DIY Christmas tree cross made of metal. Wooden stand for Christmas tree. High stand for large Christmas trees

There are no compromises when it comes to beauty. Therefore, if you want every detail of your New Year's interior harmoniously complemented the other, pay attention to the Christmas tree stand. Yes, usually everyone forgets about her. Today we will decide together what it should be and what is better - choose a ready-made one or make your own.

The fashion of “masking” the stand of the New Year tree appeared relatively recently - our grandmothers did not hesitate to place the forest beauty in a bucket or on a wooden cross.

However, today it would be a crime to leave the stand undecorated, especially if you have put so much effort into decorating your entire home.

Whether you are planning to buy a ready-made stand or use your imagination and do everything yourself, you need to remember that it should look beautiful. We offer several ways to aesthetically hide the stand - choose any, they will all make your holiday interior a little more beautiful!

Buy ready-made

Take a look at the variety ready-made solutions- for example, such a round “rug” will ideally hide the stand and fit very well with the rest New Year's decor.

Rosy-cheeked Santa is good for bright interiors, and cute (and very well-mannered!) reindeer on the craft texture - a calmer decor.

If the leg is high and you don’t want to leave it open, suitable solution can become a stand-basket.

It will not only hide the leg, but will also add a little more coziness to your room. Natural colors, stylized like real weaving - this stand has every chance to make you fall in love at first sight!

Do you want something unusual? Then adopt one of the following methods.

Do it yourself

If the tree is small, you can easily install it on a stand made from a small stump or a cut from the trunk of a large tree.

To do this, in addition to the stump itself with a diameter of 20-30 cm, you will need a drill for drilling holes, a paint brush, glue and glitter.

Saw off a piece about 30 cm high from the stump. Select a drill bit that is equal to the circumference of your artificial tree trunk and drill a hole of the desired depth in the center of the tree stump. It must be perpendicular to the floor so that the tree stands straight. Then apply glue to the bark, sprinkle with glitter and let it dry to create a snowy effect.

Before placing the tree in the stand, place it underneath protective material which will prevent accidental scratches on floor covering.

Or you can do it simpler and decorate the cross-shaped stand using a regular wooden box.

You can create a stand from a box using a hacksaw and several blocks of wood. The box itself is not decorated, which is its charm, but inside it a base-stand for an artificial Christmas tree is built - most often it is a “cross”.

You can also fill the box with the same toys that decorate the Christmas tree - this will visually make it part of the overall composition.

found. But since I promised to show a couple of options for installing a Christmas tree on a quick fix, then you will have to make a new one. This is a simple matter, but you never know, maybe it will be useful to someone.

I’ll make a reservation right away. By Christmas tree I mean tree. coniferous height from two meters. You can stick a meter-long stump into a bucket of sand and not have to worry about it. But, to be honest, this is not a Christmas tree. This potted plant. A Christmas tree is when the star is above your head, not under your armpit. I have nothing against artificial ones. Beautiful, practical, convenient. Just the sight of a plastic Christmas tree always brings me to the same thought. If the Christmas tree is artificial, then why isn’t Olivier made of papier-mâché? Logically, if the Christmas tree is plastic, then the herring under the fur coat should be synthetic. Plastic champagne, plastic caviar, dummies instead of gifts, inflatable latex guests. Convenient, practical, beautiful. No one falls face down on a salad, no one vomits vinaigrette in the toilet, no need to wash or finish anything, wipe it with a cloth in the morning and put it away. And that’s it, I forgot. Well, isn't it great?

In short, I am a supporter of a living Christmas tree. Moreover, whenever possible, I try to go to the forest rather than to the market to get it. It’s not about money, it’s just somehow strange, living in the forest, to buy a Christmas tree at the market from Azerbaijanis. A Christmas tree is not a watermelon. But on by and large It doesn’t matter where the tree comes from, the main thing is that it exists. And when there is a Christmas tree, you need to put it up somehow.

There are a million ways and options. You can just buy it at the market or Christmas tree market a crosspiece, something like this.

I won’t talk about the disadvantages of this method; anyone who has encountered it knows. If you don’t have the time, opportunity, or desire to do this, then there are several simple, practice-tested ways to install a Christmas tree carefully and reliably with your own hands.

Option one. Cross.

In my understanding, the crosspiece should be of such a design that it would hold the tree in the presence of chaotically moving objects in the house, such as dogs, cats, children, drunk relatives. The only way to knock her down was to fall flat from the stool. You can make a reliable crosspiece in an hour with straight arms and a minimum of tools. With experience - half an hour maximum. In general, according to the mind, the cross is made each time for a specific Christmas tree. He throws it out with her.

What is needed for this?

Some kind of wooden base. Anything will do, a board, a block, a picket from a neighbor's fence. Last year I bombed a pallet that happened to turn up in the yard. It didn’t turn out particularly beautiful, but it was reliable.

This time the base will be a 5x4 block like this.

To be honest, it should be wider. The wider the beam, the more securely it holds the tree. But it is what it is.

Tool. The maximum set is a tape measure, a hacksaw, a pencil, a square, a drill, a screwdriver, and a dozen self-tapping screws. Minimum set - hacksaw, tape measure, hammer, a dozen nails.

We cut off, trying to maintain a semblance of a right angle.

Let's figure out how it will all fit together.

We measure the thickness of the butt of the tree. (Since our hole is square, then the butt can, in principle, be cut and made square. But if you don’t have experience, it’s better not to. You can wear out the tree and be exhausted yourself)

We set aside this distance from the edge of each block. (It’s better to take a little less so that the butt grips well. My butt thickness is a little more than five centimeters. I set aside exactly five.)

I immediately set aside the second distance, the line along which the bars will be joined. This is half the thickness of the bar.

Drill a couple of holes along the line for self-tapping screws.

Since my timber is thick and the screws are not particularly long, the holes will have to be countersunk.

Done, ready to assemble.

This is what ended up happening.

What's missing from this cross? Just like those sold on the market. For a tree to stand longer, it needs moisture. The butt must be in the water. Cut four cubes from the same block.

We drill, countersink, screw.

Well, that's all in principle. You can put up a Christmas tree. Having previously placed some kind of water cap at the bottom.
If necessary, level the trunk with wedges.

Second way. Cup.

This option does not require any tools other than a screwdriver and a dozen screws. You also need some kind of massive base. I have two scraps lying on my balcony kitchen countertop, remaining after installing the stove and sink. You still need three corners. There is an abundance of such corners in every household store.

Everything is quite simple here. Find the center and draw a circle.

We put the corners and screw them in.

You can put up a Christmas tree and secure it. Five minutes of time.
If you wish, you can take polypropylene plumbing pipe suitable diameter

and cut a piece from it.

You will get a glass.

Having pulled a pair of condoms onto it from below, you can safely pour water.

Not really aesthetic appearance easily draped with improvised means.
Well, that seems to be all. All this homemade work took me three times less time than writing the post.

Option three. Stool.

If you’re on the edge and don’t have anything at hand, you can stupidly turn the kitchen stool over and tie the Christmas tree to the legs :))

And in conclusion.

If anyone has problems with their hands, or is a girl, then you can come and pick up this cross for yourself. I can even write on it “Hell of Daragoga Rocketcheg for eternal memory.”

If possible, show how and what your Christmas tree is. Just wondering.

About the quality of photographs.
Since during the shooting the shket left for some New Year's performance and took my camera with me; I had to take pictures with what was at hand. I had a test smartphone Highscreen Boost II at hand. The camera, of course, is not its strongest point, but for everyday needs, and given my humanitarian crankiness, it is quite suitable. Fortunately, with such a battery, you can click without worrying about saving battery.

Happy upcoming year everyone!

There is not much time left until the New Year. Soon many will start thinking about installing a holiday tree. By the way, we talked about it in a previous article of the same name. But bad luck... I can’t find it old stand. We suggest that you do not waste time looking for it (you will find it later), but quickly make a new wooden cross for the Christmas tree with your own hands.

You will need:

  • bars (2 pcs.);
  • wood hacksaw;
  • drill with screwdriver and a set of drills of different diameters;
  • several screws;
  • small piece metal pipe according to the diameter of the tree trunk.

Let's get started

  1. First of all, treat each board well. Give them the desired length. Make sure that each end is level, otherwise skewing of the tree cannot be avoided.
  2. Prepare the timber for assembling the stand. Measure 0.5 lengths and cut a groove, its length will be equal to the width of the block, and its depth will not be less? thickness. Cut such grooves in 2 blanks.
  3. If you have PVA glue on hand, apply it to each groove. After it dries, additionally fasten the cross using self-tapping screws. This way you will be twice as safe from the fall of the tree. But do not drive the screws into the center of the future stand. There you still need to make a hole for the spruce trunk.
  4. After assembling the crosspiece, take measurements of the diameter of the lower part of the tree trunk. Select the appropriate drill bit and make an opening in the crosspiece. If the required diameter is not found, make a mark, drill small holes along it close to each other and the middle will fall out on its own. Install a pipe into the hole.

Well, the simplest wooden cross for a Christmas tree has been assembled with your own hands and is ready for use! Now all that remains is to install the forest guest and dress her up along with the kids. You can also make a metal stand, but we will talk about this in another article.

  • Even the most unsightly stand can be decorated in such a way that it becomes invisible. Your imagination will tell you what to use for this.
  • Remember that the most basic characteristic of each of the stands, be it a wooden or metal cross, is stability!
  • Never place the New Year's beauty close to any flammable device.
  • Try not to leave the tree with the lights on overnight.

Will not work New Year's celebration“beautiful” if the room is left without a decorated Christmas tree. Just like gifts, the magical Santa Claus, and a table laden with food, a Christmas tree is a must on holiday. Even in the dark, it pleases, blinking the lights of the garlands, sparkling with multi-colored tinsel and distributing the aroma of resin and pine needles to everyone around. You definitely need to buy it, bring it and put it at home for all New Year's holidays.

The tree must be installed securely so that neither playful children nor dancing couples can move it from its place. Those who prefer to decorate an artificial Christmas tree do not have to worry about a stand. A three- or four-fingered paw always comes complete with polymer branches. But fresh, naturally grown live Christmas tree, needs a strong stand. And during the holidays you can place it in a crosspiece made at home with your own hands. It will be simple, fast and reliable.

The structure into which the tree will be inserted must ensure its stability. Maximum safety can be achieved if you assemble a cross from four identical pieces of board, knocked together in a special way. It should not be bulky, so the bars need to be prepared small. It is enough to cut a 7 cm wide board into four pieces of 30-40 centimeters each. The thickness of the board should not be more than 2 cm, so as not to weigh down the cross.

Stability will be ensured correctly assembled structure, and not the massiveness of the material. When assembling the crosspiece, the first two bars must be placed parallel to the long end. The distance between these extreme elements should be equal to the length of the bar, that is, 400 mm. Two other bars are installed between them, perpendicular to the first and parallel to each other. They need to be secured at the connection points. Between the inner bars there should be inserts 100 mm long, which form a nest for the tree trunk. The result will be a structure resembling the letter “H” with two cross bars.

The liners are sawn off from the same board. Two ten-centimeter sections are enough.

One liner is firmly secured with nails, and the other is fixed with screws in pre-drilled holes. There should be several options. This will allow you to secure the butt different thicknesses. The movable liner can be moved, taking into account the diameter of the spruce trunk. For even greater stability, if the tree trunk is thinner than the “nest,” you can use a wedge between the inner bars to insert it into the resulting void. The cross turns out small size, so you can store it until the next holiday in assembled form.

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