DIY ceiling decor - interesting ideas. How to install a beautiful ceiling yourself: decor options Do-it-yourself creative ceiling

Already in the past, the time when the ceiling was left without attention during the repair. This is a huge field for creativity, and at the moment they decorate not only the walls, but also the ceiling. And this solution looks very beneficial in any room. You have the opportunity to use any basis, and show your imagination 100%. And we will help to understand all the nuances, and offer ideas for finishing.

Ceiling decor in the room

Ceiling decoration

When decorating this part of the space, you have two options: trust the professionals or decorate the ceiling with your own hands. Doing this work yourself will be the best way out. It will cost less, and will reduce the possibility of various incidents to a minimum. Controlling the work of professionals or doing everything yourself, you will get exactly what you intended.

Of course, without experience in decorating, you have fewer options for decorating. The most common is the painting of the ceiling. In this case, you can paint it, creating your favorite image.

Another affordable option- wallpaper decoration. You can combine different types of them, cut any surface shape (for example, create artificial waves). You can choose a neutral background and use ceiling stickers. Or buy wallpaper.

Ceiling design option

Ceiling decor

We select the color scheme

The choice of colors in the room must be approached with all responsibility. The same applies to the arrangement of the ceiling. Properly selected gamma will favorably emphasize the chosen design and design of the space as a whole.

Light colors will visually expand the room, “make” it higher, create a fresh atmosphere. Warm bright hues well suited for a small kitchen, making it more spacious and maintaining a warm, appetizing backdrop. Cold light shades are best left for the living room. This option is suitable for both a spacious room and a small one.

The use of dark tones is also acceptable. They can be used in the living room (both cold and warm) creating the right mood. Dark warm shades are a good alternative for the bedroom. They will help create a calming, relaxing atmosphere.

When choosing a color for decorating the ceiling, rely on the range of other details.

Ceiling decor in the room

Ceiling decoration

The idea of ​​​​decorating the ceiling in the apartment

Choosing a material

Thinking about how to decorate the ceiling, you have the opportunity to choose any base. Wood, drywall, paper, foam, paint and many others are acceptable here. The choice depends on your preferences and imagination. Start from the design of the room as a whole. The selected material should be in harmony with the rest of the details.

Consider several variations using various materials in the design of the ceiling with their own hands.

Ceiling design option

Ceiling decor


Recently, this type of decor is gaining popularity. It is inexpensive (compared to some others) and at the same time unusual and uncomplicated.

This base is environmentally friendly and easy to operate. However, it is more difficult to take care of it: here, as well as on the curtains, dust settles, so you should think about ways to clean it in advance.

As for the types of fabric, any will do, from velvet to silk. Heavy dark ones will give a feeling of solemnity and royal luxury. Whereas light and light will make it airy and light. But it is better to use lighter fabrics.

Important! Ceiling decor with fabric visually makes the room much smaller, therefore it is suitable mainly for spacious rooms.

Ceiling decor in the room

Ceiling decoration

The idea of ​​​​decorating the ceiling in the apartment


It is mainly used in stretch ceilings. It has its pros and cons.

    ease of use and maintenance;

    mold resistant;

    good sound insulation;

    retains heat;

    blends well with other materials.

However, Styrofoam does not provide many opportunities for creative expression.

    not moisture resistant;

    turns yellow over time;

    not environmentally friendly.

This base is well suited for the kitchen and office.


Unlike the previous one, drywall opens up great scope for creativity and imagination. With it, you can create any shape. It is not as environmentally friendly as wood, however, it is moisture and fire resistant, and does not darken over time. One of the advantages: does not require special care and is easy to operate. It has been gaining more and more popularity lately.

Let's move on to the design. Drywall is malleable in processing: you can create any shape, many ledges and steps. It even allows you to create different shapes and silhouettes.

With it, you can adjust the lighting. By including spotlights in the ceiling and creating protrusions in right places, get the desired result in the separation of the light zones of the room.

Ceiling design option

Ceiling decor

stucco work

The decor of the ceiling with stucco will bring aristocratic notes of the 18-19th century into the room, and make it more official. Suitable for a spacious living room with high arches, as it visually makes it heavier and makes the room smaller.

Its elements are made of polyurethane, as a result of which they are light, moisture resistant and do not turn yellow over time.

Stucco molding is mainly located around the perimeter, around the chandelier. Often there is a painting framed with stucco. This material easy to use, you can decorate the ceiling with your own hands. By combining different parts of stucco molding you have the opportunity to create different shapes and forms.

Ceiling decor in the room

Ceiling decoration

The idea of ​​​​decorating the ceiling in the apartment


Can be used in various variations. There is also a large field for creativity: any pattern, color and texture.

One of the most common options is painting. It can be made on any basis in a variety of colors. This type you will have to trust professionals if your artistic abilities leave much to be desired. However, you can paint the surface yourself, which will emphasize your individuality and your talents.

Art decor is the second type of paint application. It is used for stretch ceilings. Its essence is to apply a bright pattern to the PVC surface. Such images are obtained with a three-dimensional effect. For this design, computer processing of the drawing is used, and then applied to the prepared area.

The next choice is the use of stencils. A simple alternative for DIY decor. You can choose any stencil you like or make your own. Next, using a roller or brush to create an original look.

Ceiling design option

Ceiling decor


This base is the most environmentally friendly and safe to use. natural wood looks much better than various imitations, without vulgarizing the interior, but giving it nobility and warmth.

The downside is its high cost, and the need to monitor the temperature and humidity of the room.

You can do wooden beams or patterns. A ceiling made entirely of wood also looks good and does not require any additions.

Ceiling decor in the room

Ceiling decoration

The idea of ​​​​decorating the ceiling in the apartment

Summing up

As you can see, there are many materials to use, each of which has its pros and cons.


environmental friendliness, ease of use, unusual decor

difficulty in care


low cost, ease of use and maintenance, thermal insulation

not environmentally friendly, turns yellow over time, poorly resistant to moisture


easy to use and maintain, waterproof, gives ample opportunities for creativity

expensive, unfriendly

stucco (polyurethane)

easy to use, does not require special care

may change color over time (but lasts longer than Styrofoam

low cost, large field for use, well combined with other raw materials

may cause allergic reaction, the picture fades over time, needs updating

natural base, creates an ecological background in the room

high cost, requires special care

Ceiling design option

Ceiling decor

Ceiling decoration is an art. A wide variety of materials and ideas makes it possible to make the most of your imagination and make a ceiling decor with your own hands or get a dream room with the help of specialists.

It is enough to learn how to decorate the ceiling with your own hands to make your own home beautiful and truly original. Now there are many ways of fashionable and interesting decoration of any ceiling surfaces.

In any dwelling there are such interior elements that immediately catch the eye. They should always look perfect, because they cannot be hidden. One of these elements is the ceiling surface. Even the smallest defect on it can spoil the impression of a quality repair in the room.

You can easily find exclusive materials for finishing the ceiling and give it a sophisticated look. But they usually cost a lot. Do not despair. It is not difficult to decorate the ceiling surface with high quality and unusually and with a small budget. Next, we'll talk about how to minimal cost breathe into your ceiling new life and make it original to the envy of everyone.

Exclusive materials for finishing the ceiling

You can decorate the ceiling in the following ways:

  • imitation of stucco;
  • painting;
  • stencils;
  • special plaster (decorative);
  • applications;
  • photo wallpapers.

We will tell you more about all these methods of inexpensive decoration of ceilings.

Stucco molding gives any room a sophisticated and rich look. Such a natural material is made from gypsum. The disadvantage of stucco is that not everyone House master can properly apply it to the treated surface. You have to call a specialist and pay for his expensive services. This is not affordable for everyone.

Alternative plaster molding- polyurethane elements, which are characterized by low price, increased moisture resistance, good flexibility and low weight.

Polyurethane stucco elements

And most importantly - such an imitation natural material you can easily mount it yourself. Ceiling decoration with polyurethane stucco is most often carried out through the following decorative elements:

  • Sockets - they are placed in areas where ceiling lighting fixtures are mounted.
  • Moldings - there are the most different types And geometric dimensions. These elements are designed to mask the gaps between the walls and the ceiling surface.
  • Borders are ornamental details that allow you to create beautiful and unusual images on the ceiling.

Polyurethane stucco is fixed to surfaces with liquid nails or special glue. All work on decorating the ceiling in this case takes a minimum of time. And you do not need to seek help from specialists at all. All activities are done by hand.

Another way of high-quality decoration of the ceiling surface is plaster mixes. They are structural and textured. The former are allowed to be used to decorate walls and ceilings. Structural type plaster is sold as a white-colored mass, which can be used without additional training. ready mix it is necessary to apply evenly on the surface to be decorated, and then give it the planned relief.

All work is carried out with a plaster roller, spatula special type and special scallops (the latter are needed to get the desired “picture”). If you want to make not a pure white ceiling, but a surface painted in any color, you should add color to it before applying the composition. Drawing on the ceiling with decorative plaster mixture it is easy to get any - geometric patterns, imitation of marble, natural stone or wood.

Drawing on the ceiling with decorative plaster mixture

It is worth noting that the use of structural plaster in unprepared people sometimes causes certain difficulties. If you are not confident in your abilities, it is recommended to use textured compositions. When using them, the relief on the ceiling is formed when the mixture dries without human intervention. To Work with textured plaster really simple:

  • apply the mixture with a spatula to the ceiling;
  • wait a couple of hours, watching how your ceiling is transformed;
  • paint the surface after it has completely dried in the desired color.

Get an exquisite ceiling!

Stylish people who want to radically transform their home can be advised to use self-made stencils. With their help, you can draw any image on the ceiling.

Making stencils and then using them is very simple. The algorithm is:

  1. Draw on a sheet of plastic or on thick paper ornament or image.
  2. Cut out your drawing.
  3. Attach the cut-out stencil to the ceiling surface and apply paint (use acrylic compounds).

Drawing on the ceiling through a stencil

The ceiling is painted with paint using a regular sponge. The disadvantage of using homemade stencils is not always a decent quality of the drawing made. But they can be used for decoration. uneven ceilings. When decorating ceilings with stencils, it is important to choose the right theme for the picture. Professional designers it is advised to decorate ceiling surfaces in children's rooms with images of toys and cartoon characters, in the bathroom - sea ​​waves or fountains, in the living room and hall - animals or trees.

However, the choice of drawing depends solely on your preferences and ideas about beauty. Fantasize!

Self-decoration of children's rooms and bedrooms is often done with applications. They make the personal space of kids fabulous and unusual. Vinyl stickers are usually used as applications. Such decorative elements and the ceiling will make it original, and additionally mask the spots or small gaps on the ceiling.

Vinyl Decal Stickers

Applications are easy to make yourself. For example, from foam, drywall or high density paper. But in this case, they will have to be put on glue once and for all. But vinyl stickers can be removed at any time and put other pictures in their place. Such stickers are good for decorating stretch ceilings. But we will talk about this later. You can also simply decorate the ceiling with photo wallpapers. At the moment, this is perhaps the most popular decoration option. ceilings. Manufacturers produce wallpapers on different topics and subjects. It will be easy for you to choose the perfect pattern for any room in your home.

The most popular photo-pictures for ceilings are products that depict space, a cloudy or starry sky, vegetation (crowns and branches of trees), sunset or dawn. In children's rooms, photo wallpapers with fairy tale characters, and in the bedrooms of young people - products with 3D graphics or abstractions.

If you do not want to use photo wallpapers because of their high price or because they do not fit with the design of the room, try decorating the ceiling surface with a painting. As a rule, it is performed in the center of the ceiling, as well as in the corners of the room.

Decoration of the ceiling surface by painting

The easiest way to do painting is with stencils, which we have already talked about. But you can do it differently. Let's say you want to draw clouds on your ceiling to give the room a special lightness and airiness. Do it like this:

  1. With a paint brush or spray gun, you process the ceiling of a blue tint. It should be applied as evenly as possible.
  2. Wait for the ceiling to dry (it must be absolutely dry).
  3. Paint over the surface again.
  4. Again, wait for drying, and then draw on blue background clouds. For these purposes, use not a brush, but a sponge. Soak it in water emulsion white color and draw the clouds with gentle poke movements.

Similarly, you can paint the ceiling on other topics. Anyone can do this kind of work. Even those who consider themselves very far from creativity.

Tension-type structures are best decorated with stickers - phosphorus, vinyl or photo stickers. decorative elements vinyl is used when:

  • you need to transform for a short time (for example, to celebrate some important date for you);
  • it is required to "hide" small flaws that spoil appearance surfaces;
  • I want to quickly and inexpensively refresh the interior.

Photo stickers for stretch ceiling

If you want something completely unusual, try phosphor stickers. They will gently glow in the dark and bring a special charm and romance to the atmosphere of the room. The most popular are phosphor stickers imitating the starry sky. But you can pick up other options for decorating a room - exquisite monograms and curlicues, bright flowers. Photo stickers are also in demand. They are made from a PVC film, on which one or another image is applied. Such stickers are easily fixed on the stretch ceiling. If necessary, they can be removed by heating the area where they are located with a building hair dryer.

As you can see, decorating the ceiling yourself is quite simple. But be sure to think through all the subtleties of the work on the decor of the room. The decorations used should fit the overall style of the room, without entering into dissonance with the existing interior. The only way new decor will long time surprise your guests and delight all family members with its beauty and originality.

An important place in creating a holistic image of the room is the ceiling. However, many doubt whether decorations are appropriate there and, if so, which ones.

General principles of decoration

At first glance, it may seem that decorating the ceiling is not difficult, but it is not.

If you don't want to spoil the thoughtful design of the room, you will have to think carefully about decorating. There are several principles that guide designers:

Otherwise, you are free to act at your own discretion: just do not forget to take into account our advice. Then the room will look really impressive!

What can be used?

There are many ways to beautifully decorate the ceiling. Some species ceiling coverings are so beautiful that they can be considered elements of decor in themselves - for example, a stretch fabric or a solid wooden array.

However, even they can be made even more beautiful by applying one of the following techniques:

ceiling tiles, painted or voluminous, suitable for simple plasterboard ceilings. If you arrange them in a checkerboard pattern or make a couple of accents, for example, on a chandelier or in the corners of a room, they will serve as a worthy decoration.

Ideal option for classic interior- stucco. Made from quality materials she will serve you long years. True, such decor is not suitable for all rooms - it will not look quite appropriate in a high-tech interior.

Fabric draperies rarely seen on the ceiling. We consider this an unfortunate omission that needs to be corrected!

Styrofoam and drywall love for the ability to take almost any shape and color. Why not use this in your room decor?

Doubt your artistic talents? Try to apply special stencils. Enough to choose suitable paint and the ceiling will be decorated with beautiful patterns or paintings.

The traditional way to decorate the floor is fresco. Yes, it can not be called cheap pleasure. However, beauty and durability redeem high price. In addition, frescoes are back in fashion - maybe try it?

It cannot be called decor - it is independent element interior. But for combined coatings, such an insert will serve as an additional decoration.

Use if you are not sure about the constancy of your tastes (you can read more about them here). Variety of patterns and sizes, ease of sticking and removal… The perfect decor!

Images printed on PVC materials are also popular. Choose a picture that matches the style of the room and see how the ceiling changes!

There are also more traditional decorations: skirting boards, baguettes, and even may well be decorative elements if decorated accordingly. Even lighting can become beautiful accent- enough to choose original chandelier unusual shape.

As you can see decorative trim ceiling includes many concepts - from simple stickers that can be bought at any store to complex structures to order.

Examples in the interior

If you still have not answered for yourself the question of how you want to decorate the ceiling - this is not a problem! We have put together an extensive collection of photographs for you. various types jewelry. Some of it is sure to please you.

One of the cheapest methods is to use paper as decoration. If you're good at making peonies or other flowers, use brightly colored wrapping paper (make sure the color matches the decor!) and hang the finished pom poms from the ceiling with thin string.

If you are using floral paper, it is better to hang ready product away from the chandelier - when heated, it may begin to melt.

Another beautiful option- paper figurines. Arm yourself with a stencil, scissors and patience - it is not always possible to achieve an ideal result the first time. Such lace decorations will suit almost any room - from the bedroom and nursery to the kitchen. Perhaps, they should be avoided only in the bathroom - there they will quickly get wet and lose their attractiveness.

Spectacular and original way decorations - Chinese paper lanterns. Yes, they are not in harmony with every interior. However, in a bedroom or living room in a minimalist or Asian style, such decor is very appropriate.

As you can see, even from improvised materials that are in every home, you can create something unusual, turning the room into a real design masterpiece.

A popular way to decorate the ceiling is molding, otherwise called ceiling plinth. Simple plain or multi-color panels, carved or imitating stucco - the variety allows you to choose something for every taste.

The classic option is to finish the ceiling around the perimeter. Here it is better to choose a beautiful openwork molding that goes well with pastel colors And classic design. If using it as a baseboard seems boring to you, try adding an inner square. True, this technique is not suitable for small rooms - it visually compresses the room a little.

Modern masters are able to create real masterpieces from it - look at openwork carving on this photo. Would you agree that it is a worthy decoration for the ceiling of a Victorian-style hall or office?

By the way, these are not always just panels. You can also order a curly molding that will emphasize the beauty designer chandelier and will fit perfectly into the classic interior.

A more complex option is installation on the entire ceiling area, which will create the effect of embossed patterns on the coating and add volume. Pretty but a bit tricky to implement: if you want this type of décor to look nice, it's best to leave it to the professionals. The slightest unevenness or distortion can completely kill the whole effect.

Previously, draping with fabric was used only in restaurants or concert halls. It's time to move away from this outdated principle! A beautiful and unusual reception will decorate any room, from the bedroom to the living room.

In this case, you need to take care of fire safety: fabrics are flammable, so make sure the wires are well insulated. And choose LED economical light sources, avoiding incandescent lamps. They heat the fabric less, thus preventing fire or melting (this is only true for synthetics).

Modern stucco is most often made of drywall or polyurethane. The second option is cheaper, but we insist on the first: it is much more environmentally friendly. In addition, gypsum is easy to paint in any color, and it takes shape with almost no restrictions.

Stucco molding is well suited to rooms decorated in classical style. Make sure that the design is done carefully: negligence will immediately catch your eye, as this type of decor is quite pretentious.

A ready-made solution for those who like to constantly bring novelty to the interior - vinyl stickers. You can choose a beautiful twisted pattern for the living room, bright cartoon characters for the nursery, or a romantic landscape for the bedroom.

Their main advantage is the ability to quickly replace the picture if you are tired of it. True, they require the utmost smooth surface- Stretch fabric is best.

Do you want to decorate the ceiling with beams? It can be one crossbar for zoning space (try for country style) or. The last type of design is rapidly becoming fashionable again - it is convenient, reliable and very beautiful. True, it can not be called cheap.

By the way, containers for communications and pipes can also be decorated under the beams - great way hide not very nice designs.

Suspended structures on the plasterboard ceiling can be safely taken out as a separate type of decoration: they can take any shape, look very nice in almost any interior and look original.

Try to get away from the usual geometric shapes in favor of butterflies, flowers, clouds.

Using a fresco as a decor will cost a considerable amount, but impressive result you are guaranteed. Of course, not everyone can realize such an idea with their own hands. However, many companies are engaged in such work and are ready to realize your idea.

Frescoes are suitable for the interior of any purpose: from the living room to the kitchen. However, remember that they need an appropriate frame: classic, Victorian, Baroque. At the same time, you do not need to overload the room with other decor - otherwise the beauty of the canvas will simply be lost.

A properly made fresco can withstand temperature changes well, so don't worry about the paint fading over time.

Another way to decorate the ceiling in an unusual way is to use hidden lighting. This method is best suited for multi-level structures: multi-colored led strip look very impressive.

Choose one or two colors, make sure the backlight is laid out correctly and enjoy the resulting effect.

Want to create a floating effect for your single-level ceiling? Choose a stretch fabric that is not too dense in texture, place the backlight around the entire perimeter and you're done. Or install powerful LED strips that will create the impression of refracted light on the surface - an original, but very peculiar technique that not everyone will like.

Using stencils, you can easily apply a pattern to the ceiling yourself: the main thing is to choose a picture that your household will like and fit into the interior.

Better to use as a canvas gypsum boards- they can be painted before installation, which greatly simplifies the process. Still, admit that not everyone will be able to drive with a brush or wield a spray can while balancing on a stepladder.

Choose paints with a dense texture that do not deform from moisture or heat - this is especially true for decorating the ceiling in the bathroom or in the kitchen. And do not be afraid if you draw poorly - the stencil will turn anyone into a professional painter.

We hope we managed to convince you that to decorate the ceiling unusual decor everyone can do it - just show a little imagination!

When building houses, beams are often provided to support building structures. These can be floors made of wooden beams, concrete or metal profile. As a rule, they become an accent in the interior and favorably emphasize the interior.

To create the atmosphere of a country house in a city apartment, use decorative beams decorated in the general style of housing.

In the photo, wooden beams were used as decor.

Ceiling fillets

To mask the joint between the ceiling and the wall, special fillets or baguettes are used, which are made of gypsum, wood, aluminum or more. budget materials such as: foam, polyurethane, plastic.

The most popular fillets are polyurethane, which have good flexibility and are used, among other things, for curved surfaces. In expensive classic interiors, textured gypsum baguettes are used, which allow you to create complex design in combination with stucco and moldings.

Stucco decor

A distinctive feature of the classic interior is the use of stucco. Ceiling rosettes, embossed moldings, interweaving of plant patterns create a special architectural composition of the room. Complex volumetric elements are made of plaster, but in a more budget repairs use polyurethane decor.

Pictured is the original stucco decor in classic style.

Decorative stickers or applications

Decorating the ceiling with stickers is an interesting and inexpensive solution to decorating the ceiling. You can use the image of butterflies, stars, angels, clouds, flowers, various patterns. Self-adhesive vinyl stickers are easy to install and easy to remove.

In the photo, the ceiling is decorated with stickers depicting butterflies.

For decor, there are also mirror stickers. An interesting option are phosphorus figurines different shapes, glowing in the dark, which is suitable for children's interior. Corner floral patterns are often placed. Thanks to a wide range of products, you can decorate any room.

Ceiling moldings in the interior

Ceiling decoration with special profile strips, or moldings, refers to both classic and modern style. Such elements favorably emphasize the geometry of the room.

  • Light foam moldings are suitable for rectilinear decor, while polyurethane can bend and are suitable for curved surfaces.
  • Gypsum overlays are used for more complex profiles, but are less budgetary.
  • Wooden moldings with carved patterns are used in interiors with a traditional setting.

The photo shows an American-style living room with decor from ceiling moldings.

Moldings can emphasize the arrangement of furniture and lighting in a room.

Ceiling decoration with decorative cord

Decorate the joint different materials, plasterboard levels or the junction of the ceiling with the wall can be a special decorative rope, rope or cord. This will eliminate the need to use borders and edgings as decoration. This method will allow you to close any uneven seam and create an interesting design.

Additionally, you can lay an LED strip along with the cord.

In the photo decor ceiling structure decorative cord and LED strip.

Decorating the ceiling with a stencil

An interesting pattern, stylized, for example, as a classic stucco molding, can be done using a stencil and paint.

The photo shows the decor of the ceiling covering using a stencil.

Drapery fabrics

You can decorate the ceiling with draperies made of fabrics. The upholstery of the entire room with many folds will create a unique atmosphere of comfort in the room.


The surface of the ceiling covering can also be decorated with decoupage. In this case, the paper application is glued to the ceiling and covered with protective varnishes.

In the photo, the decor is decoupage with the image of flowers.


Ceiling decor made special paints will refresh the interior and make it unique.

Pictured is the painted decor in the living room.

Photo printing

Stretch fabric with photo printing is actual solution V modern renovation. The original drawing will create an accent in the room.

In the photo there is a stretch fabric with a photo printing of the city.


Painting on fresh plaster that dries to a durable surface is called a fresco. This design of the ceiling covering will set the atmosphere of the entire interior.

Non-standard ceiling decoration elements

Finishing, at first glance, in an unusual way will give free rein to imagination and the ability to create an individual design.

For decor, you can use:

  • Tree branches.
  • Communications, pipes, wires, hoods (most often used to decorate a loft-style ceiling).
  • Watch.

The photo shows a loft interior decorated with pipes. Imitation of an industrial building.

Other examples non-standard solutions for decor, you can see.

Professional tips and ideas from interior designers:

  1. For low ceilings it is desirable to use light shades and reflective surfaces. This will expand and visually elevate the space. White glossy coatings are the best in this case.
  2. Not only small spaces, but enough large rooms require special attention. For creating function space in such a room, it is necessary to select zones and correctly arrange them with various lighting options. IN big room A bright or dark ceiling covering with various decorative elements will look great.
  3. It must be remembered that the space for children should be outstanding. It develops the imagination and creativity of the child. Ceiling decor with patterns, fairy-tale characters, clouds, pictures of the cosmos, unusual lamps will teach a child to explore the world around him from early childhood.

Photo gallery

Ceiling covering, decorated in general style living space, completes the overall picture of the repair and allows you to implement any ideas of the designer.

Ceiling decoration is one of the most fashion trends in practice repair work. It allows you to completely change the appearance of the apartment and make it more cozy and comfortable. Sometimes there is not enough money to finish the ceiling with modern materials. In such cases, you can dream up and do original decor do-it-yourself ceiling This does not require large investments or possession of complex building tools.

Decorating the ceiling with butterflies is a beautiful and unusual solution

Ceiling decor with fabric is one of the inexpensive and quite interesting ideas that has become increasingly popular in recent years. Fabric decor will make the room unusual and at the same time change the perception of the size of the room.

Any material is suitable for decoration - silk, velvet, atlas, veil, synthetic fabrics . The only exception is fiberglass fabrics. The choice of fabric depends only on what result you want to get. For example, velvet will create a cozy luxury, and orgazna will make the space more airy.

Ceiling decor with fabric

Fabric ceiling drapery

Styrofoam ceiling decor

One of the simplest ceiling coverings are foam boards. They may have various shades, be white or laminated. If you want to make foam ceiling decor in the kitchen, you should choose laminated boards with foil.

Boards can be glued to any surface. For this, a special glue is used. Main disadvantage such a ceiling poor moisture resistance. Because of this, he may turn yellow.

Benefits of Styrofoam Ceiling Decor

  • Waterproof surface;
  • Resistance to temperature extremes;
  • Wear resistance, sound and heat insulation;
  • Not moldy;
  • Easily replaced in case of damage;
  • Looks good with drywall;
  • Easy to wash.

Styrofoam ceiling

Foam board ceiling

Plasterboard ceiling decor

Drywall is a material that allows you to make any ceiling shape. It has a wonderful appearance, has moisture resistance and fire safety, does not need special care. Drywall is great for decorating the ceiling in the nursery, living room, bedroom and other rooms.

Plasterboard ceilings can come in a variety of shades, textures, and images. With their help, you can realize the most incredible creative idea. Asymmetric and stepped elements look especially beautiful. You can add a plasterboard ceiling spotlights. If necessary, they will help divide the space into several light zones.

Plasterboard ceiling

Stucco ceiling decor

Stucco molding is great as a decor for ceilings made in the Gothic or antique style. Today, moldings are made of polyurethane, which, unlike gypsum, is light, flexible, moisture resistant, and for a long time keeps white.

Stucco ceiling decor may consist of the following elements:

  • Moldings. Used to close joints located between the ceiling and walls. They have different widths and designs.
  • Sockets. Decor elements that are used in places where chandeliers and lamps are installed.
  • borders. Separate elements of ornaments.

Polyurethane stucco is attached quite quickly and simply with special glue or liquid nails. Therefore, stucco decoration can be done with your own hands. To do this, dilute the alabaster with water, add a small amount of PVA glue and pour the resulting mixture into a special form, then tamp and wait until it dries. Then grind the resulting product and install it in place.

Ceiling decorated with stucco

Ceiling decor with stencils

Ceiling stencils are very easy to make yourself. To do this, you need to draw an image on paper or plastic sheet and cut it out. Then attach the stencil to the ceiling and apply with a sponge acrylic paint. Using stencils, you can draw not only monochrome images, but also whole pictures.

Ceiling decor stencil

First of all, you should come up with ideas for decorating the ceiling using a stencil. For example, for a bathroom, you can take an image of a fountain or waves, for a nursery - cartoon characters, toys, tree branches and images of cats will look good in the hall.

A good option would be to make a stencil with a photo of butterflies. The ceiling, decorated with bright butterflies, will give the room brightness and uniqueness.

Ceiling decor with stencils - butterflies

Advantages of stencils

  • You can have fun and have fun;
  • Good for uneven ceilings.

Disadvantages of stencils

  • Poor drawing quality (in case of self-made)
  • Short service life of stencils.

Ceiling art decor

Art decor allows you to make the apartment unique and original. stretch ceiling. It lies in the fact that a beautiful bright image is applied to the PVC material. The art decor of the ceiling emphasizes the individuality of the owners and opens up endless possibilities for designers. There are several types of ceiling art decor:

  • Art. When creating an image, computer processing of the original drawing is used. Therefore, it will not work to create an artistic art ceiling without specialists. This type is currently the most popular. It fits perfectly into cramped rooms and rooms with low ceilings.
  • Volume. Features exquisite three-dimensional shapes. Such a ceiling will not only decorate the interior, but also create a special atmosphere in the room.

Ceiling art decor

Ceiling decor with photo wallpapers

Decorating ceilings with wallpaper - the usual way their finishes. However ordinary wallpaper Compared to photo wallpapers, they look pretty boring. Modern photo wallpapers are of excellent quality, bright images and are quite easy to install. In addition, they are presented in a huge assortment, which allows you to choose them in any room. If you want to decorate your ceiling with some unique pattern, you can order its printing in specialized companies.

Air-themed photo wallpapers look good on the ceiling. It can be a starry sky, sunset, space and others. For a children's room, photo wallpapers with drawn cartoon characters are suitable. To decorate the ceiling in the hall great option will become abstraction or 3D graphics.

Due to the presence of a special laminated coating, modern photo wallpapers do not fade, are easy to stick, and have an excellent appearance for a long time.

Ceiling decor with photo wallpapers

Ceiling decor with photo wallpapers with 3D effect

Ceiling decor with applications

Decorating the ceiling with appliqués will be an ideal option for decorating a child's room. As applications, you can use ready-made vinyl stickers. They will not only decorate the room, but also help hide small cracks and stains on the ceiling.

advantage vinyl stickers is that they are very easy to remove and stick to any place. This leaves no traces.

In addition, the application can be made by yourself. For this, materials such as paper, drywall and foam can be used.

ceiling application

Ceiling decor with applications

Summing up, I would like to say that the idea for unique ceiling depends only on your desires and imaginations, because modern materials allow you to realize almost any whim. It remains only to dream and realize your ideas in life.

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