Consequences of lack of adequate sleep. Sound and healthy sleep depresses appetite. Consequences of a lack of sleep

It turns out that good sleep, strong and long, is just as important for a person as healthy eating, regular workouts and exercises. Modern man, unfortunately, often underestimates the importance of rest. It has been proven that we sleep less than our recent ancestors. Moreover, sleep has become less qualitative and productive. It is worth thinking about how to sleep more and better. In fact, if this is not achieved, one can expect quite serious problems with health.

1. Disadvantage and poor sleep quality lead to weight gain

Several studies have shown that obesity and bad dream are interconnected. People who sleep little usually weigh more than those who sleep more than 7 hours a night and do not complain of sleep problems. Sleeping too little is indeed a risk factor for obesity.

When studying this issue, it was found that in the group of adults and children, study participants who did not sleep enough, the risk of gaining extra pounds and even obesity was higher. In adults - by 55%, in children - more than 89%.

Lack of sleep can indeed lead to such consequences. Obesity, in turn, negatively affects not only appearance, but also on the state of the body - cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, etc.

How can sleep deprivation affect weight gain? As it turns out, there are many factors. For example, the hormonal background goes astray, the desire to play sports decreases, physical activity decreases.

If you decide to start correcting your weight, then you should change your life not only in matters of nutrition and physical activity. It is important to pay attention to setting up a schedule - so that enough time is allotted for sleep - 7-9 hours. It also makes sense to reconsider the child's daily routine - perhaps large extracurricular loads and round-the-clock Internet access are the reasons for short sleep.

2. Strong and healthy sleep depresses appetite

People who suffer from lack of sleep (for various reasons) tend to have an increased appetite. It has to do with consumption more calories. The fact is that the lack of prolonged sleep, necessary for the body to recover from daily activity, leads to hormonal disorders. The production of the appetite hormone becomes inadequate to the needs of the person. Poorly regulated appetite and leads to obesity.

Also, with poor quality and short sleep duration, the hormonal system begins to produce a large amount of ghrelin, an appetite stimulant. At the same time, leptin, a hormone that suppresses appetite, drops significantly.

Short sleep duration has an extremely negative effect on the levels of hormones that control a person's appetite. For this reason, a person who gets enough sleep consumes fewer calories, while another who suffers from sleep deprivation overeats.

3. Quality sleep improves concentration

Sleep is extremely important for health- especially in the brain. Lack of sleep can adversely affect these functions of the central nervous system, as working capacity, assimilation of information and concentration of attention. Lack of sleep can lead to serious consequences - violations correct operation brain.

There is an interesting study in which interns took part. They were divided into two groups - some worked spontaneously, while others worked according to a clear schedule, alternating work and rest in the right way. Interns who worked without the necessary breaks made 36% more medical errors - and many of them were serious. Doctors who had the opportunity to sleep, worked better and better, as their brain gets the necessary rest.

Short sleep, as shown by another study, negatively affects the functioning of the brain to the same extent as alcohol intoxication. That is why tired people often make fatal mistakes while driving.

Popular wisdom says that the morning is wiser than the evening. In fact, this is true - having a good night's sleep, your brain will work better. And you will find a solution to your problem.

4. Good sleep has a positive effect on athletic ability.

In a study in which basketball players took part, a high value of sleep duration was found in relation to sports achievements. As it turned out, quality sleep, sufficient in time, improves sports skills: accuracy, reaction speed, as well as the psychological mood of the athlete increase. Sleepy basketball players were less afraid of failure, were cheerful and determined to succeed.

Especially this applicable to female gender , which is more susceptible to the effects of lack of sleep. Reducing the time for proper rest causes low physical activity and functional abilities of older women. In a study in which 2800 representatives of the weaker sex participated, it was proved bad influence poor sleep on the level of performance, as well as endurance.

If you decide to lose weight, do not forget to get enough sleep - good sleep increases athletic endurance and the quality of physical exercise.

5. Lack of sleep leads to the development of a heart attack and diseases of the heart and blood vessels

It is known that the duration of sleep, as well as its quality, to a large extent affect the state of health - the development of heart disease, chronic heart disease.

There have been studies showing how short sleep increases the risk of strokes, as well as many other diseases. of cardio-vascular system. People who sleep 7-9 hours a day are much less likely to become patients of cardiologists and neurologists.

To reduce the risk of strokes and heart disease, doctors advise paying due attention to prolonged sleep.

6. Sleep duration affects glucose metabolism and the development of diabetes.

For the purposes of the experiment, people for a certain period of time refused sufficient sleep, which led to such consequences for the body as an increase in blood glucose levels and a decrease in insulin sensitivity.

Healthy men participated in this study. young age. They limited their night sleep up to 4 hours a day. The experience lasted 6 nights. Upon its completion, scientists concluded that sleep deprivation was the cause of the first symptoms of type II diabetes. Regular lack of sleep can be a prerequisite for the development of this dangerous disease.

People who sleep less than 6 hours a night are at high risk of developing diabetes.

Lack of sleep causes prediabetes in an adult in as little as 6 days. It's worth thinking about. There are other studies confirming this connection.

7. Sleep deprivation is associated with depression.

Mental health can suffer due to the lack of prolonged sleep. With its deficiency, as well as various disorders, the risk of developing depression and aggravating the disease is increased.

Studies have shown that more than 90% of people diagnosed with depression have trouble sleeping. It can be either a symptom of a depressive state or one of the reasons for its development. Also, doctors associate poor sleep and suicidal moods of patients. Insomnia, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (stop breathing) are often associated with increased cases of depression.

Poor sleep can trigger depression or is already a symptom of it, so if you notice these problems in yourself, it makes sense to contact a specialist - as soon as possible.

8. Prolonged sleep has a beneficial effect on the immune system.

Even a short period of insomnia (forced or spontaneous) can cause a deterioration in the immune functions of the body.

A two-week study was conducted to determine the effects of sleep deprivation on the state of the defense system. During the observation, the scientists tracked the course of a viral infection - the participants were given nasal drops with an active virus that causes flu and cold symptoms. People who slept 7-8 or more hours a day did not get sick or got sick later and suffered the infection easily. However, those who slept less than this time fell ill quickly.

If you are haunted by frequent colds, then perhaps, in addition to vitamins, a full sleep - 8 hours a day - can help you. This is enough time to strengthen defensive forces body and stay healthy even during epidemics of viruses and seasonal colds.

9. Poor sleep adversely affects the anti-inflammatory process.

The quality and duration of sleep affect inflammation in the body. Lack of sleep causes slow healing and recovery. It is also known that insufficient sleep leads to the activation of unwanted markers. inflammatory process and rapid cell damage.

chronic inflammation digestive system may be associated with poor sleep. Lack of rest increases the risk of developing colitis and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract. There is a study in which patients with diagnosed Crohn's disease took part. With reduced sleep time, they doubled their risk of developing a relapse of the disease. In the group of subjects who slept well, the state, on the contrary, improved.

Insufficient sleep leads to an exacerbation of inflammatory reactions in the digestive tract, as well as the emergence of new foci. In order to prevent the development of the disease and its relapses, it is important to devote the required number of hours to sleep.

10. Sleep affects social adaptation and emotionality.

Sleep deficiency significantly reduces a person's ability to adapt in society, lead an active social life, interacting with other people. This has been proven through various tests for recognizing the nature of emotions.

The study found that a person who is limited in long-term regular sleep has a reduced ability to understand facial expressions. He is not good at recognizing emotions such as anger and happiness. In other words, poor sleep negatively affects the brain's processing of social signals and emotional information.

For gaining better condition Eating well and exercising is not enough for health - you need to get enough sleep regularly.

What should be done to improve sleep?

You can regulate the amount of time allotted for sleep by planning the day and developing the right, comfortable daily routine. For example, if going to bed happens in different time, late, after midnight, the risk of developing sleep problems is higher. It makes sense to go to bed early and preferably at the same time. Sometimes we think that we just won’t fall asleep at 22:00, but if you get up at 6-7 in the morning, healthy sleep will come in right time. Not immediately, but the body will get used to a good regimen.

What else negatively affects sleep is a late, hearty dinner. The habit of eating a lot before going to bed is very harmful. Because of this, there are problems with sleep and health in general. It is better to get by with a light meal - fruits, a glass of yogurt. We must not forget that last appointment food should be 3 hours before bedtime.

Factors that can help you fall asleep are: Fresh air in the room, a comfortable comfortable bed and a calm atmosphere.

It happens that even if better conditions for sleep, sleep does not come or is intermittent and superficial. You can consult a doctor with this problem or try to help your body. There is a huge variety medicinal plants, which have a calming, relaxing effect, normalizing sleep. There are also many natural dietary supplements on the market that can gently regulate sleep cycles. Such drugs can be purchased or purchased at pharmacies.

To the question Is sleep important for a person and how much time is needed? given by the author Adult the best answer is In order to get enough sleep, the body needs to get enough sleep per night. Let's try to figure it out and determine how many hours a day you need to sleep in order to be alert throughout the day. If you provide yourself with the duration of sleep that you need, your memory, reaction, perception will become better, work will become more enjoyable. In just a few days, you will see positive results.
On average, we need seven to nine hours for a full sleep and rash. For some, six, and sometimes five hours of sleep is enough. And there are individuals who need nine or ten hours of sleep to maintain performance during the day.
Let's define the concepts. What does sleep time mean? This is not the time you spend in bed. If you went to bed at 22:00, and then read a magazine for half an hour, and talked with a friend on the phone for an hour and got up at seven in the morning, then you slept for seven and a half hours, and not nine. Many of us, when they say "I went to bed", mean that they will go and lie down, while lying in bed watching the news, or playing an electronic game. Make it a rule, when you go to bed, subtract from the time spent in bed the time spent on other things that you do while lying in bed. This total time is what we call net sleep time.
Of course, you do not want to change something in the daily routine. According to scientists, 93% of people should get an hour and a half more sleep than they have now. It's hard to imagine where to get this time... from what to tear off this hour and a half... from what to give up. Studies were conducted, volunteers were allowed to sleep as much as they want, to get up without an alarm clock. As a result, almost all volunteers slept an hour or two longer than usual. In the United States, there is the Healthy Sleep Research Center, studies conducted there have shown that one additional hour of full-fledged restful sleep increases a person's productivity and performance by 25%.
Let's return to our task - to determine how much time you need to get enough sleep. Start by determining when it is easiest for you to fall asleep. Go to bed eight hours before the time you need to wake up. That is, if you decide to get up at seven, you need to close your eyes at eleven. If you wake up before the scheduled time, it means that you usually slept longer than you need. But you will easily enter a new sleep mode. If eight hours is not enough for you, start from the second week to go to bed half an hour earlier in order to spend eight and a half hours in a dream. Next week, go to bed another 15-30 minutes earlier. Goal: Get you to wake up without an alarm. If you achieve this, you will feel calm during the work week and on weekends. And do not forget that a few minutes of "extra" sleep, which, in fact, is not superfluous, will never hurt you.
Set a sleep schedule that suits you. Go to bed in the evening at the same time every day, try not to break the schedule. Regular sleep is important in order to regulate and stabilize the effect of sleep on your body clock. For the first month and a half, the time you spend in bed syncs with yours. biological clock. Do not change this schedule, after a while you will unconsciously begin to follow it, you will want to sleep at the time you go to bed according to the schedule, and you will wake up without an alarm clock when your body is used to it.
Your sleep must be uninterrupted. In order for your body to rest, you must get a certain amount of uninterrupted sleep. If your sleep is interrupted, you will be drowsy throughout the day. And if we compare six hours of sound uninterrupted sleep with eight hours of restless sleep, then six will be more beneficial for the body. Do not let yourself sleep for a long time, doze off after the body has already

Answer from philosophical[guru]
important. A person without sleep cannot live more than 3 days. During sleep, the brain is unloaded, all unnecessary information deletes, and leaves the necessary. Works like a comp...

Answer from Liby_chu[guru]
important, around 8-10 o'clock.

A person spends a third of his life in sleep. Sleeping for a good rest requires an average of 7-8 hours. Otherwise, the feeling of weakness, fatigue and drowsiness will haunt you all day. And sleep disorders can lead to the development of a number of diseases.

Natalia Chechik

Sleep phases

In its structure, sleep is heterogeneous, consists of successively changing phases. slow (orthodox) and REM (paradoxical) sleep, each of which has its own psychophysiological characteristics (the level of brain and muscle activity).

NREM sleep and REM sleep form a sleep cycle of about 90 minutes (1.5 hours). Usually a normal human sleep consists of 4-6 cycles. It should be noted that in the initial sleep cycles (after falling asleep), the non-REM phase dominates, the duration of which gradually, from cycle to cycle, decreases, but the duration of the REM sleep phase, on the contrary, increases from cycle to cycle. If calculated as a percentage, in each cycle there should be no more than 20% REM sleep and 75% non-REM sleep.

NREM sleep is divided into 4 stages

1 stagenap represents the period of falling asleep. Body temperature drops, heart rate slows down. Slow eye movements are noted, so this stage of non-REM sleep is also called NREM sleep (non-REM sleep, sleep without rapid eye movements). The level of brain activity decreases - the alpha rhythm (> 7 Hz, wakefulness) is replaced by the theta rhythm (4-7 Hz). It is believed that it is in this state that original thoughts and solutions come to a person that he could not find before.

2 stage- so called sleep spindles. This is a deep sleep. The pulse rate decreases even more and the body temperature decreases, the muscles relax. Consciousness is turned off, but the reaction to the cry or cry of your child, calling by name remains. At these moments, short-term rises in brain activity are recorded - a sigma rhythm with a frequency of 12-18 Hz.

Natalia Chechik

Head of the Neurological Department and Head of the Sleep Laboratory of the Republican Clinical Medical Center of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus, doctor of the highest qualification category, Ph.D.

Short-term periods of brain activity, recorded when recording an encephalogram (recording of electrical potentials of the brain) during deep sleep, look like episodes of wakefulness. These are the so-called micro-awakenings. These periods are not felt by a person, do not interfere with a good sleep. The functions of these micro-awakenings have also been clarified. They were laid down phylogenetically. This is a kind of protective watchdog reaction. In ancient times, a sleeping person had to hear the approach of danger, a wild beast, a fire, etc. This function, for example, allows the mother, even sound asleep, to hear the slightest rustle from the crib, or a person during deep sleep to smell suspicious smells.

3 stage was named delta stages, since it is characterized by an even greater decrease in brain activity. On the encephalogram, slow and deep delta waves (frequency 1-3 Hz) are recorded at this stage. The movements of the eyeballs slow down even more, the heart rate increases slightly, breathing quickens, shallow, there is a rush of blood to the muscles, growth hormone is actively produced. In this stage of deep sleep, the energy consumption of the body is restored.

Stage 4 - delta sleep. Deep dream. Complete shutdown of the consciousness of the sleeping person. There is practically no brain activity. An encephalogram taken during this stage of non-REM sleep registers delta waves with a frequency of less than 1 Hz. Eye movements are practically absent, breathing is rare, superficial, non-rhythmic. It is extremely difficult to wake up a person to this stage, and it is not necessary, because, upon waking up, he will feel overwhelmed, tired, and cannot orient himself in space for a long time. Our ability to remember information directly depends on the quality of sleep at this stage.

It should be noted that stages 3 and 4 of the deep sleep phase are often combined into one (duration 30-40 minutes).

Natalia Chechik

Head of the Neurological Department and Head of the Sleep Laboratory of the Republican Clinical Medical Center of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus, doctor of the highest qualification category, Ph.D.

The waste products of the body are excreted by the lymphatic system through the blood, kidneys, intestines, etc. There are no lymphatic vessels in the brain, but there is cerebrospinal fluid. It washes the intercellular space, clearing the brain from the "products" of its work. It's like cleaning the office after a day's work. This cleansing process occurs during deep sleep. If this mechanism is violated, then the purification occurs incompletely, “garbage” remains, an amyloid protein is formed, which contributes to the creation of partitions between cells. Subsequently, such barriers interfere with full purification. Over time, this leads to disruption of brain activity, to a decrease in cognitive functions and, ultimately, can contribute to the development of dementia (senile dementia).

From stage 4 slow wave sleep, a person briefly returns to stage 2 (sleep spindles) and then goes into REM sleep, or REM sleep(from the English. REM - rapid eye movement, rapid eye movements). In this phase, movements of the eyeballs are clearly visible under the eyelids. Body temperature rises slightly, heart rate and respiratory rate increase. REM sleep is also called "paradoxical sleep", because against the background of complete muscle relaxation (relaxation), brain activity remains. Fast low-amplitude alpha waves are registered, which is typical for the period of wakefulness. It is in this phase that the sleeper not only sees dreams, but can also remember and tell their plot upon awakening. Interestingly, people who are blind from birth do not experience REM sleep. Their sleep is filled with auditory and tactile sensations, but the visual component is absent.

Why all phases of sleep are important

During REM sleep, the energy accumulated in the deep sleep phase is redistributed, hormones and other biologically active substances are synthesized, and the body is restored. In this phase, the information received during the day is rethought, the emotions of a person are played out, the subconscious speaks to us. During this period, we dream. And there are also processes of memorization - short-term memory passes into long-term. By the way, if a person's REM sleep is defective or does not exist at all, memory may decrease, anxiety or depression may develop.

Natalia Chechik

Head of the Neurological Department and Head of the Sleep Laboratory of the Republican Clinical Medical Center of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus, doctor of the highest qualification category, Ph.D.

Everything that we remember during the day is partially forgotten, and some part is deposited in long-term memory. This process takes place during short sleep. Remember how we were told as children before an exam or an answer in a lesson to read before going to bed and put the textbook under the pillow at night? And then in the morning you will remember everything! To some extent, there is some truth in this. If you learn a task before going to bed, thanks to the “transition” of short-term memory into long-term memory, everything that you read or learned is remembered.

Sleep and wakefulness

Sleep is an important part of life, no less important than being awake. Previously, it was believed that you need to sleep well in order to feel good during the day. Today it is already clear: To have a healthy sleep, you should lead a healthy lifestyle during the day, which includes:

  • physical activity;
  • complete nutrition;
  • proper organization of the day;
  • rejection of bad habits.

Natalia Chechik

Head of the Neurological Department and Head of the Sleep Laboratory of the Republican Clinical Medical Center of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus, doctor of the highest qualification category, Ph.D.

The fact that a person is disorganized during the day has a negative effect on sleep, he can sit at work until late, then read or write something else for half the night. This disrupts the synthesis of melatonin, the most important hormone for maintaining our active life, produced by the pineal gland during sleep. The fact is that melatonin, the regulator of circadian rhythms, is produced in dark time days (evening and night). It turns out that the whole day we are "accompanied" by daytime or artificial lighting, we watch TV, sit at the computer, etc. We work all night or dance at the disco.

With a lack of melatonin, a person begins to age faster, menopause occurs earlier in women, and dysfunction develops. immune system more likely to develop obesity and oncological diseases. Chronic sleep deprivation contributes to thyroid dysfunction, the development of arterial hypertension, severe metabolic disorders, depression and increased levels of anxiety.

Sleep Rules

A person can only go 2-3 days without sleep. Then he falls asleep anyway. Otherwise, cerebral edema will develop and death will occur. A sad fact is known when a man went without sleep for 19 days. The result of such a controversial record - six days after that, he died.

So how do you sleep properly to feel rested in the morning?

1. You should go to bed at the same time.

2. The room must be ventilated before going to bed.

3. Curtains in the room where you sleep should be hung. Give preference to dark and dense.

4. Don't sleep in a room with a TV on or a table lamp on.

5. Emotions must be positive! Good Rule Scarlett Oh Hara from Gone with the Wind: I'll think about it tomorrow! Set aside all problems and worries for the morning.

6. 2-3 hours before bedtime, you can have dinner. Only the meal should be light.

7. If you are used to going to bed at a certain time, do not change this habit. Sit out - you won't be able to fall asleep for a long time.

Sweet dreams everyone!

Modern world moving forward very fast. New difficulties appear in our lives faster and faster. How we cope with these or those difficulties depends not only on our experience, but also on our well-being and healthy lifestyle life. There are many components of our health, and one of the most important of them is rest.

Most of us don't attach of great importance sleep. We are too busy to find time for sleep. We need to work late, we need to catch a flight, or we find other reasons not to sleep. And this is completely wrong. Once you start getting enough hours of sleep, everything in your life will stabilize. After all, if you are tired, you are unlikely to start exercising or go for a walk. In addition, you are more likely to go for fast food, buy drinks with a lot of caffeine and sugar to get the energy you need, but this will not help.

Before we answer the most common questions about sleep, let's define sleep as it's not just a time when your brain shuts down. During sleep, the brain performs several actions. If you don't have time for your brain to do all these tasks, the result will be the same as if you deleted temporary files from your computer: your body will slow down for a while!

Sleep is not your choice. Sleep is necessary to maintain the physical condition and emotional balance of the body.

How long should I sleep?

The data of scientists are disappointing - more than half of people suffer from sleep disorders, but they are completely unaware of it.

Some people say that a couple of hours of sleep is enough for them, but the conventional wisdom that you need eight hours turns out to be correct if you want to stay energized throughout the day. In fact, it is not the number of hours that matters, but the quality of sleep. It happens that you sleep too much, which also adversely affects your day.

How do I know if I'm not getting enough sleep?

If you don't get enough sleep, it will be more difficult for you to concentrate, you will be less confident in yourself, and it will be difficult for you to make decisions. While working, you probably yawn a lot, especially if the room is warm.

In addition to all of the above, your brain will work slower, you will have less patience for things that are happening, and you may lose your sense of humor. You will want to take a nap during the day, and on the way home you will find yourself falling asleep on the train. You can also fall asleep in the TV chair.

If we continue this list of consequences of lack of sleep, we can add that Negative influence extends beyond daytime sleepiness. Lack of sleep affects your judgment, coordination, and reaction time, not to mention your libido. A sleepy person experiences a feeling akin to a hangover.

The consequences of lack of proper sleep will be mood swings, reduced immunity, problems with concentration, and maybe even obesity, and reduced sex drive.

Pay back and keep up

If you can't give your body and brain the rest it needs, you will be in your own debt just like when you take out a loan from a bank. The difference is that loans can be repaid in the future, while sleep needs to be received now and today! To check if you are in debt, go to bed half an hour earlier than usual. If you fall asleep easily, then you are in debt. Repeat this every day until you reach your sleep target.

Of course, if you sleep longer on the weekends, it will help you recuperate for working week, you can get out of the routine. But it's better to sleep a little longer each day than trying to pay off debt over the weekend.

Simple Tips on a note:

    Most importantly, stick to the routine. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time as often as possible.

    Avoid watching TV for at least an hour before bed. Turn it off. Spend this hour in bed!

    Do not drink alcohol or smoke before bed. As with television, alcohol and smoking keep the body from relaxing.

    It's good enough to take a nap during the day. The business schedule of many world leaders includes time for . Take no more than twenty minutes to rest. If you do not get up, you will fall asleep for a long time, and after waking up you will not be alert.

    Do not forget to play sports so that your body feels tired and wants to rest.

    If you have trouble sleeping, be sure to read these articles: », « ».

What happens when we sleep?

The secret of a brisk morning is to analyze all the phases of activity that the brain goes through during sleep, after which you can choose the duration and interval of your sleep.

The brain works according to certain cycles. During waking hours, these cycles are called gamma or beta waves; gamma is responsible for stronger stimulation (stress), and beta is the usual brain stimulation. When you sleep, beta waves turn into alpha waves.

But the movement doesn't stop there. Keep sleeping and your brain will automatically go from alpha to beta to delta and back to alpha. Each cycle takes approximately 90 minutes and repeats throughout your sleep. After six hours, the brain remains in the alpha cycle for two hours.

Why is it so important? Because your whole day will depend on what cycle you were in when you woke up. It is easiest to wake up from less brain stimulation (less deep sleep). If you wake up during phases - deep sleep (delta) or deep rest (beta), then the day will not set.

If you do not interfere with the brain to do its work in a cycle, then the body itself will wake up being in the alpha stage, which immediately follows the beta stage. And thus, you will wake up refreshed.

Now you know: you should always set an alarm for the time when your brain will be in the alpha stage. In other words, if you can't sleep for eight hours, it's better to sleep four and a half or six hours than five and a half.

If you're on an airplane, it's better to get three hours of sleep than four. Always count 90 minutes as the basis of one cycle.

By the way, you don't need an alarm at all. Your subconscious will help you a lot - just tell yourself when you need to wake up and you will wake up.

The most important thing is to pay as much attention to sleep as to others. important aspects vital activity. Many of us forget about this. There seem to be many other, more important needs, but just like nutrition and exercise are essential for a healthy lifestyle, the quality of your sleep directly affects your mental alertness, including responsiveness, emotional balance, creative thinking, physical mobility, and even your weight. No other activity compares to sleep in terms of impact on your life.

Why is sleep so important?

Do and get advice from our doctor!

Don't underestimate the importance of sleep. Sleep is the most important factor contributing to your health and beauty. Getting enough sleep is one of the best mechanisms protection that helps us stay healthy and manage stress. Sleep is a physiological function necessary for our body and mind, like food and drinking water. It's not luxury, it's necessary condition to ensure our mental, emotional and physical health. If we sleep poorly or little, it can affect many aspects of our lives, such as our relationships with other people, school or work, appetite and our energy level. Lost hours of sleep do have harmful effects. As a rule, most healthy people It takes 8 hours of good sleep to be in good shape the next day.

Some people consider it a waste of time, when it is necessary for the proper functioning of the body and proper cell regeneration. The body, during the night, works in slow motion. Breathing, heart rate slow down, muscles relax, arterial pressure decreases. The body produces new cells to replace the dead cells. As for the brain, it uses different phases of sleep to "sort" the information it receives during the day. Indeed, we assimilate during sleep what we have learned during the day. In fact, poor sleep is synonymous with poor information assimilation. In addition, poor sleep has implications for concentration and learning, distraction, and an inability to concentrate on a particular task.

Here are a few things that sleep affects:

Learning and memory:
Sleep helps the brain integrate new information into memory through a process called memory consolidation. Studies show that people who slept after learning a task subsequently had top scores test.
Metabolism and weight:
Lack of sleep creates the risk of weight gain by affecting how our body processes and utilizes carbohydrates, changing hormone levels, which in turn affect our appetite.
Lack of sleep increases the tendency to fall asleep during the day. This can lead to mistakes, accidents, sometimes even medical errors.
Irritability, impatience, inability to concentrate, fatigue and Bad mood may be caused by lack of sleep.
The cardiovascular system:
We know that severe sleep disturbances can cause hypertension, elevated levels of stress hormones, and irregular heartbeats.
Lack of sleep alters immune function. Good dream helps maintain good health.


Night sleep is divided into several cycles. Each cycle lasts approximately 90 to 120 minutes. The cycles alternate throughout the night, and their meaning changes. At night, the phase of deep slow wave sleep often dominates, and the end of the night is replaced by a fast phase of sleep.

Slow-wave, light sleep takes up about half of our total sleep time. This is the moment when the sleeper passes from being awake to deep sleep. Brain activity slows down, muscles begin to relax… At this point, it is easy to wake up.


This is about a quarter of our sleep. During this stage, the heart rate and breathing slow down significantly, the body temperature drops, the muscles relax completely… Then the body can start producing hormones and renew its cells. During deep slow sleep, the body really begins to rest and recover deeply.

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