How to glue vinyl wallpaper. How to glue vinyl wallpaper with your own hands: tools, glue, wall preparation, step-by-step master class. Step by step instructions for wallpapering

Glue correctly vinyl wallpapers It is not difficult, and with some experience, almost anyone can do it. The main thing is to follow certain rules, take into account the characteristics of vinyl and follow the gluing technology.

Vinyl wallpaper differs from other types of wallpaper in that it consists of several layers.: non-woven material is used as the basis (in less expensive versions it is replaced by paper), and the surface of such wallpaper is covered with polyvinyl chloride. It is this coating that gives the wallpaper a special strength and allows you to wash the wallpaper with water.

Wherein upper layer may not be just plain: today you can see a large number of different models of vinyl wallpaper with drawings and even with embossed embossing.

Are you ready for a demolition renovation?

First of all, you need to talk about the benefits of vinyl wallpaper. Such material is more expensive than paper and acrylic wallpaper, but such an investment is worth it:

  • Vinyl wallpapers are highly durable: they can last long years, during which they will not lose their color and quality;
  • The drawing on such wallpaper is not washed out and fades very hard;
  • Vinyl wallpaper is easy to carry mechanical damage moderate: for example, bringing into the room new furniture, you can not worry that if you accidentally hit the wall, vinyl wallpaper may tear or leave dents and scratches on them.

When remodeling a home, there is always one hidden but significant factor to keep in mind: the age of the home.

The fact is that every building undergoes a process of shrinkage during its “life”. Even if the foundation is reliable, and the soil under the house is quite dense, the building from the moment of construction begins to sag under its own weight. This leads to a slight deformation of the walls and ceilings.

That's why if you are entering new house and immediately begin to make repairs - choose vinyl wallpaper. They are made of a material that, due to its elasticity and strength, can withstand shrinkage at home, while on paper wallpapers in new buildings, tears and cracks appear after a few years.

Before the complete set is not enough ... a cup of coffee

Together you can cope with sticking quickly and easily

Before sticking vinyl wallpaper, you must prepare in advance all the tools that will be needed in the process.

In your "arsenal" must be:

  • Brush for applying glue to wallpaper;
  • Spatula for smoothing the canvas;
  • clean roller small size(used for rolling seams);
  • Clean rags;
  • As well as scissors, a ruler and tape measure, a pencil, a wallpaper knife and a brush for applying glue to hard-to-reach areas.

Manufacturers of some types of wallpaper indicate that it is enough to apply glue only to the roll itself. In the case of vinyl wallpaper, the adhesive must also be applied to the wall.

It will not be superfluous to warn that glue must be special, for vinyl wallpaper.

Other adhesives will not be able to provide good quality gluing. But even when using special glue, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions for its preparation: improperly diluted glue will also cause the wallpaper to soon begin to lag behind the walls.

Wall preparation is reduced to the following steps: the wall must be cleaned of the old coating, in the presence of cracks and irregularities, the wall must be leveled and puttied.

A mandatory requirement for the place of work - there should be no drafts in the room, and the walls should be dry.

Do not open windows, fearing for the effect of harmful glue on the body: in wallpaper glue not added for a long time harmful substances, and the glue itself has absolutely no pungent odor.

High-quality wallpapers that are easy to stick - non-woven. Learn, save time.

Washable wallpaper is an affordable material that is not only beautiful, but also practical. are ideal for the kitchen.

Create harmony in the interior of the kitchen by learning.

We are not stokers, we are not carpenters ...

Just before you start smearing the wall with glue, you need to put a strictly vertical line on it - this will be your guideline, which will not allow you to stick the wallpaper crookedly.

You can draw such a line using the building level, and if it is not at hand, you can use the old grandfather way - using a plumb line.
It is necessary to take an ordinary thread, tie a heavy weight to its end (a long nail is quite suitable), and, having applied such a plumb line to the top point of the wall, release the thread so that the weight is near the floor, but does not touch it.

When the plumb line stops swinging, mark with a pencil several points of contact between the plumb line and the wall.

By combining all these risks into one line, you will get the very vertical that you have to focus on. Of course, it is easier to use the building level, and the readings will be more accurate, but wallpapering just refers to such work in which such small errors are not critical.

After that the adhesive is applied evenly on the wall, then the strip is glued. There is no need to apply glue to the wallpaper itself. Such wallpapers are very dense, and therefore if you overlap them, the seams will be noticeable.

In order to carefully glue the vinyl wallpaper into the joint, it is best to work together, and in the absence of skills, even three of us.

Having pressed a strip of wallpaper against the wall, it is necessary to iron it with a cloth, rubber roller or plastic spatula in the direction from top to bottom and to the sides - "herringbone".

This will expel excess air from under the strip, and the wallpaper will lie flat and tight, without bubbles.

The adhesive protruding along the edges as a result of smoothing is removed with another rag.

Such excess glue must be removed as soon as possible before it dries.

After that, the seams between the strips are rolled with a clean roller, and if it is noticeable that in some places the strip does not fit well in the wall, add a little glue under the wallpaper with a brush.

Interesting features or small pitfalls

Nothing complicated and fundamentally new for those who have already had to do this. But for a person who takes up wallpapering for the first time and knows about it only in theory, advice and analysis of "pitfalls" from specialists will definitely come in handy.

The most important rule that must not be broken is when sticking, you do not need to stretch the strip of wallpaper.

It should not be pulled at all, and even if the strip accidentally lies unevenly, do not pull it in the right direction.

Just tear it off before the glue dries and stick it on properly.

Like any other wallpaper, vinyl wallpaper begins to stick from the window into the interior of the room. And when you get to the corner - give Special attention last lane.

You should not wrap it on another wall, citing the fact that "it's a pity to cut off and throw away a third of the length of the material." Without production costs is indispensable here.

Press the strip tightly into the corner and carefully cut off the remainder so that no more than one or two centimeters of the strip go onto the other wall. On these centimeters it is already possible to glue the overlapping strip, which is glued after the corner on the other wall.

When it comes to heating batteries, the opinions of professionals differ: someone advises to tinker and wallpaper the space behind the battery as much as possible (even from scraps of wallpaper that always remain in the process of work), someone advises not to waste time on this, and some generally prefer to enclose the battery with fashionable last years MDF boxes.

The choice is yours, but the fastest and convenient option- just paint the space behind the battery with a brush to match the color of the wallpaper.

Properly sticking wallpaper is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The main thing is to follow the advice of professionals described in the article. Learn all the secrets of high-quality vinyl wallpaper gluing with the help of a useful video.

Before you start gluing vinyl wallpaper, you need to find out what this material is. They produce wallpaper based on non-woven or paper. The material is dense, non-standard and varied texture, allows you to hide many wall defects.

Features of finishing with vinyl wallpaper

Externally, vinyl wallpaper for walls is really chic, but when wet, they tend to stretch in width, so you should not smear them with glue. Although there is a second option, when only the wall is treated with glue, leaving the wallpaper dry. These points are indicated in the instructions from the manufacturer.

When gluing the strips, you need to gently press them to the surface, while removing bubbles and bumps. They are glued end-to-end, overlap is unacceptable. The wallpaper is too thick and the edges will be very obvious. Glue is needed specialized, designed specifically for vinyl wallpaper.

Subtleties of choice

When buying, you should consider the circumstance for which room the vinyl wallpaper is intended. If this is a kitchen, then embossed ones are not recommended, because patterns can accumulate dust. It is optimal to choose smooth ones - in case of contamination, they can be wiped with a damp cloth.

For decorating the living room bedroom fit silkscreen. Its surface is protected from fading, so the original color will remain for many years. recommend gluing in rooms of active use, for example, in the hallway. They are strong, durable and easy to wash.

Wall preparation

Before sticking vinyl wallpaper, the surface must be carefully prepared:

  1. Remove old wallpaper with a spatula and water.
  2. Check wall surfaces. You can use tape for this. It needs to be glued to the wall, sharply pulled back and looked at the wrong side. If you can see the remains of the previous finishing material means that the surface is poorly prepared.
  3. It is good to putty and level the existing cracks, then walk along them with soil or glue of a thick consistency.
  4. Carry out the treatment using a composition to prevent mold under the wallpaper.
  5. Check walls for moisture. You can use this method - stick a plastic bag to the wall with adhesive tape at night. In the morning, check the contents from the inside - the presence of droplets on the cellophane indicates a poorly dried surface.
  6. If vinyl wallpaper will be pasted on plastic or smooth surface, it needs to be sanded.

Important! Wallpaper should be glued in a closed room, drafts are unacceptable. Therefore, it is worth closing the windows and turning off the available appliances (air conditioning or fan). It is not recommended to stick new wallpapers on top of old ones.

Preliminary preparation of wallpaper

If the wallpaper was not checked when buying, then you should check the entire batch before you start cutting them. Pay attention to the numbers (they must match), pattern and color. If everything converges, you can open the first roll.

After measuring the height, the canvas is cut. To cut wallpaper with a pattern, the stripes must be combined and only then cut to size. With an uneven ceiling line, the strips are cut with an allowance of several centimeters.

Glue preparation

Glue designed for vinyl-based wallpaper differs in composition from other adhesive masses. It has an impregnation that protects wall coverings from fungus.

Ready-made can be stored for 10 days. In the process of drying, a light transparent film forms on it. Glue does not harm human health. Has good adhesion.

When diluting the adhesive composition with water, pay attention to the instructions and proportions, mix well and let the glue swell. Apply the mixture evenly on the wallpaper and leave for 5 minutes to soak it better. When applying, special attention should be paid to the joints - if there is a lack of glue, they can disperse after drying.

Vinyl wallpapering technique

Wallpaper sticker on the wall

According to the instructions, you need to start gluing the first strip from the window. Carry out pasting work with a partner. One, standing on the stairs, puts the canvas with the upper edge against the wall under the ceiling. The second, standing below, supports the end of the canvas and aligns the edge with a vertical line previously drawn along the wall.

The strip is pressed against the wall and the existing air bubbles are displaced with a brush. Do this from top to bottom, moving from the center to the edges of the strip. If the adhesive has come out of the edges, it can be wiped off with a clean rag. The excess allowance at the bottom is carefully cut off with a knife.

Corner wrapping

It is strongly not recommended to combine two canvases in the corner. To qualitatively paste over the corner, you should stick a solid strip and overlap at an angle of up to 5 centimeters. Joints are pressed tightly to the surface for a strong grip.

behind the battery

Correctly stick vinyl wallpaper behind the battery to a depth of 20 centimeters. To make it convenient to press them, they use a narrow roller on a long handle. Alternatively, you can paint the wall behind the battery in a color identical to the color of the wallpaper.

Skirting and ceiling

If the plinth was not dismantled during operation, then when gluing the strip, its end is inserted into the gap between the plinth and the wall. If the allowance is too long, it should be trimmed. But ideally, the skirting boards are pre-removed, and after pasting they are installed back.

How to paste over the area of ​​​​sockets and switches

Before pasting, you should de-energize the room, remove the switches and sockets in the room. When sticking the strips, marks are made at the locations of the electrical points. After the glue dries, these places are carefully cut, after which the sockets and switches are installed in place.

So it's time to change the situation in the apartment or create comfort in a new home.

Have you chosen vinyl wallpaper for wall decoration, but do not know how to glue it?

Then it's time to figure out what tools are needed for this and how to do it right at home.

What you need to know when choosing vinyl wallpaper

Before you start sticking, you need to decide what kind of wallpaper you want to stick in a particular room, since there are several types and varieties of them.

  • For some, the basis is interlining, for others - paper.
  • Vinyl wallpapers are also divided into subspecies according to the production technology:

foamed, flat, silkscreen, polyplen and hard vinyl, or as they are called washable.

As for their safety in the house where we live - think for yourself, the material from which they are made - pvc, these are the same plastic windows, linoleum, stretch ceilings.

I would not recommend sticking them in children's rooms, and carefully choose a manufacturer that guarantees quality and environmental friendliness.

To know how to glue vinyl wallpaper with your own hands, you will have to assemble a small set of tools (they are not specific and can be found in any household) and acquire some skills, which I will describe in detail in this article.

Tools for the job

So, let's start with the tool that we need in the process of wallpapering.

  1. The roller is large, to remove air bubbles and excess glue.
  2. Small roller, for seams.
  3. The brush is big and small.
  4. Wallpaper knife.
  5. Plumb.
  6. Pencil.
  7. Roulette.
  8. Scissors.
  9. Rags.
  10. Putty knife.

When everything you need is collected, we begin the preparatory work.

How to prepare the walls for proper gluing with vinyl wallpaper

The first thing to do is remove old paint and the pieces are not removed wallpaper and exfoliated putty. After that, the walls are primed, and the cracks are sealed with putty.

When everything is dry, prime the walls with a primer, or wallpaper paste, in the proportion that you will find on the box with glue. Usually this is a ratio of 1:8 (glue:water). A primed wall will absorb less adhesive and the wallpaper will adhere more firmly.

Preparation of materials for work

First of all, we prepare the glue according to the manufacturer's instructions.

We take into account that no matter what glue you take, no matter how you prepare it, 45 grams of the finished solution will be needed for 1 m² of vinyl wallpaper.

Vinyl wallpaper pasting

How without special efforts glue wallpaper, namely vinyl?

Firstly, there are several types of vinyl wallpaper and the choice of glue and the method of applying it depend on their type, and the manufacturer usually indicates this information on the packaging of the wallpaper in the form of icons.

  • There are wallpapers that are glued dry, these are non-woven vinyl wallpapers, in this case the glue is applied only to the wall.
  • In another case, the wallpaper goes on a paper basis, then the glue is applied to the wall and to the panel, which, with the applied glue, folds with the edges towards the middle, for the best impregnation glue.

Step by step instructions for wallpapering

Before sticking, exclude any drafts in the room until the wallpaper is completely dry, otherwise they will decorate your floor until the morning!

  1. Before pasting, on the wall, with the help of a plumb line and a ruler, we beat off the line along which we will level the edge of the first panel. This is best done together, since only a specialist with great experience can beat off a straight line on their own.
  2. Next, we take a piece of vinyl wallpaper and apply it to the wall under the ceiling, bending the upper edge of the piece by 5-10 cm, and align the side edge along the drawn line.
  3. We smooth a piece of wallpaper from the ceiling to the floor, and away from the center with a rubber roller, carefully removing air. Try not to stretch the wallpaper, as it will shrink back when it dries and you will get a gap at the joints.
  4. When sticking the next panel of vinyl wallpaper, try to join the edges of the panels as much as possible and carefully roll the joints of the seams with a rubber roller, after removing excess glue with a dry rag.

Corner gluing

When we reach the corner, we measure the distance from the edge of the glued wallpaper panel to the corner and add an overlap of 2 cm, cut off such a strip from the whole panel. We glue this strip with an overlap on the corner.

We glue the next panel with an overlap in the very corner. Next, glue the strips of vinyl wallpaper along old scheme- butt.

Secrets of professional vinyl wallpapering

If you remember, when preparing wallpaper panels, we made overlaps under the ceiling and on the floor. Remember to trim these overlaps with a spatula and stationery knife under the ceiling and on the floor.

We change the blade of the knife according to the degree of its dullness - do not skimp on this, otherwise the knife will simply tear the wallpaper.

Switches and sockets must be removed before gluing, and the electricity must be turned off to avoid electric shock, and wallpaper must be glued on top of them. We cut holes for them when the wallpaper is dry and then we put everything in place.

In principle, this is perhaps all you need to know in order to paste over a room with vinyl wallpaper correctly.

Good luck to everyone in this simple matter!

Wall decoration with ordinary paper, even if it is very durable, is not in fashion today, it is much more interesting to figure out how to properly stick vinyl wallpaper, decorate a room with them, creating your own unique design.

What you need to know before gluing vinyl wallpaper?

If you decide to abandon the stereotypes in the decoration of living rooms, first take a broader look at available materials. Paper today looks almost primitive, but you should not rush to the opposite extreme either - and cork is quite expensive. Interlining is quite affordable, but requires very careful handling and, without experience, it is better not to mess with it. It remains to find out how to properly glue vinyl wallpaper, perhaps this will be the most optimal solution both in terms of price and ease of finishing.

So, the choice is made. Now let's take a closer look at the material that was preferred. In fact, this is the thinnest layer of PVC, or, in other words, polyvinyl chloride, a fairly common flexible plastic. The most common types of wallpaper from it are smooth and foamed. The former are divided into compact vinyl and silkscreen (with the addition of silk threads). The latter, obtained by heat treatment, are divided into varieties such as heavy, high density and chemically embossed.

The advantage of vinyl is that it can be washed, and special impregnations exclude the occurrence of fungi. In addition, the foam or textured surface of the material allows you to hide small irregularities on the wall or ceiling. The disadvantage of such wallpapers is that they do not let air through at all. In other words, if the house is built from breathable materials, vinyl trim will turn the rooms into a thermos. During the gluing process, the paper base can be stretched, due to which, if the material is handled ineptly, distortions are possible.

The website site masters have prepared a special calculator for you. You can easily calculate the required number of wallpapers.

We glue vinyl wallpaper with our own hands - a step-by-step instruction

The first and basic rule to follow when decorating a room - in no case do not glue vinyl wallpaper on uneven walls, the only exception can be small gaps. Yes, the material in question is able to smooth out slight curvature of the plane of the walls, but here keyword"insignificant". And protrusions are unacceptable, even the most subtle. Therefore, as carefully as possible, with the help of plaster and putty. If you have to finish on a material with a high degree of moisture absorption, it must first be treated with a primer. Only then do we glue the vinyl wallpaper with our own hands.

In the room, the walls of which are to be covered with wallpaper, it should not be cold and damp, in addition, you need to turn off the air conditioner and take care of the absence of drafts.

Glue can be welded independently, it can be a paste or any other option available to you with the addition of PVA. However homemade composition not always good, especially if you need to cover a wall with it. The fact is that on dark concrete or primed cement plaster it will be difficult to see where the glue has already been applied, and where it has not yet been applied. And not smeared areas will definitely turn into problems when covering the walls with wallpaper. Therefore, it is better to take special mixtures, which, thanks to certain additives, when applied to any plane, paint it in a light pink color becoming transparent after drying.

Vinyl wallpapering technology step by step

Before starting work, take a plumb line and a pencil, and check how vertical the line of the corner is, from which it is best to start pasting the walls. Choose an arbitrary angle, preferably the one that is closer to the door, if it is not vertical, apply a plumb line to the highest point and beat off the line with a coated thread. Next, we will consider in detail the technology of gluing vinyl wallpaper.

How to glue vinyl wallpaper - step by step diagram

Step 1: Wallpaper layout

On a well-washed and dried floor, unwind the roll face down. We take a tape measure and measure the required length, having previously found out the height of the wall from the ceiling to the plinth (including the ceiling border). We make marks with a pencil along both edges of the roll and connect them with a cut line, along which we separate the measured piece of cloth with scissors. In the same way, we divide the remaining roll into equal parts, combining with the previous canvases so that the pattern at the joints matches.

Step 2: Surface preparation

The previously drawn vertical line, from which we need to glue the wallpaper, can easily be smeared when applying glue, so we draw along it with a pencil. Next we have 2 ways. If the vinyl layer is applied to a paper base, use a roller to cover a strip of wallpaper with glue, then fold its ends to the middle and leave it to swell for the exactly measured time, usually indicated on the roll.

In these few minutes, you can just have time to prime the wall with an adhesive mass. If the base is non-woven, the glue is mostly applied with a roller to the wall, and the cloth is covered with it only around the perimeter.

Step 3: Getting Started

The most difficult stage begins - sticking vinyl wallpaper with your own hands. We take the first strip by the upper corners (if they are with a paper base, then very carefully, without stretching) and apply along the previously marked line. You can glue both from the ceiling and with a small indent, observing it around the entire perimeter of the room. Inserting a piece of wallpaper into a gypsum baguette requires special skill.

We smooth the panel from top to bottom, pressing it against the wall in successive movements. It is best to do this with a wide foam roller, just be sure to take a clean one, do not confuse it with the one that was smeared with glue.

Step 4: Complete wall decoration

Before gluing the joints of vinyl wallpaper, we apply the strips to the wall, following the pattern. Remember, the material you are working with is quite dense and overlapping always looks extremely ugly. In places where the wires exit the walls (switches, sockets), we make small holes before the panel completely covers this area, and we bring the wiring to the outside of the cut.

Then we continue smoothing. If the ceiling has a slope, for example, in an attic room, we apply the strip end-to-end to the previous one, holding the next cut at the corner closest to the seam, and leave the second one to hang freely. Then, pressing the panel along the upper edge of the wall, cut off the extra piece with a sharp clerical knife.

In the process of smoothing, we make sure that there is no air left under the wallpaper, you also need to try not to stretch the canvas, otherwise wrinkles will appear. Excess glue is also carefully driven out to the edges and then removed with a clean rag. If air bubbles still form, carefully pierce them with a needle and press the wallpaper in this place, smoothing it with a roller. When we reach the corner, we try to make the strip go to the next wall with an edge no wider than 5 centimeters, especially if the corners are uneven. At the end of the work, we carefully trim the canvas that has not yet dried out along the plinth and make the holes wider at the locations of the switches and sockets. We dry the wallpaper without air conditioning and drafts, without opening the window and tightly closing the door.

In order for the wall to remain beautiful after pasting, and the vinyl coating to hold firmly, you must follow simple rules:

  • An important nuance of vinyl wallpaper with rapport is that they should be glued joint to joint, making up a pattern. It is necessary to glue directly if the marking on the package contains arrows located opposite each other. Otherwise, pasting with an offset is assumed. The distance in centimeters to which the adjoining strips must be moved is indicated on the packaging.
  • Before gluing, you need to choose the right glue. It could be special compound for vinyl wallpaper, if the base is non-woven. For paper base enough ordinary adhesive mass. The main thing is that it has a sufficiently viscous consistency.
  • Canvases on the wall are glued from top to bottom. First, a section is pressed along the longitudinal axis. Then you need to expel excess glue and air to the sides. To do this, use a roller or a dry, clean rag.
  • The edges are smeared especially carefully. A well-made counter docking assumes that the joints are rolled with a special narrow rubber roller or pressed with rags. To remove the adhesive means to rid the walls of stains.

Apart from general rules how to glue affects the type of base vinyl wallpaper. It can be paper or non-woven. And if in the first case the canvas is lighter, then vinyl wallpaper on non-woven fabric, which has a foamed embossed coating, is heavy, thick, and this must be taken into account.

Features depending on the base

What is the best way to glue vinyl wallpaper?

The choice depends on the type of material that forms the basis of the vinyl sheets. If it is paper, you can use PVA glue, but it is difficult to achieve quality, since the strips will slowly slide under their own weight. The use of a paste is also not recommended, since the substance of flour and starch is a suitable medium for the life of microorganisms. So how to glue the wallpaper so that they do not move away from the wall?

On a non-woven basis

Specialized mixtures are used, which include modified starch. And so that mold does not appear, components are used that, in addition to the antiseptic effect, increase the viscosity and stickiness.

paper based

Adhesives are allowed for paper wallpaper. But this is when there are no foamed relief elements on the surface of the canvas that make the wallpaper heavier. If painting is supposed to be done, this method will not work. But when we are talking On the surface with a colored pattern, you can apply wallpaper glue.

IMPORTANT! Adhesive consumption is usually indicated on the adhesive packaging. But it depends on the type of surface and the basis of the wallpaper. On average, consumption is 180 g of dry matter per 4-5 rolls.


To perform all the necessary actions, you need to have at hand:

  • utensils for making glue;
  • rollers for squeezing out excess glue and air;
  • plastic wrap to cover the floor;
  • dry rags to ensure cleanliness;
  • narrow rollers for rolling the opposite joint;
  • wallpaper knife, pencil or ballpoint pen;
  • measuring ruler and guide for cutting strips;
  • a wide spatula, which is useful for fitting the canvas;
  • special corner rubber roller for rolling internal corners.

All this must be prepared before gluing vinyl wallpaper, regardless of the type of base.


Before completing the final interior decoration, you need to do the following:

  1. Decide on the selection of vinyl wallpaper and glue.
  2. Prepare surfaces.
  3. Remove all repair damage.
  4. Turn off electricity.
  5. Remove covers for sockets and switches.
  6. Buy the necessary tool.

In addition, before gluing the wallpaper, you need to familiarize yourself with the recommendations for diluting the glue and preparing the wall surfaces.

How to properly dilute the glue?

Dry granules are poured into water. The solution is constantly mixed manually or using a special nozzle on a drill or screwdriver. Cooking instructions are on the packaging. The main thing is that you do not need to knead the whole pack. Sufficient amount - for three or four lanes.

Surface preparation

You can not glue vinyl wallpaper on paint, old wallpaper, foam. The canvas will not stick to OSB, tiles and laminated panels. concrete walls fit, but if they are uneven, defects are eliminated with putty. On drywall constructions strips are glued pre-training if the surface is clean. Before gluing, you need to remove the residues:

  • old wallpaper;
  • lime;
  • paints or whitewash;
  • oil stains and dirt;
  • everything is superfluous.

You need to clean it as thoroughly as possible, up to removing the plaster and applying a new layer. The surface must be primed.

wall gluing technology

When cutting strips, you need to take into account the presence of a pattern. If it is necessary to glue with a shift, the margin that is laid in order to fit the pattern is taken into account. The strips are glued butt to butt without overlap. If the base is non-woven, the strips do not need to be coated. The sequence of actions is reduced to four stages.

What about hard to reach places?

The technology of pasting external and internal corners is a specific process that involves the use special means. Pasting the walls around the window (door) openings and behind the batteries, you need to pre-measure and cut out the necessary pieces.

The photo shows a scheme for gluing wallpaper around sockets and switches:

In the photo, the scheme of wallpapering behind the radiator:

Step-by-step instructions for gluing the ceiling

Strips of vinyl wallpaper are glued from the window to the entrance. Direction - across the length of the room. The technology is similar, but has a number of features.

Video guide step by step

For clarity, it makes sense to look specifically filmed video, which details how to glue vinyl wallpaper on the wall and ceiling.

The room must remain closed during the day. Draft leads to overdrying. Forced heating is also undesirable, and the use of heaters is prohibited. Windows and doors can be opened within a day. But if it is cold outside the window, and the room is not heated, you will have to wait 2-3 days.

Having done everything as described above, everyone can stick vinyl wallpaper with my own hands and save money.

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