What is a catechism in the Orthodox Church? How should these latest books be received? What is the New Testament

In any religion there is a publication in which parishioners can find answers to common theological questions. It also contains provisions for elementary education before baptism. This publication is called "catechism". What it is? How did this edition come about? Who was the compiler? Is the Catholic catechism different from the Christian one? More on this later in the article.


So, what is a catechism? The definition itself has ancient Greek roots. Then the word passed into Latin. Literally definition means "instruction", "instruction". In other words, the catechism is a confessional document. It is also called the "catalogue book", containing the foundations of the dogma. Such a publication exists within the framework of different denominations. For example, there is a catechism. As a rule, information is contained in the publication in the form of "question-answer". In general, the term "catechism" was used not only in religion. This definition can be called any deep manual, compiled according to the example of a religious document. For example, in 1869 Nechaev's catechism was created. In this work, in contrast to the religious document, a program of large-scale terror, which assumed a huge number of victims, against the "vile tyrants of the people" was promoted.

General information

The main provisions that contained the original Orthodox catechism were developed in the period from 1822 to 1823. Its author was St. Philaret (Drozdov). The edition was approved by the Synod and published in 1823. This catechism of Philaret was first approved as a guide. Subsequently, the work was subjected to significant processing. Corrections and corrections were made by the author, chief prosecutor and other members of the Synod. This work has been constantly improved and has gone through many editions. Some of the theologians, including such personalities as Metropolitan Macarius Bulgakov, position Philaret's catechism as one of the "symbolic books." According to many, the work of the saint is among the most authoritative sources of dogmatic teaching. It is in it that the main postulates of the church are most fully set out on behalf of the church.

controversial issues

However, some of the Orthodox theologians dispute the authorship of Metropolitan Philaret. But, despite this, they also recognize the importance that the catechism has (what it is, said above) in the history of the ROC. This statement is based on the fact that, according to Bishop Vasily Krivoshein, the main religious document has undergone radical editing. Due to the intervention of the chief procurator of the Holy Synod - a secular person - the status of the book as an unshakable dogmatic monument of Ecumenical Orthodoxy can also be questioned, since the catechism of Filaret of Moscow does not contain all the creeds and describes the influence of non-Orthodox theology.

Problems of the role of a religious document in the modern Russian Orthodox Church

At the beginning of 2014, not a single "instruction" was issued, approved under the leadership of one of the supreme bodies management of the ROC, whether it be or the Holy Synod. The publication of the catechism is scheduled for 2015. For Protestants and Miaphysites, in the absence of an official religious document, the ROC makes it possible to consider the existing publication, approved by the Synod, only as a guide. They consider, structurally considering the catechism, that this is not a dogmatic source, which should be a work expounding a dogma. It is interesting that the publication is usually called Christian, and not Orthodox. This is due to the fact that it sets out the general Christian postulates for the inhabitants Russian Empire. It also stipulates the status of the authorities. For example, Nicholas the First was not only the head of Russia, but also the patron and superintendent of his Lutheran subjects and participated in the election of the Armenian patriarchs. And, despite the disapproval of catechisms by the ROC as official and dogmatic sources, it was decided to develop their own manual, which would set out the basic truths of Orthodoxy.

The part "On love" is devoted to the ten commandments of God. Four of them are carved on the first tablet. They are commandments of love for the Creator. The remaining six are the laws of love for one's neighbor. The description of each commandment is accompanied by the prescriptions necessary for observance and a description of the sins that may contribute to its violation. At the end of the religious document, "The use of the doctrine of faith and piety" is indicated. It should be noted, having considered the structure of the catechism, that this manual is very convenient for study and understanding. The text is formed in the form of questions and answers. So, at first the suffering person is interested in the very faith, content and main goal of Orthodoxy. The confessional document answers the question posed. The text of the guide has undergone deliberate archaization. The book contains a large number of Church Slavonicisms. For example, the turn "in what sense" sounds in the catechism as "in what power / mind." This archaism became noticeable already in the first half of the nineteenth century.

Briefly about the creation of a unified leadership

The first quarter of the nineteenth century was marked by the use of a large number catechisms. The most common in the Orthodox environment were the manuals of the authorship of Metropolitans Peter Mohyla and Platon. Created under the influence of these works, new editions, like their primary sources, were repeatedly criticized by the church. In the first case, a "Catholic" bias was seen. The second was criticized for the presence of Protestant elements. The solution to this situation was the creation of a new catechism. In addition, due to the new translation of Bible books into Russian carried out in 1816, it was decided to transfer the relevant quotations from the old editions of the manual to the new one. At the same time, correspondence with the used edition of the translation was maintained. The development of a new unified catechism was initiated in 1822.


The task of compiling the catechism was assigned to one of the most educated and professional Russian theologians, Metropolitan Philaret of Moscow and Kolomna. The first edition was published in 1823. The Catechism was compiled according to the structure that was subsequently preserved in all editions and editions. It contained the obligatory three sections on Faith, Hope and Love. The author retained the presentation of the material in the form of "question-answer". Quotations from the Holy Scriptures were given in accordance with the translation of 1816, some of the phrases were translated personally by Filaret. The most important provisions of the manual from the point of view of the compiler were displayed in large print.

new document

The year 1823 was marked by the reprinting of the catechism. The work was spared from the errors noted in the first edition. Later, in 1824, four more editions were published, typed in Church Slavonic and civil type (two editions for each type of style). An abbreviated version of the religious document saw the light after the middle of 1824 and was called the "Short Catechism". What edition was it? It was intended primarily for illiterate persons and children. The manual included text highlighted in the main edition using large print. The signature stamp "Published by the Highest Command" was not in the Short Catechism. The original Catechism began to be called "Various".

Criticism of the religious document and its results

The appearance of catechisms fell into the same time period when the translations of the books of the Holy Scriptures carried out by the Russian Bible Society were actively criticized. A number of conservative government officials and high-ranking clergy were especially critical of the activities of the RBO. Supported by A.A. Arakcheev, Minister of Public Education A.S. Shishkov and Archimandrite Fotiy actively declared that the Russian language is unacceptable in prayer and sacred texts. Moreover, its use can give rise to various heresies. A.S. Shishkov, being a supporter of the idea of ​​the identity of the Church Slavonic and Russian languages, defended his opinion before Metropolitan Seraphim. According to Photius, Drozdov's catechism and Peter Mohyla's guide are comparable to each other in the same way that "ditch water" is comparable to "... the good water of the Neva."

Differences from the original

From the initiative of A.S. Shishkov, the study of the catechisms of Metropolitan Filaret began. The purpose of this activity was to identify the degree of deviation from the original source, which was the Orthodox dogma. The main emphasis is made by the reviewer on the expediency of using biblical quotations in Russian in a religious document. In this matter, his opinion coincided with Fotiy and A.S. Shishkov. On the other hand, remarks concerning the purely theological content of the catechism do not have sufficient force of argument. The reviewer reinforces the description of the essential shortcomings of the leadership with a form containing the question: "What is the best teaching about piety?" This is followed by the answer: "Christian teaching." From a formal point of view, the reviewer implies that, in addition to the "best", there can be simply "good" teachings about piety, whether it be Buddhism or Islam.


Thanks to such a strong campaign launched against the appearance of a religious document, at the end of November 1824, the Decree of the Holy Synod came into force. He banned the printing and distribution of Filaret's catechisms until further notice. The reason for the ban was the inadmissibility of translating the Lord's Prayer, the Creed and the 10 Commandments into Russian, which was called "the common language." In 1825, the catechism of Metropolitan Platon was reissued. It must be said that this work was first published in 1786 and went through seven editions. The last of them was positioned as a counterweight to the work of Filaret. In the Platonic manual, quotations from the Bible in Church Slavonic were observed.

Published according to the edition:

A lengthy Christian catechism of the Orthodox Catholic Eastern Churches. Ed. 66th. M.: Synodal typography, 1886.


Preliminary concepts

Question: What is an Orthodox catechism?

Answer: The Orthodox catechism is an instruction in Orthodox faith Christian, taught to every Christian for the pleasing of God and the salvation of the soul.

What does the word "catechism" mean?

Catechism, translated from Greek means announcement, oral instruction; and according to the use from the time of the apostles, this name means the original teaching about the Orthodox Christian faith, which is necessary for every Christian (Lk. 1, 4; Acts 18, 25).

What is needed to please God and to save the soul?

First, the knowledge of the true God and right faith in Him; secondly, life by faith and good deeds.

Why is faith needed in the first place?

without faith it is impossible to please God(Heb. 11:6).

Why should life by faith and good deeds be inseparable from faith?

Because, as the word of God testifies, faith without works is dead(James 2:20).

What is faith?

According to the Holy Apostle Paul, faith is Announcement of trusted things, reproof of invisible things(Heb. 11, 1), that is, the assurance of the invisible - as it were in the visible; in the desired and expected - as if in the present.

What is the difference between knowledge and belief?

Knowledge has the object of the visible and comprehended; and faith is invisible and even incomprehensible.

Knowledge is based on experience or research on the subject; and faith is on trust in the evidence of the truth.

Knowledge belongs to the mind proper, although it can also act on the heart; faith belongs primarily to the heart, although it begins in thoughts.

Why is it that the teaching of piety requires not only knowledge, but also faith?

Because the main subject of this teaching is God, invisible and incomprehensible, and the wisdom of God, hidden in mystery. Therefore, many parts of this teaching cannot be comprehended by the knowledge of the mind, but can be received by faith. “Faith,” says St. Cyril of Jerusalem, “is an eye that illuminates every conscience; it gives the man guidance. For, says the prophet, if you don't believe, then understand below(Is. 7, 9) ”(Announcement, 5).

How else can you explain the need for faith?

Saint Cyril explains it this way: “Not only among us, who bear the name of Christ, faith is revered as great, but everything that is done in the world, even by people alien to the Church, is done by faith. Agriculture is established on faith: for whoever does not believe that he will gather the fruits that grow, he will not endure labor. Navigators are found by faith when, having entrusted their fate to a small tree, they prefer the fickle aspiration of the waves to the hardest elements, the earth, betray themselves to unknown hopes and have with them only faith, which is more reliable for them than any anchor ”(Catechetical Teaching, 5).

About Divine Revelation

Where does the teaching of the Orthodox faith come from?

From Divine Revelation.

What is meant by the name "Divine Revelation"?

That which God Himself revealed to men, so that they could rightly and savingly believe in Him and worthily honor Him.

Has God given such a Revelation to all men?

He gave it to all people, as necessary and saving for all, but since not all people are able to directly receive the Revelation from God, He used special heralds of His Revelation, who would convey it to all people who wish to receive it.

Why are not all people able to directly receive the Revelation from God?

By sinful impurity and weakness of your spirit and body.

Who were the heralds of the Revelation of God?

Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses and other prophets received and preached the first principles of God's Revelation; in fullness and perfection, the incarnate Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ, brought to earth the Revelation of God, and spread it throughout the universe through His disciples and apostles.

The apostle Paul says at the beginning of his letter to the Hebrews: Many-part and diversity of old, God, who spoke the Father in the prophets, in the last days of these words to us in the Son, Whom put an heir to all, Him and create the eyelids(Heb. 1:11).

The same apostle writes to the Corinthians: We say the wisdom of God in a hidden secret, God foreshadowed the age before our glory, and no one from the princes of this age understands: but God has revealed to us by His Spirit. For the spirit tests everything, and the depths of God(1 Cor. 2, 7, 8, 10).

Evangelist John writes in the Gospel: No one can see God anywhere, the Only Begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, That confession(John 1:18).

Jesus Christ Himself says: No one knows the Son, only the Father; no one knows the Father, only the Son, and to him, if the Son wills, reveal(Matthew 11:27).

Is it really impossible for a person to have knowledge of God without a special Revelation of God?

Man can know God by looking at things created from God; but this knowledge is imperfect and insufficient, and can serve only as a preparation for faith or as some aid to the knowledge of God from His Revelation.

Invisible for Him from the creation of the world, the creatures are conceived, the essence is visible, and His everlasting power and Divinity(Rom. 1:20).

He created the whole language of man from the same blood, to live all over the face of the earth, setting the predetermined times and limits of their village, seek the Lord, so that they will not touch Him and find it, as if not far from the only one of us existing. About Him we live and move and we(Acts 17:26-28).

“In the reasoning of faith in God, the thought that God exists, which (thought) we gain through created things, precedes. Diligently considering the creation of the world, we learn that God is wise, omnipotent, good; let us also know all His invisible properties. Thus, His as the Supreme Ruler is acceptable. Since the Creator of the whole world is God, and we are part of the world, therefore God is the Creator and ours. Faith follows this knowledge, and worship follows this faith” (Basil the Great, Epistle 232).

On Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture

How is the Divine Revelation spread among people and preserved in the true Church?

In two ways: through Holy Tradition and Holy Scripture.

What is meant by the name "Holy Tradition"?

By the name of Sacred Tradition is meant when those who truly believe and honor God by word and example pass on one to another and ancestors to descendants the teaching of faith, the law of God, the Sacraments and sacred rites.

Is there a true repository of Sacred Tradition?

All true believers, united by the Sacred Tradition of Faith, collectively and successively, according to the dispensation of God, make up the Church, which is the faithful repository of Sacred Tradition, or, according to the saying of the holy Apostle Paul, The Church of God is alive, the pillar and ground of the truth(1 Tim. 3:15).

St. Irenaeus writes: “One should not look for truth from others, which is easy to borrow from the Church. For in it, as if in a rich treasury, the apostles put in full everything that belongs to the truth, so that everyone who wishes can receive from her the drink of life. She is the door of life” (Against Heresies. Book 3, Ch. 4).

What is called Holy Scripture?

Books written by the Spirit of God through people sanctified by God, called prophets and apostles. Usually these books are called the Bible.

What does the word "Bible" mean?

The word "Bible" is Greek. It means books. This name expresses the fact that the sacred books, above all others, are worthy of attention.

What is older: Holy Tradition or Holy Scripture?

The most ancient and original way of spreading the Revelation of God is Sacred Tradition. From Adam to Moses there were no holy books. Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself conveyed His divine teaching and ordinances to His disciples by His word and example, and not by a book. In the same way, in the beginning, the apostles also spread the faith and established the Church of Christ. The necessity of Tradition is evident from the fact that only a minority of people can use books, while Tradition is used by everyone.

Why is Holy Scripture given?

In order for the Revelation of God to be preserved more accurately and unchangeably. In Holy Scripture, we read the words of the prophets and apostles exactly as we would have lived with them and heard them, despite the fact that the sacred books were written several centuries and millennia before our time.

Should Sacred Tradition be observed even when we have Sacred Scripture?

Tradition must be observed, in harmony with Divine Revelation and Holy Scripture, as Holy Scripture itself teaches. The Apostle Paul writes: Therefore, brethren, stand still and hold the traditions, which you learn either by word or by our message.(2 Thess. 2:15).

Why is Tradition needed even now?

For a guide to the correct understanding of the Holy Scriptures, for the correct performance of the Sacraments and for the observance of sacred rites in the purity of their original establishment.

St. Basil the Great says the following about this: “Of the dogmas and sermons observed in the Church, we have some from written instruction, and some we have received from the apostolic tradition, by succession in the mystery. Both have the same power for piety, and no one will contradict this, even if he is little versed in the institutions of the Church. For if we dare to reject unwritten customs, as if they are of no great importance, then we imperceptibly damage the Gospel in the most important thing, or, moreover, we leave an empty name from the preaching of the apostles. For example, let us mention first of all the first and most general: that those who hope in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ be signified by the image of the cross, who taught by scripture? What scripture has taught us to turn to the east in prayer? Which of the saints left us in writing the words of invocation in the presentation of the Bread of the Eucharist and the Chalice of Blessing? For we are not satisfied with those words that the Apostle or the Gospel mention, but before them, and after them, we also pronounce others, as having great power for the Sacrament, having received them from the unwritten teaching. According to what scripture do we also bless both the water of baptism and the anointing oil, even the one being baptized himself? Is it not according to a silent and secret tradition? What else? What written word has taught us about the anointing with oil itself? Whence also the threefold immersion of man, and other things relating to baptism; to deny Satan and his angels from which scripture is taken? Is it not from this unpublished and inexpressible teaching, which our fathers preserved in silence inaccessible to curiosity and elicitation, having been thoroughly taught to guard the sanctuary of the Mysteries by silence? For what decency would it be to proclaim in scripture the doctrine of that which it is not permissible for the unbaptized to even look at? (Rule 97. About the Holy Spirit. Ch. 27).

About Holy Scripture in particular

When written Holy books?

IN different times. Some - before the birth of Christ, and others - after.

Do these two branches of the Holy Books have special names?

Have. Those sacred books that were written before the birth of Christ are called books Old Testament; and those written after the birth of Christ are called the books of the New Testament.

What is Old and New Testament?

In other words: the ancient union of God with people and the new union of God with people.

What was the Old Testament?

That God promised men a Divine Savior and prepared them to receive Him.

How did God prepare people to receive the Savior?

Through gradual revelations, through prophecies and types.

What is the New Testament?

In the fact that God really gave people the Divine Savior, the Only Begotten Son of His Jesus Christ.

How many sacred books of the Old Testament?

St. Cyril of Jerusalem, St. Athanasius the Great and St. John of Damascus count them twenty-two, applying to how the Jews count them in their original language (Athanasius the Great. Epistle 39, feast; John of Damascus. Theology. Book 4. Ch. 17) .

Why is the reckoning of the Jews noteworthy?

Because, as the apostle Paul says, entrusted to them the word of God(Rom. 3, 2), and the New Testament Christian church accepted the Old Testament Sacred Books from the Old Testament Jewish Church.

How do St. Cyril and St. Athanasius number the Old Testament books?

In the following way:

1. Book of Genesis.

4. Book of Numbers.

5. Deuteronomy.

6. Book of Joshua.

7. The book of Judges and, as it were, an addition to it, the book of Ruth.

8. First and second books of Kings as two parts of one book.

9. The third and fourth books of Kings.

10. The first and second books of Chronicles.

11. The Book of Ezra the First, and the Second of his, or, according to the Greek inscription, the Book of Nehemiah.

12. Book of Esther.

13. Book of Job.

14. Psalter.

15. Parables of Solomon.

16. Book of Ecclesiastes, his own.

17. Song of Songs, his own.

18. The book of the prophet Isaiah.

19. The book of the prophet Jeremiah.

20. The book of the prophet Ezekiel.

21. The book of the prophet Daniel.

22. Books of the twelve prophets.

Why is there no mention of the book of the Wisdom of Jesus, the son of Sirach, and some others in this reckoning of the Old Testament books?

Because they are not in Hebrew.

How should these latest books be received?

Athanasius the Great says: they are appointed by the fathers for reading by those entering the Church.

How can we define the content of the Old Testament books more distinctly?

They can be divided into the following four categories:

1) books law-positive, which constitute the main foundation of the Old Testament;

2) historical, which contain predominantly the history of piety;

3) educational, which contain the teaching of piety;

4) prophetic, which contain prophecies or predictions about the future, and especially about Jesus Christ.

What books law-positive?

Five books written by Moses: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy.

Jesus Christ himself gives these books a common name Law of Moses(see Luke 24:44).

What does the book of Genesis contain in particular?

The story of the creation of the world and man, and then the history and establishment of piety in the first times of the human race.

The history of piety in the time of the prophet Moses and through him the law given by God.

Which historical books of the Old Testament?

Books of Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Kings, Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther.

Which teaching?

The Book of Job, the Psalms and the Books of Solomon.

What should be noted especially about Psalms?

Together with the teaching of piety, it also contains indications of the history of this and many prophecies about Christ the Savior. It is an excellent guide to prayer and glorification of God, and therefore is incessantly used in church services.

What books prophetic?

Books of the prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel and twelve others.

How many books of the New Testament?

Twenty seven.

Are there also law-positive ones among them, that is, predominantly constituting the foundation of the New Testament?

This name can rightly be called the Gospel, which is the four books of the evangelists Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

What does the word mean Gospel?

It is Greek and means evangelistic, that is, good news or glad tidings.

What do the books called the Gospel preach about?

About the Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, about His coming to earth, about His life on earth, about His miraculous deeds and saving teaching, and finally, about His death on the cross glorious resurrection and ascension to heaven.

Why are these books called the Gospel?

Because there can be no better and more joyful news for people than the news of a Divine Savior and eternal salvation. That is why the reading of the Gospel in the Church is each time preceded and accompanied by a joyful exclamation: “Glory to Thee, Lord, glory to Thee!”

Are there between the New Testament books historical?

Eat. Namely, the book of the Acts of the Holy Apostles.

What is she talking about?

About the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles and about the spread of the Christian Church through them.

What is an "apostle"?

This word means messenger. By this name are called the chosen disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ, whom He sent to preach the gospel.

What are the books of the New Testament teaching?

Seven Catholic Epistles: one - the Apostle James, two - the Apostle Peter, three - the Apostle John, one - the Apostle Jude and fourteen epistles of the Apostle Paul: to the Romans, two to the Corinthians, to the Galatians, to the Ephesians, to the Philippians, to the Colossians, to the Thessalonians two, to Timothy two, to Titus, to Philemon and to the Jews.

Is there between the books of the New Testament and prophetic?

There is such a book Apocalypse.

What does this word mean?

From Greek it means revelation.

What does this book contain?

A mysterious image of the future fate of the Church of Christ and the whole world.

What should be observed when reading the Holy Scriptures?

thirdly, it must be understood in accordance with the explanation of the Orthodox Church and the holy fathers.

When the Church offers the teaching of the Revelation of God and the Holy Scriptures to people who did not know it, what signs does she present to them that this is the true word of God?

The signs of this are as follows:

1. The height of this doctrine, which testifies that it could not be invented by the mind of man.

2. The purity of this teaching, showing that it came from the purest mind of God.

3. Prophecies.

4. Miracles.

5. The powerful effect of this teaching on human hearts, which is characteristic only of God's power.

How are prophecies a sign of the true Revelation of God?

This can be explained by an example. When the prophet Isaiah predicted the birth of Christ the Savior from a Virgin, which the natural human mind could not even conceive, and when, several hundred years after this prophecy, our Lord Jesus Christ was born from of the Blessed Virgin Mary, then it is impossible not to see that the prophecy was the Word of the omniscient God and that the fulfillment of the prophecy is the work of the omnipotent God. Therefore, the holy Evangelist Matthew, speaking about the Nativity of Christ, cites the prophecy of Isaiah: All these things came to pass, so that what was spoken of the Lord by the prophet would come true, saying: behold, the Virgin will conceive in the womb, and give birth to a Son, and they will call His name Emmanuel, if we say: God is with us.(Matthew 1:22-23).

What are miracles?

Works that cannot be done either by human power or art, but only by the almighty power of God. For example, resurrect the dead.

How are miracles a sign of the true word of God?

Whoever works true miracles acts by the power of God, therefore, he is pleasing to God and partakes of the Spirit of God. And such a person tends to speak only the pure truth. And therefore, when he speaks in the name of God, then through him, without a doubt, the word of God is spoken.

Therefore, our Lord Jesus Christ Himself recognizes miracles as an important evidence of His Divine mission: For the deeds that the Father has given Me, let me do, those deeds that I do bear witness of Me, as the Father has sent Me(John 5:36).

From what especially can one see the powerful effect of the Christian teaching?

From the fact that the twelve apostles, taken from people of poor, unlearned, low condition, by this teaching conquered and subjected to Christ the strong, wise, rich, kings and kingdoms.

The composition of the catechism

How to present the catechetical teaching of piety in the correct composition?

For this, following the example of the book “Orthodox Confession”, approved by the Orthodox Eastern Patriarchs, one can take as a basis the saying of the Apostle Paul that the whole occupation of a Christian in real life these three should be: faith, hope, love.

Now faith, hope, love remain: these three(1 Cor. 13:13).

So, for a Christian you need:

firstly, the doctrine of faith in God and in the Mysteries which He reveals;

secondly, the doctrine of hope in God and the means to be established in it;

thirdly, the doctrine of love for God and for everything that He commands to love.

In what way does the Church introduce us to the doctrine of faith?

Through the Creed.

What can be taken as a guide for the doctrine of hope?

Sayings of the Lord about beatitude and the Lord's prayer.

Where can one find the initial teaching on love?

In the ten commandments of the Law of God, as well as in the New Testament (Matthew 6:44, 46; 10:37; Mark 12:30-33; Luke 7:47; 11:42; John 13:34-35. 1 Corinthians 13:1-9 etc.)

Part one
About faith

About the Creed in general and about its origin

What is the Creed?

The creed is, in brief but precise words, the teaching of what Christians are to believe.

In what words is this teaching expressed?

In the following:

1. I believe in the One God the Father, the Almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth, visible to all and invisible.

2. And in the One Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Only Begotten, Who was born from the Father before all ages; Light from Light, God is true from

God is true, begotten, uncreated, consubstantial with the Father, Whom all was.

3. For us, man, and for our salvation, who descended from heaven and became incarnate from the Holy Spirit and Mary the Virgin, and became human.

4. He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried.

5. And resurrected on the third day according to the Scriptures.

6. And ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father.

7. And the packs of the coming with glory to judge the living and the dead, His Kingdom will have no end.

8. And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Life-Giving One, Who proceeds from the Father, Who with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified, who spoke the prophets.

9. Into one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

10. I confess one baptism, for the remission of sins.

11. I look forward to the resurrection of the dead.

12. And the life of the future age. Amen.

Who so expounded the doctrine of faith?

Fathers of the First and Second Ecumenical Councils.

What is an Ecumenical Council?

A gathering of shepherds and teachers of the Christian Catholic Church, if possible from all over the world, to establish the true teaching and deanery among Christians.

How many Ecumenical Councils were there?

There were seven Ecumenical Councils:

The first is Nicene (325);

The second - Constantinople (381);

The third is Ephesian (431);

The fourth is Chalcedon (451);

Fifth - Constantinople II (553);

Sixth - Constantinople III (680);

Seventh - Nicene II (787).

Where did the rule to hold Councils come from?

From the example of the apostles who held the Council in Jerusalem (Acts ch. 15). The basis of this is also the saying of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, which gives the definitions of the Church such importance that he who disobeys them is deprived of grace, like a pagan. The way in which Universal Church expresses its definitions, there is an Ecumenical Council.

Tell the Church: if the Church also disobeys, wake up to you, pagan and publican(Matthew 18:17).

Why were the First and Second collected in particular? Ecumenical Councils on which the Creed is written?

The first is to affirm the true teaching about the Son of God, against the false teaching of Arius, who wickedly thought about the Son of God.

The second one was to confirm the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, against Macedonia, who wickedly thought about the Holy Spirit.

How long ago were these Councils?

The first - in the year 325 after the birth of Christ, and the second - in 381.

Everyone knows that the main book for Orthodox Christians is. But many of the ordinary believers, especially those who grew up in an atheistic environment, reading the Bible, cannot find the answer to all the questions they have.

In the Bible, many moments of Orthodox Christian teaching require long-term reflection, but how can an ordinary person, burdened with a family and forced to earn their daily bread, get time for this? Many questions arise about the customs that appeared after the writing of the Gospels, often people are concerned about the problems of Orthodox morality and ethics.

They do not always have the opportunity to turn to a priest about this, but a significant part of them disappear after studying the catechism.

What is a catechism?

ancient greek word "katechin" means "instruct, announce" . The Catechism is a kind of instruction dedicated to the basics and, as far as possible, adapted for the perception of ordinary people, far from theology.

Often catechisms are written for children so that children can learn about the basics of the Christian faith, morality and ethics in a simple and understandable form, but there are also catechisms for adults. As a rule, they are written in the form of a conversation: the author asks questions and answers them.

The forerunners of catechisms, called homilies, or homily, appeared in the era early medieval when the Catholic Church was faced with the need to explain to a large number of people the basics of the Christian faith. It is interesting that a huge part of those who needed teaching were monks or priests, which did not prevent them from understanding the basics of their dogma very little.

Since the Catholic Bible and liturgical texts are written in Latin, ordinary people and the illiterate lower priesthood was simply cut off from their understanding. Catechisms written by eminent theologians of that time made it possible, at least to some extent, to disperse the darkness of ignorance among the parishioners of the church.

The first book published under the name and in the format of a catechism, i.e. Questions and Answers on the Christian Faith, published at the beginning of the sixteenth century. Its author was the Protestant priest A. Althamer. The Catholics soon followed suit. most popular in catholic church became a catechism written in 1554 by the Jesuit Peter Kanizia, reprinted more than four hundred times.

The last edition of the book on the principles of Catholic Christianity was published during the reign of Pope John Paul II in 1992.

What is an Orthodox catechism?

A similar role was played by the catechism in Orthodoxy. Until the sixteenth century, doctrinal instructions were placed in educational and liturgical literature, up to primers.

The first attempt to publish a Slavic catechism was made by a Lvov monk, teacher of the fraternal school, Lavrentiy Zizaniy. His catechism was almost completely translated from the Catholic edition, so after some time, by decision of the church authorities, the book was withdrawn from circulation, and almost all copies were destroyed. However, soon after this, the famous work of the Orthodox Metropolitan Peter Mohyla was written on the Orthodox faith, which actually became the first catechism Orthodox Church.

Today, the Orthodox Church uses a catechism written by Metropolitan Philaret (Drozdov) of Moscow almost two hundred years ago. Unfortunately, its text has become quite outdated for two centuries and is perceived as archaic, therefore, in 2008, the Council of Bishops decided to write a new catechism, which, in more would correspond to the needs of modern believers and would be more understandable for them.

It is not one person who works on the catechism, but whole group priests and theologians, thanks to which its content will be understandable and accessible, but at the same time it will cover the main topics on which believers and non-believers, and especially neophytes, may have questions.

Are there non-Christian catechisms?

Word "catechism" over time, they began to designate not only a certain genre of Christian literature, but also any teaching or explanation written in the format of questions and answers. Thus, the catechism of an anarchist-revolutionary, written in 1869 by P. Nechaev, is quite famous.

In principle, today there are many so-called "catechisms" that tell about the most different directions political, artistic or other activities, but not all of them deserve attention, and some, such as the so-called Catechism of the Soviet Jew, are fakes. Their content should be approached with the same degree of critical perception as any other literary or socio-political text.

Catechism until 2008 remained a Catholic book-collection of Christian doctrines.

The Council of Bishops in 2008 approved the publication of the Orthodox Catechism, on the compilation of which Orthodox theologians, specialists and professors of spiritual institutions volunteered to work.

In 2016, the Council of Bishops of the Orthodox Church of Russia considered the first draft of the book of answers and questions and sent it for discussion to the priests for a general church discussion.

What is a catechism

Translated from Greek, this word means teaching, instruction or instruction. Catechisms were called Christian books published in the Middle Ages. In published manuals for Christians, various authors gave an answer to a question of interest to the people.

Orthodox catechism

Interestingly, the catechism was issued only for priests, who were supposed to convey it orally to the people. In a secular society, a catechism is a set of unwritten rules for a certain circle of people.

If for Catholics this book is symbolic, then for the Orthodox it remains as a guide for Christians.

In the draft Orthodox book of questions and answers submitted to the priests for consideration, the following chapters are the main ones:

  • Fundamentals of Orthodoxy.
  • Fundamentals of Canons and Liturgies in Orthodoxy.
  • Fundamentals of mores of Orthodox education.
  • Basic social concepts of the Russian Orthodox Church.
  • Basic beliefs of the Russian Church regarding dignity, human rights and freedom.
  • Fundamentals of principles of relationships with people of other faiths.
Important! In the catechism, the doctrines are described in a simple language accessible to a wide range of people, but the meaning of the messages themselves does not change. This book must fully comply with the messages of the Holy Fathers of the Church.

Holy passages in the book of questions and answers can only be quoted with references and explanations.

History of the Catechism

Cyril of Jerusalem, Augustine and John Chrysostom wrote whole epistles, which later became models for writing subsequent catechisms.

Catechism - a short guide to the Orthodox faith

Newly converted Christians drew information from these books:

  • about the Sacraments of the Church and the operation of the Holy Gifts;
  • about the symbols of the Orthodox faith;
  • about the meaning main prayer"Our Father";
  • the ten commandments and the eight deadly sins.

For the first time, a book of questions and answers in the form of a textbook for clergy was compiled by Bruno of Würzburg in the 11th century.

At the end of the 13th century, beautiful sermons were delivered by Thomas Aquinas explaining in plain language the concepts of creeds, "Our Father" and the basic commandments given through the apostle Moses by God.

Until 1254, no explanation of church concepts was given at divine services, and only the Albian Council obliged the priests during church services explain to believers the meaning of the creeds.

With the emergence of Protestantism, catechetical activity reaches its peak when the first Catechism was published, the author of which was the Protestant Althamer.

In 1541, Calvin issued his copy, a book of questions and answers in French, and then in Latin.

In 1642 he saw the first Orthodox copy, written by Peter Mohyla.

Interesting! In every country, at a certain time, printed messages appear, designed to reveal to Christians the subtleties of the Catholic and Orthodox beliefs.

A lengthy catechism of St. Philaret for Christians

Opening the book of the saint, you are amazed at the simplicity and accessibility of its writing. With short and understandable answers Father Filaret gives the definition of faith and its difference from knowledge.

Catechism. Saint Philaret of Moscow

Flipping through the pages of God-sanctified scripture, you read in an accessible form about the concept of Divine things, how to distinguish between the Divine and the mundane, how a person can know the Creator and accept His revelations.

The next chapter introduces Christians to the Holy Scriptures and the Holy Traditions, indicating what place the Bible occupies. From the message of Filaret, every believer learns that the Bible contains law-affirming, teaching, historical books and prophetic messages.

Here it is indicated that the apostle is the messenger of God.

Further, the holy father gives answers to all sorts of questions concerning faith, hope and love in all their aspects, both human and Divine. Laying out the symbol of faith “I believe in one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit” into components, Filaret pays due attention to each hypostasis.

In this chapter, the answer is clearly given, what is the angel, the devil, the breath of life, paradise, and much more.

Important! After reading the message comes a clear understanding of who Jesus is, what is the power of His sacrifice, and what role the Holy Spirit plays in the life of Christians.

The first chapter describes the 12 creeds.

The second chapter is devoted to hope in all its manifestations. The Catechism of Filaret describes what kind of hope the Lord gives in grace, in the 9 Beatitudes, about 6 types of forgiveness and the Lord's Prayer.

In the third chapter, devoted to love, the 10 commandments of the Lord are analyzed in detail.

In conclusion, St. Philaret gives instructions on how to use the epistle he wrote.

The Orthodox Catechism is the "Encyclopedia of the Christian life", in which every believer will find the answer to his question.

Orthodox alphabet. Catechism

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