Correct goal setting. Life goals as the key to success and confidence

The goal is the expected result of activity for a certain period of time. The aim of the project is to solve the identified problem. Tasks define the logic and sequence of stages to achieve the goal. The goal statement must meet the following requirements:

1. Specificity and measurability (verifiability).

The goal should be formulated not only qualitatively, but also, if possible, quantitatively. There should be ways and tools to assess the degree of achievement of the goal

2. Clarity of definition By time implementation. Goals are formulated for a certain foreseeable period of time.

3. Reachability. The goal should be defined in terms of real opportunities its implementation. Setting a goal that exceeds the capabilities of the project developers due to insufficient resources or due to other factors can lead to undesirable consequences.

4. Consistency and consistency with others goals and resources. All goals must be mutually consistent, both vertically (goals arranged in a hierarchical relationship) and horizontally (equivalent in nature of the goal). Achievement of goals should be provided with resources. The goal is stated in the verb form. For example, by May 9, 2005, to break the Victory Square in the microdistrict. Based on this goal, the following tasks can be formulated:

Collect the necessary information for the development and implementation of the project;

Determine the place of laying out the square and coordinate with the self-government bodies;

Develop the necessary project documentation, coordinate it with the architectural supervision authorities and the landscaping department;

Conduct necessary calculations, find the required
means and resources;

Develop a work schedule, agree
it with self-government bodies;

Distribute responsibilities among members of the creative team;

Involve the local community and self-government bodies in the implementation of the project;

Prepare a project implementation report;

Prepare a project presentation.

Search and collection of information

After you have formulated the goal and objectives of the project, you need to collect necessary information. It must meet the requirements of necessity and sufficiency. To do this, you need to analyze the available and necessary information.

A source of information. Working with information. Sources of information can be:

Publications in media mass media;

Internet resources;

Scientific publications;

Interviews and interviews with competent people;

Results of sociological researches;


Documentation and legislative acts;

Statistical data; - correspondence, etc.

In the process of working with information, it is necessary to find out the following questions:

1. How important is this issue to your community? locality?

2. What is the degree of its significance on the scale of the district or region?

3. Why this problem should be considered by the authorities ?

4. Should someone else be responsible for solving this problem? Why?

5. How developed the legislative framework to solve this problem?

6. If the existing law solves the problem, is it fully implemented? If not fully, then nothing?

7. What disagreements exist regarding the solution of this problem?

8. What segments of the population, groups or organizations are interested in this problem?

9. How do they try to influence the authorities to implement their approaches to solving the problem?

10. Who can become a partner in the implementation of this project?

11. What resources are needed to implement this project?

12. From what sources can I get additional

Studio "All on the drum"

"Music studio for teenagers at risk" Everyone cares! Problem selection. The first one reveals the range of general social problems that are relevant for ChGIKI students. The list of problems was discussed and corrected. In order to identify the most significant and realizable problem among 247 full-time students of ChGIKI, a sociological research. The thematic part of the study included the following questions:

1. What social problem, in your opinion, is especially acute today?

2. What social problem, in your opinion, can be solved by a small group of interested people in a particular region?

Respondents were asked to give detailed answers or use the suggested answers.

The problems resulting from the study were presented as follows:

Problem number 1 - Social tension, high level crime and delinquency, were chosen by 24% of respondents (mostly males);

Problem No. 2 - Drug addiction and alcohol addiction are of concern to 22% of respondents;

Problem No. 3 - Poverty of the population - 22%; Problem number 4 - Crisis in the cultural and spiritual sphere - 10%; Problem number 5 - Demographic crisis - 11%; Other problems - 8%; It was difficult to choose - 3% of respondents.

Based on the analysis of the responses received, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. Currently, there are several acute social problems that worry society for about equally.

2. Some of these problems cannot objectively be solved by the efforts of a small group of people.

3. Only a small part of the respondents (2%) pessimistically say that none of the proposed problems will be solved anyway.

4. A larger proportion (7%) proposes to solve problems in a comprehensive manner.

5. The most solvable of the proposed problems, according to the respondents, are problems No. 3,4.

Annex 1

The study showed:

The most important problem, the solution of which can be contributed to a greater extent - social tension, a high level of crime and delinquency (problem No. 1). Perhaps the problem can be solved in a complex way with the problem in the cultural and spiritual sphere.

A new survey is being conducted to identify the most vulnerable socially vulnerable group of the population. The survey was conducted at ChGIKI, 239 people answered, its results are as follows:

It was decided to make the goal of the project - to help teenagers at risk. The form of the project is the creation music studio for adolescents at risk.

A choice is being made musical instruments for studio training.

Options are being considered - guitar, drum kit, violin, piano, trumpet, saxophone.

Criteria for choosing an instrument are compiled - popularity among young people, the timing of learning to play the instrument, the cost and physical strength of the instrument. An analytical table is compiled. Instrument/criteria guitar drums violin piano trumpet saxophone

>■ popularity +++ +++ +++++++
____ in the youth | high | high | average | medium low | With middle

A, I. Paigusov Socio-cultural design

To compile the table, consultations were held with teachers from the Departments of Vocal and Instrumental Art of the Faculty of Arts of ChGIKI.

Based on the results of the analytical analysis, it was decided to conduct training in the studio on drum kits. All of the proposed criteria were in favor of this choice.

Poll: What instrument would you like to learn to play? (%)



1. Social adaptation of adolescents at risk by teaching professional drumming skills.


Monitoring adolescents at risk in order to identify potential project participants;

Conducting a competitive selection in order to identify musically gifted teenagers at risk;

Creation of the material and technical base of the studio;

Development of a study plan for the studio;

Organization and holding of independent concerts of the studio; participation in community events;

Formation in adolescents of attitudes of tolerant attitude to the cultures of different peoples;

Attracting media attention to the problems of organizing leisure activities for adolescents at risk. Collection of information

Source and method
What is needed Degree of ownership receiving information
information information mation
1. About the problems of society Low Sociological survey, analysis of media information
2. About the teenagers of the group Medium Media analysis, meetings
risk with representatives of the city administration responsible for working with adolescents at risk
3. About educational Medium Meetings with representative
institutions for adolescents administration officials
stkov risk group cities responsible for working with at-risk adolescents
4. About the problems of adolescents Medium Media analysis, meetings
kov risk group with representatives of the city administration responsible for working with adolescents at risk, meetings with administrators and teachers of institutions for adolescents

Analysis of options for solving the problem


Insufficient socialization of adolescents at risk.

Option 1

To hold a creative meeting of ChGIKI students with teenagers of the group

Arguments for"

1. Teens at risk will have a holiday.

2. ChGIKI students learn more about the life of adolescents at risk. .

3. Students will be able to show their talents.

Arguments against"

1 . One-time action.

2. There is no opportunity for the creative self-affirmation of adolescents
at-risk groups.

3. No prospects for further development project

Option 2

Establishment of a studio for teaching teenagers at risk the professional skills of playing a musical instrument.

Arguments for"

16. Teenagers at risk will be trained in professional drumming skills.

2. Teenagers will socialize in a creative team in a friendly atmosphere.

3. Teenagers will be able to take their time and discover their talents.

4. Teenagers will be able to show their creativity to the residents of Cheboksary.

5. Having become interested in music and creativity, teenagers can leave the social risk group.

6. There may be permanent musical creative teams from among the former teenagers of risk groups - participants in the studio.

Arguments against"

1. Creating a studio requires significant financial and material resources.

2. The help of partners is required.

3. Need more time to prepare


Direct the project to create a music studio for at-risk teenagers, as this option has more arguments in favor of implementing this idea.

Partner (program organizer) Contribution to the project
Palace of Culture Municipal institution of culture "Palace of Culture" Salyut "" Provision of space for studio classes and concerts.
Department of Youth Affairs of the Administration of Cheboksary. Organizational support and information support of the project (website of the Administration of Cheboksary, access to youth media).
Department for social protection of the population of the administration of Cheboksary. Organizational support and information support of the project
Department of Internal Affairs of the Moscow region Search and monitoring of adolescents at risk, creation of a database on adolescents.
Administration of the Moscow region Organizational support and information support of the project.

Action plan for the creation of a music studio for teenagers at risk "All on the drum!"

Stage of work Name of me- Terms of re- Responsible
hostility lysis performers
Preparatory Monitoring under- 01.02.-14.02 Psychologist-
sprouts at risk specialist
Formation 01.02.-14.02 Psychologist-
own database of adolescents at risk specialist
Interaction with 01.02-01.12 Supervisor
mass media project
Organizational Conducting con- 14.02.-21.02 Art
course selection supervisor
Drawing up a graph 21.02-28.02 Art
fika occupations supervisor
Acquisition of musical instruments, music stands and stationery 01.03.-01.06 Project manager, project accountant
educational Studio classes 01.03.-01.11
In-studio events 01.03.-15.11 Psychologist-specialist
Performances in concerts 01.06-15.11 Artistic director, solfeggio teacher
Development of layouts for posters, booklets, studio calendars 01.06.-01.09 Psychologist-specialist
final Graduation Events 01.11.-14.11 Artistic director
Prom 15.11 All project participants
Financial Disbursement Report 01.11-10.12 Project Accountant

Expected results:

Removing the specific problems of adolescents at risk from the closed world and bringing them into the mainstream of a healthy socio-cultural space;

Concentration of society's attention on artistically gifted adolescents of the risk group in order to provide an opportunity for their further self-realization in the field of culture and art;

Identification of the most talented individuals from teenagers at risk in order to further their promotion in the market of cultural services;

Creating the ground for the emergence of informal human contacts;

Reduction of social tension in society.

After the implementation of the planned activities, the following development of the project is planned:

Increasing the quantitative coverage of adolescents at risk in the cultural life of the city;

Creation of a professional creative team on the basis of the studio,

Participation of students, adolescents at risk, in all-Russian and international events;

Development of innovative teaching materials for work with adolescents at risk, the creation on the basis of the recreation center "Salyut" of club formations aimed at adolescents at risk, expanding the range of cultural services offered.


for participation in the republican competition of innovative, variable programs in the field of state youth policy

A goal is a dream with a deadline.

Napoleon Hill

We traditionally devote the last month of the year to summing up the results of the outgoing year and develop plans for the next one. How to formulate the “right” goals? How to turn career dreams into reality strategic planning? How not to get bogged down in the routine of daily worries and get out of the “fire fighting” mode? Let's try to figure it out.

We often hear that the secret to the success of any undertaking is the right goal setting. Research shows that setting specific and achievable goals is one of the most effective tools to promote successful career. Correctly set goals help to understand the meaning, as well as clearly formulate the expected result. All this allows us to focus our attention and efforts on what really matters, discarding the husks of secondary tasks. In addition, by correctly calibrating our goals, we will better understand in which direction to move.

Properly formulated goals will also help answer your own existential questions:

  • What is the purpose of my efforts?– Understanding your own mission in the profession (and in life), your ambitions ( What do I want to achieve by setting these goals for myself?)
  • Who/what should I focus on?– Visualization + benchmarking. Who is your role model, the authority you look up to? By comparing your achievements with those of industry leaders, you will be able to better articulate your goals, and you will also have the opportunity to learn from other people's examples and mistakes.
  • What should I always remember?– Memento mori was spoken in Ancient Rome. And we will say - remember the main thing, so that during the daily "extinguishing" of a working fire, you do not miss goals and tasks of a higher order.


Goals are not a list of tasks. This is a focus on the end result that we want to achieve in the end through the correct prioritization. With that in mind, try answering the following questions:

  • As we wrap up next year, what are the top five things I need to accomplish to be proud of my accomplishments?
  • Why are these tasks important to me?
  • What actions do I need to take to achieve these goals?
  • By what criteria will I be able to understand that I have achieved my goals?


A good strategy should consist of clearly formulated and understandable goals and objectives that you want to achieve in a certain period of time (within a year). Our goals must be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time bound.

We have all heard about the principle - setting goals in the format of the final result. Let's repeat it again using the example of setting goals for the internal communicator.

Main characteristics of SMART goals:

(1) Specificity (S specific). Formulate five clear, understandable, result-oriented goals, and three goals that will be your personal professional development achievements

Goal #1. Launching a new mobile application for staff

Goal #2. restart new version Intranet

Goal #3. Conducting research among employees on their level of satisfaction with internal communications

Goal #4. Program launch non-material motivation for staff

Goal #5. Update of the corporate newspaper

Personal goal #1. Speak at an industry conference on internal communications

Personal goal #2. Complete a refresher course for a VC specialist

Personal goal number 3. Write an article on motivation and engagement

(2) Measurability (M easurable). Next to each of your goals, put a KPI (Key Performance Indicator), a quantitative indicator of the actual results achieved. At the end of the year, you will be able to understand whether you have achieved your goals.

Goal #1. Application launch in the first quarter of 2018; number of downloads - 30% of the total number of employees

Goal #2. The number of intranet users grew by 30%

Goal #3. 50% of employees took part in the study

Goal #4. Conducting 7 sessions within the framework of the program

Goal #5. 6 issues per year

(3) Reachability (A chievable). The goals and KPIs you set should be realistic and even a little low so that at the end of the year you can say that you have achieved much more impressive results than you originally planned.

(4) Relevance (R elevator). Your goals should meet the challenges that the business sets for you. Launching an intranet portal or mobile app is a great plan. But if the majority of your production employees don't have Internet access, then this might not be the best idea.

(5) Time constraint (T ime-bound). Your achievements will be assessed at the end of the year, so make sure you meet the deadlines. Sometimes, due to the scale of the project, we are unable to implement it within one calendar year ( e.g. launching an intranet). In this case, mark the stages implemented during the project ( deadlines for approving the updated concept of the Intranet, selecting a contractor, generating content).


Once you have set your goals, test yourself again by answering the following questions:

  • What? What result do you expect to get after achieving your goal?
  • Why? Why did you decide that your goals are significant? What is their value to the company?
  • How? How do you plan to achieve your goals? Do you have an understanding that you have enough resources for this? Are you supported by management?


Make sure your leadership is aware of your grand plans and supports you on your way to achieving them. Hold regular meetings with your line manager to discuss your future and current goals and objectives, as well as receive from him feedback. We are not talking about formal attestations conducted for reporting twice a year (the so-called mid-year and end-year reviews).

Make it a rule to discuss your plans with management at least once a month. The significance of such meetings can hardly be overestimated: you simultaneously receive support for your projects and respect from your superiors.

For managers, such meetings should also be an important part of their interaction with subordinates. The ability to regularly discuss goals and objectives, as well as the difficulties that arise on the way to the implementation of projects, helps to significantly increase the motivation and involvement of employees. Clarity in understanding and interpreting goals makes it easier to set goals and achieve them. When employees understand the goals of the company and their contribution to its achievement, it is much easier for them to perform even the most routine work.


Benjamin Franklin (the one whose image adorns the 100-dollar bill), a man of extraordinary mind, author catchphrase“Time is money,” he was sure that control over events brings peace of mind to a person.

At the age of 20, he developed his own motivational system, which he used quite effectively throughout his life (as evidenced by his biography and the trace left in history).

The essence of his method is to break the global task into smaller ones, down to the simplest actions.

Life values This is the foundation on which everyone builds his life.

It can be justice, honesty, freedom, respect, etc. Each person must determine for himself precisely those values ​​that reflect his essence to a greater extent.

global goal- based on previously defined life values, it represents the maximum desired result, the goal of all life.

For an athlete, this can be a victory on Olympic Games; for a politician - election to the presidency. For an internal communicator, international recognition as an VC expert (for example).

General planstep-by-step instruction, a plan for how the global goal will be achieved. On the example of a specialist in intracoma, this can be 1) obtaining a specialized education; 2) serious work experience in the specialty; 3) achieving a leadership position, etc.

Long term plan— planning for the next 3-5 years to achieve specific goals. Imagine your professional future in 5 years. Who do you want to be? Where would you like to be? For example, it could be a job in a large international company as head of department. Or your own consulting agency. The choice is yours!

Short term plan- part of the achievement of the item of the long-term plan, We plan for several weeks or months. We choose a university or advanced training courses to upgrade our knowledge and skills. Sign up for a speaking course. We start writing articles.

And remember: it all depends on you - on the right goals and perseverance in achieving them. Try to see the big picture. Good luck to you!

If you really want it, everything will work out. So? But no! Everything will work out if you formulate the goal correctly! The basics of life coaching for you!

Life Coaching

Any psychologist or specialist in life coaching (life coaching, personal growth) will say: you need to start with a clear statement of the goal. Dreams are abstract and have no power. But the goal is always something specific! Something quite achievable (even if it doesn't seem so at first glance).

Having carefully studied a whole library of psychological literature, the editors of have compiled a memo for you: how to make wishes and on what basis to choose your goals?

  • The goal should be formulated as exemplary affirmation: in 1–2 sentences, in the present tense and without the negative particle "not". For example: “I easily get ownership of a great new foreign car” or “I easily and happily lose 10 kilograms and feel great” (Note that the goal should also include circumstances that are important to you.). In no case should you state the goal as "I'm not getting fat" or "I'm not poor." Because our brain does not perceive the negative particle “not”, and the desire will most likely be fulfilled exactly the opposite.
  • Cannot be sprayed! Life coaching is about choosing one main goal that you will work hard to achieve. But you can work on a few more simpler problems along the way, only they must be from other areas of life. For example, if your the main objective get married, then in parallel you can work on smaller tasks: improving the figure, increasing salaries, studying foreign language etc.
  • Be clearer goal and immediately order the final result! For example: "I own three-room apartment” instead of “I get so much money to buy an apartment” (otherwise, you really can get this money from the bank ... on a loan at a huge percentage).
  • The goal should only concern you. Requests formulated according to the principle “Robert Pattinson falls in love with me and marries me”, alas, do not come true!
  • The goal must be true, and not imposed by glossy magazines, parents or company.

Life Coaching

There is no concept in psychology achievable goal". Of course there are goals. varying degrees difficulties. Maybe right now it seems impossible for you to become a millionaire or go on vacation to Mars.

But keep in mind that once communicating with a person who is on the other side of the world was also a fantasy. Today Cell phones even children have it! So everything is achievable! But do you need everything?

When you have chosen and correctly formulated your goal, there comes a moment when you must check it for truth and relevance! After all, many people only think that they want an expensive Mercedes. But, having received this luxurious car, they will actually experience terrible discomfort and do not know what to do with it, how much money to repair it, where to put it, how to insure it, etc. So before throwing all your strength into achieving the desired , test yourself and your desire with the help of test questions!

  • Why do you need this (that is, the realization of your goal)? What will the realization of your desire give you? ( This question help you understand your motivation. If the answer is: wipe your ex's nose or prove to your parents that I'm not an empty place, it's better to immediately reconsider your goal. Even if you achieve it, you are unlikely to get what you want).
  • Can you imagine yourself as the owner of what you dream of? (The answer to this question will reveal your level of consumption for you. If you dream of a chic mansion in Cannes, but have difficulty imagining yourself as its mistress, then your level of consumption is not yet high enough. You can develop it gradually. To do this, just order what first something simpler, for example, an apartment or a house in a less prestigious place).
  • What do you have to lose if you reach your goal? What are you risking? (The answer to this question will allow you to calculate in advance the possible risks and neutralize your subconscious ones. For example, you want to marry an oligarch, but you are subconsciously afraid that your friends will envy you, and others will consider you corrupt. So weigh all the prospects to understand if it’s worth whether a game of dressing?).

How to set goals - main question, exciting people who want to change something in their lives. But before you start to fulfill your desires, you need to have a clear picture of what you really want to achieve in this life.

To formulate clear goals will help answer the questions that everyone who wants to change their life in better side and ready to take action.

In order to clarify your goals, you should first ask yourself a few questions about your goals that you are going to set for yourself. They will also help you understand if this is really what you really want.

Here is a list of questions to ask before setting goals:

How to set long-term goals

Before setting goals for the long term, answer the following questions:

  1. Where do you see yourself in ten years?
  2. What do you want to do ten years from now?
  3. What results do you want to achieve in ten years?
  4. What kind of person do you want to be in ten years?
  5. Where do you want to visit in the next decade?
  6. How do you see your financial situation ten years from now?

Ask yourself in a similar way about the next five years and record the answers in your goal diary. By writing down thoughts, you will find the answer to the main question: how to set big goals.

How to set medium-term goals

Before you decide on the tasks for the long term, you need to learn how to make them in the near future.

Take your diary and write down the answers to the following questions:

By answering these questions, you will have a clear picture of what you want to achieve in the coming year.

How to set goals and make a plan for the near future

In order to realize everything that you have planned for the next year, you need to make a plan for each month, next week, day. Having written down the tasks on a piece of paper, it remains only to adhere to the written plan and perform the necessary actions.

Answer the following questions:

  1. What can you do in the next hour to make your wish come true?
  2. What are you going to do in the next 24 hours to implement your plan?
  3. What are your goals for the next week or month?

This small task help you figure out how to set specific goals.

How to set goals in life: a clear statement

Write down all your dreams and a specific date by which you plan to fulfill your desire.

Decide which of the following categories your tasks fall into:

  • Business or career;
  • Health;
  • Personal relationships;
  • Trips;
  • Finance;
  • Personal growth;
  • Help others.

After choosing the right areas in which you want to achieve results, answer yourself why this or that desire is so important to you.

How to learn to set goals and achieve them: results

Having decided on your desires and tasks, adhere to the following tactics:

After completing all the above tasks and answering the questions, you will understand how to set goals and achieve them correctly.

How to Set Goals: Books

To date, there is a large amount of literature that teaches to formulate tasks and act.

The right books to achieve what you want help not only formulate a clear plan of action, but also ignite your dream. Some of the most successful books on how to learn to set goals include:

  • "Achieving the maximum" (B. Tracy);
  • "Courage to succeed" (R. Gonzalez);
  • “52 Mondays: How to achieve any goals in a year” (D. Wieck);
  • Doing the Impossible: 25 Rules (Patrick Beth-David)
  • "Focus. Achieving priority goals” (S. Covey);
  • “Rules for achieving goals: How to get what you want” (T. Richard).

The people who wrote these books are not theorists, but practitioners who have experienced the effectiveness of the described methods, by which they themselves learned how to set goals and achieve them.


Remember the requirements for the formulation of the goal:
The goal must be
a) clearly articulated;
b) understandable;
c) achievable;
d) verifiable;
e) specific.
Therefore, the goals “to study the topic “Flower”, “deepen knowledge on the topic” are not specific, not verifiable, and do not have clear achievement criteria. A target"to get acquainted with the representatives of flowering, to study them features» - clear, specific, achievable and verifiable.

Prescribe target. Based on modern ideas about the structure lesson, his target is triune, consists of three interrelated aspects: cognitive, and educative. cognitive component. Remember that according to the didactic purpose, the following types of lessons are distinguished (B.P. Esipov, N.I. Boldyrev, G.I. Schukina, V.A. Onischuk and others):
- a lesson of acquaintance with new material;
- a lesson in consolidating what has been learned;
- a lesson in the application of knowledge and skills;
- lesson of generalization and systematization of knowledge;
- a lesson in checking and correcting knowledge and skills;
- combined lesson.
Based on the type lesson, target. When a lesson involves the formation of new concepts and methods of action in students, systems scientific knowledge, it can be formulated as follows:
- to ensure the assimilation by students of the law, signs, properties, features ...;
- and systematize knowledge about ...;
- develop skills (specify which ones);
- eliminate gaps in knowledge;
- to achieve the assimilation of concepts by students (what?).
When formulating goals, you can use: “familiarize”, “study”, “fix”, “apply”, “write”, “draw”, “teach”, “fix”, “provide”, “formulate”, “control”, “prepare”, “report”, etc. In a generalization lesson, use the words “highlight”, “generalize”, “actualize”. On practical lesson x - “apply knowledge”, “make”, “contribute to the formation of a skill, the ability to handle ...”, etc.

Developmental component of the goal. Here common mistake is the desire to attribute to each a new developmental function. But the problem is that development does not go as fast as learning, and the pace of development for each child is different. Therefore, the developmental component can be repeated from lesson to the lesson, and even be alone on the whole topic. It is unlikely that at least one teacher will be able, after lesson check how the child's memory or analytical abilities have developed / . Therefore, the wording of the sub-paragraph of the goal begins with the words "create conditions for the development of ...", "promote the development of ..." ( logical thinking, memory, observation, the ability to correctly summarize data and draw conclusions, compare, the ability to draw up a plan and use it, etc.)

The educational component of the goal. At each lesson, the teacher must also have an impact, and education, as well as development, does not pass in one lesson. Can't check how to end lesson some form or another will be formed personal qualities. Therefore, the teacher can also create only conditions for, for example, a sense of humanism, collectivism, respect for elders, mutual assistance, responsiveness, negative attitude towards bad habits, physical health values, etc. Again, the wording "create (or provide) conditions for ...". Then, when summing up, you can check whether target or not, whether techniques were applied that create conditions for the formation of certain qualities of character and personality traits.

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