Women's intimate gymnastics for beginners. What exercises for intimate muscles will help a woman maintain health and establish a sexual life. How to do Kegel exercises for women

Intimate gymnastics for women - protection against diseases of the urogenital area, a guarantee of a vibrant sex life, mutual pleasure for both partners, facilitating pregnancy and childbirth. There is nothing difficult in the exercises, they can be performed at home, gradually increasing the pace and complexity.

The benefits of charging for intimate muscles

Training the muscles of the pelvic floor and vagina are necessary for any woman. They are helping:

  • avoid gynecological diseases;
  • prepare for pregnancy;
  • give birth naturally without injuries and ruptures;
  • restore the condition of the pelvic muscles after pregnancy;
  • significantly improve the quality of sex;
  • delay the onset of menopause and all the unpleasant symptoms associated with menopause.

Intimate gymnastics allows a woman to reach certain heights in her sexual life, create ideal conditions for intimacy not only for a man, but also for herself, and get an orgasm every time.

In addition, strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor improves blood circulation in the pelvis, prevents the development of congestion, leading to inflammation of the appendages, the development of neoplasms and tumors of the pelvic organs. For women whose periods are accompanied by severe pain and cramps, regular exercise will be a real salvation.

Kegel Method

The idea of ​​the need to train the muscles of the perineum for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases, including in men, belongs to the American gynecologist, professor at the University of South Carolina, Arnold Kegel.

He lived a long life, having been born at the end of the 19th century, and did not live very long until the new millennium.

Kegel studied the relationship between the muscle tone of the small pelvis and women's health (we are talking not only about the genital area, but also about other organs of the small pelvis - the excretory system, hemorrhoids). With the help of training, it is possible to cure urinary incontinence, prostatitis in men.

Under the leadership of Kegel, a special device was developed with which you can measure the strength of the pelvic floor muscles, as well as a patented method for training them - a set of Kegel exercises.

How to do Kegel exercises

With age, the intensity of sexual activity decreases, the hormonal background changes, and overall physical activity decreases. It happens that the muscles of the pelvic floor receive a minimal load or remain without it at all.

There is a displacement of the pelvic organs, the muscles lose elasticity and the ability to perform their functions. To avoid such troubles, girls and women should take care of their health themselves.

A set of Kegel exercises is simple, but effective both for preventive purposes and for prolapse of the uterus, stagnant processes in the small pelvis, decreased libido and sexual coldness. A course of exercises is recommended for men after removal of the prostate, as well as to improve male potency.

Kegel exercises are useful during pregnancy and preparation for childbirth, to avoid ruptures, to ensure a quick and painless birth of the baby. Trained muscles will quickly take shape and restore tone.

To understand what kind of muscles we are talking about, you need:

  1. Sitting on the toilet while urinating, try to stop the stream only with your muscles, without squeezing your legs.
  2. Insert the index and middle fingers into the vagina, spreading them with the letter V, and then try to connect with muscle effort.

Those muscles that will be involved are subject to training.

But it should be noted that certain exercises, especially at the initial stage, can be done in the car, at work, while watching TV or at the computer. From the outside, the efforts are not noticeable, but the benefits will be quite tangible. The result will be noticeable in two weeks.

A full set of exercises takes about 15-20 minutes. Gradually, the time of classes should be increased, bringing up to 45 minutes. This time period should not be exceeded.

First level

For girls and women who do not have experience in training intimate muscles, a special course for beginners has been developed. It includes several basic exercises (warm-up):

  • Exercise "Bench". Starting position - lying on the floor, legs slightly bent at the knees and spread apart. The palms lie below the navel on the abdomen. It is necessary to compress the muscles of the vagina and lift the sphincter (obturator muscle) up. After a second, relax and repeat the exercise again. For an effective result, the bench press is performed 100 times, after a rest of 30 seconds - one more approach. At the initial stage, difficulties may arise, so it is worth starting with a smaller number of contractions, gradually bringing them to normal. Breathing is even, measured.
  • Exercise "Bench press with tightening." It is performed as the first exercise with the difference that you need to try to keep the muscles of the vagina in a compressed state for a minute, and then relax. Repeat after 30 seconds. The muscles of the abdomen, back, buttocks should not strain. If you can not keep the tension for a minute, you need to reduce the time, gradually increasing it.
  • "Alternation" is the rapid contraction and relaxation of the muscles of the vagina. Exercise can be done lying down, sitting, repeated several times a day.
  • "Lift" - a gradual contraction of the muscles of the vagina from the bottom up. You need to try to gradually reduce the sections of the vagina from the bottom up and vice versa, fixing each "floor" for a few seconds.
  • The exercise consists in holding the contracted muscles of the vagina for a long time with such force as if you need to keep something inside. You need to start with 5-10 seconds, gradually increasing the time.
  • In contrast to the previous exercise, you need to simulate pushing an object out of the vagina without affecting the muscles of the abdomen, buttocks, and intestines.
  • "Fluttering" - the most rapid contraction and relaxation of the muscle. This exercise may seem difficult at the initial stage, but gradually it will become part of the daily complex of exercises.

Learn, learn, learn...

In many fitness centers, experienced trainers give exercises for the muscles of the perineum. Training includes individual work, groups are recruited for pregnant women and women who are recovering from childbirth. Under the guidance of a specialist, it is easier and easier to understand how to perform the exercises in order to get the desired result.

If it is not possible to work with a trainer, you can get training using a video.

Tatyana is sure that the connection between energy, Tao, and physiology lies at the heart of the classes. Only by restoring the balance, a woman can be healthy, beautiful, desirable. Physical and spiritual orgasm are inextricably linked, and the happiness of a man is a sensitive woman.

What do you think, is it possible for a modern woman to have time to give birth to children, carry heavy bags from the store, sit all day in the office, fight for the attention of men and at the same time maintain beauty and health?

Undoubtedly, it is not easy! However, today we are helped not only by modern achievements of medicine, but also by the precious knowledge of the East, designed to naturally make a woman healthy and always attractive and desirable.

Vumbilding or gymnastics for intimate muscles improves a woman's sexual functions, prevents and cures urinary incontinence, improves sensitivity in sex, and leads to brighter orgasms.

But let's start with a breast massage...

breast massage

This massage is quite effective if it is done after water procedures: taking a shower, bath or after a sauna or bath. Just at this moment, the pores of the skin are open and able to absorb creams and gels that correct the shape of the breast. How to do breast massage in order to benefit the body? To do this, it is enough to master the technique of self-massage, which is nothing complicated. The main thing is that the movements are light and do not exert mechanical pressure on the mammary gland.

First you need to apply on the skin of the chest cream or oil, previously heated in the palm of your hand. During the massage, rubbing, stroking, spanking is used - the main thing is that all movements are symmetrical and performed with fingers or their tips. Doing such movements for 20 minutes. daily, you will tone your muscles, and make your skin supple and toned.

Intimate gymnastics for women

Vumbilding, imbilding, rimbuilding, intimate physical education, sex gymnastics - all these are sets of exercises for the development of the pelvic and other intimate muscles in order to acquire the natural and necessary skills to master them in sex, during pregnancy, childbirth, and also for the prevention of various female diseases.
What is the essence of intimate gymnastics? To have a good command of the vaginal muscles, they should be constantly kept in good shape and trained.

The pelvic muscles line the bottom of the abdominal cavity, holding the weight of all internal organs and preventing them from prolapsing. However, the modern sedentary lifestyle and inactivity contribute to the fact that these muscles quickly lose their elasticity, which leads to many female diseases. It has been proven that the growth of any muscles in the body occurs before the age of 18, and if they are not maintained in the necessary tone, they begin to literally grow old.

Another important problem is the weight that women carry in their hands. This also applies to wearing baby in slings and baby carriers. The internal muscles, not having time to get stronger after childbirth, receive an additional load, gradually atrophy, becoming thin and weak. This can lead to deviations such ash asty of venous blood in the small pelvis. This is one of the most common troubles that provokes many diseases in both men and women. These include: edema, varicose veins, genitourinary diseases, prolapse of organs and hemorrhoids.

How does the problem of weakness of the pelvic floor muscles manifest itself?
This can be urinary incontinence when laughing, sneezing, lifting weights, a feeling of heaviness in the pelvic area, which increases with prolonged standing, the need to use sanitary pads even in the absence of menstruation (to prevent urine leakage), and, of course, the weakening of the pleasure of intimate life .

The purpose of the pelvic floor muscles is to keep the pelvic organs in the correct position and prevent the prolapse of the uterus and bladder. And when these muscles cease to cope with their function, problems begin: the prolapse of the uterus, and in the most advanced cases, its prolapse, when (I don’t want to scare you) surgical intervention is already required.

The good news is that the pelvic floor muscles, like any other muscle in our body, can and should be exercised. Back in 1950, gynecologist Arnold Kegel developed special exercises for women in the postpartum period to strengthen these important muscles.

Intimate gymnastics is a set of special exercises aimed at developing and strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor, as well as at the conscious control of the “muscles of love”. The purpose of the proposed gymnastics is the prevention of gynecological diseases, the treatment of existing abnormalities associated with the prolapse of internal organs, the enhancement of sexual sensations, as well as preparation for painless childbirth and recovery after pregnancy.

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Exercise 3

Home set of Wumbilding exercises

It is important to know:

  • It is advisable to practice on an empty stomach;
  • In order to feel and control the intimate muscles of the pelvic floor well, you must first learn how to strain them separately from the press, buttocks without holding your breath.;
  • Regular will bring you the best result T.

Before embarking on intimate gymnastics, you need to find and feel the right muscles, and you can also do a simple test for vaginal elasticity. Get a bath with water and lie down in it for 15 minutes, if you get into and collect water - you urgently need to start doing sex exercise. The necessary muscles are also easy to find: if you place your finger in the vagina, the necessary muscles will contract around it, as long as the muscles of the abdomen, thighs and buttocks are not involved at this moment.

At the elementary level:

At first, try simply squeezing your anus muscles in a series of contractions. After this has happened, try to pull it strongly and pull it up, pulling it into yourself. Do this several times, listen to yourself and feel with what muscles you are doing all this. Then we recommend that you try to feel the muscles of the entrance (urethro-vaginal sphincter), pulling up the PC muscle.

This complex intimate gymnastics for the home includes the following exercises:

1. Initial exercise.
Assuming a comfortable body position (standing, sitting on a chair, or in a Turkish position on the floor), focus your attention on the muscles of the perineum. To begin with, in order to correctly identify them, imagine that you are consciously interrupting urination. Remember which muscles are contracting at this moment. In the East, this practice is called Taoist urination. Now try cutting them again, holding them for 3 counts. It is important not to hold your breath and not strain your stomach and buttocks. Repeat the exercise at least 10 times and do it 2-3 more times throughout the day. As you get better at controlling your perineal muscles, increase the hold by 15-20 seconds.

2. Deep blink exercise or"Kegel" standing, sitting and lying position.
Squeeze the perineal input muscles as much as possible and then hold them in a retracted state for 10 seconds. Then let the muscles relax completely. After 10 seconds, strain them again and pull them up. Alternately perform muscle tension and relaxation for 5 minutes. Your daily goal is 500 blinks a day, or three sets of 5 minutes.

3. Perform "quick winks"
standing, sitting and lying position. Begin to quickly contract and relax the pelvic floor muscles at intervals of approximately 1-2 seconds for 3-5 minutes. You can turn on fast music and squeeze the perineum to the beat of the music, just try not to involve the stomach and buttocks.

4. Lower Lock Technique
Slightly tighten your intimate muscles, squeezing the entrance to the vagina itself, and wait a few seconds. After that, tighten the same muscles a little more and hold the state of retraction for 3-5 seconds, then tighten the muscles as much as possible and hold them for the same time. This exercise should then be performed in reverse order, gradually relaxing the intimate muscles. Perform the exercise at least 20 times.

5. Exercise "Tower"
The purpose of this exercise is to strengthen the oblique muscles of the abdomen, as well as the ability to simultaneously retract the lower abdomen along with the muscles of the anus. Pull your pelvic floor muscles up while pulling your lower abdomen up. Try to draw in the lower abdomen so that it pulls up and inward.
It should look like the anus and abs are merging together in the middle of the pelvis and stretching upwards.

6. Udiyana is a wonderful exercise,
which performs an internal massage of the organs, removes the stagnation of venous blood and teaches you to control one of the strongest muscles in our body - the diaphragm. Performing the exercise: stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees, exhale fully and place your hands on your hips. After exhaling completely, hold your breath for 10-15 seconds, slightly twisting the tailbone under you and lowering your chin. If you did everything correctly, then the stomach should pull up under the ribs, creating a feeling of vacuum. The number of repetitions is 2 times.

This exercise must be performed on an empty stomach. The ideal time for this exercise is in the morning. During menstruation, Udiyana and any exercises to retract the abdomen should not be performed.

7. Staircase
Be creative and blink whenever you remember! For example, when climbing stairs, place one foot on the step and perform a deep draw, squeezing the perineal sphincter. Then change the supporting leg. This will strengthen the muscles of the vagina from different sides.

8. Elevator
Slightly contract the muscles ("1st floor"), hold for 3-5 seconds, then continue to contract ("2nd floor"), hold again. So go 4-5 "floors". And vice versa: the same step-by-step movement "down" with a delay on each "floor".

According to lovestudio.com.ua, www.interfax.by

And some more video exercises from Wumbilding

The sets of intimate gymnastics exercises are designed specifically for women who want to always be attractive, young and healthy.

Another important condition - watch your breath! It must be smooth and natural. With each new week of classes, slowly increase the number of repetitions of exercises in each block. Ideally, Wumbling exercises are performed 100 to 200 times daily.
Another important nuance: make it a rule to do intimate gymnastics at the same time. Or at least “tie” training to some daily rituals. For example, like this: woke up, stretched - did compression exercises, brush your teeth - contraction exercises, etc. Such conventions, of course, will not improve the result, but they will definitely help to “prescribe” exercises in the daily routine for a long time. Indeed, as practice shows, most novice activists simply forget about training after a few weeks.

If you love yourself, strive to be healthy and want to receive and give pleasure during sex, you should try to learn a new type of physical education: o).

Developed muscles of the small pelvis hold the internal organs in the correct position. This function can be impaired, which is fraught with various kinds of disorders. In this case, intimate gymnastics will come to the rescue, which is a set of special Kegel exercises to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor.

Kegel exercises are the main method of non-drug prevention and treatment of conditions caused by pathological relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles. An indication for strengthening a muscle group is discomfort associated with dysfunction of the genitourinary system and rectum. Representatives of both sexes should promptly pay attention to signs of trouble and, at their first manifestations: drip urinary incontinence, prolapse of the walls of the uterus and vagina, hemorrhoids, erectile dysfunction, take appropriate measures.

For preventive purposes, intimate fitness will be useful:

  • Women planning to bear a child;
  • Pregnant women will be helped both to strengthen the intimate muscles of the vagina and perineum, and to increase their elasticity;
  • Women in the postpartum period to increase the tone and restore the contractility of the muscles of the pelvic floor;
  • Kegel exercises will be especially useful for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle;
  • Persons whose age has reached 30 years, to delay aging and prevent prolapse of the pelvic organs;
  • With a tendency to hemorrhoids;
  • In violation of blood circulation in the pelvis.

Intimate muscle training is necessary for pre-existing diseases and disorders:

  • Prolapse of the pelvic organs;
  • Enuresis, drip or total urinary incontinence;
  • Fecal incontinence;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • Violation of the quality of intimate life.

In the fight against deviations in physiology, the internal psychological mood of a person is important. We need to mobilize and remember that Kegel training will benefit deranged muscles at any age, at any stage of deviation. You just need to set aside a little time for classes and not be lazy to systematically perform them.

Contraindications to performing intimate gymnastics

Although the Kegel method is the simplest and easiest way to eliminate pathology, there are conditions in which physical stress on the target muscles is contraindicated. So that training does not cause even greater dysfunction of the pelvic organs and does not cause the development of other diseases, before performing them, it is necessary to exclude possible pathologies, such as:

  • Acute inflammatory processes in the uterus and bladder;
  • Erosive condition of the cervix;
  • Education of a benign or malignant nature in the organs of the genitourinary system;
  • Any uterine bleeding in the acute or chronic phase;
  • Acute circulatory disorders associated with diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Postoperative period;
  • With pathological pregnancies;
  • Violation of the general condition of the body - intoxication, fever, fever.

Having identified contraindications in yourself, you should postpone Kegel charging for some time and seriously deal with the elimination of health problems.

How the pelvic floor muscles work

It is visually impossible to trace the work of the pelvic floor muscles. Unlike a group of muscles such as the abdominals, the pubococcygeal (PC) muscle can only be felt. Many worry that they will not be able to find it, confusing it with the gluteal or abdominal muscles. This circumstance raises certain doubts and slightly undermines interest in training. However, the problem of violation of the tone of the pelvic floor muscles in itself will not go anywhere, and exercises are the only available way to correct the situation without surgical intervention.

Finding the right muscle is quite simple. You can determine it during urination, stopping the process at least three or four times until the jet is completely blocked. The muscle that allows you to do this is the target pelvic floor muscle, which, when weakened, must be pumped up with daily exercises. How easy it is to do this depends on the degree of strength or neglect of the PC muscle. During the procedure, the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks should be as relaxed as possible.

How to do Kegel exercises for women?

For women, Kegel exercises for the small pelvis will strengthen the intimate muscles of the vagina, which are responsible for women's health. Women's practice is also called.

In order to start training, you do not need to be distinguished by a strong physical form. You can perform techniques at any time, in any position of the body. A hearty breakfast, lunch or dinner will also not be a physiological obstacle to their implementation. Special workouts are so invisible to others that they can be performed anywhere. However, in order to seriously tune in to the result, Kegel exercises are best done at home.

There are rules that must be followed when performing exercises to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor for women. Before classes, it is necessary to empty the bladder, if possible, the intestines. The complex of Kegel exercises for women includes classes of various types of complexity.

Slow contractions

This Kegel exercise engages the muscles responsible for stopping urination:

  • Tighten your muscles and hold the tension for up to three seconds;
  • Let the muscles rest for three seconds;
  • Repeat the cycle up to 10-20 times.

In the future, increase the voltage holding time to 20 seconds.


This technique for slow muscle contraction has a more complex level of training; when performing it, you need to mentally draw an analogy with an elevator:

  • Slightly, slowly squeeze the muscles and fix them in this position for a short time - up to three seconds;
  • Without releasing or relaxing them, continue to slowly squeeze to reach an average level. Hold in this state for three to five seconds;
  • Further, the “elevator” follows in the direction of the “upper floor” itself, which means to fully compress the intimate muscles as much as possible;
  • Upon reaching the "upper floor", the "elevator" begins a slow descent - the muscles work in reverse order, step by step, overcoming the path from intense compression to less pronounced.
  • At the finish, take a starting position, relax.


Before starting this exercise to strengthen the muscles of the vagina, you need to calm and even out breathing.

  • Training consists in very fast alternating contraction and relaxation of muscles;
  • Each breath is accompanied by contraction;
  • Each exhalation is relaxation.
    Repeat with short breaks of 20-30 seconds.


  • Perform straining, similar to trying to empty the intestines. Women who have given birth can remember labor pains and simulate them with the help of the right muscles;
  • Hold the muscles in tension for up to five to seven seconds, rest a little and repeat five times;
  • Initially, untrained pelvic floor muscles should be trained once a day, performing each Hegel exercise for no more than five to ten seconds.

Kegel training is performed up to five times a day, the duration of a single exercise gradually increases - several dozen repetitions are done in one approach.

How to do Kegel exercises for men

Men tend to ignore the problems of the genitourinary system and in vain. Regular training of intimate muscles with the help of the Kegel complex will help to avoid diseases of the prostate and rectum, restore disturbed urination processes and sexual function. Technically, intimate fitness for men is not much different from women's practice, but there are still some peculiarities here. In addition to tension in the perineum, men in Kegel exercises should focus on training the gluteal muscles.

Consider how to do Kegel exercises for men.


Ordinary semi-squats are additional premiums for strengthening the abdominals and paravertebral muscles, and will help tone the gluteal muscles. You need to squat each time in different ways:

  • Squat down with arms outstretched forward;
  • Squat with legs wide apart. In this case, hands should be kept on the hips;
  • Squat alternately on one and the other knee;
  • Holding on to the back of a chair, sit down, pushing one leg forward;
  • Repeat the exercise with the other leg.

Cut and stop

Here you need to use the lower abdominal muscles. They are easy to detect during urination by holding and releasing the jet for a few seconds. Those muscles that first contracted and then relaxed are related to the pubococcygeal muscles.

  • Feeling it inside the body, slowly strain and count to ten;
  • Relax for the same time;
  • Repeat ten times.


The exercise is the same as in intimate gymnastics for women. The difference is in the longer muscle tension.

  • Slowly squeeze the muscles quite a bit, delay the process for ten seconds;
  • Without relaxing, squeeze them to an average level with a delay of ten seconds;
  • Continue to squeeze, reaching the highest level. Keep them in this position for as long as possible.

Endurance Compression

As far as possible to compress the target muscles, hold for as long as possible. With a tenfold repetition, they begin to actively strengthen.

Quick cuts

Achieve the effect of vibration through intense contraction and relaxation of the muscle. A fast pace must be correctly combined with breathing. Inhale - contraction, exhale - relaxation.

By doing Kegel exercises regularly, men will learn to feel the muscles of the pelvis and control them in those situations when it is necessary. Strengthening the muscles of the small pelvis will relieve them of many complexes.

How to strengthen intimate muscles in other ways

Kegel Trainer - Perineometer

To achieve a special effect, women can supplement the Kegel complex with additional ways to train the vaginal muscles. are various cones and balls that must be held in the vagina by force.
There is a special device - a perineometer, with which it is easy to check the condition of the muscles. In free sale, such sensors are rare. Basically, they are common in hospitals in the departments of physiotherapy.

Massage of intimate areas along with exercises helps to strengthen the muscles of pregnant women before childbirth, making them more elastic.

Yoga classes are also good for the development and training of intimate muscles. The use of Bandha locks in yoga practice has a beneficial effect on the condition of the muscles.

Most people note that Kegel gymnastics gives the first result within two to three months after the start of classes. If you do not stop there, then the positive dynamics in strengthening the muscles of the small pelvis will only grow. To achieve maximum effect, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Performing techniques, you need to breathe deeply and calmly;
  • Women performing exercises for intimate muscles need to ensure that the hips, gluteal and abdominal muscles are not involved in the process;
  • Give the load on the muscles gradually and without long passes;
  • After the most difficult level of training has been mastered, increase the repetitions of each exercise up to 200 times, but no more;
  • It is not recommended to perform Kegel exercises while urinating. This can have the opposite effect and increase the risk of infection of the genitourinary system;
  • Use vaginal simulators only after preliminary strengthening of the muscles of the perineum.

Trained muscles provide reliable support to the pelvic organs, due to which urinary control is restored, an increase in potency is noted. A consultation with a gynecologist or urologist will help determine how effectively the pelvic floor muscles and surrounding organs have been strengthened.

I continue the series of articles on intimate gymnastics. You already know that intimate gymnastics is an ideal tool for improving women's health and normalizing hormonal balance, female energy, getting rid of troubles like prolapse of organs and incontinence.

Today I will talk about basic exercises and what mistakes people usually make when they start doing intimate gymnastics.

What is intimate gymnastics and why is it needed?

Gymnastics of intimate muscles is a system of exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles and ligaments of the pelvic floor, the whole body. To improve blood supply and work of the internal organs of the small pelvis.

There are various practices in yoga, tai chi, qi-gong, tantra aimed at working the muscles of the perineum. In the Eastern ancient traditions, it was a way to prolong youth and sexual activity.

But doctors really paid attention to intimate gymnastics in the 20th century. Doctor-gynecologist from the USA Arnold Kegel noticed that more and more women are turning to him with atypical (then) problems - prolapse of organs, stagnation of blood in the small pelvis.

Later, the results of studies showed that people simply sat on the soft chairs of cars and cozy sofas at home, and physical activity fell. As you understand, the situation is only getting worse, given that the lifestyle is becoming sedentary.

Arnold Kegel developed and patented the simulator and exercises for training the muscles of the perineum. So gymnastics of intimate muscles became recognized as official medicine.

Intimate gymnastics is important

The fact is that the ovaries in women and the prostate in men are hormonal centers responsible for reproduction, vitality, skin and hair condition.

The hormones produced in these centers are responsible for youth and femininity in women and masculinity and activity in men. There is no normal production of hormones - there is no health, a full and vibrant life.

You need to do intimate gymnastics if you:

  • lead a sedentary lifestyle;
  • gave birth to a child;
  • have problems with uterine prolapse;
  • suffer from hemorrhoids;
  • have cases of involuntary urination;
  • you cannot conceive a child, become pregnant;
  • dissatisfied with sex life;
  • think that you have frigidity;
  • you can't relax in sex.

But gymnastics, like any medicine, can bring not only benefits but also harm.

Our organs are a delicate system in which everything is interconnected. Intimate muscles should be flexible, strong and in good shape, but not tuned in any way to press with a 10 kg kettlebell.

Therefore, you need to very carefully tone the muscles, otherwise the sensitivity will gradually disappear, and you, like a bodybuilder, will get lost in pursuit of a strong grip on your vagina.

To get rid of omissions, it is worth thinking not only about strengthening the muscles of the perineum, but also about other muscles. You can’t get rid of the omission if your abs, legs and hips do not work as a frame for the ligaments and internal organs.

A woman must learn not only to tense up, but also to relax, otherwise the circulation of energy will be disturbed. In my trainings, I teach breathing, energy filling, meditations to rejuvenate and restore the whole body and genitals.

In the exercises that I will describe below, everything is chosen in balance: work on intimate muscles, ligaments of the pelvic floor and the general tone of the body, a way to fill with energy. I want you to get started.

Five basic exercises for every day from the course "Intimate Gymnastics. First step"

1. We develop and warm up ligaments.

We bring the pelvis to a level position (we press the “tail”), then smoothly move the pelvis forward and return to the starting position exactly. We begin to do the exercise slowly in order to stretch the ligaments. Then from the position exactly we take the pelvis back and again return to the position exactly. Increase the number of times gradually. We start with 8-10 repetitions. Gradually, the pelvis will move easily in any direction.

2. Circular rotations (for ease of movement and increase the mobility of the lower spine).

Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, knees soft, half-bent, back straight.

The upper body, shoulders, waist are static, only the pelvis works. Circular rotation of the pelvis. First one way, then the other. Start slowly, gradually increasing the pace and the number of repetitions. To start, do 7-10 reps.

3. Exercise for basic training of intimate muscles.

Starting position: as in the previous exercises.

On inhalation, we squeeze, and on exhalation, we gradually relax the muscles of the vagina and anus alternately. First, the vagina - squeezed, detained, counted to three, released. Then also the muscles of the anus: squeezed, delayed, released. How many accounts we delay the tension so much and relax. The main thing in this exercise is not to rush, to feel what is happening inside. Start with 8 reps. If you are comfortable, increase their number to 16, only gradually, the main thing is your feelings. This exercise can be done on the way to work or at work.

4. Exercise to strengthen the muscles of the pelvis, hips.

We stand in the same position, feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, back straight.

We bring the pelvis forward so that the coccyx looks directly at the floor, we follow the posture. On inspiration, we strain the legs, hips, buttocks and perineum as much as possible. We hold on 16 accounts and smoothly relax. We repeat 3-5 times.

5. Technique for increasing female energy.

Choose a comfortable position, standing or lying on your back. Rub your palms until you feel warmth or heat, feel the ball of golden energy between your hands. Now put your palms on the ovaries on the lower abdomen. Feel how your internal organs are filled with warmth, light and health. Breathe through your hands for 3-5 minutes to fix the feeling of warmth inside.

This little complex can be done at any time. The task is to warm up, tone up and relax and fill our female organs with energy and activity.

Four typical mistakes in intimate gymnastics

The first, most common mistake: to believe that a couple of months of intimate gymnastics will help for life and return fireworks to sex.

No matter how upset I am, the fact is that most of the popular intimate gymnastics classes and courses promise amazing results, most often in the form of an improvement in intimate life, and quickly. They are right, but there is one subtlety.

Gymnastics, including this one, is a set of exercises aimed at general strengthening of the body. And it works if you do it regularly, at least several times a week.

There will be no results in the form of a partner’s delight a week after the start of classes. And if you stop doing gymnastics for more than a year, then the muscles will relax again and return to their original state. And such “swings” will not benefit either you or your muscles.

The second most popular mistake: pumping intimate muscles with the help of strength exercises.

You may have seen videos or photos of girls lifting heavy objects and even kettlebells with the help of intimate muscles.

This is impressive, but there is one danger - pumping intimate muscles can lead to loss of their sensitivity. Do the whole complex in turn - first warm-up and classical exercises, and only then power, but without extreme, very carefully. And not from the first lesson, but after a few months of regular training.

The third mistake: start exercising immediately after childbirth, abdominal operations.

Remember, in the last letter I talked about the practice of recovery after childbirth in France? So: there, the restoration of female organs and muscles is allowed at least 2-3 weeks after childbirth.

It’s not worth it before, because the body has already experienced a lot of stress and is in the process of self-healing, hormonal adjustment. And if you still start to practice, you can get a lot of problems, from torn seams to pain.

Mistake #4: Waiting for a "better time".

For several months I have been writing articles and letters about intimate gymnastics. Perhaps you will recognize yourself in the description of problems or desires. But you make one of the most common mistakes - you put it off for later.

You can't put your health on the back burner. Do not wait until there is time for yourself and for yourself. Set aside a few minutes a day right now and start doing at least a basic set of exercises.

And if you want to know more or doubt whether you need intimate gymnastics or not, watch the webinar "Intimate gymnastics for beginners: a guide to action":

The quality of sexual life and the health of the genital organs depends on many factors. First of all, you need to carefully monitor the condition of this zone in order to avoid many problems. One of the best options would be intimate gymnastics, the exercises of which are an effective way to prevent many diseases in both women and men.

Also, a set of exercises helps muscle tissue to always remain in good shape, which contributes to more pleasure during sexual intercourse. There are many programs that you can practice at home.

What is intimate gymnastics and why is it needed

Beauty and health depend on the coordinated work of the whole organism. The genitals in this process play a significant role, since they have many important functions. Intimate gymnastics is a set of special exercises designed to strengthen the muscles of the small pelvis. The main objective of such training is to prevent age-related diseases and improve sexual life for both partners.

For women

Intimate muscle training has a number of positive factors for the female body. Such gymnastics is recommended for women over 40 to prevent early menopause, as well as for young girls who are just about to become mothers.

Thanks to intimate training, women achieve the following positive effects:

  1. Pregnancy and childbirth are easier, not so painful.
  2. There is a delay in climax.
  3. After childbirth, muscle tissue quickly returns to shape.
  4. A stable menstrual cycle is established, menstruation proceeds painlessly.
  5. The general condition of the body improves.
  6. Intimate gymnastics for women helps to quickly get rid of excess weight, gets in shape.

Also trained pelvic floor muscles have an aesthetic criterion. Elastic toned buttocks emphasize the slimness of the figure, betray her more femininity. It has been experimentally proven that girls with a strong athletic pelvis are more likely to win male attention.

For men

For men, Arnold Kegel also developed a special exercise that helps maintain the function of procreation. With the help of such exercises, the following results are obtained:

  1. The muscles of the abdomen, intimate places are strengthened, which contributes to their greater endurance.
  2. The period of reproductive function is extended.
  3. Spermatozoa become more dexterous, which increases the chance of fertilization.
  4. Gymnastics helps prevent prostate adenoma and other diseases of the male genital organs.

For shy men, there are also video lessons that you can practice without leaving your home.

Kegel exercises for both genders

Such gymnastics is equally useful for both the female and the male body. It helps to stay in good physical shape and also feel great. Partners will be able to give each other an unforgettable sexual pleasure.

The main advantage of Kegel gymnastics is that it does not require long training. It can be done almost anywhere: at work, driving a car, at the table during dinner, in the supermarket. But for beginners, it is recommended to allocate a few minutes of free time, find a quiet place and master the technology correctly.

The very first task before gymnastics is to learn how to feel your intimate muscles. To do this, it is recommended to delay the process of releasing urine from the urethra several times for 2-3 seconds, and then resume it again. After satisfying the physical need, the exercise must be repeated in the normal state several more times. After the vaginal muscles are ready, you can start training.

To achieve the result, training should be carried out regularly for 60-90 days, devoting them daily for 20-30 minutes.

The simplest and most recommended exercise for beginners is to contract and relax the intimate muscles. At a fast pace, you need to do such manipulations for 15 seconds, then rest the same amount and repeat again. And so three more times. It is necessary to perform 10 approaches 3 times a day.

Basic Kegel Trainers

For greater efficiency during charging, it is recommended to use special devices. They are needed in order to strengthen the muscles of the vagina. Consider a few popular simulators that are considered the most effective. Such devices include:

  1. Pneumatic - controls pressure in the lower abdomen, and also massages the walls of the vagina. This tones the muscles. Before use, read the description of the course of action on the package.
  2. Laser - helps to properly perform training. It also "reports" the work performed using special sensors.
  3. Egg - has a lot in common with classic vaginal balls. This name was given due to the oval shape, which facilitates easy insertion into the vagina. The simulator is worn inside the genitals for a certain period of time. This helps to learn to feel the intimate muscles and control their tension.

Each of these devices is aimed at improving the state of the intimate environment. To select the appropriate option, you need to consult with your doctor.

Vumbilding - a set of exercises

Before starting training intimate muscles at home, you need to learn how to feel them correctly. To do this, use the Kegel technique for their tension and relaxation. After learning control, you can move on to wumbling. Such activities help to keep the female organs in shape without much effort. Gymnastics is convenient to perform independently at home. You don't have to spend a lot of time exercising.

To master them, you do not need to study for a long time. You just need to read the description on the forums or watch videos with instructions. The main trainers include:

  1. "Blink" or "Swing". This type of training got its name due to technology. It is performed as follows: first you need to feel the extreme vaginal muscles and strain them. Hold in a compressed state for 10-15 seconds, and let them gradually relax. After a ten-second rest, repeat the manipulation. Continue the lesson for 5 minutes. It is recommended to do 3 sessions per day with breaks. In this mode, the average number of flashes reaches 500 per day.
  2. The next exercise is called "winking". In contrast to the "swing", the manipulation of intimate organs must be performed quickly and dynamically. The interval between contractions and relaxation of the muscles is about 2-3 seconds. The training is also continued for 5 minutes and repeated three times a day.
  3. "Lock". It consists in the gradual tension of the muscles and their gradual relaxation. First, the muscle tissue should be slightly tensed for a few seconds. Then do the same, but with more force. The third time the compression is carried out as tightly as possible. Relaxation is carried out in the reverse order. It is recommended to repeat daily 20 times.
  4. "Tower" Exercise is called so because its main task is to pull the muscles as high as possible. At the same time, you need to direct the intimate organs and the lower abdomen so that the muscle tissue rushes up. Repeat 10-15 times.
  5. "Udiyana". A difficult but effective exercise that allows you to train not only the intimate area, but the entire body. It is necessary to put your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees, exhale as much as possible and put your hands on your hips. Breathing should be held for 20 seconds. Perform 2 times a day on an empty stomach.

During menstruation, classes are not recommended. There is a separate charge for pregnant women. Before performing it, be sure to consult a gynecologist.

Vumbilding simulators

To train intimate muscles, vaginal balls or a simulator called an “egg” are most often used. When buying a device, you need to pay attention to the material from which it is made. Medical silicone or natural hypoallergenic materials are best.

The size and weight is determined individually. For the first lessons, larger and lighter balls are suitable, which can be reduced and weighted as the muscles adapt. Also, do not forget about the regularity of training. Strict adherence to the regime allows you to accustom the body to discipline and set up biorhythms for self-healing.


The intimate environment is an important part of both the female and male body. The genitals are entrusted with many important tasks, the main of which is the reproductive function. For normal operation, it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition and maintain it in good condition. Intimate gymnastics helps in this as well as possible.

Exercises vary widely in difficulty. Anyone who wants to maintain health for many years is recommended to master at least the simplest of them. With the help of special simulators, it is much easier to achieve the desired result. But their choice must be taken seriously. . Also, to prevent the development of diseases, it is necessary to regularly visit a doctor of the appropriate profile. Such a precautionary measure is necessary for everyone, without exception, regardless of gender and age.

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