Organizational structure of a travel company. Organizational structure of a travel agency

The travel agency "Trans-Tour" is located at the address: Cheboksary st. Privokzalnaya 3 "b" and is one of the leading companies in its activities, focusing on external and internal tourism. Over the years of its existence, language schools have become reliable and best partners of the travel agency, where the level of teaching and services offered high level.

According to its organizational and legal form, a travel agency is a company with limited liability(LLC), and this form, according to experts, is the most acceptable for small tourism businesses due to its flexibility.

The company has a package required by law constituent documents- the charter and memorandum of association, as well as the formed authorized capital, which, when the company was created, became its initial property base. Authorized capital was created by making equal contributions by society participants. As a legal entity, the travel agency "Trans-Tour" has a certificate of state registration.

Travel agency "Trans-Tour" was created to implement entrepreneurial activity, that is, independent activities carried out at one’s own risk, aimed at systematically generating profit. The company specializes in tourism activities, within which the company combines two functions at once - a travel agent and a tour operator. This is the peculiarity of the status of the Trans-Tour travel agency in comparison with many other companies operating in the tourism industry market in Cheboksary, which for the most part perform only travel agency functions.

The travel agency "Trans-Tour" acts as a tour operator when offering clients intra-regional and intra-Russian routes, and as a travel agent when offering international tours. This status is due to the peculiarities of the development of the tourism industry market in Russia as a whole, the specifics of which are determined by the changing needs of clients. Today, Russians are increasingly striving to travel and relax without leaving the country. Therefore, Russian travel agencies strive to take into account the specifics of consumer demand and additionally perform tour operator functions. Since the TransTour company was created already in the conditions of the development of this demand, its functions were initially combined. Accordingly, the company was issued a license to carry out tour operator and travel agency activities in the tourism industry market of the city of Cheboksary.

Due to this specificity, all clients of the travel agency are systematized into three groups:

a) tourists traveling on intraregional routes;

b) tourists traveling on Russian routes;

c) tourists traveling abroad.

Each group of clients is provided with a special approach and appropriate service - both group and individual.

Clients of the first group can go on vacation to any tourist centers and holiday homes in Chuvashia, both for the purpose of recreation and entertainment, and for the purpose of health improvement. These can be long trips, as well as weekend trips, at any time of the year, for children and adults, for corporate clients.

For clients of the second group, tours around Russia are provided: sightseeing tours(Moscow, St. Petersburg, Golden Ring), sports tourism (Altai, Mountain Shoria, North Caucasus), medical tours (sanatoriums and hospitals in the Urals, Siberia, Caucasus Mineralnye Vody), children's tourism (organized groups during the holidays).

A fairly wide selection of tours is offered to clients traveling abroad. Almost all geographical directions are represented here (Europe, USA, Middle East, Far East etc.) and all types of tourism (excursion, beach, shopping tours, sports, educational, business, medical, children's, pilgrimage). The greatest, that is, actually mass demand, today is for inexpensive tours to Turkey and Egypt and more expensive ones to Thailand, Western and Western countries. of Eastern Europe, and this - The general trend in the development of demand for tourism services, which has become widespread in Russia as a whole. Tourists can also purchase individual tours, including for family holidays.

The development of all these areas of activity of the travel agency "Trans-Tour" is carried out in a sufficiently difficult conditions, since for business activities in the field of tourism in last years characterized by a very high degree of competition. Nevertheless, the travel agency was able to occupy its own niche in the tourism industry market in Cheboksary, forming not yet too large, but still its own client base, which includes both individual and corporate clients.

The indicated features of the status of the Trans-Tour travel agency and the functions it performs allow us to identify the following sources of its income:

a) profit from organizing tours on our own, by concluding appropriate agreements for the provision of services with the owners of tourist facilities (camp sites, sanatoriums and rest homes, hospitals), with carriers (railroads and airlines), catering establishments, etc.;

b) commissions (10%) from the purchase of tour packages from large Russian tour operating companies (Tez Tour, Natalie Tours, Intourist) and their subsequent sale to clients.

The profit of the travel agency "Trans-Tour" has been growing steadily during its operation on the market (Table 1), however, its volumes are not yet as large as we would like.

Table 1. “Profit indicators of the travel agency “Trans-Tour” in 2008-2010.”

Indicators 2008 2009, changes, % 2010, changes, % Revenue, thousand rubles 1285015200 +18.318604 + 22.4 Profit, thousand rubles 13001381 + 6.21507 + 9.1

The table shows that the travel agency’s revenue is growing at a faster rate than net profit, and this is due to the difficulties economic order, first of all, a significant and steady increase in costs when carrying out business activities.

An analysis of tourist flow on intraregional, Russian and foreign routes proposed by Trans-Tour in 2010 is presented in Fig. 2.

Rice. 2. Analysis of the tourist flow of the Trans-Tour company in the main directions in 2010, thousand people.

The figure shows that the areas of activity implemented by the travel agency give different indicators in terms of the volume of tourist flow. Various tourist activity was observed throughout the year: flow volumes of up to 1000 people. turned out to be more typical for routes along Russian territories(45%), from 1000 to 3000 people. - Russian and regional routes (34% and 32%, respectively), from 4000 to 6000 people. - regional and foreign routes (35% and 27%, respectively), over 6000 people. - only foreign tours (56%).

Table 2. Main technical and economic indicators of the activity of the travel agency "Trans-Tour" for 2009-2010.

Indicator Unit of measurement 2009 2010 Sales volume Thousands. rub.20987.4021875.78Number of employeesPersons 1013Labor productivityThous. RUR 1748.95 1858.78 Payroll fundThous. rub.4286.7851298.58Average annual salaryThousands. rub.357.17400.86Cost of servicesThous. rub. 18340.9816986.76 Costs per ruble of sales Cop. 87.3988.56 Profit from sales thousand. RUR 2646.453987.78 Operating profitability% 14.4315.67 Sales profitability% 12.6114.38

Thus, according to the table, there is a change in the main indicators of the travel agency for 2010 relative to 2009. During the reporting period, the volume of sales of products and services of the travel agency increased by 24.25%, amounting to 21,875.78 thousand rubles in 2010, profit increased by 31.28%, amounting to 3,987.78 thousand rubles.

Below is a table describing the strengths and weaknesses of the Trans-Tour travel agency.

Table 2. Analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the Calypso travel agency (SWOT analysis)

StrengthsWeaknesses 1. Simultaneous use of the capabilities of both a travel agent and a tour operator. 2. Differentiated approach to the formation of tourism products and search target audience. 3. A decent level of quality of tourism products with flexible system prices 4. Formed management system, presence of a marketing department. 5. Availability vocational education marketing specialists.1. A short period of work in the tourism industry market, lack of experience. 2. Lack of name (brand) recognition. 3. Lack of a clear marketing strategy. 4. Insufficiently active promotion of tourism products to the market. 5. Insufficient use of marketing funds. 6. Limited marketing budget. Possibilities 1. Conquering your own market share and expanding it in comparison with competitors. 2. Development of a marketing strategy. 3. Possibility of expanding activities and its differentiation due to the company’s status as a tour operator and travel agent. Threats 1. Presence in one segment of the tourism industry market significant number competitors. 2. The possibility of the emergence of more and more new competitors in this market segment. 3. Instability of external and internal factors in the tourism industry market.

The organizational structure of the travel agency "Trans-Tour" is presented below.

Rice. 1. Organizational structure travel agency "Calypso"

This organizational structure is a traditional linear-functional management structure, with a predominance of vertical connections, reflecting the corresponding functional relationships that have developed in the organization. It reflects the main directions of the company’s activities (Russian and local tourism, foreign tourism) and the company’s focus on implementing marketing activities(marketing department).

The tourism departments employ 2 specialists - these are tourism managers who resolve all issues related to the organization of tours, concluding agreements with the owners of tourist facilities and services, carriers, etc., with the dispatch of tourists (Russian and local tourism), as well as with the purchase and sale of tours from tour operators (foreign tourism). Thus, the specialists of these departments are directly involved in the implementation of tour operator and travel agency functions of the Trans-Tour travel agency.

The marketing department employs 2 specialists with a degree in marketing, and they perform all marketing management functions in a travel agency. This will be discussed in more detail below.

The organizational department also includes 2 people who deal with all issues related to the organization of the activities of the travel agency, its logistics and information support(office equipment, communications, office supplies, etc.), ensure the daily functioning of the office, its comfort and coziness, etc. They also perform the functions of the personnel department.

An accountant combines the functions of an accountant and an economist, carrying out all financial calculations, planning the economic performance of a travel agency, and being responsible for its financial reporting. In terms of planning, he closely interacts with the director and owners of the company.

Within the current organizational structure, all management threads are concentrated in the hands of the director, who manages and controls all areas of the company's activities. Department heads are directly accountable to him, and their powers include solving problems related to the work of departments, the achievement of planned indicators by each department, ensuring quality customer service, maintaining partnerships, etc. Feedback directors with line managers is carried out within the framework of weekly meetings at which emerging problems are discussed, accepted management decisions, plans are being adjusted.

Thus, the total number of employees in the TransTour travel agency is 13 people. This is the average number of staff, which usually occurs in most Russian local travel agencies.

In order to analyze the composition and structure of the personnel of the Trans-Tour travel agency, primary information was collected from the personal files of the employees. In table 3 shows indicators characterizing the personnel structure travel agency"Trans-Tour".

Table 3. Main indicators characterizing the personnel structure of the travel agency "Trans-Tour" for 2010

No. Indicator Value of indicator, people. 1 Average headcount 132 Personnel structure by gender: Men Women 4 93 Age composition of personnel up to 18 18-25 26-36 37-50 over 50 1 9 2 14 Educational level of personnel General secondary Specialized secondary Incomplete higher Higher 1 2 2 85 Level of professional training Up to 2 months. 2-6 months 6 months - 1 year Specialized secondary Higher education 1 1 1 1 96 Distribution of personnel by length of service, including by specialty Up to 1 year 1-2 years 2-5 years 5-10 years More than 10 years 1 3 7 1 17 Distribution of personnel by length of service at the enterprise Up to 1 year 1- 2 years 2-5 years More than 5 years 1 1 10 1

Table 4. Dynamics coefficients of the personnel of the travel agency "Trans-Tour" in 2009 and 2010.

No. Name of coefficient Indicator value Abs. ex.200920101Turnover coefficient for retirement 14.292510.712Turnover coefficient for hiring 28.5741.6713.103Turnover coefficient7.1416.679.524Staffing constancy coefficient71.4366.67-4.76


Tourism in Russia is one of the most promising and rapidly developing industries. According to the World Tourism Organization (WTO), the tourism industry is currently one of the most dynamic sectors of both the Russian and world economies. In terms of profitability, tourism is second only to the oil production and automotive industries.

There are more than 150 travel agencies in our republic, a third of them are focused on the development of inbound and domestic tourism.

The most important activity of companies operating in the tourism sector is the promotion of tourism products to the market, advertising and sale of prepared tour packages.

Currently the funds mass media, special publications, advertising brochures are literally overflowing with a variety of tourist offers, and the path of a travel agency to success is to convey relevant information to a potential client and provoke his response.

Tourism today is a global computerized business that involves the largest airlines, hotel chains and travel corporations around the world. Modern tourism products are becoming more flexible and individual, more attractive and accessible to consumers.

The main goal of the internship was to consolidate and deepen the knowledge acquired during training and to acquire practical skills to work in the specialty.

During the internship, the following tasks were set and solved:

· studying the experience of the travel agency "RusTour";

· systematization and analysis collected materials, identification of current experience and problems associated with the implementation of the tasks assigned to it by this organization;

Object industrial practice is the travel agency "RusTour", where the main activity is the implementation of tourism activities both inside Russian Federation, and abroad.

Characteristics and organizational structure of the travel agency "RusTour"

Characteristics of the travel agency "RusTour"

travel agency staff marketing pricing

Travel agency "RusTour" is one of the multidisciplinary travel companies in the city of Oktyabrsky, which successfully provides full complex tourism services for domestic and outbound tourism. The company is located at the address: Oktyabrsky, Lenin Ave., 59/1, Verba shopping mall.

The RusTour agency is included in the All-Russian Voluntary General Register of Travel Agencies, which confirms its professional work in the field of tourism.

The main activities of the company are:

Carrying out tourism activities both within the Russian Federation and abroad;

Organization and provision of visa support;

Organization of individual and group tours;

Organization of tours related to training and professional activities;

Booking hotel rooms.

The mission of the company is to organize high-quality and varied recreation around the world with individual approach to each client, creating a network of travel agencies with a constant, varied tourism product, focused on clients with different needs and desires.

The goal of the agency is to provide diverse and high-quality tourism services to its clients. The implementation of this goal involves the formulation of certain activity objectives, namely:

1. formation of a diverse and high-quality tourism product;

2. effective interaction with tour operator companies;

3. development of own tour operator activities;

4. providing a high level of service to the population based on a differentiated approach to different groups of clients;

5. expanding its presence in the tourism industry market in Oktyabrsky

To realize their goals and mission at the strategic management level, agency managers plan the company’s activities in its entirety, namely:

carry out external and internal analysis activities of the company;

· assess their own capabilities for progressive development in the current conditions of the external and internal environment.

At the tactical level, the company's strategy is implemented by achieving effective interaction its management and specialists. As part of making management tactical decisions, quantitative and qualitative justifications for these decisions, measures for their implementation are developed, direct executors are determined, forms of control over execution, etc. At this level, the problems of personnel management of the company, its motivation, issues of material, technical and financial security divisions of the company.

Organizational culture is the basis of the life potential of an organization; it is a system of common values, rules and norms of behavior accepted by members of the organization. Experience shows that thriving companies tend to have a strong organizational culture.

The General Director of RusTur LLC believes that organizational culture is an effective tool that allows you to mobilize all departments to achieve a common goal, stimulate initiative, and ensure loyalty and mutual understanding between company employees. Therefore, at the RusTour travel agency, each employee is given the opportunity to fully demonstrate their activity potential, advance, and feel in demand.

Travel agency "RusTour" is legal entity and builds its activities on the basis of the Charter and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The organizational structure of the management apparatus is a form of division of labor for production management. The diagram of the organizational structure of management reflects the static position of divisions and positions and the nature of the connection between them.

The organizational structure of RusTour management is presented in Figure 1.

Rice. 1. Organizational management structure of "RusTour"

Since a travel agency is a small organization, has a small number of employees and is engaged in providing services to the public, it is optimal to use a linear management structure.

A feature of the linear management structure is that each link and each subordinate has one leader through whom all management commands pass. The management level bears full responsibility for the results of the activities of the objects they manage. Decisions are made from top to bottom. A lower-level manager is subordinate to a higher-level manager. A higher management body does not have the right to give orders to any performers without bypassing their immediate superior.

Linear structure is formed according to production characteristics, taking into account technological features and the type of services provided in the tourist organization.

The advantage of a linear structure is ease of use. All responsibilities and powers are clearly distributed, in connection with which all the necessary conditions for the operational decision-making process, to maintain the necessary discipline in the team. In addition, increasing the manager’s responsibility for the results of the activities of the unit he heads, the executors receiving interconnected orders and tasks, provided with resources, and personal responsibility for the final results of the activities of their unit.

Disadvantages include rigidity, inflexibility, inability to further growth and enterprise development. The linear structure is focused on a large amount of information transmitted from one level of management to another, limiting the initiative of lower-level employees.

The agency's senior management consists of the general and commercial directors. Their responsibilities include:

· management tourism activities firms;

· consideration of new types of services and directions;

· compliance labor discipline and the operating mode of the company;

· organization and control over the activities of the company;

· development of international and domestic tourism.

depends on many individual factors. Practice shows that travel companies have a variety of block diagrams. For example, most travel agencies have managers for individual travel destinations. They handle everything at once - from booking to sales.

Some companies create departments in highly specialized areas: reservations, sales, marketing, and tourism product quality departments.

Other companies have a “this” structure, which is characterized by a minimum number of employees. There are three categories of main personnel: dispatchers, inspectors and operators. Dispatchers answer telephone calls; inspectors sell tours in all directions; operators are engaged in commercial work.

A travel agency in a European format is divided into at least 3 main departments. Each is headed by a manager.

Production Department covers research, planning and advertising (development of new routes, proposals and their research). This department establishes contacts with hotels and travel agencies in other countries, air, railway, ferry and bus companies. The advertising department is engaged in the development of informative brochures, catalogs, as well as placement of advertising in the media.

Organizational department covers reservations, documentation and support. The reservation department is the place where the travel agency interacts with clients. Employees of this department advise potential clients: provide information about directions, tours, prices, etc. Necessary documentation for the trip: information sheets for drivers and group leaders, seat allocation, list of numbers, travel routes, vouchers, etc. Naturally, accompaniment is one of the main components of the tour. The impression of tourists about the trip, and =>, the future demand for the services of a given travel agency, largely depends on the group leader.

management Department consists of HR and accounting departments. This department is headed by the director of the travel agency, on whose activity the success of the travel agency largely depends. This is where all the ideas are generated and ways to implement them are considered. The secretary of the management department is responsible for coordinating meetings, planning business trips, and processing all incoming and outgoing correspondence.

20. Marketing control

This marketing plan tour. companies. Marketing plan - gives an idea of ​​the position of the tour. predpr. on the sales market, tasks, and tactics of behavior in the market during the planning period.

The procedure for creating a marketing plan.

1. Analysis of the current situation for the tour. market and forecast of further dynamics.2. Setting a general tactical task of behavior for the tour. market, taking into account limited and influencing factors.3. Development of a marketing program taking into account the enterprise strategy and setting targets for the planned period.4. Providing all types of resources.5. Development of a mechanism for organizational and financial support and control of the marketing plan.6. Organizing the implementation of the plan and introducing adjustments.7. Analysis of implementation and evaluation of the effectiveness of the plan.

Indicators efficient work on marketing yavl. indicators included in the marketing plan:1 Number of tour workers. enterprises. 2 Providing tour. streams. 3 Availability of a range of services. 4 Number of agents. 5 Turnover. Each of the indicators has a specific direction of activity, analysis of the dynamics of changes in indicators allows us to identify the development of the tour. enterprises.

Tour market analysis

The tourism market is a system of relations (economic, social, legal) connecting producers of tourism products and consumers who are interested in a certain type of tourism products, who have the opportunity to sell and buy them. The subject of the tourism market is consumers and producers, etc., the government (regulatory structural unit).

The tour market is presented in the form of an interaction system 4 main elements:

Tour demand, tour. supply, price, competition

Tourist demand (capacity) is confirmation by the solvency of the recreational needs of consumers, expressed in a certain number of tourist products. and services that consumers can purchase at certain prices. Demand is an indicator that reflects the sales volume of a certain tour product in a selected market segment. The demand could be:. negative (most of the market underestimates something like this and agrees to additional costs to avoid it). absent (consumers ignore the product offered). open (consumers need a tour destination or something that the market for some reason cannot offer). falling (loss of consumer interest in a certain etc.). irregular (seasonal, daily, up to hourly fluctuations). full-fledged (that enterprise - the seller is satisfied with its trade turnover). irrational (unhealthy or immoral goods and services)

The basis of tourism demand is a person’s need for relaxation, knowledge, communication, which encourages him to travel. Supply of tourism products (saturation) – the number of tourism products (tour-export services) that are put on the market at a certain level prices If demand reflects the estimated capacity of the market, then supply is the actual volume of travel and excursion services that are offered to consumers on the market. The ratio between supply and demand depends on many factors, one of which is price. Inflated prices lead, with the exception of isolated cases, to a drop in demand, and understated prices lead to loss of profit and unprofitability of the enterprise - every travel enterprise operating in the market must pay attention to pricing policy.

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