Why dream of getting married to a stranger. How the color of wedding clothes affects the explanation of the dream. What does it mean to get married in a dream

In most cases, a dream in which you get married is interpreted as a state of internal depression or loneliness in real life. An interpretation of sleep from Thursday to Friday is offered, during pregnancy, divorce.

What does it mean to get married in a dream without a groom, being divorced, pregnant, being married, without desire, without a dress, without a husband, to an ex-husband, to an unloved one?

If a girl or woman who is divorced dreams of a wedding where the groom was absent, then in reality she will make a serious decision and make an oath to herself, which she will be faithful to for the rest of her life. Marrying a girl does not bode well at work, just like marrying an uncle in a dream. For a married person or an acquaintance - to what you want to get new experience in a relationship. For a foreigner traveling.

The same dream, dreamed by a pregnant woman, is caused by her experiences in real life associated with her unfulfilled hopes that she placed in her husband when she married him.

A dream in which a married woman dreams that she is getting married again means that in real life, everyday life and everyday worries have absorbed your couple so much that you have begun to feel nostalgic for the past. To preserve the family union, you need a good shake-up. Marrying a relative or father (dad) means that family relationships can improve.

If you had a dream in which you are being married off against your will, it means that in reality a series of failures awaits you.

If you saw a dream about a wedding in which you were not wearing a wedding dress, it means that the business you have planned is not destined to come true - everything will go awry.

A married lady who dreams of a wedding without a husband foreshadows a new and not entirely favorable round in the development of their life together.

Marry ex-husband- a dream meaning that you would like to renew your relationship.

A dream in which you marry someone you don’t love (you didn’t want to marry) means that in real life you will be forced to do something you don’t like or the upcoming changes will not be to your liking.

Why dream of getting married in a dream in a white dress

If a girl dreams that she is getting married in a beautiful white dress, then in real life a happy and long life awaits her. family life with a loved man.

Getting married in a dream in a black dress, red, blue wedding dress, pink, blue

If you dreamed that you were getting married in a black dress, expect events or news that would lead to a deterioration in your relationship with your chosen one.

A red wedding dress symbolizes the sincerity of your feelings on at this stage, but predicts that you will get married several times.

Wedding dress in blue or blue color- your relationship will soon become cool.

Wedding Dress Pink colour- a sign that in real life you do not take marriage too seriously, and are still carefree and flighty.

Getting married a second time in a dream, to your husband, to a deceased person (dead), for an unmarried girl, a married woman, a widow, an elderly woman

A dream in which you remarry your husband means that in real life your feelings have cooled, and in order for your family union has not completely broken up, you need to bring something new into your relationship.

A dream in which you see that you are marrying a person who has passed away means that in real life you should be careful - your life is in danger.

For an unmarried girl, seeing her own wedding in a dream means that in real life she will soon be proposed to. The same dream seen by a married woman means a change in relationship with her husband. A widow who has a dream in which she gets married will meet her happiness again in real life. An elderly woman who sees herself in a white wedding dress will experience illness and blues.

Getting married in a dream and not getting married, not seeing the groom

If you dreamed of a wedding without a groom or a wedding that did not take place for some reason, then in real life you will be greatly disappointed - the event on which you pinned all your hopes will not come true.

Getting married in a dream Islamic dream book

The Islamic dream book predicts the honor and respect that a person who sees will soon be shown in real life.

Attending a wedding as a guest is a dream, which means that you will have a new source of income in reality.

Getting married in a dream Muslim dream book

A sign that you are on the right path and happiness awaits you in the near future if you had a dream in which you are getting married - this is how the meaning of a dream about a wedding is interpreted in the Muslim dream book.

Getting married in a dream according to Freud

A dream in which you see your wedding, on subconscious level reflects a person’s state of dissatisfaction with his life. If a married woman had this dream, she wants to experience new intimate caresses from her husband. Wearing black shoes means trouble in your personal life. Being a gypsy will lead to a series of failures or you may be robbed.

Admiring yourself in a wedding dress in front of a mirror in a dream means being satisfied with your body in reality or striving for self-satisfaction.

Getting married in a dream according to Miller

Miller sees in a dream when you see your wedding as a sign that in real life a person is deprived of attention from the opposite sex and suffers from loneliness.

Getting married in a dream esoteric dream book

IN esoteric dream book a dream in which you get married in reality predicts an unfavorable development of events that will directly affect your life.

The case is explained if you are already married, in a dream you marry a stranger, a dead person, a loved one, cry, change your mind and refuse, not out of love, reluctantly, unknown to whom, an ex-boyfriend, a brother (cousin) of another brother, a rich man, boss, old man.

The egg symbolizes nascent life. Therefore, an egg seen in a dream is considered a powerful sign, indicating an inexhaustible supply of life...

Your own wedding, when you dream that you are getting married, is an omen that major changes will soon occur in life. They can relate to any area of ​​the life of a girl who had such a dream. But most often, the area of ​​change is personal life.

What if you dream that you are getting married?

So, why do you dream that you are getting married? Usually, watching in a dream own wedding often means that in the future, in real life, you will have to make some responsible and important decision that can change the course of the girl’s whole life.

Also, these may be events that are completely unexpected for the dreamer herself, which will greatly influence her fate and she will not be able to prevent this.

If you dream of a wedding, then this is very good sign, symbolizing that a very favorable period is beginning in life, in which everything in your personal life will be wonderful and not overshadowed by any sorrows.

If in a dream a girl clearly sees that she is accepting a marriage proposal, then this foretells a high position for her in society, where she will have status and respect. Her reputation will be very positive and social sphere success and honor await her in life.

If a girl dreams that she accepts a proposal and marries a man who is no longer free in real life, then this dream makes it clear that a girl can become an obstacle to someone’s happiness in life, cause someone’s something important to him won't work out.

If a single person dreams that he is getting married or is married, then this is not the most favorable sign for him. There may be some troubles in your personal life or health problems. Such a dream is a warning. You should be careful.

Some dream books say that for a girl to see herself in a white wedding dress is a bad omen. There is, or will arise in the near future, some kind of threat to the health of her, or her family and friends. Perhaps this is not only about physical health, but it may also be an omen that some problem in life will cause severe stress.

If a girl dreams that she is marrying a completely stranger, then this may foreshadow that new acquaintances will soon appear in her life, her social circle may expand, or, alternatively, she will find a lover.

Another meaning of a dream when you dream that you are marrying a stranger is that it is likely that you will be able to do something that you have wanted to do for a very long time, but something always didn’t work out. This good dream, foreshadowing good luck in any area of ​​the dreamer’s life. Social, professional spheres, personal life - all this can improve dramatically if a girl sees such a dream. Perhaps she herself will also need some effort, so you need to be vigilant and do not miss the necessary opportunities.

What does it portend?

If a girl dreams that she is marrying an elderly man, then such a dream is an unpleasant warning that a breakup with her loved one may occur in her personal life and this will be done due to pressure from close people, friends, relatives, or for the sake of to society.

There are some other options for interpreting dreams when you dream that you are getting married. For a girl, this may mean that in real life she is already very tired of loneliness and experiences deep dissatisfaction in the sexual sphere of her life.

This dream indicates that it is time to take some steps to improve your love life, such as starting with improving your own life. Also, such a dream gives hope to this girl, saying that soon these areas will be filled in her life and a loved one will appear. In principle, such a dream promises a favorable outcome for the dreamer and for her personal life.

If you dream that you are marrying a person who is your lover in real life, then this dream suggests that it is possible to expand the circle of friends of this girl, and people will come into her life who will bring only good things.

If you dream that you are marrying an unpleasant person, then this dream may mean that in real life you will get rid of communication with people who are truly unpleasant. This dream means freedom from themselves and from their influence on the dreamer’s life.

So, almost everything famous dream books they say that a dream in which it is clearly visible that you are getting married is auspicious sign that only the best and kindest changes will happen in the life of the girl who saw such a dream.

Romantic adventures can happen to us both in reality and in a dream. For a long time, girls have been telling fortunes before going to bed, so that their night dreams will reveal to them the face of their future betrothed. But what to do if you didn’t guess, but still had a dream. So, why do you dream about getting married?

It is important to analyze such a dream in detail, taking into account not only all the symbolism of the dream, but also the real state of affairs. IN general outline the dream book considers a marriage proposal as a favorable sign, in some cases even as prophetic. Therefore, pay attention to the following details:

  • Who is the chosen one?
  • Dress and veil.
  • Circumstances of the wedding.
  • Your behavior.

Firstly, when analyzing night dreams and wanderings, you need to understand why you dream of a marriage proposal. Usually the meaning of the vision is directly related to who exactly is making the proposal.

So, if you heard a proposal from your future or current husband, then this indicates the changes that await you. Many dream books consider such a dream to be a warning, since in the near future you will become energetically weaker than usual, and ill-wishers can take advantage of this.

If a marriage proposal came from a stranger, then such a vision foreshadows temporary difficulties in communicating with strangers. You may be constrained by fear or self-doubt; it is better to cancel public speaking after such a dream.

If you heard a request to get married from a deceased person, then such a vision is very ambiguous. Perhaps you are holding on to something from the past and therefore cannot move forward towards your long-awaited goal. Think about what is holding you back.

If you dreamed that your friend advised you to marry her husband, it means that someone behind your back is spreading not the most pleasant rumors. Try not to pay attention to wits or stop sharing your experiences with those whom you intuitively do not trust.


If in a vision you are getting married in traditional white, then such a dream foreshadows changes in your family; perhaps one of your loved ones or relatives will soon change their unmarried status. Or it may indicate a new addition to the family.

Getting ready to get married in a black dress means that unusual changes await you in your personal life. Apparently, you will be lucky enough to meet a person different from you in everything. Nevertheless, over time you will have many common interests.

If you dreamed of a red dress, then passion will soon appear in your life. A new man, or perhaps your current spouse, will break up the routine around you.

If you dreamed that the bride walked up to the altar in a white dress and came out in a dress of a different color, marriage will bring you very unexpected changes. You will learn something new about both yourself and your spouse. Also, such a dream can speak of the duplicity of your friends.

Suddenly your face in a dream is covered with a thick veil or veil - this may mean that you are not making the right choice in your life. You need to remove the veil, carefully understand the issue that interests you and understand where exactly you are making a mistake.

So, if in your night dreams you marry your current or future husband in a white dress, then such a dream promises you a successful and prosperous marriage. You doing right choice. Such a dream may occur on the eve of the wedding itself or on the eve of submitting an application to the registry office.

Getting ready to marry a stranger for girls who are not married portends interesting communication which can develop into a serious relationship. If a married woman sees the opportunity to marry a stranger, then she will probably have a young admirer. Well, it’s up to the woman herself to decide whether to accept advances from him or not.

Marrying a uniformed stranger in a dream means radical changes in your work. You might be getting a promotion career ladder or salary increase. If you dreamed that you were marrying your friend’s husband, and your friend was standing next to you, rejoicing, then such a vision brings you a difficult relationship with her. There may be quarrels and misunderstandings, and it may also happen that a friend will become jealous of her husband.

Getting ready to marry a dead man, just like in scary stories, which means that things won’t go well for you in the near future. And all because you live in the past. You need to reconsider your priorities and life goals, otherwise passion for the past will not give you the opportunity to live here and now.

Why do you dream of getting married to a former boyfriend, answers the Meridian dream book - such a vision speaks of your unpreparedness for a new relationship. Apparently, you have not yet gotten over your previous relationship, and the new one will most likely follow the same scenario.

Getting ready to marry an ugly man means that you will soon meet a very attractive young man. Marrying someone in a dream means minor losses in your business. Also, such a dream foretells you that your best friend may be the first to get married or your daughter will soon become a bride.

If a woman dreamed that her daughter got married, then this foreshadows the fulfillment of all her desires. How does he interpret Noble dream book, a marriage in which a daughter participates in a dream promises pleasant chores and news from distant lands.

If you managed to marry the president in a dream, then this indicates that you have a respectable and wealthy patron.. If unmarried girl If she dreamed that she married her father, this means that she will be helped by the people around her in solving difficult problems.

Your behavior

If at the altar you realized that you made the wrong choice, so you said no, then you reserve for yourself the right to choose what you really want, and do not rely on the fatality of fate. Review your recent decisions, you may want to change something.

If you cried during registration, then this promises a fun time. In the near future you will find yourself in a large and noisy company and will receive a lot of positive emotions. If in the vision your friend is standing under the crown, and she married your husband, then you should be on your guard. Perhaps she has feelings for your sweetheart.

If in your night dreams you were afraid of the dead man you married, then this marks serious changes in your life. Soon, loneliness will end and a period will begin that will bring you a lot of new acquaintances.

If you dreamed that you fell during a wedding, then this speaks of your inner loneliness. Find someone to whom you can tell about your experiences and problems, and you will immediately feel better.

Why do you dream about marriage? This is a question with many answers. Such dreams may occur simply because you may be getting ready to get married and are worried about the upcoming troubles. But no matter what you dream, remember that your fate is solely in your hands.

The interpretation of this dream is not relevant for ladies who are about to get married. In other cases, the dream book of getting married foreshadows a hopeless situation. Or circumstances that somehow constrain the sleeper in his actions or imply a change in his usual way of life (behavior).

However, the essence of this “hopelessness” can also promise something positive. Let's consider a positive interpretation of such a dream using an example:
the dreamer will have an important meeting, a responsible event, a complex matter, or obtain a higher position. Such circumstances imply additional responsibility and anxiety in connection with the upcoming event, which are projected into the dream in the form of “getting married.” But in the end, the dream promises positivity, because, after all, the sleeper was striving for that very meeting, wanted to be present at this event, or wanted to get that very position? If yes, then this example reflects the principle of interpretation similar dreams- getting married in a dream.

The dream gives an encouraging prognosis if the dreamer himself strives for some kind of change, including taking a new status or position.

It’s another matter if getting married in a dream is accompanied by negative emotions, for example, getting married in a dream to someone you don’t love. The dream reflects doubts about acceptance important decision, hesitation in making a choice or anxiety and concern about an upcoming event, public speaking or a conversation on which a lot depends. Sleep is unfavorable on the eve of interviews, presentations and business meetings.

For a woman, receiving a marriage proposal in a dream is a symbol of a tempting offer in reality. In real life, it is important not to make a mistake with a certain choice or decision, since a marriage proposal in a dream can actually symbolize temptations and temptations in reality, succumbing to which, you can soon experience regret or disappointment.

Getting married in a dream by an unmarried or young girl means disappointment, loneliness, intrigue, poor health, problems in personal and public life. For a married woman, getting married means good changes in work and career growth.

Dream Interpretation marriage proposal, see wedding ring says that everything will work out, don’t worry about your personal life. And in general, something in life will change for the better, and this change will bring you peace.

Dream interpretation of marrying your husband is a wonderful omen. This means that you have a strong family, which is not threatened by either betrayal or discord. It is even possible to have another child.

If you dreamed that your daughter was getting married, then soon one of your relatives will be waiting long road. At the same time, such a dream predicts a prosperous life for your children.

The dream of marrying a stranger is a good sign; it means that you will soon have a new hobby, and your personal life will change significantly in better side. If a married woman sees this dream, then it means a dubious position, a quarrel with her husband or betrayal.

Dream interpretation of marrying a dead person means major health problems, and not only physically. Nervous exhaustion or overstrain is also possible. If the deceased is familiar to you, then this may be a warning about danger and a message that the spirit of this person is protecting you.

Refusing to get married in a dream is a wonderful omen; it means that you will enjoy considerable success with men in reality. In a dream, accepting an offer from a man means that you will soon have to make a serious decision, and you will choose the only correct option.

In a dream, marry your loved one - wait, he decided to propose marriage to you. Dreaming that you are going to marry an unloved guy means failure on a personal level, in relationships with men.

If a married woman gets married, your husband is only one step away from cheating, and, unfortunately, he will take it.

For a pregnant woman getting married in a dream does not foretell particularly pleasant events. Perhaps you will be offered profitable project, which will actually turn out to be a scam.

If you dreamed that you were going to marry a gypsy, you quite rightly do not consider your boyfriend to be a strong support. Having seen such a dream, you should think about whether you should rush things? If a married woman wants to marry a gypsy, in the near future she will have a relationship with a gigolo or a ladies' man, which will probably become known to others. And your good name will be disgraced.

If in a dream a wedding took place, but you had to get married without a groom, it means that in reality you will have to be very disappointed in someone or something, or someone will deceive your expectations.

When you dream that you are going to marry your brother or other close relative, you should expect pleasant changes.

There are two options for why you dream of marrying your ex-husband. In the first interpretation, this dream means serious relationship, which will really lead you down the aisle. Secondly, this dream warns you against possible error. Perhaps you still haven’t been able to appreciate your current soul mate and are still subconsciously drawn to your ex. You shouldn’t do this, it is the one who is nearby who will be able to make you happy.

In a dream we were going to marry ex-boyfriend? Don't try to bring back the past, even in your dreams. This dream means that one of you is not letting go of the other. And if it’s not you who mentally holds him, then it means he hasn’t forgotten you.

If in a dream a girl did not marry the person she loves and would like, then this promises great stress. If you dream about this on the eve of the wedding, then it’s okay, you’re just worried.

If you see someone else’s wedding and someone is getting married, then reality depends on the mood and outfits of the guests. If around happy people in the light, then awaits you unexpected joy. Sad guests in dark clothes promise sad events in the near future. If there are no guests in sight, then this is an incredibly lucky dream - it promises good luck in all endeavors, the fulfillment of a cherished desire.

Getting married in a dream before your own wedding means you were not mistaken in choosing your betrothed. It’s the same thing if you get married in a dream, but don’t get married, and suddenly change your mind.

Getting married in a dream, if in real life you really want it, usually means nothing, but only reflects your great desires.

If you dreamed that you were going to marry a foreigner, it means that your family is facing misfortune, be careful, do not trust those with whom you have not yet eaten a peck of salt.

Dream Interpretation on another topic:

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why did you dream that you got married?

Getting married means losing your own family and gaining a new one. Entering into another gender in a dream and in reality is associated with a sacrifice: the girl loses her innocence, thereby seeming to “die.” Getting married in a dream is symbolic: marriage for a woman begins with this initiation rite, therefore entry into married life is shrouded in protective actions specifically in relation to the girl.

Marriage is the acquisition of new status, opportunities and responsibilities. In monogamous traditions, the union was once sealed for life, so the ring became a symbol of marriage. It is perfect in form, has neither beginning nor end. Why dream of getting married is a sign of happy changes, a harbinger of a real wedding, surprise. Whether the vision will be favorable will allow you to judge the nuances of the dream. Another interpretation is possible - an old dream will come true, but in the near future you will find yourself in a delicate, burdensome position.

Psychological interpretation of dreams according to Ivan Furtsev

Why did you dream that you got married?

  • Seeing the dreamer herself getting married means that she is tired of loneliness, but she does not dare to arrange her personal life. Attention-starved girls need to conquer their fears and their personal happiness will come to them. Women who expect an increase in financial well-being dream of getting married with beautiful hair styling.
  • Why dream of trying on a wedding dress and showing it off to others or actually getting married - you value the beauty of your own body.
  • Why dream of marrying another man when in reality the wedding has already been planned? The girl did a good choice, this does not bode well.

Romantic dream book

Why do you dream about getting married?

  • Seeing friends who are getting married when the dreamer herself will soon have to start a family, and not always of her own free will.
  • Why do you dream about getting married - waiting for you happy love, according to other sources, the celebration will be postponed in reality for some time.
  • Did a married woman dream about a wedding? She should beware of her husband's infidelity. When the marriage takes place with him, the marriage will be filled with a romantic mood.
  • According to the dream book, getting married while pregnant is a sign that with the help of marriage you want to solve psychological problems.
  • If a woman dreams of a stranger who is having a wedding, and she is present at the wedding, then personal relationships will be pleasing, and the dreamer’s dreams will come true.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Getting married as an image in a dream

  • Seeing yourself getting married is considered positive and happy sign. It testifies to your spiritual harmony and positive attitude.
  • Getting married in a dream is interpreted as a sign of an imminent meeting with a person who in the future will become your spouse. The dream symbolizes future happiness, love and joy in your life.
  • Why dream of looking at yourself from the outside in a dream is a good sign. This suggests that you are moderately self-critical and reasonable.
  • The bride's white dress is a symbol of purity and purity.
  • Trying on a dress before getting married means regretting past actions that prevent the onset of a new life.
  • Looking at yourself in a white dress means being proud of your own fidelity to your lover.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Getting Married from Your Dream

Getting married in a dream in a white dress - in the future you will be very happy man. Everything you achieve will be achieved through your own work and effort. Self-discipline and hard work, kindness and punctuality will help you achieve not only the favor of your loved one, but also successfully move up the career ladder. The dream guarantees positive emotions in the next two days.

Dream book for the whole family

Seeing people getting married, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream

  • A young girl dreams of a wedding - to changes in life that promise success.
  • Why dream of marrying an unloved person in a dream - to get rid of burdensome ties in reality.
  • According to the dream book, getting married in a dream in the fall means your future chosen one will be a faithful and loving husband.
  • Getting married - For a married woman, a dream speaks of imminent betrayal, possible betrayal.

Freud's Dream Book

Analysis of a dream in which I dreamed of getting married

  • Why dream of getting married in a dream - to experience dissatisfaction in your personal life in reality. Complexity and fear of betrayal, a tendency to betrayal and intrigue - all this is subconsciously encoded into marriage.
  • Considering yourself in a wedding dress before marriage means striving for self-satisfaction and voluptuousness.
  • Show others your Wedding Dress– the girl is proud of her data, loves her body.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about getting married in a dream?

  • A dream in which you are getting married means that you are experiencing a lack of attention from the opposite sex.
  • The dream book interprets getting married in a dream with a beautiful hairstyle as a salary increase and good news.
  • Choosing a wedding ring before getting married in a dream means beware of failures and deceivers.

Dictionary of Dreams / Stern Robinson and Tom Corbett (Russian translation)

Dream about Marriage

  • Getting married in a dream - then every interpretation of such a dream always concerns the feeling of one’s inner world. When a dream concerns an upcoming event, you should not look for any explanation. This is your subconscious's shot at a happy event.
  • Why dream of seeing total preparations for a wedding, where the dreamer is far from playing the leading role - it means that your body is hinting to you about problems in interacting with people.
  • For married women the dream is a symbol of changes in life. The onset of a bright streak.
  • If you marry a man completely unknown to you - a change of place of residence, or a change in work.
  • Receiving a marriage proposal in a dream according to a dream book means that you will win the respect of significant people.
  • Why does a woman dream of marrying an elderly stranger - troubles in the family.
  • If the dreamer marries her beloved, this means achieving her intended goal.

Dream Interpretation by Nancy Wagaiman (Russian translation)

How to understand a dream in which you saw a wedding

  • The dream about you getting married has simple explanations. Pleasant preparation for this event is the solution serious problems with a positive ending to these cases.
  • When in a dream you doubt whether you should get married, in reality you should definitely take financial matters seriously.
  • Why dream that in a dream you are marrying your ex - longing for unfulfilled plans, your subconscious is tormented by the desire to return to the past and fix everything.
  • But when in a dream you see a dead person as your future husband, the interpretation of such a dream is the fear of a severe illness in reality.
  • Marrying your brother to talk about the impermanence of your feelings.
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