What is the norm of body fat in a woman? The minimum and normal percentage of fat in the female body. Body fat percentage: general information

As you know, fats are of vegetable and animal origin. All fats are high energy value, which means calories. When splitting, one gram of fat releases as much as 9.3 kcal (it is customary to round up to 9 grams). These calories can be stored in the body as fat stores in the liver, subcutaneous fat, kidneys, and other "fat stores". The accumulation of fat in the body depends not so much on the nutrient itself, but on the excess of calories. When you eat more calories than you need, the fats in the food are stored by the body.

Saturated and unsaturated fats - what's the difference?

The composition of fats contains saturated fatty acids, which are found in the fats of animals, birds, as well as unsaturated ones, which prevail in most vegetable oils. Polyunsaturated fatty acids determine the adaptation of the human body to adverse factors environment, they also regulate the body's metabolism, in particular cholesterol.

Excess fats that are rich in saturated fatty acids, provokes indigestion, leads to a deterioration in the absorption of proteins, as well as diabetes, cardiovascular and other diseases.

Saturated fats are essential for our body. It is with their participation that they are synthesized - testosterone in men, estrogen and progesterone in women. However, their number must be controlled.

In the body, fats perform many important functions: energy, building, protective, transport, thermal insulation, they contribute to the dissolution of a number of vitamins.

I would also like to draw attention to the following circumstance. Muscle tissue is "" because it is involved in the life processes of the body. And adipose tissue - "metabolically inactive", is a store of energy that is in demand as needed. It follows from this that the presence of muscle mass helps to burn a significant amount of calories for the whole day. At the same time, respectively, they take up less space.

Fat requirements are calculated based on the actual weight of each person and range from 0.7 to 2 g per kilogram of body weight. Use to navigate in further calculations.

People whose weight is within the normal range need to consume 1-1.1 g of fat for every kilogram of their weight. Thus, the fat requirements in grams will be approximately equal to your weight in kilograms (for example, at a weight of 56 kg, 56 g of fat will be required).

Overweight and obese people need to consume 0.7-0.8 g of fat for every kilogram of their weight.

IN healthy diet fats should make up 20-30% of the average daily calorie intake. Do not lower fats below normal, as this can be fraught. Many people think that by reducing fat to 0.5 g per kilogram of weight, they will lose weight faster, but this is not so. We get fat not from fat, but from excess calories. Therefore, for comfortable weight loss, it is important to maintain a calorie deficit and a balance of BJU.

Increasing fat to 2 g may be due to some medical indications or dietary protocols, for example,.

Regardless of what numbers you get, the fat content in your diet should be as follows:

  • Polyunsaturated (fish oil) - 1.8-3 g ( we are talking not about the capsule, but about the content of the substance itself in it);
  • Saturated fats - no more than 1/3 of the total fat;
  • Everything else is unsaturated fat, predominantly from plant sources.

Below we give a small list of foods that are high in fat, remember them. The figure indicates the fat content in grams per 100 grams of the product:

  • and (and most liquid oils) - 100
  • processed cheese - 46
  • You can't cut out fat completely. Remember that their insufficient intake in the body can be harmful, lead to disruption of the digestive tract, nervous system, potency, to weaken the immune system, promote the development of atherosclerosis and thrombosis. Well, an excess of fat leads, first of all, to obesity, to accumulation in the blood, to memory impairment.

    Now you know your rate of fat intake, you know which foods to eat are bad for your figure. It remains to choose healthy foods and observe the rule of moderation.

Created on 03/18/2016

Many women, chasing perfect figure, sit on half-starved diets and rejoice at every kilogram that has gone. Their obsession is to lose weight, reduce body volume.

Here we will not talk about how to lose weight correctly. Consider the question of how to find out the percentage of fat and muscle mass in the body.

Do losing weight women think about what makes them lose weight? Often not. If you have lost a few kilograms and your body volume has decreased by several centimeters, this hated fat is not necessarily gone. Perhaps you lost weight due to the loss of water or muscle mass from the body. Therefore, it is useful to know how much fat is contained in the body, and how much muscle, and monitor changes in indicators. This will allow you to see what you need to work on: use intense training to lose fat or focus on strength training and nutrition for gaining muscle mass.

Our body is made up of different tissues. Scientific words - body composition.

There are various models that describe body composition:

two-component model- sum of fat mass and lean body mass

Body fat mass- the mass of all lipids in the body. Its content can vary widely.

There are essential fat, which is part of the protein-lipid complex of most body cells, and non-essential fat (triglycerides) in adipose tissues.

essential fat necessary for the normal metabolism of organs and tissues. In women, the relative content of essential fat is higher than in men. It is believed that the relative content of essential fat in the body is very stable and is for different people 2 to 5% lean body mass.

Non-essential fat performs the function of thermal insulation internal organs. The content of non-essential fat increases with excess nutrition and decreases with insufficient nutrition.

The amount of adipose tissue in the body in different people can vary significantly and individually change throughout life. This may be due to both normal physiological changes in the process of growth and development of the body, and metabolic disorders. The average percentage of adipose tissue in the body of adults usually ranges from 10% to 20-30% of body weight.

Non-essential fat consists of subcutaneous and internal fat. Subcutaneous fat is distributed relatively evenly along the surface of the body. Internal (visceral) fat is concentrated mainly in the abdominal cavity. It has been established that the risk of developing cardiovascular and other diseases associated with overweight has a higher relationship with the content of internal rather than subcutaneous fat. There is a concept of abdominal fat, which is understood as a combination of internal and subcutaneous fat localized in the abdomen.

Lean body mass- body weight excluding fat. The components of lean body mass are total body water, muscle mass, skeletal mass, and other components.

three-component models:

The sum of body fat mass, total body water and lean body mass without fat

Sum of body fat mass, body mineral mass and soft tissue lean fraction

four-component models:

Sum of body fat mass, total body water, mineral body mass and residual mass

Sum of body fat mass, body cellular mass, extracellular fluid mass, and extracellular solids mass

five-level multicomponent model- the structure of the body is considered at the elemental, molecular, cellular, tissue levels and at the level of the organism as a whole

Determination of body composition is important in sports, nutrition, anesthesiology, resuscitation and intensive care. It is used in the treatment of anorexia, obesity, osteoporosis and some other diseases.

Coaches and sports physicians use body composition determination to optimize their training regimen during competition preparation. Studies of the strongest athletes made it possible to establish the optimal values ​​​​of fat and muscle mass of the body. But common standards yet does not exist and they vary depending on the sport, specific specialization and level of training of athletes.

To determine the composition of the human body are used various methods. And there are a lot of formulas. We will not delve into and describe them all in detail, because research is carried out in laboratories and clinics by specialists and knowledge of all these subtleties is simply not necessary. Consider the simplest and most popular methods that allow you to calculate the percentage of adipose tissue and muscle mass of the body.


It consists in measuring the thickness of skin-fat folds on certain areas bodies with the help of special measuring devices - calipers.

Today there are a lot of various models calipers that differ from each other design features, measurement accuracy, application conditions, price and other indicators. The accuracy of determining the thickness of the folds with plastic calipers is usually lower than with metal ones.

All measurements are carried out on right side body. Holding the caliper in right hand, capture the skin-fat fold with a large and index fingers left hand, the distance between which, depending on the thickness of the fold, should be from 4 to 8 centimeters, and gently, without causing pain, raise the fold to a height of about 1 centimeter.

The caliper is placed perpendicular to the crease, with the measurement scale at the top. The working surfaces of the caliper are placed at a distance of 1 cm from the large and index finger in the middle between the base and crest of the fold.

Carefully and completely release the pressure of the caliper arcs on the fold, then within 3-4 seconds, according to the scale readings, determine its thickness, maintaining the fold in an elevated position.

The fold must be taken quickly, because with prolonged compression due to an imbalance in the fluid in the surface areas of the body, it becomes thinner.

The skin in the measurement areas must be dry. It is not recommended to conduct an examination immediately after intense physical activity or overheating.

There are more than 100 formulas based on caliperometry for determining body composition. These formulas correspond to various schemes for selecting measurement sites.

The most popular schemes are:

  • For two folds: on the back of the shoulder and in the middle of the lower leg behind
  • Three folds: on the back of the shoulder, upper iliac and in the middle of the thigh at the back
  • Four folds: on the back of the shoulder, upper iliac, on the abdomen near the navel, in the middle of the thigh; or on the anterior and posterior surface of the shoulder, under the scapula, upper iliac
  • Seven folds: on the back of the shoulder, on the chest, axillary, under the shoulder blade, upper iliac, on the abdomen near the navel, in the middle of the thigh behind
  • Eight folds: under the shoulder blade, on the front of the shoulder, on the back of the shoulder, on the forearm, on the chest, on the abdomen near the navel, on the upper part of the thigh, on the upper part of the lower leg

How to take pleats

On the back of the shoulder- a vertical fold taken over the triceps muscle with the arm lowered and relaxed. It is taken on the midline of the posterior surface of the shoulder in the middle between the acromial and olecranon processes

On the front of the shoulder- a vertical fold taken over the biceps muscle in the middle between the acromial and olecranon processes, the arm is relaxed and located along the body

On the middle of the leg behind- vertical crease taken on the midline of the medial surface of the calf at the level of the maximum circumference.

Upper iliac fold- diagonal fold, taken directly above the iliac crest, along its natural line.

Mid thigh at the back- vertical fold, taken from behind over the quadriceps muscle in the middle of the thigh of the right leg (measured in a standing position; the center of gravity is shifted to the left leg, the right leg is relaxed).

On the stomach near the navel- a vertical fold, which is taken at the level of the navel on the right at a distance of 2 centimeters from it.

Under the shoulder blade- diagonal fold (from top to bottom, from inside to outside), located at an angle of 45 degrees at a distance of 2 centimeters down from the lower angle of the scapula

On the chest- diagonal fold (from top to bottom, outside inward), taken in the middle between the anterior axillary line and the nipple (for women, 1/3 of the distance)

axillary- vertical fold taken on the midaxillary line at the level of the xiphoid process of the sternum

Forearm- a vertical crease on the anterior surface of the forearm at its widest point

On the top of the thigh- taken in a sitting position on a chair, legs bent at the knees at a right angle. The fold is measured in the upper part of the right thigh on the anterolateral surface parallel to the course of the inguinal fold, slightly below it.

On the top of the leg- The crease is measured in the same position as on the upper thigh. It is taken almost vertically on the posterolateral surface of the upper part of the right leg, at the level of the lower angle of the popliteal fossa

How to Calculate Fat Percentage

Of the many formulas, the most popular is the Matejka formula, which is used to age groups over 16 years old. The formula for determining the mass of adipose tissue in the body (BAT) is

where d is the average thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer together with the skin (mm), S is the surface area of ​​the body (m 2), k = 1.3.

For women, the value of d is calculated as follows:

Add up the thickness of the seven skin-fat folds in millimeters (on the biceps, triceps, forearm, back, abdomen, thigh and lower leg). Divide the resulting amount by 14.

The surface area of ​​the body is determined by the Dubois formula:

For women (20-60 years old) with a high relative body fat content, the formula is:

The girth of the abdomen is measured at the level of the navel at the time of the pause between inhalation and exhalation.

Surely, many will find it difficult to understand the terms of body structure used above and where to measure the folds. And it will be difficult to make calculations. Then you can use the easier method.

Wrinkles can be measured at 4 points:

on triceps for about the same distance from the shoulder and elbow joints

on the bicep, similarly as on triceps, with opposite side hands

on the shoulder blade the fold is pinched just below it at an angle of 45 degrees to the vertical so that the fold is directed along the line connecting the cervical vertebrae and sides

at the waist near the navel where is the most fat

All results (in millimeters) are added together. The percentage of fat is calculated according to the following table:

It contains data for women. For different ages different indicators. This is due to the fact that with age inevitably increases the amount of fat inside the muscles and in the abdominal cavity around the internal organs. When measured correctly, this method is 97-98% accurate.

Below you can see what the figure of women with different percentages of fat looks like.

How to calculate the percentage of muscle mass

To calculate muscle mass, the most reliable and common way is the Matejka formula. First you need to make the following measurements.

It is necessary to measure the thickness of the fold with a caliper or caliper:

  1. on the front of the shoulder (biceps)
  2. on the back of the shoulder (triceps)
  3. on the forearm
  4. on the thigh in front
  5. on the lower leg

With a measuring tape, you need to measure the girth:

  • shoulder
  • forearms
  • hips
  • shins

Formula for determining skeletal muscle mass (SMM)

where DT - height (m), k=6.5, r - the average value of the circumference of the shoulder, forearm, thigh and lower leg without subcutaneous fat and skin, determined by the formula

Shoulder girth is measured in a calm state in place greatest development; forearm girth - in the place of the greatest development of muscles on a freely hanging arm, the muscles are relaxed; leg girth - in the place of greatest development calf muscle; thigh girth is measured under the gluteal crease, body weight is evenly distributed on both legs, located shoulder-width apart. Pleats are defined in the same position and places as girths.

To calculate muscle mass as a percentage, divide muscle mass by weight in kilograms and multiply by 100.

Bioimpedance analysis

Based on significant differences in the electrical conductivity of adipose tissue and lean body mass. The main conductors of electric current in the body are tissues with a high water content and electrolytes dissolved in it. Fat and bones have lower electrical conductivity.

Measurements are made using instruments with a built-in software. They differ in the frequency (or set of frequencies) of alternating current used, in the parameters measured, recommended electrode patterns, and built-in formulas for determining body composition.

Inexpensive single-frequency devices are used to control body fat and musculoskeletal mass. More expensive dual-frequency and multi-frequency bioimpedance analyzers are used mainly in clinical medicine and scientific research.

A more accurate assessment of body composition can be obtained using devices that work according to the scheme of applying electrodes to the lower leg and wrist.

They produce manual bioimpedance fat analyzers that take information from the shoulder girdle. There are floor scales that can be used at home. It is on such scales that we will focus our attention.

When you step on the scales, weak electricity travels up one leg, through the pelvis, and then down the other leg. Since muscles contain more water, they conduct electricity better than fat. Thus, the more resistance, the more fat in your body. To calculate the percentage of fat mass and muscles, formulas are used based on the speed of the electrical signal and other data that you enter: height, age, gender. Height must be entered with an accuracy of 1 centimeter. The results obtained are checked against the tables that are in the instructions for the scales. These tables indicate the age and norms of the content of muscle tissue, fat and water in the body.

Of course, such scales are convenient to use, but they do not give accurate results. Studies have shown that the best scales are only 80% accurate. With their help, you can only approximately assess whether your body composition meets established standards. Results may be affected by factors such as body type, elevated body temperature, hydration, recent exercise, and last appointment food. Even wet or sweaty feet, as well as large calluses on the feet, can skew the results. It is established that different scales give different readings. Such devices may be less accurate for the elderly, physically fit people, children, and people with osteoporosis. Also, some other diseases affect the accuracy - including muscular dystrophy, polio, cirrhosis of the liver, heart failure. In addition, these scales may overestimate the percentage of body fat in lean people and underestimate it in people with overweight. This scale is not recommended for use by pregnant women or if there are electrical implants such as a pacemaker or defibrillator.

The scales must be placed on a flat floor, and when weighing, stand straight and do not move (you can see the result after weighing in the memory of the scales). Weigh yourself at the same time of day better in the morning on an empty stomach some time after waking up and going to the toilet), do not do this immediately after training and weigh yourself in a room with a stable temperature.

There are no common standards for perfect percentage fat and muscle tissue in the body. It depends on age, gender, physical training and ethnicity.

According to some experts, the "healthy" body fat range is 23 to 33 percent for middle-aged women and up to 35 percent for older women. Athletes tend to have much less body fat. The lower mark for the fat content in the female body is 10%. In an effort to burn fat as much as possible, remember that too little body fat can lead to health problems.

For women average muscle mass - 36%.

Why do you need to know your body fat percentage?

To evaluate the intermediate results of the diet, it is necessary to monitor the content of muscles and fat in the body. Often, when they lose weight only with the help of a diet, not only fat disappears, but also the muscle tissue that the body needs - for example, the heart is a muscle. Muscles consume more calories. A body with more muscle looks prettier than another body with more body fat of the same weight.

How is body fat percentage determined?

Now it is not a problem to buy medical electronic scales that show weight, percentage of water, muscles, bone tissue, the required number of calories, estimate physical condition and even metabolic age (based on metabolic rate). They have only one drawback - the high price. Another common method is to measure fat folds using a special caliper device. But what if there are no special scales and calipers?

Calculation of percentage of fat by formulas

There are quite a few ways determine the percentage of body fat using formulas and tables for some measurements of the parameters of the figure. On our site you can use the most detailed calculator, which will calculate the percentage of fat according to your data. Unlike calculators that you can find on other sites, this calculator uses several methods to calculate more realistic results.

Fat Percentage Calculator

Calculator counts body fat percentage in five ways and also calculates the average. Each of the methods can give an error of + -3%. How a large number methods can be calculated, the more accurate the final result is. If you do not enter any data, the calculation will be performed using fewer formulas.

What does the body fat calculation show?

The results are presented as follows: for each method, the fat percentage And fat weight in kilograms. Each method has its own graph, on which your body fat percentage is highlighted in yellow. When hovering over the yellow part of the graph, you will see recommendations based on the calculated data. The second level of the graph (outer circle) displays the percentage scale against which results are evaluated. This is the most common body fat percentage method proposed by the American Council on Exercise (ACE).

Below are two summary graphs: the first shows the calculations for all methods, including the average value. The results are displayed based on the same ACE scoring method. When you hover your mouse over each point, you will get a recommendation about the size of the percentage of body fat.

In the second graph, your body fat percentage is estimated using the more accurate Jackson and Pollock method, taking into account the age category. This is done for the average value, as the most accurate. in the same way, with the help of the mouse you will see a recommendation if you hover it over the selected square.

Fat percentage photo

You will be able to see a visual representation of a figure with a similar percentage of body fat and evaluate the differences in the figure with different percentages of body fat.

Description of body fat percentage formulas

US Navy method

To enter the US military, everyone must meet certain parameters. The most important of these is the percentage of fat, not weight. All US military units calculate this indicator. The formulas differ slightly depending on the division. For the calculation, height, girth of the neck, waist and hips are used.

Bailey's Covert Method

The method appeared recently, he presented it in his book Slim or Fat? popular sports doctor Covert Bailey. Moreover, the calculation is made differently depending on age. Hip, thigh, calf, commas, and age are used to determine body fat percentage.

Based on BMI

Method based on BMI (body mass index, BMI). One of the most common methods based on height and weight and age. But after the age of 30, the accuracy of this formula decreases (gives greater indicators than it actually is). Calculation of body mass index
BMI (BMI) and new body mass index (new BMI)

YMCA Method

The method was developed by a youth volunteer organization, YMCA (YMCA, Youth Christian Association), whose branches are located in 130 countries around the world. Only weight and waist circumference are used for calculation.

Add. YMCA method

This is an augmented YMCA method that is based on more parameters - weight, wrist circumference, waist, hips, forearm.


The average is calculated as the arithmetic mean of all the above methods. Taking into account the possible inaccuracy of each method in + -3%, the calculation of the average will give the results closest to the real data.

Comparison of methods

With the help of weights with the determination of the percentage of fat, which is based on bioimpedance analysis, was obtained real fat percentage in the body - 25.0%. Bioimpedance analysis passes a very weak current through the body at different frequencies, which makes it possible to determine the percentage of fat, muscle, bones. Let's compare the data with the calculation methods:

The average value coincided, which indicates the possibility of using the average of all the above methods for a rough estimate of the percentage of fat. The closest results for this organism were obtained by the extended YMCA method and the US Navy method. The spread of values ​​is from 22.49% to 26.78%, which exceeds the promised error of +-3%, but on average gives data close to reality.

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General content water: the norm as a percentage

Water is the most important medium in which life flows. important processes. It is included in the structure of all organs, tissues and cells, so without it it is impossible to imagine a person.

The importance of water for the body

It is essential because it is responsible for many internal processes allowing us to stay healthy. Yes, water:

  • maintains the natural moisture of the mucous membranes and skin;
  • strengthens muscles and dampens joint movement;
  • removes metabolic products from cells;
  • eliminates toxins and other unsafe substances;
  • delivers hormones, enzymes, oxygen and nutrients to all corners of our body;
  • dispose of waste products;
  • temperature control, etc.

Therefore, maintaining a balanced fluid level in the body indicates that it works smoothly, that everything is within the normal range, and that the risk of problems is minimized.

Natural fluctuations in water balance

The level of moisture in the body of each person is not static: it changes both throughout the day and during the month. Moreover, it is influenced by all physiological processes. As a result, any significant changes in water content are reflected in the indicators of body composition. For example, after a long sleep, the body is more prone to fluid loss.

In addition, there are differences in the distribution of moisture, based on the time of day. So, during the day a person is more active, so he loses a lot of fluid with sweat. In small volumes, it is displayed with:

  • breathing;
  • urination;
  • menstruation.

Among other factors affecting the degree body water content, are food, medications, diseases, level of physical activity, climatic zone of residence, degree of adaptation to dry weather conditions, alcohol consumption. Body composition analyzers, as well as professional medical scales, presented in the relevant sections on our website, help to track all this.

Moreover, there is another important factor that requires constant control to ideally maintain a proportional balance. Thus, the level of fluid in the body falls simultaneously with an increase in adipose tissue. This means that in a person with excess fat, the amount of moisture in the body is below average. Whereas with the loss of fatty tissue, the amount of water begins to recover.

For each person, it is individual and depends on the factors listed above. In addition, age and gender matter, since women experience not only daily fluctuations, but also monthly fluctuations due to regular menstruation.

Note. For athletes, this figure is about 5 percent higher than typical standards, since they have more muscle mass.

The figures given are indicative only and should not be used as a recommended benchmark. Moreover, it must be taken into account: the moisture content in the body varies depending on the type of activity, the presence / absence of diseases, medications taken, and the degree of activity. Therefore, it is important to control these processes and monitor the fluid level in order to remain within the acceptable range.

How to determine the level of water content in the body?

Special devices will help to do this: models BC-1000 or BC-583 with the corresponding function. By taking measurements at the same time of day, you can find out your individual rate. The appropriate period is before meals or in the evening when fluid volume is stable, which will provide reliable data.

At the same time, keep in mind: thirst is not an indicator low content water in the body. Early symptoms include dizziness, fatigue, low energy, headache and decreased vitality. Its obvious disadvantage is indicated by the following signs:

  • dry skin, oral cavity and mucous membranes of the lips;
  • constipation;
  • increased body temperature;
  • nausea;
  • infrequent urination;
  • dark color urine (often with a characteristic odor).

You can buy a body composition analyzer in our store at a discount 5 %. To get a discount, use the promo code: DISCOUNT2017

The Tanita diagnostic fat mass analyzer helps to Wellness assessment at home.

You will immediately know the content of fat and water in your body, as well as such important indicators of your health as:

  1. Percentage body fat
  2. Percentage of water in the body
  3. Percentage of internal fat
  4. bone mass
  5. Muscle mass
  6. Physical Type Estimation
  7. Metabolic Score and Your Metabolic Age

The latest method used in the fat mass analyzer, allows you to determine these indicators at home.

1. Body Fat Percentage

Often the terms "obesity" and "overweight" are perceived as synonymous, however, this is not the same thing. Weight is the total weight of the body, including bones, muscles, water, fat, etc. Overweight - body weight specific person, exceeding that which is considered the norm for its growth. Obesity is the excess accumulation of fat in the body, which poses a risk to health. Often it occurs when the intake of energy in the body with food exceeds the energy expenditure.
Scientists have proven a direct relationship between excess fat in the body and the risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Being overweight is not always an indicator of obesity, as people differ from each other in body size, shape, and body type. For example, in athletes, body weight can be dramatically increased compared to the norm for its growth (due to muscle mass), but they cannot be considered obese, since the percentage of fat in their body is normal. At the same time, at normal weight, the fat content may be higher. established norms which is a health hazard.

Men Women
Age Fine Fine Badly Dangerous Fine Fine Badly Dangerous
18-24 10,8 14,9 19,0 23,3 18,2 22,0 25,0 29,6
25-29 12,8 16,5 20,3 24,3 18,9 22,1 25,4 29,8
30-34 14,5 18,0 21,5 25,2 19,7 22,7 26,4 30,5
36-39 16,1 19,3 22,6 26,1 21,0 24,0 27,7 31,5
40-44 17,5 20,5 23,6 26,9 22,6 25,6 29,3 32,8
45-49 18,6 21,5 24,5 27,6 24,3 27,3 30,9 34,1
50-59 19,8 22,7 25,6 28,7 26,6 29,7 33,1 36,2
over 60 20,2 23,2 26,2 29,3 27,4 30,7 34,0 37,3

2. Percentage of water in the body

The percentage of water in the body is the amount of fluid in the human body, as a percentage of total weight. Water plays a key role in many processes in the body, it is contained in every cell, tissue and organ. Maintaining an optimal balance of water in the body will avoid the risk of developing many diseases.

3. The percentage of internal (visceral) fat

Visceral fat is the fat found in the abdominal cavity and surrounding the vital organs of a person. Studies have shown that body fat distribution changes with age, especially after menopause.
Elevated levels of visceral fat increase the risk of diseases such as hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, etc.
The Tanita monitor measures % visceral fat from 1 to 59.

Range 1-12 - indicates that the level of visceral fat in your body is normal.

Range 13-59 - indicates that your body has an increased level of visceral fat. Try to change your lifestyle, perhaps with the help of the Proper Breakfast program and physical activity.

4. Bone mass

The measurement of bone mass is based on the determination of the mass of minerals in the body (calcium and other substances). Studies have shown that the development of muscle tissue strengthens the bones of the skeleton. This fact must be taken into account when formulating a diet and physical activity to keep bones strong and healthy.

People suffering from osteoporosis or reduced bone strength due to age, pregnant women, etc. should carefully monitor the state of bone mass.

5. Muscle mass

This function allows you to determine the mass of muscle tissue in the human body. The indicator of muscle mass takes into account all the muscles of the musculoskeletal system, smooth muscles (heart and digestive system) and water in these muscles. At healthy person the average muscle mass is 75% of the total summer mass (human weight).
Muscles play an important role in the metabolic process. Muscle development requires a significant amount of energy, which is released as a result of the breakdown (burning) of fats.

6. Assessment of the physical type

This function takes into account the ratio of body fat to muscle mass. With the growth of physical activity, the amount of fat in the body decreases, while the physical type may change: hidden fullness - 1, full - 2, dense physique - 3, trained - 4, normal - 5, standard muscular - 6, thin - 7, thin and muscular - 8, very muscular - 9.

7. Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) / Metabolic Age

This option allows you to determine the number of calories you need to exercise. metabolic processes organism. This is the minimum level of energy your body needs to provide normal operation respiratory, circulatory, nervous system, liver, kidneys and other organs at rest. Your metabolic rate rises when you are active. This is because the musculoskeletal system (40% of the body weight), like a motor, consumes a large amount of energy. A significant part of the energy is spent on the work of the muscles, so an increase in muscle mass will also increase the PBM. The higher the PBM, the more quantity calories are burned in the process of increasing muscle mass, which will reduce the level of fat in the body. The lower the level of PBM, the slower fat burning occurs, there is a higher likelihood of obesity with all the ensuing consequences.
The analyzer allows you to determine what age, on average, corresponds to the value of the basal metabolism indicator obtained as a result of measurements. If your PBM age is higher than your real age, it means that you should increase your lean body mass. By doing so, you improve your metabolic age.

Body parameters analyzer and consultant will help you create an individual weight loss program!

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