See in a dream how you buy. Where did you shop in a dream? Details of night vision in the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Making purchases in a dream - usually serves as a harbinger of some kind of profit, accompanied by pleasant events.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

Dream about shopping

For many, shopping is an important element of life. If you do not believe, remember those acquaintances whom the process of acquiring something makes them feel a sense of satisfaction and pride. Participation in commercial relations is a kind of assertion of a person's personal autonomy. But such participation can be deplorable, destructive. Many in our consumerist society are deeply in debt, and when debt hangs over your head like a sword of Damocles, it drains you not only financially but also emotionally. Therefore, dreams about shopping can be considered either as a warning or as a self-affirmation.

To interpret such a dream, it is necessary to take into account the following points: what are you buying and why, how do you pay for the purchase - in cash, by credit card, by check or by your own charm. Buying on credit reflects a desire for acquisition or control. In actions of this kind, you should carefully look at the object of purchase. The acquisition of everyday items signals a feeling of insecurity in the present or future. Buying luxury goods indicates a desire to compensate for low self-esteem or to strengthen authority in society. If you buy something, but money does not appear, then this indicates your financial insolvency or may be an indicator that your emotional expectations are not being met.

What, for whom and from whom do you buy? If you know the seller (spouse, work colleague, etc.), the product is extremely important to you and you are the final consumer - therefore, you feel that you are not fulfilling any obligations in interpersonal relationships.

If you manage to purchase a product without money, then this is a sign of control, universal recognition, or the realization that you deserve a special honor. In this case, both the identity of the seller and the items purchased will be decisive for the interpretation of sleep.

Interpretation of dreams from Loff's Dream Interpretation

What does the dream of shopping mean?

To profit, good luck in business. If you buy small things or everyday items - a dream does not bode well.

Interpretation of dreams from the French dream book

What do dreams mean Shopping

Purchases usually dream of some kind of profit and other pleasant events.

In general, for many, the buying process itself is an important element of life. Acquiring something makes you feel a sense of satisfaction and pride.

Participation in commercial relations is a kind of act of self-affirmation and awareness of one's own independence. However, such involvement can also be destructive. Therefore, dreams about shopping can be considered either as proof of one's own importance, or as a warning.

To interpret such a dream, you need to consider what you are buying and why, how you pay for the purchase - in cash or by credit card. Buying something on credit reflects a desire for acquisition or control.

The acquisition of everyday items signals a feeling of insecurity in the present or future.

Buying luxury goods indicates a desire to increase self-esteem or gain prestige in society.

If you dream that you are buying something, but you do not see money, then the dream testifies to your financial insolvency and shows that your emotional expectations are not being met.

Interpretation of dreams from

A purchase made in a dream often symbolizes exactly what the sleeper needs most. The secret is that such dreams are almost always allegorical. The dream book will help to explain what this or that product, decoration, wardrobe or interior item, as well as real estate is dreaming of.

At the grocery store

If you dreamed about how you had to shop in a store in order to replenish food supplies, pleasant events and joyful meetings are planned. The only exceptions are certain types of products.

A purchased loaf of bread is a good sign for those who are engaged in trade. The period is good for making deals, the risk will justify itself. If you had to stand in line for bread, you will also have to wait for the onset of a favorable period.

A tray of eggs in a grocery basket is considered by most interpretations to be an alarming sign. The dreamer is in danger, which is unlikely to be avoided. Try to get out of an unpleasant situation with minimal losses.

Fish and meat

Evgeny Tsvetkov advises to be on the alert if you dreamed about buying fish. A dream often entails forced communication with annoying people, from whom it can be difficult to get rid of.

Buying meat indicates the need to pay more attention to your desires and true needs. In a word, a little healthy selfishness will not hurt you now.


It is considered an auspicious symbol if you dreamed about how you decided to buy sweets. The purchased delicacy portends the long-awaited news in reality.

This is not the only interpretation of dreams about buying sweets. The dream interpretation promises a wide variety of positive emotions and pleasant impressions.

Vegetables and fruits

What the dream of buying potatoes is interpreted by the dream book as a harbinger of surprise that will please the sleeper. If there are a lot of potatoes, the meaning of what you saw in a dream is not limited to some trifle, you have the right to count on big deals and serious offers.

If you had a dream about buying cabbage, the dream can be interpreted almost literally: financial success can be so grandiose that it will amaze the sleeper himself. It is very good if you have not seen in a dream how you give money to the seller.

If you are lucky enough to buy a full package of apples, the dream symbolizes good health and excellent stress resistance. Troubles can not unsettle you, you are ready for any adventure.


If you had a chance to make purchases in a clothing store, the sorceress Medea warns that in reality you will find yourself in a situation in which you may not be able to remain yourself.

When it happens to try on new dresses in a dream, the interpretation says that you will be able to defeat rivals and envious people.

The dream interpretation offers an interesting explanation of what dreams of buying a wedding dress. The dream promises that you will be able to mitigate the consequences of a quarrel, which you are very sorry about.

To find out what new skirts are dreaming of, pay attention to their colors. Bright tones portend joy, dark ones - dissatisfaction with oneself or a partner.

Such a necessary trifle as the purchase of socks and underpants betrays the dreamer's hidden thoughts. A dream means that you should beware of flatterers and monitor your reputation.


The interpretation says that buying a fur coat in a dream reflects uncertainty and a desire to isolate oneself from the outside world.

The spring dream book of Namemen reports that buying a jacket seen in a dream attracts interesting acquaintances in reality.

If you had a dream about buying a coat, it means that those around you have a good opinion of you and highly appreciate your company.


The desire to purchase one or more pairs of shoes is a reflection of the desire to change something in life, especially in the field of affairs of the heart.

Buying shoes means that you can go on the road without hesitation: luck has made an appointment for you away from home - this is what a pair of brand new shoes is dreaming of.

A pair of boots bought in a dream indicates that you intend to achieve your goal, regardless of any difficulties and obstacles along the way.


You can probably guess why buying a ring in a dream. The dream interpretation only confirms your assumption: this is a harbinger of a romantic relationship.

Buying gold jewelry portends prosperity. True, provided that they do not turn out to be a fake - in this case, beware of strangers and dubious transactions.

If in a dream you bought obviously not precious jewelry, in real communication try to show tact and restraint: there is a high probability of misunderstanding and conflicts.

Buying earrings indicates that you expect too much from others, which often causes disappointment.

Means of transport

The purchase of a car symbolizes freedom of movement, breathtaking speed, prestige of the owner. According to modern interpretations, this is a very auspicious sign.

The psychological dream book draws attention to the appearance, novelty and high cost of the car - the higher these indicators, the more positive the meaning of what was seen in a dream. If the car does not inspire confidence, the sleeper should be more careful in reality.

The summer dream book of Birthdays very life-affirming interpretation of what dreams of buying a motorcycle. What he saw in a dream characterizes the sleeping person as a self-confident person who is quite capable of carrying out his plan.

Buying the first vehicle - a stroller in a dream represents harmony with the outside world. Such dreams are most often visited by expectant mothers, which indicates their readiness for motherhood.

Cultural and ritual accessories

The Chinese interpreter explains what the books bought in the store dream of. A source of knowledge dreamed in a dream portends inspiration, amazing discoveries and success.

According to the dream book of Catherine the Great, the acquisition of an icon means that in a difficult situation you will have to rely solely on your own strength.

The French dream book claims that buying a coffin in a dream is a harbinger of a friendly environment and well-being in the family.

Real estate

Why dream of buying real estate, Miller's dream book explains in detail. The dreamer is in for a big change. What will be their character, the details of the dream will tell.

The most symbolic in a dream is the purchase of a new house. If you dreamed of an elegant house of comfortable size, a change in lifestyle will certainly please the sleeping person. If the house seems gloomy, old, or, oddly enough, too big, in reality, you should beware of the catch.

Auspicious symbols include the acquisition of land. True, it is this sign that promises the most radical changes that can affect not only work or personal life, but even the dreamer's worldview.

If a girl dreamed of buying an apartment, the interpretation draws attention to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhousing: cramped rooms should be regarded as a warning against an unsuccessful marriage, beware of the "golden cage".

In general, buying a new apartment in a dream is interpreted as a good sign, a harbinger of good luck in various areas of life. The dream interpretation promises good health and financial stability.

Furniture and household goods

Information about what dreams of buying furniture can be found in Hasse's dream book. If you dreamed about how furniture was brought into an empty room, what you saw in a dream suggests that the dreamer's income will grow steadily. When you have to part with the old interior, in reality, you also have to sacrifice something.

If you had a dream about buying a sofa, the Eastern dream book promises a series of love adventures, from which the sleeper risks completely losing his head.

According to Denise Lynn, the purchase of a bed symbolizes the opportunity to have a good rest. The English dream book portends marriage in the near future.

The Egyptian dream book claims that the dream of buying dishes portends success in work and an increase in the well-being of the family. This will happen as a result of unpredictable circumstances.

If you dreamed of a novelty in the form of a decorative knife, Freud's dream book considers you a person who is used to keeping everything under control. The famous psychologist advises to give your partner more freedom, otherwise he will turn into your shadow.

The interpretation of Meneghetti will tell you why you dream of acquiring a watch. This sign in a dream symbolizes the beginning of a new time. The previously hidden horizons will open to the sleeper, new opportunities will appear.


If in a dream you had a chance to buy a dog or a puppy, the Magical Dream Book sees in this symbol a state of search. You are trying to start a relationship, but in the wrong place or with the wrong people.

Buying a kitten warns a businessman that a potentially dangerous competitor has entered the market. The appearance of an adult cat in the house portends a surge in the activity of auditors.

The bag and its contents

A dream in which an order for a plane or train ticket appears indicates the need to change the situation and get rid of the daily routine at least for a while.

The latest phone model bought in a dream symbolizes the need for communication in reality. Perhaps you are trying to establish contact with a very specific person.

The universal dream book explains what the purchased bouquet of flowers is dreaming of. Men see this symbol in a dream on the eve of a date. Women have hope that love will change their lives.

The dreamed bottle of perfume reflects the dreamer's refined worldview. The dream interpretation believes that soon and in reality there will be a reason to use expensive perfume.

If you dreamed of a new thing in the form of a bag or wallet, the dream book claims that in the near future it will be possible to demonstrate your best qualities. For example, the ability to act in difficult situations, creative or commercial abilities.

A special place in the interpretation is occupied by the purchase .... something: the main goal is not the acquisition of things, but the shopping process itself. The dream book Imeninnikov saw in a dream is considered a harbinger of a pleasant and exciting pastime.

dreamed of shopping

If in a dream you bought something, then in real life joyful events await you, which, moreover, will bring tangible profits.

why do you dream of shopping

When in a dream you buy something in a store, then at work you will be in trouble and lose money. You have an ill-wisher, and he will soon do something against you.
Making purchases in the market in a dream means that you are in danger of rumor and gossip.
If you bought something in particular, in life there will be problems and losses associated with this item.

why do you dream of shopping

Dreams about shopping can have different meanings depending on the circumstances under which the purchase is made.
If you bought something on credit, then in real life you are too striving for the accumulation of material wealth and total control. Buying everyday items indicates that you are insecure about yourself, about your future. If you buy very expensive things, this means that you want to assert your social position and raise your self-esteem.
When you bought something, but the money was not involved, it means that your expectations from life are too high, perhaps you are not as successful in money matters as you would like. If you received a thing for free or using barter, this indicates that you are striving to control everything and are waiting for universal recognition. In this case, you need to pay attention to who was the merchant in your dream. Important events in your life are connected with this person.
If in a dream you bought something from a person you know (spouse, employee, friend), most likely you did not fulfill some obligations in relation to this person. You feel it, and the guilt haunts you.

shopping in a dream what is it for

If in a dream you bought a precious jewelry or other valuable things, then in life you will be neglected by people.
Purchased emeralds promise you dubious business relationships, a shaky position in transactions.

is an essential part of everyone's life. As a rule, the purchase of food, clothing, household items and even cute trinkets is a positive event that indicates the necessary level of security, the opportunity to deliver positive emotions to oneself, and to a certain extent is an act of self-affirmation. In accordance with this, the dream in which you make purchases is favorable in most cases. First of all, this applies to such purchases as bread, sweets, fresh, beautiful clothes in pleasant colors, jewelry. At the same time, some of the objects have negative symbolism - in this case, such a dream is a bad harbinger that warns of prudence and caution. Of great importance for the correct interpretation are also the place where the purchase was made, the seller and the method of payment.

Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov. What does shopping in a dream mean?

A dream in which you shop in a small shop most likely portends losses and losses. Buying something in a big store - expect profit, in the market - you will become the subject of gossip. Buying valuable things can turn into disrespect for others, and buying precious stones can lead to financial failure.

Dream Interpretation of Medea. What does the dream "Buy" predict?

Make purchases in the store - soon you will have to make an important choice that can lead to a change in lifestyle. Buying something at the bazaar or from a random person - do not be tempted by the possibility of easy luck and do not accept dubious offers. If in a dream you wander around a store or market without buying anything, your claims can lead to a quarrel or painful trial.

Dream interpretation of Sigmund Freud. What does it mean to buy in a dream?

The dream in which you buy something symbolizes your sexual tone and desire for intimate relationships. If you walk around a store or market without buying anything, or if the things you bought are scattered, your sexual desire has decreased, and measures must be taken to restore it.

Dream Interpretation of Gustav Hindemann Miller. What do dream purchases symbolize?

Shopping is a good dream that portends profit or pleasant events in life.


Buying something in a dream is bringing into your life the circumstances symbolized by the purchased items. If you buy a beautiful item with positive symbolism, good luck awaits you. Unpleasant purchases are all small things (quarrels, squabbles), any iron products, especially weapons (danger), black clothes (sadness), stale or spoiled food (), dry bread (poverty).

The dream of buying a house is ambiguous, which portends a change in lifestyle. An old, neglected or completely empty house is an ominous prediction, as well as a dream about buying boards. An elegant house or cottage is a change for the better, buying a car is a great success.

The best dream is the one in which you did not see how you pay for purchases. Transferring money to someone in a dream for a purchased product - expect unforeseen expenses in reality.

In contact with

Why dream of buying goods in stores, markets or supermarkets? Acquiring any things in a dream, according to most dream books, is not the most favorable sign. For a person who makes purchases in night dreams, higher powers often prophesy material losses, deterioration in well-being and other troubles. But not always dreams in which the sleeper was shopping should be interpreted in a negative light. Some purchases made in night visions promise a person happy waking events.

Acquiring any things in a dream, according to most dream books, is not the most favorable sign.

Dreamed of shopping in a store? The interpreter of dreams, the sorceress Medea, is convinced that a dream with such a development of events prophesies an unexpected turn in fate to the sleeper. In the near future, events will occur in the dreamer's life that will force him to make an important choice and abandon his usual way of life. If in a dream a person purchased any product on the market or from a random seller, then in real life he will receive a tempting offer promising easy money. Medea advises the dreamer to refrain from participating in this deal, as it will not bring him the expected success. Did the sleeper wander around the store or bazaar for a long time, but could not make the planned purchase? In reality, he will have a quarrel or trial with a person with whom he has long been in a bad relationship.

For a person who makes purchases in night dreams, higher powers often prophesy material losses, deterioration in well-being and other troubles.

Why dream of shopping according to Evgeny Tsvetkov’s dream book? When interpreting a dream, the interpreter advises the sleeper to pay attention to the place where he purchased the goods. If he happened to buy something in a store or shopping center, then in the near future he will face failures and losses in business. Any undertakings carried out during this period will end in complete failure. Did you dream of buying goods on the market? A dream warns a person about gossip spread about him by ill-wishers.

Why dream of buying (video)

Details of night vision in the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

If a sleeper in night dreams chose a large number of products in a supermarket, and found out at the checkout that he did not have money with him, then in real life he will face either big expenses or tangible profits. Such an interpretation can be found in the Dream Interpretation alphabetically. If the dreamer successfully paid for the selected goods, then soon he will be freed from worries about his loved one.

A dream in which the sleeper purchased only the most expensive goods in the store indicates that in reality he will be able to succeed through acquaintance with influential people who have connections in business circles. Buying things at the bazaar or in small retail outlets and at the same time haggling - to the desire to save money in real life. The interpreter warns the dreamer that, in pursuit of cheapness, he risks acquiring low-quality goods that will not benefit him.

A dream in which the sleeper purchased only the most expensive goods in the store indicates that in reality he will be able to succeed through acquaintance with influential people who have connections in business circles.

In order to correctly decipher the meaning of a dreaming vision, a sleeping person needs to pay attention to the goods purchased in a dream. Each of the acquired things has its own meaning, and by finding out it, you can find out what surprises fate has prepared for the dreamer in the near future. If you believe the dream book, then buy in a dream:

  • car - to gain success in a new business;
  • oranges, bananas and other fruits brought from hot countries - to easily overcome the difficulties that the sleeping person has on the way;
  • underwear - to a disease from overvoltage;
  • fresh bakery products - to material profit, stale - to losses;
  • jewelry - to success at work or in business;
  • cottage or country house - to the inheritance;
  • perfumery - to disappointment in the second half;
  • medicine - to failure in business;
  • oil - to a prosperous life;
  • milk - to deception;
  • meat - to a serious illness or an act in which someone's blood is shed;
  • firearms - to gaining an enemy in the face of a rejected admirer;
  • shoes - to minor problems;
  • gloves - to material difficulties and forced savings;
  • belt - to marital fidelity;
  • fabric on a wedding dress - to a break with a former lover and a decision to link her fate with a more worthy man.

Had a dream about buying tickets to a movie, a theater performance or a concert? In real life, the dreamer will have to face fraud or blackmail. You should not be led by a scammer, otherwise you can lose all your savings. A person who dreamed at night of acquiring a beautiful box, decorated with exquisite carvings or precious stones, in reality learns someone else's secret by looking into a letter not addressed to him.

If in a dream the sleeper got a shovel, then soon he risks losing his job. It is necessary to make every effort in order to maintain his place, since it will not be easy for him to find a new profitable occupation. A woman coming to a supermarket or boutique for a fashionable hat is a sign that promises a change in image. It is possible that the new image will help her change her life for the better. Have you purchased antique furniture in night dreams? A dream promises a person to perform hard, but very profitable work. If the purchased furniture was new and modern, then the dreamer will easily be able to achieve material prosperity.

Decoding in the dream books of Veles, Azar, Vanga and Loff

Small Velesov's dream book considers buying something in a dream a good sign, foreshadowing joyful events for a person. If the dreamer managed to acquire a thing much cheaper than its real value, then in reality he will know happiness in love. Buying any goods in a small shop - at a loss, in the market - to false slander coming from envious people.

Buying precious jewelry, according to Azar's dream book, is a sign from above, transparently hinting to the dreamer that he is not respected among friends and colleagues. To strengthen his position in society, he needs to be more respectful of others. If in a dream a person acquired a sparkling emerald, then in reality he will have to conclude a risky deal, in the successful outcome of which he will not be sure.

Small Velesov's dream book considers buying something in a dream a good sign, foreshadowing joyful events for a person

In Vanga's dream book, buying symbolizes the dreamer's ability to make profitable trade deals. If in night dreams a person saw his friend doing shopping, then in reality the dreaming person will ask him for help in solving her material problems.

In Loff's dream book, making any acquisitions is to joy and financial prosperity. Sometimes a dream can warn a person about the grief that a close relative will bring to him. Dreamed of buying an expensive thing? In reality, the dreamer seeks to achieve authority among the people around him at work. If the sleeper liked any thing in the store, but instead of buying, he decided to steal it, then soon he will have serious financial difficulties.

Why do clothes dream (video)

Interpretation of sleep according to other interpreters

What is the dream of buying from the Online Dream Book? A dream where the sleeping person chose goods in the store with passion indicates that in real life he will have to make transactions with large sums of money. Pay for your purchases at the checkout - to achieve peace of mind. A relative, whose problems have recently greatly worried the dreamer, will successfully get out of trouble, and his future fate will cease to disturb loved ones. Did you dream of choosing the most expensive goods in the store? A person who has such a dream is on the threshold of a new period of life, where he will be lucky in everything. To strive in night vision to buy things cheaper - to the acquisition of low-quality goods in reality.

Shopping in the Dream Interpretation of the subconscious indicates the needs and aspirations of a sleeping person. If in night dreams the dreamer was unacceptably wasteful and acquired everything that came to his hand, then in reality he is inclined to the immediate satisfaction of his desires. The interpreter warns: such an approach to life will lead him to a dead end before he has time to achieve anything in it. Did the sleeper carefully examine the dreaming goods and only after that did he buy? In reality, it is difficult for him to impose an unnecessary thing or a bad deal. Before making an important decision, he is used to thinking everything over carefully, so he rarely encounters unforeseen problems.

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