Automatic turning on and off the computer. TimePC program to turn off the computer on schedule

Program to automatically turn off and turn on the computer

There are situations when it is necessary to turn off the computer at a specific time, but you cannot do this due to your absence. Or when you fell asleep watching a movie late at night while lying on the couch. In addition, I want the computer to turn on on a certain day at the appointed time and launch the application necessary to complete an important task - for example, an audio player with loud music early in the morning :) - free program turns the computer off and on on a given day and at a specific time.

Save time at work. After all, every time you come to the office you turn on the computer, launch the editor and check email. Let everything be ready for your arrival, in case you are late! And when you go home from work, let the computer turn itself off - cope. There is so little time for life.

Program installation

Install the TimePC program and the computer will stop making fan noise at night by turning off at the appointed time. Set the date and time to automatically turn on the computer, add to the list of applications to run when you turn on the computer programs that you run every morning - save yourself from unnecessary movements. The TimePC utility will turn the computer on and off for you, prepare working environment on the desktop when starting the PC.

To install the TimePC program, download the distribution kit of the utility, run it and follow the instructions of the installer. The installation process is very simple, just a few clicks and TimePC will start working on your computer.


If you decide to update the program, first close TimePC, uninstall and then install the new version.

The interface of the TimePC program is very simple, all settings and functions fit in one small window. The utility takes up very little space on the hard drive, does not interfere with work operating system and other programs. TimePC sits quietly in the system tray and is always ready to perform your task of turning off and on the computer at the specified date and time. TimePC supports Russian and English languages, runs under Windows XP/Vista/7.

Principle of operation

TimePC uses such function ACPI(advanced configuration interface and power management) as hibernation- in other words, putting the computer into an energy-saving mode of operation. If expressed in "computer" language, then TimePC is not turns off, but puts the computer into hibernation mode and does not includes, and brings it out of this mode. Most modern computers competently know how to transfer the PC to this mode. If the PC does not support hibernation, the program will not wake the computer from " deep sleep". If there are ACPI settings in the BIOS settings of the motherboard, but when the computer shuts down with the TimePC program (more correctly, it goes into hibernation), the fan continues to make noise, then you need to select S3 / STR in the ACPI Sleep Time option (there is also S1 / POS) .


In order to turn off and turn on the computer according to the schedule, the program implements the Scheduler. For each day of the week, you can set the time for the computer to automatically enter and exit hibernation mode. TimePC will automatically start the PC, provided that the program itself turns it off.

If you have any questions about the TimePC program, write to the author.

If the computer displays a user selection window with a password when resuming from hibernation mode, and you want to disable this prompt, you must do the following: click Start => Control Panel => Power Options. In the window that opens, click "Require password on wakeup" and select "Change currently unavailable settings". After that, the option "Do not ask for a password" will become available for selection.

If the program "does not turn on the computer on time" try the following: Control Panel => Power Options => Set up a power plan => Change advanced power settings => Sleep => Allow wake timers => On.

TimePC 1.7 from 02/09/2015

Added the option to restart the computer after resuming from hibernation. With this option enabled, the PC will restart 1 minute after waking up.

TimePC 1.6 from 10/18/2014

Now, 30 seconds before turning off the computer, a window pops up with a countdown. The error of launching the program on Windows with an English interface has been fixed. TimePC version 1.6 also runs on 64-bit Windows.

TimePC 1.5 from 02/19/2012

  • The program has been translated into German.

TimePC 1.4 from 01/13/2012

  • A scheduler has been added to TimePC, now you can turn the computer on and off according to a schedule.

TimePC 1.3 from 08/24/2011

  • Added a function to select the mode of turning off the computer by a specified time and date - switching to hibernation or completely turning off the PC.

TimePC 1.2 from 07/07/2011

  • The interface of the program has been changed, the work of the program has been optimized.
  • An error that occurred when switching from the 31st to the 1st of the next month has been fixed - the program did not activate the computer.

TimePC 1.1 from 07/04/2011

  • Feature added automatic update, fixed a bug with incorrect display of the program interface when screen scaling is enabled.
  • Fixed error that occurs on Windows XP when the computer is turned off. If the user turned off the PC through the Start menu, the program did not allow the session to end.

TimePC 1.0 from 06/28/2011

  • The first version of the program

Official site:
OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7
Necessary: ACPI
Supported languages: Russian English German
Version: 1.7
License:freeware (for free)

File size 1.9 MB

Some users need to configure the computer to turn off according to time or even on scheduled days at certain hours. The reasons can be different, and the most banal one is that you already start watching some movie at night and don’t want the computer to work until the morning if you suddenly fall asleep :) The same function is used by some on TVs and all for the same reason.

And the most interesting thing is that such a function in a computer is far from being on the surface. It seems that a computer is such an omnipotent device, but such a banal function is somewhere tucked away that a beginner will not find it!

So, from this article you will learn how, using a simple command in the Windows console, you can configure the computer to turn off after a certain number of seconds, as well as how to set the computer to turn off at a certain time on certain days!

Beginners should not be afraid of the words "Console", "Command line" and the like, since we are not talking about programming and other difficult tasks! I'll show you an example and you'll understand...

So, now we will consider 2 ways to turn off the computer in time:

    Simple shutdown of the computer after a specified number of seconds;

    Turn off the computer on the specified day and time.

How to set a timer to turn off the computer?

To accomplish this task, we only need the Windows command line.

In any operating system, you can quickly find the command line through the search. For example, in Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7, open the Start menu and type "cmd" in the search box at the bottom. The Command Prompt application appears in the list.

If you have Windows 8, then also open "Start", then click on the search icon on the right:

In the field that appears, type "cmd", and the Command Prompt program will immediately appear in the search results:

And finally, if you have the latest development from Microsoft - Windows 10, then the default search icon will be located right next to the Start button. Click on it, enter "cmd" and you will see the "Command Prompt" application:

To complete our task, administrator rights may be required, and therefore, in order not to look for the reason why the timer shutdown may not work, we will run the command line as an administrator. To do this, right-click on the program icon and select "Run as administrator":

You should have a black command prompt window that looks like this:

Please note that if you have in this window instead of the path " C:\Windows\system32' specifies the path to the user's folder (for example, ' C:\Users\John”), then you did not run the command line as an administrator, but as a regular user! In this case, it is better to close it and open it again as an administrator.

After the command line has been launched, it remains to correctly register one command and you're done!

Shutdown command is used to shut down and restart the computer at the Windows command prompt.

We type the following on the command line:

Where 3600 is the number of seconds after which your computer will shut down. If you now press the "Enter" button on your keyboard, your computer will be turned off after 1 hour, because one hour is exactly 3600 seconds. It is very easy to calculate :) We know that there are 60 seconds in one minute, and since these minutes are also 60 in an hour, we multiply 60 by 60 and get 3600. For example, 1 hour 20 minutes is 4800 seconds.

Now with regard to these characters "/s" and "/t".

These are the 2 parameters that I specified for shutdown commands. The "/s" parameter means that the computer should just shut down, and not restart or simply log out. For example, to reboot, you need to specify “/ r” instead of “/ s”. Parameter "/t" - allows you to set the time before the command is triggered. For example, if we specified a command without "/t", i.e. like this "shutdown / s", then the computer would turn off instantly.

Now, I think you understand everything. Just specify your time before turning off the computer and press the "Enter" key!

The command line window will close and the countdown will start immediately. This will give you a warning message, for example:

A warning of this format is issued when only a few minutes are left before the computer is turned off.

But if you set a long timer, for example, for an hour or more, then when you start it, you will simply receive a notification in the system area:

If you suddenly decide to cancel the action of the timer, then you need to enter the command line again and execute the following command there and press "Enter":

At the same time, you will receive a notification in the system area that the scheduled shutdown has been canceled:

This is what it looks like simple circuit turn off the computer on a timer.

Now let's take a look at more interesting option- how to postpone the shutdown of the computer for a specific day and time.

How to set the computer to turn off at the right day and time?

To implement this possibility, we need system utility Task Scheduler and Notepad.

Through the Windows Task Scheduler, you can schedule the execution of any program on a specific day and time, and even set a recurring task for different periods e.g. daily, weekly.

There is only one catch: through the scheduler, it will not be possible to open the command line, as it was done, and write a shutdown command there. This is because we need some kind of file to run, which can be specified in the scheduler and which will contain the command to turn off the computer.

This issue is very easy to solve! You need to open a notepad, write “shutdown / s / t 000” there, re-save the text document to a file with the “.bat” extension (for example, “Shutdown.bat”), and then point to this file in the task scheduler.

Now let's take a closer look, point by point:

    Open Windows notepad. It is available by default in any Windows system and can be found in the Start menu, in the Accessories category, or by searching for Windows and typing Notepad.

    In notepad write: shutdown /s /t 000.

    Here, using the “shutdown” command, we indicated the action to shutdown / restart the computer or log off the system.

    With the “/s” parameter, we specify the action - to perform exactly shutting down the PC!

    With the “/t” parameter, we specify a timer before shutdown - 0 seconds, which means that the computer will turn off instantly without delay.

    Here's how it should turn out:

    Resave the notepad file to a file with the “.bat” extension. To do this, in Notepad, click File > Save As.

    In the save window, specify the location where the file with the command to turn off the computer will be stored, after which we specify any file name, but so that it must be “.bat” at the end, and not “.txt”:

    For example, like mine - "Shutdown.bat". The name before ".bat" can be anything!

    If you saved the file correctly, it will look like this in the system:

    If it looks like a regular text document, then most likely you forgot to specify the ".bat" extension when saving, and therefore do this step again.

    What is this BAT file? A file with the ".bat" extension allows you to execute Windows commands one by one, as well as various scripts. In our case, only one command is registered - turn off the computer immediately.

    Open the task scheduler and set up the launch of the created Bat-file.

    The Task Scheduler is also built into all Windows systems by default and can be found by searching or through the control panel: Control Panel > System and Security > Administrative Tools.

    This is what the task scheduler looks like:

    In it on the right, in the "Actions" window, open the item "Create a simple task»:

    The scheduled task setup wizard will open, where you need to go through several steps. In the first window that appears, enter the name of the task, for example, "Turn off the computer" and click "Next":

    In the next step, you need to mark when the scheduled task will be performed? It depends on when you want to turn off your computer. For example, you can set the task to run daily, and then you will need to specify the execution time. You can set up a weekly shutdown and then you can select specific days and times to complete the task.

    And if you just want to set up a one-time shutdown of the computer on a specific day and time, then select the “Once” item.

    Now, depending on which shutdown period you set in the previous step, you will need to specify the month/days/time to turn off. If you specified a one-time execution of the task ("Once"), then you need to select only the day and time to turn off.

    You can specify the date manually with numbers or select using the calendar.

    After setting the date and time of shutdown, click on the "Next" button:

    In the next step, select an action for the task. We mark "Run the program" and click "Next":

    In the next window, select our created file with the “.bat” extension, where the shutdown command is laid. Click on the "Browse" button and select this file on your hard drive, then click "Next":

    In the last window, mark the item marked in the image below and click "Finish":

    This option means that after clicking "Finish", a additional window properties of the created task. We need this to enable the execution of the program with administrator rights.

    A window will open in which on the first tab "General" we mark the item "Run with highest rights" below and click "OK":

All! The scheduled task has been created. Now, as soon as the date and time you specified arrive, the computer will immediately turn off.

If you suddenly want to change any parameters of the scheduled task, then open the task scheduler again, select "Task Scheduler Library" in the left part of the window, right-click on the task you created in the list in the center, and select "Properties" from the menu that opens :

A window will open where on several tabs you can change all the settings that you configured!

In this way, you can set the computer to turn off by time (timer), as well as schedule a shutdown for any day and time, and even set up a regular task execution. I am sure that such an opportunity can be useful to someone.

See you in the next posts :)

Perhaps many of the users of stationary personal computers wondered how to organize automatic switch on And shutting down the computer at a given time or on a schedule. In this article, we will consider one of the more accessible methods.

To implement this function of the personal computer, we will use exclusively the built-in capabilities of the BIOS input-output system and the operating system. Microsoft Windows 7. Usage software third-party manufacturer is excluded by itself.

We define a schedule that consists of necessary conditions, i.e. we need the personal computer to turn on every weekday at 07:00 am and turn off at 17:00 pm. Regarding weekends, due to a limitation in the BIOS input / output system, the computer will start at 07:00 in the morning and turn off after 10 minutes as unnecessary, because. no one is at work.

So, let's begin. When you turn on the computer, you need to enter the BIOS input / output system. To do this, press the key "DELETE", this key is mainly used in many motherboards, but there are still other uses of the keys, such as:

Esc F1 F2 F3 F10 F11 F12

After pressing the "DEL" key, the BIOS system menu will be displayed and will look something like the one shown in the figure below:

Set the value of the "Resume by Alarm" parameter to , activating the computer to turn on according to the schedule. In the “x Date (of Month) Alarm” parameter, you can select a daily execution or specify the desired day of the month, in our case we will use the first one - Everyday. Computer turn-on time "x Time (hh:mm:ss) Alarm" is defined as 07:00 am.

Thus, automatic switch on personal computer organized according to the schedule: daily inclusion at 07:00 in the morning, both on weekdays and weekends.

Computer shutdown settings

Now we need to create a schedule for automatic shutdown personal computer. The built-in console file will help us with this. taskschd.msc, the so-called "Task Scheduler", which will perfectly cope with the task. Task Scheduler can be launched using the "Search programs and files" line and "Explorer" Windows.

Method 1 - "Find programs and files"

2 way - "Explorer"

After the above commands, the "Task Scheduler" will open, in which you need to go to the "Task Scheduler Library" item and take the action to create a task - "Create a task" or "Create a simple task", as you like. Detailed description We will not describe how to create a task, everything is available and written in Russian.

As you can see, in the figure below, two tasks are created that produce automatic shutdown personal computer. The first task called "OFF PC" organizes PC shutdown on weekdays at 17:00, and the second task named as "OFF PC Weekend" performs PC shutdown on weekends 10 minutes after turning on the PC.

The detailed description of creating a task is missing, but you need to know the following, which for automatic computer shutdown you need to enable the launch of the program shutdown.exe -s in every task.

And also in the "General" tab for both tasks there are rules for completing the task only for a registered user, see below.

The created tasks will not function unless you create an automatic user authorization in the system, i.e. when the computer starts up and boots up, the login will fail because a login password must be entered, and this is stipulated in our created tasks.

Therefore, in order to enter Accounts users" and set a password to automatically log in without a visible password prompt, you must open the explorer and specify "control userpasswords2" or netplwiz, for an amateur.

Here we are done with the setup. automatic start And blackouts personal computer, while using the built-in BIOS and Windows 7 functions. Try it YOURSELF!

Greetings blog readers! In this lesson, we will consider such a situation as using a computer as an alarm clock, or rather, turning on or.

I think every novice user has come across such a question, how to turn off the computer on a schedule? After all, there are situations when a computer performs a certain task, for example, downloading information that is important for us from the Internet, or it can be a data recording, or some other significant tasks that must be brought to their logical conclusion from the moment they are placed in the execution queue .In this case, the completion of the task can be expected quite late in the hour, for example, only by 5 o'clock in the morning. Of course, in this case you can use additional features programs that provide for setting the computer to turn off after a successful operation. But what if some programs do not have such functions to turn off the computer after completing the task?

In this case, it is advisable to use the program to automatically turn off the computer, which is called "Task Scheduler".

In the Windows 7 operating system, the task scheduler has been present since the installation of the system itself. With the help of the task scheduler, you can manage the power of your computer by issuing a specific command. In order to open the task scheduler, you need to click on the "Start" button and type "Scheduler" in the search bar. To enlarge the pictures, click on the pictures.

After that, click on it with the left mouse button and as a result the main window of the task scheduler will open. Then we need to open the "Create a simple task" section.

In the new window that opens, we need to set the necessary settings. First, specify a name, for example, "Turn off the computer."

In the next paragraph "Description" you can specify the task performed by the computer, for example, "Turn off the computer at 05-00".

After that, click "Next" and in the next window specify the type of launch. Here you can pin the created task so that it, for example, is performed daily. I select the start type "One-time" and in the next paragraph I indicate the time to turn off the computer, namely at 05-00.

After you have set the time to turn off the computer, you will need to click "Next". In the next step, we will need to select the program to turn off the computer. Click "Browse" and select Shutdown.exe, located at: local disk C - Windows - System32 - Shutdown.exe.

In the "Argument" line, we need to enter the "-s" command, which is responsible for turning off the computer. At the final stage, click "Next", and then "Finish" and minimize the task scheduler window.

When the time comes when the computer should turn off, a notification will appear that the computer will be shut down in one minute.

Thus, using the task scheduler, it will be possible to turn off the computer at a time we have previously set.

Let's consider another example, when the computer will need to be turned on at a given time (set up the alarm function for the computer). To do this, we use the same task scheduler. Open the main scheduler window and click "Create task".

In the new window that opens, on the General tab, enter the name of the alarm clock, for example, turning on the computer or. In the "Description" item, you can write turning on the computer, for example, at 07-00. In the drop-down tab "Configure for" I recommend choosing the value Windows 7 (if you have Windows system 7).

Then go to the next tab - these are "Triggers", and click "Create". As a result, the "Creating a trigger" window will open, in which you will need to set the time for the alarm to turn on, in addition, in the "Parameters" item, you can set the frequency of the alarm to turn on: daily, weekly, monthly. After you have set all the necessary settings, click "OK".

Thus, the scheduled task of turning on the computer will appear in the field in the "Triggers" tab. Next, you will need to go to the "Actions" tab and click on the "Create" button. In the window that opens, click on the "Browse" button and select for yourself, for example, your favorite music file that will be played when the alarm is turned on. Once you have selected the music file, click OK.

In the next tab "Conditions" you will need to check the box "Wake the computer to complete the task" and then click "OK".

Thus, we have set up an alarm clock for the computer. Finally, you will need to put your computer into hibernation or sleep mode. To do this, click on the "Start" button and click on the additional shutdown menu and select "Sleep" or "Hibernate". Within 30 seconds, the computer will go into sleep mode and turn on at the time you specified. In my example, Windows Media Player was used. Oh, by the way, do not forget to adjust the volume of your player, otherwise it may turn out that the computer turns on and the volume of the player is turned off.

It should be noted that there are quite a few programs that include not only the functions of turning the computer on and off, but also contain various reminders, diaries, I want to introduce one of these programs to you. The program is called. This program is distributed absolutely free of charge and has a fairly broad functionality in terms of computer power management, you can download it by clicking the link below.

After you download this program, unzip the archive and run the PowerOff63_RUS.exe file, as a result, the main window of the program will open, which, as you can see, contains various tabs for managing the computer's power.

By default, the first tab "Timers" opens, which contains: information, additional features, CPU usage. In the additional features section in the "Schedule" tab, you can set the time to turn off the computer, select all days or a specific day, and set the time accordingly.

The following tabs allow you to customize the diary to your liking, I think everything is clear here. In the "Hot Keys" tab, you can assign system control to various commands. Suppose, in order to set some system management command, you will first need to check the box and then press and, while holding the Ctrl key, additionally click on any Latin letter.

The next tab "Scheduler" allows you to set a specific task and display it at a specified point in time. For example, you can tell the program to open text file at a given point in time.

In the next tab "Program settings", in order to automatically start Poweroff, you need to check the boxes, as shown in the figure. At the same time, at your discretion, you can edit the "Texts" that will be displayed when the computer goes into sleep mode, when it shuts down, or restarts. I left the rest of the settings as default.

In general, there is nothing difficult to manage, you just need to work with this program several times and you will already acquire the necessary skills in managing the system.
That's all for today. I hope reading given material, you will know how to turn on and ! See you in the next lesson!

For office workers whose activities are constantly connected to the computer, a useful function may be the automatic inclusion of a PC on a schedule. Auto-on at a specified time is useful and home computer for more rational and comfortable use. Let's see how to organize turning on the computer at the appointed time.

Bootloader settings - BIOS allows you to set the desired start time for the operating system. Let's go into the BIOS, find the enable function and set the required values. Login method basic system I/O and BIOS settings are configured by the BIOS manufacturer. You need to learn how to enter and change BIOS settings on your computer. Keys or their combinations for entering the BIOS can be found in the manual for motherboard. For example, the corresponding menu items are shown in several BIOS versions:

We see that on both screenshots it is activated (enabled) bios enable function by real time clock (RTC) and set the time to 7 hours 30 minutes.

Modern computers come with a new UEFI bootloader interface designed to replace the BIOS. In the UEFI BIOS utility, we also easily find the necessary options and set the turn-on time:

And let's not forget that power cable food system block The PC must be connected to the mains. If the power is supplied through the UPS, the UPS must also be turned on.

When the login is password-protected, you need to pre-configure automatic user authorization without a visible password request. To do this, through the search bar in the Start menu, open the Netplwiz utility:

The Account Control Panel will open. Remove the checkbox in the checkbox: "Require username and password" and click the "Apply" button:

After that, the "Automatic login" window will open, where you will need to enter and confirm the user's password.

Now that all the settings have been completed, the computer will automatically turn on at the appointed time, the system will be logged in, and the programs prescribed in autorun will work. Torrent client, for example, or Skype. You can also set up an automatic connection to the Internet based on the connection method.

If necessary, you can schedule the playback of an audio file for a specific time and use the computer additionally as an alarm clock. We will make the appropriate settings for this. Through the search bar in the "Start" menu, open the "Task Scheduler":

The Task Scheduler is a snap-in, a system administration tool for assigning automatically executed tasks. Let's create a task in the scheduler:

The Create Task window opens. On the "General" tab, write the name and description of the task. And select the installed OS in the "Configure for:" list:

Then go to the "Triggers" tab and click the "Create" button. The settings window for calling the "Create trigger" task will open. From the drop-down list to start the task, select "At login" and confirm with the "OK" button:

On the "Actions" tab, click the "Create" button to open the "Create an action" window. Using the "Browse" button, open the explorer and select a music file suitable for the alarm clock:

The selected audio file will be written in the action field.

On the next tab: "Conditions" the item should be checked:

We press the "OK" button. The task has been created and the "Create task" window will close.

So in this example, the task is scheduled to play an audio file at login at 7:30. That is, a few minutes after the automatic launch and configuration of the OS, the standard WMP player will turn on and the selected melody will sound. First, it is advisable to check the sound and adjust the volume in the player.

A logical continuation of the launch control topic is scheduled shutdown of the computer. A scheduled shutdown can be useful for shutting down a PC in the absence of a user after completing a specific task. For example, burning a disc, copying or downloading a large amount of data from the network. Read the lesson about the implementation of the scheduled PC shutdown task:

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