Buckwheat pillow: advantages and disadvantages. Positive and negative feedback on buckwheat husk pillows

Nowadays, a large number of the most different pillows. Crispy and tough buckwheat husk does not immediately come to mind as a filler for the perfect pillow. But its manufacturers say that the hollow buckwheat shells resist the appearance of dust mites, help reduce headaches and muscle pain, and take a shape that perfectly matches the contours of the body. Doctors recommend it to align the spine and maintain good posture. There are not so many studies on dust mite resistance in our country, but enough of them have been carried out abroad.

Pillows filled with buckwheat husks are traditionally used in Japan and other Asian countries. This product is successfully sold in the United States (price is $15-75), they are available in online stores, they offer to buy such pillows and in some alternative medicine offices, physiotherapists recommend. For those who are fond of needlework, there are recommendations on the Internet on how to sew the product yourself.


Pillows for healthy sleep are produced by companies whose specialization is organic food, cosmetics, and household items. On foreign sites you can buy pillows from Asia, Canada, the USA. Their products are made from organic buckwheat husks, completely free from flour residues, which can cause allergies.

One of the most famous domestic manufacturers Faberlic company. Her "Healthy Sleep" pillows are designed for good sleep, rest and relaxation, which provide product characteristics:

  • the ability to take the correct anatomical shape;
  • usage useful properties buckwheat;


Since buckwheat husks do not wrinkle during production, the filler easily follows the shape of the head and neck, which is what doctors recommend to relieve neck pain, headaches and muscle pain, stop snoring, insomnia and other troubles. Read reviews on massage pillows for the back and neck.

Official medicine says very little about the effectiveness of buckwheat husks. But pillows with it have already gained many adherents around the world, including practicing doctors. Suzanne Cheranko, a herbalist at the National College of Natural Medicine in Portland, recommends buckwheat husk-filled pillows to her patients to improve sleep: “Using them to support your cervical spine and neck, you are guaranteed to sleep better.”

The opinion of manual therapists

Berkeley chiropractor Mick Hamilton says buckwheat husks are great neck support with many positive side effects.

A clinical assistant professor in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore brings buckwheat sleep supplies to the attention of those who complain of neck pain due to spasms caused by poor posture during the work day. Poor ergonomics at work is the fault of the patients themselves, but buckwheat filler during sleep relieves stress from the muscles, relaxes and soothes them, giving them a chance to recover. Some types of headaches are successfully cured if they are caused by muscle spasm in the back of the neck.

Buckwheat husk is considered one of the best fillers for a pillow.

Buckwheat Husk and Dust Mite

In 2004, the Korean Medical Journal published the results scientific research on the resistance of buckwheat husks to dust mites. The number of dust mites found causing allergies after three months of use is hundreds of times less than the number found on a traditional synthetic pillow. This good news for asthma sufferers.

Study co-author Rob Siebers, a scientist at the University of Otago in Wellington, New Zealand, says the product's safety depends on how thoroughly the husks are cleaned of flour residue. The material passed correct handling is absolutely safe for everyone. The manufacturers say that the pillows cannot be washed due to the difficulties involved in drying.

If during the use of the pillow there are doubts about dust mites, it is easy to get rid of them by simply freezing the product.

Advantages and disadvantages

Unique advantages:

  • adjustability - adding or removing a piece of filler helps to adjust the height;
  • pillows do not accumulate heat, it is not hot to sleep on them;
  • husk protecting the buckwheat kernel - environmentally friendly, mobile, elastic material, ideal for the manufacture of products for a comfortable and healthy sleep.

Disadvantages that occur at the beginning of operation:

  • pillow firmness;
  • filler rustle;
  • intense smell;
  • experimentation is needed to determine a comfortable amount of filler.

Most products have convenient zippers. By opening them, you can adjust the amount of filler (some manufacturers sell a pillow and additional filler in the kit), wash the cover.

After several years of use, the filler partially loses its volume and must be added. The rustle of husks heard when changing positions on the pillow seems distracting at first, but after a few days everyone gets used to it and enjoys the comfort. Accessory for sleep is no different from the usual down pillow but sleep on it is much more comfortable. Bamboo pillows are very popular right now. Also of interest is the Asonia pillow.

Read on the link which pillow is better to choose for pregnant women.

On the video: the benefits of a buckwheat husk pillow:

After the harvest of buckwheat is harvested from the fields, it is sent for further processing to bakeries. There, the kernels of this cereal are washed, and then dried and threshed to remove the husk from them. These wastes are also husks, which are then used as an environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic filler for pillows and mattresses.

Bed dress with a filler of buckwheat husks have been used for centuries in those regions of Russia where this cereal was grown. They were especially convenient because such mattresses and pillows did not need to be periodically cleaned or washed - they served only a year, from harvest to harvest. With the same frequency, the contents of mattress covers and pillowcases were replaced with new ones.

Advantages of buckwheat husk pillows

In addition to being an environmentally friendly natural material that does not cause allergic reactions, pillows evenly stuffed with it have orthopedic properties, taking the shape of your head and supporting it and your spine during sleep, allowing you to completely relax all the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle. Thanks to its orthopedic qualities, the buckwheat husk pillow will provide you with a comfortable position and a restful deep sleep.
A comfortable position of the head during sleep, which is provided by a pillow made of buckwheat husk, helps to get rid of snoring.

The advantage of such pillows is the absence of microscopic mites in them, which literally teem in down and feather products. The waste products of these mites, which enter the body by inhalation, can cause great harm and provoke allergic attacks.

Using such a pillow, you will be able to provide yourself with regular point bioactive, located on the neck and shoulders. Buckwheat husks will affect them even through the dense fabric of the cover. The benefits of this are great - you will forget about a headache, since such a massage will restore the microcirculation of blood and lymph in the vessels of the brain, help normalize and relieve chronic fatigue that suffers from residents of megacities.

Orthopedic pillows and mattresses made from buckwheat husks can be purchased at stores selling organic products, as well as ordered online.

Disadvantages of buckwheat husk pillows

The only drawback of such pillows is their short

Sleep is primarily rest for the body. Health, performance and even mood depend on the quality of sleep. To make it complete, we must try to create for it good conditions. Very important point is choosing the right accessories for sleep. A buckwheat husk pillow will help you relax and sleep well at night. It owes its positive effect on the body to its filler.

The husk, or husk, of buckwheat is the shell of buckwheat grains. It is obtained by processing buckwheat and is an absolutely natural product. Before the husk becomes a filler, the following happens to it:

  • it separates from the grain;
  • processed with steam;
  • carefully sieved;
  • dried with air;
  • cleaned by special technology.

The whole process takes place under strict control, and at the end of it, a hypoallergenic material is obtained for filling pillows of any kind and shape.

The processed husk looks like small triangles that fold into pyramids, with air gap between scales. This allows such a filler to retain heat, have good breathability and take the anatomical shape of the head or body of its owner.

The benefits and harms of buckwheat husk pillows

After the appearance of such a sleeping accessory as buckwheat pillows, their benefits and harms are constantly discussed by consumers. Numerous studies have shown that pillows with such a filler are orthopedic, which means they have properties that are beneficial for the human body. However, they are not suitable for everyone, so before buying it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the recommendations for their use in detail.

Positive sides

After purchasing a buckwheat husk pillow, its benefits quickly become apparent. After all, it promotes healthy sleep and improves overall well-being. She has a lot of useful qualities, including:

Disadvantages of buckwheat filler

Despite the undeniable usefulness of this subject not everyone can get used to it. The main disadvantages of its consumers include:

If we weigh all these shortcomings, we can see that all of them, except for allergies, are insignificant. The therapeutic effect of the pillow is much more important.

Indications for use

A pillow made of buckwheat husk is also suitable for bedridden patients, it will make their life more comfortable.

In order not to be disappointed in the purchased product and do right choice, several factors must be taken into account:

Varieties and rules of care

In addition to sleeping pillows, on sale you can find accessories with this filler, designed for other purposes. Among them:

Compliance simple rules care will increase the life of the accessory. Here are the rules:

  1. Wash only the lining.
  2. Clean the contents with a vacuum cleaner without removing from the cover and avoiding sun rays.
  3. Periodically ventilate the filler in the fresh air.

History of Grechka.

"Buckwheat porridge is our mother, and rye bread is our father." Who does not know these proverbs! They have existed since ancient times. If in Russian epics, songs, fairy tales, proverbs, sayings, as well as in chronicles you come across the word “porridge”, then be sure that we are talking about buckwheat porridge, and not about any other. It is not simple food product, it is a kind of symbol of national Russian originality.

The homeland of buckwheat is our country, or rather, Southern Siberia, Altai, Gornaya Shornya. From here, from the foothills of Altai, buckwheat was brought to the Urals and beyond. Starting from the 15th century, buckwheat began to spread in Western Europe. In the second half of the 18th century, Carl Linnaeus gave the culture the Latin name "fagopyrum" - "beech-like nut", because the shape of the grains of buckwheat resembled the nuts of a beech tree. Therefore, in many European countries buckwheat began to be called "beech wheat". In Russia, it was dubbed Greek grain, since the culture at the monasteries was cultivated mainly by Greek monks more knowledgeable in agriculture.

What's the point?

In China and India, buckwheat has long been considered a cereal capable of nourishing a person with vital energy, since the pointed shape of its grains makes the effect of microelements contained in grain on biologically active points of the body more effective. For this purpose, buckwheat grains are applied under a patch and worn without removing them for three days. Specialists in the field of reflexology recommend sticking buckwheat seeds to a rubber mat and walking on it barefoot for several minutes a day to prevent any diseases. After all, it is known that there are many active points on the soles of the feet, acting on which, you can improve the functioning of internal organs.

On a par with proper nutrition For a full life, a person needs a healthy and deep sleep. Pillows have been stuffed with buckwheat husks for a long time. Sleeping on such a pillow is recommended for those who have restless sleep.

Buckwheat husk is a useful filler for pillows and orthopedic cushions. This material is absolutely environmentally friendly, as no harmful chemicals are used in the cultivation of buckwheat.

Before becoming a filler for pillows or other products, the husk passes pre-processing- it is cleaned from dirt, dust and microorganisms.

Buckwheat husk: useful properties

  1. Buckwheat husk due to its shape has excellent breathability. This allows air to circulate inside the product with such a filler. In hot weather, sleeping on a pillow with buckwheat husks is pleasant and fresh, the husk quickly absorbs moisture, and the pillow remains dry and comfortable for sleeping.
  2. Unlike other fillers buckwheat husk does not roll down and does not even crumple, it is easy to beat a pillow with such a filler, thereby returning it to its original form.
  3. The pillow with buckwheat husk has an orthopedic effect - it is able to adapt to the contours of the body, allowing the head and neck to relax as much as possible during sleep. That is why products filled with buckwheat husks are recommended for people with osteochondrosis. In addition, such pillows help to solve problems with insomnia and headaches.
  4. Products with buckwheat husks are indicated for allergy sufferers. This is a great alternative for those who are allergic to down or feathers. At the same time, the pillow has a subtle natural aroma that does not cause unpleasant allergic symptoms.
  5. Our products are equipped with a zipper, so you can independently adjust the amount of husk in the pillow, thereby giving it the perfect shape for you. And you can also add your favorite herbs inside, which will not only give additional freshness and natural smell, but also have a beneficial effect on your sleep.
  6. If you sleep on a pillow with buckwheat husk inside, then during sleep you will feel a slight massage effect - the edge of the husk tingles the body very pleasantly.
In large chain stores, unshelled buckwheat is sometimes found. You can buy it from a beekeeping farm, and from a farmer who grows this crop. Sometimes such cereals are sold in large markets. It is very important to determine the amount of such cereals. As a rule, in unshelled cereals, there is about the same amount of husks as kernels.

Husk separation

To separate the husk, you will need a bag of thick fabric. Put the cereal in it and tie it. It is best to make a loop at the end of the tie so that it is more convenient to beat this bag against the wall. If there is a lot of buckwheat, you can put the bag on the floor and beat it with a wooden stick. Ten minutes of intense tapping will be enough. Cover the room with sheets or pieces of wallpaper. Lay on top big leaf paper. Pour the contents of the bag onto it and place in a warm place, but protected from direct sunlight and wind. Buckwheat, together with the husk, should dry well, after which the husk will easily separate. It is best to separate with a hair dryer or fan. The core will remain in place, and the husk will scatter, and this is what sheets or pieces of wallpaper are needed for. Collect the husk in a separate bag. Additionally, it is not necessary to dry it.


A buckwheat pillow is sewn in the same way as a feather pillow. True, the fabric for the breastplate may not be so thick, because buckwheat husks do not tend to crawl out through the gaps between the threads. Take a piece of fairly dense cotton fabric. Cut out a large rectangle. Fold it in half right side inward. Sew the side seams and part of the top seam, leaving a small opening. Stuff the pillow with buckwheat husks and seal the hole. Sew a pillowcase onto the pillow.

Buckwheat pillow

Despite the fact that buckwheat is not the most best material for stuffing, sometimes they make such pillows. Such bedding, however, turns out to be quite tough. In addition, buckwheat, unlike husks, can rot. Such a pillow usually lasts a very short time, only a few months. Groats must be thoroughly calcined. To do this, cover the baking sheet with tracing paper. Lay the buckwheat on the paper in an even layer. Preheat the oven to 200 ° C, put a baking sheet in it and heat the cereal for half an hour. A pillowcase for such a pillow is best made from soft tissue. Suitable modern hypoallergenic materials, as well as natural fabrics like thick cloth. Stuff the pillow very tightly. You can take the most ordinary pillowcase, suitable in size.

From time immemorial goose and duck down collected to make pillows and blankets. Feather natural products are soft, voluminous and can give the most sweet Dreams. However, with extreme caution, the use of natural raw materials should be approached by those who suffer from allergies.

Procurement of raw materials

Manufacturing feather pillow starts from the moment of procurement of raw materials. One thick pillow standard size you will need at least 1.2 kg of a mixture of feathers and down, which, in terms of birds, will be 10 geese or 15–20 ducks. The presence of feathers and fluff is mandatory since an exclusively downy product will quickly go astray and lose its shape.

In the process of harvesting, the feather is plucked and sorted. In order for the feathers to be plucked well, the beaten bird must be lowered into boiled hot water for several minutes.

After separating the feather plates from the chin, put the raw materials in gauze, chintz or cotton bags measuring 80x50 cm. Prepare soap solution, combining in 12 liters of boiling water 200 g grated laundry soap and 800 g washing powder. Soak the feather pouches for 30-40 minutes, then rinse in warm and cold water.

Pillow manufacturing process

For one feather pillow you will need:
- down,
- fabric 75x150 cm,
- ruler,
- scissors,
- threads,
- ruler.

For the manufacture of pillows, choose a natural fabric, the density of which will not allow fluff to crawl out during operation. The most suitable would be teak - a cotton fabric with special strength due to weaving. The density of fluffy teak should vary between 140 and 155 grams per square meter of fabric. In favor of teak is the fact that it is a natural material, does not cause allergies, retains heat, and at the same time allows air to pass through.

Cut out a rectangle from the fabric and fold it in half. The production of the bedclothes is carried out with a special linen seam. To do this, sew the edge on the front side, and then stitch on the wrong side. On one side, leave a small hole through which to fill the stuffing. When you've finished stuffing the pillow, sew up the opening.

Feather pillow care

The durability of feather products largely depends on the correct care. Feathers collect moisture, dust, grease, so they need systematic washing at least once every 2 years. Subject to this rule, goose feather filler will not lose its qualities for 25 years, duck feather filler - 10 years.

For washing, the fluff is removed from the pillowcase, placed in a gauze bag and washed in soapy water, dried and put back into the pillowcase. Do not forget that the product should be stored in a dry and well-ventilated area.

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