Information about the apple company. The founder of Apple has died

Today Apple is the leading manufacturer of mobile phones, software, players, tablets. The history of Apple is certainly connected with Steve Jobs. Today, the equipment produced by the corporation is highly valued for its impeccable quality. Currently, the total value of the corporation is estimated at more than 500 billion US dollars. The company carefully monitors trends in IT technologies and implements them into the production process. Surely readers of the site will be interested in the history of the creation and development of the company.

History of the name

The official date of birth of the organization is April 1, 1976. On this very day Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak built their first computer by hand. It was called Apple Computer. You should understand how the company got the name Apple.

First Apple Computer

There are several versions. One of them is Jobs's desire for the name to be more conveniently located in the telephone directory. So the “name” of the company occupied a line immediately below the name of the Atari organization, which was developing computer games. In addition, the apple symbolizes the fight for the preservation of nature and the environment, and the corporation was the first in the world to use old consumables to produce new equipment.

History of the logo

The history of the creation of the Apple logo is quite interesting. Its original symbol was a man sitting under a tree with a falling apple above his head. It becomes immediately clear that this picture depicted the great scientist Isaac Newton. Most likely, there were also references in the Bible, because a bitten apple symbolizes temptation. It is worth noting that Macintosh computer models were named after a variety of apples that the developer of this product line was very fond of.

Apple's first logo

However, the original logo was not memorable and was not suitable for mass sales. Then the story of the creation of the Apple logo moves into a different direction. The company's designer (Rob Yanovu) was walking down the street when he stopped by a local supermarket and bought some apples. Arriving home, he began to cut them and examine them with different angles, after which he depicted one monochrome fruit. True, for some reason he drew the apple slightly bitten.

Jobs liked Rob's sketch, but decided it would be better to color the apple. Boss advertising agency I was against this decision, because at that time printing using color ink was many times more expensive than it is now. However, Steve insisted on his own, and soon the apple that everyone knows today appeared on computers.

The evolution of the Apple logo

The colors for this were chosen in in no particular order. The only thing Jobs insisted on was green tint should decorate the picture at the top. The type of fruit did not change until 1998. However, then logos painted in black, white and silver began to be placed on the devices. This is the history of the Apple logo.

First computers

In the spring of 1976 in American stores household appliances The Apple Computer I model appears, costing $666.66. Over the course of several months, its creators collect and sell 175 items of goods. Outwardly, it looked like a motherboard with no sound, no case, no keyboard. The following year, Michael Scott began to occupy the post of director of the company.

A new model appears, which was called the Apple II. It was the first PC equipped with color graphics. At this stage, the history of Apple's development takes a new turn. The equipment had special commands for working with sound, as well as a small built-in speaker. In addition, a power supply and keyboard were available. At that time, the computer became a real breakthrough, and its sales for the first time in the history of PCs exceeded a million units. It is only worth mentioning that until 1993, more than 5 million models were assembled and sold. Initially, options with an 8-bit operating system were developed, and a little later 16-bit computers appeared on sale.

Apple II model

Lisa and Macintosh

Beginning in 1979, Apple brand employee Jef Raskin began working on a new PC, which was named Macintosh. In fact, this was the first technology, the monoblock of which contained everything that the average user needed to work. At the same time, in 1983, another model appeared on the household appliances market. She was named Lisa - that was the name of Steve Jobs' daughter. However, unfortunately, it did not become popular and in demand.

Model Lisa

The beginning of the 80s turned out to be quite a difficult time for the company. Due to regular absenteeism, Steve Jobs was forced to fire forty company employees. At the same time, Apple Computer was launched for an initial IPO and the owners began to sell shares on one of the largest financial exchanges in the world - NASDAQ. However, this step did not have the desired effect and articles began to appear in newspapers reporting the imminent decline of the corporation.

The situation began to change in 1983, when a talented top manager named Scully John became the president of the organization. Before working at Apple, he successfully managed the affairs of PepsiCo. True, friction immediately began between him and Steve Jobs.

On January 22, 1984, the first Macintosh was introduced to the public, radically changing the way ordinary people to personal computers. This event became a new milestone in the history of Apple Corporation. By the way, an advertising clip, filmed specifically for the release of the Macintosh based on the plot of D. Orwell’s work, was awarded the Grand Prix in Cannes. Even today it is considered one of the most original commercials in history.

First Macintosh

The model received the prefix 512K and began to be sold at a price of 2,495 US dollars. Its creators try to make a technique that any user who does not have the proper qualifications can master in a matter of minutes. True, the first Mac OS microprocessors were not very powerful and efficient. They lacked such things as, for example, the ability to simultaneously solve many problems and protected memory. However, over time, developers eliminated these shortcomings, and the Macintosh was able to compete with other similar equipment.

Time passed, and the need arose to create a new operating system. Having carefully considered all the nuances, the company's owners decided to use modern developments from a company called NeXT. It used an operating system under the general name UNIX. The next system was called Mac OS X and was designed so that users could smoothly migrate from older models to new ones.

The departure and return of Steve Jobs

In 1985, Apple's history was at a turning point. It was at this time that the President of the United States of America, Ronald Reagan, awarded Steve Wozniacki and Steve Jobs a medal for a powerful breakthrough in IT technology. At the same time, Jobs, who is the ideological inspirer of the corporation, leaves it, having quarreled with members of the board of directors. At the same time, sales of personal computers and the value of the company's shares plummet. Experts attribute this precisely to the departure of Jobs, because he was able to advertise the technology he was creating in a very original way. Many believe that this will be the end of Apple's development story.

Ronald Reagan presents Steve Jobs with a medal for a powerful breakthrough in IT technology. 1985

In the period from 1995 to 1997, the development, assembly and sale of equipment began to cause serious losses. At the end of the 90s, their amount tended to 2 billion US dollars. The board of directors decides to ask Steve Jobs to return to the corporation.

Revolution in the 2000s

In 2001, the iPod audio player appeared on the computer market. Thanks to its capabilities, this compact media player instantly gained well-deserved popularity. In 2003, an online store opened online that sold music and listened to it in the players of this manufacturer. The newly opened supermarket was called the iTunes Store. In 2007, the corporation demonstrated a new development - the company's first mobile phone, called the iPhone. Since then, the popularity of the device has been growing every year, and its sales have broken all records. Since 2008, another online store has appeared on the network. It is called App Store. The principle of operation and payment system of the resource is not much different from iTunes.

The first iPod audio player

Appearance of the first iPhone

As of 2010, the company has unquestioned authority among computer equipment manufacturers. It was at this time that the first tablet computer, called the iPad, went on sale. In the first month of its release, more than 1 million copies were sold. From this moment on, the corporation's success story leaves no doubt about the genius of the brand's creators.

This is what the first iPad looks like

Since 2011, Apple has become the most valuable commercial organization in the world. True, its owners failed to establish themselves at this peak for a long time. In 2013, its factories began producing 64-bit chips designed to work with ARM architecture. The company produces a 2-core microprocessor, which was named A7. In 2014, compact portable Apple Watch devices appeared on the electronics market.

Apple Watch

Acquisition of companies and appearance in Russia

Naturally, such a large giant as Apple acquired shares of smaller organizations. So, from 1996 to 2012, the corporation absorbed such companies as NeXT, P. A. Semi, Quattro Wireless, Siri, Anobit Technologies.

The success story of the concern in Russia begins in 2005, when the first Russian Apple Center store opened. Just two years later, in 2007, the company’s official representative office was opened in the country. In 2012, the owners of the corporation registered the Apple Rus company, which to this day is engaged in retail and wholesale sales of electronic equipment.

The first Apple store in Moscow

How is the company doing today?

During the development of the company, it experienced both successes and severe failures. Today, in order to manage such a giant, its own corporate culture has been specially developed. Before starting to create new device models, management clearly defines the responsibilities and roles of each employee. Any product of the company is developed in an atmosphere of strict secrecy.

The company also has its own sales concept. It clearly describes how stores should be decorated. For managers and sellers, principles of trading in equipment and psychological techniques used on buyers have been compiled.

Sellers are dressed in blue uniforms. Before starting their duties, they must complete a 14-day training course. During their work, managers undergo additional training. In addition, they are trained to use services to diagnose devices.

While still alive, Steve Jobs independently developed advertising strategy companies. Today, tablet computers, mobile phones, audio players, and watches come out of Apple assembly lines. In addition, specialists are constantly working to improve the software.

In 2016, the company’s management made an interesting statement that soon the concern’s technology would operate on the principle of end-to-end encryption. Its essence lies in the signal transmission algorithm: data will be encoded on users’ gadgets, then transmitted to the receiving equipment and decoded. This innovation is connected with the fact that people are increasingly talking about tracking citizens by the US government.

“The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,” says folk wisdom. We have an excellent reason to explore how true the Russian proverb is. After all, today’s article is dedicated to legendary company Apple(from the English “apple”), which was founded by the no less famous.

We introduced this man to our readers earlier, and now it’s time to get acquainted with his “brainchild” - Apple, the largest manufacturer of personal and tablet computers, audio players, mobile phones and software.

Apple was founded in 1976 Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne. She has already crossed her 35-year-old mark and can boast of certain achievements.

At the time of the company's founding, Steve Jobs was 21 years old, Steve Wozniak was 25 years old, and Ronald Wayne was 41 years old. This significant event took place in the house of Steve Jobs' adoptive parents, or rather in the garage:

Please pay attention to this fact Special attention. Many famous world brands that are worth billions of dollars began their journey in an ordinary garage.

Many newcomers who want to open their own business think that opening their own business requires a lot of money, that they need to rent business premises, purchase goods or equipment, and hire a bunch of staff.

As a result, even at the start a considerable sum accumulates, which a beginner simply does not have. And this amount usually scares a person away. Of course, there are types of businesses that require incredible amounts of money to open from the very first days.

Look for ideas that don't require a lot of money to implement and that you can start this business in your parents' garage or even right in your room. But let's return to Apple.

Apple is the most powerful brand in the world and the most valuable company in the world

In May 2011, according to a ranking by the research agency Millward Brown, the Apple brand was named the most valuable brand in the world. According to Forbes data for October 2012, the Apple brand took the lead in the ranking of “most influential” brands, ahead of such brands as , and IBM.

In November 2013, the company's market capitalization, that is, its actual value, was about $472 billion, and the company reached its maximum capitalization in September 2012, when its market value was estimated at more than $700 billion., making Apple the most valuable company in history!

Apple's headquarters are located in the small town of Cupertino., which is 75 km from San Francisco, California. Interestingly, the number of Cupertino residents is even less number Apple employees – the company currently has 60,400 employees!

What sets the multi-thousand company Apple apart from its competitors and allows it to earn billions of dollars?

The company, historically a manufacturer of PCs and software, expanded its market segments in the 21st century, entering the next development orbit with new audio players, smartphones and tablet computers.

Apple is certainly a leading company, an innovator, and in this it is very similar to its co-founder Steve Jobs.

Apple's merits are undeniable, because iPod audio player made a real breakthrough in the world of digital music, smartphone iPhone revolutionized our vision of mobile phones, and tablet iPad set the vector for the development of the digital devices market.

All these “i-gadgets” have become an integral part of the image of a business, respectable and successful person. I wouldn’t be surprised if smart “Apple” devices with an “i” prefix completely displace such names as “audio player”, “phone” and “tablet computer” from everyday life.

Tim Cook, Apple's CEO since 2011, said he is very proud that the company is entering the holiday season "with the best iPhones, iPads, Macs, iPods and full confidence in the potential of our new product line.”

The production of these new products, which are in high demand around the world, has indeed radically improved Apple's financial position.

As Steve Jobs said at the launch of the first iPhone in 2007: “We didn’t create a new phone, we reinvented it.”

And at the presentation of the Internet tablet iPad 2 in 2011, he announced the advent of the era of post-computer devices.

According to him, they are simpler and clearer than traditional PCs, and it is they that he sees as the future, while his competitors are only “trying to find the optimal balance in new PC models.”

And let these same competitors in the person of the founder Microsoft, call the iPad just “a good e-reader and nothing more,” time will tell who is right.

And this is the highlight of Apple. More precisely, one of many. After all, if you unravel the secret formula for the success of the apple company and master the art of creating such popular and beloved products and devices, you can get fabulously rich.

I note that after the appearance of the tablet, some online publications began developing special applications for it, for example, the most popular magazine in the United States, Time, developed an entire concept for its iPad version.

However, was it really only innovation and high technology that helped Apple reach the pedestal on which the company comfortably sits today?

After all, now Apple is more than new IT technologies and modern production. Apple is aesthetic design, a unique reputation, a recognizable style, a successful image and a whole culture in the consumer electronics industry. In a word, Apple is a legend.

And let them say that “it’s easy to find out if a person has an iPhone - he himself will brag about it in the first five minutes of meeting him” and “the main purpose of the iPad is to show that you can afford an iPad.”

There is a grain of truth in every joke, and the fact that “Apple” jokes have appeared indicates that all these “i-things” have leaked into our market, taken root there and are loved.

Although this is true. Today, Apple products are, first and foremost, a symbol of the wealth and prosperity of its owner. People who buy an iPhone for the first time do so not because of its technical features, but to gain status.

After all, if you look at it this way, then for the same price you can buy a more technically sophisticated gadget, but whose name is not so well known. Perhaps this feature should be taken into account.

If you are running a business or planning to create one, then you need to aim not only at technical specifications your product or service, but also on its social aspects. If you manage to create a product that is cool to own, then your business will go as it should.

To dot the i’s in this “Apple” console, I will say that Apple is even more than a manufacturer of i-gadgets.

After all, the company was at the origins of the creation of personal computers, its history is complex and interesting.

One of Apple's merits is that it was this company that, with its Apple II series of PCs, paved the way for the production of personal computers. In addition, Apple was the first to see the great possibilities of the graphical interface and computer mouse, introducing them into their products.

Let's outline the important stages of Apple's long journey in order:

1976 is the year the company was founded.

One version of the origin of the name says that Steve Jobs wanted to see the company on the first pages of the telephone directory, hence the name with “a”, and according to the second version, he simply fulfilled his threat to call the company “Yabloko”, since nothing better could be thought of.

By the way, this is what the first Apple Computer logo looked like

By the way, it was this logo that was invented by the third Apple co-founder Ronald Wayne(Ronald Gerald Wayne). He is also called one of the biggest losers in the world, because he lost a tenth of the company for just $2,300.

The fact is that when they opened Apple, Ronald Wayne had no confidence in the favorable future of this company. In addition, he had property that he risked if things went wrong in this business.

Legally, all members of the company were responsible for any debts of the company, even if they were caused by another partner. Jobs and Wozniak had nothing at that time. They risked virtually nothing, and Wayne could lose his property, which could go to creditors if things went wrong.

Let me remind you that officially the company Apple Computer, Inc was incorporated on April 1, 1976, and Wayne relinquished his interest on April 12, less than 2 weeks later. Thus, he deprived himself of a potential fortune of 70 billion dollars!

Let me remind you that in September 2012, Apple was worth more than $700 billion, and 10% of this amount is $70 billion. Well, as they say: “If I knew the price, I would live in Sochi.” And we will return to the history of the company, or rather the logo.

The logo created by Ron Wayne did not take root in the company. They used it for about a year, after which they decided to replace it with something simpler and more understandable. As a result, Steve Jobs turned to designer Rob Janoff, who created this logo:

This logo was created in just a week, and they bit it so that it would be firmly associated with an apple, because without a bite it could be confused with a tomato.

The Apple logo is simple, clear and recognizable. He flashes in films, in meeting places successful people and increasingly in Everyday life. They say that even the president of Samsung, Apple's main competitor in the smartphone market, is afraid to eat apples in crowded places: what if the paparazzi take a photo of him with a bite?

By the way, this logo existed in the company from 1976 to 1998, after which it was replaced with a monochrome one:

Now let's get back to the Apple story. In 1976, the Apple I programmable computer began production.

1977-93 – release of various models of Apple II computers. It became the company's first mass-produced computer.

1980 – Apple is conducting the largest initial public offering in history since 1956 (the year Ford went public).

Thus, Apple becomes a public company, and its shares are now traded on the NASDAQ stock market and the London Stock Exchange. In 2012, the company's shares exceeded $500 for the first time, and in the same year they reached $700 in NASDAQ electronic trading.

1980 – characterized by the failed release of the Apple III PC. This computer turned out to be quite crude. It constantly broke down and, moreover, there were very few offers for it on the computer software market.

Problems with their sales lead to Jobs firing 40 employees, and the media are talking about the imminent collapse of the company.

By that time, Jobs had lost interest in the Apple III project and switched all his attention to the Apple Lisa project. And around the same time, Jobs began to have his first “graters” with the other co-owners of the company and the board of directors.

Jobs was a pretty tough person. He always wanted it to be the way he wanted it, which is why conflicts arose with employees, engineers and partners.

The fact is that to develop a particular project, companies like Apple create special working groups that solve the assigned tasks. Each group has its own leader. And Jobs used to get involved in the affairs of one group or another and make significant amendments to previously developed projects.

This is roughly what happened with the Lisa project. Imagine that a computer project has been developed and work on it is in full swing. Then Jobs appears and orders everything to be done differently. Naturally, all this terribly slowed down the work, and since Jobs was a perfectionist, he did not rest until he brought every little thing to perfection.

This led to delays in the delivery of projects and, accordingly, to a loss of profit for the company, which was terribly disliked by shareholders. As a result, Jobs was removed from the Lisa project. which upset him terribly.

1983 – Steve Jobs invites the highly experienced John Sculley, at that time the CEO of PepsiCo, to the position of president of the company. The phrase with which Jobs managed to lure the Pepsi top manager into the director's chair at Apple has become one of the most famous statements in business - “Are you going to sell soda for the rest of your life or do you want to come with me and change the world?” Sculley chooses Apple and heads the company until 1993.

True, Jobs would soon regret it, saying that inviting Sculley to work was the worst decision of his life.

1984 – Apple introduces a new 32-bit Macintosh computer, named by developer Jeff Raskin after his favorite apple variety. True, Jeff led the project at the beginning, and then he was sent on forced leave, and the project was headed by Steve Jobs.

The release of Macintosh computers strengthened Jobs' position in the company, since thanks to the release of this model it was possible to increase the company's profits.

After this, the company ceases production of the uncompetitive Apple III family of PCs. The Macintosh series becomes the company's core business.

1985 – due to conflicts in management, its co-founder Steve Jobs leaves the company. Although leaving the company doesn’t sound quite right. In fact, he was fired from his own company.

Although the Macintosh sold, it did not sell as well as planned. Shareholders accused Steve Jobs of creating uncompetitive computers, and Jobs accused shareholders and company executives of inflating the price of the Macintosh.

Jobs considered Sculley, whom he had once dragged from Pepsi, to be the main villain. As a result of this confrontation, the board of directors chose John Sculley as a more experienced leader who could improve Apple's affairs.

In the same year, Jobs founded NeXT. Later, in 2005, speaking to graduates of Stanford University, Jobs would say that dismissal from Apple was the best and right decision at that moment.

Cooperation with Sculley does not bring much success to Apple. All this time, the company has been balancing on the brink of survival. As a result, after a significant drop market value Apple's board of directors fires John Sculley.

Things are also going well for Jobs at NeXT. As a result, Apple's new management decides that the company needs dramatic changes and that only Jobs can initiate these changes.

It is worth noting that NeXT was doing so poorly that Jobs had to shut down all computer production, leaving only software development afloat.

Subsequently, the developments made became the basis of the Mac OS operating system.

1996 – returns to the director's chair at Apple. The company buys Jobs's company NeXT, paying no less than 430 million dollars for it. I would like to note that over the years of its existence, Apple has repeatedly absorbed various companies operating in the IT technology market - Siri, Anobit Technologies, etc.

From 1996 to 1998 Apple has undergone dramatic changes. It was decided to abandon many projects. More than 3,000 employees were laid off. The company has focused its efforts on four main areas:

  • desktop computer models for professionals Power Macintosh G3
  • portable computer models for professionals PowerBook G3
  • desktop computer models for ordinary consumers iMac
  • portable computer models for ordinary consumers iBook

1998 – As a result of the work done, a new futuristic model iMac G3 appears in the computer equipment arena, which has become the fastest-selling computer in Apple history.

At the same time, Jobs begins to hatch the idea of ​​​​creating his own chain of stores that will sell apple products. He was unhappy that Apple products were on the same shelf with other brands.

He wanted his products to be sold in a special way. So that sellers do not put it on a par with other products.

And this is another highlight that makes Apple products superior to their competitors. When you believe that your product is special and try to make it so, then it will be so. Jobs didn't like mediocrity. And I always tried to combine in my products elegant design and the latest technologies.

2000 – dot-com crash. Dotcom literally translates to “.com”. Dotcoms are companies related to the Internet. Apple has never been a dot-com company. But it was very dependent on this market, because Apple products are aimed at PC users, and with the advent of the Internet in our lives, “computer and Internet” have become practically inseparable words.

So, in 2000, Internet companies collapsed in the United States. The value of shares of such companies began to fall, including the value of Apple shares.

This crisis has spread to other sectors of the economy. In general, there is an opinion that it was the dot-com crash that provoked the subsequent collapse of the global economy in 2007-2008, the consequences of which we still feel.

I wrote in more detail about the dot-com collapse and the crisis here:

Why am I even writing about the crisis now? What does the crisis, dot-coms and Apple have to do with it, you might ask?

In fact, this is very important, because it was the crisis that served to change the vector of development of Apple. It was the dot-com crash that forced Steve Jobs to look for new markets through which his company could not only survive, but thrive.

As a result of the search for new technological solutions, devices such as the iPod, iPhone, iPad appeared, as well as various software that users of Apple products love so much.

According to Jobs, a computer in the future should become a multifunctional complex, consisting not only of a monitor, system unit and keyboards, but also from various peripheral devices such as a player, phone, etc.

Jobs began to realize his idea by creating high-quality software. Among which I would especially like to note the emergence of the universal media player iTunes.

It was with the advent of this software that Apple became one of the key players in the music market. The fact is that the music market was also not experiencing the most better times.

With the development of the Internet and the advent of the mp-3 format, pirates have severely bitten the music market. And the emergence of iTunes, or rather the iTunes Store. which will be discussed below, allowed to increase sales of legal content.

With the advent of iTunes, there was an urgent need for a music device that would work with this software. This is how the iPod was born.

2001 – presentation of the iPod audio player.

In parallel with the launch of the iPod, Apple opens its first two Apple Stores. Experts predicted the failure of this idea, but as of September 2013, 413 stores are open and successfully operating in 14 countries around the world.

The Apple Store is not just a hardware store - it is a paradise for geeks!

2003 – presentation of the online music store iTunes Store.

The key feature of this store was that you could buy songs there individually, and not as a whole album, as was previously customary, and also that the main buyers were owners of apple products.

The iTunes Store predicted a million sales in its first 6 months of operation. As a result, a million songs were sold out in 6 days of work.

2007 – release of the iPhone smartphone, which was announced by Steve Jobs himself.

It was under his leadership that Apple was able to open up new market segments. In the same year, the company changes its official name from Apple Computer to simply Apple, in connection with its entry into the market consumer electronics.

The appearance of the iPhone is due to the fact that with the development of mobile technologies, the demand for cameras and digital cameras. Developers of mobile devices began to combine a telephone, a camera and audio players.

Jobs understood that the audio player market was doomed and would soon be swallowed up by phones that combined all these devices. And then he set the task for his subordinates to develop a new phone that would combine all these functions and, according to the Apple tradition, would be elegant and convenient.

Time magazine subsequently recognized the iPhone as the invention of the year!

2008 – The iPhone ranks 2nd in the ranking of the most useful modern technologies, according to PCWorld.

2008 – Apple releases the world's thinnest laptop, the MacBook Air.

The 2000s were a real triumph for Jobs and his team. Almost every year Apple surprises the world with something and makes its army of fans bigger and bigger.

2010 – Apple releases the iPad tablet computer.

The most interesting thing is that the idea of ​​touch-screen tablet computers was proposed back in 1988 by students at the University of Illinois. They were then working on the topic “What will the personal computer of 2000 be like” as part of a competition held by Apple.

By the way, he looked like this:

In the same 2010, IPhone 4 takes 1st place in the list best phones in the “Bestseller” and “Image” categories according to

2011 – in August, Steve Jobs left for health reasons, and in November he passed away.

The love for one’s business has largely ensured the company’s success. The “parent” inherited some of his individual character traits from his “apple” - a love of innovation, creativity, courage and style.

Since September 2012 iPhone 5 goes on official sale.

They joke that the iPhone is the smartest phone, and it has the highest percentage of owners who are significantly dumber than their phone)

I don’t know about the IQ of smartphone owners, but it’s a fact that there are quite a few of them. The number of pre-orders for the fifth iPhone reached 2 million per day!

Probably, among the happy owners of a smartphone is Evgeny Chichvarkin, the ex-founder of Euroset, now living in London. According to him, he intended to replace the iPhone 4S with the iPhone 5 as soon as its sales began in Foggy Albion.

As for Russia, Apple smartphones have won a wide audience here too. Although some argue that the iPhone would sell better if it Russian market went under the translated name "yaMobilko"

However, Apple is already widely known in our territory. It positions itself as a manufacturer of simple devices created for the convenience, communication and entertainment of people. Although all this technology of the future, already sold in the present, is very, very expensive.

If you look at the official Russian-language website, you can see that the key words in the description of the company’s products are not dry specifications, but enthusiastic glossy epithets.

Apple doesn't just have "12 megapixels, 17 inches, 3GB", it has endless possibilities, amazing quality, a great display and the world's most advanced operating system!

Everything from Apple works automatically, effortlessly, and seamlessly—laptops that are “faster than you can imagine,” iPhones that “do everything for you,” and iPods that make “sword fighting more intense and zombie hunting more effective!”

Apple guards its technical developments very jealously. The company monitors the quality of its trademark, opens branded stores and creates an entire ecosystem of software and numerous applications.

Regarding Apple, they say that the company has “patented a patent for patenting a patent.” A completely truthful remark, because as of October 2012, the company received 5,440 patents for its inventions and design projects!

In defending intellectual property rights, Apple sues first with one company, then with another, sometimes winning and sometimes losing cases. Thus, Nokia accused Apple of violating 10 patents, and Apple filed a lawsuit against Samsung. She, however, was found not guilty by a British court, but patent battles continue.

Now Apple has the highest profitability, both in terms of sales and in terms of prestige and design. The company is not going to stop there. In fact, Apple is “bearing fruit” with real “golden apples”, and I will wait with interest to see what other “i-gadget” the company’s developers will surprise us with. So, Apple, step up to you.

P.S. By the way, do you know what the prefix “i” means in the names of Apple devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod, iMac)? The answer is simple - internet

Apple is one of the largest and commercially successful corporations existing today. The innovative aspirations and priorities of the company are legendary, and anyone dreams of buying or receiving gadgets made by Apple. This is a brand that in our era dictates fashion not only in the field of electronics, but also in the field of accessories. And you just have to come to terms with this, because you can challenge it this fact it is forbidden.

But where did it all begin? when was the company foundedApple? We'll talk about this below.


Apple Computer was officially registered in 1976, although its founders, namesakes Steve Wozniak and Jobs, worked on creating the first Apple personal computers back in 1970.

If we talk about the version of their PC Apple II, then it is considered the first computer in history to produce millions of copies. This led to the fact that during the 70-80s, Apple computers became the most popular and used in the PC world. The number of copies sold totaled 5 million.

In the 80s, the corporation failed the Apple III project, which over time led to a deterioration in the economic and financial condition company, as well as the dismissal of 40 employees of the company. Despite the fact that many experts began to announce unfavorable forecasts about the corporation, it continued to exist and developed confidently. And in 1985, Jobs and Wozniak were even awarded medals for the development of technological progress from the hands of the country's President Reagan.

90s and `00s

Apple's activities throughout the nineties cannot be called unambiguously successful, because by the end of the century the corporation suffered losses reaching almost 2 billion dollars. But in 1997, Steve Jobs returned to the company, becoming a fresh air", if you please. After all, it was then that he began to discover for himself and the whole world the latest technologies that could be promoted to modern markets. These technologies did not directly relate to computer technology, but became very popular.

Already in the first year of the new millennium, the corporation released the now legendary iPod player, which did not require the use of CDs or cassettes to listen to audio compositions. The device contained 5 and 10 gigabytes of memory, revolutionary for those times.

iOS from Apple is


Another 2 years later, in 2003, the corporation created its own iTunes digital file store. There, Internet users had the opportunity to purchase:

Finally, in 2007, a revolutionary presentation took place, about which we can safely and eloquently say that it changed the entire concept of a modern smartphone - the company released the iPhone.

Modern history

By 2010, Apple expanded its line of devices with the iPad tablet computer, which caught up with the trend of such gadgets.

The enormous demand for players, tablets and smartphones from Apple has led to an incredible improvement in Apple's financial condition, making the company one of the most valuable corporations in the world. The devices themselves have become a desirable, tasty gadget for any modern person. That is why, from year to year, the corporation produces such gadgets of a new generation.

Starting in 1414, smart watches began to roll off the Apple assembly line, Apple Watch, which became not just another high-tech novelty, but also a desirable, exclusive and elegant accessory.

In general, the history of a corporation with a recognizable name and symbol, which began its existence in the garage of the Jobs family, continues. And the best part is that we watch it and have the opportunity to use all the products that Apple creates for people.

Apple is one of the largest and most famous corporations that produces personal and tablet computers, software, phones and players.

Apple is deservedly recognized as the most expensive brand on Earth. In 2011, this brand became a leader in the ranking of the international research center Millward Brown. And the iPhone 6s plus model showed some of the best results in several testing results.

Usage innovative technologies and exclusive design have created a unique reputation among electronics consumers. Apple products are recognized throughout the world as iconic.

Foundation of the company

Its creators were Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak in 1976 in California. As students, they built their first PC, which was based on the MOS Technology 6502 processor. They were able to sell several dozen similar computers, after which they were able to get decent funding and on April 1, 1976, officially registered a company called Apple Computer, Inc.

The first mass-produced product released by the company was the Apple I, which appeared in 1976. This model did not become the world's first personal computer, but with the release of the Apple II, Jobs and Wozniak were able to achieve a long-awaited breakthrough in the high-tech market.

It was the Apple II that became the first PC in history to sell millions of copies. From 1977 to 1993, the company continued to produce various models from this line. It was after the appearance of this model that computer manufacturing became an industry.

Black line

The 80s became less successful for the company. The Apple III failed. Due to the losses, Jobs had to fire 40 employees. The situation became more complicated when Wozniak was involved in a plane crash and went out of business.

Breakthrough - Macintosh

The next breakthrough came in 1984, when the 32-bit Macintosh computer entered the market. Subsequently, it will become the company's main product.

The company’s “golden years” should be called the 21st century. In 2001, Apple introduced an audio player iPod In 2007, a touchscreen smartphone was released for the first time. iPhone. In 2010, the tablet computer was introduced iPad.

A dark day on the calendar for fans of Macbooks, iPads, iPhones and other Apple gadgets. Company founder Steve Jobs died at the age of 57.

With his “bitten apple,” Jobs, without exaggeration, changed the world, accustoming humanity to a completely different way of communication. From 1976, when the aspiring computer scientist was just creating Apple, and until August 2011, when, due to the serious illness of the CEO of the most valuable IT corporation in the world, he, as Jobs himself admitted, always managed to be ahead of his time, but today it is for him stopped. Television archives have preserved the moment when Jobs became a computer scientist.

Remembers a great genius NTV correspondent Sergei Malozyomov.

1984, the 29-year-old founder of Apple introduces a new product: the Macintosh computer. It had a revolutionary user interface, which was later called the "mouse". It’s hard to believe now, but before Jobs there was only a keyboard, and you could only move around the screen by pressing keys. To make life easier for the client - the head of Apple has always dreamed of this. As a rule, he did not invent himself. The talent lay in spotting a suitable development in time, buying it and integrating it into the product. According to his philosophy, Jobs did not try to keep up with time, but was ahead of it, deciding for the user what he needed.

Steve Jobs: “This machine will guess your desires and do exactly what you want. You've never experienced anything like it."

Apple products have generally always had a limited set of features, but they all worked flawlessly.

Jobs’s genius was also to convince consumers: “This is what you really want: to press your fingers on a cell phone screen, to have a computer without a keyboard at all, a tablet. Agree, and you will also have the absence of viruses, the most fast processors, the brightest screens and the longest-lasting batteries. But in return, you will be able to install only those programs that I approve. You will pay me for almost anything installed application, downloaded video or song."

Millions of people agreed. All Apple products associated with Jobs became style icons. iPod, iPhone, Macbook and iPad users have repeatedly admitted that they have a real sensual attraction to these gadgets. You want to touch them, take them out, look at them. Jobs, as best he could, always supported this hysteria personally and solemnly, no matter how bad he felt presenting new products.

Steve Jobs: “As you probably know, I underwent a liver transplant a few months ago. now I have the liver of a twenty year old young man, who died in a car accident and was so noble that he donated his organs.”

In August 2011, liver cancer and then pancreatic cancer brought Jobs’ health to the point where he chose to resign as head of Apple. Information about how bad he looked periodically made it into the press. It became clear to everyone that the genius did not have long left, NTV reports.

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