through which customers come to you. The result will exceed all expectations.

This rite is useful in trade, so that customers are more willing to come to your store and take the goods. To carry out the ritual for sugar, you need to perform a number of such actions:

  • prepare a candle in advance, some granulated sugar, any light clean cloth and a strong green thread;
  • in the evening, light a candle at home, spread a cloth, throw exactly three pinches of a sweet product there and say a conspiracy: “My sugar is sweet, the product is excellent! You are the sweetness of the purchase, I have goodness and wealth. Let it be so!";
  • after that, roll up the fabric with sugar, tie it on a triple knot with a green thread.

Bring the resulting bag of sugar to work and hide it at your workplace so that no one sees. People will visit your store much more often and make large purchases.

Conspiracies for hairdressers and salons

White magic will help attract visitors to your beauty salon, increase the flow of customers if you work as a hairdresser. These rituals will also protect your business from the intrigues of competitors and “beat off” potential customers for services from them.

On a comb, so that customers go in a crowd

This simple ritual can be performed on any day of the week. For him, you will need to buy a new comb, pick it up and solemnly pronounce the conspiracy:

“Toothed comb, bring the scarred people to me! My hair is smooth, all clients are greedy for me. Man - beauty, me - wealth and praise! It will be useful for the client, and money in my wallet for me! Let it be so!".

It is advisable to use the comb several times a day. After a month, the effective effect of magic will begin to weaken, so you will have to repeat it, but with a new comb.

For salt

With the help of this well-known magical product (salt eliminates negative emotions and the intrigues of evil competitors), you can secure your business and attract many customers.

The ceremony is carried out as follows:

  • add a pinch of salt to a glass of clean water;
  • before the start of the working day, say the words of the conspiracy over a glass of salt: “I will speak salt and water, I will call on all clients. Just as salty drops cannot be counted in the sea-ocean, so I have so many clients that I cannot count them. Bring good, rich people to me, and take the evil and unkind people away from me! Amen".
  • then you need to splash a little water on yourself and around your workplace.

Thus, the master will be protected from attacks by unpleasant people and at the same time will attract many conscientious customers of services.

For scissors for nail salons

Scissors have long been known in magical rites, therefore, they require compliance with a number of necessary conditions. Among them:

  • you can’t click scissors in vain: in this way you break the thread of luck;
  • during the ceremony, scissors are held in the right hand, even if you are left-handed;
  • your scissors after the ritual should in no case be picked up by another person: this can lead to the "leaving" of the profit to the side.

The ceremony is carried out in this order. On a piece of paper, you need to write down all the comments that, in your opinion, interfere with a successful business. We must try not to forget even the slightest detail. Then, using scissors for manicure, cut the paper into small pieces. At the same time, pronounce these words:

“I cut out all troubles and obstacles, I accept only money and awards.”

After that, small pieces of paper should be burned, the ashes should be thrown into the toilet or scattered over a pond.

For trade in the store

For a long time, wealthy merchants enlisted the support of black and white magic and used a variety of methods to successfully trade and attract wealthy buyers. Many mysterious rites have come down to our contemporaries. The power of ancient words and actions remains unchanged to this day and brings real luck at work.

Large revenue

In order for things to go uphill and buyers to purchase large goods, it is necessary to perform the following ritual:

  • at midnight on the growing moon to stay at the workplace alone;
  • get financial documents;
  • lay them out on the table and say the following text:

“Moon and Sun, silver and gold, share your strength, give me favor. Fly to me, bills are large, like moths at night on a flickering light. May I be lucky in all matters, and only envy for competitors. Sun and Moon, Moon and Sun, thank you! Amen".

After that, you need to put the documents in your place and go home. From the next day, the proceeds from the sale will become larger every day.

Help of evil spirits

Courageous people resort to this rite when it is urgent to establish business in trade. It is especially useful to those merchants who need to sell stale goods and not be at a loss.

“Damn, damn, come to me, help me. It is necessary to sell goods, convene people and collect money. You are a prank, I have prosperity.

Prayers to attract customers

Often, for help in business, they turn to Orthodox saints. However, it should be remembered: prayers to heavenly intercessors need to be read when things really shook, and people stopped coming to you for services or goods. If things are going well enough, it is better not to unnecessarily disturb the saints and ask them for extra income - the result may be that you are "taught" to live within your means.

Prayers for help should be offered at home in front of the image of the saint, while a candle bought in the church should be lit.

Nicholas the Wonderworker

“Saint Nicholas the Pleasant, our intercessor and helper! Help me in my affairs, protect me from dashing misfortunes. I am not lazy, I work for the benefit of people and for the glory of God. Protect me from troubles and worries, protect and increase the work of my hands! Amen".

Seraphim of Sarov

“Holy Seraphim, bless me and my righteous works! Give me support and give me your wisdom, a clear mind and strong strength to work for the good of the people, so that customers go! Show me mercy, sinner, hear my pleas for help! Amen".

Use these conspiracies to your advantage, but do not be lazy yourself, but provide your customers with quality goods and services.

You can not use such conspiracies too often. When trading luck starts to decline, then you can use magic. In addition, conspiracies for successful trading should not be read while drunk and women on their "critical days".


In the morning, on the growing moon, talk about salt (preferably consecrated, but if there is none, then the usual one will do).

"Hiking, riding, come here,

here you have a place, food and water.

Money for me, goods for you.


Then every day of the growing moon do this ritual. In the morning, taking the salt he had spoken with you, you need to come to work first, and be sure to enter through the entrance through which customers enter. Having taken a couple of steps inside the room, turn to face the exit, take a pinch of salt with your right hand, throw it over your left shoulder and say the same plot. In two or three days, customers should increase.

2 To increase the flow of customers:

Put the first proceeds of the day under the counter, saying to her:

"Money to money, the first buyer came, brought five with him. The second came - he brought ten, the third came - he brought the whole world with him. My words - a key, a lock, and a lesson - a lesson!"

You can do this any day you want. You don't have to do it every day.

At the end of the day, remove the first proceeds from under the counter, put it in the cash register and say:

"Money is comfortable here, money runs after money, people bring me money, and they take my goods for money. As I said, it will be so."

3 If spoiled trade.

Arriving at your workplace, take a nickel in your hand, cross yourself, the counter with it and say:

“Saint Peter carried a purse, on his road a snake lay across. Whoever counts the scales of this snake, only he will interfere in my bargaining. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

Hide the nickel and use it this way every day.

4 Attract customers for honey or sugar.

You need to sprinkle a little sugar (a pinch is enough) or anoint with honey in front of the threshold, and say:

"Like honey (sugar) is sweet, and how it attracts to itself, how everyone loves it, so let it be sweet to customers (customers) in my store (company .. name), let everyone reach out to my store (company, name), like bees to honey (sugar)".

It is best to perform rituals on Thursday on the growing moon.

5 You can read a conspiracy to attract customers during the growing moon. To do this, you need to buy some trinket in three stores where there are a lot of buyers, and put the change that the seller will give you in every corner of your office. After that, stand in the middle of the office and, turning your face towards each corner where you now have change, say:

“People went to rich shops, carried their money, took and bought goods. So let people come to me now in a herd, they carry money, they take my goods. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

And remember, you need to make sure that no one takes the charmed trifle and does not spend it. Otherwise, everything will need to be redone.

Every owner of a store or salon dreams of a large number of visitors. A conspiracy to attract customers will help fulfill the dream of an entrepreneur by attracting a large number of consumers with money. You will have to cast real spells that a large number of businessmen have already used.

Popular conspiracy to attract customers

Customers are potential consumers of your products, thanks to which your business will flourish. Magic solutions for passion and growth in the sale of services, products are far from new in certain circles. I exist communities of magicians who gather to share their experiences.

Often used to attract clients in magical rituals. conspiracy for sweets (a piece of refined sugar, sweets). At sunrise, put sweets on the windowsill, and say the spell:

“Not for prank, not for greed. For experience and prosperity, for life and order, sugar (chocolate or candy) I will speak. Let them come to me, eat the gift, receive their needs. I do my job, I don't wish harm on my clients. For their benefit, for me for prosperity, development and order. Key, tongue, lock.

You can treat everyone without exception.

Conspiracy to attract customers

Previously, for the arrival of new customers, they read a conspiracy for honey, in those days when exchange was used instead of money. Entrepreneurs understood that it was profitable to attract customers with the help of magic. You need:

  1. Honey (a few drops);
  2. Candle or torch.

During the period of the growing moon, we choose a day for the ritual, except Sunday. We light a candle with our right hand and set it near the front door inside the room. With your left hand, we drip three small drops of honey on the threshold, spread it clockwise, we read the plot:

“I will smear the threshold of my office (shop or other institution) with honey. I do not invite bees and flies to me. And I invite rich and all sorts of people. Let them come for sweetness, they will go back with joy and a desire to return. They come every day without an invitation, without quarrels and insults, but for their own needs. I fix my words, I light them with wax (torch). Let them burn for people as bait. For them, for pleasure, but for me, for joy.

Conspiracy for the first customers

In ancient Rus', almost all merchants used this magic.

This spell to attract the first customers is read in the morning, at dawn.


  1. Living water (100 ml);
  2. Natural honey (2 tbsp. Spoon);
  3. Wax (15 grams);
  4. A sheet of white paper;
  5. Green pencil;
  6. A bowl.

Pour water into a bowl and add honey, put on fire. Next, melt the wax and add it to the boiling brew, write a wish on a piece of paper. Next, burn and add the ashes to the boiling liquid. Let it boil for 5 minutes and let cool. After complete cooling, lubricate all windows and doors in the corners, sills. While brewing a magical decoction, you should read the plot 7 times:

“Take live water honey bee to yourself, dissolve it well. You are sticky honey, tasty, pleasant, you attract everyone to you, you invite. So in (indicate the institution) call my people. I will fix my desire with wax, melt it and add it to honey. So it was in the beginning, so it will be in the end, and clients cannot be taken away from me. My desire: (while writing on a piece of paper, say it out loud). I’ll mix everything, boil it, and I’ll attract good luck to myself. ”

Conspiracy to attract visitors to a beauty salon

It's a spell, a terrific recipe for capturing a flood of visitors.

The hardest thing to start your own business and attract people to barbers, manicurists and massage therapists.

For this, there is a separate Spell to attract customers to the hairdresser and all those who need to find the first visitor. Such professions involve communicating with people, and the ability to turn a shapeless mop of hair into a masterpiece. All this is hard. Therefore, there is no need to rely on chance.

All actions must be carried out on the full moon at midnight. Prepare all your tools, living water and 7 candles bought on Friday. Spread a white cloth and spread everything in a semicircle. We put the candles in a circle, put the seventh in front of us, it will be needed to glow the tool (a spell is read for each). Naturally, in addition to metal, there are also plastic items that need to be kept away from fire.

Magic conspiracy:

“I became a master, I wanted to prove it, I attracted clients, I heated up my instrument. Let him also be hot from work. Everyone leaves beautiful, getting their dreams, and creating glory for me. Amen".

After the work done, extinguish the candles and set them to burn out for 7 days in your salon.

  1. The origin of the word is client.
  2. Need it fast, it's easy!
  3. Monetary
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