Where to invest a million rubles? Large financial investments - how to invest money wisely. Investments in the foreign exchange market

You will find out in which business to invest a million rubles in order to make a profit, what investments are the most promising, what you can invest 1,000,000 in so as not to burn out

We welcome our readers! Permanent authors and creators of the online magazine "HeatherBober" Alexander and Vitaly are with you again.

Today we will talk about large cash investments and tell you how to increase your capital in the safest possible way.

The article will be of interest to entrepreneurs, moneymakers, investors and people who want to improve their financial literacy.

Let's start, friends!

1. Large financial investments - how to invest money wisely

A million rubles is quite a suitable amount to make profitable investments and provide yourself and your loved ones with a comfortable and comfortable life for the next few years.

Today we will not talk about how you can earn a million rubles - there are many original and useful publications about this on our website (for example - ""). We will talk about how to manage such money as productively and intelligently as possible.

In the article, we will try to answer in detail and in detail the question: where to invest 1,000,000 rubles in order not only to save, but to increase money?

What are the benefits of big investments?

For them, the rule is true: the larger the amount of investment, the higher the interest.

Choosing an investment object is a responsible matter, which should be approached sensibly and armed with knowledge.

You should not invest the whole million in one direction - this greatly increases the risk of a total loss of capital. Even the most reliable banks in the world do not give a 100% guarantee of the safety and multiplication of money.


Investments should be divided into several parts: diversification of deposits (as it sounds in the language of financiers) reduces the risk of losing capital many times over!

And a few more rules of competent investment:

  1. Determining the ratio of return to risk. Any transactions with money involve some degree of risk. You need to invest in such a way that the probability of receiving income significantly exceeds the risk of losing capital.
  2. Invest only working capital. Never operate with money that is needed to pay for essential things - food, housing, health, children's education.
  3. Don't Make Emotional Intuitive Decisions. The final conclusions regarding investments are made after a comprehensive analysis of the situation. Only a reasonable approach guarantees the stability of profits and the safety of money.
  4. Engage professional consultants. Experts will help you avoid common mistakes and conduct transactions more competently. Even a few extra percent of profitability in the case of a million means tens and hundreds of thousands of rubles.
  5. Don't invest under pressure. It doesn't matter who puts pressure on you - relatives, friends, partners - the decision on deposits should be made by you personally.

It is also important to decide in advance on the purpose of investing. Long-term deposits are radically different from short-term ones. Quick profits increase risks, investments for long periods are more reliable.

If your goal is to create a permanent passive income, use more conservative investment tools. If you need to turn capital in the shortest possible time to purchase a certain thing (car, house, sailboat), it is more profitable to use more aggressive investment methods.

An alternative investment option is to purchase a ready-made franchise business. This scheme is good because it is guaranteed to work. The risks are minimal, and the commercial effect is known in advance.

We even have specific offer is a franchise of a chain of Japanese restaurants. Why this particular project? It's simple - our good friend named Sergei has already invested in this business and is already making a steady profit. Sergei invested 1.5 million in the opening of an island format restaurant and paid back his investment in six months.

Another plus in favor of the project is the perspective of the niche. All over the world there is an outflow of visitors from expensive restaurants to more affordable and affordable ones. Sushi Master is just an example of such an outlet. 120 restaurants are already open in 8 countries of the world. All of them bring their owners a decent income and work on effective marketing technologies.

2. Where is it better to invest 1,000,000 rubles - 6 ways to make a profitable investment

Smart investments are the key to a peaceful future. Financial independence makes it possible to do what you want, and not what life circumstances oblige you to do.

It's great when work is both a hobby and a favorite thing, but in practice, most people are engaged in low-paid wage labor, dreaming of traveling, relaxing, full communication with friends and family.

If you are reading this article, it means that you are already making a difference or sincerely want to do so. To bring you closer to your goal, we have selected 5 ways to invest: the most popular, the most reliable, the most profitable, the most conservative and the fastest.

Choose which method suits you best, in accordance with personal goals, ambitions, other objective and subjective factors.

Method 1. Real estate (the most POPULAR way)

When it comes to saving large amounts of money, the average citizen thinks of two things - bank deposits and real estate. We will talk about the first option later, the second we will consider right now.

Real estate will always be in demand, as housing is one of the basic human needs. Everyone needs a roof over their heads, which means that apartments and houses will always be a popular and reliable way of investing capital.

Apartments will allow you to receive 2 types of income:

  1. Rental income.
  2. Sales income.

Renting is a typical type of passive income: getting money without labor. You have a profit on the basis of ownership and do not make any efforts to receive a monthly profit (daily if the apartment is rented by the day).

While the apartment is rented by other people, it remains yours, and its value in the real estate market is gradually growing. At any time, you can sell an apartment for more than you bought: the difference in cost plus rent will be a net return on investment.

Some earn exclusively on purchase / sale transactions.

There are several options for such operations.:

  • you buy real estate, wait for prices to rise, then sell it;
  • buy an apartment in disrepair, make repairs, sell at a price exceeding your costs;
  • you buy housing at the stage of construction or laying a house, you sell it after the commissioning of the facility at a high price.

There is one “but”: during economic downturns, real estate usually falls in value and gives low returns throughout the crisis. During such periods, it is better to refrain from sales and earn exclusively on rent.

Method 2. Bank deposit (the most RELIABLE way)

Whatever one may say, bank deposits remain the most reliable and accessible way capital increase.

In addition, in Russia, for example, the state protects the interests of the depositor - the bank client receives an almost one hundred percent guarantee of the return of funds with the promised interest, since by law all deposits of individuals up to 1.4 million rubles are insured without fail.

This way of investing cannot be called very profitable. The maximum that banks promise to citizens is 10% per annum, in rare cases 12%. In conditions of stable inflation, real profits will be even less.

Of course, a million is not a bad amount, promising 100,000 in income per year for storage, but if prices increase by about 10-13% over this period, the real profit will fluctuate around zero.

A more expedient way to increase and save finances through banks is to transfer capital into euros and dollars and store them in them. True, the interest rate for deposits in foreign currency is much lower.

Use the services of large banks that are included in the TOP-50 or TOP-10 most reliable financial institutions in your country.

Such institutions, as a rule, have state support, which increases security and provides psycho-emotional peace.

Banks - great option for long-term savings. If you need the money in a shorter time frame, consider other (more aggressive) investment options.

When making deposits, study the conditions in advance. When comparing deposits, users and banks themselves focus on interest on deposits. But this is not the only indicator of profitability.

The total profit also depends on:

  • from interest capitalization;
  • from the possibility of replenishment of deposits;
  • on account closure conditions.

The more freedom of action the deposit agreement gives the client, the lower the percentage of income. But if you choose complex formula interest accrual (with monthly capitalization), profitability can be increased.

Method 3. Own business (the most PROFITABLE way)

A starting amount of one million rubles is an ideal basis for starting your own business. It is not for nothing that we called this method the most profitable - there are no restrictions on profit for a business. In a year, you can double and triple the amount of the initial investment, and even increase it 10 times.

There is another danger - to lose your money by investing it in a loss-making enterprise. To prevent this from happening, experts advise investing in a business that is close and familiar to you.

For example, a very good option for investing your own money is "Business with China". By purchasing a test batch of goods, you can sell it at a markup of up to 500% and increase your capital by 3-5 times. Some of my friends are already doing this and earning up to 700,000 rubles a month net.

There are certain subtleties in the “Chinese theme”, but everything can be learned. If you are interested in creating a business on Chinese goods and wrapping up a million rubles, we strongly recommend that you do this under the guidance of an experienced mentor.

If you are interested in starting and developing a business with China, we recommend watching a video in which Evgeny, a student, shares his financial and other successes after completing his studies:

As you can see, it is worth choosing an area in which you feel like a specialist, and the chances of successfully promoting your business will increase significantly. But it is not enough to understand the business, it is important to finance the enterprise as competently as possible.


90% failed business projects become such at the launch stage!

Any business is a competition and struggle.

Despite the fact that today many entrepreneurial skills can be learned, the basis is still the nature of the individual. specific person- his character, his way of thinking.

If you have weak nerves and lack toughness, if you are initially not happy with the thought of solving a huge number of problems every day, negotiating with everyone: suppliers, employees, regulatory organizations - it’s better not to start a career as an entrepreneur at all, but to choose more “peaceful” ways to increase capital .

And now the current trends for choosing the direction of business:

  1. Car wash. Even in major cities With big amount of such services, car enthusiasts often have to stand in line to wash the car. Considering that the number of cars is constantly growing, this business will always remain profitable.
  2. Mini-hotel (hostel). Another problem of large cities is the lack of affordable housing for visitors. If you start a business of this type in the middle price category, you can recoup your investment in a few months.
  3. Mini bakery. Bakery products are essential goods. The demand for it does not depend on the season and the state of the economy. The profitability of such a business is approaching 100% - the main thing is to competently establish a sales market.
  4. Online store. For 1 million rubles, you can organize profitable trading in the network of the most hot goods and at the same time promote the site according to all the rules of effective SEO optimization.

Invest hello friends! A man recently approached me with advice on where to invest a million. He inherited it. And in order not to squander, he decided to invest it in reliable paper. I advised him a bunch of OFZ + IIS. And get a tax deduction. And then I thought: is it possible to “squeeze out” even more from a million? And I came to the conclusion that there are options. And here they are.

Important: do not forget about diversification! You need not just to thump the whole million somewhere, but to evenly distribute funds among different assets. I recommend this structure:

  • 60% - conservative part;
  • 25% - moderately aggressive;
  • 15% - aggressive.

For example, you can invest 20% in a deposit, 30% in OFZs, 10% in ETFs, 25% in mutual funds, 10% in stocks, and another 5% in foreign currency. The ratio can change as you like. The main thing is to follow the principle.

conservative options


The most standard answer to the question of where to invest a million rubles is to open a bank deposit. This is not such a bad idea as it seems. The stakes are, of course, ridiculously low. But you can find normal options. For example, a contribution from Tinkoff brings 6% per annum. Compared to Sberbank, it’s normal, where in general it’s 3-4%.

Another thing is that the income on the deposit does not cover inflation, and your money depreciates.

However, I advise you to keep some part of your savings on deposit. Suddenly something happens: God forbid, illness or injury. If you invest all your money in the same shares, time will pass until you sell them. And not the fact that you will make a profit.

So put a part of a million on the deposit.


But if you are interested in where to invest a million in order to earn money, then OFZ is your everything. OFZ are federal bonds. These papers are issued by the Ministry of Finance. They are provided by the state itself. You can even say that they are more reliable than a deposit.

Of course, you say, default and all that, and your OFZs wept. But believe me, if a default comes, then a small fluffy animal will come to all assets. And you will no longer care whether you had shares or OFZ.

Now, in the summer of 2018, the best time to buy OFZ. Because of the sanctions, their price has fallen below the plinth. For example, OFZ issue 26214 is traded for 99% of the price, and 46020 is traded for 93.093%. That is, you can buy OFZ 46020 for 930.93 rubles. And this is with a face value of 1,000 rubles and a coupon yield of 7.39%.

In this article I described in detail how, so I will not repeat myself. But what I advised my friend:

  • open IIS with a reliable broker;
  • put 40% of a million into an account and buy 15-20 different OFZ issues with different maturity years on them;
  • at the end of the year, receive a tax deduction of 13% from 400,000 rubles (this is the maximum that you can get);
  • put another 400,000 rubles and buy OFZs on them;
  • get a deduction from another 400,000;
  • report 200,000 thousand in the third year;
  • repeat receipt of the deduction;
  • in the fourth year, either sell the OFZ and make a profit, or wait until the maturity of each bond.

The most conservative way to make money:

  • at the expense of coupon income;
  • due to the difference between the purchase price and the redemption value (bought for 980, but received 1000);
  • through a tax deduction.

And what’s cool is that you don’t have to pay personal income tax from OFZ. Everything is according to the law.


Another option where to invest a million rubles to earn money is to invest in an index. Statistics show that indices are tearing up investment funds in terms of long-term returns like Tuzik a heating pad. Why so, I will not go deep - everything is written in.

So the surest way to make money is to buy the entire index. But even the coveted million is not enough, as some shares cost a lot of money. Transneft, for example, costs about 120,000 rubles.

Therefore, it is easier to invest in ETFs - companies that follow the index, and their shares follow the dynamics of the index. And since historically indexes grow, then the shares of such funds also grow.

Therefore, if you plan to invest your million for 5-10 years, then. In addition, you will have minimal costs - you will pay only a commission to the broker and depositary services.

Moderate risks

mutual funds

Now let's move on to more risky investments. You can earn more on them than in previous options, but you will also bear larger risks.

The first option where to invest a million rubles in order to earn money is mutual funds. Funds can both outperform the average market return, and significantly lag behind it.

In the long run, mutual funds are likely to lose out to ETFs. At least through management. You will bear the costs:

  • for a purchase
  • for the sale (if you hold shares for more than three years, then you do not need to pay a discount on the sale);
  • for management.

Approximately 3-5% per year. But the yield of mutual funds can be 20-30%, or even 50% per annum.

But this won't last long. A mutual fund can both lose and earn. And in times of crisis can behave unpredictably. Managers can both “surface” and finally “sink” the fund.

But if you decide to invest in mutual funds, follow.

Corporate bonds

If you are interested in high yields and you are ready to take risks (which, as you know, are quite noble, like duels in the 19th century), then you can invest in corporate bonds.

What is the difference between bonds and stocks, I think, it is not necessary to explain. Shareholders are co-owners of the company, and bondholders are actually lending to the company. And they have higher risks. Firstly, bondholders are creditors of the third priority (shareholders are second), and secondly, a technical default can be declared on bonds, and the company will not get anything for it (well, almost). Here, for example, in 2014, the Russian Railways Station defaulted, from recently - "Home Money".

For this risk, companies issuing bonds give a higher yield. If bonds with coupons of 10-15%, and there are even 150-200 - but these are completely "garbage" bonds. You can also invest in them, but God forbid you - a million. There are tricks there.

Therefore, if you are thinking where to invest a million in 2018, then consider corporate bonds. Choose reliable issuers with a yield in the region of 12-15% - a normal risk and a good rate, but you don't need more. Remember, the higher the coupon, the less reliable the company.

Structural Products

This kind of product consists of two parts:

  • basic - it is invested in a reliable asset, for example, a deposit with Sberbank or VTB, or OFZ;
  • risky - it is invested in a stock, bond, option or other "speculation".

A structured product has two types of returns:

  • guaranteed - here you will get your 5% per annum for sure;
  • risky - if the investment idea "burns out", then you will receive another 20% plus.

And if it does not "burn out" - only guaranteed.

Moreover, some brokers allow the investor to determine the degree of risk himself. If you move it too much, then you can lose money.

In any case, investing a million is not a bad idea, since in fact a structured product both protects itself and offers good returns.

High risk options


If you have strong nerves, then you can invest a million rubles in 2018 in stocks. Why am I talking about nerves?

The stock market is unpredictable, stock prices rise and fall. And in order to be guaranteed to make money on it, you need careful diversification. There are many ways to do this, I wrote.

Let me just say that for a million you can collect a decent diversified portfolio even from stocks alone. If you invest in "blue chips" and generally repeat the RTS or MICEX index, or even the S&P, then you can earn decently.

  • bonds - as long as you are old (if 30 years old, then 30% of the portfolio is bonds);
  • shares - 100 minus the number of years (if 30 years, then 70% is invested in shares).

Every year the portfolio needs to be redesigned in accordance with new data. Why? Closer to old age, you need to reduce risks.

In general, you can invest in the stock market without risks if you choose mutual funds or ETFs.


A rather risky option, where to invest a million is in foreign currency. It is very difficult to predict the movements of the dollar, euro and other foreign rubles. Even diversification does not always help. The euro and the dollar can fall against the ruble together, and behave in different directions.

Of course, if you bought a million rubles worth of dollars in 2014, then now you would be the happy owner of two million. But it is not a fact that the same devaluation will occur in the future - yes, with the next collapse, the purchasing power of the ruble will also collapse.

Therefore, if you keep money in foreign currency, then it is on a deposit. So that if the ruble strengthens or stands still, you will increase your capital a little. Here are the options.

But, in my opinion, it is advisable to buy currency only in order to buy foreign assets with it in the future. For example, shares of Apple, IBM or Tinkoff Bank.

precious metals

Gold always grows in the long run, but investing a million rubles exclusively in precious metals risky. Gold has had periods of decline in value, so at the moment when you urgently need your “million”, there may not be such an amount in the account.

But if you have already decided to invest in gold, then do not buy bullion - you will have to store them somewhere (and these are expenses) and still pay VAT on the sale. It's easier to open OMS. But its disadvantage is that you will not receive interest. If gold or silver does not rise in price, then your million will be “eaten up” by inflation.

It is most effective to invest a million in the purchase of “gold” mutual funds or ETFs, in shares of gold mining companies, or, at worst, in coins. But, I repeat, there is a lot of risk here, but it is not known whether it will be possible to earn money. But if it works out, then one million will easily turn into two, or even three.

About all the options - in the article.


And what is the result? I listed several options where to invest a million. But you should not blindly follow the advice - weigh your risks and potential returns and explore options. Read my blog and the blogs of other investors, watch videos on YouTube, learn how each product works.

And don't forget to diversify. It is unreasonable to invest all funds in a deposit or only in shares. The deposit will not bring enough profit, and the shares may burn out. That's why the right step will make a diversified portfolio. But how to do it is a topic for another conversation.


Every person who has a certain amount of money in his asset thinks about how to increase his capital and make money work for him. Today we will tell you how and where to invest a million in order to earn and increase your money.

Many citizens who have been able to accumulate or earn such an amount of money will probably have a question: “Why do you need to invest money somewhere?”. The answer lies in the economic processes taking place in any country. Everyone knows such an economic concept as inflation, which means the depreciation of money.

In the case of inflation, there is a high probability that a million rubles, which simply lies without use, will gradually become not such a significant amount. Therefore, care should be taken not only to preserve them, but also to increase them.

There are quite a lot of successful investors in the world who once also took their first step towards investing. On their way there were both successes and defeats. It is easier to learn from the mistakes of others, but in order not to make them, it is very important to remember the basic rules of investing.

They are as follows:

TOP 10 ways to invest a million rubles

The most best idea💡 2018

Before you look for ways, how and where to invest money, you still need to decide on the purpose of investing. The fact is that short-term deposits completely different from the long term. The desire to make a quick profit increases the risks associated with capital investments. Long term investments are more reliable.

If you need to turn money around in the short term to generate income for a certain item, you can use more aggressive investment methods. If your goal is a constant passive income, use conservative investment tools.

So, the most common methods are:

2. Bank deposit.

4. Purchase of precious metals.

5. PAMM accounts.

6. Equitable lending.

8. Acquisition of shares.

9. Investment in mutual funds.

10. Invest in yourself.

When it comes to saving Money on a large scale, the average citizen of Russia immediately thinks about acquiring real estate. And this is the most common way to preserve and increase capital.

One of the basic needs of every person is to have their own land, a roof over their heads, to have their own housing. Real estate will always be in demand and be a reliable way of investment.

As a property owner, you can make a profit in such ways as:

  • Rental income;
  • Profit from the sale.

Renting is the most common form of passive income. You can rent an apartment by the day or for a long time, while earning income without much effort. Despite the fact that the apartment is used by an outsider, the property is yours. You can sell it at any time at a more expensive and favorable price for you. Rent plus the difference in cost equals the net return on investment.

Another way to make money on real estate is buying and selling transactions. In this case, the following schemes are possible:

  • Buy property. Wait until it increases in value. Sell ​​real estate.
  • Buy property in a satisfactory condition. Make repairs. Sell ​​the property at a better price, which includes the cost of repairs.
  • Buy living space at a time when the house is just being laid or under construction. After putting the object into operation, sell the property at a high price.

And everything seems to be fine, but during periods of economic downturns, any real estate falls in price. And until the crisis passes, it will give a low yield. At this time, it is better not to sell real estate and make a profit only through rent.

It should also be emphasized that you need to deal with a reliable developer who has an impeccable reputation. This will protect you as much as possible and save you from losses.

As for the acquisition of land, it is important to navigate in directions and know promising areas. The land itself can be worth more than any house, cottage, and so on that is on it.

From year to year, the price of land is growing. If this site is located close to the city, where it is soon possible to build real estate or land in the city itself and it is planned to improve the infrastructure in this area, feel free to take on this business. You can sell it at any time at a bargain price.

investing in information sites. Become the owner of an online magazine! Return on investment is about 20 to 80% per annum!

Bank deposit

This type of investment remains the most reliable way to increase capital. A bank is a great option for long-term savings. All deposits of individuals up to 1.4 million rubles are insured without fail. So the state protects the interests of the depositor.

But still, it is better to invest no more than 700 thousand rubles in one bank. It is this amount that the depositor can receive as insurance compensation. Yes, and you need to choose a bank that is in the TOP-10 most reliable banks in the country. Thus, you will provide yourself with emotional peace of mind, because, as a rule, these financial institutions have state support.

Of course, it is difficult to call such a method of investment profitable, but it can be affordable. The maximum that the bank can offer you is 10-12% per annum. Of course, by investing a million, you can earn 100,000, but in conditions of inflation, the real income will be much less than this amount.

When making deposits, it is necessary to study all the conditions in advance. The more freedom of action the bank gives to the depositor, the lower the percentage of income. Of course, when making a deposit, the bank places the main emphasis on the interest rate on deposits, but this is not the only indicator of profitability.

The total profit also depends on:

  • the possibility of replenishing the deposit;
  • interest capitalization;
  • conditions for closing an account.

This type of investment is the most common throughout the world in terms of profitability in a crisis economy. Transferring money from one currency to another experienced investors have the opportunity to get a good income even in a few weeks.

But those who are going to invest in foreign currency need to know:

  • if you are willing to take risks, you can make deposits in dollars and euros. It is important when concluding an agreement to keep track of forecasts for this currency. Its value will vary from the world price of oil, as well as from the overall picture in the global political arena.
  • A promising investment would be the purchase of dollars and euros in order to sell them next year, when the appreciation is expected.
  • a more conservative method would be to invest in the most stable currencies such as pounds sterling, Chinese yuan or Swiss francs.

Buying precious metals

For far-sighted people, investing in precious metals is a priority, because. such metals are not dominated by inflation.

This is a proven option for accumulating and earning money, but there is no need to talk about quick profits here. You can analyze the upward trend in prices for a certain precious metal over 3-5 years and decide for yourself which option to invest in.

Unlike investing money in any business or real estate, the option of investing in precious metals is distinguished by its availability. You can at any time go to a bank that has a license to carry out this operation and purchase an ingot available to you. In this case, your purchase will be accompanied by a document confirming the authenticity of the metal and its estimated value.

Precious metals are those metals that are used in the manufacture of jewelry. These include silver, gold, and the platinum group metals (platinum, iridium, rhodium, palladium, osmium, and ruthenium).

Ways to buy precious metals:

  • purchase of ingots;
  • purchase of coins;
  • buying antiques from these metals;
  • purchase of art objects from precious metals;
  • acquisition valuable papers backed by gold;
  • creation of an unallocated metal account (OMS).

If you decide to purchase a gold bar, it is important to know that you will have to pay a 13% tax if you decide to sell it soon. But after 3 years, the tax on the sale of gold is not levied.

With the purchase of coins, the situation is simpler - their sale is not taxed, but finding a buyer for them is much more difficult, especially if the coins are not collectible.

Creating an OMS is the most profitable way to invest money. With an increase in the price of metal on the exchange, the client automatically receives a profit. At the same time, he does not store precious metals under his pillow and does not contact with him at all. He simply transfers money to a bank account, buying a certain amount of grams of the precious metal.

The advantages of opening an MHI are the accrual of interest, as with a deposit, as well as tax exemption (VAT). But weighing these pluses, you need to take into account the big minus: CHI is not insured by a financial institution, which means that in the event of a bank failure, you risk losing your investment.

The best idea 💡 of 2018 is investing in information sites. Become the owner of an online magazine! Return on investment is about 20 to 80% per annum!

PAMM accounts

This service is gaining special popularity today, because the minimum deposit amount is 500 rubles.

A PAMM account is a type of investment in Forex (interbank currency exchange market at free prices). It enables investors to earn money without trading Forex on their own.

The PAMM account operation scheme is as follows:

  • the manager opens a PAMM account by investing a certain amount of money in it - this is the manager's capital. Creates an offer - a proposal to conclude a deal, which sets out the main terms of cooperation, as well as a percentage of the profit that he will receive as a reward for managing investor accounts. The manager risks his capital on a par with his investors, which means that his Forex trading is more deliberate.
  • using an independent rating, investors study the performance of managers and invest in the PAMM account they like.
  • The manager trades on the Forex market independently. He uses both his own capital and the funds of investors.
  • Profits and losses received during trading are automatically distributed between the manager and his investors, in proportion to the amounts deposited.

Peer Lending(P2P)

This is a rather complicated investment process that requires good financial knowledge and a clear orientation in this matter.

P2P is one of the methods of lending at interest to individuals without involving a financial intermediary, such as a bank. You are the lender, your customers are the borrowers. They are ready to conclude insured contracts at 1.5% per day. Monthly income from such peer-to-peer lending can reach 50%

Such social borrowing takes place online on the websites of special lending institutions using a variety of lending platforms and credit check tools.

True, a system that provides a platform for peer-to-peer lending takes a portion of every percentage you make. However, you will always have your 0.70% per day. After a certain time, withdraw your deposit, earn already on profit.

All peer-to-peer lending services cooperate with collection agencies. These are agencies that specialize in collecting overdue and bad debts from individuals. Their scheme of work is similar to the work of banks with debtors. As a rule, all problems are solved at the level of negotiations.

This is the most profitable way to invest, provided that you do not invest in a loss-making enterprise.

The amount of 1 million rubles is a great start to start your own business. There are no profit limits in this method. You can double or triple your initial investment, or you can increase it 10 times.

It all depends on the right choice. You should invest money in a business that is close to you, in which you understand. The chances of a high promotion of a business will increase if you feel like a specialist in this field. Although this is also not enough, it is important to finance your enterprise as competently as possible.

Running a business means constant struggle and competition. If you initially feel that you do not have enough strong nerves, firmness of the word, rigidity and strength to constant contact with suppliers, regulators, employees, and so on, then take the time to start a career as an entrepreneur and consider a more relaxed way to multiply capital.

If you still decide to start your own business, here are a few good advice from experienced investors:

  1. Find your niche in the market with the least number of competitors;
  2. enjoy ready-made business plans, models and schemes of doing business;
  3. Start with the implementation of services;
  4. Try to do without bank lending;
  5. Don't be afraid to start.

Before investing such a large amount in your own business, study the legal side of the issue well and which will allow you to look at the project from the side, analyze its strengths and weak sides assess possible financial risks.

One of the ways to start your own business is to buy a franchise. This option can be separately identified as an investment, as it involves the purchase of a ready-made business product.

Franchise is the acquisition of rights to use the name, branded products, sales scheme of a well-known company. Known to everyone by McDonalds, Starbucks coffee houses successfully demonstrate franchising in its classic version. An amount of one million rubles allows you to purchase an average-priced franchise and launch your business according to the scheme of the parent company. At the same time, you do not need to invest in a marketing campaign and incur high advertising costs.

The parent company independently promotes its product, and all companies that have acquired a franchise from it successfully use this.

In addition, franchising will save you effort, time and money, as you will get working marketing schemes, ready business plan, advertising support. In fact, this is the purchase of a ready-made business, which in the future just needs to be maintained and developed.

The only drawback is the tight control by the parent company and certain financial risks that, in principle, can be found in any business. It should be understood that you are buying only ready-made schemes. successful business, and all further activities and strategies will have to be built independently.

Unlike PAMM accounts and a bank deposit, owning a business (with or without a franchise) can hardly be called passive income. But the plus here is huge - there is a possibility of making quick and big profits.

Acquisition of shares

Today, the purchase of securities may well become a source of stable income. In the event that you become a shareholder of a reputable company or enterprise, you can count on profits that will be formed by increasing the price of shares, or by paying dividends on them.

Despite the fact that there are cases when the price of shares has increased tenfold, you should not rely only on luck. This investment tool must be mastered thoroughly. In order not to become bankrupt, entrust this business to a professional trader whose profitability history inspires confidence in you.

The acquisition of shares implies a long period of investment. On average 3 to 5 years. The higher this period, the more profit you can get in the end. The value of shares is subject to some fluctuations - it can both increase and decrease. But, based on the statistics of previous years, on average, the return on investment in shares exceeds bank deposits by 2-2.5 times.

Investing in mutual funds

Mutual investment fund (UIF) is a collection of stocks and bonds . It is an organization that collects investments from a group of people and invests them in stocks, bonds or other securities. Each contributor owns his part of the fund - a share.

At its core, investments in mutual funds are analogous to investments in the stock market (stocks, bonds). All you need is to buy shares of the fund, which already includes a list of securities compiled by professionals. Mutual funds already contain certain stocks or bonds, compiled under a certain category. These can be shares of telecommunications, oil and gas, consumer, etc.

The advantage of investing in mutual funds is that the actions on your part are kept to a minimum.

The block of shares, which you have a chance to become the owner of, can be collected from different sectors of the economy and different countries. This will protect your investments from the influence of negative fluctuations in a particular industry.

Video. Where to invest in 2017?

Investing in yourself

And the most important investment is investing in your own development. Building without self-development investment business doomed to fail.

Self-development is the starting point for success in any business.

Invest in yourself - buy "smart" books, valuable information products, attend useful seminars, courses on investing and earning. You will be able to easily navigate the sea of ​​cash flows and investment whirlpools. With their help, you can quickly figure out where you need and effective methods earnings, and where is the fraud and waste of time and money.

By investing money in yourself, you will insure your capital against inflation, crises and force majeure for the rest of your life. This is the least expensive and at the same time the most profitable view attachments. Any investor can only dream of such a combination. Investing in yourself is a powerful idea generator and a unique catalyst for success.

Before starting your own business, investing in your own training will be a great start, which will allow you to stand firmly on your feet, avoid possible errors and minimize financial risks.


Today we talked about the most popular ways to invest a million rubles in order to earn money. This list is far from exhaustive. There are many more options for investing capital. But it is up to you to decide where to invest money.

Now you weigh all the pros and cons, all the pros and cons. Think wisely about how to find, not lose. After all, your secure future depends on how competently you distribute your finances, in which there are no debts, collaterals and heavy loans, but there is only a steadily increasing income.

Video. Where to invest money?

In this material:

Where to invest 1000000 rubles to earn? For most Russians, a million is an impressive amount. Of course, this does not apply to experienced businessmen who run a successful business, but to average citizens who are employed. Often a miracle happens in their life, and a large amount appears from somewhere. There are a lot of options: inheritance, winnings, successful sale of property. What to do in this case and where to invest that same million rubles in order to earn?

"Keep your money in a savings bank"

The first thing that comes to mind is to put funds into a bank account so as not to worry about their safety. But in an unstable economic situation, this is not the most obvious way out. Banks are suitable as a means of reliable saving money; you won’t be able to earn a lot in this way. When receiving a large amount, you need to determine the priority of what you want in the future - to earn or keep what you have.

There are a lot of methods that allow you to invest money, that they “worked” and brought income, the main thing is to choose what is suitable and acceptable in a particular case.

A popular means of holding a large amount of money with interest is a deposit bank account. If you cannot decide where to invest 1 million rubles, feel free to go to study offers from banks. On average, you will be offered an interest rate of 8% per annum, that is, by investing your million, in a year you can receive 80,000 rubles. Despite the apparent simplicity and reliability of the system, this method of preserving and increasing capital has its own nuances. You need to carefully collect information about the bank you plan to apply to.

Recently, there has been a trend towards the revocation of licenses, so it is worth binding yourself with relations only with large banks that are not in danger of bankruptcy or closure. You should pay attention to deposit insurance - this will protect your money from unforeseen situations. The selected organization must necessarily be part of the insurance system, then the depositors will be entitled to compensation if force majeure occurs.

Usually, the amount insured is less than the amount invested by the depositor. For example, putting one million on the account, upon the occurrence insured event you will receive no more than 700,000 rubles. You will inevitably lose some of the money if the bank closes. But if you approach the choice responsibly, cooperate with large and popular organizations, the risks are minimized.

The maximum benefit is usually voiced in their proposals by new banks that are trying to attract depositors. The pros and cons of working with such organizations should be thought through and carefully weighed. Do not be surprised that the big banks are not so generous with the percentage of profits from deposits.

rub. $ € £ CHF fr. yuan ¥

No matter 1 month 2 months 3 months 4 months 5 months Six months 8 months 9 months One and a half years 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 10 years

Extra options:

How to make money on the stock exchange

Many young people start earning their capital on exchanges, such as Forex. If you are looking for how to invest one million to earn money, the exchange is perfect. Of course, without preparation or at least special knowledge, no success can be achieved, but, as they say, who does not take risks does not drink champagne. In order to make money on Forex, an understanding of rates and indices is required. If you wish, you can attend master classes and seminars where you will be taught the basics of activity. You can use the services of stock brokers. Specialists, having your million available, will put the money into circulation and will be able to get a good benefit. Experienced brokers say that if you stick to the stability strategy and take minimal risks, then the monthly profit will be 5-7%.

A feature of PAMM accounts is a wide range of benefits, from the minimum 5% to 150% per annum. Experts believe that working with the stock exchange, with all the risks and dangers, can give the highest income from the possible options for investing money. To insure, it is recommended to invest not in one manager, but in several at once.

When choosing where to invest a million, you should think about securities: stocks and bonds. The disadvantages of the method include the need to study the securities market and the nuances. You can only make a profit when you are dealing with a large profitable company. The top positions include enterprises in the gas and oil industries. It is worth contacting mining companies.

The average Russian cannot afford to buy shares in such enterprises, but with one million on hand, you can try to collect a good portfolio of securities that will bring a stable income. It should be understood that where there are high profits, there are also risks. If you do not want to collect and analyze information yourself, you can contact specialists who will provide a consultation for a small fee.


Investing in securities requires expert advice. When independent action pay attention to some nuances and follow the algorithm:

  1. Follow the graph of the rise and fall of the stock of the selected company.
  2. Choose stocks that have a slow but steady growth.
  3. Exclude companies whose stocks jump in price.
  4. Do not choose companies where there are sharp ups and downs.

For the global securities market, a certain number of force majeure associated with the political situation, change of government, leadership, scandals, emergencies. Without it, unfortunately, nowhere. Therefore, it is necessary to invest money in securities carefully, carefully assessing the company's position in the market.

Expert brokers will help you navigate, many banks provide similar services, but the conditions are different for everyone. In one bank, the minimum amount for investment is over a million, in another it is less than 50,000 rubles. Choose what suits your case, based on the goals and objectives of investing.

Bonds are considered profitable, as they mean that you are buying a share in the property of an organization that needs urgent financial injections. The bonds can then be sold at a higher price, and the return on a positive outcome is quite high, so this method of investing money is popular. However, taxes are imposed on dividends, you will have to pay the state.

Among Russians, it is still popular to invest a large amount in real estate. Of course, it is impossible to buy housing in the center of a large city for one million. There remains the option of buying real estate on a mortgage with an initial million contribution or purchasing cheap housing at the construction stage on the outskirts, then you can meet the million. The relevance of this method is questionable, since you will be able to save money rather than make money on such an apartment. Before you start renting or selling an apartment, you will have to make repairs.

It should be borne in mind that when selling a new building in the first 3 years, you will be required to pay an additional tax. Apartments older than 3 years are not subject to any additional taxes, but in order to profitably sell a new building, you will have to wait.

The advantage of investing in real estate is that you are guaranteed nothing to lose. The property will remain your property and will not go anywhere. However, renting out is an activity that requires your attention. Even if you do not look for tenants yourself, but do it through an agency, there is always a risk of getting an inadequate tenant who floods neighbors, damages property, causes disturbance, delays payment, or runs away without paying. Agencies can do little to help in this case.

When choosing where to invest one million rubles in order to make a profit, it is worth remembering the risk-reward ratio. Spend a few months studying the stock market, stock exchange, real estate. Don't be afraid to work with experts. Sometimes the timely advice received will help to invest profitably. There is no right answer to the question of where to invest.

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For people who want to discover or find new sources of income, there are many business options in 2016. You can, for example, open your own business and cooperate with the director of which you yourself will be, you can, if funds allow you, or find other cities. There are many opportunities open, but it all depends on your preferences and starting capital. You can invest in the development of your own business, or you can become an investor or contributor.

Advice: Whatever way you choose to earn from investing, do not rush to spend the profits. If you start investing it in development, your business will flourish, and you will receive much more money. And profits will grow.

Where is it profitable to invest in 2016?

Russia is in crisis. And given this crisis, it is necessary to approach the issue of investing money as seriously as possible, especially if you have a large sum. Stock markets are a field for activity, full of risks, and business may not always be profitable. So what is the best choice?

Bank deposit in rubles and foreign currency

This is one of the easiest and most reliable ways to increase your finances. Moreover, the replenished deposit and the deposit with interest capitalization will be the most profitable for you. You will replenish your amount, respectively, earnings from interest will increase significantly. And with the capitalization of interest, your earnings in itself will increase the final income. If you invest an impressive amount, it will not be superfluous to insure your deposit, and then even in the event of bankruptcy of the organization, you will not be left without money. But not everything is so simple. You will have to face the choice of bank and the choice of tariffication. Experts recommend contacting one of the five most reliable banks:

  • Sberbank.
  • Rosselkhozbank.
  • Gazprombank.
  • VTB 24.
  • Alfa Bank.

Acquisition of real estate

Another very profitable investment. In large cities, the cost of housing is unlikely to be greatly reduced. Unless, of course, there is a global flood or volcanic eruption. Therefore, it is not only profitable, but also very reliable. Moreover, you can choose any real estate: from apartments and cottages to office space. In addition to the fact that your money will not lie idle, it can serve you well. After all, the purchased premises can be rented out, and this will bring you a good passive income, and you can sell such a property at any time and often more expensive than for the purchase price.

Investing in precious metals

In 2016, gold prices are close to a minimum. Expert Rodinkova believes that this will be a profitable purchase for those who plan to work in this direction for a long time and invest a lot in it. You can safely invest in both gold and silver, palladium and platinum. The purchase and storage in this case takes place only through the banking system and capital growth is, unfortunately, slow.

Purchase of securities

The main types of securities are bonds, eurobonds and stocks - you can invest in them for a long time. Buying stocks is quite risky. And the more reliable the investment, the more expensive the paper will be. Experts call the undoubted minus the risk of storing such documents. With bonds in rubles and euros, too, not everything is simple. In the current conditions of the crisis, metamorphoses are constantly taking place with the Russian and foreign currencies.

Internet projects

Due to the convenience and benefits of working with the Internet, investing in Internet projects is gaining more and more popularity. In this case, in all options, you can earn with minimal investment. So you can:

  • Create your own website as a foundation for your business;
  • Financing of the finished project;
  • Opening an online store.

Business investment

There is no need to say much about the fact that investing in your own business is a very profitable business if successful, because it is obvious. Of course, like any other investment, it is risky. But if you correctly develop a concept and a business plan, after consulting with experts in this field, you can secure a comfortable future for yourself. long years forward and, perhaps, provide it not only for themselves, but also for their children. Even if your start-up capital small, there are many resources that can help you. First, you can open a case together with anyone. Secondly, it is not at all necessary for a business to have a lot of funds. There are a lot of business ideas with minimum investment. Such as, for example, breeding, growing vegetables, fruits and mushrooms, home consultations, original production and much more. , oddly enough, you can also make at home.

Advice: since any investment (whatever you choose) carries with it considerable risks, weigh the pros and cons. Consider whether you want your money to work for you and generate passive income, or whether you would like to grow as a business owner. In addition, a beginner should not open a risky business as soon as he has the money for it. To begin with, it is better to make a contribution to a reliable and proven project.

What mutual funds to invest in in 2016?

Some people who are familiar with the stock markets prefer to invest in mutual funds (mutual funds). Now in Russia on the stock market there are the following types:

  • mutual funds of securities;
  • Index funds;
  • Industry funds;
  • Real estate and mortgage funds;
  • Venture funds;
  • Funds of artistic values;
  • Money commodity market funds;
  • Credit and rental funds.

In which of these mutual funds will it be more profitable to invest money in 2016? The most reliable investment will be a contribution to a mutual fund of bonds. But you can earn only 9-10%. More risky will be an investment in a mutual fund of shares. But at the same time, in this case, the greatest benefit awaits you if the risk is justified. In this case, the income can increase up to 5-100% of the deposit. It should be noted that during the year the value of shares will both rise and fall. You will need to be ready for this. You can invest in industry-specific mutual funds, but in this case, you will need knowledge in economics. After all, it will be necessary to understand which industries will grow and develop. And in this case, your risks will bring you a good profit. Funds can also be open and interval. In the first case, you can invest money and withdraw it later at any time, and in the second, you can redeem the shares only once in a certain period of time. Most often this is once a quarter. Mutual investment funds also differ in the way they are managed, which can be either active or passive. If you choose the active method, then you must have certain knowledge in this area and qualifications, but you will also get more profit than when choosing a passive one. But if you choose passive way, then even in the event of an error, it will not make you lose much. You can buy mutual funds in management company and its intermediaries: investment companies, banks and other financial institutions.

Where to invest a million rubles in 2016?

So, it is difficult to say whether the amount is large - a million rubles. For a person who earns no more than 20 thousand rubles a month, perhaps a lot. But for someone who sees this million every week, not really. But anyway, to get good income this amount will be sufficient. But where to invest a whole million rubles? Today, experts offer several running methods, some of which have already been discussed above:

  • Make a bank deposit;
  • Invest in bonds;
  • Invest in stocks (the very risky way, not recommended for beginners);
  • Mutual investment funds;
  • Trust management. The bottom line is that you give money to specialists who multiply it. After that, you just have to track the results of their work. There are companies that promise a profit of 50-80% in the first year, but in the second and subsequent years they can get a loss of 20-30%. It is better not to get involved with such people and choose those that guarantee a stable income of 10-20%;
  • Business projects.

Advice: if you have accumulated a large amount money, do not rush to invest it entirely and put it into circulation. First, consider whether it could happen that you will miss something if you invest all your money for a long time. And secondly, especially if you are a beginner, try to choose the least risky investments with your million. For example, in real estate. You can also split the money and make a contribution to several instances.

So, you can invest a million in any business you like, and it is not at all necessary to invest with great risks. The best thing for you is the business that will guarantee you a stable income and the least hassle. Experts believe that this will be the best investment.

What is the best currency to invest in in 2016?

A year ago, Russia was rocked by a dollar-euro boom, when everyone fell asleep at the same exchange rate, and woke up and saw such a rate that they could think about vision problems. And people who have invested in foreign currency before that have earned very good money. But what to do now and in what currency can you keep your rubles? Financial analysts still offer to keep their funds in the form in which they will be spent, that is, in rubles on the territory of the Russian Federation. And if you choose foreign currency, then which one is better? In fact, if we talk about dollars and euros, then in any crisis and market collapse they stay at about the same level relative to each other. However, the dollar still has an advantage, because this currency is more popular. Financiers argue that the dollar will jump in 2016 in the same way as in the previous boom period. Therefore, you need to be careful not to buy/sell the currency during these very jumps. And you shouldn't panic either. Over time, the picture will even out, and you will not incur large losses.

In some banks, you can now make multicurrency deposits. According to experts, this is a profitable offer for 2016, and this will be a way out in the current situation on the foreign exchange market. At the same time, you can use them to open a deposit in rubles, dollars and euros. The disadvantage of such an investment can be considered rather low interest rates, so in order to get a significant income, you will have to invest a fairly large amount.

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2016 is a year of crisis, risks and losses. But even in such conditions, you can earn a good basic and additional income, both with minimal investments or without them at all, and with large ones. And the income at the same time can be both active and passive. Which one you like best is up to you. But it is worth noting that in most cases the most profitable contribution is in active work, and the most reliable - in the passive.

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