The design and nuances of arranging a newborn's room are pleasant chores. Useful tips for parents - how to decorate a newborn's room How to decorate a newborn girl's room


The newborn should be surrounded by light and soft colors. Pastel, light peach, light blue, olive are the most suitable shades in terms of mental health. bright colors cause anxiety, can adversely affect vision. By the way, a comfortable, calm environment is no less important for a young mother.

Color spectrum

Leave bright saturated colors until your child grows up. You can refresh the interior for a baby with a natural ornament on the wallpaper, curtains, photo frames, simple drawings on the walls.

If the bed is in dark tones, then make the walls, ceiling and window opening as light as possible. Suitable for accents simple geometry more dark shades. For example, squares.


A newborn spends most of his life in a crib or with mom / dad in his arms. If the baby has separate room, then it needs a sleeping area for the child, a changing area and an area for joint stay with the mother.

Also consider a storage area. There are several options here. This is a separate closet, a changing chest, shelves in the parents' closet, drawers in the crib. To whom as allows living space and imagination.

Care area (changing area) - a place where the baby is changed and hygiene procedures are carried out. Usually this requires a changing table with shelves or a chest of drawers. More compact version- bed-chest of drawers. She can be a transformer for an older age.

Finishing materials: 3 important qualities

A newborn person is very tender and sensitive. He's just developing immunity. Therefore, interior items and especially should be as natural, environmentally friendly, and hygienic as possible.

  • Environmental friendliness. choose quality building materials for finishing. Natural or with a minimum content of toxic substances. Such materials are usually sold with the mark "suitable for decorating a children's room."
  • Naturalness. The bed must be natural wood. Paint and impregnation are non-toxic. Textiles also choose natural origin: linen, cotton, bamboo.
  • hygiene. Any decorative elements in the baby's room should be washed frequently, cleaned from dust.

Choose a style: Provence and country

Provence and country styles suggest an atmosphere close to the rustic. Elements of this style can be used in the design of a room for a newborn. These are antique-styled furniture, white or pastel base tone, natural curtains, natural wooden floor.

Refresh such an interior and place color accents floral ornament and a cage on textile elements, wallpaper.

Scandinavian style

Basic tenets scandinavian style— environmental friendliness, functionality and minimalism decorative elements. This is a very ergonomic solution for the baby and his parents. What elements are suitable for a newborn room?

Bed made of natural wood, changing chest white color, a rocking chair for comfortable feeding, relaxation, a bright window, decor made from natural materials.

The walls are plain pastel, pale pink or light cornflower blue. Wall decor in the style of children's drawings, large multi-colored letters. Older siblings or friends' children can help create this design element.

Hang plain shelves, rectangular or house shelves on the walls.

Classic style

pink princess world

Walls can be covered paper wallpaper Pink colour with a pattern of white, olive, gray color. It can be stripes, circles, polka dots, clouds, flowers.

It will look harmonious in a pink nursery white furniture from natural wood.

If the room turned out to be monophonic, a brighter textile finish will add expressiveness. For example, curtains, roller blinds with a pattern.

For boy

Children's boy's most popular tone classical style- light blue. But even this color in the interior of a baby's room can be diversified by combinations with light and dark decor elements.

White trim on blue background add lightness and space. Vertical images from floor to ceiling will visually lift the ceiling.

Universal Themes

Many new parents prefer to keep the sex of the child secret until birth. In this case, it is appropriate to arrange a room for a future resident in a universal color scheme.

White- Very trendy color children's decor. The more we get tired of urban smog, the more popular this color becomes, despite its impracticality in terms of cleaning.

In combination with undiluted colors of the main colors(yellow, green, blue) white is perfect for newborn baby room design.

It harmonizes with all tones of unpainted natural materials.

Various pastel shades are harmoniously combined with each other.

A combination of white or in the interior of a nursery for a newborn baby looks stylish and modern.

Even mouse gray in combination with white furniture and accessories creates a comfortable atmosphere.

Fresh green.

Corner of childhood in a one-room apartment

It often happens that a young family lives in the same room. When another resident appears, parents face the question: how to organize the territory of the baby?

Partition-rack or light textile, drywall partition separate children's and adult areas, add storage space.

Accessories and lamps

The walls can be decorated with photo frames, casts of the baby's legs and arms. Keep a balance, do not overload the situation, especially in a limited space.

Interior stickers or photo wallpapers will enliven the interior and add visual impressions to the baby. After all, very soon the baby will become interested in the situation around. Choose wall decorations with simple, uncomplicated images in 2-3 different colors.

Organize natural lighting. That is why the walls should be light. One powerful lamp enough in the middle of the ceiling. If there is no brightness control, hang a night light.

Decorate a small window with curtains that will leave the window opening free (roller blinds, blinds).

For bright room fit classic curtains.

Textile accessories will add charm and joy. You can hang big letters on the wall - the name of the baby or some phrase with a meaning like "our baby", "our princess". A bright baby blanket for newborns will also dilute the interior.

2. DO NOT use halftones, purple, rich red in large quantities.

3. Do not hang a lamp and wall decorations directly above the crib. This is dangerous and absolutely unnecessary.

compact furniture

If the room for the baby is small or even shared with a brother or sister, then a compact chest of drawers with lower drawers will help.

Suitable for a shared room with an older child bunk bed With lower tier for a newborn.

In addition to the competent arrangement of the children's room, taking into account right choice everything that is necessary for the baby and mother, one must not forget about decorating her space. After all, it should be not only safe and comfortable, but also aesthetic. Moreover, all aesthetics must be directed so that any decoration contributes to the harmonious development little man beginning to know huge world images, sensations, sounds.

Influence of decor

Everything that surrounds the baby affects his psychological state. Too bright environment with large aggressive accents will irritate him, increase nervous excitability, and prevent him from calming down. Therefore, from the first days of a girl's or boy's life, they should be surrounded by calm tones with slight color spots that will arouse interest and positive emotions.

Each child is talented from birth, but it is rather difficult to develop their abilities on their own. You can help the baby different ways, including properly decorating the newborn's room.

with wall painting

Quality and minimalism in design

Most important requirement to all materials used for decoration, arrangement, production of furniture or accessories for the nursery - their environmental friendliness. Everything that is present in this room must either be natural or have an appropriate certificate. The body of newborns is sensitive to the effects chemical substances, irritants, allergens, so you should purchase only good quality products.

When choosing textiles, you need to abandon heavy fabrics that accumulate dust and block air access. For a newborn's room, it is better to use transparent tulle - it does not interfere with the movement of air, creates a feeling of cleanliness, lightness. From it you can sew curtains on the windows, a canopy or curtains on the bed.

Wall mural with fairy tale characters decorate any nursery

If a daughter was born

Often girls' rooms are decorated. But it should be borne in mind that a newborn may develop allergic reaction on pollen, so flowering varieties should be avoided.

Do not overload the nursery with dolls or soft toys. It is better to gradually add new ones, taking into account the age-related change in the taste of the baby. For the first time, a couple of soft toys-pillows in the crib are enough and the same amount for decorating the room.

For little son

When decorating a newborn’s room, neutral or “boyish” colors are used - all shades of blue, green, yellow. Since they are sharper, it is recommended to choose lighter tones.

Best for boys minimalist interior, which contains only the essentials. A few small soft toys, a ball, will be enough. Just like a girl, a growing boy's tastes and needs will change, so don't buy too many toys at once.

Ideas and principles for decorating space

Decorating a newborn's room is not difficult to do on your own. For this, they are used as finished goods or accessories, and handmade.

The beginning of the beginning - the decor of the crib

By by and large, the first room of the child should be called a crib. Indeed, immediately after the birth, the baby spends several weeks almost constantly in it (with the exception of feeding, communication, walking). Therefore, it is the decoration bed should be given maximum attention. If you decide on your own, then the chosen color and pattern will provide it with an original and beautiful decoration.

The most important accessory is a mobile, which you can purchase or make a design with your own hands. It is attached from above to the crib, and since the newborn lies on his back most of the time, he is constantly in his field of vision. Multi-colored elements, collected in a colorful three-dimensional composition, arouse the interest of the crumbs, contribute to its development, and also perfectly decorate the interior.

Another functional accessory is a crib curtain. It should be borne in mind that these are not just decorations, but protection for the baby from bright light, dust or extraneous movement that interferes with sleep. They can also be used as a full-fledged element of the interior, giving the entire room an original style.

interior decoration

To saturate the newborn's room with color and decor, additional decoration of walls and furniture is performed. For this are used:

  • - when choosing them, preference should be given simple images, which will be clearly visible from the crib. At first, you can stick only black and white, and then gradually add colors, because newborns in the first months recognize only black and white;
  • - this work is easy to do on your own, using special stencils.

Similarly, you can decorate any piece of furniture.

To decorate a newborn's room, you need to use not only tips and tricks, but also your imagination. You should also understand the sense of proportion, since harmony, tenderness, lightness are important for the first room of the baby.

photo:, iriana88w, 3dimentii,, gorvik,,, poligonchik, vav163

Waiting for a happy event - the birth of a child - parents try to prepare everything they can to make the child comfortable. Most of all they are concerned about what should be the room for the newborn. There is nothing complicated in the design, but there are certain features.

Requirements for the premises

Everything in the newborn room Decoration Materials should be safe. The walls are painted with safe paints (mineral emulsion, for example) or wallpapered on paper basis. Ceilings - bleached or painted with the same water-based paint, padded wooden clapboard. The floor can be wooden - painted or varnished, you can lay a laminate or a safe linoleum (there are some).

What is not welcome is the carpets. Until the child begins to crawl, this is an unambiguous requirement, and then it will be possible to lay a carpet on the floor, but only it will have to be vacuumed and washed regularly. If you are afraid that the child will be cold on the floor, you can mount a floor heating system. Under the laminate, it fits quickly. Paired with a thermostat, this type of heating will allow you to maintain the required temperature for a child - about 20 ° C.

You can control the temperature with a conventional thermometer, but you also need to monitor the humidity of the air. It should be in the range of 70-55%. In a too dry atmosphere, the child's mucous membranes dry out, and crusts may form in the nose. This prevents him from breathing and he is naughty. Because on heating season you will need to either get a humidifier or regularly hang a wet terry towel in the room.

One of the humidifiers

Another requirement concerns lighting. It is desirable that the windows of the room for the newborn face south or east. Sunlight is necessary for the normal development of the baby, and is also needed for his Have a good mood. At the same time, the windows should not have cracks, they should not blow from under them. But deaf sashes are not needed either: daily ventilation is required.

What furniture should be in the room for a newborn

For small child not many things are needed. If there is no possibility or desire to settle it separately, everything can be placed in the parents' room. It must be said right away that the room for a newborn should be freed from all unnecessary items, including flowers, carpets and numerous draperies. All of them only collect dust, which is highly undesirable. List necessary furniture small:

This is all that is needed until the child is one year old. Then you will need additional shelves / boxes for toys and other "dowry". Let's talk about each subject in more detail.


For some young parents, it is an irreplaceable thing for a child, for others it is superfluous. The main question is whether your child will sleep comfortably in his bed or will he be more comfortable with his mother. In principle, if the baby is calm, you will better get enough sleep when he sleeps separately: you don’t have to constantly remember that a little man is lying next to you. In order not to get up once again at night when the child turns over, the crib can be moved closer at night so that you can reach the child with your hand. Feeling your touch, he will soon calm down. Over time, children get used to sleeping on their own. All this is for the case if the nursery is combined with your bedroom. If the baby has a personal room allocated to him, a crib is simply required there.

If you bought a ready-made crib, the bottom in it is set to several positions in height. It's comfortable. In the first months of life, while the baby is still inactive, the bottom is set to the highest position. It is easier and more convenient to lay and lift newborns. As they grow older and increase mobility, the bottom is lowered lower so that its owner, who has matured, does not accidentally fall out.

There are rocking beds. In them, of course, it is more convenient to rock the children. But they quickly get used to it and then it may happen that you need to push the crib all night - the only way the children agree to sleep. So you have to be careful with this.

If you really want a canopy and frills, they will need to be washed often

Now about canopies and capes. No doubt they look cute, but doctors unanimously advise against doing them. They interfere with normal air exchange, delay necessary for the child Sun rays and still collect dust. All this is true, but if mom really wants to, you can buy a canopy bed, you just need to wash it regularly (once every two weeks for sure).

It is also important to choose the right place for a crib. It must be placed so that the sun looks into it, but not under the window, not near the battery, and also not in the place where drafts can walk.

Chest of drawers/changing table

In principle, these can be two separate items, but it is much more practical in this version: a lid is made on the chest of drawers in the form of a changing table. It is convenient for caring for a child: everything you need is at hand.

If you are still wondering if you need a diaper at all, because diapers have remained mainly as baby clothes, then it’s completely in vain. You will need to change your baby often. It is more convenient to stand upright at the same time, rather than bending over or sitting on the bed / sofa. Standing is much faster and more comfortable, which is what changing tables allow you to do. Also, the sidewalls, nailed on three sides along the perimeter, will not allow the child to fall over.

Wardrobe for children's clothes

A room for a newborn up to 6 months can do without a closet - everything is included in the chest of drawers. But after six months, the wardrobe is already needed. They can consist of two sections - in the upper shelves for clothes (necessarily with doors so that things do not gather dust), at the bottom there can be drawers- for toys.

Because given type furniture will serve you further, pay attention to its corners. It is desirable that they be rounded. An older child should not be able to seriously injure himself during games. Well, the design must be strong and stable, and the materials (including paint) safe and designed specifically for children's rooms. For any children's furniture, there must be safety certificates separately for the material from which the furniture is made, separately for finishing materials (glue, paint, etc.).

Sofa or armchair

This piece of furniture is necessary for adults, and, first of all, for mom. Concrete Choice- sofa or chair - depends on how you prefer to feed your baby - sitting or lying down. Although you can sit on the couch and sit. Armrests for this should be high and preferably soft. Not many furniture now meet such requirements and do not be discouraged if you do not find anything suitable. Take the most acceptable option, and pillows will provide you with comfort. They should be different sizes, shape and thickness, so that it can be placed under the back or elbow, providing the most comfortable position.

Sofa - for mom

There are also rocking chairs and some designs are really comfortable. But they take up a lot of space, so not even every room can accommodate. And keep in mind that when the child learns to crawl, the chair will need to be removed. Its unstable design can be dangerous for the baby.

We develop design

When designing a room for a newborn, first of all, you need to focus on what the mother of the baby likes. He is very sensitive to her moods and will feel good if mom is happy. Therefore, in terms of colors and style, all questions are for mothers. There are, however, a few tips from psychologists that are worth listening to. First of all, it concerns color. When decorating a room for a newborn, choose soft, delicate pastel shades of any of the colors you want. Too saturated colors put pressure on the psyche of both mother and baby. Because only such a range.

Often the walls in the rooms for small children are made plain, and this is no coincidence. Psychologists believe that a large, clear pattern can frighten a child, because the walls are either plain or with a small, soft pattern. Leave cartoon stories for the time when the baby is a little older. In the meantime, he feels better in such an environment.

Light design does not mean the complete absence of bright spots. They can and should be, but only in small quantities. It could be Nice picture, bright bedspread or pillow. But there shouldn't be many such bright things.

We also need to talk about lighting. It must be multi-zone. In addition to a bright overhead light, a subdued light is needed, as well as a nightlight that only slightly dispels the darkness and does not interfere with the child's sleep. To make it convenient to control the light, you can turn on the lighting through They make it possible to turn on / off the lamp from several points. In the nursery, it will be convenient to have one control point near the door, and the second near the armchair or sofa on which the mother will feed the child.

How to decorate a newborn room

Decorate the children's room so that mom likes it. The main task is to bring joy to her. No matter how you want, but a lot of flowers - not the most good idea. They are certainly beautiful and young mothers will definitely like them, but they can cause allergies. Therefore, it is better to abandon this idea. Bouquets should be, but not in the room for the newborn. And to decorate this particular room, you can fill a certain number of balloons of the corresponding color with helium, tie ribbons to them and make a congratulatory poster.

To meet a newborn in the room, you can launch gel balls

Photo design examples

An ottoman for legs or an inflatable chair is a useful addition

Room for a newborn in the attic - a lot of light is wonderful

This is one of the most wonderful days in the life of any family, I am sincerely happy for those who have a meeting from the hospital many times :-). I have collected ideas for such a case, something you will definitely need. Inspiration and flight of fancy guaranteed.

We're going, we're going, we're going...

Many dads and grandmothers are ready to do a lot for a spectacular show at the entrance to the maternity hospital, in order to please and thank mommy, I will list a few tricks (they all impress those who are watching from the side :-)):

We decorate the car! Now you can easily order ready-made sticker sets for your car: “I'm going to pick up my son”, “I'm going to pick up my daughter”, “Beloved, thank you for my son”, etc. Pictures are pink or blue, thematic (flowers / cars). Easily attached to the glass, quickly removed without consequences.

You can decorate the car with helium balloons (a cloud of balloons) or fresh flowers.

It is especially nice if such a car can be seen from the window of the hospital. Everyone there is so sentimental... They will appreciate it, I guarantee it!

To the exit!

Don't forget about the flowers, although with them later one hassle. We have to put it in the trunk so as not to irritate the baby's delicate nose with a strong smell.

The launch of the balls looks spectacular. In this case, there may be options: individual balls in a grid that opens into right moment(there is a special string) or just a bunch of balls, which is commonly called a cloud. Call if you are in Moscow, we will arrange it :-).

We decorate the street, courtyard entrance

Decoration with balloons

If you need to decorate the yard, (there are listed those elements from which you can choose the most suitable ones, do not be confused by the wedding title of the article :-)):

  • helium chains
  • balloon figures (giant toys)
  • letters and numbers from balloons (baby's initials or date of birth)
  • fountains and bouquets

At the entrance, helium balloons are often tied along the railing up to 2-3 floors if the house is without an elevator. Then these balls can be brought home “under the ceiling” or handed out to guests to launch from the balcony with wishes.

Styrofoam letters

They should be ordered to decorate the courtyard of a private house. It turns out a wonderful memorable photo shoot. Most often this is the name of the baby, but sometimes they choose the carved words “Thank you for your son”, “You were born!” “This is your house”, “We have been waiting for you…” and so on.

However, letters can be different materials, .

baby room

pom poms

Pompoms are very beautiful paper clouds that you can hang above the crib. Better choose pastel shades(a combination of white with pale blue or peach color). Pompoms are hung at different heights: small - below, large - above. You can buy all this paper beauty in online stores of goods for the holiday.


  • balls with beautiful ribbons "under the ceiling"
  • ball fountains to the right and left of the crib
  • helium chain over the bed
  • bouquet or figurine of thin balls-sausages
  • you can put a few balloons with ordinary air in a crib, then just scatter them on the floor

Baby's name on the wall

I advise you to order letters made of wood (production no more than 2-4 working days, you will have time to be discharged from the hospital). Call if you are in Moscow. We will discuss the font, color and size of the letters, we will immediately launch it into production.

By the way, this decoration of the baby's room is the most durable. Can hang on the wall long years and remind you of that very memorable day :-).

Buffet in honor of the newborn!

It is good when there are many helpers on such a day, and you can safely entrust the preparation of treats to responsible relatives. By the way, can you show them my .

If you are afraid to get bogged down in the bustle, order a buffet with delivery or the services of our chef, who will prepare interesting snacks from your products at your home (you will have a list of products in advance). Call if you are in Moscow.

Baby shower cake

Here, of course, I will not be able to demonstrate all the pictures of the cakes that modern confectioners prepare for a meeting from the hospital, since this tradition has been around for many years, the collections are immense.

The emotions of guests looking at and tasting such a cake are always very bright, I advise you to think about it!

The cake can be replaced with fun and tender cupcakes or pop cakes.

candy bar

Very popular and fashionable sweet table, which will be designed in honor of your baby. , now just a picture:


This, of course, is loudly said, I will not now offer some kind of consistent plot in verses with jokes, I will simply list a few organizational moments that will be remembered by the baby's parents and guests.

We beat the date of birth

I'll tell you the easiest way to do it. Go to There on the left there is a calendar in which you find the date of birth of the baby and carefully read everything about this day.

Guests are usually so interested that they ask to tell Interesting Facts and about your birthday.

So. Information from this resource may push you and everyone present to interesting ideas . You will see how much more varied the toasts and wishes for the newborn will become. Some facts can be used to decorate an apartment and order personalized souvenirs.

Carefully note all professional and calendar holidays, historical events, unusual holidays, birthdays of great people.

For example, how many interesting things can you think of if the baby was born on Smiley Day (September 19) or World Kiss Day (July 6). Great! Here I have more.

And how nice it is to be born on the same day as Leonardo da Vinci, for example ...

That on any day of the calendar you will find something interesting, I have no doubt, since there are also religious holidays and holidays different countries peace. All numbers are busy! 🙂

What's in your name

If you are serious about horoscopes and "secrets of the name", it is quite possible to read to the guests about what Vladimirs or Olgas usually are. All this is also in

Then you can find out which of those present is also a "lion" and a "rat", like our baby. For some reason, even the most passive guests come to life.


We distribute small pieces of paper, ask guests to write their name and make predictions about the color of the eyes, hair and the estimated weight of the baby in a year (how the baby will change after 12 months is almost impossible to guess).

So be it:
Grandmother Tanya: his eyes will be gray, his hair will be blond, weight - 9 kg 300 g.

We put all the notes in an empty beautiful bottle (decorate with all sorts of ribbon bows) and close with a cork. In a year, we'll see and award the best predictor ... By the way,.

We sign the poster

I roughly sketched the layout, everything is very simple. A yellow sun with the inscription "Our Sun" and white clouds in which guests write their names or good wishes newborn. All this can then be framed in memory of the discharge from the hospital and all those who were involved in this.

Another version of the poster - "Birth new star named Vova. Here we draw or glue one big star in the center and many small ones around. Again we enter the name of the baby and collect the signatures of all the witnesses of the solemn moment. In a frame, for memory!

Here's another good idea! On the left - a simple and cute application - a stork, a baby and a cloud balloons. Guests sign on each balloon. On the right, I give a wedding picture as an example, but it is not so difficult to change a young couple for a newborn. In this case Balloons are the fingerprints of everyone present. Everything is done with the help of comfortable finger paints on foam pads.

Personal souvenirs in memory of the event

This is quite expensive, but how nice it is to give out mugs, calendar cards, wall plates, wall posters or chocolates to guests, which will have the date of birth and the name of the newborn.

Such gifts can be ordered in almost every city in Russia, production - 1-2 days. Just send the baby's name or the first photo with mom to give an unusual personalized souvenir for discharge.

I hope the fantasy played out! Let your baby grow up healthy and happy!

When repairs begin in the children's room, parents try to decorate the interior in such a way that it is comfortable and cozy. Especially when it's a nursery for a newborn.

Little kids are so defenseless and receptive. So parents think about what design better fit so that the baby not only likes it, but does not affect his health and has a positive effect on development.

General concepts when arranging a children's room

Main design idea child depends on who your baby is: a girl or a boy. There are still some points and they need to be considered in any case.

Environmentally friendly materials. This parameter should be taken very seriously. When choosing finishes or pieces of furniture for arrangement, pay attention to quality and ask sellers for certificates for these products.

The composition of the main elements must be free of harmful components. Because babies are very receptive, they constantly touch something and even shove everything in their mouths.

Safe furniture. One of the most important points. Usually a newborn baby is in the crib or in the arms of the parents. But do not forget, children grow very quickly and as soon as they begin to move around the room on their own, falls and bruises begin.

Therefore, furniture should be safe without sharp corners and metal and glass elements.

Comfort. Little children are so tender and sensual, so don't forget about convenience and comfort when furnishing their room accordingly.

The interior should help in development. When designing a children's room for a newborn, do not forget that every day the baby, falling asleep and waking up, sees the general atmosphere of the room. Therefore, the interior should help comprehensively, develop and bring joy.

Light sources for illumination. No need to block the windows, the room should be bright, and in dark time days will take care of it lighting. They are chosen carefully based on general style rooms.

In our article you will find the most interesting and unusual photos children's room for a newborn.

Probably the most creative and interesting task is the arrangement of a children's room for a newborn boy.

by the most the best option expert advice will help you choose the right style. After all, only the right design decision help with the layout. For example, a marine idea would look good in a nursery for a boy.

Today there are quite a few modern options who cope with the style.

You can pick up photo wallpapers or small drawings depicting fabulous animals.

Room for a little girl

If a little girl has appeared in your family, then the interior of the children's room for a newborn must be suitable. After all, it is wrong if the decor is the same, for a boy, for a girl.

Perception environment children begin at birth. More recently, designers have begun to use pink and white tones when decorating a children's room for a newborn girl. By any means they try to create a corner for the little princess.

Lightweight canopy gentle shade, will help to highlight the room and indicate that this is where the girl is.

When decorating walls, you need to dream up well, sometimes use wallpaper with a pattern, but practical option will be the application ordinary wallpaper on which, in further decoration, children's art paintings, or frames with photographs will be located. They highlight the general atmosphere of the room.

When designing a nursery for your child, do not forget to consider that the more you try, the happier the baby will be.

Photo of a nursery design for a newborn

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