The goal is achievable. Or why people do not believe in their success. How to achieve your goal: the psychology of success

We constantly set ourselves certain goals, and dream about what will happen when we achieve them. But the path from a dream to a result can be difficult. Sometimes laziness interferes, sometimes fear. It often happens that enthusiasm passes and we enter a state of rest, allowing the dream to remain a dream. About,how to achieve your goal without stopping at anything, read in this article.

Clearly state the goal

To begin with, it is important to clearly understand what you want to achieve and in what time frame. Plans, of course, can be adjusted, but they must be specific, not vague, then it is much easier to pave the right path to their implementation. This is the first thing you need to know when figuring out how to achieve a goal. So what do you want? Say it now.


The main thing that will become the “fuel” for your movement forward is motivation. You must really really want something, feel like a dream and do not forget to regularly evoke this feeling in yourself so that the desire does not disappear. Here you need to understand that the more you want, the faster you will learn how to achieve your goals and the faster you will achieve. Therefore, think about what you will get as a result? Do you want this? Make it so that there is a shiver of anticipation of what you want.

Break the goal into several small tasks

Sometimes your “wishlist” can make your head spin - how to achieve everything? It's so much work! From such thoughts, hands can fall and enthusiasm disappears. Therefore, in order not to lose interest in achieving the goal, break it down into several stages, smaller tasks that need to be solved. It is much easier to achieve each individual stage and this brings you closer to main goal. And you will see your progress, which will add significantly. For example, if you want a perfect figure, then your task for today is to choose a gym where you will go to practice. Buy a subscription tomorrow. Simple tasks, but each of them is a step towards your dream.

The key is to take the first step.

This is simply phenomenal in its effectiveness. If you want to know how to achieve your goal, just take the first step. When you think about all the work that you need to do today, you immediately want to hit your head against the wall, laziness turns on and there are hundreds of reasons to do nothing or postpone things until tomorrow. But if you focus on the fact that you only need to do a small thing, "only 5 minutes of work", then it is quite possible to force yourself. And then get involved and the work will go by itself. Therefore, focus on the beginning of work, appetite comes with food.

Be confident - it's real magnet! It will always attract people to you! Donald Trump.

Write down your goals every day

It is very useful to write down tasks for the next day in a notebook. Let it be a few points, but they are clearly formulated and you have set a goal for yourself. You start thinking about it, focusing on the solution, and your conscience and dignity will push you forward. No one wants to look in their own eyes as a weakling who is not able to do those things that he himself recognized as important. This effect is achieved precisely thanks to a clearly formulated and written task.

Don't wait for 100% completion

Many are waiting right moment to get started. But the truth is that ideal conditions does not happen, you will always be either tired or not at hand the right tool. So don't wait for the right moment, it's already here. Every moment is a chance to take a step forward.

Always think

You must always keep in mind the way to achieve your goal. If you think in the right direction all the time and analyze the necessary information, then you tune in to your wave and soon you will begin to notice that thoughts come to your mind that you didn’t suspect before. It will be a way to solve problems that may have seemed unsolvable. Therefore, connect your head more often.


This is perhaps the main factor that will help you solve any problems. We often find ourselves justifying why today we need to rest, or do a little less, but you just have to force yourself. It is not your mind or skills that will be decisive, but willpower. If you can break the task into certain stages and every day disciplinedly, even “I can’t through it”, do everything necessary, hit one point, then you will definitely succeed.

You will succeed if you do not stop halfway .Konosuke Matsushita

Don't slow down

If you want to know how to achieve your goal - do not slow down! There are always chances to achieve the desired result, and it is important to use them, and not wait for the right moment. If the right bus pulls up to you, jump into it, the next one does not know when it will appear and whether it will appear at all. So don't slow down!

Ignore criticism

If you are able to take it easy constructive criticism, this is good, but if criticism can upset you and knock you off the rhythm, then protect yourself from it. In any case, the assessment of the other person will not be absolutely correct in relation to your situation, it is always subjective. You yourself will be able to evaluate your work and your plans better than anyone else. Therefore, do not listen to anyone, build your dream.

Learn from the experience of others

If you want to find effective method how to achieve your goals, then look around, because no one has canceled the importance of studying someone else's experience. This will allow you to be inspired by the successes of other people. After all, they are not smarter than you, but they were able to achieve the desired result. In addition, you will be able to avoid the mistakes that they made along the way. Listen to sensible advice, but always think about how these they suit you personally.

Do what you really enjoy

This is the key to success. Often, to achieve a goal, you have to work hard and study absolutely everything related to your business. Such a load is not easy to withstand, but the pleasure that you get when you do what you love gives strength. Therefore, sincere interest is very important for achieving the goal.

Here we figured outhow to achieve your goals. And most importantly, never give up. Every mistake or difficulty along the way is an experience from which you will create your success. And so - just go ahead and you will succeed!

Svetlana Kovalchuk


Any goals are achievable

Living with pleasure, dreaming and achieving your goals - what can be more important for a woman at any age, especially when she is over 45. After all, at this time there is a better understanding of yourself and your true desires, a mature awareness of goals and more opportunities. However, the onset of menopause and the appearance of unpleasant symptoms can become an obstacle to achieving goals and cause a serious decrease in the quality of life.

So far, the most effective method correction of menopausal symptoms was menopausal hormone therapy (MHT). However, this therapy has limitations and risks: the risk of developing oncological diseases, many contraindications, side effects, portability issues. Therefore, far from all women, the doctor can prescribe menopausal hormone therapy.

Today the situation has changed.

Doctors have new opportunities for effective therapy. More recently, a fundamentally new solution has appeared, which is devoid of the disadvantages of traditional therapy, has high profile safety and tolerability and does not require daily intake - this is a new injectable drug for the treatment of menopausal syndrome in short 10-day courses 2-3 times a year.

Efficacy and safety latest solution due to its mechanism of action. It corrects malfunctions female body at the central level, without affecting the estrogen and progesterone receptors and without causing side effects and consequences.

It is produced in a limited series, as it requires a very rare and expensive substance for production.


"Elegant age" is not a disease. After all, at this time there is a better understanding of yourself and your true desires, a mature awareness of goals and more opportunities.

Thanks to this decision, women can remain in excellent shape for a long time and achieve any goals. Consult your gynecologist for the appropriate therapy.

How to overcome the onset of menopause without changing the quality of life?

In addition to the main individual course of treatment for the symptoms of menopause, there are some recommendations that can ease the onset of this period and maintain the usual rhythm of life.

What is a climax?

The concept of climax combines several periods:

  • premenopause- the period of menopausal transition. It is characterized by different duration of cycles, begins at 40-45 years and ends with the onset of menopause. Against the background of delays, vasomotor, psychological, urogenital symptoms of estrogen deficiency may appear.
  • Menopause- persistent cessation of menstruation, this is the last independent menstruation, due to age-related decline and "turning off" the hormonal and reproductive functions of the ovaries. The date is estimated retrospectively: after 12 months of absence of menstruation.
  • Allocate:

    • premature menopause (before 40 years).
    • early (40-45 years), timely (46-54 years).
    • late (over 55 years).

    In diabetes, menopause occurs 2.5 years earlier.

  • perimenopause includes the menopausal transition period +12 months after the last spontaneous menstruation. In 60-80% of women in perimenopause, menopausal syndrome (CS) of varying severity occurs.
  • Postmenopause- the period after the onset of menopause.

Characteristic symptoms

The most characteristic symptoms of the menopausal syndrome, which can occur in any of the periods described above, are:

  • hot flashes,
  • sweating,
  • mood swings,
  • irritability,
  • insomnia,
  • weakness,
  • decreased libido,
  • weight gain,
  • appearance of wrinkles
  • brittle nails,
  • urinary incontinence,
  • frequent urge to the toilet,
  • vaginal dryness,
  • pain during intercourse
  • palpitations and increased blood pressure.
  1. Carefully examine: it is important to assess the condition of cardio-vascular system, examine the blood coagulation system, liver function, determine the hormonal background, lipid profile, blood glucose levels, as well as do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, mammography, densitometry, and be sure to undergo a gynecological examination with taking smears for oncocytology.
  2. Pay more attention to physical activity. Perfect for: swimming, yoga, dancing, callanetics, Pilates. Physical activity helps keep the body in good shape, curb bone loss and muscle mass, strengthen the cardiovascular system.
  3. When planning a vacation, choose countries with a mild, not too hot climate. After all, the process of acclimatization in women of "elegant" age can be somewhat difficult.
  4. Change your diet. At this age, it is best to switch to the Mediterranean diet, which is based on fish, herbs, vegetables, grains, olive oil.
  5. Continue regular sex life. There is a large number special means for topical use, including hormone-containing ones (suppositories, gels, creams), aimed at minimizing the discomfort that often occurs during intimate contacts.

Menopause is not a disease, but if it is accompanied by "hot flashes", sleep disturbance and emotional disorders, you should consult a doctor. An experienced specialist will prescribe a treatment that is suitable for you, which will eliminate the symptoms and make this period invisible to you and others.

Every person has a goal. For some, it is small, like buying a new phone or going on vacation. For others, it is larger: for example, to create a business with a turnover of one million rubles a month or build a house for a family. Still others are guided by the global and practically unattainable: to become president, solve the problem of poverty in the country, establish peace throughout the world.

What is a "goal", how to achieve the goal?

Very often people confuse the concepts of "goal" and "dream". Although they are similar to each other, they are very different in meaning.

A dream is a hypothetical object or phenomenon, upon reaching which a person will, as he believes, feel happiness.

A goal is an ideal or real object of a person’s aspiration, towards the achievement of which the thought process and actions of a person are directed.

The difference between these concepts is that the "goal" is measurable and creates a direction - a vector, the achievement of a goal. It has direction, and the dream just exists. A dream pleases the mind with its presence, but the goal has a very real framework, and most importantly, to achieve it, you can make step by step plan. As the saying goes: “A goal is a dream with a definite deadline”.

We are working on the principles of setting and achieving goals more fully in the project "". Connect and achieve your goals easier and faster!

Most people make goal setting too easy. Think about it and that's enough. But its setting and goal achievement are inextricably linked. The more precisely it is set, the easier it is to achieve.

There are several methods of staging it, all of them are similar to each other like brothers. But the most common is the S.M.A.R.T. When setting a goal, it is necessary to take into account 5 main components that allow you to specify it as much as possible, making the steps to achieve it clear and consistent.

S.M.A.R.T. goal setting system:

  • Specific- specificity. Determining the need for a goal is too vague a perception. It is necessary to get to the bottom of the real reasons why you want to achieve this particular goal. Maybe you want to gain respect in the eyes of others or assert yourself. There can be many reasons. But only after you understand real reasons their desires, it will be possible to build a real plan to achieve it.
  • Measurable- measurability. A clear criterion is needed by which it will be possible to determine that the goal has been achieved. For example: “Make $100,000 in 12 months” or “Create an online store with 500 visitors and 5 product sales per day.”
  • Agreed- Consistency. Your goal should not directly intersect and affect the interests of other people. This can make it much more difficult to achieve your goal. If it is impossible to avoid the intersection of interests, it is necessary to improve the original plan, taking into account these nuances. For example, before opening your own store, you need to check if there are competitors in the district, and if there are, how to get around them.
  • Realistic- realism. Great ambition is one of the important traits and many people call it "", but it is important to understand that they (ambitions) must be balanced. Naturally, the goal of “make a million dollars in a week from scratch” is impossible to achieve, no matter how much effort and enthusiasm there may be. “Making $10,000 from scratch in a month” is hard enough, but possible. But “In 2 years to create a business that brings $ 10,000 monthly profit” is quite real and achievable.
  • Timed- time limited. Deadline is a very important method of achieving the goal. It is the limited time that will allow.

Only after it has been fully worked out according to these five criteria, it is possible and necessary to create a plan for its implementation and break it down into specific tasks.

Now a few important points. Do not confuse "goal" and "objective". A task is a specific action, the implementation of which brings us closer to the achievement of the goal. For example, “Create a business plan for an online store” is a task. And “Get a stable monthly income of $10,000 for your family” is the goal.

It is also important to clearly define what you really need. Buying a car for certain period is the goal. The desire to ensure comfortable movement in the city is more like a task or a wish.


Determine what you really want. Many goals can be imposed by society, so it is worth sorting out your desires. You need to think carefully, and if you really want to achieve it - then go ahead! If it corresponds to your deepest values ​​and desires automatically.

12 most up-to-date advice that will help you achieve your goal in as soon as possible! Save and act!

I welcome you, dear reader, to the useful website Success Diary! 😛

Some people say: "He can move mountains!".

This means that a person with necessary set qualities, knows how to achieve your goal!

Usually, those who vegetate in a low-paying job and tolerate an alcoholic husband nearby sigh enviously after them and say: “And lucky to be born like that! Everything is easy for him!

At the same time, they don’t even realize that it’s not about luck at all, that people who have made an amazing career or achieved fame have worked incredibly hard and made every effort to become what they are now!

How to achieve your goals in the workplace?

My godmother's name is Linda.

She best friend my mother and therefore visited us at home often (not only on my birthday).

She was unlucky with her first husband: he left her with her little son after two years of marriage, appearing every few years on her child's name day.

True, he paid a small alimony, which was still not enough to live on.

The collapse of the Union hit many painfully, and not so much because it was so wonderful to live under the communists, but because many were afraid of the unknown and change.

But while some whined and continued to cling to the remnants past life vegetating in scientific institutes for "thank you", others boldly accepted the challenge.

A whole generation of engineers, researchers, candidates of sciences and other noble professions went to get new specialties and master the expanses of private entrepreneurship!

My godmother in the troubled 1990s worked in the accounting department at one of the factories.

When the closing ax hovered over him, she, unlike her colleagues, did not wait to be fired or not - she began intensively and now got a job in a private office.

At first it was difficult: I had to master the changes in the legislation of the newly formed country, establish contacts with the tax office, which the chief accountant of the plant used to do, and study the computer.

She didn't fully understand how to achieve the goal not to drown in the whirlpool of new life.

It was incredibly difficult, sometimes when she came to visit us, she complained to my mother that she was incredibly tired, and after all, eight-year-old Seryozha was waiting for her at home, who also needed to be paid attention to, to do homework with him.

In addition, the boss was not the most polite person, did not disdain strong word or showing your bad mood- in general, an ordinary bull of their 90s in a raspberry jacket.

I won't bore you with the details...

I can only say that the godmother overcame all the difficulties at work.

A little later, she found a job as an accountant in another company with an intelligent boss, a candidate of economic sciences.

The office developed rapidly, and with it, the well-being of Aunt Lida also grew.

The need was gone from her life.

A candidate of economic sciences, becoming her second husband.

I asked my godmother to form some tips that helped her achieve your goal.

This is what she told me: 😎

    Never back down from difficulties.

    As soon as you are afraid of one obstacle, a dozen more will instantly grow after it.

    Conversely, demonstrating a confident solution to one problem will help clear the way ahead.

    Believe in yourself.

    Every day I repeated like a mantra: “All this is not in vain! ! After darkness comes dawn! I will definitely get what I want and succeed!”.

    There can be no doubt for a moment about the correctness of the goal.

    Don't be afraid to take risks if you think it's right.

    No one has the right to decide for you and give your advice.

    When I was about to leave the factory, I heard a lot of things from well-wishers: “You don’t think about the child!”, “Where are you running ?! You just have to be patient!”, “Are you the smartest?” etc.

    But I knew that this was my life and only I should make decisions.

    Do not envy!

    It is necessary to get rid of such a feeling as envy, it destroys a person and takes too much energy that can be spent usefully.

    Someone is no better!

    Someone else is just different than you!

    Act like a military strategist: evaluate the arsenal of weapons you have and think about what you lack to win.

    You can always complete some courses, get the necessary information from books, articles, etc.

    Don't settle for half measures.

    Even if you can't get to your destination, you'll still make it most of the way.

    Visualize your goals!

    I often imagined myself in detail: either driving a nice silver Nissan, or on a beach in Thailand, or in a mink coat.

    Moreover, I was so carried away that I felt how my foot was pressing on the gas pedal, the sand was so soft under my feet and what silky fur.

    Be grateful to people higher powers who helped you become who you are.

Be sure to watch a small (but such a useful video) about

how to achieve your goal in a VERY short time ...

Brian Tracy (famous financial advisor)

on the fingers shows and chews this question!

It's not that hard to understand how to achieve the goal.

It's just that people are used to blaming their failures on someone else.

Not everyone can take responsibility for their own lives.

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The author of this simple but effective twelve-step system is Brian Tracy. He has been a recognized leader in the study of success and personal achievement for over 25 years. His track record includes 26 published books and more than 300 training programs translated into different languages peace. One of the leading speakers and business professionals, Brian Tracy has spoken more than two thousand times to numerous audiences.

How to achieve your goal in just 12 steps- this is what Brian Tracy offers us in his twelve-step system - simple and effective, and amazes even the biggest skeptics with its simplicity. By consistently following these 12 steps, you can become and achieve what you think about, and much faster than in any other way.

This system will take you from abstract vagueness to absolute clarity. You get a ready-made treadmill that will help you get from where you are now to exactly where you want to be.

I have repeatedly read and studied the books of Brian Tracy. Once I happened to be at his seminar in Moscow with my daughter and husband. I was lucky, such people infect with their energy for a long time. My desire and desire to improve my personal effectiveness arose largely thanks to Brian Tracy. To be honest, I have not used the 12-step system in my work yet. But I really want to try to do it here, on the pages of my blog, together with my readers. I have one goal, I will experiment on it, I will inform you about the results later.

How to get things done

So, Step One: Create Desire - Burning, Strong Desire

Desire will be our motivational force that overcomes our fears. We make any of our decisions on the basis of either fears or desires. The more we talk about our desires, the faster they become strong and push our fears aside. As a result, our burning desire allows us to rise above our fears and move us forward, overcoming any obstacles.

Are you all aware of your strong and burning desire? What is it? It must be personal, even selfish. Any greatest achievements began with the definition of true desire.

Step Two: Develop Persuasion

We need to be sure that we can achieve our goal. If this confidence does not yet exist, it must be developed and strengthened. If your goals are big and require a lot of effort to achieve, don't try to do too much too fast. Otherwise, you can lose the presence of mind and faith in achieving the goal. You need a firm and strong confidence that continuing to do necessary actions, you will be able to attract the resources necessary to achieve the goal.

Step Three: Write It Down

This is the simplest action that not all of us do. It has already been said a million times that goals that are not written down on paper are just desires and our fantasies. If you write down the goal on paper, then you can then pick it up, touch it, examine it. Just imagine, we take desire from our consciousness and transform it into a form in which something can be done with it. Write down the goal on paper and turn on the mechanism of success at full power!

Fourth step: Make a list of all the benefits

Benefits will strengthen our desires and move us forward. You need to make a list of all the benefits that you will receive as a result of achieving the goal. How more list the stronger our determination and motivation. It is very easy to lose your presence of mind if something suddenly goes wrong. If you have 30 benefits written down, it is safe to say that you will overcome all obstacles.

Step Five: Determine Your Starting Position

Before taking action, weigh yourself. There should be a benchmark against which to measure progress. The more clearly you visualize your starting position, the more likely you will be able to get where you want to go.

Step Six: Set a Deadline

By setting a deadline for ours, we program its achievement in our minds. It happens that people are afraid to set a deadline, afraid of not achieving their goal in fixed time. Something like, "I love it when targets whistle past me." I assure you, there is nothing wrong with that. It's just that you weren't ready yet and you just need to set another deadline.

If the timeframe for achieving your goal is long, for example, 3-5 years, you need to break it down into subgoals, which in turn are also divided into time periods. Make sure that the deadline for completing the sub-goal is within 30 days. This will allow you to see results in a shorter time frame.

I once watched one interesting film about a girl who was advised to create her own blog, as she cooked very tasty. This girl had a book by a culinary master who lived many years ago. And she decided that she would cook all the dishes, something like 500 dishes that are written in this book in 1 year. If she had not set such a deadline for herself at the very beginning, she would never have reached her goal. Life always makes its own adjustments to our plans. And only by clearly following her plan, in spite of everything, the girl managed to achieve her goal. The film is called Julie and Julia. I recommend to look.

Step Seven: Make a List of All the Obstacles Standing Between You and Your Goal

Obstacles are the other side of success and achievement. It's strange if they don't. So then this is not a goal, but just some kind of occupation.

Write down any obstacles that might get in your way. Group them in order of importance. Find the biggest obstacle. It needs to be focused on.

Do you know that obstacles can be external and internal? They may be within us or within the situation. If the obstacle is definitely among us, then we need to strengthen some of our skills, or change something in ourselves.

An external obstacle can tell you that you are working in the wrong job, communicating with the wrong people, and so on. Find your target blocker!

Step Eight: Determine What Additional Information You May Need

It is necessary to make a list of information and knowledge that are necessary to achieve the goal. You should immediately think about where you can get it. The advice of a specialist or consultant in the field may be needed.

Have a plan for buying services or learning so you can calculate how much time and money it will take.

Step Nine: Make a List of People Whose Help or Mentorship is Needed

If other people must be involved in achieving your goal, make a list and rank the names in order of priority.

Step Ten: Make a Plan

Finally. So when do you need to write a plan?)) A plan is a list of actions. Better make up detailed plan. This is your road, this is your compass, on which you can start moving. This is the basis of your planning and. To draw up a plan, all you need is a notebook, a pen, and your goal.

Step Eleven: Use Visualization

Pictures can activate your consciousness, so you need to present a clear and clear picture of your goal as if it had already been achieved. If you don't succeed the first time, practice. In the process of training, clear images will increase the power of your thinking and, like a magnet, will be attracted to the process of achieving the goal. necessary people, ideas and events.

Twelfth step. Decide in advance that you will never back down

Do you have perseverance and determination? In any case, develop your determination and never think about failure. Don't let anyone stop you from reaching your goal. Be decisive in your decision. Often, thanks only to the strength of perseverance, we learn how to achieve our goal.

So, we have dismantled a system consisting of twelve steps, the implementation of which, according to Brian Tracy, will help us to know how to achieve the goal. In the course of writing the article, I worked on my goal - the creation of another site. How much I will succeed and how long will my desire come true, those of you who receive articles from my blog in your mail will find out. Subscribe and follow the news.

I, in turn, am interested to know what methods and methods you, dear readers, use to achieve your goals. Are there similar steps you follow in the achievement process? Is there something else that you are using? If not difficult, please share in the comments below.

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