Buckwheat husk pillow: advantages and disadvantages. Is it possible to sleep on a buckwheat husk pillow: pros and cons

The history of mattresses and pillows with buckwheat husks goes back many hundreds of years. The special structure of the filler provides comfortable support for the body, and a slight rustling creates the illusion of sleeping in nature. Today such products are very popular. However, before purchasing, you should find out about the benefits and harms of pillows with buckwheat husks, especially if people with spinal problems plan to purchase them.

Benefits of a pillow with buckwheat husks

To figure out whether a buckwheat husk pillow is healthy, you need to study its composition. The authentic product consists of peeled and steamed organic buckwheat hulls. The filler particles do not stick together or form lumps. Thanks to this, the pillow retains its fluffy shape for a long time and has remarkable orthopedic properties.

The main advantage of pillows filled with buckwheat husks is the ability to properly support the head and neck. The products are effective in the treatment of cervical vertebral defects and paraspinal muscle spasms; used to prevent vascular problems. This is an excellent muscle relaxant that relieves back pain and relieves general muscle tension during headaches. The husk, moving under the weight of the body, provides acupressure, stimulates blood circulation, improving the supply of oxygen to tissues.

Correctly processed buckwheat husk has valuable property prevent the growth of bacteria, mold and fungi, and are practically not susceptible to dust mite infestation. Therefore, such pillows are indicated for people suffering from bronchial asthma and hay fever.

Another feature of buckwheat that traditional fillers lack is the ability to maintain a neutral surface temperature. The husk does not wrinkle or compact under the weight of the body, and therefore does not heat up as easily as fluff, feathers and artificial materials.

The arcuate shape of each filler particle provides the product with excellent breathability and allows the bed to “breathe.” Thanks to this, the pillow does not accumulate moisture at all.

Harm and contraindications of buckwheat pillows

Like any natural filler, buckwheat husk has not only advantages, but also disadvantages.

  • due to rustling, specific odor and unusual rigidity, discomfort may occur at the beginning of operation;
  • the filler requires special care;
  • The safety of the pillow depends entirely on the integrity of the manufacturer, namely on how well the husk is cleaned from flour residues and what chemicals were used to protect against insects.

How durable is a pillow filled with buckwheat husk?

The husk gradually wears out and loses volume, so the pillow will last about 5 years. Then the husk needs to be renewed or purchased new thing. At proper care The pillow will retain its fluffiness longer.

How to care for a buckwheat husk pillow

High-quality pillows (can be viewed on the website http://a-elita.su/podushki) have a cover with a zipper, which allows you to care for the filling and pillowcase. Compliance simple rules care will extend the life of the item.

  1. the buckwheat husk pillow is not washable;
  2. periodically (every two months) it must be cleaned through the cover with a vacuum cleaner. In the first few months after purchase, it is recommended to perform the procedure more often - twice a month;
  3. When the diaper becomes dirty, it is recommended to wash it by removing the filling in advance;
  4. buckwheat hulls can be sifted through a sieve - this will get rid of damaged particles;
  5. It is recommended to ventilate the pillow on the balcony or outside in the shade. In calm weather, the filler can be dried in the sun.

The popularity of buckwheat husk pillows is not just a tribute to fashion. The products are environmentally friendly, comfortable for the neck, and hypoallergenic. Reasonable price and undeniable advantages make buckwheat pillows a worthy choice for good sleep and good health.

Husk is used as an environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic filling for pillows.

Today every person after a difficult working day, overwork, stress or extreme anxiety, dreams of resting on comfortable bedding. Progress does not stand still, so manufacturers remembered such a wonderful filler for orthopedic pillows as buckwheat husk.

The properties of buckwheat were known back in Ancient China, since the imperial pillow existed in the 7th century. It was filled with buckwheat and was highly valued for its amazing comfort. Indian and Russian yogis still sleep on pillows made of buckwheat husks. Let's figure out what the benefits of buckwheat husk are and what harm there is from it.

The benefits of buckwheat husk

What should an orthopedic pillow be like?

    Orthopedic pillows should have a comfortably hard filler

Buckwheat husk meets this requirement. If you look at a buckwheat grain, it resembles a mini pyramid with air space inside. It springs back when pressed. There are many thousands of these springs in the pillow. Due to its structure, the husks cling to each other and provide springy-soft support for the head and neck.

The husk is durable and has almost no weight; it moves freely in the pillow and follows the contours of the neck and head. Thanks to this, the outline of the body is preserved from evening to morning. The pillow allows you to comfortably hold your neck in an anatomically correct position. This allows blood to circulate freely between the brain and heart. The spine will be straight during sleep, the muscles of the back and neck will relax, which will have a positive effect on the quality of sleep. The body will be rested after the night, so it will retain a lot of energy for the working day. When using large and soft pillows to sleep, a person may toss and turn all night looking for a comfortable position. This takes a lot of energy and impairs the quality of sleep.

    The pillow should be made of environmentally friendly material

Buckwheat is a natural, plant-based natural filler. It is known that her homeland is Russia. Therefore, this plant is adapted to the conditions of the ecosystem. The energy of buckwheat with its biofield is close to people.

When making orthopedic pillows, the husks are cleaned of broken particles, washed with structured water, dried, calibrated and again winnowed and sifted through sieves.

The advantage of pillows is that they do not contain dust mites.

Dust and bed mites do not collect in this filler. The covers are made from natural or high-quality artificial materials.

Positive medical effects of the product

Based clinical trials it can be argued that the orthopedic product is hypoallergenic and suitable for asthmatics. And:

    Provides healthy breathing and eliminates snoring. Thanks to a comfortable position, the snorer begins to breathe through the nose, since the air path is not refracted and the tongue does not sink if the neck gains firm support.

    eliminates pain in the back and spine, including the cervical region.

Orthopedic pillows are used for car seats or home chairs and sofas. They are useful as a gentle applicator and massager when placed under the back or buttocks. Light massage and impact on biologically active points relieve pain of different nature, activate blood flow, which delivers fresh oxygen and nutrition to the cells, preventing hemorrhoids.

Buckwheat husk allows air to pass through and creates an air-conditioning effect. In the presence of high temperature or increased sweating, the husks will absorb moisture. After sleep, she releases it into the atmosphere.

Buckwheat pillow for a child

A minimum amount of filler is recommended for the smallest children.

Orthopedic products are most often made with Velcro or snakes on the cover, which can be opened, and the husk can be added or poured out. Therefore, for the little ones, a pillow with a minimal amount of filler is suitable. Gradually the height of the pillow increases.

A baby pillow is recommended from the age of two weeks for a newborn. She supports optimal temperature and is useful for children suffering from colds or bronchitis for free breathing. If a child is hyperactive or suffers from increased excitability, soothing herbs are added to pillows with husks, if there is no allergy to them. Some manufacturers provide baby pillows containing healing ingredients.

Arguments for the use of these anatomical pillows for infants and children under 3 years of age:

  • prevention of torticollis;
  • correction of skull deformation;
  • reduction of pain after birth injuries;
  • decreased hypertonicity of the neck muscles;
  • straight spine position;
  • fixed head for a restful sleep.

Arguments against" anatomical pillows:

    some parents believe that up to one year old infants do not need to place pillows under their heads;

    when regurgitating, a fixed head poses a danger to breathing;

    loaded while still weakened cervical region.

Only a pediatrician, a neurologist and a surgeon can give a verdict on such arguments.

Harm from buckwheat husks

Buy only high-quality pillows from trusted manufacturers.

Lovers of soft pillows may find this orthopedic material too hard and noisy. The husk actually makes noise (rustling) when changing position. Gradually, this sound becomes familiar, and does not affect the quality of sleep.

The ideal fabric for the cover is 100% white cotton. High-quality filler does not leave red marks on the case. If there are stains or dark artificial fabrics are used for the cover, then you can suspect the presence of impurities in the husk. And this is fraught with allergies due to the fabric and small particles (flour) from the husk. Soft fabrics They quickly lose their density, and the sharp edges of the husk can damage it. Then the filler will scratch the skin, especially delicate children’s skin, and also spill out into holes.

How to choose the right pillow with buckwheat husks

When choosing an orthopedic product with buckwheat husks, pay attention to the presence of:

    a small hole in the case with a zipper or Velcro, it will make it possible to check the quality of the filler and further care for it;

    Includes a small amount of husk to make the height of the product larger or smaller;

    red spots on the white cover or unpleasant odor- this indicates poor quality of the product;

    on the dark cover of an additional pillowcase - this also indicates the presence of flour in the husk and poor quality;

    a cover made of dense material (with a dense weave of threads) to eliminate discomfort and loss of filler.

The filler should be dry and rustling when rolled.

How to properly care for a buckwheat pillow

Do not bake the pillow in the oven; the husk may dry out and become brittle.

Since the product cannot be washed, you must:

    vacuum once or twice every 2 months without using the nozzle;

    dry the husks 2 times a year out of direct sunlight and sift through a sieve (or winnow), since over time they break down and small particles appear;

    wash the cover while drying the filling;

    If desired, use an additional pillowcase.

You cannot dry the husks in the oven. This will cause harm to the filler: it will become overdried and brittle.

Is it possible to make a pillow from buckwheat husks with your own hands?

The most difficult thing is to get husks for the pillow.

Anyone can sew a cover and fill it with buckwheat husks if they can get it at the factory. But it is unlikely that it will be possible to clean the husks, winnow, sift and remove dust, and calibrate them efficiently at home. This requires special equipment. Therefore, a branded pillow is always better than a homemade one.

How to use

If a person is used to sleeping only on his back, a pillow is made into a cushion and placed under the neck. If he sleeps on his side, then the cushion is placed closer to the shoulder to place the side surface of the neck on an elastic-hard base. For the ear, make a small indentation with your fingers so that the product does not put pressure on the sink and the ear does not “heat.”

Health is the most important thing a person has. Unfortunately, with age, old sores begin to make themselves felt. One of the most common problems is pain in the cervical spine. Medicine and manufacturers offer huge selection helpers in solving the problem. One such suggestion is the buckwheat pillow. What is it and is it any good?

Buckwheat husk pillows

Pillows from natural materials have always been famous for their beneficial properties. And now pillows with buckwheat filling have become an integral attribute adherents healthy image life. According to the manufacturer, this sleeping accessory can relieve the buyer from pain in muscles and neck joints, snoring, and establish a healthy and sound sleep.

How the product is made

Pillows are made industrially. To create the right sleeping accessory, the husk goes through several production stages, such as:

  • separation from grain;
  • steam treatment;
  • screening;
  • air blowing;
  • special procedure for cleaning husks.

Careful control of the process allows us to talk about its medicinal properties and its hypoallergenicity.

Health effect

This type of bedding is designed to take care of your health. Buckwheat pillow has an orthopedic effect. The healing effect is due to the quality and naturalness of the filler used. It is buckwheat husk, which remains after special cleaning of the grains. The husk takes the shape of a pyramid. This allows it to perfectly pass air, retain heat and take the shape of the head and neck of its owner.

More than one study was carried out before it was possible to prove the orthopedic effect of this type of bedding accessory. The pillow easily adapts to changes in shape and takes the position of the human body, thereby reducing the load on the cervical vertebrae and muscles.

It has been proven that a pillow with such filling promotes better quality sleep. Even after the first night, the buyer will be able to feel healing effect new acquisition. After constant use, there is a disappearance of pain and spasms associated with cervical osteochondrosis.

Pros of a soft sleeping accessory

We can highlight the following positive sides pillows:

Disadvantages of a pillow with buckwheat filling

Despite the abundance of positive properties of this sleeping accessory, it also has disadvantages. Thus, many are frightened by the fact that pillows filled with buckwheat husks rustle when used and interfere with sleep. In fact, the noise is not so strong; the benefits of the purchase are much higher. In addition, unlike other sleeping accessories, a buckwheat pillow cannot cause any harm to the health of its owner.

The main disadvantages are:

  1. Noise. Indeed, the husk creates a kind of noise during friction, which may seem intrusive to some. It will disturb the back sleeper less.
  2. Pillow hardness. Thanks to this quality, the accessory perfectly holds its shape and adapts to the person. However, side sleepers note that the peculiarity of the pillow can even lead to numbness in parts of the face such as cheeks and ears. Those who sleep on their back even like this quality of the buckwheat pillow, since it provides an additional massage and orthopedic effect.
  3. The heaviness of the accessory. Some types of buckwheat pillows can weigh up to 5 kilograms. Heavy weight is difficult to cope with both for children and for members of the older generation (who mainly choose orthopedic and natural products). However, if desired, part of the filler can be removed, thereby reducing the weight.

Despite all the listed negative qualities of the product, buyers notice that the benefits and comfort of using a pillow are much more important, and characteristics such as noise and hardness are only a matter of time and habit.

Where can you buy unusual goods?

As a rule, it is difficult to find in stores that sell sleeping accessories this type pillows They are mainly sold by salons specializing in products to improve and maintain health, as well as stores with orthopedic products.

Product prices

Prices for pillows with buckwheat filling vary quite a bit. So, choosing not the most famous manufacturer, you can find a product for 300-500 rubles. If you choose a trusted brand that uses additional useful additives as a filler, you can pay up to 1,500 rubles for a pillow.

Pillow care

The accessory does not require special care. Fluff the pillow periodically to maintain its shape. It is not recommended to wash the product. The buckwheat pillow does not have a limited shelf life. The pillowcase may not be able to withstand it over time.

Buckwheat husk pillow: reviews

The goods are received mainly positive reviews buyers. Customers who purchased the product are satisfied with the quality and price of the pillows. The therapeutic effect of use is noticed by almost all owners of such an integral accessory as a pillow. Buckwheat husk does not cause any inconvenience in care, the pillow is easy to use. Even if the filler gets stuck on one side, you can simply beat it. The buckwheat pillow also receives negative reviews. So, there are those who are dissatisfied with its rustling. However, buyers note that it is not difficult to get used to the noise. This takes about two to three days.


Thus, the buckwheat pillow will become your wonderful night “companion”. By purchasing it, you can get rid of many health problems, and strong good sleep will be a nice addition.

Bedding made from natural materials has always been valued.

Today, a pillow made from buckwheat husk is popular, the benefits and harms of which are widely discussed by adherents of a healthy lifestyle. People suffering from cervical osteochondrosis are especially interested in the accessory. According to experts, it is precisely with this disease that a pillow filled with buckwheat can demonstrate its best characteristics.

Pros of using a pillow

A pillow made from buckwheat husk has a pronounced orthopedic effect. This is largely due to the quality of the filler. When grains are cleaned industrially, the buckwheat husk takes on a pyramidal shape, due to which it not only allows air to pass through well, but also creates an optimal temperature that is comfortable for sleeping.

As a result of numerous studies, it was possible to establish that the husk is able to adapt to the shape human body, which means that the load exerted by the sleeper’s neck and head on the accessory is distributed evenly. Not only the muscles, but also the vertebrae rest.

Even a single use of a pillow with buckwheat husk allows a person to feel invigorated and well-rested. If you use bedding constantly, fatigue and pain that accompany people with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine will go away quickly and for a long time.

The advantages of using orthopedic pillows with buckwheat husks include the following:

  • Body support. Under the influence of load, the accessories do not flatten or wrinkle, supporting the person’s head and neck in the correct stable position, the most optimal for the musculoskeletal system.
  • The ability to independently reduce or increase the density of the pillow. Depending on preferences, each owner can add or remove a certain amount of filler, making the bedding softer or harder.
  • Relieving pain. About 20% of people with osteochondrosis noted that the feeling of discomfort and pain left them with the start of using a buckwheat pillow. The pain in the neck area disappeared most quickly.
  • Low hygroscopicity and ability to “breathe”. Buckwheat husk practically does not absorb moisture, maintaining its original qualities.

  • Hypoallergenic. Since allergies to buckwheat are very rare, a pillow made from buckwheat husks can be used by people with a tendency to allergic reactions.
  • Massage effect. The hard structure of the husk has a mild, permanent impact on the tissues of the neck.
  • Easy to care for. With prolonged use, the filling may come off on one side, but this is easy to fix: just take the pillow and shake it well several times.
  • Getting rid of snoring. Since the neck and head of the sleeper are in the physiologically correct position during sleep, snoring either decreases or disappears completely, which has the most positive effect on a person’s health.

Each owner of the accessory can adjust it to his or her own taste: by unzipping the cover, you can easily make the pillow more or less voluminous by increasing or decreasing the amount of filling. At the same time, its healing characteristics will not be affected.

Disadvantages of a buckwheat pillow

Many people consider the benefits and harms of a buckwheat husk pillow from the standpoint of comfort. And this is not surprising, because a hard and noisy filler may seem quite inconvenient when first used. Despite the fact that the accessory is not capable of causing even a small amount of harm, some people refuse to use it.

The main complaints about this product are that it is too dense, heavy and rigid. Let's look at the main disadvantages of bedding:

  • Noise. The main feature of buckwheat hulls is the ability to rub against each other, creating a pronounced noise effect. It will be noticeable if a person has the habit of sleeping on his side, with his ear to the pillow.

  • Rigidity. People who sleep on their backs rarely complain about this disadvantage of the accessory. Those who are accustomed to resting on their stomach or side can fully experience all the unpleasant sensations arising from the unusual structure of the filler. So, the ears and cheeks suffer the most. Owners of the pillows note that when lying down for a long time, a feeling of numbness and tingling occurs in these parts of the body.
  • Heavy weight. Pillows made from buckwheat husks, the benefits and harms of which have long been a controversial issue, depending on the size, can reach a weight of 5 kg. Managing such bedding will be difficult not only for children, but also for older people.

Despite the disadvantages described above, most people agree that healing effect, delivered by a pillow of buckwheat husk, reduces all inconvenience to zero. 3-4 nights are enough for the body to get used to the features of the accessory.

Buckwheat pillow: reviews, benefits and harms of products made from buckwheat husks, Full description features and why it is still needed, what qualities it has. A buckwheat pillow is an original, comfortable product that suits many people. Especially for those who like to sleep on hard floors. Pillows filled with buckwheat husks – optimal solution, if a hard surface is comfortable for you, or your health requires it.

Buckwheat pillow: reviews

The bedding is suitable for people who have problems with their backs, in particular with the spine. This opinion has not been confirmed by doctors, but many owners note that they sleep better. If you have a buckwheat pillow, you can leave reviews on the site; they will be useful to readers. Note the pros and cons, then the picture will be as objective as possible.

Now let’s read more about doctors’ reviews. Asian countries actively use buckwheat filling for pillows, and it is there that the Alternative medicine. If you turn to the official one, many rehabilitation specialists recommend a product for correcting posture and getting rid of back problems. But still, it is better to consult a doctor you trust.

In the middle of the video there is a doctor's review:

Buckwheat pillow: benefits and harms

We read about that here. The benefits of a pillow with buckwheat are as follows:

  1. The soothing crunch of the husk has a beneficial effect on a person, helping to quickly fall asleep. There is another advantage: a light scent, which is also soothing.
  2. The product forms a hard surface, so the head takes the correct, comfortable position relative to the body, which helps to align the posture;
  3. Typically, models made from husks have a special hole through which you can pour the peel, adjusting it to your own requirements;
  4. Eco-filler has a massage effect on the scalp, which improves blood and lymph circulation and supports overall well-being;
  5. By adapting to the natural curves of the body, the orthopedic pillow minimizes the load on the cervical spine, relieving chronic pain and snoring;
  6. Buckwheat contains natural essential oils, providing beneficial influence on the human respiratory system.

We found out why an eco-pillow is useful. Is there any harm from it? The owners note that no. The only problem: a microenvironment favorable to dust mites. If you are afraid that the pest will start, freeze the product before use, and the problem will be solved.

Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the rigidity, not everyone will immediately get used to sleeping like this, and the short period of use: the bedding wears out quickly.


Orthopedic pillow Buckwheat is used for various purposes. It’s comfortable to sleep on (however, you need to get used to it and choose optimal size and thickness). The accessory can often be found in various classes of oriental techniques. Originating from Asia, it is traditionally used for relaxation and relaxation. It is believed that the soft rustling of the peel soothes and sets you up for harmonious communication with yourself and the world around you. In addition to buckwheat accessories for classes, there are also models for sitting. They are placed on a chair under the buttocks, thereby relieving the load from the spine. Perfect for people with sedentary professions. Drivers can also be recommended to reduce fatigue; read about these types of products in another article.

The product has an orthopedic effect, helping to solve problems with posture. A baby pillow with buckwheat husk will be a revelation for many parents. Especially if we're talking about about children with scoliosis and other disabilities.

How to wash a buckwheat pillow

Unfortunately, wet cleaning wear out the bedding. The husk dries very poorly and gets damp, which will completely ruin the accessory. It is generally not recommended to wet the filler; it is carefully shaken out of the case, placed in a cotton bag, shaken, and hung out to dry. The emptied case is washed and dried well, and then the eco-pillow is refilled. The shelf life of the product is short; improper care can reduce it to a minimum (about a year or two).

We read about that in another article.

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