Manufacturing of rafter systems for semicircular and pointed roofs. Construction of semicircular steps made of wood: how to make them correctly For a semicircular wall it is necessary

If you want to surprise your neighbors with an unusual roofing structure, great option- a house with a semicircular roof. Custom shape- not his only advantage, there are others:

  • In winter, snow does not accumulate on such a roof;
  • During rainy times, water does not stagnate;
  • Wind resistance is higher than that of roofs with flat slopes;
  • There is more space in the attic than with straight slopes;
  • Any material is suitable for coating, except hard profile ones;
  • A huge variety of design solutions.

How to make a semicircular roof? Let's figure it out.

I’ll say right away: building a semicircular roof is not easy. It’s not so much the installation itself that will cause difficulties, but the drawing up of a diagram and calculation of the structure.

Samples of semicircular roofs

A semicircular roof is, in fact, any roof with arched slopes. There are many options:

  • The roof with a ridge is gable, only the slopes are not flat, but arched;
  • A roof for a balcony in the shape of a half dome or cone;

  • Roof for a greenhouse or conservatory in the shape of a half-barrel. A common design is a semicircular greenhouse made entirely of polycarbonate;

  • The roof is pitched: the arc is sloped, the high wall is glazed. Good decision for a pavilion or winter garden;

  • The roof is hipped: the hips are not flat, but arched, etc.

What materials are suitable?

For rafter system easier to use metal carcass. Unlike wooden beam, it can be of any shape. It all depends on the type of building:

  • For the roof of a house designed for heavy loads, steel trusses can be used. Similar trusses are used for industrial buildings and hangars;
  • For a gazebo, greenhouse, balcony, you can use arched aluminum profiles;
  • For a polycarbonate roof, aluminum is sufficient;
  • If heavy coverage is planned (for example, ceramic tiles) – steel;
  • You can make arched rafters from wood: a long broken line consisting of straight sections.


Manufacturing such rafters is an energy-intensive task; it is easier to purchase metal trusses. But, firstly, purchasing farms will cost more. And secondly, for the roof of a house, which is expected to bear a large load, a heavy steel frame will be required. Wood is lighter and will place less stress on load-bearing walls and foundation.

Coverage options

  • Polycarbonate;
  • Typesetting wooden roof- shingles, wood chips, shingles.

Is it possible to make a semicircular roof with your own hands?

You can make a sketch for a drawing like this:

  1. Draw a circle to scale.
  2. Inscribe an equilateral polygon into it.
  3. Half or a third of the polygon - this will be yours wooden arch. Measure the lengths of the sections and the angles between them.

The rafter system of the half-barrel roof is hanging. The ends of the arc-arch are tightened with crossbars.

The roof frame will consist of the following parts:

  1. Mauerlat. For a half-barrel - a standard rectangular one, as for ordinary pitched roofs.
  2. Arched roof trusses.
  3. Depending on the expected load - reinforcing struts.
  4. Purlins, also known as roof stiffeners.


The boards of adjacent sections of arches are connected with an overlap. During installation, the joints between sections should be on the side girders.

Installation is similar to the installation of pitched roofs:

1. On brick or concrete walls put a screed. Threaded rods are embedded in it in increments of one meter.

2. Place roofing felt or other insulating material on the screed.

3. Place the mauerlat beam and secure it with nuts on top.

4. Rafter trusses are installed on the floor beams with the same spacing.

5. Install the side purlins.

6. Depending on the purpose of the roof, a roofing pie is made or not. For gazebos, greenhouses with polycarbonate roofing and other structures with cold roof roofing pie not required.

7. For roofs with opaque roofing covering install the counter-lattice and sheathing.

8. Lay down roofing material in accordance with the instructions for it.

This simple design semicircular roof, it is best used for garden buildings and other lightweight structures.

The roof of a house requires more complex calculations, and installation is energy-intensive. If you are interested in such a project, please contact us. We have a lot of experience roofing works. We will make a roof of any shape for you reliably, efficiently and at an affordable price.

You can see a photo report of our work with prices and descriptions, performed in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Whatever intricate shape for multi-level ceiling whatever the designer chose, it can all be divided into a number of semicircles and straight segments. How to create a semicircle from plasterboard on the ceiling?

Preparatory work

The most important rule when making a suspended ceiling of complex shape is to start with careful markings.

Mark the centers of all semicircles, outline the circles, mark the places where the circle turns into a straight line or into another circle. Mark the mounting locations for the frame. It is recommended to make longitudinal ribs at a distance of 0.5-0.6 m, transverse ribs can be spaced 1 m apart from each other. Main lines, level boundaries should be made bolder or brighter, auxiliary lines should be dotted, in a different color, or crossed out, so as not to be confused in the future.

Perhaps it makes sense to do all this on the floor first, make a stencil in life size from enough thick cardboard or thin plywood. Then, using this stencil, apply the silhouette of the second level on the floor slab and use it to cut out horizontal planes from the gypsum board. The advantage of this method is that the line on the ceiling along which the fastening profiles are attached will completely correspond to the shape of the sheet for the horizontal ceiling plane.

All ceiling structure must be rigid, so it is necessary to make a frame, which will also be convenient to make using a stencil. There are two possible ways: mount everything at once on the ceiling or mount it on the floor, and then attach it above. Of course, it is more difficult to attach a large structure than individual elements, but sometimes a frame is necessary in order to make a semicircle of plasterboard. However, if the ceiling structure occupies half a room, and not one meter circle for a chandelier, you will still have to build it immediately at the top, and bend the drywall on something else.

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Creating a wireframe

For the manufacture of the frame, galvanized steel profiles are usually used. They are thin, light, but quite durable. For the frame you will need:

  • ceiling guide profile 28/27, which is attached to the wall;
  • ceiling profile PP 60/27;
  • connectors for PP profiles “crab” type;
  • U-shaped connectors (direct hangers), if the distance from the main ceiling to the suspended ceiling is no more than 0.11 m;
  • string suspension with a distance from the ceiling to the hanging of more than 0.11 m.

First you need to eliminate the curvature of the existing ceiling. Using a level on the walls, mark a horizontal line at a height suspended ceiling. Then you need to find all the noticeably protruding parts of the ceiling, sagging plaster. The vertical distance from the largest bump to the top of the PNP profile should not be less than 5-10 mm. Suspended ceiling, i.e. the broken lines on the walls must be parallel to the edge of the window.

It is necessary to mark the level of the upper part on the walls and attach the PNP profile. If suspended ceiling it will not touch the walls; during installation you should simply follow these lines using a laser level.

Suspensions are mounted at the mounting points marked on the ceiling using dowels.

The main load-bearing frames are mounted on hangers and PNP profiles at a distance of 0.4-0.6 m from each other, strictly parallel to the wall. The excess ends of the profiles extending beyond the edge of the stencil are sawed off with a grinder.

The PP profile is cut into pieces equal to the distance between frame load-bearing, and is strengthened between them with the help of a “crab”. The distance between the transverse parts of the frame can be made up to 1 m.

Next, the wrapping edge of the future ceiling is formed. The question arises: how can a straight metal profile used for installation be bent into a semicircle? To do this, you need to make slits at equal distances on the PP profile on one side using metal scissors, without touching the other side. The smaller the radius of curvature, the more often the cuts need to be made. After this, the profile will easily bend in accordance with the stencil.

All that remains is to do the wiring in the cable duct or corrugation. Place wires in metal profiles not recommended to avoid short circuit.

Many drywall structures use the design approach of circles and semicircles. Drywall is most suitable for this solution.

Arches, beautiful ceilings, partitions and decorations on the walls are made of plasterboard in a semicircle.

To create a semicircle from plasterboard with your own hands, you should know that not every sheet is suitable for such purposes. has the meaning. If the radius is large (the sheet is not very curved), you can take 12 mm, but if the radius decreases, 9 mm.

Types of plasterboards for a semicircle:

  1. Plasterboard intended for the ceiling.
  2. GKL for leveling walls, as well as for creating partitions.
  3. Sheets intended for the production of arches. These sheets are slightly different in composition because there is fiberglass inside.
  4. Moisture-resistant green plasterboard.

Watch the video: types of drywall.

Drywall has become famous for its advantages. It is environmentally friendly and does not contain toxins. It doesn't burn.

How to make a semicircle from gypsum board?

Ways to create a semicircle

If the semicircle is about 1 meter in radius, then it is simply cut out and attached to the frame. If the radius is smaller, then there are other methods to create a curved structure.

How to cut drywall? There is nothing simpler, just take a knife and make a cut along a straight line, then lightly tap along the edge of the cut to break the drywall. On the other hand, you should carefully cut off the cardboard on which there will be two gypsum board helmets.

When working with this material, it is important to remember that this is a fragile material. It may burst. Therefore, you should handle it very carefully. When bending, you need to control your strength.

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How to hide a gas pipe under drywall

Dry method of creating a semicircle

Firstly, there must be a template for this design with dimensions.

Secondly, you should have self-tapping screws for gypsum boards.

One end plasterboard sheet fixed on the template. After this, you should bend the sheet according to the template itself and secure the second end with self-tapping screws.

Wet method of creating a semicircle

For this method you will need water, a sponge, and a special roller. Basically, a sheet is prepared in this way to create an arch or built-in niche. Often a semicircle is prepared for a multi-level ceiling.

  • first you need to make a frame with the required bend radius;
  • use a special needle roller to go over one side of the sheet;
  • using a sponge, wet the plasterboard;
  • Allow 10 minutes for soaking. Drywall should not get wet through;
  • wet drywall should be bent and secured to the template with tape;
  • The wetted structure should be left overnight to dry.

After drying, the drywall will take the shape of the template.

Notch method

The third method is to make a semicircle from drywall. You will need a knife, a ruler, and a pencil.

  1. On one side of the plasterboard sheet you need to draw lines (across) every 5 cm.
  2. Make cuts on one side of the fold.
  3. The notches should be made from the convex side.
  4. The depth of the serif should be slightly greater than the middle of the sheet.
  5. The serif side is straightened out.
  6. To secure the structure, the notches are filled with putty.

The semicircle made of plasterboard on the ceiling looks beautiful and fashionable. If you add lighting, it becomes individual and has a cozy feel.

Plasterboard wall in a semicircle

To create such a wall with your own hands, you need to put in a little effort and have a little knowledge.

To make an even line of a semicircle, you need to use a thread and a pencil (a kind of compass).

  • for durability plasterboard construction galvanized profile required;
  • to bend the gypsum board to the required radius, you need a template;
  • with a small bending radius, water will be required for the wet method;
  • the height of the wall to the ceiling will be easier for installing the structure.

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Leveling a bathroom wall with plasterboard sheets

To create a semicircular wall, you should collect a set of tools and materials:

  1. Drywall. It is desirable that it be 9 mm thick (ceiling gypsum plasterboard).
  2. Galvanized profiles.
  3. Fasteners - self-tapping screws, dowels.
  4. “Finish” - putty.
  5. Primer for interior work.
  6. Electric drill.
  7. Scissors for cutting metal.
  8. Set of spatulas.
  9. Roller and brush.

Tool for working with drywall
  • The hammer is ordinary.
  • Plumb lines and level.
  • Screwdriver Set.
  • Meter, pencil.
  • Thread, marker.

Installation work

To create a semicircular wall, you should follow a step-by-step algorithm:

  • After this, the wires are hidden in the wall, if necessary, soundproofing material is laid and the other side of the wall is sheathed.
  • The structure is sheathed from the center to the edges. First, whole sheets are fixed, then sections.
  • The ends of the plasterboard structure are sealed with reinforced corners.
  • Serpyanka tape is glued to the joints. A thin layer of putty is applied to all joints after serpyanka. After drying, the surface is sanded and puttied. The final step will be to grout the surface. sandpaper or a special mesh.
  • The entire plasterboard semicircular surface should be coated with a primer for further decoration (wallpaper, paint, tiles).

When making a semicircle from plasterboard with your own hands, you should act carefully, strictly following the installation instructions.

Making semicircular steps for a porch with your own hands requires calculating the depth, length and height of the steps. The choice of material for their cladding affects the ease of movement around the porch. But the smooth lines of the porch look so attractive and harmonious! At the end of the article there is a thematic video on this topic, see for yourself.


The process of constructing semicircular steps for the porch involves arranging the foundation:

  • The space for the foundation is being cleared.
  • A 20-centimeter pit is dug. The pit is filled with crushed stone to the middle of the level.
  • The remaining space is filled with cement mortar.
  • Formwork is being constructed for the round steps of the porch, where the board thickness is at least 2 cm.

You can clearly see the process in the photo. Types of cladding of concrete marches: stone, pebbles, wood, brick, marble, ceramic tiles - the most popular.


Calculation of steps for a do-it-yourself porch involves determining the height corresponding to the base of the foundation (the segment from the door threshold to the ground). 3 cm is subtracted from the upper level. This is due to the swelling of the door during high humidity(especially wooden ones). Next, set the angle of the porch.

According to SNiP regulations, the slope of the flight of an individual building should not exceed 45-50 degrees. Convenient option there will be round steps of 22-37 degrees.


Optimal size: 300 mm deep and 170 mm high (min=100). Width - 700 mm. Smallest number steps - 2.

How is the data calculated?

Let’s say the height of the steps is 50 cm, the slope is 30 degrees, and the string size is C=B/sinB=50/sin30=50/0.5=100 cm. A three-stage porch assumes a string length of = 33 cm.

Materials and equipment

When thinking about the question of how to make semicircular steps at the porch with your own hands, you need to stock up on important components of the process:

  • facing material;
  • crushed stone or gravel;
  • concrete mixture 1 x 4;
  • board 20 cm wide;
  • wooden beam 10 cm wide.

Tools: shovels, pick, chisel, hammer, level, measuring tool.

Tile for stairs and its features

Facing semicircular steps with ceramic tiles will be more successful if you first decide on the purchase of materials. Because of constant load on the product, the influence of aggressive environments, ultraviolet radiation and unstable temperature conditions the choice of finish must be approached taking into account practicality and reliability.

We must not forget about safety. Use excluded glossy finish, which has a sliding effect. A smart decision would be the purchase of matte decorated products or clinker cladding for steps. The latter option includes clay content and sealing ingredients that promote high resistance and durability.

How to lay tiles for steps with your own hands: simple recommendations

There is a video on the topic “how to make semicircular steps” at the end of the article. Below are instructions for installing a porch with your own hands:

After the formwork is erected, the concrete is filled to the level of the cladding. Laying the tiles occurs after the mortar has dried. Using a building level, the evenness of the surface of the steps is determined: horizontally and vertically. If you plan to lay out the cladding of round steps wooden stairs, it is important to use a spacer partition that is attached to all structural elements. Afterwards, work is carried out on tightness.

Next, you need to take measurements of the entire surface of the porch, make an accurate calculation and go to the store. Semicircular steps made of tiles require the purchase of accompanying building materials: decorative tiles, dry construction mixture, tools for laying tiles (trowel, trowel), glue, etc.

Masonry ceramic tiles with your own hands in a semicircle is carried out from top to bottom. After installation, it is not allowed to step on the structure for 24-48 hours.

4 ways to cut tiles

At the very beginning of the process, the question will arise: how to cut tiles in a semicircle?

There are several ways to cut tiles for a round porch yourself.

  1. Tile cutter is the most popular method (photo below, as well as photo on the right).
  2. You can cut the tiles yourself using nippers. But in this way it is not always possible to set the exact shape and chips are possible. With this type of processing, the edges of the product must be smoothed by grinding.
  3. Ballerina for cutting artificial marble also suitable. However, it is more often used for metal.
  4. You can cut slabs into shapes using a grinder with a stone disc. It creates unevenness and working in this way is more labor-intensive. But in terms of ease of use, it outperforms electric tile cutters.

How to cut tiles without a tile cutter?

Before this mandatory step, soak the slabs for an hour. This will increase its adhesion to the wall.

Experts most often recommend using a glass cutter. But for cutting ceramic or clay products, it is possible to use a homemade cutter with carbide tips, a hardened metal scriber, or just a nail. Metal element carried out several times to form a groove. After this, the tiles are broken. Such cutting is quite labor-intensive and is appropriate for minor repairs and the absence of professional tools.

Creating a semicircular staircase

  1. Clean cracks, depressions and irregularities using a thick mortar or primers.
  2. Apply cladding to wood covering porch. It is important to spread the glue with a notched trowel before doing this.
  3. Experienced craftsmen prefer to glue the tiles onto the spacer.
  4. Insulate seams and joints from penetration of moisture and dirt.

You need to apply a small amount of mortar at a time, as it dries quickly.

Tiling the stairs

The round steps of the porch shown in the photo were faced by applying an adhesive composition to the surface. Excess was removed using a spatula. Clay tiles were laid on top.

The success of creating the semicircular steps shown in the photo was influenced by the following factors:

  1. A high-quality base, impeccably level.
  2. The correct consistency of the glue solution allows you to make a thin and even layer.
  3. Using separators (crosses).
  4. Products were checked for size compliance and absence of defects.
  5. The cutting was carried out with a special device.

A day after installation, it is necessary to cover the joints ceramic panels grout of a suitable shade.

Concrete porch of a semicircular design - perfect option for a private home. It is durable, resistant to destructive factors and correct design and calculation significantly improves the appearance of the entire house.

However, in order to make a semicircular porch from concrete with your own hands, you need to have an idea of ​​the basic construction operations that have to be performed. Therefore, we will consider them in detail below.

For those who have never touched upon the manufacture of round or semicircular structures, it may seem that the process of their construction is quite complicated. In fact, upon step-by-step analysis, it turns out that there is nothing difficult about building a concrete semicircular porch with your own hands.

The main thing is to carry out the planning correctly, take care of the availability of all necessary materials and gain an accurate understanding of all construction operations.

Table of basic operations

Construction operation Description
Planning, marking, calculation

At this stage, it is mainly determined how to make a semicircular porch from concrete, what its parameters and dimensions will be.
Creating formwork

The formation of formwork for a concrete semicircular porch has its own characteristics. To get a perfect semicircle, you need to use materials that are strong but bendable.
Frame installation

A monolithic concrete porch must have a reinforced frame. At this stage, its elements are prepared and fastened into a single structure.
Pouring concrete

Concrete is prepared by hand or made to order - depending on the conditions (volume of the porch, abilities of the builder, financial capabilities).

The finishing of the concrete semicircular porch is done when the concrete has finally hardened. For finishing, outdoor moisture-resistant materials of increased strength are used.

Materials and tools

When building a semicircular concrete porch, you need to stock up on the necessary amount of materials and a set of tools:

  1. Formwork material, for example: galvanized sheets, cut into large strips.
  2. Reinforcement for the frame, thickness from 8 to 12 mm with a relief surface.
  3. Crushed stone and sand, if necessary, are added to the ground before pouring concrete.
  4. At self-production concrete you will need sand, crushed stone and Portland cement, as well as a container and a mixing tool or concrete mixer.
  5. Boards, bars for fastening formwork.
  6. Finishing material, for example: paving slabs.
  7. Self-tapping screws, nails and other fasteners for fastening formwork.

To positively solve the problem and get an answer to the question of how to make a round concrete porch, you may need other additional equipment applicable in a particular case.

Construction technology

When building a semicircular concrete porch with your own hands, it is very important to follow the sequence of steps and use only quality materials. It is especially important to correctly mark and plan.

Preparation, marking and calculation

Compared to a rectangular porch, a concrete semicircular modification is more complex at the design stage. After all, you need to not only calculate the correct dimensions, but also the volume of concrete required and the width of the site.

The following rules are used for this:

  • Determine the width of the site. Since it has a semicircular shape, the diameter is calculated instead of the width. In fact, at the wall itself, where the semicircle of the structure begins, the width will be equal to the diameter.

Its value should be at least 50 cm larger than the door itself. For example, if the door is 80 cm, then the diameter of the porch area will be 130 cm.

  • The middle axis of the porch. It should run exactly in the middle of the semicircle and coincide with the center of the door, although there are design options with the door offset to one side or another of the site, especially when the latter is quite spacious.
  • The size of the semicircles of the steps. Having calculated the diameter equal to the width of the platform, you can proceed to the calculation of each subsequent semicircle - step.

The first step from the top should be 25-30 cm wider on each side of the diameter of the platform. For example, if the value of the last one is 130 cm, then the diameter of the 1st step from above will be 190 cm. Accordingly, the 2nd step from above will be already 250 cm, etc.

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