Abstract of the lesson in the senior group. Feathered friends. Abstract of a lesson on familiarization with nature in the senior group "feathered friends"

Kindergarten of a general developmental type with the priority implementation of the artistic and aesthetic development of children No. 100.

Nature familiarization lesson V senior group "Our Feathered Friends"

Prepared by the teacher Vdovichenko Nina Ivanovna. Astrakhan. 2011

Theme: "Our feathered friends."Target:Teaching children to recognize birds appearance and habits. To consolidate the knowledge of children about the sequence in the growth of birds (egg - chick - bird). Exercise children in the classification of birds in urban, forest, waterfowl.Introduce children to proverbs and sayings about birds. Continue learning to solve riddles. To develop children's interest in the knowledge of nature. Cultivate a caring attitude towards feathered friends.Equipment:Pictures and photos of birds; cut pictures, photos of a forest, a reservoir, a city; written riddles about birds; image of a nest, birdhouse; pictures with captions - the names of birds; incompletely colored images of birds, pictures with the stages of development of birds.Lesson progress:

Guys, today in the lesson we will learn a lot of new and interesting things about birds. We still have games fun tasks and contests.

Now we're going to the bird show. And our guide will be ... However, guess for yourself:

“Who is in a bright red beret,

In a black satin jacket?

He doesn't look at me

Everything knocks, knocks, knocks.


Here he is, dude! Look at the color of his feathers. Now it’s clear why he has a “bright red beret” and a “black satin jacket.”Let's look at birds. (The teacher asks the children for the names of famous birds, unknown - he calls himself.)Which of these birds do you know? (children name birds they know).Stork. These large white birds make very long flights. When it comes time to build a nest, they choose a higher place for it. These birds have red legs.Sparrow. It is well adapted to life near humans. Often, in the late afternoon, many sparrows flock to one tree, where they begin to sing, raising a deafening noise.Crow. They come in either all black or black and grey. In each flock of crows, one of the crows always plays the role of a watchman, warning the rest of the danger.Pigeon. They live everywhere, are able to return to their nest, no matter how far they are from it.Woodpecker. He spends most of his time sitting on a tree trunk and pounding on it with his beak to extract insects. The hollow in the trunk, which serves as a nest, is kept extremely clean by woodpeckers.Lark. It nests on the ground, sings very beautifully rising high into the sky.Crane. Large migrant, in the sky the cranes fly like a wedge.Cuckoo. She does not build her own nest, but lays an egg in someone else's. Barely born, the cuckoo throws out other eggs or even already hatched chicks from the nest and alone devours all the food.Martin. Builds a nest under the roofs of houses from grass and mud.Swan. Rather clumsy on land, they are much more likely to be found majestically swimming.Pelican. The pelican puts the caught fish in a long bag under its beak and takes it to the nest.Tit. A small bird with a yellow belly.Starling. Often found in huge flocks, and in the sky they appear as a black cloud.- What is the name of the bird house? (nest). The nest is a bird's treasure, it is securely hidden in the grass, leaves or among the stones. The eggs in it are like a handful of shining jewels. There is one difference between the bird treasure and the real one: it cannot be touched. Only untouched, only not found, he will bring joy.- Nests are different in size and shape. This is the nest of Remez I found in the forest, after the grown chicks left it.(Showing a photo of a birdhouse.)Do you know this house? What is it called? (birdhouse). Who made it? (Human). And who lives in it? (starlings). It turns out that not only a starling can live in a birdhouse.Bird houses have been built for a long time. Previously, they were made from twigs, straw, birch bark. And now most often from boards and plywood. And the first to inhabit these houses are usually starlings. That is why they call all birdhouses birdhouses, although a variety of birds live in them.

If a birdhouse hangs in a large garden, then a hoopoe, an elegant bird with a high motley crest, can live in it. "Hoopoe - Hoopoe!" - he shouts, for which he was called that.If you make a bigger birdhouse and hang it higher on a tree, then jackdaws will settle in such a house. And they will bring their jackdaws out here.In a park or in a forest, a large motley woodpecker will find a birdhouse. If the entrance to the bird house seems too narrow for him, then the woodpecker will quickly expand it with a sharp beak.They like to live in birdhouses and sparrows. Here they will bring out the chicks and hide from the frost in winter. But here's the trouble - the starlings will return home and immediately put the sparrows out of their house.Starlings will drive out of their birdhouse and other birds, which are smaller, weaker. That is why special houses are made for small birds - titmouses. The titmouse is smaller than the birdhouse, and most importantly, its entrance is narrower. There is no way for a starling to climb into a titmouse, but tits and other small birds feel calm here.- Take a look and tell me which of these houses is a birdhouse, and which is a titmouse? (Shows two pictures for comparison). Why did you decide so? (the birdhouse has a larger entrance, and the titmouse has less).But not all birds live in birdhouses. There are birds that live near water or on water. Name them. (Ducks, herons, storks, pelicans, gulls, divers, swans, flamingos, cormorants.)And there are birds that prefer to live in the city. Can you name them? (Sparrows, pigeons, crows, rooks, tits.)There are also forest birds. Give examples of such birds. (woodpecker, owl, black grouse, owl).

Fizminutka "Stork"

Stork, long-legged stork,

Show me the way home.

Stomp with your right foot

Stomp with your left foot

And then you come home.

And now we will divide into teams, they are waiting for us Interesting games and assignments. Choose an emblem for yourself and sit down at the table where the bird that you have drawn is depicted.Exercise 1. - Now each of the teams will receive a picture. If a forest is drawn on it, then you only take forest birds; if the city is urban, if the body of water is waterfowl. (Children select the desired pictures from a variety of images of different birds.)Task 2. "Bird mosaic." Each team receives several fragments in an envelope, from which a bird should be assembled. ( Didactic game"Fold the picture").

Task 3. "Dress me."

You have pictures of birds on your table, but they are not fully colored. The remaining parts should be painted over (the red legs of the stork, the red cap of the woodpecker, the red breast of the bullfinch ...) - And now the quiz is a competition of questions. For each correct answer, the team receives a chip.

What bird is postal? (Pigeon).

Which bird wears a black tie on a yellow bib? (Tit)

Which bird sleeps during the day and hunts mice at night? (Owl)

What bird is called the orderly of the forest? (Woodpecker)

A wading bird, stands on one leg, tucking the other. (Heron)

What bird does not build its own nest, but throws eggs into other people's nests? (Cuckoo)

What is the name of the bird house? (nest).

What bird cannot fly, but swims well, dives and is not afraid of the cold? (Penguin)

Which large bird can't fly, but can run well? (ostrich)

Which bird is the best singer? (Nightingale)

What is a man made birdhouse called?

(The teacher counts the chips and announces the results of the competition.)

The rest of the teams can still catch up and overtake the leader, because there is a riddle contest ahead.

Riddles competition.

I've been catching bugs all day

I eat insects, worms.

I don't fly away for the winter

I live under the ledge.

In a gray fur coat

And in the cold I'm a hero. (Sparrow)

This is our old friend:

He lives on the roof of the house -

Long-legged, long-nosed,

He flies to hunt

Follow the frogs to the swamp. (Stork)

Standing on one leg

He gazes into the water.

Pokes beak at random -

Looking for frogs in the river.

A drop hung on the nose.

Do you recognize? This is ... (Heron)

Who is without notes and without flute

Best of all displays trills,

Who is this? .. (Nightingale)

Leaves fall from aspens

A sharp wedge rushes in the sky. (Cranes)

Guess what kind of bird:

Afraid of the bright light

crochet beak, piglet eyes,

Eared head. This is ... (Owl)

Vereshchunya, white-sided,

And her name is ... (Magpie)

I wear a gray vest

But the wings are black.

You see, twenty couples are circling.

And they shout: “Carr! Carr! Carr!

hoarse screamer

Famous person.

Who is she? (Crow)

The teacher summarizes the results of the last competition and the entire lesson.

Guys, you are all great, you know a lot about the birds that live in our region. For this, I present you with certificates of participants in the quiz "Our feathered friends." I am sure that you will take care of the birds that live nearby.

Literature: "The program of education and training in kindergarten» under the editorship of Vasilyeva M.A. ed. Mosaic - Synthesis, 2010 http://vospitatel.com.ua/new.html

Subject:"Feathered Friends"

Direction:"Cognitive and speech development"

Educational areas: knowledge (formation of a holistic picture of the world - familiarization with nature), music, artistic creativity.

Senior group



Municipal preschool educational institution

kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 33 "Rostok"



Theme "Feathered Friends"

Direction "Cognitive and speech development"

Educational areas: cognition (formation of a holistic picture of the world - familiarization with nature), music, artistic creativity.

Senior group

Deputy head according to VMR

Titova Marina Viktorovna

Serpukhov, 2012

Types of children's activities:playful, communicative, perception fiction, musical and artistic, productive.

Program tasks:

Contribute to the formation of children's ideas about wintering and migratory birds,

Learn to solve riddles

Develop an interest in the world of birds,

To give an idea of ​​the importance of birds for the environment,

To form a desire to take care of birds.

Preliminary work:production of feeders (children with parents); memorizing poems, talking about birds, observing while walking.

Material and equipment:projector, screen, pictures of wintering birds, silhouettes of birds, gouache, cotton wool, glue, brushes.

Vocabulary work:frost is fierce, unbearable, omnivorous, rodents, desert.

1. Organizational moment.

The teacher reads to the children a poem by M.V. Titova "Autumn Time"

The cold has come

Winter will come to us soon.

And the birds are our true friends,

Fly to warmer climes.

2. Conversation.


What birds (wintering or migratory) are mentioned in the poem?

Guys, tell me, why are birds called migratory? (The teacher listens to the children's answers and summarizes them.)

Quite right, migratory birds are birds that spend half the year with us, and leave us for the second half of the year, going to other warm countries.

Why do migratory birds fly to warmer climes? (Answers of children).

That's right, all these birds feed on insects, but in autumn the insects disappear, the birds lose their main food and fly away to warmer climes.

And now I want to check how you know migratory birds, for this, guess my riddles.

All migratory birds are blacker,

Cleans arable land from worms. (Rook)

Under the roof I make a nest

From lumps of clay.

For chicks I lay on the bottom

Downy feather. (Martin)

I live in a birdhouse

I sing sonorous songs. (Starling)

A sad wedge in the heavenly distance

With a farewell cry they fly ... (Cranes)

After each riddle, the teacher asks:

Why do you think so?

3. Physical education "Cranes are flying away"

Children easily run on their toes, wave their arms, imitating the flight of birds, say words together with the teacher.

Cranes are flying, they are chirping: kurly-kurly-kurly, as if they are saying: fly with us. Beyond the dark forests, beyond the blue seas, there are warm lands.


Migratory birds have flown to warm lands, let's name them again.

(Images of migratory birds appear on the screen, the children name them).

Well done, you correctly named all migratory birds.

Tell me, what birds are left with us for the winter? (Sparrow, crow, tit, bullfinch, magpie, woodpecker) - pictures are exhibited.

What are these birds? (Wintering).

Why don't they fly away?

What do these birds eat? (The teacher listens to the children's answers and summarizes them.)

These birds are omnivorous: they can peck at insects, but their main food is plant seeds. In winter, they feed on the seeds of trees and stay close to human habitation, hoping for the help of people.

Kar-kar! (Crow)

Chick-chirp, chi-chi-chi-chi! (Sparrow)

Cha-cha-cha! (Magpie)

Blue-blue-blue (Titmouse)


Well done, you guessed right.

5. The game "Who is superfluous?"

And now let's play one more game, where I will check how you remember wintering and migratory birds.

1 slide - 3 wintering, one migratory (if the correct answer is a migratory bird flies away)

2 slide - 3 migratory, one wintering (if the correct answer is a wintering bird flies away)

3 slide - all wintering birds.

Well done guys, you got the job done.

Now listen to the poem "Birds in Winter" (child reads)

First the snow falls

On the ground as quiet as fluff,

Then the frost is fierce.

And sparrows, tits

And all the other birds

How do they winter?

Birds are cold in winter

Very sad, hungry.

Sometimes unbearable.

And almighty people

Always living in warmth

Should they be helped? A. Grigoriev.


Do you think people should help birds in winter? (children's answers)

That's right, of course they should. Winter is a very difficult time of the year for birds, especially if it is frosty and snowy. The birds cannot find food under the snow. And when the birds are hungry, they freeze more and can die. Therefore, hunger for birds in winter is worse than cold.

How can you help birds in winter? (children's answers)

Birds need to be fed properly.

Grains, bacon and crusty bread

He treats birds in winter ... (Feeder)

That's right, to feed the birds, you and your parents made feeders. Today we will hang them on the site.

6. The game "Fly away - do not fly away"


And now we'll play. I will name the birds. If I call migratory - you "fly" around the hall, if wintering - fly up to the feeder and "peck the crumbs"

Well done, you were careful.

What do you think birds are for? (children's answers)

What can happen if the birds suddenly disappear?

Let's think together.

Look how beautiful:

1 slide - an image of a forest (trees, shrubs, grass, birds on trees, in the sky, on a pond, other inhabitants).

Imagine that the birds have disappeared. Insects, breeding, eat leaves on trees, grass, tree bark, rodents spoil the roots of plants.

2 slide - there are no birds, a lot of insects, rodents appeared.

Vegetation gradually disappears, tree roots, grass do not strengthen the soil, it collapses, ravines appear.

Slide 3 - there is almost no vegetation, ravines have appeared.

The wind dries up the soil, the reservoirs dry up, frogs and other animals living near the water die.

4 slide - there is no vegetation, no reservoirs, no animals living near the water.

What will happen to the forest? It will turn into a lifeless desert.

5 slide - desert.

The teacher, together with the children, concludes: the birds are very necessary, they must be protected - protected and fed.

Reading an excerpt from A. Yashin's poem "Feed the birds in winter"

Feed the birds in winter.

Let from all over

They will flock to you, like home,

Stakes on the porch.

Their food is not rich.

A grain guest is needed

One handful -

And not scary

They will have winter.

7. productive activity- coloring bird silhouettes using unconventional technique(breast of birds - gluing cotton balls, followed by coloring.)


What did you like most about the lesson?

Purpose of the holiday: creating a joyful mood in children; fostering interest and caring attitude to birds - our friends, consolidating knowledge about birds.

The course of the holiday

Children go to the music in the hall and sit down.

Q. I have a magic snowflake in my hands, I propose to travel with it. Let's meet our friends. Have you guessed who I'm talking about?

Listening to the recording of "Voices of Birds".

Q. The frosts are severe this year.

Worried about the apple tree in our garden.

Anxious for the Bug: in her kennel

The same frost as in the yard.

But most of all I'm worried about the birds,

For our sparrows, jackdaws, tits.

After all, it is very cold in the air for them,

Can we help the defenseless?

(Children's answers.)

V. Let's help! They need to be fed, and then it will be easy for them to survive the cold.

Pinocchio appears.

Q. What happened? Who hurt you?

Pinocchio. I got a deuce for not naming the birds that winter with us.

V. Pinocchio, do not worry, we will help you. Would you like to travel with us?

Magic music turns the guys into snowflakes, they get into the city.

The presenter shows the letter in which there are riddles. If you solve riddles, you can find out who sent the letter.

The gray bird soared

Wings gray opened,

She croaked loudly.

Only the chicken is smart:

Under the wing of the corydalis

Hid the chickens!

From whom guys

Are chickens hiding?

(From a crow.)

Pink apples on a winter birch,

What is this miracle? Zina doesn't understand.

Pink apples rolled off the branch,

You can name red-breasted birds,

After all, my riddle is easy to guess.


What is this guy

Sat down behind an oak on a knot?

Small and businesslike

In vain does not sit at all:

He has no hammer, no hands

Knocks on the trunk: knock-knock.

On the pavement, gru-gru-gru,

I'll take a lot of crumbs.

For them to be enough

And a gray-winged girlfriend,

I coo with her and fly,

I protect us from enemies.

I'm called the bird of the world

And I can easily be tamed.

Fidget motley,

long-tailed bird,

talking bird,

The most chatty.

Game "Russell Birds".

Q. Guys, how can you distinguish birds from other animals?

Who else has wings and a tail? (Airplanes, dragonfly, car, bat, windmill.)

Q. Guys, listen to how the rook invited the titmouse to go south.

Rook on a birch branch

Confessed to a neighbor titmouse:

You are a glorious bird,

Like a sister

I'm sorry to leave you

But it's time to fly away.

It will be cold here in winter.

Come on, titmouse, with you

Let's go south together

Trust me that I am your friend.

Titmouse. I don't want to go south! -

Titmouse said to the rook.

I believe in friendship, but still

I won't fly anywhere.

Petya will help us in winter

To endure the cold

He is caring and cheerful.

I believe it's winter again

He will hang feeders for us

Under the tree and under the pine.

Children. We are barley and oats

We feed the birds outside the window.

To dine with us out of habit

Two titmouse are flying

Pair of rock doves

And a familiar sparrow.

And behind him his family

Both neighbors and friends.

Wintering birds fly out: sparrow, bullfinch, waxwing, titmouse, magpie.

All. We are not afraid of the cold

After all, there is food in the feeder!

Game "Take a house".

I am a cheerful sparrow

Gray little thief.

I'm careless and chatty

And shy: chiv-chiv!

My days are heavy in winter -

No crumbs, no insects,

That's when I'm silent

Barely alive! Chiv-chiv!

Paws freeze in the cold

At the pine and spruce.

What a miracle - on the birch

The apples are ripe.

I'll get closer to her

And I can't believe my eyes

A flock of scarlet bullfinches

Covered the tree!


The waxwings have arrived,

They played the pipes

They whistled: “Sviri-svir!

We'll have a feast in the forest!

All paths are covered

Snow glitters and sparkles.

Beak in my glass

The tit knocked.

I'll hang it outside the window

I am a piece of fat

To be warm and cheerful

It became a poor bird.

Everywhere I fly

I know everything in the world.

I know every bush in the forest

The news is on my tail.

Maybe me for it

And it's called "Forest Newspaper"?

The game "Bird, squeak"

One of the players is blindfolded. The rest sit on chairs. The driver approaches any participant, sits on his knees and asks: “Bird, squeak!”. He tries to portray a squeak. The driver must guess to whom he sat on his knees.

(A snowflake sends the guys to the winter forest to the music of a blizzard.)

Q. What birds live in the forest? (Children's answers.)

Spotted woodpecker, spotted.

The woodpecker's nose is sharp,

He has a red hat on

We will recognize the woodpecker right away.

He knocks - knock-knock-knock!

And the bad beetle will die.

Owl Owl,

Big head,

He sits on an oak tree.

Turns his head.

Snowstorms are circling,

Frost crackles at night

At the top of a lush spruce

A bright crossbill peels off a cone.

He is not afraid of frost

He is not afraid of winter!

Pines, spruces give a bird

golden seeds.

The host tells the children about the crossbill.

Game "Owl and Mice".

Snowflake sends all the guys to Antarctica.

Q. What bird does not fly? Guess the riddle:

Well, mods, however!

Snow and ice all around

And they go in tailcoats

To the hole in gooseneck.

Dance of the Penguins.

Flyer for children and their parents

Protect nature!

Land, water, forest - our wealth, our health!

Let us recall the words of Mikhail Prishvin: “Water for a fish, air for a bird, forest for a beast, mountains for steppes. And a man needs a homeland. And to protect nature means to protect the Motherland.

But people inflict big and small wounds on nature: they pollute the air and water, because of them animals and plants disappear forever.

Little wounds of nature.

You can not break branches of trees and shrubs, pick flowers, catch butterflies, dragonflies and other insects, destroy frogs and toads.

Would it be worse for nature if, while gathering nuts, you broke a few branches, or picked three or four flowers, or caught a single butterfly?

Yes, nature will be worse!

Each branch broken in vain, each flower plucked, each butterfly caught is a small wound inflicted on nature. And if one such wound is inflicted by you, another by your comrade, a third, fourth, fifth by someone else, what will become of nature? But nature is now very difficult to heal even the smallest wounds.

What do you need to know about conservation?

Now people all over the world have realized that the nature of our planet is in danger. Therefore, many countries are big job for her protection. Such work is being carried out in our country.

Many plants and factories have been converted and no longer pollute the air and water.

In place of cut down forests, people plant new ones.

It is forbidden to collect rare plants and hunt rare animals.

Reserves are being created - areas where all nature is inviolable.

Of course, people still continue to use nature. But it must be done in such a way as not to harm her.

Unfortunately, not all people want and know how to protect nature.

Theme "Feathered Friends"

Senior group

Purpose: to promote the formation of children's ideas about wintering and migratory birds,

Tasks to learn to solve riddles,

Develop an interest in the world of birds,

To give an idea of ​​the importance of birds for the environment,

To form a desire to take care of birds.

Material and equipment: projector, screen, pictures of wintering birds.

1. Organizational moment.

The teacher reads to the children a poem by M.V. Titova "Autumn time"

The cold has come

Winter will come to us soon.

And the birds are our true friends,

Fly to warmer climes.

2. Conversation.


What birds (wintering or migratory) are mentioned in the poem?

Guys, tell me, why are birds called migratory? (The teacher listens to the children's answers and summarizes them.)

Quite right, migratory birds are birds that spend half the year with us, and leave us for the second half of the year, going to other warm countries.

Why do migratory birds fly to warmer climes? (Answers of children).

That's right, all these birds feed on insects, but in autumn the insects disappear, the birds lose their main food and fly away to warmer climes.

And now I want to check how you know migratory birds, for this, guess my riddles.

All migratory birds are blacker,

Cleans arable land from worms. (Rook)

Under the roof I make a nest

From lumps of clay.

For chicks I lay on the bottom

Downy feather. (Martin)

I live in a birdhouse

I sing sonorous songs. (Starling)

A sad wedge in the heavenly distance

With a farewell cry they fly ... (Cranes)

After each riddle, the teacher asks:

Why do you think so?

3. Physical education "Cranes are flying away"

Children easily run on their toes, wave their arms, imitating the flight of birds, say words together with the teacher.

Cranes are flying, they are chirping: kurly-kurly-kurly, as if they are saying: fly with us. Beyond the dark forests, beyond the blue seas, there are warm lands.


Migratory birds have flown to warm lands, let's name them again.

(Images of migratory birds appear on the screen, the children name them).

Well done, you correctly named all migratory birds.

Tell me, what birds are left with us for the winter? (Sparrow, crow, tit, bullfinch, magpie, woodpecker) - pictures are exhibited.

What are these birds? (Wintering).

Why don't they fly away?

What do these birds eat? (The teacher listens to the children's answers and summarizes them.)

These birds are omnivorous: they can peck at insects, but their main food is plant seeds. In winter, they feed on the seeds of trees and stay close to human habitation, hoping for the help of people.

Kar-kar! (Crow)

Chick-chirp, chi-chi-chi-chi! (Sparrow)

Cha-cha-cha! (Magpie)

Blue-blue-blue (Titmouse)


Well done, you guessed right.

5. The game "Who is superfluous?"

And now let's play one more game, where I will check how you remember wintering and migratory birds.

1 slide - 3 wintering, one migratory (if the correct answer is a migratory bird flies away)

2 slide - 3 migratory, one wintering (if the correct answer is a wintering bird flies away)

3 slide - all wintering birds.

Well done guys, you got the job done.

Now listen to the poem "Birds in Winter" (child reads)

First the snow falls

On the ground as quiet as fluff,

Then the frost is fierce.

And sparrows, tits

And all the other birds

How do they winter?

Birds are cold in winter

Very sad, hungry.

Sometimes unbearable.

And almighty people

Always living in warmth

Should they be helped? A. Grigoriev.


Do you think people should help birds in winter? (children's answers)

That's right, of course they should. Winter is a very difficult time of the year for birds, especially if it is frosty and snowy. The birds cannot find food under the snow. And when the birds are hungry, they freeze more and can die. Therefore, hunger for birds in winter is worse than cold.

How can you help birds in winter? (children's answers)

Birds need to be fed properly.

Grains, bacon and crusty bread

He treats birds in winter ... (Feeder)

That's right, to feed the birds, you and your parents made feeders. Today we will hang them on the site.

6. The game "Fly away - do not fly away"


And now we'll play. I will name the birds. If I call migratory - you "fly" around the hall, if wintering - fly up to the feeder and "peck the crumbs"

Well done, you were careful.

What do you think birds are for? (children's answers)

What can happen if the birds suddenly disappear?

Let's think together.

Look how beautiful:

1 slide - an image of a forest (trees, shrubs, grass, birds on trees, in the sky, on a pond, other inhabitants).

Imagine that the birds have disappeared. Insects, breeding, eat leaves on trees, grass, tree bark, rodents spoil the roots of plants.

2 slide - there are no birds, a lot of insects, rodents appeared.

Vegetation gradually disappears, tree roots, grass do not strengthen the soil, it collapses, ravines appear.

Slide 3 - there is almost no vegetation, ravines have appeared.


To develop the ability of children to recognize birds by their habits and appearance. To consolidate the knowledge of children about the sequence in the development of birds (egg - chick - bird). Exercise children in the classification of birds in the forest, urban, waterfowl. Introduce children to proverbs and sayings about birds. Continue learning to solve riddles. To support the interest of children in the knowledge of their native nature. To form in children a caring attitude towards feathered friends.


Photos and pictures of birds; three cardboard eggs cut into several pieces; pictures of the forest, city, reservoir; riddles and proverbs prepared on sheets of paper; image of a nest, birdhouse; incompletely colored images of birds; photographs of birds with signed names of species, details of the birdhouse application; photographs or pictures with the stages of development of birds.










Lesson progress:

Guys, today in the lesson we will learn a lot of new and interesting things about birds. We are also waiting for games, fun tasks and contests.

(Children are divided into 3 teams, sit down so that it is convenient to communicate. Each team chooses a name for itself, denoting a bird).

Now we're going to the bird show. And our guide will be ... However, guess for yourself:

Woodpecker Riddle

Who is in a bright red beret,
In a black satin jacket?
He doesn't look at me
Everything knocks, knocks, knocks.

Here he is, dude! Look at the color of his feathers. Now it’s clear why he has a “bright red beret” and a “black satin jacket.”

Let's get to know the birds. (The teacher asks the children for the names of famous birds, unknown - he calls himself).


This bird is named so for its red tail, which trembles all the time. Therefore, it seems that it is as if on fire, flashing with a spark.


These large white birds make very long flights. When it comes time to build a nest, they choose a higher place for it. These birds have red legs.


It is well adapted to life near humans. Often, in the late afternoon, many sparrows flock to one tree, where they begin to sing, raising a deafening noise.


They come in either all black or black and grey. In each flock of crows, one of the crows always plays the role of a watchman, warning the rest of the danger.


They live everywhere, are able to return to their nest, no matter how far they are from it.


He spends most of his time sitting on a tree trunk and pounding on it with his beak to extract insects. The hollow in the trunk, which serves as a nest, is kept extremely clean by woodpeckers.


It nests on the ground, sings very beautifully rising high into the sky.


A large migratory bird, in the sky the cranes fly in a wedge.


A tiny bird, hanging its small nests from branches with cobweb threads.


She does not build her own nest, but lays an egg in someone else's. Barely born, the cuckoo throws out other eggs or even already hatched chicks from the nest and alone devours all the food.


Builds a nest under the roofs of houses from grass and mud.


Rather clumsy on land, they are much more likely to be found majestically swimming.


A bird with a magnificent tail.


The pelican puts the caught fish in a long bag under its beak and takes it to the nest.


They have bright multi-colored plumage. In captivity, it can imitate human speech well.


A small bird with a yellow belly.


Often found in huge flocks, and in the sky they appear as a black cloud.


Beautiful nocturnal predator. Previously, it was believed that owls bring misfortune and mercilessly exterminated them.


A bird famous for its singing, but seemingly unremarkable.


A large African bird that cannot fly, but runs very fast.


He wears a tuft of feathers on his head, opening like a fan.

What is the name of the bird house? The nest is a bird's treasure, it is securely hidden in the grass, leaves or among the stones. The eggs in it are like a handful of shining jewels. There is one difference between the bird treasure and the real one: it cannot be touched. Only untouched, only not found, he will bring joy.

And now I will give you tasks:

1. Count how many eggs are in the nests.
2. Fold a whole egg out of the shells.
3. Lay out the painted nests with eggs in size, from smallest to largest.

(Showing a photo of a birdhouse).

Do you know this house? What is it called? Who made it? And who lives in it? It turns out that not only a starling can live in a birdhouse.
Bird houses have been built for a long time. Previously, they were made from twigs, straw, birch bark. And now most often from boards and plywood. And the first to inhabit these houses are usually starlings. That is why they call all birdhouses birdhouses, although a variety of birds live in them.

If a birdhouse hangs in a large garden, then a hoopoe, an elegant bird with a high motley crest, can live in it. "Hoopoe - Hoopoe!" - he shouts, for which he was called that.

If you make a bigger birdhouse and hang it higher on a tree, then jackdaws will settle in such a house. And they will bring their jackdaws out here.

In a park or in a forest, a large motley woodpecker will find a birdhouse. If the entrance to the bird house seems too narrow for him, then the woodpecker will quickly expand it with a sharp beak.

In the birdhouse, which has a larger notch (entrance), a small splyushka owl can also settle. Splyushka hunts at night for nocturnal insects. "Sleep-sleep!" - the splyushka shouts in the evening. For this, they called her splyushka.

They like to live in birdhouses and sparrows. Here they will bring out the chicks and hide from the frost in winter. But here's the trouble - the starlings will return home and immediately put the sparrows out of their house. Starlings will drive out of their birdhouse and other birds, which are smaller, weaker. That is why special houses are made for small birds - titmouses. The titmouse is smaller than the birdhouse, and most importantly, its entrance is narrower. There is no way for a starling to climb into a titmouse, but tits and other small birds feel calm here. The titmouse and the redstart, a bird with a bright red tail, will also like it.
In the park or in the forest, an interesting nuthatch will find the titmouse. She is amazing in that she can deftly run up the trunk upside down.
Suitable titmouse and pika. They called her a pika for her plaintive voice.

Take a look and tell me which of these houses is a birdhouse, and which is a titmouse? Why did you decide so?

And now the task for the teams: to assemble a birdhouse from the details and make an application.

But not all birds live in birdhouses. There are birds that live near water or on water. Name them. (Ducks, herons, storks, pelicans, gulls, divers, swans, flamingos, cormorants).
And there are birds that prefer to live in the city. Can you name them? (Sparrows, pigeons, crows, rooks, tits). There are also forest birds. Give examples of such birds. (Woodpecker, eagle owl, black grouse, owl).

Now each of the teams will receive a picture. If a forest is drawn on it, then you take only forest birds for yourself; if the city - urban, if the body of water - waterfowl. (Children select the desired pictures from a variety of images of different birds).

You know that there are songbirds. What kind of birds are these? Why are they called singers? (Nightingale, lark, goldfinch).

Fizminutka "Stork"

Stork, long-legged stork,
Show me the way home.
- Stomp with your right foot
- Stomp with your left foot
And then you come home.
Again with the right foot
Left foot again
After - with the right foot,
After - the left foot.
That's when you come home.


Somehow the Stork flew to the lake to have breakfast. He sat down on the shore and thought: “Look how the frogs have sang. Am I worse than them? Let me try to sleep. He raised his long beak, clattered, crackled one half of it against the other, now quieter, then louder, then less often, then more often: a wooden ratchet crackles, and nothing more! I got so excited that I forgot about my breakfast.

And in the reeds Bittern stood on one leg, listened and thought: “I am voiceless! Why, even a stork is not a songbird, but what a song it plays.
She put her beak into the lake, scored full of water Yes, how it blows in the beak! A loud rumble went across the lake: "Prumb-boo-boo-boo-boom!" - like a bull roared.

That's the song! thought the Woodpecker, hearing Bittern from the forest. - I have a tool: why is a tree not a drum, but why is my nose not a stick?
He rested his tail, leaned back, swung his head - how he would peck a branch with his nose! Just like a drum roll.

Attention task. Imitate the movements and singing of a bird, so that everyone can guess what kind of bird it is (dove, sparrow, crow ...).

Did you know that birds are helpers for animals?

1. There is no rest for the giraffe from horseflies, flies, mosquitoes. Little herons walk along the back and long neck of the giraffe and peck at insects.
2. Small places fearlessly run into the open mouth of a crocodile. Here they are looking for pieces of meat. Kulichka food, and the crocodile - clean teeth.
3. The honey badger and the honeyguide bird live in Africa. The bird will find a nest of wild bees and flies to the honey badger, screaming, showing the way. The honey badger will eat honey, it will scatter honeycombs. A honeyguide does not need better food than wax.

Birds help not only animals, but also plants.

1. There are hot countries where flowers are pollinated by tiny hummingbirds. A hummingbird will fly up to a flower for sweet juice and pollinate the flower with pollen, which it brought on feathers from other flowers. The hummingbird is the smallest bird in the world.

2. In autumn, jays prepare acorns, nuts, different seeds. Yes, not all of their pantries are found later. In spring, acorns and nuts sprout. So jays help trees settle in new places.

3. Carpenter beetles destroy the tree. Woodpeckers - forest orderlies - with strong beaks will gouge a rotten place on a tree and clean it of beetles.

Finger gymnastics "Lark"

Interlace your thumbs and hook each other well. For us, it will be the head of a lark. Put the rest of your fingers together, close. These will be the wings. (The teacher accompanies the words with a show). Are your larks ready? Then we take off and all together we sing: “tsir-lir-lir-lu-lyu, tsir-lu-lu-lyuyuyu”.

Wants to fly straight
Wants - hangs in the air,
Stone falls from heights
And sing, sing, sing.

(Children perform hand movements in accordance with the spoken text).

Mission "Bird Mosaic"

Each team receives several fragments in an envelope, from which a bird should be assembled. (Didactic game "Fold the picture").

Quest "Dress Me"

You have pictures of birds on your table, but they are not fully colored. The remaining parts should be painted over (red legs of a stork, a red cap of a woodpecker, a red breast of a bullfinch ...)


And now the quiz is a competition of questions. For each correct answer, the team receives a chip.

1. What kind of bird is postal? (Pigeon)
2. Which bird wears a black tie on a yellow bib? (Tit)
3. Which bird sleeps during the day and hunts mice at night? (Owl)
4. What bird is called the orderly of the forest? (Woodpecker)
5. Wading bird, stands on one leg, tucking the other. (Heron)
6. Which bird crawls upside down on a tree trunk? (Nuthatch)
7. What bird does not build its nest, but throws eggs into other people's nests? (Cuckoo)
8. What is the name of the bird house?
9. Which bird cannot fly, but swims well, dives and is not afraid of the cold? (Penguin)
10. What is a large bird that cannot fly, but runs well? (Ostrich)
11. What is the smallest bird in the world? (Hummingbird)
12. Which bird is the best singer? (Nightingale)
13. Which bird is called the "thief"? (Magpie)
14. What is a man-made birdhouse called?
15. Who breeds chicks in winter? (Bullfinch)
16. Which bird has a beautiful tail and an ugly voice? (Peacock)
17. A bird clumsy on the shore and a beauty on the water. (Swan)
18. What is the name of a bird with a high tuft that cries: “Hoopoe-hoopee”?

(The teacher counts the chips and announces the results of the competition).

The rest of the teams can still catch up and overtake the leader, because there is a riddle contest ahead.

Bird Riddles Contest

I've been catching bugs all day
I eat insects, worms.
I don't fly away for the winter
I live under the ledge.
In a gray fur coat
And in the cold I'm a hero.

This is our old friend:
He lives on the roof of the house -
Long-legged, long-nosed,
Long necked, voiceless.
He flies to hunt
Follow the frogs to the swamp.

Standing on one leg
He gazes into the water.
Pokes beak at random -
Looking for frogs in the river.
A drop hung on the nose.
Do you recognize? This...

Who is without notes and without flute
Best of all displays trills,
louder, softer?
Who is this?

Leaves fall from aspens
A sharp wedge rushes in the sky.

Guess what kind of bird:
Afraid of the bright light
crochet beak, piglet eyes,
Eared head. This …

Apples on the branches in winter!
Hurry, collect!
And suddenly - apples fluttered.
After all, this is…

Vereshchunya, white-sided,
And her name is...

I wear a gray vest
But the wings are black.
You see, twenty couples are circling.
And they shout: “Carr! Carr! Carr!
hoarse screamer
Famous person.
Who is she?

The teacher summarizes the results of the last competition and the entire lesson.

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