Do-it-yourself Alpine hill (76 photos): step by step we create a complex element of landscape design. Do-it-yourself Alpine slide: step-by-step photo, diagrams and installation steps

The expression "Alpine meadows" immediately transfers mentally to a mountain plateau with delicate fragrant flowers, huge rocks, crystal clean air. It is surprising how miraculously unpretentious plants could grow on these blocks. A piece of perfect nature can be recreated in your garden, which seems absolutely incredible. How to make an alpine slide with your own hands? But to equip the most beautiful corner of nature is within the power of everyone.

Such a masterpiece is not very whimsical in care, the main thing is to choose a great place, find unusual stones and choose the right vegetation. Flowers require a particularly careful approach. Their appearance should resemble mountain flowers. Only then will the selected composition correspond to the natural piece of the Alpine landscape.

Location selection

A place to create a picturesque corner should be chosen without trees, since they are completely uncharacteristic of rocky gardens. The alpine slide in the country, located in the recreation area, looks impressive. She will be perfectly visible, besides, she will constantly delight with her unsurpassed beauty. A beautiful harmony is created by a slide arranged near an artificial reservoir.

Even in the absence of a rocky slope on the site, you can perfectly adapt to any chosen territory. An open area, freely blown by the wind and perfectly lit by the sun, is the most the best place for the arrangement of the Alpine landscape. Serves as a great place South side plot or southwest. Remember that there is no point in hiding such beauty from the eyes. The main function of a rocky garden is to bring joy, pacify, attract admiring glances.

Pit preparation

After choosing a place, you should proceed to the preparatory work. On the site of the future rock garden, you need to dig a pit up to 1 meter deep with the size of the slide itself 2x2 meters. In order for an alpine slide, created with your own hands, to please for an incredibly long time, it is necessary to think over good drainage. It is he who performs the function of the foundation, keeping the rock garden from failures and protecting the soil from subsidence. In addition, proper drainage removes excess moisture that can harm plants.

Everything is suitable for good drainage: broken brick, gravel, expanded clay, gravel and even construction debris (however, it is worth completely eliminating wood waste). The next layer should be sand. Instead, you can use a kind of mixture of pebbles, sand and fine gravel. Centimeters 30-40 to the surface should be completed. Next comes a layer of excellent fertile soil. It must be carefully tamped down.

Rock garden stones

For the construction of a unique landscape corner, foundation, limestone stones, sandstones, granite crowbars, boulders are perfect. You can use any stones for the alpine slide. The more exotic the shape looks, the more original and beautiful the structure will turn out to be.

The size of the stone matters. On large territories large, massive stones look great, for small areas it is better to choose smaller ones. The texture and color should be in complete harmony with the surrounding vegetation. To make the alpine slide look natural, opt for one type of stone.

The laying process is carried out in tiers, from largest to smallest. The largest boulders are placed at the base of the structure, and smaller stones are used for the top. Each layer must be sprinkled with earth. Classic variant usually consists of 3-5 tiers. Between the boulders it is necessary to leave space for vegetation.

There are no hard and fast rules indicating how to make an alpine slide with your own hands. The shape of the rock garden depends entirely on the imagination and taste of the owner. Try not to give the slide too regular or, on the contrary, excessively chaotic look. The principles should be naturalness, naturalness, harmony, stability.

Rock garden scheme

Any owner of a plot or cottage at least once in her life thinks about how to make an alpine slide herself. At the same time, I want it to become a real highlight of the site. This is easy to achieve. The most important thing is to calculate the proportions correctly and maintain the composition. Not to be mistaken in size and proportions will help the scheme of the alpine slide.

It is necessary to fully think over the plan, draw a rough sketch on paper. No matter how great your imagination is, don't give up on the scheme. Place all stones and vegetation first on paper. Practice shows what to create Beautiful design It's very rare to do it without a plan. Most often, you have to repeatedly transfer stones from one place to another.

Alpine slide composition

The compositional solution is only a figment of your imagination. It is important not to forget that any solution should create a natural natural look. Do not try to lay out the stones symmetrically. Perfectly demonstrates what an asymmetric alpine slide looks like, photo. How to make such a masterpiece yourself is described below.

Composition examples

Composition "Rocks". Such a project is located on a slope. For him, huge blocks are used. Pines, juniper, dwarf ferns, ampelous bells, wormwood, stonecrops are planted.

"Mountain Valley". Harmonious combination boulders with boulders. Vegetation should alternate in height, you can plant trees and shrubs and even cereals. Moss-covered stones make a lovely backdrop.

"Water Cascade". To create such a composition, an appropriate relief is required. Badans, irises, primroses, ferns are ideal for the banks of the hill. Thanks to a waterfall, fountain or pond, an alpine slide acquires an exquisite charm, and overflows of water contribute to the creation of a zone of comfort and relaxation.

Soil backfill

In order for the vegetation to please with its flowering and health, important points should be taken into account. This will help resolve the issue of how to properly make an alpine slide. One of them is soil. Most plants are quite unpretentious, but only specially designed soil mix will provide the "green inhabitants" with the necessary nutrition. The soil can be made independently. To do this, three parts of clay soil should be added to one part of peat. The resulting mixture is taken as five parts, to which it is necessary to add one more - gravel.

Alpine vegetation

Planting vegetation begins with shrubs and stunted trees. Next, perennial grasses are planted. Ferns, bulbs, cereals, and various herbs are widely used for landscaping. It is necessary to take into account the compatibility of species and stop the choice on really undemanding plants, so as not to select each "landscaper" his own soil.

Vegetation should be combined in such a way that the alpine hill in the country house looks attractive all year round, so that the withering of some “pets” is replaced by the violent flowering of others. Provide rock garden a fresh look in winter will allow coniferous plants: mountain pine, juniper, thuja.

Very suitable for hills healing herbs: rosemary, thyme, sage, bergenia. Ferns will add incredible exoticism, bulbs will enrich them with bright spring colors, cereals will give originality and unusualness, and marigolds, nasturtiums, and daffodils will provide soulfulness and tenderness.

Before planting the plants, the soil should be generously moistened. Having planted any flower or tree, you need to carefully compact the soil and sprinkle with small pebbles. This will allow moisture to evaporate less quickly and will perfectly get rid of weeds.

Slide Care

So that the hill constantly rejoices with its beautiful view, it is not enough to competently plan the design of an alpine slide and recreate it. You should also take care of proper care. Due to the unpretentiousness of plants, too much effort is not required. But watering should be carried out regularly. Germinated weeds must be removed immediately so that they do not clog the planted vegetation. Feeding application ( mineral fertilizers) will pay off with magnificent flowering.

Alpine hill with a pond

Alpine slides with a pond perfectly diversify even the most boring landscape design. miniature lake, beautiful flowers, the mountain landscape is a truly delightful sight!

When building such a slide, you must adhere to all the above recommendations. For a reservoir you need a container. You can purchase a special one, with pockets for placing plants. However, an old bathtub, a huge basin, is not bad for creating a lake. Sometimes a special film is used, spreading it along the bottom.

Main stages

It is the reservoir that most people raise a lot of questions. How to make an alpine slide with your own hands without the help of a professional? If you strictly adhere to the main stages, there will be no difficulties with any composition.

  1. Place marking. The territory is marked with pegs and rope. When preparing the pit, the depth of the reservoir should be taken into account.
  2. Pond location. A container under the lake is installed in the prepared pit. To correct the level, the container is slowly filled with water. The space between the pond and the ground should be covered with sand, which is watered for thorough compaction.
  3. Hill of sand and stone. Along the perimeter of the reservoir with a slight slope back, a hill of sand should be poured and stones laid out. Do not forget that only smooth lines will give the slide a natural look. If the selected site has a natural slope, then there is no such need for an embankment. In this case, the pond should be placed at the foot of the slope. When the terrain is level, the hill should be reinforced. It can be a retaining wall made of brick or stone. If you want to create a small waterfall, it is at this stage that you need to build a cascade. To create it, large flat boulders are used. They are placed in the part of the reservoir where the waterfall is planned. For immobility, they are fastened with cement.
  4. Pump installation. The pump is installed at the bottom of the reservoir. It is very important that it is completely under water. It is he who will pump water, delighting those around him with a waterfall. The hose from the pump can be buried in the ground. You can leave it on the surface, disguised with stones and vegetation.
  5. Soil layer. A layer is poured around the reservoir fertile soil. Vegetation is planted on the hill and the coastal strip.

Alpine slide in the apartment

In winter, on rather cold evenings, there is a desire to touch something beautiful, to get closer to nature. An excellent alternative would be to create a small corner of nature in the apartment. Have you thought about how to make an alpine slide with your own hands within the walls of the house? Pretty simple.

by the most simple option slide is windowed. To create such a masterpiece, you will need:

  • base - you can use an old tray or a regular piece of plywood;
  • stones - small in size and necessarily different in shape and size;
  • shells - any, those that can remind you of a pleasant summer vacation;
  • cement glue;
  • glue gun;
  • assembly foam.

It is from the base that the shape and size of the alpine slide will depend. Stock up on a few plastic bottles. To avoid deformation, fill them with water. Wrap the bottles in cellophane and place them on the base where you plan to place the pots. Instead of bottles, you can use the pots themselves, always wrapped in cellophane.

If decorative snags or other elements are included in the rock garden, then they should be fixed immediately to the base with a pistol. Next, the base is filled with foam. After it hardens, the bottles (pots) can be removed. The slide is covered cement glue and left to dry completely.

The next stage is decorating the slides and bases with stones and shells. Try to create the most natural mini-rock garden.

Instead of a conclusion

Creating such a decorative element as an alpine slide with your own hands will bring a lot of pleasure and make the world around you more alive and beautiful. In addition, a lot of effort to make a corner of nature is not required. However, in your exterior or interior will be created, albeit a small, but a real piece of alpine meadow.

The flower garden, created in the form of a full-fledged alpine hill, with properly selected green spaces, will not leave indifferent even people who are far from floriculture. As a rule, the design and construction of an attractive combination of plants characteristic of the highlands and uniquely selected stones is carried out by professional landscape designers who have the necessary knowledge, experience and technical means to do the work. Do not despair, a simple alpine slide with your own hands, even beginner flower growers can do it, the main thing is your desire and patience, and the presented article will become a kind of instruction. The reward for the time and effort spent will be a small, but at the same time quite spectacular mountain landscape that adorns a personal or summer cottage.

The publication provides an exhaustive answer to the question of how to make an alpine slide with your own hands step by step on your site, without asking for help from specialists. The distinctive features, features of the flower garden are considered and developed practical advice according to the choice, the location of the stones and the green spaces of the rock garden.

The first mixed compositions of wild exotic plants and stones appeared in Europe in the second half of the 18th century. The desire to recreate the natural originality of the wild nature determined the choice of green spaces - the preference was given to representatives of the flora that were not cultivated by breeders. The plants of the mountainous alpine regions were the best suited for this purpose. Meadows, located at an altitude of 2 to 3 thousand meters, abounded in a variety of low-growing vegetation, including ground cover species that form "grass cushions". A little lower, at an altitude of 1.5 to 2 thousand meters, centuries-old coniferous forests grew in the subalpine zone. The brought plants were particularly unpretentious and frost-resistant, since mountainous regions are characterized by rather harsh climatic conditions - the possibility of frosts is not ruled out throughout the year.

rockery Alpine slide

Yes, thanks natural environment habitats of plants - the alpine mountain range, artificially created compositions of green spaces and stone blocks got their name. The design of the alpine slide is fundamentally different from other areas for growing flowering plants, and the peculiarity is not only in the presence of stones. For example, rockery (rocky hill) also suggests that a significant part of the soil surface is occupied by relatively large stones located in a chaotic manner. The fundamental difference between these two types of flower beds is that landscape composition rock garden imitates a mountain landscape, with a center of a group of stones, surrounded by small areas (terraces) with plants characteristic of a mountainous area.

It is the correct, harmonious selection of plants - flowering, shrubs, conifers and their successful composition on stone terraces that distinguish the alpine hill from other flower beds.

Do-it-yourself technology for creating an alpine slide

Depending on the area occupied, the rock garden can be very different - from miniature fragments, occupying no more than 1 sq. m, ending with the largest, located on tens of square meters. The size of the flower garden should be proportional to the size of the site and depends on the overall landscape. Its height depends directly on the area of ​​​​the alpine hill - in a small space it makes no sense to imitate mountain slopes. As a rule, in mini-rock gardens with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bup to 3 square meters, a hill is not erected, with an area of ​​\u200b\u200b6-10 square meters - simple alpine slides, height is allowed up to 1 m. process into logical stages, will help to better comprehend and plan an independent rock garden device.

Video "Alpine hill do it yourself"

Site selection and planning

Thinking about how to make an alpine slide with your own hands, it is important to understand that the only requirement that it must meet is an imitation of a mountain landscape and its specific vegetation. And how to achieve this, what means will be needed, what plants to choose - it depends only on your plan and on a particular personal plot. You can build an alpine slide with your own hands in almost any part of the garden, but most often it is placed near the front side of the estate. If you want to grow light-loving species, the chosen place should be well lit. Regardless of the location, the stone composition should be in harmony with the general style of the plot, the main buildings and be clearly visible.

The variety of the created composition largely depends on the features of the terrain. Perfect option- the presence of natural irregularities or a steep slope on the plot, which will allow you to build longline terraces that are in harmony with the overall design. If the terrain is flat, an embankment with stones will have to be created artificially. After the final choice of location, it is necessary to determine the size and total area, which is planned for the rock garden. To imagine the future structure directly on the ground, wooden pegs driven around the perimeter and twine stretched between them will help.


In order for the flower garden not to overwhelm with its size, professional designers recommend proceeding from the following ratio - total area plot (0.6 hectares), the area of ​​​​the alpine hill (6-10 square meters), height (60-100 cm).

Selection of stones and earthworks

More often than others, when creating a rock garden with their own hands, they use granite, sandstone or limestone, but it is advisable to choose one type of stone, a maximum of two. Basic Required qualities: strength, moisture resistance, durability and naturalness. It is important to remember that our goal is to recreate miniature copy natural mountain landscape, so from artificial materials better to refuse.

simple alpine slide

Granite is better suited for the design of stone ledges, and if necessary, the construction of terraces or paths, pay attention to layered sandstone slabs.

It is not necessary to complement the mountain composition with perfectly smooth boulders, if the construction of a landscape waterfall is not foreseen.

“Old” stones look very impressive with traces of destruction, cracks and chips, and to emphasize naturalness, they select different sizes and colors.

Creating an attractive rocky flower garden with your own hands requires a long and painstaking preparatory work, which includes:

A simple alpine slide with your own hands

  1. ground preparation,
  2. creation of a drainage layer,
  3. selection and placement of large stones,
  4. preparation of soil mixture,
  5. planting vegetation,
  6. laying out small stones.

It is advisable to proceed directly to the construction of the alpine slide at the end of spring or in the first half of summer, in which case, by the time of the autumn planting of plants, all work will be guaranteed to be completed. When planning the time, do not forget that it will take 3-4 weeks for the natural shrinkage of the soil. Before the beginning earthworks, it is recommended to draw the most detailed plan of the mountain composition with an exact indication of the location of large stones, terraces, paths and green spaces and their sizes.

First step practical work- excavation of soil from the inside of the rock garden marked on the ground. It is enough to dig a pit 20 cm deep, while weed roots are carefully removed from the removed fertile soil layer.

The second step is the device of the drainage layer. As drainage, you can use crushed stone of a fraction of 20x30 mm, expanded clay or broken brick, the thickness of the created layer is 15-20 cm. A planting mixture prepared from excavated soil, peat and small broken stone, mixed in equal parts, is poured over the drainage cushion.

The next step is the most important - the installation of large stones and, if necessary, layered slabs along the perimeter to create terraces. Depending on the height of the terrace being created, the slabs can be fastened with cement mortar or sprinkled with earth with the addition of clay.

As a rule, when creating a simple alpine slide with your own hands, 2-3 height differences are arranged - horizontal or inclined terraces of different levels. On them, in addition to planted plants, laid out in a chaotic manner small stones, preferably of the same type as the underlying large ones. free space between the stones leave exactly as much as is necessary for planting groups of plants. Remember, it is important not to overdo the latter when creating a mountain composition. Try to avoid any symmetry and equal distances- a small man-made landscape should correspond to the natural one as much as possible. After filling the sites with soil mixture and the completion of the construction of stone hills, the finished structure is given time to shrink.

Types of laying stones for an alpine slide

Selection and planting of plants

To create an original and spectacular mixed composition of stones and green spaces, you have a fairly wide choice - perennials, annual flowers, shrubs and conifers. When choosing plants for an alpine slide, remember that you are creating a mountain landscape, with vegetation characteristic of difficult climatic conditions. In this case, you are required to make a reasonable compromise between the desire to give the flower garden a colorful brightness and the need to preserve naturalness and originality.

  1. the main selection criteria: compliance of plants with a mountain landscape, undemanding care, decorative qualities or a long flowering period;
  2. number of species. Given the small size of the composition, it is desirable to select 3-4 species of flowering plants, 1-2 shrubs and 1 species of coniferous or woody representatives;
  3. plant size. The alpine and subalpine belts are characterized by short, compact plants and creeping groundcovers. It is preferable to decorate the top and upper tiers with drought-resistant undersized perennials;
  4. frost resistance. By picking up stones for the alpine slide and leaving space between them for planting, it was assumed that the planted plants were able to endure harsh winters without additional shelter or digging;
  5. slow growth. The choice of coniferous or tree species is desirable to be carried out from representatives that grow no more than 10-20 cm per year and grow no higher than 1.5-2 meters.

It is advisable to plant selected plants starting from the top, gradually descending to the lower tiers and ending at the foot. After planting, it is advisable to mulch the soil around the plants with fine gravel. This will not only protect against weeds, but also keep the soil moist.

Having the necessary knowledge to build a simple alpine slide with your own hands and following the recommendations outlined in the publication, you can always create a small, but original and attractive mountain landscape on your backyard plot.

Quick navigation through the material

Beautiful, well-kept area business card any area. It is good when among all kinds of plantings in the garden there is a central element that stands out against the general background.

This element can be a rock garden - a rocky elevation, decorated with flowers and plants and imitating a fragment of a mountain landscape.

Often summer residents confuse two similar concepts - rock garden and rockery. In fact, they are not too wrong, because rockery is common name rocky gardens, and the alpine slide is one of its varieties. At the same time, many landscape designers are accustomed to defining rockeries only as a flat composition.

A rock garden, unlike a rockery, is an elevated composition, necessarily tiered, with slopes and a peak.

Alpine slide in the background log house

Compared with rockeries, it is more difficult to make an alpine slide with your own hands, but it has a more pronounced relief, attracts more attention due to its height, makes the landscape noticeably more picturesque not only in summer, but also in winter.

And you can also zone a summer cottage with a rock garden, for example, visually separate the working area from the front door. In addition, a rocky hill will allow you to beautifully beat embankments unsuitable for planting.

From this article you will learn how to make an alpine slide with your own hands and draw landscape design ideas from 50 photos of rock gardens.

Planning the composition and design of the alpine slide

So, how to compose a composition, how to choose and arrange plants and stones? Full answers to these questions will not fit within the framework of one article, but in short, here are a few main rules and principles that must be followed:

  • According to the canons, an alpine slide should not consist of boulders and run-in stones (with the exception of rock gardens near water bodies), but of rough and broken ones. For example, it can be: tuff, sandstone, limestone, granite or slate.
  • In one composition, it is desirable to combine no more than 2 breeds, otherwise the rock garden will look unnatural.
  • As a rule, the height of the alpine slide is 3-5 tiers (it is better that the number of tiers be odd). It is better not to make country rock gardens too high - they optimal height- 50-80 cm.

In choosing the design of an alpine slide, be guided by a sense of proportion - the composition should look natural and fit organically into the landscape. Cliffs and rocks (see photo below) in summer cottages most often seem foreign. But simple imitations of a slope or a mountain valley without a pronounced peak are appropriate everywhere.

In a small summer cottage, high views of rock gardens, as in this photo, are not very appropriate.

Now let's talk about the choice of plants for the alpine slide. If you build a rock garden strictly according to the rules, then the flora for it must be selected strictly of alpine origin: miniature conifers, shrubs, ground cover, bulbous and herbaceous perennials.

However, real "alpines" are not so easy to find and grow in the middle lane, so you can choose any plants that are characterized by squat (height up to 60 cm), unpretentiousness and, of course, decorative. On the northern slope it is better to plant shade tolerant plants: tenacious, periwinkle, fern, bergenia and others. On the southern slope, respectively, light-loving plants grow better: lavender, barberry, adonis, iris, acena and others. Very harmoniously fit into the "mountain ensemble" evergreens, such as mountain pine, Canadian spruce, juniper and others.

It is desirable that the plants of your rock garden retain their decorative effect throughout the season, otherwise the withered leaves will spoil the whole composition, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to hide them behind the flowering "neighbors". For this reason, it is good to use flyers in the design of an alpine slide. Although they are not quite “canonical”, they will decorate a rocky garden for a long time.

Step by step instruction of 8 steps

Having roughly imagined what our rock garden will be like, we can begin to create an alpine slide with our own hands.

The technology for creating an alpine slide consists of the following steps:

  1. Choose a place, determine the size;
  2. We draw a rock garden scheme;
  3. We designate the contour, remove the sod;
  4. We make a drainage layer;
  5. We prepare fertile soil and fill it up;
  6. We erect the core of the hill, sprinkle the soil;
  7. Planting plants;
  8. Let's put the finishing touches on.

And now let's talk about each stage in more detail.

Step 1. Draw a plan for an alpine slide

Creating even the simplest alpine slide is best to start with the development of the project. The simplest option is a schematic sketch, observing the approximate sizes of stones and plants relative to each other. For example, it could be something like this.

1 - Mountain pine, 2 - Creeping thyme, 3 - Canadian phlox, 4 - Evers stonecrop, 5 - Gray fescue, 6 - Rocky alissum, 7 - Angustifolia lavender, 8 - Stonecrop, 9 - Fragrant rue, 10 - Steller's wormwood. Note: the scheme of the alpine slide is shown without taking into account the flowering time of plants

Ideally, a slide, especially a large and multi-tiered one, should be designed on a scale of, say, 1:50 or 1:25 (1 cm on paper corresponds to 50 or 25 "natural" centimeters) and with a grid with 2 × 2 cm cells (that is, with transferring the grid to nature, the cells will correspond to cells of 50 × 50 cm at a scale of 1:25).

Step 2. Choose a place

Here are some tips for choosing a place for an alpine slide:

  • It is desirable that the rock garden is located in a sunny place, and the slope is oriented to the east and south. Of course, you can choose a shaded place, but then the choice of flora will be limited - you will have to plant only shade-tolerant plants.
  • Well, if the composition was placed so that it could be seen from different sides.
  • The arrangement of an alpine slide near a house or other buildings is undesirable, since from the melting of snow or drops, the flower garden can sag and be damaged.
  • Rock garden on the background of the fence - not best idea, but if you can’t find another place, then bushes planted along the fence, or lianas, as in the photo below, will help to ennoble the background of the slide.

An example of an alpine hill against the backdrop of a fence. By the way, here the rock garden is designed to hide water communications This small alpine slide would look much better if the fence was wrapped in vines or planted with shrubs.
  • You should not build an alpine slide under the trees (deciduous and flower), otherwise every autumn you will have to clear the rocky garden from fallen leaves.
  • If the site has uneven terrain created by nature, then this the best option for rock climbing.

Suitable places:

  • Front area of ​​the site;
  • Entrance area;
  • Recreation area (in the barbecue area, at the gazebo, pool, pond);
  • Backyard;
  • Near any rocky retaining walls.

Step 3. Remove the sod

In accordance with the plan, we designate the contour of the future slide in the selected area: we drive in the pegs and stretch the twine through them.

Next, we remove the sod to a depth of just over 30 cm and leave it aside for a while. Later, on its basis, we will prepare the soil substrate. Being engaged in land work, do not forget to remove the rhizomes of weeds.

Step 4. Prepare the base

So, we got a "pit" rock garden. Now we need to fill it with a "sandwich" of drainage and soil. Broken bricks, pebbles, crushed stone or medium-sized gravel can be used as the first layer of drainage. We fill it with a thickness of 10-15 cm, depending on the size of the stones. Next, we fill up a layer of sand 5-10 cm thick, ram it well and fill it with water to achieve maximum density.

  • To prevent the destruction of the composition from the raids of moles and shrews (if they are found in the vicinity of your dacha), you need to lay a fine metal mesh on the bottom of the pit.
  • If you arrange a rock garden on a slope with dry and loose sandy soil, then drainage can be omitted.

Step 5. Prepare the soil

When the laying of the drainage layer is completed, you can begin to prepare fertile soil. We will mix it from equal parts: previously dug turf, peat, humus and sand.

  • Soddy land before preparing the soil substrate must be thoroughly cleaned of weeds and their rhizomes.

Step 6. We erect a hill

The construction of an alpine slide begins with laying the most beautiful and big boulders along the perimeter of the future rock garden.

Stones should lie as stable as possible. To do this, they must, firstly, be placed on the ground itself. big party, and secondly, if necessary, put smaller support stones under them or add gravel or soil. The bottom row of boulders needs to be completely dug a third or two thirds into the ground - this way you will achieve not only stability, but also the desired effect of naturalness.

Having folded the first row of large stones, we fill the prepared soil in the center of the composition and at the same time lay out the medium stones, forming the second tier.

Finally, small cobblestones are placed at the top of the hill and on the slopes where voids need to be filled. At the top of the hill, you can put one large or two medium stones. When erecting an alpine slide, do not forget to refer to your scheme and leave enough space for planting. At the end of the construction of the alpine slide, it must be watered abundantly and left for a couple of weeks to shrink.

  • Try to lay the stones so that the planting pockets are horizontal, not sloping, as plantings on a slope are not very easy to water.
  • Before laying each new stone, the soil under it is pre-tamped.
  • Remember that the rock garden should have as little geometry and symmetry as possible, because it is rare in nature.

Some experts recommend that the core of the hill be formed not from fertile soil, but from sand mixed with a small fraction of crushed stone (the soil is only poured into the planting holes, and then the entire embankment is covered with it to hide light sand). So the elevation will be more reliable and durable. High slides require a core of three layers: gravel (or other rocky placer), sand and soil (see diagram below).

Step 7 Planting the Plants

When the composition of stones suits you, proceed to the most pleasant stage - planting the flora. To do this, first arrange pots with seedlings on the slopes according to your project, starting with large ones and ending with small ones. Planting plants should start from the top, gradually going down. The depth of the planting holes depends on the size of the root systems of specific species. Finally, the finished slide needs to be poured with water, washing the earth off the stones.

  • Do not overdo it with fertilizers to avoid unwanted growth of plants in breadth and height.
  • The soil substrate (acidity and alkalinity) can be adjusted for each species.

Step 8: Adding the Finishing Touches

Hurray, the alpine slide is ready! Now you can add backfill (pebbles, gravel or crushed stone) where necessary, or install decor ( garden figures, lights, etc.)
Finally, we suggest you watch a visual master class on how to make a simple alpine slide with your own hands.

See also the gallery of rock garden ideas in the country.

Do-it-yourself rock garden creation occurs according to a certain algorithm, the observance of which guarantees the success of the construction:

  1. Choosing a place in accordance with aesthetic considerations and the needs of plants.
  2. Sizing, creating a plan and diagram of an alpine slide.
  3. Selection of a stone, checking it for quality and buying.
  4. Reconstruction of the contour of the rock garden in the form of a graphic drawing on the selected area.
  5. Complete removal of the topsoil.
  6. Making a mixture from the soil with the addition of impurities and fertilizers.
  7. Device drainage system if it is necessary for specific plants.
  8. Planning the arrangement of plants in tiers.
  9. If necessary, arrangement of a water tank (reservoir).
  10. The final selection and gradual planting of the soil with ornamental plants.

Video on how to build an alpine slide with your own hands.

How to make an alpine slide with your own hands. Step-by-step instruction

Consider step by step how to create your rock garden. When choosing a suitable place need to be guided preference for well-lit, slightly elevated terrain above the general level. If the site has a slope or hill, it is advisable to choose this particular area. It is advisable to place the alpine slide away from trees or non-picturesque objects that can distract attention from the garden or shade it in an unfavorable light. It is undesirable to get shadows from tall objects on the flower garden.

If the rock garden is obtained in the form of a slide, you will have to make out the slopes, they will all be oriented to different cardinal points, respectively, some plants will receive more heat and sun rays and others may not be able to. It is advisable to make a more elevated hill from the side that will be looked at more often, and the rest of the area can be made more gentle.

Dimensions and general contours of the slide

Despite the representation of the rock garden in the imagination, in reality it must be combined with other objects harmoniously fit into the environment. There should not be an overabundance of stones, general style garden or nearby buildings cannot be changed.

If the site is located on several acres, then you can create several moderate-sized rock gardens or one large one, located at least 5 m². In height, it can take up to 60 cm and above, but it is worth remembering that a small flower garden will be much less noticeable than a tall and lush one.

If they sit down small plants, you can not use too large or unusual stones, as they will focus all attention on themselves. Curvy, interesting contours should be made as much as possible, since low plantings different colors will look like a mosaic.

Choosing the right stone

The size of the stones is determined by the parameters of the rock garden and the requests of the owners. If any stones do not fit under standard parameters, however, the owners of the site really liked it, you can try to apply them wisely, and if necessary, mask the irregularities with tall plants or plantings with lush leaves.

It is recommended to use in one composition stones of a certain type without diluting them with others in composition and contours. Usually, local or permanently sold breeds are used, as they are the easiest to obtain and they are relatively inexpensive. It should be remembered that the stones should blend in as harmoniously as possible with the surrounding area.

Plants should look harmonious with stones, favorably emphasizing only positive traits each other. The final composition should first of all be liked by the owners themselves, so you need to select all the designs for your own taste, guided by general ideas about the optimal proportions.

Chipped stones that have too sharp edges are a marriage, such materials should be immediately put aside. The use of absolutely smooth, hewn, for example, river stones is ideal.

Stones that are covered with moss look beautiful. They can be found in the forest, so get them for free. Often they look much better than store-bought ones.

Drawing a contour

The outlines of the future flower garden should be placed directly on the site itself, repeating all possible inaccuracies. The harmony of the flower garden with other plants is assessed in advance. This stage is considered one of the most difficult in the process of creating an alpine slide. It requires increased attention, so when performing it, you need to focus and think well possible options by contour change.

The outlines can be laid out with a bright rope. It is advisable to first drive in the pegs, and twist a thick rope on them, bypass the composition obtained from all possible viewpoints. If you need to adjust the borders, it is better to do it right away by reinstalling the pegs. You can evaluate the result on the spot, redoing it again if necessary.

Removal of topsoil

The layer is removed carefully. It should be set aside, but not thrown away, as it may come in handy as a substrate that may need to fill conspicuous and unplanted voids between adjacent stones. The soil is removed by 30 cm, sometimes more. The parameters are individual. It is necessary to focus on the remains of parts of plants in the ground. Where they are, the fertile layer is located.

Work should be carried out when the earth is not very wet. It is desirable that it be completely dry, have a composition that can be easily sieved.

If there are many grassy weeds on the site, herbicides should be used to permanently destroy them. If this is not done, then the seeds will easily germinate on fertilized soil, preventing the full development of new, young plants.

soil mix

To properly prepare the substrate, you need to take the components in exactly three equal parts. Will be required sod land, peat with compost and sand, sometimes perlite is mixed in. To make it easy to fill the necessary cavities with it, it should be sufficiently moist, it should be nutritious. If removed upper layer was fertile enough, you can use it in the mix of the mixture.

Many recommend increasing plant fertility by adding various fertilizers to the substrate, but this advice cannot be applied to alpine slides. On such soil, plants will grow up, will quickly stretch with a predominance of green mass. They bloom with the smallest flowers, which are formed less than it should be for plants.

If aggressive ground covers are planted, then their growth will increase, they will close the stones, after which the meaning of planting plants next to the stones will be lost. The soil mixture must be placed on a hill during the laying of stones, usually it is compacted. After the work is completed, the slide is watered abundantly, and then the recesses formed as a result of pouring water are additionally sealed.

drainage system

It is not always required, but some plants do. If the soil is loamy or clayey, then drainage is performed. If ground water lie close to the surface, then a constant removal of moisture must be done.

For drainage arrangement crushed stone or small stones are used. They are covered with a layer of 0.1-0.3 m. drainage layer it is poured unevenly, if the slide should stand on a hill, the layer needs to be thickened. Sand must be sprinkled over the stone to a thickness of up to 10 cm. In places where elevations are planned, it must be thickened.

At the next stage, the hill is watered abundantly, after which the drainage layer is immediately compacted. All imperfections in it will be perfectly visible, so it will be possible to carefully level them.

Vertical planning

The most important event selection and installation of stones. With their help, whole drawings, volumetric compositions are formed. Each individual group can be distinguished by a section or shade, which makes the rock garden interesting for long consideration. To repeat the mountain landscape, you need to do all the patterns randomly, correct geometric figures should not be used.

With proper vertical planning initially, the largest stone is laid. It is desirable to make it closer to the east side. Smaller stones are laid in order: from the middle - the largest, and the closer to the ends, the smaller rocks can be used.

To avoid symmetrical proportions, one group of stones can be laid out with maximum fit, and the other placed at some distance from each other. When laying the stone, remember to leave holes for the subsequent planting of ornamental plants.

Stones must be absolutely stable. They should not sway, so they go deep into the ground by at least one third of their size. If necessary, the structure is additionally strengthened with a layer of soil or small stones.


The earth needs to be watered abundantly before planting several times., only then plant the plants you like. Light-loving plants should be closer to the sun, and those that can do without it, if necessary, are placed to the shady side.

Large plants look great against the background of large stones, while small ones are best planted near small ones. ground cover plants planted with a large distance so as not to interfere with each other's development. Cushion plants can easily coexist with each other. Dwarf trees should stand apart so that the slide looks irregular. After planting the plants, the soil is mulched.

The right choice of plants, compliance with all the preparatory stages for the formation of an alpine hill will help to make it as high quality as possible. She will please the eye for a long time picturesque fragment of natural plants.

Each modern well-maintained dacha is sure to be decorated with either a garden or various kinds of flower beds. At the same time, the size of the country allotment does not have to be huge at all in order to realize even the most daring ideas. Nothing interferes with small plot create something beautiful, unusual and elegant. For example, a miniature alpine slide, which is easy to make with your own hands when using available materials even beginner gardeners.

Such a compact rock garden has several advantages over a conventional flower garden. First, it looks much more original. Secondly, it takes up little space, and thirdly, it does not require complex care. For those who seek to master the arrangement of alpine slides, creating a miniature version will be a great practice.

Everyone can build an alpine slide with their own hands, even in a small area

What is the difference between rock garden and rockery?

Rock garden and rockery are two different ways flower bed designs that have a lot in common. Due to the large number of identical characteristics, sometimes even gardeners with extensive experience get confused in these concepts. Both are a flower garden, for the arrangement of which flowers and stones are used. What is the main difference between them?

Rockery is called a rock garden in its purest form. When creating it, only one type of stone is used. They are laid in two ways: randomly, without observing any order, or in parallel rows. This helps create the visual effect of wildlife. The secondary element of the composition are plants and flowers, which in this case serve only as a natural floral background.

It is the role of plants in the flower garden that is the main hallmark between the alpine hill and the rockery. In this type of stone garden, like a rock garden or a mini-rock garden, the main focus is on plants. Its composition consists of various types of colorful, unusual flowers and their combinations, turning the flower garden into a small magical world, from which it is impossible to take your eyes off.

A rockery differs from an alpine slide by focusing on the natural beauty of the stones, flowers in this case serve only as an addition.

An ideal place to create a small rock garden

Having planned to create a small alpine slide with your own hands, it is important to choose the right place. For example, a one-sided mini-slide is best placed next to the wall of the house or near the fence, as an addition to the general flower garden or as a separate element of the garden. A round flower garden will look great in the center of the lawn. Thus, all its sides will become available for review. The ideal place for a mini-rock garden in a flowerpot is a porch or terrace.

Interesting idea: the roof of the cellar gradually turns into an alpine hill

Also, when choosing a place for a rock garden, it is important to consider not only how it will look, but also pay attention to other points related to its placement:

  1. Illumination. The place must be sunny so that the plants receive the necessary amount of light. A shady spot will cause the flowers to fade and stretch out.
  2. Lack of nearby trees and drainpipes. When the flower garden is under a tree, the leaves from it will crumble and spoil the appearance of the entire composition. Rainwater from the drainage system can cause soil erosion.
  3. In the flower garden should be placed "neighbors" who get along with each other and have similar conditions for care and cultivation.

An open, well-lit clearing will be a great place to build a rock garden.

Variants of execution of small alpine slides

Getting to work on a miniature rock garden with your own hands, you need to consider the choice of style in which it will be decorated, it completely depends on the desires and imagination of its creator. Photos of the most spectacular and colorful mini-rock gardens can help you choose a specific option, for example:

  1. A common alpine slide in miniature. It is a stepped structure that is installed directly on the ground. It can become a wonderful decoration of the entire flower garden as a whole.
  2. Mini rock garden, combined with a pond. An amazing effect is achieved due to the presence of even a small bowl at the base of the stones, which will imitate a pond. Such an element of the composition will make it even more charming and attractive. An addition in the form of a mini-waterfall or a fountain will make this place the most attractive in the entire summer cottage.
  3. A small alpine slide in a flowerpot. An excellent solution in case of lack of free land plot. You can always find many photos of such mini-rock gardens, and not only in flowerpots, but also in various other containers.

A rock garden can be completely different - from a mini composition in a pot to a large slide with waterfalls and a fountain

Materials for the design of the slide

To create a small, the simplest alpine slide, even beginner gardeners do not need a lot of skills and a lot of effort. The main thing is to get creative. The process itself will not take much time, since the mini-rock garden is a completely small and labor-intensive project.

Organic stone laying creates the impression of a natural landscape

As soon as you decide to equip a small rock garden with your own hands, you will need quite a bit of material, which is definitely in any country house:

  • several large stones;
  • gravel;
  • ceramic shards.

Sometimes even old sinks or leaky basins can act as improvised materials. They, too, can really be transformed into a genuine floral masterpiece.

To make the composition more interesting and original even with a minimum of vegetation, stones with an unusual shape and color should be preferred. It is advisable to surround cobblestones of a common gray color with gravel of other shades or bushes with bright flowering.

Choosing plants for a small alpine slide

Which plants will make up the composition of the mini-alpine slide is determined by the area that the latter will occupy. In the case of small areas, miniature plant species are also required. The most suitable are dwarf-sized conifers, as well as rock species that grow slowly. Among them you can choose:

  • boxwood;
  • juniper;
  • erica grassy;
  • saxifrage;
  • Phlox subulate.

If we want to dilute the composition with bright colors, we should plant undersized plants that have small flowering, for example:

  • creeping thyme;
  • aubrieta;
  • lobular.

In the case when the mini-garden of stones will not remain for the winter, then it is permissible to include cacti and succulents in its composition, for example, a fat woman or an agave. With the advent of autumn, it is enough to remove a miniature rock garden in a flowerpot from the street into the room.

Plants for slides should be unpretentious to environmental conditions

The sequence of creating a mini-rock garden for beginner gardeners

In various sources, you can find a lot of diagrams and step-by-step instructions with photos for creating mini-rock gardens. The simplest sequence of actions, which is easy to translate into reality even for a beginner in gardening, is as follows:

  • site marking for a mini-alpine slide;
  • placing stones and fixing them in the ground;
  • planting plants between stones.

Site preparation

Starting the arrangement of the flower garden, all weeds and roots should be removed from the site intended for it. This will save time and effort in the future.

Since the mini-rock garden occupies a small area, a pit about 50 cm deep is enough. A similar hole should be dug in the place where most of the stones are planned to be placed and filled with drainage. As the latter, ordinary construction waste, which is not toxic, may be suitable. After compaction, it is covered with earth. It is important to produce intermediate watering of the earth, which is added in layers. Such a measure contributes to better compaction and will prevent your creation from sagging in the future. To mark the tiers of the rock garden, twine and stakes are used.

When placing stones, you can focus on your own taste and general form resulting rock garden

Quite often, one of the most impressive stones is located in the middle of the flower garden. It is installed on a special substrate, which is buried in the ground so that its base is flush with the ground. A plaster bowl or a substrate made of cement mortar can serve as a support. First you need to install in right place support, drowning it in the ground, and then laying a stone on it. You can make the placement of the stone reliable by resorting to cement mortar or gypsum.

Further, according to a similar principle, one should deal with the arrangement and fixing of smaller stones. When creating an alpine mini-slide, the most commonly used are: shell rock, dolomite and tuff. Particularly elegant look samples that have a natural color and structure, although modern landscape design methods allow the coloring of stones, the appearance of which does not fit well with the overall composition. Usually, when designing miniature rock gardens, they try to use small samples of stones of one colors, but it is quite possible to use bright colors, creating contrast to the main background. This will give gloss and elegance to the flower garden.

When installing stones, it is necessary to adhere to the descending rule, that is, place them in height decreasing downwards. The lower stones should act as a reliable and stable support for the upper ones. There is also the option of tiered placement of stones, which also looks very impressive.

Stones that have an even and flat shape should be laid out in layers, round stones should be placed one or more together in addition. The main thing is that the number of stones in the group is odd, and it is imperative to focus on one of them.


Before planting plants on a hill, flowers can be laid out directly in pots and see the general view of the composition, planting should be done after all the amendments

In the process of placing and installing stones, it is important to leave a place between them, which will later be occupied by the plants chosen for the mini-rock garden. These interstone gaps must be filled with fertile soil. You can plant plants and flowers not only between, but also around the stones. First of all, the largest plants should be placed. As for dwarf trees, which have a fairly powerful root system, then they must be planted when the first stones are still being laid. At the end, medium and small plants are planted. At the end of all work, the flower garden should be watered. After that, it remains to apply the final design touches. To do this, you will need sand, small pebbles and any elements of garden decor.

How to install a miniature pond

A miniature pond in the composition of a small rock garden will give it a special appeal. To create it, you need a regular container designed for artificial reservoirs. You can buy such a device at any store specializing in goods for the garden.

However, you can build such a container yourself from improvised materials, for example, an old basin. First you need to knead a cement mortar with a consistency similar to thin sour cream, and add medium-sized crushed stone to it. The inverted basin should be covered with a uniformly obtained mixture with a layer with a thickness of 1-2.5 cm.

When creating a rock garden with a pond, it is not at all necessary to purchase expensive structures; you can use unnecessary containers, such as a bath or basin

It will not be superfluous to create additional decor. It may be a pattern scratched on outside, or laid out mosaic. Ceramic shards, broken glass, shells and pieces of tiles are suitable for mosaics. Decoration should be done when cement mortar still remains wet. In this embodiment, it is not necessary to add crushed stone to the solution.

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