Sources and methods of recruitment: five recommendations. The benefits of internal recruitment. Appeal to the media

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Internal sources are the people working in the organization. In a number foreign countries In Japan, for example, when vacancies appear in the administrative apparatus, it is customary to first announce an internal competition for filling a position from among their employees and only then, in case of negative results, invite outside specialists to participate in the competition.

It is believed that this improves the moral climate in the team, strengthens the faith of employees in their organization. When working with a reserve in all large firms, there are so-called relocation matrices, which reflect the current position of each manager, his possible relocations and the degree of readiness for the next position (ready to take immediately in a year, in two years, but this requires advanced training in certain areas, etc.).

Methods for recruiting staff from an internal source are varied.

Internal competition. The personnel service can send information about open vacancies to all departments, notify all employees about it, ask them to recommend their friends and acquaintances for work.

Some French firms use an internal source of recruitment in three cases: when striving for the formation of a minimum number of personnel (personnel is partially released and redistributed, personnel service completely abandons external recruitment); during the redistribution of personnel; when moving personnel, for example, the departure of a person who was at a certain step of the pyramid is compensated by an increase in the personnel step from lower levels.

Combination of professions. In these cases, it is advisable to use the combination of positions by the employees of the company (if the contractor is required for a short time, to perform a small amount of work).

Rotation. For some organizations, especially those in the stage of intensive growth, this use of internal sources of staffing is considered very effective. management personnel like moving heads. The following options for the movement of managers are possible: promotion (or demotion) in position with the expansion (or reduction) of the circle official duties, an increase (decrease) in rights and an increase (decrease) in the level of activity; raising the level of qualification, accompanied by an assignment to the manager of more complex tasks, which does not entail a promotion, but is accompanied by an increase in salary; a change in the range of tasks and responsibilities that is not caused by advanced training, which does not entail promotion and salary growth (rotation).

This type of rotation, as a rule, leads to a broadening of horizons, an increase in managerial qualifications and, ultimately, is accompanied by the promotion of employees of the organization.

External sources of recruitment include all that indefinite number of people who are able to work in the organization, but do not work in it at the moment. Among them can be both people with whom the heads of the organization and HR employees have previously met on the issue of employment (from the so-called waiting list), and specialists with whom such meetings are yet to come.

employment centers. Many firms and companies use local employment centers as a source for hiring people. These services can help find less qualified staff (for simple, routine work, possibly part-time). As a rule, specialists who lost their jobs due to the bankruptcy of their former enterprises and were forced to undergo retraining (retraining) to master a new specialty get a job through the employment service.

Employment agencies (staffing agencies). Many HR managers use hiring agencies to save time and the hassle of finding new staff. The Agency submits an application for specialists indicating the position, salary, content of activities, indicative search and selection criteria. As a rule, a well-performing agency presents several candidates for the employer to make his own choice. A “guarantee” may be given for the represented specialists, which takes effect in the event of the dismissal of a specialist in own will or incompetence within the stipulated period. In this case, the agency is obliged to present other candidates for this position free of charge.

Self-search through means mass media. Many serious firms prefer to independently search and select candidates for work. In this case, it is very important to have a good idea of ​​what media they are referring to.

It is necessary to correctly formulate an informational announcement in order to attract the attention of the most suitable candidates. It is advisable to note in the announcement some features of the personnel you are interested in (recruitment restrictions), for example, education, special work experience or, conversely, lack of practical experience.

Some advantages and disadvantages various sources staffing of the organization is illustrated by the following table:

Sources Advantages Flaws
Internal An example of the possibility of self-realization within the organization is perceived as an encouragement of successful work.

The organization continues to work with employees who are already known, as well as reducing the financial costs of recruiting

There may be a risk of complications in personal relationships between employees, there may be “nepotism”
External Possibility to choose from a large number candidates.

New people - new ideas and ways of working

Adaptation of a new employee, possible deterioration of the moral and psychological climate among long-term employees

Hiring Alternatives

Before making a decision on the selection of new employees, it is advisable to determine whether all the means that are a kind of alternative to hiring have been used in the organization. These include: overtime work, increased labor intensity; structural reorganization or the use of new production schemes; temporary hire; attracting specialized firms to carry out certain types of activities.

Search - this is the definition of a set of sources and methods for meeting the need for personnel in accordance with the objectives of the enterprise.

Personnel selection- this is the identification from the number of candidates, people most suitable for occupying vacant jobs (positions).

Hiring– registration of contractual relations when hiring.

Before making a decision on the selection of new employees, it is advisable to determine whether all the means that are a kind of alternative to hiring have been used in the organization.

These include: -overtime work, increased labor intensity; - structural reorganization or the use of new production schemes; - temporary hire; - attracting specialized firms to carry out certain types of activities; - changing the vacation plan; - change of the plan of professional development.

The recruitment methods can be active or passive.

TO active methods usually resorted to when the labor market demand for labor force, especially qualified, exceeds its offer.

1. Recruitment - the establishment of contacts by the organization with those who are of interest to it as potential employees, in order to encourage them to possible further cooperation.

2. Presentations , as a rule, they attract casual passers-by or people living nearby, usually from among those who are looking for additional income, for example, as advertising or sales agents.

3. Job fairs are mainly intended for people who want to change jobs, and highly qualified workers who are interested in this particular organization can occasionally drop in on holidays and festivals.

To passive methods meeting the needs for personnel, includes the placement of advertisements in external (including foreign) and internal means mass media.

Passive methods are used mainly when the supply of labor is high.

Sources of recruitment:

Distinguish between internal and external sources of staffing the organization.

1. Internal sources of recruitment - assume the occupation of vacant positions at the expense of people working in this organization.

Internal Recruitment Methods varied.

1) Internal competition. The personnel service can send information about open vacancies to all departments, notify all employees about it, ask them to recommend their friends and acquaintances for work.

2) Combination of professions. It is also advisable to use the combination of positions by the employees of the company (if the contractor is required for a short time, to perform a small amount of work).

3) rotation. For some organizations, especially those in the stage of intensive growth, it is considered very effective to use internal sources of recruitment of managerial staff, such as relocation of managers.

4) Re-hiring- this is a set of temporary divisions and creative groups. It is carried out by selecting performers either directly by the head, or on the basis of an internal competition, which can be announced for a specific position or unit.

5) Viewing the file of personnel,

6) Hiring after professional retraining.

Benefits of using internal recruitment:

The possibility of planning this process,

Low costs;

Providing people with career prospects that increase their job satisfaction and self-confidence;

Preservation of the core staff with staff reductions and rapid filling of vacancies when posts are vacated;

Good knowledge by applicants of the organization providing them with easy adaptation and fame of themselves;

A painless solution to the problem of employment and reducing staff turnover.

Disadvantages of using internal recruitment sources:

Limits the choice of place of application of labor;

Requires additional costs for retraining;

Leads to tension in the team due to internal competition;

Allows you to promote the right people»;

Reduces the activity of the remaining "overboard";

Maintains the overall labor shortage.

2. External sources of recruitment represented by that indefinite number of people who are able to work in the organization, but are not currently working in it.

External recruitment methods: 1. Employment centers 2. Recruitment agencies (recruitment agencies). 3. Independent search through the media. 4. It is believed that one of the cheapest ways to recruit staff is to search for candidates through employees working in the organization (their friends or relatives who need work). 5. Advertisement of the company 6. Use of services of external consultants, 7. Leasing of personnel - conclusion of contracts for the lease of personnel,

The advantages of hiring outside staff are:

Wide choice of candidates;

The emergence of new ideas about the development of the organization that they bring with them;

Reducing the overall need for staff by attracting additional people.

The disadvantages of this form include:

big costs,

Deterioration of the moral and psychological climate due to conflicts between newcomers and old-timers;

High degree of risk due to the unknown person;

Poor knowledge of the organization; - the need for a long period of adaptation.

Alexander Yakovlev
"Job & Salary"

It is no secret that almost all companies are in need of recruitment. For some, these are units of employees, for others - tens and hundreds. Depending on the number of employees, all companies solve the problem of selection individually. We will consider the most common methods of attracting staff that are found in modern conditions.

Search within the organization

IN this case we are talking not about primary positions, but about vacancies for managers of middle and top level. Vacancies appear due to the rotation of staff or the introduction of new positions as the company develops. Under these conditions, management turns its attention to the employees already working in the organization. This method does not require financial costs, helps to strengthen the loyalty of the company's staff, candidates do not need to be integrated into the organization. However, such a technique limits the choice, does not provide an influx of fresh forces, and contributes to the emergence of parochialism of the heads of departments, who will strive to keep their best personnel for themselves or get rid of objectionable ones.

Recruitment with the help of employees

The method is used to fill positions of ordinary specialists and recruit workers. It does not require financial costs, provides a high degree of compatibility of newly hired personnel with the company due to their close contacts with already working specialists. However, ordinary employees who recommend candidates are not professionals in recruitment, they may not know the job responsibilities for the vacancy, which does not allow them to select high-level personnel. professional level. Selection with the help of employees contributes to the development of nepotism and nepotism. The basis of selection by acquaintance is not the professionalism of the hired personnel, but the personal benefit of the recommender: either the desire to do good to your friend, acquaintance, or the desire to have your ally, companion, etc. at work.

Media announcements

Guarantee a wide coverage of potential candidates for vacancies at a relatively low cost. Today there is a sufficient selection of publications covering the labor market, a developed network of sites on the Internet. It all depends on the circulation, the periodicity of the release, the distribution system, the image of the publication, the possibility of accessing the Internet, site traffic, ease of use, the democratic procedure for registering on the site. Here are examples of the most famous printed publications. These are "Job & Salary", "Job for You", "Job Today". It must be remembered that in some publications, advertising for certain vacancies works more efficiently, and in others - for others. Much depends on the text of the ad, how attractive it is, understandable to the applicant.
The same applies to ads posted on the Internet. It should be noted that recently both job seekers and employees of companies (both employers and recruitment agencies) have become addicted to the Internet. For example, IT specialists prefer the Internet. At the same time, attention is drawn to the fact that sites devoted to employment issues are multiplying like mushrooms after rain. A complete listing of them will take more than one printed sheet. There are sites of printed publications covering the labor market, sites of recruitment agencies, Internet companies. Many reputable companies post vacancies on their corporate websites. We do not aim to compare what is good about this or that site. As the saying goes, "there are no comrades for the taste, for the color." It should be noted that there are sites similar to external design, search engine, terms of use, a set of mandatory information about the client, and there are sites that have certain features. Some of them have undergone changes, sometimes not in better side. How effective is the site? Probably as far as he is known. The result depends on the number of visits by participants in the search. Full list servers offering jobs can be found using search engine, for example
When using the media, you need to be prepared for a large number of resumes and an influx of candidates, which takes a lot of time. It should also be remembered that with this option for selecting employees, some applicants may not meet your expectations, however, as well as you.

Selection of employees through recruitment agencies

This method is becoming more and more attractive for companies, since the agencies take over all the rough work, and the employer can only dictate his requirements and consider the candidates provided. When applying to agencies, the success of the selection depends on how clearly the requirements for candidates are formulated, how correctly they are understood by the agency manager working with the customer company, and on his efficiency in work. Here it should be emphasized that the term for selecting the required specialist depends on the quality of the order fulfillment by the agency. It is worth noting an important point: the services of agencies, as a rule, are paid and require considerable expenses for the employer.

Self-revealed candidates

Many HR professionals have to deal with such candidates. These are, as a rule, those applicants who offer themselves, as I say, "on the occasion." After reading an advertisement for a vacancy, they offer themselves just like that, just in case, without announcing the position they are applying for. The costs of the method are minimal, as is the likelihood that at a given time one of these candidates will be in demand by the company.

Selection in educational institutions

Using the method gives, on the one hand, an influx of "fresh blood" into the company, but it takes more time for the specialist to enter the position due to insufficient professional experience. Today, more and more companies are looking to graduates, primarily due to the fact that the training system is being adapted to the needs of the market. Organizations are ready to raise for themselves personnel from among young specialists who gradually learn all stages of production from scratch. The period of temporary workers, when personnel were recruited for a short period of time to receive "quick" money, is passing. Many companies are starting to invest in staff, as is done all over the world. This method has a good prospect, its results will not be slow to affect.

State Employment Service

This organization is designed, firstly, to reduce social tension in society, which it successfully copes with, based on the country's economic capabilities, and secondly, to promote employment for the unemployed population. However, it must be recognized that the potential public service is far from being fully used. This has its own explanation. Not all employers are ready to cooperate with the state employment service due to the non-transparency of the economy and, as a rule, place applications only for low-skilled, low-paid personnel. Consequently, the population's confidence in the service is not growing. But as soon as the state employment service is more actively involved in the selection of specialists for vacancies published by enterprises in the media, the attitude will change both on the part of employers and job seekers. The use of the state employment service in the selection of personnel allows you to conduct a focused search for candidates in the absence of financial costs. Thus, we have considered almost all methods of finding the personnel required for your company. It should be recognized that there is no single optimal method that would fully allow you to quickly, efficiently, with minimal cost to search for the necessary specialists. HR managers must take into account many factors when starting to select the required candidates. For a successful search, as a rule, several methods should be used, which helps to reduce the recruitment time, improve the quality of the selected personnel, and reduce financial costs. When using several methods, the number of applicants from which it will be possible to select highly qualified specialists will also be large. And how to make the right choice is another question.

The activity of finding and attracting candidates suitable for the vacant positions of the enterprise is considered the main task of the personnel service. At the same time, the sources of recruitment can be very diverse, depending on the specifics of the enterprise or a specific vacancy.

From the article you will learn:

There are two types of recruitment sources: internal - these are employees of the enterprise itself and external - from external environment. Since the resources of any organization are limited, external sources are used in most cases.

Internal sources of recruitment

Keeping Internet blogs by individual employees of the company, creating online communities or opening forums on the subject of your production is one of the new and quite original ways attracting personnel. In fact, these are functional platforms for building relationships with potential candidates. As part of online communication, you can study users, offer them training and involve them in discussions on professional topics.

In conclusion, it can be noted that HR sources for recruitment should be selected depending on the urgency of closing the vacancy, the level of the required specialist and the existing resources. After all the pros and cons of external and internal sources in a particular situation are weighed, you can make a decision and direct all your efforts to recruitment.

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