Design trends: what's in and out of interior fashion. Design trends: what went in and out of interior fashion Trendy modern living room interior in light colors

Are you planning to do renovations? Then get acquainted - 7 leading styles in interior design today. The descriptions and photos below will help you choose the trendiest finishes, furniture and decor for each room to match the top trends of 2017. You will learn what is the secret of the popularity of the loft and Provence, how you can create a modern interior design with old things and much more. Be trendy!

What's new in interior design in 2017

Some design styles in the interior quickly appear and go out of fashion, others (the same Provence) have enjoyed our love and admiration for many years. From time to time we remember them and bring them back to our houses and apartments, but already interpreting them according to the new time. 2017 was the year when new things entered the interior design in the form of a well-forgotten old:

  • Quality furniture with simple and functional design in the spirit of the times of mass building of the 60s;
  • Pipes, lamps and industrial-style rough products that recall the heyday of industry in the last century;
  • "Bohemian" type of dwelling with numerous art objects, bright and unusual things;
  • Tiles, curtains and carpets with ethnic motifs;
  • Nostalgic decor in the form of posters, clocks, appliances and other things in retro style.

The original decor and simple furniture complement each other perfectly against the backdrop of brick, concrete, wood or plain walls. Houseplants and other natural accents compensate for the unnatural look of industrial parts. 2017 attracts us with contrasts, but this does not mean that there was no place for home comfort and warmth in it. See more review 7 fashion styles and beautiful photos of the interiors!

1. Interior design in loft and industrial style

Simple, elegant and natural forms of furniture in the spirit of those years returned to interior design in 2017. They are complemented by colorful fabrics, expressive lamps and vintage decor from different styles to give the room an original eclectic look.

3. French rustic Provence style

7. Interior design 2017 in shabby chic style

The shabby chic style of interiors was probably invented by fans flea markets. He is notable for the "old" look of the furniture, with scratched wood, cracked paint, and other signs of wear. At the same time, decor for a shabby chic room should be soft, cozy and lush, creating a feeling of luxury. Light pastel shades, classical carving, forged parts and exquisite fabrics are other characteristic features this design.

Let know what you think! Which of these popular styles did you like the most and which did you like the least?

Trendy interior design 2017: 7 popular styles updated: April 5, 2017 by: Margarita Glushko

When starting to repair or decorate a house or apartment, most often we rely not only on our own preferences, but also on fashion trends. Perhaps not intentionally - subconsciously. In this article Alina Igoshina will list design techniques that are no longer relevant or will soon lose their sharpness, and will tell you what to consider when creating an interior, because it is done for years.

Alina Igoshina, head and member of the Union of Designers of Russia

I do not propose to completely abandon the currently popular solutions. Indeed, for a private interior, full compliance with fashion trends is not so important. The main thing is that it fully corresponds to your ideas about beauty and comfort. But it probably makes sense to think about whether this is really what you really want to see at home, or are you following trends? If you understand that you just want to pay tribute to fashion, consider alternative solutions.

Now let's take a closer look at what is no longer fashionable, what will soon go out of fashion, and what is better to use with caution.

Multi-level plasterboard ceilings as interior decoration

Use them for technical purposes: wiring ventilation and other communications, organizing a structure for embedding, finalizing strange design solutions "from the developer". Such solutions are appropriate in moderation. Multi-level ceilings can be carefully played up and fit into any style, but in most cases they do not possess artistic value by themselves.

The relevance of such a decision was greatly exaggerated, and at a certain period the enthusiasm for them was rampant. At the moment the fashion multi-level ceilings"for beauty" has passed. If they are not technically necessary, think carefully about whether you need them.

Pictures on the ceiling

If you are decorating the interior in such a style, an integral part of which is the painting of the ceiling, then, of course, you should not refuse it. But you should first make sure that the interior design in its scale corresponds to the height of the ceilings and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

Thematic murals of children's rooms, passing from walls to ceiling, can look good. Also in a contrasting modern interior, if you are looking for radical eye-catching solutions, a certain geometric composition may appear on the ceiling or with the transition from wall to ceiling.

I am rarely categorical, but in this case I can definitely advise: refuse a stretch ceiling with photographs of flowers, fruits and butterflies printed on it. About 10 years ago, such a decision was possible and appropriate, and even then not in such rooms as the living room, kitchen or adult bedroom. At the moment, the use of such decor is in bad taste.

Self-leveling floors with drawings

Screed floor is great technical coating for the floor in a warehouse, in a garage or parking lot, trading floor. The use of such a coating in a residential interior is possible if we are talking about a plain and not too glossy version. Finishing is suitable if the task is to choose the most concise floor material. Also, many consider the finish to be quite easy to clean, due to the lack of seams. Also, this floor can be repainted. special paint in any color. But the glossy floor, especially with pictures, should be treated with caution, and it is better to completely abandon it.

Self-leveling floors with flowers, swirls, photos of fruits, seabed, animals - have never been an example of good taste. And today they are completely obsolete.

You can take a chance and make self-leveling floors with patterns relevant now, for example, geometric. But even these will lose their relevance in a few years. And the floors will remain. Expensive and extremely problematic to dismantle.

Tip: making out modern interior, leave active patterns and designs for things that are easy to replace: decorative pillows, curtains, wallpaper. If the repair is of high quality and capital, its base will look quite fresh for 10 years. During this time, trends in decor, prints and patterns in the emerging before our eyes modern style change many times.

plastic furniture

Such furniture was fashionable in the West 50 years ago: new material became available and used everywhere. Just like the bright, retro-printed synthetic clothing that marks that era, the plastic furniture is more of a fun, mothball-scented vintage than a fashion statement.

The craving of our fellow citizens, including designers, for plastic chairs can be explained. Basically, replicas (fakes) of the works of famous designers are used: they are cheap, but at the same time differ little from original furniture, since the materials and production technologies are quite simple. Furniture design is bright and memorable.

Use such furniture with great care. She is not modern. This is a bright accent in the style of the 60s, not a modern trend. If you do not plan to bring a touch of disco style to your interior, it is better to leave this furniture for establishments. Catering and beauty salons.


At the moment, the word " headset"Sounds rather intimidating. Do not try to purchase a set of furniture from one collection - choose matching furniture. It shouldn't be the same. Furniture can be placed in the same interior different shades, colors and textures, and furniture from different historical eras and styles. The main thing is to find that “red thread” that will logically connect the interior and make it harmonious.
The same applies to lamps and finishing materials, and, in particular, textile design. Mix and experiment while creating a trendy interior!

Synthetic materials

Materials that look and feel like 100% synthetic are best kept to a minimum. ABOUT plastic furniture I said separately. I also want to draw the attention of readers to organza, vinyl wallpapers, glossy vinyl stretch ceiling- all this looks not only not fashionable, but to a certain extent even vulgar.

Fully natural materials almost none at the moment. Almost everything that is used in interior design undergoes multiple processing. For a good, high-quality and technically well-made material, such processing is only beneficial. Due to this, materials acquire the necessary additional properties, improve appearance, wear resistance increases.

In addition, it is extremely problematic to make a modern interior entirely from materials of exclusively natural origin, since it must comply with current safety and comfort standards.

Tip: Do not chase the prefix "ECO" when choosing materials. Often it's just a marketing ploy. Strive to choose high-quality and wear-resistant materials that look as natural and sound as possible.

Conservative color schemes

Beige-brown gamma is very common. natural colors are comfortable for most of us. You can also explain the popularity of such color schemes by the fact that we live in a rather harsh climate. Many need compensation for the lack of heat for 8-9 months a year. I am writing this article in April, and there is a snowstorm outside the window - I perfectly understand the desire of the majority to create a warm atmosphere at home.

But! In addition to beige and brown, there are a lot of others. warm colors. There are also complex shades, halftones, neat bright accents. Have you really always dreamed about beige and brown interior? Or just not considered other options? Be especially careful with brown in the room for a very small child. Children are small Brown color do not perceive. That's why they don't like him.

Decor and furniture inspired by life hacks

A pallet coffee table, a hexagonal plywood key holder and other decor from what it is a pity to throw away, a repair consisting in repainting a curved emergency wall in a trendy color - leave these decorative techniques for student residences, hipster art spaces and informal nightlife.

For the design of a residential family interior, such solutions have never been practical, at the moment they are already very beaten and have lost their stylistic relevance.

Tested by time and experience of several generations of designers and decorators: the more difficult the economic situation and social conditions in general, the more relevant it becomes when designing a new interior to focus on quality, the higher the desire to create an atmosphere of well-being in the home environment. Our situation is not as bad now as it was in America in the thirties during the heyday of Art Deco, but not so rosy as to decorate the house with rubbish.

25.04.2018 Read in 12 min.

The fashionable interior of an apartment is not only an up-to-date design in a popular style, but also right choice colors, textures and accessories. Using the example of design projects from Fundament Group of Companies, we will show what will be fashionable in interior design in 2018.

The most fashionable apartment interiors. Art Deco is trending!

In the photo: Art Deco kitchen-living room design

It is the Art Deco style that is today the most popular in interior design in the premium segment. Its exceptional elegance, brilliance of gloss and mirrors, as well as modern color schemes create an incredibly fashionable combination as a result.

Beautiful living room in beige tones

In the photo: Interior design of the living room in warm colors

The interior design of the living room in the photo above also uses the Art Deco style. It is located in an apartment located in the residential complex "Garden Quarters", and designed by our designers in a very effective manner.

Stylish contrast of white and gold in the interior of the bathroom

Pictured: Art Deco bathroom interior design

In the bathroom, Art Deco looks a little different. The decoration here often contains marble, more geometric ornaments, a lot of golden decorative elements. All these components of the design project can be found in the design of the living room or kitchen in the Art Deco style, but in the bathroom they are especially clearly visible.

Beautiful designer wallpaper with fairy tale forest motifs in the design of a children's room

In the photo: Beautiful interior of a children's bedroom with turquoise wallpaper

Art Deco in the interior of the children's room behaves in a very special way, creating a fabulous mood, as if the bedroom is in some kind of magical world. Here, various decorative panels, which in an instant change the atmosphere of the interior.

Kitchens with natural wood finishes

In the photo: Beautiful Art Deco kitchen interior

The interior of the kitchen may look more traditional, because now we can distinguish two variations of art deco - modern and traditional. Therefore, when choosing an art deco style for your home, it is important to understand what kind of interior you want - more minimalistic or more aristocratic, respectively.

Kitchen interior in black gloss. Project 2018

In the interior design of this fashion kitchen you see the art deco style too. Our designers have chosen to furnish this room with a tri-color suite using white and black gloss, in addition to finishing the facades with fine wood.

Stylish black and white contrast in the interior of the kitchen-living room

In the photo: Interior design of a fashionable kitchen-living room 2018

Modern Art Deco is easily recognizable by its more minimalist look when compared to traditional art. There are even more glossy surfaces, the color scheme is often based on lighter shades of gray and white, there's pure black and plenty of built-in modern lighting.

Fashionable truffle shades and designer panels in the bedroom

For the interior of the bedroom, the art deco style is used especially often, it allows you to create a glamorous, sophisticated, very romantic mood in the space. And a variety of ornaments and textiles, characteristic of this style, only add even more chic to such an interior.

Beautiful and fashionable interiors of apartments in classic and neoclassical styles

In the photo: Design of a fashionable living room in the neoclassical style

Two more popular styles for decoration fashion apartment in 2018 it is classics and neoclassics. Being exceptionally skilled and complex styles in decoration, decoration and design in general, they transform the space in an amazing way.

Neoclassical kitchen design in creamy colors

In the photo: Neoclassical kitchen interior design

In the photo: Living room design in classical style

The trend to design apartments in a classic style will be in trend both in 2018 and in the following seasons. Renovation of new buildings in the classic style is now very popular in Moscow, since with panoramic windows and high ceilings in new apartments it looks especially impressive.

Fashionable bathroom interior in classic style

Pictured: Classic bathroom design

In the photo: Interior design of the living room in the neoclassical style

The neoclassical style is more concise than the classic, and therefore it is more often used in the design of apartments than in decoration. country houses. Neoclassic requires less space and space, while the reference classic, in principle, does not tolerate ceilings in the living room below 3.2 meters and similar details.

Neoclassical bedroom interior with pink accents

In the photo: Interior design of a romantic neoclassical bedroom

In this luxurious bedroom, the neoclassical style reveals itself from another side. The midtone transitions in powdery pink and delicate creamy shades make this room truly romantic.

Bathroom interior in classic style in white and gold tones

On the picture: Classic design bathroom in light colors

When designing a classic style bathroom, our designers prefer to combine many ideas in interior design, such as mosaic-finished shelves with high ceiling cornices and recessed ceiling lighting.

Bedroom interior in soft pink tones with white furniture

In the photo: Interior design of a bedroom in a classic style in pink tones

The classic style in bedroom interior design always looks especially beautiful. Pompous furniture, chic textiles, exceptional sophistication of every detail suits her.

Neoclassical bathroom design with floral accents

In the photo: Interior design of a fashionable neoclassical bathroom

It's no secret that the neoclassical style is often used in the US, Canada and France to decorate premium apartments. If, after renovation, you also want to get an apartment that looks like a luxury apartment in Paris, Manhattan or Montreal, you can contact our professionals.

Light colors in trendy kitchen interiors 2018

In the photo: Interior design of a white kitchen with an island

In 2018, white and white are the most popular in kitchen design and decoration. beige colors. It is also used in the design of the floor, kitchen apron, ceiling, household appliances and electronics.

Interior design of a white kitchen with an island in a classic style

In the photo: Design of a white kitchen in a classic style with an island

This luxury kitchen in a classic style is complemented by an island, which is another important trend in kitchen interior design this year. The island can combine different functions, be a bar, serving and cutting area, as well as have integrated hob, sink, dishwasher, wine rack and much more.

Kitchen interior in white with black glossy appliances

In the photo: Kitchen interior design in white

The alternation of white and black in the design of this kitchen allows the designer to create the necessary aesthetic contrast in the design. small room. Steel accents organically complement the stylish and spectacular look.

White kitchen interior design with white appliances and steel accents

White was used in the interior design of this white kitchen. Appliances, as well as a steel refrigerator, sink and small appliances, which are selected by style by our designers.

Interior of a white kitchen in an Art Deco apartment

The art deco style that we already talked about at the beginning of our review is ideal option for kitchen design in white color. True, the reference implementation of such a project will certainly be complemented by gold accessories and accents, and the set may also include facades made of precious wood.

Minimalism style in the design of apartments in 2018

In the photo: Minimalist kitchen design

The style of minimalism in interior design is not just a fashionable novelty, but completely new, innovative approach to the organization of space and your life in particular. To dream of such an interior and live in harmony with it, you need to lead a special lifestyle.

The interior of the apartment in the style of minimalism

In the photo: Design of a kitchen-living room in the style of minimalism 2018

Minimalism as a style forces you to be a perfectionist in everything - to take care of the absence of unnecessary trifles in the interior, cleanliness in the house, symmetry, exceptionally sophisticated decor items. But you must admit, he just teaches us to live on more high level comfort.

Fashionable modern apartment interior in the style of minimalism

Minimalist apartment design is very popular in Moscow. Many of our clients order it, as it allows them to live at the level of comfort of the modern European lifestyle.

Contemporary bathroom interior with copper mosaic accent walls

In the photo: Minimalist bathroom interior design

For the interior of the bathroom, minimalism style is the most practical of all that you can choose from the whole variety of options. It allows you to maintain just squeaky cleanliness with less effort and always looks neat and stylish.

Fashionable modern living room interior in light colors

In the photo: Interior of a bright living room

In the interior of the living room, the minimalist style allows you to create a relaxing environment. Since the style itself came to us from Asian culture, we can confidently recommend it to those clients who prefer to relax in peace and quiet, without any annoying elements.

Fashion trends in bedroom design 2018

In the photo: Bedroom design in bright colors

There are many interesting trends in bedroom interior design and design ideas, which should be considered before approving the project of your own bedroom. Let's look at some of them.

Trendy bedroom design with mirror finishes and azure accents

In the photo: Interior design of a bedroom with a textile headboard

The mirror finish is thus fashion trend in the interior design of bedrooms, which can not be ignored. It is used in styles such as art deco, classic, neoclassic, minimalism, modern and many other interior design options. Finishing may include mirrors with facet, with ornaments, toning, with a shabby chic or antique effect.

Bedroom interior in classic style in cream tones with decorative moldings

In the photo: Interior design of a bedroom in a classic style

Decorative mouldings, skirting boards, cornices, plaster rosettes, medallions, sculptures and pseudo-columns, as well as many other plaster decorative elements are very important elements in bedroom interior design in 2018.

Art Deco bedroom interior design with attached loggia

Pictured: Art Deco bedroom interior design

And in the interior of this bedroom, our designers provided for the addition of a loggia thanks to panoramic doors and its insulation. Such an interior idea allows you to organize a wardrobe, a boudoir area, a relaxation room or a place with chairs for tea parties on the loggia.

Fashionable bedroom interior with built-in wardrobe

A built-in wardrobe is practically essential for modern bedroom a thing that should be practical, comfortable and roomy. You should not bypass this trend, professional interior designers always advise to provide more places for storage.

Fashionable colors of beige and brown in the interiors of 2018

Beige-brown monochrome with golden accents in the design of the living room

In the photo: Living room interior design in golden beige colors

In the photo: Interior design beige kitchen

Light brown has a lot more tones and facets than it might seem at first glance. For example, the shades of the stone ruler are always cold, a little brutal, but extremely luxurious, for example, like a grayish-brown shade of natural marble in the kitchen interior shown in the photo.

Luxurious living room in shades of coffee with milk

In the photo: Fashionable living room design in shades of beige and brown

Another group of tones suitable for a modern interior are shades of coffee with milk, slightly muted in terms of saturation, complemented by crystal and silver accents. In a cozy, enveloping atmosphere of such a living room, it is always a pleasure to relax and unwind from the bustle of the city.

Bronze shades in the interior of the bedroom

In the photo: Stylish bronze-brown colors in the interior of the bedroom

In the interior of the bedroom, bronze shades allow you to achieve the maximum feeling of comfort. If you combine, for example, golden beige, caramel powder, shades of burnt sugar, buttercream and pink marshmallow, you get an exceptional result, as in the bedroom interior photo above.

Muted beige and brown colors in the interior of a modern bedroom

In the photo: Bedroom interior design in gray color

The combination of calm gray-beige and gray-brown shades in a monochrome interior usually leads to the fact that the room becomes more conducive to complete relaxation. It does not require any response from a person. For example, if you put a pink armchair in your bedroom, it will provoke a certain emotional response each time - depending on whether you love pink color or not. The grayish-beige shades in the interior will leave you to yourself, literally forcing you to disconnect from the outside world and start to relax.

Bathroom interior with rosewood and marble finishes

In the photo: Beautiful bathroom interior in gray

Marble is so important element modern apartment interior design that its use in monochrome color schemes can be called a double trend. There are many varieties of gray and pink-beige marble. They can be combined even in the same interior, as our designers did in the bathroom photo above.

Bathroom design in smoky beige tones

In the photo: Bathroom interior design with stone tiles

Smoky shades often feel weightless. They are almost transparent, and therefore are always used in interior design on light background complementing it in the best possible way.

Fashionable powdery shades in the design of apartments

In interior design in 2018, powdery and pink shades will meet you in the design of the bedroom, bathroom and children's rooms for girls. Powder tones are exceptional large group shades that include beige-pink, beige-gray, gray-pink and many others beautiful options.

Children's room interior with powder pink accents

In the photo: Beautiful interior of a pink children's room

In the interior of a children's bedroom for a girl, pink and its shades are used very often. For example, some of the most popular this season are powder pink, ash pink, rose quartz, as well as a bright shade of fuchsia.

Ash rose bathroom interior

In the photo: Stylish and modern bathroom interior in pink tones

Ash pink (or a shade of ash rose) is often used in the interior design of a modern bathroom, dressing room, loggia in the bedroom. It has a light grayish coating, looks neutral, not too feminine, but always sophisticated.

The most fashionable bathroom designs

In the photo: Fashionable bedroom interior in shades of gray

In bathroom design, we would like to highlight three of the most important trends that you may be particularly interested in. These are mother-of-pearl tiles, designer tiles with damask ornament (or geometric Egyptian art deco pattern) and tiles with a 3D effect.

Bathroom design with pearlescent tiles

In the photo: Interior design of a modern bathroom

To create the interior of this bathroom, our designers used tiles with a special mother-of-pearl shine. It is a bit like reflections of Venetian plaster. Such a tile can be an option with an imitation of a concrete surface, a glossy tile with a gold (or silver) coating or a mosaic.

Bathroom decoration with damask tiles

Pictured: Art Deco bathroom design

Art Deco bathroom interiors are rarely complete without damask or pseudo-Egyptian geometric tiles. This finish gives this room a special depth and skill.

Bathroom interior design with 3D embossed tiles

In the photo: Bathroom design in bright colors

And in the interior of this bathroom, tiles with relief and texture are used. For the bathroom, it is made of ceramics, often has a wave-like ornament, because the theme of the waves is great for the element of water. But 3D tiles with various geometric options are also popular (rhombuses, honeycombs, squares with protruding edges, like a raised piece of paper) and many others.

In this review, we reviewed many fashionable apartment interiors completed in 2018, as well as design ideas, popular styles and colors from the portfolio of Fundament Group of Companies. You can see our prices for interior design below. We will be happy to create for you the interior of your dreams, with a turnkey renovation!

Trends in interior design do not change as rapidly as in clothing. Much that was fashionable in 2017 does not lose its relevance this year. Geometry, concrete, loft and minimalism, natural materials are still popular. But there are also some changes and surprising novelties. For example, instead of emerald, the red color of a brick shade becomes central in fashionable interiors.

Red color always dominates over other shades and attracts the eyes of others. With proper use, it turns any room into a fun and cheerful space.

The motto of the year is "Only the Essentials". More and more attention is paid to the practicality of the room and the functionality of filling the space.

In decorating windows, it is better to abandon multilayer heavy curtains and choose traditional combinations of light curtains and thin tulle.

  • Plenty of light and spaciousness. In the interior, designers mainly aim to fill the room with light as much as possible and create the illusion of more space. This trend has been around for several seasons.
  • Cool color palette. This trend follows from the previous one and is not a dogma.
  • geometric motifs. Now they are found not only in wallpaper patterns, but also in unusual shape furniture.
  • Eco-friendly materials. This trend is also not new. However, it is encouraging that materials that are safe from the point of view of toxicity are becoming more accessible for different layers population.
  • Built-in household appliances. A trend that has been relevant for several seasons and loved for its practicality.
  • Textured surfaces. Due to the desire for practicality, object decoration is reduced to a minimum. But unusual textures in decoration and furniture will not allow the apartment to look too strict and boring.
  • Ergonomic storage. In 2018, countertops with many compartments are relevant.
  • Mixing styles. This trend simplifies the process of selecting all the details for the whole composition, on the one hand, and on the other hand, it allows you to more clearly show your individuality.

Due through holes V concrete blocks these partitions will look not like a boring monolith, but a brutal translucent design

Velvet upholstery in emerald, ultramarine or tart wine color is still in fashion.

Fashion color trends

Color in interior design plays a huge role and sometimes becomes the key chord of the whole composition. Through color, you can convey the unique character of the room, emphasize furniture and decor details. 2018 in this regard provides a wide choice, because both minimalism and bold shades are in fashion. Everyone can find fashionable color scheme for your apartment in accordance with your temperament and lifestyle.

Bright colors are always in fashion, the interior definitely ceases to be neutral

The most fashionable colors of this year:

  1. Red, as already mentioned, is becoming the main color in the interior of 2018. It is the brownish color that is relevant. It is filled with fashionable textiles, cabinet and upholstered furniture, accessories.

    It is fashionable to combine red furniture with a brown floor or even a ceiling.

  2. Turquoise color, can compete with brick. At the peak of popularity, a turquoise-mint shade, according to psychologists, facilitates emotional experiences. Curtains or upholstery upholstered furniture this shade will create a peaceful atmosphere in the room.

    Calm cool color from nature is considered universal and ideal for interior decoration in classic and modern styles.

  3. Violet. According to some designers, it should be his superiority. Psychologists say that it promotes stress relief and increases concentration. It also has the ability to suppress hunger, which can please people who do not control their appetite.

    TO purple everyone is different, but he leaves no one indifferent

  4. Aquamarine. It is believed that it contributes to a greater saturation of life with emotions.

    The combination of aquamarine with white or beige makes the interior lighter and fresher.

  5. Earth tones have been popular since last year. It is white, muted gray, sand and brown.

    Bright living room in shades of gray with delicate pink accents

  6. Dark colors continue to be relevant. The black color of the kitchen facades is gaining distribution.

    Stylish black color is able to dilute any interior as a neutral

  7. Copper and gold colors become more natural and strengthen their positions. Pastels are being replaced by more intense shades.

    Shiny brass countertops, vases, lamps and mirror frames look great.

In 2018, unexpected color combinations are in fashion, such as celadon with yellow, or blue with orange.

It is not necessary to paint the walls with yellow, it is enough to place a colorful sofa or table in the room. Yes, and not just yellow, but like in cartoons, juicy and positive

Styles and nuances in decor

In interior design, it is recommended to use the minimum number of elements that will create a homely atmosphere, ideally and they should have some practical benefit. This is not asceticism pure form and minimalism with a touch of luxury. Choosing a few decor items, you should focus on high quality.

popular exclusive items interiors made by hand or to order

Decor solutions:

  • Metal textures are at the height of fashion. However, it is worth adding something more extraordinary than handles or a countertop. A trendy option would be a round chandelier with gilding.
  • Chandeliers of the most unusual forms are also popular.
  • 3D - mosaic. Choose one detail that you will decorate the room with. For example, you can veneer an apron with a three-dimensional mosaic.
  • The same apron can be made printed by choosing a pattern to match the main design.
  • The walls, finished with mirror mosaics, add light to the room and look very interesting.
  • Open shelves - with or without glass fronts. Visually increase the space.
  • Household appliances in bright colors. In case the built-in is tired, the technique can be made the dignity of the room.
  • An unusual bright carpet can also be used as an accent.

Metal looks good in the form of bars or other very thin lines, literally strokes

The wall can be completely closed with shelving and they will not “press” if you use a combination of closed and open shelves

The latest trends in the interior of the kitchen

In the interior design of the kitchen, functionality and practicality are given a special place. A stylistic decisions can be very unusual and break the stereotyped ideas about finishing.

There is no need to be afraid in the design of the kitchen bright colors, you can safely use yellow, light green or sunny orange

Trends in kitchen interior design:

  1. An association. To expand the space, the kitchen is connected to other rooms. An excellent solution would be a studio kitchen that captures the living room and is divided into zones. Designers often make the kitchen out of modules that look like ordinary furniture, combining it with another part of the apartment. The kitchen is no longer a limited space, cluttered with cabinets and items, and is not perceived as a boring space solely for cooking.
  2. Matte coating. Shiny lacquer facades are going out of fashion in 2018.
  3. Finished in metal and stone. Actively used are modern materials as: glass, wood, plastic and plaster. Combinations of different materials look interesting.
  4. Thin countertops and wide work surfaces.
  5. Cabinets without handles. The absence of the top row is welcome.

The interior of the kitchen should be spacious, with clear, concise forms.

The kitchen should have fresh flowers or herbs

The modern kitchen features comfortable furnishings. Each item in the room performs a function and is in the allotted place. No unnecessary things that only take up space. Dishes prefer plain. The necessary tools are at arm's length in the equipped countertops.

Household appliances are mainly built into furniture modules, but in some cases it is permissible not to hide them, but to make them the dignity of the room. The main thing is that it should be easy to use and contribute to the maximum optimization of cooking processes. Manufacturability is attached great importance. Wi-Fi is built into modern technology for remote control and receiving notifications about the cooking process.

On modern kitchen touch screens are becoming more and more common, and intuitively we understand that gadgets will be the main trend in the future

The highlight of the kitchen interior can be a partial or complete decoration of the walls with brickwork.

To decorate the walls of a small kitchen, choose light colors of tiles or wallpaper. This will help visually enlarge the space. For greater effect, the ceiling is also recommended to be kept in bright colors. Such a performance will be in line with the minimalist trend. If desired, you can place non-flashy accents.

The softness of pastels and the nobility of metal

If, despite the large selection of trendy colors, none of them seems suitable for decorating your apartment, there is a great solution. Designers recognize pastel colors as relevant for the interior, regardless of the fashion season. Recall that pastel colors are shades of any color diluted with white. Thanks to its pigment, any color becomes more calm and suitable for decorating a living space.

Pastel colors usually include light blue, cream, milky, transparent yellow, pale pink and many other slightly muted and discreet shades.

You can choose any pastel shade from a huge palette, and to express the trendy spirit of the time, use the most trendy interior design Decoration Materials. A combination of pastels and metal will look piquant and fashionable. This material is now used not only as an additive, but also serves as the basis for entire kitchen surfaces.

Metal worktop in the interior of a fashionable kitchen

In addition to being spectacular, metal facades perform one small but pleasant function - you can attach magnets with task lists to them, leave notes to your loved ones. Metal facades are well combined with glass, wood, concrete and stone. With a low budget, it is permissible to use metal imitation.

Fashionable styles in the interior

Loft and minimalism now dominate. Here are the key points that characterize them:

Minimalism Loft
Finishes in chrome steel, glass, stone or wood Finishing the floor and walls under concrete
2 primary colors, a third is possible as an accent Wall decoration with white or red brick
Massive windows to fill the room with light Open communications
No partitions in the room Beams on the ceiling
Geometrism of figures Tables and benches made of raw wood
Blinds instead of curtains metal cabinets

Comfortable minimalism is ideal for small spaces - only the necessary set of items, but the atmosphere should not be ascetic

The style of industrial design, democratic and provocative at the same time, consists of ostentatious emptiness and deliberately rough details.

If you are an avid fashionista or love dramatic changes, then the style can be changed in accordance with fashion. But remember that style, more than other aspects, reflects the character of the tenant. If a long-term residence is planned in the apartment that is being renovated, it is recommended to choose a style that matches the temperament and lifestyle. Then the apartment will become as comfortable as possible for you, and you will look harmoniously in your home. There will always be fashion trends that can be implemented within the framework of your chosen style.

Video about what is hopelessly outdated in interiors

Photos of fashionable interiors

Bright and colorful kitchen interior


In the process of decorating an apartment, the question often arises of what kind of interior is in fashion now, because everyone wants to be in trend and surprise guests with their refined and delicate taste. This year's interior season foreshadows the return of fashionable bright colors and combinations, original and completely new ideas for storage and zoning of space, as well as upholstered furniture, in which it will be very pleasant even to drown.

In the new year 2018, the tendency to accentuate the interior through bright accessories will increase: lamps, clocks and other small utensils. We can observe a gradual transition from last year's fashionable pastel colors to bright and saturated modern trends.

Such a transition can be explained by one of two reasons, or both are relevant at once:

  • This design fully expresses such a bright and rich rhythm of people's lives today;
  • Designers are simply nostalgic for the bold and bright times of the eighties.

So, in order to understand what is in fashion in 2018, you should know about the most trendy colors today:

  • Bright and explosive yellow always appears at the first positions of any chart. However, it is worth noting that it is not the classic yellow that is popular, but the most saturated, like the minions in the cartoon! This interior novelty in no way forces you to completely change the color of your walls, floors or ceilings, you just need to ennoble the interior with a colorful sofa, a rich poster or an unusual coffee table. These items will make you smile just by looking at them. It is also allowed to use other shades of yellow, for example, mustard, lemon or canary;
  • Unaltered green color has not gone out of fashion for several seasons. However, this year, dark green shades are in no way inferior to more natural, natural ones: the colors of avocado, celery, sage are great options for decorating a stylish living room or kitchen! In order to make the interior as trendy as possible, consider combining green with cherry, matte blue, white, yellow, berry purple. Such a color scheme expresses the excellent health of the owners, which is relevant in any year and at any time;
  • Black is also in style this year to add some drama to your interiors. In no case do not paint the walls in black, it can only serve as an accent component. A massive black chandelier in your living room will look great, or black floors in your snow-white bathroom. Play with contrasts, don't be afraid to experiment, but remember that the abundance of black color visually hides the space;
  • Blue shades also do not leave the pedestal, and from 2017 they smoothly move into the trends of 2018. One shade of blue is especially popular - a mixture with green and gray. It looks unusual, and at the same time very amazing. The shade is universal. It can be used to paint the walls of the kitchen, creating a natural backdrop for the white log cabin kitchen set, as well as the dining table with a glossy surface. Not only white wood will look great, but also the natural natural color of the wood. An atmosphere of peace and tranquility is created. Also, this shade can be perfectly used in the dining room, shading it with a white ceiling and baseboards. Apart from interior design, this shade of blue can be used to decorate the facade of the house. In combination with a wooden board and black forged lanterns, an incredible picture will come out;
  • The combination of blue and orange is very often used in the decoration of the living room, office, rest room. They complement each other perfectly, as cool blues offset warm oranges. Too bright shades should not be used for wall decoration, but save them for accents. Great choice will be the acquisition of bright upholstered furniture - poufs, sofas, chairs, armchairs;
  • Pink shades are also becoming more popular, while losing any gender binding. It will no longer be associated only with girls' rooms and ladies' boudoirs, today it is quite a serious and strict shade. The walls of the living room can be painted in a slightly powdery pink, while complementing the interior with armchairs of the same shade, as well as a sofa in a brighter color. A light marble countertop will look great with a pink underframe if they are neatly framed with a gold border. True luxury;
  • All shades of gold are also gaining popularity. A brass shade in combination with a satin surface will look especially amazing. In this way, you can arrange all the accessories in the room, furniture or even walls - it will look unsurpassed.

If you are lucky enough to get a spacious apartment without any fences, then imagine that you have a clean canvas in front of you! You can show all your design abilities and skills, giving a flight of fantasy and desires.

Kitchen-dining room in discreet colors

It does not matter what style of interior is in fashion now, it is important how to use the decorative elements that are popular today. So which of existing options for a protection of rooms it is possible to allocate? Let's consider further.

preferred colors and color combinations for soft decoration - it is also green, yellow and blue! The shape suggests a deep back and an incredibly comfortable seat on the springs. Sitting on such a sofa is just heaven.

Upholstered furniture in the interior of the living room

To date, the trend is massive, but airy inflated pieces of upholstered furniture. Well, if all the transitions are sloping, that is, the back, smoothly turning into the seat, which in turn smoothly turns into the armrests, is a very stylish element.

Real options for unusual, extraordinary, but stylish furniture can be found by digging into history. In 2018, all past trends will come back into fashion with their brightness, variegation and incredible combinations!

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