Green Socialism. Women's battalion guarding the Libyan Jamahiriya (photo) Gaddafi's bodyguards

Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi was accompanied everywhere by a detachment of female bodyguards. Unusual, at first glance, requirements were presented to applicants for this position - they had to keep their virginity. Because of this, Gaddafi's companions were nicknamed the "Amazon Guard" and "the nuns of the revolution."

Creation of a squad

The head of the Jamahiriya acquired bodyguards from among the representatives of the beautiful in the early 1980s. Their number is not exactly known - the figures are from 30-40 to 200-400 women.

According to a widespread version, Muammar Gaddafi was offered to involve the girls in the protection of his personal security adviser Karl Hans, an employee of the Stasi, the famous intelligence service of the GDR. It is worth noting that the emperors of China and other oriental despots have long had female guards. The choice of virgins for these purposes was influenced by several factors - these women could not get pregnant and had no particular attachment to anyone except their boss.

It is possible that the "leader of the Libyan revolution" was also guided by the provisions of the Koran, in which virgins are called "modest-eyed." Perhaps this is how Gaddafi wanted to demonstrate that he lives "in paradise" - after all, 72 virgin houris are waiting for every true Muslim in the next world.

Gaddafi's decision also had political overtones - the colonel wanted to show that women in his country have equal rights with men (compared to other Arab countries, their situation was indeed much better).

“Women give birth, but men don’t. This is the only difference,” Gaddafi wrote in his Green Book.

In the surviving photos, the bodyguards appear in blue and green camouflage suits. They wore berets, similar to those worn by Gaddafi himself in his youth, as well as caps and caps, often wearing dark glasses.

The "Libyan Valkyries" created a kind of "militarist" background for their boss, who over time began to prefer fancy Libyan national costumes to his uniform.

It can be assumed that when hiring bodyguards for work, external attractiveness was taken into account - there are no frankly “terrible” ones among them, although “Amazons” did not fit into the 90-60-90 model standards. At times, their presence caused a very lively reaction from world leaders who met with Gaddafi.


Already after the overthrow of the dictator, evidence appeared that Gaddafi forced bodyguards to provide him with intimate services. However, this information seems very doubtful - it is unlikely that the colonel would have entrusted his life to women with weapons, whom he had recently abused.

The bodyguards acted quite effectively - numerous assassination attempts on Gaddafi in the 80-90s ended unsuccessfully. During one such attack in 1998, women with Kalashnikovs threw themselves under the bullets to protect their boss. One of them died (it is known that her name was Aisha). Perhaps the terrorists subconsciously did not treat the "Amazons" as worthy opponents, although they could stand up for themselves in hand-to-hand combat. Bodyguards received lessons in karate, judo and other martial arts.

In recent years, Gaddafi did not always take virgin security guards with him, and their role in the security system, according to experts, has decreased. As follows from one of the reports published on WikiLeaks, during Gaddafi's trip to New York, only one bodyguard entered the Libyan delegation of 350 people.

The fate of virgins

The "Arab Spring" that swept over Libya in 2011 put an end to Gaddafi's "eccentricities". Journalists noticed that after the start of the unrest, the famous "Amazons" disappeared somewhere, and Gaddafi began to appear in the footage exclusively surrounded by men. According to one version, the dictator fired the female guards, according to another, he locked her in his bunker in Tripoli.

Later, photos of some of the dead bodyguards appeared on the Web. There is evidence that before their death they were raped, and the abuse of Islamists over the "nuns of the revolution" continued for weeks.

On the eve of the final fall of the Gaddafi regime, the media publish shocking stories from the lips of eyewitnesses about the cruelty of the colonel and his family members. The bodyguards of the Libyan leader claim that they were actually sex slaves of Gaddafi, his sons and high-ranking officers. Former workers of the colonel say that they were beaten, doused with boiling water and forced to shoot the prisoners.

One of Gaddafi's "Amazons" said that she was forced to go to the colonel's security, because otherwise her brother, who was arrested for drugs, could remain in prison, InoPressa reports with reference to La Stampa. According to the girl, she was first tested for HIV, and then sent to the chambers of the Libyan leader. He was in pajamas and began to show the girl unambiguous signs of attention. She resisted, but was eventually raped.

In total, there were 40 women who ensured the safety of the Libyan leader around the clock. According to Gaddafi, the fair sex is less likely to rebel against their master. "Amazons" have always accompanied the Libyan leader, including on foreign trips.

Another bodyguard Gaddafi, 19-year-old Nisrin Mansour al-Forgani, is now in the hospital. The Daily Mail reporters managed to talk to her. According to the girl, she was not a security guard, but she was raped by military commanders, and in recent days she had to shoot captured rebels on pain of death.

She said that the rebels were brought into the premises one by one, and she fired at them with a Kalashnikov. In three days she had to kill 11 people. Many of those killed were no older than her. The rebels were tied up, many with signs of beatings.

Previously, according to the girl, she worked at checkpoints. Here she once in her life saw the Libyan leader. His motorcade was passing by. And when one of her friends, who also worked as a bodyguard, wanted to get closer to the colonel's car in order to see him, she received a bullet in the forehead.

Nisrin got into the ranks of the armed defenders of the regime by accident. The girl was invited there by her mother's friend Fatma. The bodyguard training camp was located in Tripoli, and there were about a thousand young and attractive girls from all over the country. They were trained in sniper art.

After Nisrin realized that Fatma was not really what she seemed. Once she said that Nisrin should immediately kill her mother if she speaks badly about Gaddafi.

According to Nisrin, Fatma said that if they fell into the hands of the rebels, they would brutally rape them. But in fact, it was not the rebels who raped, but the commanders of "friendly" male detachments. At the base there was a special room with a bed. Each time, Fatma brought new girls to the commanders.

Nisrin ended up in the hospital after she ran away from the room where she was forced to shoot the rebels. The girl jumped out of the window of the second floor, and already on the ground she was run over by a car. The rebels found Nesrin and took him to the hospital.

CNN correspondents learned another terrible story. In one of the luxurious villas in the west of Tripoli, which belonged to Gaddafi's eldest son Hannibal, they found a girl with burns and scars all over her body. She said that she was the nanny of the son and daughter of Hannibal and his wife Alina. When the colonel's daughter-in-law did not like the way her children behaved, she poured boiling water over the nanny.

According to the girl, after the executions, Alina hid her. One day, one of the guards accidentally found the girl and took her to the hospital. Upon learning of this, Gaddafi's daughter-in-law threatened to throw him in jail if he dared to help the "guilty nanny" again.

At the same time, the colonel's daughter-in-law was not limited to boiling water. She put the servants outside in the cold, deprived them of food and sleep.

Now Libya is gradually . Today, the rebels surrounded Sirte, where, according to rumors, Gaddafi may be hiding. Oppositionists are negotiating with local tribes in an attempt to take control of the city without firing. Now they already have most of the country in their hands - with the exception of a number of settlements in the west. There is a $1.6 million bounty on the head of the Libyan leader.

On the eve of the official representative of Gaddafi Moussa Ibrahim said that the leader of the Jamahiriya is ready to start negotiations with the rebels on the transfer of power. According to him, Gaddafi's son Saadi can act as a representative of the regime. The Transitional National Council rejected this proposal and stated that the colonel should lay down his arms without any conditions.

Most countries in the world have already recognized the rebels as the only legitimate government in Libya. True, this issue will be finally resolved only after the capture of Gaddafi or his liquidation. The Libyan embassy in Moscow has already lowered the flag of the Jamahiriya, but the Russian authorities are in no hurry to officially recognize the Transitional National Council.

Muammar Gaddafi, as well as the leaders of Palestine, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, were invited by Pakistani Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto (to the left of Gaddafi) to pray at a mosque in the city of Lahore. In the background of the photo we see bodyguards who were on duty during this event in an enhanced regime. In addition, to ensure the personal safety of these persons, significant police forces, as well as other special services, were involved. Pakistan, February 23, 1974

Assassination attempts:

During the years of his reign, Muammar Gaddafi was assassinated more than once. The most notorious assassination attempts and plots against the Libyan leader include:

  • in June 1975, during a military parade, an unsuccessful attempt was made to fire at the podium on which Muammar Gaddafi was;
  • in 1981, conspirators from the Libyan Air Force made an unsuccessful attempt to shoot down a plane on which Gaddafi was returning to Tripoli from the USSR;
  • in December 1981 Colonel Khalifa Qadeer shot at Gaddafi and slightly wounded him in the shoulder;
  • in November 1985, a relative of Gaddafi, Colonel Hassan Ishkal, who intended to kill the Libyan leader in Sirte, was executed;
  • In 1989, during a visit by Syrian President Hafez al-Assad to Libya, Gaddafi was attacked by a fanatic armed with a sword. The attacker was shot dead by the guards.
  • in 1996, during the passage of Gaddafi's motorcade along the street of the city of Sirte, a car was blown up. The Libyan leader was not injured, but six people were killed in the assassination attempt. British MI5 agent David Shayler would later say that British MI6 was behind the assassination attempt;
  • in 1998, near the Libyan-Egyptian border, unknown people fired on the Libyan leader, but the main bodyguard, Aisha, covered Muammar Gaddafi with herself and died, and seven more bodyguards were injured. Gaddafi himself was slightly wounded in the elbow.

The late Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi leaves on an electric golf cart surrounded by his bodyguards after speaking at a mass rally in Tripoli. In his hands he holds flowers given to him by supporters. Then Gaddafi promised: "We will fight to the last man and woman! We will bring down our power on Europe and the United States of America for their pressure and interference in the internal affairs of Libya." Gaddafi also warned that thousands of Libyans would die if the US and NATO intervened in the conflict. (AP Photo / Ben Curtis). Tripoli, Libya, March 2, 2011.

On June 27, 2011, during the Libyan civil war, the International Criminal Court issued a warrant for the arrest of Muammar Gaddafi on charges of murder, illegal arrest and detention. Gaddafi was killed on October 20, 2011 during the capture of Sirte by the forces of the Transitional National Council.

Muammar Gaddafi was also remembered by the world community for the fact that he was accompanied everywhere by female bodyguards.

Trained female bodyguards took the oath and were ready to sacrifice their lives for Gaddafi. According to the Daily Mail, well-trained women bodyguards were well versed in various types of martial arts, as well as firearms. The girls went through a rigorous medical selection and passed exams in physical fitness. However, Gaddafi always made the final choice herself. The Daily Mail quotes him as saying, "Women must be prepared for combat so that they do not become easy prey for their enemies."

Egyptian guards prevent Gaddafi's bodyguards from entering the hall where a meeting of Arab leaders is taking place in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt on March 1, 2003. (Photo by Salah Malkawi/Getty Images).

Best photos:

A female bodyguard is near Gaddafi's car with a weapon in a holster. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, June 6, 1983.

This photo was taken by a REUTERS correspondent during a meeting between Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in the city of Mersa Matruh (circa 1989). "My attention was attracted by Gaddafi's bodyguards. Three women with AK-47s and one of them was pregnant. It seemed interesting to me and, of course, out of the ordinary," the journalist described this episode.

Personal bodyguard of the Libyan leader, Benghazi, April 29, 1992.

Without which Libya has been living for more than six years. The country, torn apart by civil war, still cannot recover after the former Libyan leader took millions from the treasury, lowering them on virgins for his protection, golden sofas and fly swatters, and planes painted with silver. The former leader of the Jamahiriya knew how to live in grand style, basking in luxury with his family. What did Gaddafi spend the Libyan budget on, found out.

Trucks with gold have arrived

“When I was in one of the many mansions of the Libyan leader, it seemed to me that I was in the legendary villa of the king of pop Neverland, which I saw only on TV. Our colonel lived like Aladdin from oriental tales, who had a magic lamp at his disposal. The Gaddafi family not only led the country, all of Libya belonged to them alone, all the wealth that the state received from the sale of oil, the leader of the Jamahiriya and his children disposed of at their own discretion, ”one of the rebels described what was happening when he got into Gaddafi’s house.

Indeed, everything that surrounded the colonel was saturated with luxury. The exact number of mansions and villas belonging to Gaddafi, scattered around the world, is unknown. The state of the leader of the Jamahiriya has also been rumored. According to Libyan media, it exceeded $200 billion. Gaddafi was not in vain known as one of the richest people of his time. In addition to foreign bank accounts and cash, he had profitable investments. Among his assets were the shares of one of the largest Italian banks Unicredit, the Finmeccanica industrial group, the companies of the Fiat automotive group, as well as the shares of the Juventus football club.

In addition, he appropriated part of the country's gold reserves. So, he transported from his hometown of Sirte to Niger about ten cars with gold, in which there were over 30 tons of the precious metal.

Villas, mansions and bunkers

Of the dozens of houses he owned, the dictator's favorite was the mansion in the small gated town of Regatta, nestled on a Mediterranean beach west of Tripoli. It was there that the rebels first of all came after the start of the "Arab spring" in the country.

Gaddafi's villa, designed by famous Italian specialists, was decorated with Burberry sofas, Pierre Cardin carpets, white pianos, frescoes, mosaics, paintings by famous artists and other expensive pieces of art. On the territory of the mansion was the personal zoo of the Libyan dictator. The town, owned by Gaddafi and his family, housed dozens of shops and diving centers, tennis courts, football pitches, clinics and restaurants.

“The Libyans could not only swim on the beaches of Regatta, but even approach the gates of this town. Everyone knew that if you just get close to them, you can immediately get a bullet in the forehead, ”recalls one of the rioters.

Despite the fact that Gaddafi was accustomed to living in luxurious houses and hotels, he never came to other states without his Bedouin tent. A luxurious tent was pitched in Moscow, New York, Paris, Brussels and many other cities. In it, he held official meetings. The tent, of course, did not leave the pages of oriental tales, but it was quite comfortable.

As they said in Gaddafi's entourage, he decided to settle in it back in 1986, after an explosion thundered in West Berlin. The bomb was planted at La Belle disco, popular with the US military. Upon learning that the Libyan intelligence services were involved in organizing the terrorist attack, the US president ordered the bombing of Libya. During the strikes of the US Air Force on Tripoli and Benghazi, the four-year-old adopted daughter of Gaddafi was killed.

For the first time, the colonel took a tent with him during an official visit to Belgrade. Live camels arrived with him - so that the Libyan leader could start every morning with a glass of fresh camel milk. Subsequently, trips abroad with camels have become a tradition.

More, more gold

The colonel had a particular weakness for gold. This precious metal was used to make a mermaid-shaped sofa, an AK-47 rifle, a watch, a golf cart, all cutlery, and even a fly swatter found in his house. According to one version, Gaddafi received a bullet in the forehead from his own golden pistol, which he never parted with.

It seemed that everything that Gaddafi liked to touch was made of gold, but there are exceptions. Gaddafi's Airbus A340 private jet, with a full-size jacuzzi on board, bought for $120 million, was finished in silver.

Round sums Gaddafi liked to lower and on his appearance. Surrounded by the dictator, they do not hide the fact that he was literally obsessed with looking young for as long as possible. The most active leader of the Jamahiriya fought wrinkles. To do this, he prescribed himself from Brazil the famous doctor Liasura Riberio, who later repeatedly performed plastic surgeries on him.

In pursuit of youth, Gaddafi liked to dress up. A kufi hat, a galabiya tunic, over a spacious dressing gown made of expensive fabrics, half-face designer sunglasses. His wardrobe was full of national clothes and military uniforms. He amazed the audience, appearing either in the tunic of a naval officer, or in the shoulder straps of an Air Force colonel, or in the form of ground forces. Gaddafi's style of dress might seem pretentious and somewhat ridiculous, but the Libyan leader himself considered himself a fashionable fellow. He was going to exhibit his luxurious costumes at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Negotiations about this were already underway, but the "Arab spring" intervened in the dictator's plans.

apple from apple tree

It affected not only Gaddafi himself, who was overthrown during the rebellion, but also members of his family: three of the seven sons of the leader of the Jamahiriya died at the very beginning of the civil war. Other relatives were forced to flee to neighboring countries. However, this was already later, and at the beginning of their lives Western monarchs could envy.

Representatives of the Gaddafi clan are accustomed to living in a big way: for several years in a row, on New Year's Eve, Beyoncé and who received a million dollars each performed in front of the richest Libyan family. Nelly Furtado came to the birthday of the leader of the Jamahiriya in 2007.

The children of Gaddafi did not lag behind their father. The house in Tripoli, which belonged to his daughter Aisha, turned out to be a palace in the style of the Egyptian queen Cleopatra. Roman statues, antique furniture, spacious swimming pool. From clothes - suits from Versace and Armani, designer shoes.

Not far from her house is the villa of one of Gaddafi's sons, Mutassim. He died in the midst of an uprising in Libya in 2011. As she wrote, "let his death be cruel and bloody, but his life was one endless extravagant party." According to the publication, the Libyan playboy lowered over two million dollars a month on all kinds of beach parties. In addition, under his mansion in the Libyan capital was a huge secret bunker with dozens of rooms.

Another son of Gaddafi - Saadi - was also only concerned about what else to spend his father's money on. He spent most of his time at his $1.6 million penthouse in Toronto, or at his mansion in Mexico, or at one of the beachfront villas, hosting lavish parties that American stars like 50 Cent frequented.

Despite the financial possibilities of his father, Saadi was never able to fulfill his childhood dream of becoming a famous football player. However, so that his son would not be upset, Gaddafi gave him the post of head of the Libyan Football Federation.

Women of the Colonel

Women were another weakness of the dictator. In the West, Gaddafi was famous for his secularism. At every opportunity, he declared that he was an opponent of polygamy. “A man should be content with just one wife,” he reasoned.

At the same time, the Libyan leader was constantly surrounded by dozens of beauties - he did not leave the house without his bodyguards, who were required to wear hairpins, dress in the latest fashion, and do perfect makeup and hairstyles. Initially, the West believed that he preferred girls because they have a better developed intuition, and they are able to quickly recognize the danger threatening the Libyan leader.

However, later more dirty details came to light. The main condition for employment as Gaddafi's bodyguard, in addition to her bright appearance, was the lack of sexual experience. Gaddafi recruited virgins, so that later, together with his sons, indulge in love joys with them.

You are not my friend

However, the leader of the Jamahiriya spent money not only on himself, his family and loved ones. As it turned out in 2012, after the death of Gaddafi, the dictator was a sponsor of various European politicians. So, in particular, he gave money for the election campaign of the future president of France. The dictator invested in a promising candidate in the hope that he would not forget about his friends when he became head of state. Gratitude from Western countries was really not long in coming.

In March 2011, a month after the start of the civil war in Libya, France and Britain intervened in the conflict between Gaddafi's supporters and the rebels. On their initiative, the forces supported the rebels. As many Libyan media now write, if it were not for the intervention from the West, Gaddafi would most likely have been able to suppress the uprising. However, during the coup, the leader of the Jamahiriya not only lost power, but was also brutally killed.

Muammar Gaddafi is guarded by 40 virgin bodyguards, reports with reference to The Daily Mail. The publication notes that the Libyan leader himself dyes his hair and uses makeup, harassing himself with more makeup than all these virgins from his guard.

“According to some reports, all girls take an oath to give their lives for Gaddafi, they are supposed to accompany him around the clock, day and night, and he insists that they remain virgins,” the newspaper writes. According to the author, the post of Gaddafi's bodyguard is considered prestigious. Pre-candidates undergo training in a special school that requires great physical exertion. Those who survive these tests become highly skilled assassins, marksmen and martial artists. “The final selection is made by Gaddafi, and although he assures that his bodyguards are chaste, it is often said that he requires services of an intimate nature from them,” the author writes.

Bodyguards use make-up, do manicures, wear jewelry and even stilettos, but their combat training has been repeatedly tested in practice, the publication reports. When Islamic fundamentalists ambushed Gaddafi's motorcade in Libya in 1998, one of the girls covered the leader with herself and died, while seven others were injured.

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