What spell must be said to become a fairy. How to become real fairies of water, fire and all the forces of nature in real life at home

This article will tell you about how to become a Winx fairy for real, that is, turn into a fairy of water, fire, nature of all forces.

On a piece of paper you need to write that you have a great desire to be and become real fairy, and it is imperative to indicate which of the fairies, with what power: all forces, nature or a fairy of water, fire, earth with or without wings. After that, you need to drink one glass of water, and throw the paper out the open window, and in this way in a simple way so she can fly away. There is another option: on this sheet you need to draw a fairy and throw the leaf out the window. After that, you need to go to bed and sleep. And in the morning you will wake up as a fairy who has certain powers.

Now an easy way to turn into a water fairy for real! In a bowl you need to dial cold water, then take a sheet of the required color: if this is a love fairy, then the sheet should be red, if it is a nature fairy, then green, if it is a water fairy, then blue and so on. A candle and a mirror will also come in handy for this. Then, depending on what kind of real fairy you would like to become, you need to cut out a heart from red paper, or from blue paper - a wave, Maple Leaf- from green.

The edges of the paper must be set on fire with a lit candle. After that, you lower the paper into the water, after which you need to reflect it in the mirror, and look into it yourself, and repeat three times: I am a fairy! The paper must be burned. If the fire goes out immediately after that, then you are already a real water fairy.

Another easy way how to become a fairy at home. Place ice in a wide bowl or cup and wait until it melts. Then into the icy water on the floor - for a minute you need to lower your hand, you need to close your eyes and imagine your transformation into a fairy with wings with a certain strength, and which one you decide.

After that, you need to stretch your hand and rub it with shampoo or butter. Then you need to immediately rinse with water - the one in which they held their hand. Hands should be rubbed together for two minutes. After a while, you will turn into a fairy. Here is such a way to transform into a fairy at home.

If nothing works out for you with turning into a fairy, you can pay attention to the purchase of a fairy at the end of the article, and who knows, maybe she will teach you all the abilities that they possess.

In order to become a real fairy right now, you need to take an empty bottle in which there were perfumes, or eau de toilette. You need to pour water into it, but before that add three pinches of sugar, also three pinches of salt and liquid soap in the amount of one tablespoon. Then you need to put on the windowsill and stand there for two weeks.

Every day you need to spray yourself with the water that is in the bottle, and mentally you need to imagine how you become a real fairy at home. Your wish will be fulfilled after a while.

The easiest way

It is necessary to be at home alone so that nothing distracts from the process. You need to close your eyes with all your might and say three times: I am the main and mighty fairy! And you need to raise your hands above your head, clap your hands. This must be done every day. After some time, you will become a fairy, this is the easiest way to transform.

The surest way

You need to convince yourself that you are a real fairy with wings and power. You have to believe it with your heart. You must find magic in the most ordinary things. All those around you need to give positive. Render in Hard time all possible help, good word and a smile - this is what people around you need so much. You should definitely give it to them. If you want to be a real fairy with wings. You are not required to do any magical rituals. You can become a fairy right now. All in your hands! We were glad to help you, if anyone succeeds, please unsubscribe! Let's move on to watching a video on how to become a real fairy!


Who knows, all this is fiction or really this world hides fairies from us. It's a fairy tale or reality, it's up to you, there is only what we ourselves believe. Personally, I don’t believe much in such an existence of fairy fairies, but since these tips help people, then there is something magical and true in this. I advise you not to forget about the real world, to focus more on real life not fairy tale characters. On the other hand, we ourselves choose what we believe. Thank you for visiting our advice site, we are sure this information will not be taken as something real. Believe what you see and live your life!

How to become a real fairy. Method one

Write on a piece of paper about your desire to become a fairy (indicate which one - a fairy of nature, water, all forces, etc.) Drink a glass of water and throw the paper out the open window so that it flies away (another option is to eat this piece of paper and drink it with water). Lie down in bed and go to sleep. Wake up fairy!

How to become a fairy for real. Method two

Get a bowl cold water take a piece of paper desired color(for a love fairy - red, for a nature fairy - green, for a water fairy - blue, etc.), a mirror and a candle. Depending on what kind of fairy you want to become, cut out a heart from red paper, a maple leaf from green, a wave from blue, etc.

Light the edges of the paper with a lit candle. Dip the paper in water and reflect it in the mirror. Then look into this mirror yourself and repeat three times: “I am a fairy!” Burn the paper. If the fire goes out immediately after that - you have become a fairy!

How to become a fairy at home. Method three

Fill a wide cup (bowl) with ice and wait until it melts. Dip your hand in ice water for half a minute, close your eyes and imagine that you are turning into a fairy with a certain power (which one is up to you, of course).

Take your hand out and rub it with butter or shampoo. After that, immediately wash it off with the water in which you just held your hand. Rub your hands together for two minutes. In a few days you will become a fairy!

How to become a real fairy. Method four

Take an empty bottle of perfume or toilet water. Fill it with water to which 3 pinches of sugar, 3 pinches of salt and a tablespoon have been added in advance. liquid soap. Put the bottle on the windowsill for 2 weeks.

Spray yourself daily with water from a bottle and mentally imagine how you turn into a fairy. In a few days your wish will come true!

How to become a fairy in life. Method five

We have already described a similar method in the article. You need to carry it out on the full moon.

Wait for the full moon to be in the sky. Take a glass of water and a piece of paper. Write on a piece of paper what kind of fairy you want to become. Come to open window with a glass in hand so that the moon is reflected in the water. Dip a piece of paper with your desire into the glass and pour all the water over yourself. After that, you will become a fairy!

How to really become a fairy. Method six

Another option is to ask the fairies themselves to give you magical powers. To do this, you need to summon these creatures. If you want to become a fire fairy - sit by the fire, if you want to become a water fairy - by the river, if you want to become a music fairy - stand near a street musician, if you want to become a moon fairy - look at the full moon, etc.

Whisper three times to call the fairies you need (for example, “Fairy of nature, come!”). When you feel a slight movement of air and hear the subtle flutter of their wings, dare to ask them for magical power for you. Also, do not forget to assure the fairy that in no case will you use the received power to harm people - otherwise your wish will not come true.

After that, go home and go to bed. The next day you will wake up with wings and magical powers.

How to become a fairy of all powers. Method seven

Take toothpaste and rub it on index fingers hands Keep the paste on your fingers for 45 minutes, then rinse with water. Say out loud "I'm a fairy!" 5 times. After half an hour you will hear the voices of the fairies - ask them to give you magical powers. After that, go to bed, and when you wake up at 3 a.m., you can try your abilities.

The eighth - and easiest - way to become a fairy

You need to be alone at home and nothing distracts you from the process. Close your eyes with all your might, say three times: “I am a fairy!” and clap your hands, raising your arms above your head. Do this every day - and perhaps after a while you will turn into a fairy.

The ninth - and surest - way to turn into a fairy

Try to convince yourself that you are a fairy. Believe it with all your heart. Learn to find magic even in the most prosaic, everyday things. Try to bring positivity to everyone around you. A smile, a kind word, support in difficult times, all possible help - this is what the people around you so need. If you want to become a real fairy - you should definitely give it to them. To do this, you absolutely do not need to perform ridiculous magical rituals - everything is in your hands, you can become a fairy right now!

We hope you have figured out for yourself how you can become a real fairy and start bringing good and benefit to people. Good luck with this!

Get ready, an exciting story is about to begin...

If someone told you that fairies don't exist, then that person is wrong. History knows many examples when simple people met and even communicated with these magical creatures. Such mysterious encounters are described in hundreds of historical books and retold by tens of thousands of people.

I decided that so many travelers, writers and ordinary peasants could not be wrong and began to look for more detailed information. It took me several months to study all the available literature, but this did not give a worthwhile result. And when, it would seem, there was no more hope and it was time to give up, I remembered my friend...

Anya is half Russian and half English. It turned out that her grandmother lives in a small village in Scotland, the homeland of fairies and elves. After carefully questioning her, I found out that there is one secret way how to become a fairy for real with wings and everything due. There have been legends about him in this village for a long time, but no one has tried it, some are afraid, others do not believe, and still others cannot fulfill all the conditions. I will tell you everything, but you should carefully consider whether you want this transformation.

Attention everyone who wants to become a fairy! There is no spell to return to human form. This is dangerous magic, think carefully before using it.

Step #1. Always carry something green with you. According to English myths, this is the favorite color of fairies. Such paint attracts positive energy, increases luck and increases the chances of a successful conversion.

Perhaps at one time or another you will meet with some magical forest dwellers. Just in case, keep a couple of sweets, beads, or something like that nearby. Give them to these creatures to appease and make friends.

Step #2. Just in case, prepare for a meeting with the dark fairies. Contrary to popular belief, not all of them are good. Some are capable of causing trouble, mischief and offending. Ideally, it's best not to meet them, but if this happens, the following tips will help you.

First, show them something metal, they hate iron and everything that looks like it. Secondly, clothes turned inside out work great, drive away any evil spirits. Thirdly, do not be afraid, look boldly into their eyes and everything will end well.

Step #3. Repay debts, keep all promises. The magic of transformation does not work on those who owed something or did not fulfill the promise in their previous form. You will have to sweat and remember everything, otherwise the reincarnation will end in failure.

They say that in order to increase your positive magical charge, you need to do good deeds, even some little things help to significantly increase energy reserves.

Step number 4. Find and pick a lone flower. The most important and most difficult point for reincarnation. Any flower will do (even a chamomile, even a cornflower or a rose), but it is important that he be alone. What does it mean? You need to look for a plant in a place where it will be far from its relatives. For example, I found a dandelion in a field, and there was not a single other flower a hundred meters from it.

Here you have to tinker, because even 30 meters will not be enough. Although my friends claimed that in the cities in the yards there are often lonely inflorescences.

Step number 5. Soak a skein of white thread in water. But it must be done correctly. Fill a transparent glass with water, lower the skein there and put it on the windowsill overnight. It is important that there is moonlight, but it is not necessary that there be a full moon.

One night is enough, although many keep it for about a week, then to use more energy and become a fairy for sure. The main thing is that the light gets at least a little.

Step number 6. Learn the summoning spell. It is originally in English and German, but magic spells work on anyone, so Russian will do.

It sounds like this: “I want you to come to me, turn into a fairy and take it with you. I believe in the Moon, Love and Good." Yes, yes, everything is so simple and no long verses.

Step number 7. Complete the call. Think again before becoming a fairy and, if the desire is not lost, proceed to the final part. Take the pre-prepared white threads and make a circle of them about a meter wide on the floor, put a single flower in the center and say the spell once. Ready!

At night, the circle will turn into a portal and a door will appear from it, which will open, and a real fairy will come out to meet you. Take her by the hand and the conversion will be completed.

Fairies are fabulous creatures that have been present in various stories and fairy tales since ancient times. different peoples. And at the same time, almost every girl has ever dreamed of becoming a real fairy, getting magical powers, get wings and fly around the world. For all time, many other magical creatures have appeared in the world that people have invented, but so far fairies remain one of the most popular, especially among girls. This is evidenced by the fact that a huge number of children are now watching the adventures of the Winx fairies. But looking is one thing, and quite another is to turn yourself into one of these mysterious magical creatures. That is why now many girls are looking for an answer to the question of how to become a fairy with transformation, that is, to get all the necessary attributes, such as wings and magical powers. Below are some of the most popular options that you can try out yourself.

paper in water

There are a fairly large number of ways that are discussed on the Internet. Everyone says that they know exactly how to become a fairy with transformation, but no one manages to prove this. Therefore, you just need to consider the most famous methods that are most often found both on the net and in the literature in order to get the greatest chance of success. So, the first method is to use colored paper. Here, the choice must be approached responsibly, since what kind of fairy will turn out in the end depends on the color. For example, choosing green paper will make you a forest fairy, and choosing blue paper will make you a water fairy. In addition to paper, you will need a plate of water, a candle and a mirror. With the help of a candle, you need to light the paper and put it in water, and then reflect it in the mirror. Then you will need to look into this mirror and wait until the paper burns out. If after this the candle goes out, then the rite was a success. But this is just one option on how to become a fairy with transformation. For reliability, it is worth considering a few.

fairy dream

The second method will require more time from you, namely the whole night. But don't worry - you won't have to stay awake until the morning, you just won't be able to achieve everything right away. If you want to learn how to become a fairy with transformation, then you will have to be patient. So, on a piece of paper you need to write what kind of fairy you want to become, after which this sheet must be lowered into the water, buried in the ground or let into the wind. It is important to remember that in this case you should never say anything or make any sounds at all. After the ceremony, you need to immediately wake up in the morning as a fairy. Success can also be affected by whether your window is open - a flying fairy can drop by to visit you, thereby ensuring your success in the transformation.

Fairy Elixir

The next method will take you even more time. You need to create a special elixir that you don't have to drink - you only need to touch it with your fingers every night before going to bed. If your goal is a flying fairy, then you need to add feathers to the water, if natural - a pinch of earth, and so on. An additional ingredient is sugar, which serves as bait for the fairies. You need to silently touch the resulting elixir every evening for a week and imagine yourself in the image of the one you want to turn into. And then on the seventh day you will go to bed in order to wake up in the morning as a full-fledged fairy. As you can see, the transformation of fairies can take quite a lot of time, so do not think that everything will be easy and simple for you - you will have to make a lot of effort, but the result is worth it.

moon water

Again arm yourself with a piece of paper and a bowl of water. On a piece of paper, write what kind of fairy you want to become, after which you need to put it in a bowl of water. Remember that the Winx fairies are not the most reliable creatures in this regard, they were invented for broadcast on television. It is best to use more classic options to have more chances. At night, when the moon shines through your window, you need to place a bowl of water and a leaf so that the moon is reflected on the surface of the water. You need to drink water, after which you immediately go to bed - the next morning there will be a ready result. It's possible you'll even get fairy wings, so think about it before you go to bed, you might be better off sleeping on your stomach tonight.

Fairy Call

If you do not want to take detours, then there is always a direct route for you - you can directly contact the fairies. Perhaps you will succeed, or maybe nothing will come of it. There is a chance that you will only see a fairy tail, but it does not matter - this will not be your only chance, so do not be discouraged. So your the main objective- strongly want and believe in what you are doing. Call the fairy you want to be from the bottom of your heart so that she believes in your words, and when she arrives, you will need to convince her even more. How to feel that the time has come? Very simple - a slight fluctuation of the air will mean that the fairy has arrived to you. And if the same oscillation occurs above your head, then this will mean that you are lucky, and you were sprinkled magic powder. If you wait one more day, you will become a full-fledged fairy. Well, if this did not happen, then do not be discouraged - take a break for a week or two, think carefully about what exactly you need to say to the fairy when she comes. Remember that there are different fairies - the mystery of their origin has not been solved, so you can try to refer to different ones.

Fairy from the mirror

There is another way that will take you a week of time. Naturally, you do not have to spend whole days on the transformation, but you will have to devote some time. You will need to take one item that matches the type of fairy you are interested in. This method will not be convenient if you are interested in winter fairies. The fact is that you will need to put this object in front of the mirror and look into it for a while, and the snow melts very quickly. But other variants of fairies work very well using this method. You will only need the desire to become one of them - you will need to look every day in the mirror and imagine yourself after the transformation. Don't worry if nothing happens - nothing should happen for a week. But after seven days, you should receive a signal from those fairies you want to join - spilled water, blazing flames, crumbling earth, and so on. That is when the transformation will begin. "Winx" is primarily an animated series, so do not really hope that you will succeed in the transformation. As said before, it's better to try to be a classic fairy than a cartoon character.

Good deeds

It has been said more than once that in order to become a fairy, you need to want it very much. However, desire alone will not be enough. Otherwise, there would be a lot of fairies. In fact, you will need much more than just a desire. First of all, you will have to swear that you will use your newly acquired powers only for good and never use them for your own benefit. This is the main code of any fairy, so if you are not ready for this, then you better not try to complete the transformation. Secondly, you will need to keep everything you do, see, hear or feel secret from people. If someone finds out that you are a fairy, then they are unlikely to believe you, but you will definitely lose your strength, and at the same time the trust of the fairies. So you won't get a second try.

fairy wings

An integral attribute of any fairy is wings, they appear to her at the same moment when she completes her transformation from ordinary person. Naturally, these are not ordinary, but magical wings - they are not very large, but beautiful and bewitching. But it is always worth remembering that people cannot see them. Thus, the wings can serve as a kind of indicator among the fairies, allowing them to distinguish each other in a crowd of people. After all, sometimes it can be quite difficult to do, so the wings are useful. You need to watch them carefully, because the world is full of evil, and there will definitely be those who want to steal your magical treasure from you. And as soon as your wings disappear, your powers will also disappear, and irrevocably - you will not be able to become a fairy again.

Force Development

Do not think that after the transformation you will immediately become a strong and powerful fairy - you will only be given the opportunity. You will have to develop your abilities, learn and comprehend new heights of knowledge. Therefore, do not chase for great opportunities - you, unfortunately, will not get them. After the transformation, you will be an ordinary fairy who knows almost nothing. Only hard labour and a lot of time spent studying the right materials can bring you closer to success. The more you practice, the more successful you will become. And this means that your opportunities as fairies will expand. Naturally, you have the right to choose which way to go. There are fairies who decide not to go any further and always stay the same, but of course it's much better to strive for more and make progress along the way.

Good company

Fairies are friendly, sociable creatures, so it is very rare to meet loners who do not communicate with anyone. But, given that some girls who have just become fairies find it difficult to make new friends and make acquaintances, you can pay attention to those whom you already know. As noted earlier, a fairy can be distinguished by the wings that only she has, and only other fairies can see them. Therefore, it is quite possible that among your girlfriends there are already fairies - this will make it much easier for you to enter new company. It is quite possible that you will be able to form a full-fledged team that will work effectively together. You can help your friends, and they can also help you. That's how fairy society works.

Attracting new fairies

Now it seems to you that the process of transformation into a fairy is very difficult, it requires a lot from you. Indeed, this is not an easy walk, it is hard work that will require you time, effort, knowledge and faith in yourself, as well as in what you are doing. However, one day the day will come when you will remember with a smile your first steps as a fairy, but then you will already be a respected fairy-tale creature with its own spheres of influence. And it is then that a situation may arise that will force you to look into the past. The fact is that existing creatures come to ordinary people to select new fairies, that is, this time you will simply be on the other side. Perhaps it is you who will have the honor to fly into the house of some girl who madly wants to become a fairy, who believes in what she is doing, and is ready to do only good. And then with one stroke you can turn a little girl into a beginning fairy, remembering that once one of them gave you this wonderful gift in the same way. Becoming a fairy isn't just a matter of having wings and fairy dust. The most important thing is what is inside you, in your heart.

Many girls think about how to become a fairy. And this is not surprising. Who doesn't want to have a magical power that can work miracles and fly above the earth! In addition, all fairies are miniature, cute and beautiful. Therefore, after watching cartoons about these magical creatures, the girls think how to become a fairy for real.

There are many ways that can help you become a supernatural being - a fairy. We just warn you right away, these methods are a kind of selection from all the others. Whether they will help you or not is not known for sure. No one has done any research on this issue. Also, don't be discouraged if you don't succeed in becoming a magical creature right away, perhaps not now, but later, when you become more mature.

There is one more nuance. Fairy is a good creature. Therefore, you must be kind: obey adults, help them around the house, study well, love animals, and not offend anyone even with a word. Without this, becoming a fairy will not really work, and even the methods below will not help you. Be kind!

How to become a fairy at home?

    1. Take a cup. It must be wide. Put ice in a cup, wait a few minutes for it to melt. Then lower your hand into this water for 30 seconds (the hand should be the one with which it is more convenient for you to write). At this time, close your eyes and imagine how you become a fairy. Just imagine in every detail: with or without wings, you will be, what strength you will have. Then rub your hand with shampoo or butter and rinse with water after a minute. The water should be the one in which you held your hand. Then rub your hands together for two minutes and wait for your miraculous transformation. This method helps if you are impatient and you are thinking about how to become a fairy right now.
    2. Take a piece of paper and a pen. Write your desire on a piece of paper, i.e. Specify specifically what power you want to have, whether you will have wings or not. Then drink a glass of water, and throw this paper out the window. Your desire on a piece of paper should fly as far as possible. After that, lie down in bed and fall asleep. And in the morning, expect a miraculous transformation.
    3. You need to stay at home alone, i.e. everything has to happen at home. As a last resort, no one should suddenly come into your room and interfere. Close your eyes and say three times that you want to become a fairy. You need to do this loudly, but you do not need to shout. And at the same time, your hands should be raised above your head, and you should clap them. You need to do this every day.

How to become a fairy with wings?

  1. Imagine that you are already a fairy with wings. Give it to yourself. Believe in your dream. Give good things to other people good mood take care of your family and friends. Remember, the main quality of this magical creature is kindness and love for people.
  2. Try to call real fairy to yourself. Do this three times. As soon as you hear a quiet flutter or a light rustle of wings, ask that you also have magical powers. Specify exactly what power you need. Just be sure to say that you will not use it to harm. Otherwise, you will not be able to receive power.
  3. How to become a fairy with wings for real? You can ask your mom to sew beautiful wings for you. If you can do it yourself, then it's great. Walk in this image, play with your friends, dream. You won’t really become a fairy, but you can play a certain game like that. And, of course, do it at home.

All these ways how to become a fairy for real - a special game, no one tested them for themselves. But sometimes you can play, because childhood is given for that.

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