Proper nutrition what foods at what time of day you can eat. What time of day is the best time to exercise?

It so happened that a person by nature was born a perfectionist, and he always wants only the very best. This applies to all areas of life, whether it is relationships - the best partner or work - a high position, we simply do not agree to anything less. This phenomenon has not bypassed sports, in particular, fitness and bodybuilding. In their studies, people try to find the most best time for training. And the whole paradox lies in the fact that the latter really exists, and today we will find out what it is.

So, let's get started, dear comrades.

Is there a better time to exercise?

What do you think, what are the most “percussion” (demanded) days of the week people visit the gym/fitness rooms?

That's right - Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Maybe you can also name the time? C 18-00 before 20-00 , again to the point! Statistics tell us that more 65-70% visits fall on these days and hours. It is understandable: the working day ends and the time comes when a person is left to himself. Why is the main influx on odd days? Well, usually, this is due to a wildly spent weekend and the desire to quickly after them bring oneself into a proper workable (for a week) state. It is also believed that Monday is a hard day, and in order to completely spoil it for themselves, people finish off "Munday" with physical activity in the gym :).

But seriously, it's just that the majority have already got used to their original visiting schedule and are not going to change anything. And really, is it necessary? Now we'll find out.

The Best Time to Workout: Theory and Research

In our time, it is no longer possible to imagine that sport was separated from science. Scientists are constantly coming up with all sorts of crap various ways that allow the athlete to implement the principles of “faster-better-stronger”. At one point, they received an offer - to determine the best time for training , and they did it with great willingness, well, let's get acquainted with the results.


This post will provide some scientific research on what is the best time to transform your body and build muscle.

Let's go in order.

Research #1. Department of Kinesiology Williamsburg, USA

What was done:

100 healthy untrained men were taken, who were forced (under duress :)) to perform a series of strength tests. Time spending: 8:00 morning; 12:00 , 16:00 day and 20:00 evenings.


The maximum muscle performance was achieved in the evening, but only during exercises with fast movements. This is because the activation of fast-twitch muscle fibers (responsible for raising heavy weights and fast run) performed much better when body temperature is higher. Which corresponds to the second half of the day ( evening time) .

The next thing that was paid attention to is the change in the level of hormones, in particular, and during the day. The first hormone has a direct effect on muscle building, the second is actively involved in the processes of muscle destruction and. When resting, testosterone levels are higher in the morning, but their rise after training in the evening is greater than in the morning. Cortisol levels are lower in the evening than in the morning. For example, its lowest level at the beginning 19:00 evenings, and the highest - in 7:00 morning.

Research conclusion:

The best testosterone-cortisol ratio is when the first is high and the second is low. This time is ideal for burning fat and building muscle mass, and is in the evening (around 19:00 ) .


Despite all the research, it is important to note that each person has his own biology of sleep and wakefulness, his own chronotype. (work of the body during the day). It is he who is the important attribute that reflects the physical functions of people. (such as hormone levels, body temperature, cognitive function) at the peak of its activity.

It is the chronotype that explains why some people wake up in the morning fresh as a daisy, while others have to drag themselves out of bed. and lap up tons of coffee before they can begin to function normally.

Global output:

Science supports the idea of ​​going to the gym in the evening, but it's important to listen to your body and decide for yourself whether you are a lark or an owl.

Research #2. University of Washington, USA

To determine the best time to get results from training, you need to know yours.

In particular, if you are an endomorph - you have a slow metabolism, then it is best to train in the morning (before 12-00 ) so that the body uses energy from body fat. If you are an ectomorph (thin bone type) and have a fast metabolism, it is better to work out in the evenings, when there are enough calories in the body to use them as fuel. Mesomorphs can approach classes both in the morning and in the evening. And here it all depends on how you feel during and after training. You can feel a powerful surge of energy in the morning, or vice versa - be lethargic like a tomato. Therefore, focus on your feelings.

How should you train if you need to get rid of fat and build muscle?

First of all, cardiovascular (cardio) and power training should not be done at the same time. They must be separated from each other by at least 6-8 hours. The reason is simple - in the process of training with weights, the body spends all its energy reserves. When you follow up with a cardio session, your body starts using your muscles for fuel. (the process of burning muscles).

If your work schedule allows you to train with iron only in the evening, then activity aimed at burning fat (for example,) must be carried out in the morning.

Research #3. Magazine “Sports medicine”

Human life is subject to circadian rhythms (sleep and wake cycles). They regulate body temperature, blood pressure, metabolism and other physiological functions. Functioning circadian rhythms 24 hours a day and can be knocked down (reset) based on signals environment. The time of day is just one of these signals.

Although these rhythms are innate, a person can still change them based on their behavior. For example, getting up with an alarm or setting a specific time for eating and exercising. The body's ability to maintain exercise intensity will adapt to your training time. Therefore, if in the morning and here you decide to try to transfer the “training” to the evening, then most likely this process will proceed much more “sluggishly”. However, you should not worry, circadian rhythms are quite plastic and malleable, they only need about a month to reorganize in a new way.

So, based on scientific research the following conclusions were made:

  • Optimal time for physical activity (when a person has the most heat body) counts 4-5 evenings;
  • strength indicators for 5% above about 12 days;
  • anaerobic performance (long distance running) n a 5% higher in the evening.
  • stamina is higher in the afternoon. Aerobic endurance for 4% higher after noon;
  • the probability of getting injured while exercising in the gym in the afternoon is lower (by 20% ) than in the morning;
  • physical activity can improve sleep quality (behind 2-3 hours before departure).

So, with the research finished, we move on to practical points.

Best time to train: circadian rhythms

Now we will consider the entire dial and decide how best to be active during the day.

No. 1. 5 am “Salute to the sun!”

In the morning, a person has the most low temperature body (girls are generally “stumps”), therefore most the best view body movements will be yoga. It relaxes the joints and is the best suited for this time of day with its gentle nature. Morning yoga will facilitate all your subsequent workouts and create the right bodily mood.

No. 2. 7 am “Time for cardio”

Early cardiovascular activity will make your body more efficient throughout the day. When a person wakes up (and hasn't eaten anything yet) It has lower levels of blood sugar and glycogen in the liver and muscles - this creates an ideal environment for getting rid of body fat. Some studies have shown that before 300% more fat is burned in this state. Intense cardio sessions (during 35-40 minutes) raise the metabolic rate for several hours, helping to fight extra pounds throughout the day.

No. 3. 15:00 pm. Long run in the air/endurance exercise

Go for a long (up to 60 minutes) for a leisurely jog after lunch. During it, your heart muscle will pump blood well, your body temperature will begin to rise and your joints will become more flexible.

No. 4. 4:30 p.m. A ride on the bicycle

you will burn (more and faster) extra calories if you step on the pedals. IN 16:40 the peak body temperature in women was noticed, also the muscles during this period are the most flexible, and the blood viscosity is the lowest.

No. 5. 5:00 p.m. Work with weights

Body temperature reaches its peak by this time, and working with weights during this period has a positive effect on increasing testosterone and reducing cortisol. Moreover, in 5 in the evening the body switches to the evening cycle (includes "second wind"), and a person feels a powerful surge of strength.

No. 6. 19:00 pm. Swimming

If you want to get the most out of it, then the ideal time for it is the interval between 6 And 8 evenings. Muscles at this time are the most plastic, and reflexes are the fastest.

No. 7. 20:00 pm. Team games

After work and leisure 8 In the evenings, the most preferred type of activity is team sports: football, volleyball, dancing. They will perfectly develop your reaction, flexibility, speed, besides, they will charge you with positive energy until the end of the day.

That's all, let's move on to the independent part.

The best time for training: we determine ourselves

I would like to summarize all this boltology with specific recommendations that will help determine your best time for training. So let's go.

No. 1. Best time = most convenient for you

We all depend on the circumstances: work, study, family, holidays, drinking, partying.

Therefore, even if you know that the best time to practice is 19:00 evenings, but you just physically do not have time for this period, then you don’t have to puff up. Of course, after work, you can immediately drive to the hall, intercepting something on the way hastily and dry food, but this is not good. It is necessary at least 30 minutes after their main activity to rest, and to eat at least for 1 hour before workout.

Conclusion: do not try by hook or by crook, climb into the best training window, adjust the schedule for yourself.

No. 2. Best time = consistency

If you have made it a rule to go to the gym on the same days of the week and time (other than usual), then your body will eventually get used to the regimen and make it the best for physical activity. It is much more effective to be consistent and disciplined than to spend time looking for the right or wrong time of day to train.

No. 3. The best time = reliance on knowledge

Most people (approx. 70% ) are neither owls nor larks, i.e. they are indifferent in their circadian rhythms. And here, in determining the best time for training, it is necessary to focus on the following scientific and practical data.

No. 4. Floating schedule is not a problem

Many people do not work like everyone else - weekdays With 9 before 18:00 . In this case, you need to have your schedule on hand for at least a week and enter training days into it. When you feel that you are not going to the gym today in any way, then hammer it at home or in the place where you are now. Also, you should not buy a subscription with fixed days of visiting, pay one-time or walk like a hare :). If you “job” at night, then test what time (before or after work) Your body responds better to physical activity.

Follow these tips, listen to yourself and you will easily determine the best time to train. Actually, everything is here, it remains to “conclude”.


Today we found out when is the best time to train in the gym, which means you have taken another step towards the body of your dreams. Thank you all for your attention, see you soon!

PS. So, already lathered to leave, and who will unsubscribe comments)? zhzhom, always happy to answer!

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network- plus 100 points to karma, guaranteed.

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Human memory performance depends on many factors. The efficiency of the brain is based on the individual habits and rhythm of life of a particular person.

Exist general rules brain performance over time. However, it is necessary to more accurately determine the peak of its activity and the rise in memory subjectively.

The capacity of the brain also directly depends on the type of biorhythms.. Today we are used to dividing people into "owls" and "larks". After all, someone really has higher labor productivity during the day, and someone only at night.

But most of the "owls" are mistaken about their biorhythm, since active life simply forces them to join the squad of "night dwellers". The same happens with larks.

People who like to sleep in the afternoon are simply forced to wake up early in the morning and go to work. Therefore, their real “daytime” biorhythm simply rebuilt into a night one.

In order to really understand at what time your performance is at its peak, you need to conduct an experiment yourself.

To do this, throughout the day, write down the time intervals in which you can do one thing with full concentration on work. It is these time frames that will allow you to understand when performance peaks.

After intense work, always give yourself a couple of hours of rest. Otherwise, the next peak of activity may not come.

American scientists have long figured out how best to remember the necessary information. They came to the conclusion that a book read before going to bed, whose plot will be remembered in the morning, is much easier than if you read it all day long.

Psychologists explain this phenomenon by saying that good dream improves memory quality. This is due to the hormone melatonin.

If it becomes difficult to fall asleep, then you can treat yourself to a light dinner before bedtime, which will contain rich foods. It is this amino acid that is responsible for the production of the hormone we are looking for.

Among such products, nutritionists distinguish hard cheeses, cottage cheese and milk, sesame seeds. A sandwich with cheese and sesame bread will perfectly fit into your late dinner and help you fall asleep.

Melatonin itself reaches the brain within an hour, so you need to eat no later than an hour before you go to bed.

The main rule regarding the digitization of information in a dream is the exclusion of caffeine from the diet taken at night. It has a negative effect on sleep and worsens memory function. Also, do not overeat or undereat before bed.

Stick to a balanced work-life schedule. Then problems with sleep and your memory will definitely not arise.

For those who live a normal schedule, below is information about brain activity will be very helpful.

1) From six to eight in the morning, he does his job well long-term memory. At this time, the information received will be remembered by you easily, quickly and for a long time. There will be something that you certainly can’t get out of your head for a long time.

2) From eight to nine in the morning, various tasks related to the analysis and memorization of information are best solved. At this time comes into effect logical thinking.

3) From nine to ten in the morning is a good time to work with mental-type activities. By nine o'clock the body is completely moving away from sleep and is ready to start serious work. This is the time of the most productive work.

4) From eleven to twelve it is better to give the brain a chance to rest. At this time, there will be no sense from the work performed. IN best case you will have to redo everything again.

Do exercises, have a snack with a cereal bar, take a walk with friends in the park.

5) From twelve to fourteen, you need to give the body food to recharge. This time is reserved exclusively for lunch. There can be no talk of any intellectual load.

After all, otherwise you will not only miss compulsory admission food, but also put a lot of stress on your body.

6) From fourteen to eighteen begins the second and final apogee for productive work.

However, it is worth considering the factor that prolonged brain loads in these time frames can lead to exhaustion of the body. Subsequently, there will be severe fatigue and sleep disturbance.

7) Twenty to twenty-two is the best time to relax after a hard day's work. Take an evening walk, read a book or listen to your favorite music. At this time, the brain is not ready to solve any serious problems.

8) Twenty-two to four o'clock in the morning is the best time for healthy and sound sleep. During these hours, the body rests much better than if you slept from morning to afternoon.

By accurately determining your biorhythm and adhering to the basic rules of the brain work schedule, you can easily build efficient work your body and the full functioning of memory.

1. Lose Weight: Morning and Evening Workouts

When we are talking about sports for weight loss, then when choosing between morning and evening workouts, you need to take into account, first of all, your age.
In 2010, a study was published in one of the American sports medicine journals. According to him, evening sports more than morning, contributed to the loss of weight and fat mass in postmenopausal women. It also turned out that evening workouts change eating habits: women began to eat more at breakfast. And you probably know that if you do not neglect breakfast in the morning, it reduces the likelihood of obesity, stabilizes blood sugar levels, and even suppresses appetite later in the day.

However, a study from the same 2010 published in the Journal of Physiology proved that exercising before breakfast helped achieve greater weight loss because the energy for exercise comes from burning a lot of fat stored in the body, and not from carbohydrates eaten. at breakfast. In addition, in this work, it was proved that for weight loss, exercising on an empty stomach is more beneficial than exercising after eating: it energizes the body and improves glucose tolerance against the background of a diet rich in fats. Morning workouts seem to program the body so that it burns fat throughout the next day.

So, if you are exercising in order to lose weight, the choice of time for exercising is entirely up to you. The main thing is that then you can provide yourself with regular workouts at the time of the day you choose.

2. Increase Muscle Strength: Evening Workouts

It has been proven that muscle strength is at its lowest level in the morning and then gradually increases, reaching its peak value in the early evening.
A paper published in 1998 in the American Journal of Medicine examined how time of day affected muscle performance in a group of untrained men in their 20s. The men performed a series of muscle strength exercises in different time days: 8 am, 12 pm, 4 pm and 8 pm. The result was as follows: the muscles worked better in the morning only in those exercises that included fast, swift movements. In other words, maximum muscle strength varies with the time of day and depends on the speed at which you train.

3. Increase Muscle Volume: Evening Workout

Fitness fans are constantly tormented by the question of when is it better to exercise in order to quickly build up muscle mass and get rid of the hated fat. Answer found! A study by American scientists published in 2009 proved that evening classes contribute to this.

Scientists observed a group of young people who went in for sports for 10 weeks from 17 to 19 hours. Then amateur athletes were divided into 2 groups. And over the next 10 weeks, one group changed their schedule and began training in the morning - from 7 to 9 in the morning. And the second part continued playing sports at the same hours as before - from 17 to 19 hours. Good news in that the researchers found that, ultimately, all men from both groups increased the strength and volume of their muscles. However, the devil, as usual, is in the details: the evening group gained an average of 3.5%, while morning group increased her muscles by an average of 2.7%.

The fact that in the morning there is also an increase in muscle mass, although not as intense as in the evening, scientists explain the recently discovered phenomenon, called “temporal adjustment” (temporal specificity). This phenomenon has been confirmed by repeated experiments: with regular training at the same time, your body makes certain settings that allow you to develop the maximum possible productivity of physical activity at this particular time.

From this it was concluded that regular evening training combines both phenomena - maximum strength and muscle endurance in the early evening, plus a temporary adjustment to training at this time. And this makes it possible to achieve best result those who play sports for the sake of building muscle mass.

4. Boost Your Performance: Workout in the Afternoon

To improve your productivity at work, especially if you often experience a breakdown in the afternoon, work out at noon. A 2009 study shows that exercise delivers more energy to cyclists who pedal at, say, 6pm rather than 6am. So the middle of the day is better suited not for walking or hiking, but for high-intensity workouts such as running, swimming, or cycling. This is partly because the body temperature is warmer during the day, which means that the muscles and joints are already stretched and better prepared for training, and thus there is less risk of injury during the day.

5. Improve Sleep and Reduce Stress: Morning Workouts

Paradoxically, setting an alarm clock early in the morning for the sake of exercising can improve night sleep and also reduce stress. In 2011, American scientists tracked the level blood pressure in amateur athletes aged 40-60 years. Each participant worked out at a moderate pace on the treadmill for 30 minutes three times a week—at 7 am, 1 pm, and 7 pm. The results found that participants who exercised at 7 am experienced, on average, a 10% drop in blood pressure and a 25% drop in blood pressure at night.

Morning exercise also improved the quality of sleep: Unlike those who exercised at other times of the day, these volunteers slept longer during the night and fell deeper into sleep. Overall, the morning group spent 75% more time at night in deep sleep. The early birds not only improved their of cardio-vascular system but also reduced their anxiety and stress thanks to sound sleep. Because the more time deep sleep conducts the body, the more time it has to recover.

6. So when is the best time to practice

Regardless of the time of day you train, the main key to exercising is regularity and consistency. This means that it is better to train at a time in which you can consistently continue to exercise. Classes at different times of the day different days will bring less effect and more stress. Therefore, when planning your workouts, pay attention to this important component: classes should be held at the same time, regardless of the day of training. As mentioned above, in this case, the effect of "temporal adjustment" will work and you will achieve the best result.

Do not forget about the required load. For example, the US Centers for Disease Prevention recommends 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise each week. It can be running, swimming, skating and rollerblading, tennis, basketball, as well as dancing, walking and even climbing stairs. In addition, 2 or more days per week are recommended. strength exercises, which include the study of all major muscle groups, such as legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders, arms. However, this type of load can be divided into daily classes for 10 minutes.

And, of course, all efforts will be in vain without proper nutrition, which is the key not only to the absence excess weight but also the health of the body as a whole.

Post selection

It doesn't matter for what reason you decide to start exercising, whether it's weight loss, health concerns, or the desire to have a toned body. It is important to answer the question: "What time of day is better? Almost each of us has our own daily affairs and responsibilities, and it is extremely

problematic. Some have time in the morning, others in the evening, and some are free in the afternoon. So how to be? Is there a specific time of day when classes will bring maximum benefit and minimum harm. If you're thinking about this, it's very good sign, showing that you are seriously getting down to business and do not deviate from the intended path.

Two opinions

Surely you have heard about such a thing as biorhythms, because they directly affect our activity during the day. Studying this issue, scientists came to the conclusion that the safest time to exercise is in the afternoon and early evening. However, they proceeded from the fact that it is during this period that the temperature of the human body rises by 1-2 degrees, which excludes various kinds of injuries. But we all know from school days why we should go in for sports only after a good warm-up. Therefore, if you already decide to train, then do everything right, and no matter what time. There is also an opinion that there is not much difference whether you practice during the day or in the evening, the main thing is that you do it regularly and at the same hour. Thus, your body will already be waiting for the load exactly at the moment you need. In this

and there is a compromise of most opinions, the main thing is that you are comfortable, you cannot force yourself, otherwise it will lead to sad consequences.


Very often, along with the question of what time of day is best to play sports, people also ask the question of whether it is worth exercising immediately after sleep. There is very important point: Of course, you can’t get out of bed and immediately run or start doing any exercises. And no one will do that. Between waking up and actually training, you somehow have to perform a series of actions: wash your face, brush your teeth, clean yourself up, drink a glass of water, get dressed, get ready and go to a place where you can play sports. And this can no longer be called "immediately after sleep." It gives many people a charge of vivacity and Have a good mood all day. Therefore, in many countries of the East it is customary to practice before sunrise, however, this is also due to the fact that it is very hot there.

How to choose the best time for yourself

The first thing you should pay attention to is your daily routine: what time do you get up,

how long does the job take, how long does it take lunch break how far away is the place where you can work out and how you feel during the day. Evaluate all your options and choose best option, because no one will tell you for sure that a morning workout is best for you. In addition, it is important to choose the time that you always have, because the main thing for performance is regularity, especially if your goal is not just to maintain health, but, for example, to lose weight. It would be useful to determine your biorhythms, because then you will almost certainly know at what time of the day it is better for you to play sports.

Morning and sports

And now we will consider each of the workouts separately and weigh all the pros and cons. If, after a simple analysis, you came to the conclusion that you belong to the category of "larks", then set the alarm for 5-6 in the morning, and go for a run. This perfect time for you to get a charge of vivacity for the whole day. But then you will have to go to bed earlier, because sleep should be full, and you should not sacrifice it in favor of training. What could be better when you came out fresh

In the morning for a run, there are only dog ​​lovers around or the same as you, lovers of early training. The air is still clean and not polluted, the sun is just rising, only energetic music is missing. After you can take a shower, have breakfast and go to work in good mood. Another plus in doing sports in the morning is that you have a free evening, and you can devote it to your favorite business.

If the day is free

A fairly common case where free time falls in the middle of the day. In principle, this is the best option for everyone, because after dinner, both "owls" and "larks" can feel comfortable. Well, if you have a long one, then you can choose a gym or fitness room next to work. Unlike in the evening, you are full of energy and will be able to work out well, you won’t have to try to do exercises in the morning or after work in an exhausted state. After all, why do you need to play sports? In order to be healthy and beautiful, and a tormented person cannot be called either the first or the second epithet.

Evening workouts

It's time to talk about those who have only an evening free, or about those who are most

one lives comfortably at this time of day, that is, about “owls”. The body of the latter is arranged in such a way that in the morning it manages to "swing" with great difficulty, and the working capacity in this state is at a low level. But after work, they, as a rule, are full of energy and ready to give everything to the fullest. You can stop by, for example, on your way home to the gym, or you can have dinner and go out and work out in an hour and a half fresh air. The main thing to remember is that if you decide to go in for sports in the evening, you should not delay until the night, otherwise it threatens you with insomnia. The pluses include the fact that there is nowhere to rush, unlike the morning hours. Among other things, it is also convenient for those who like to study in a company, because almost everyone has a free evening, and you can call friends.

Post-workout relaxation

After any workout, and especially in the evening, for a better sleep, it is worth doing a series of relaxing exercises that are based on the principles of yoga:

  • Lie down on a hard and straight surface and close your eyes.
  • Regain your breath if you are short of breath, breathe slowly and deeply, concentrating on each inhalation/exhalation. This is necessary to stabilize the heartbeat and fill the blood with oxygen.
  • Then gradually relax all parts of the body, starting with the toes and rising higher and higher, feel this wave.
  • It is important to relax every muscle, imagine such a state as if you had a very stressful day, and now you come home and collapsed into bed.
  • Think about something good and pleasant, feel how the body is filled with heaviness and calmness. Lie down like this for 10 minutes, and you can get up.

After such an exercise, the tension will go away, breathing will be restored, it will be easier for you to fall asleep or return to your business.

Now you know what time of day is best to exercise, and you can start your workouts. It remains only to give a few tips:

  1. It is necessary to approach classes wisely, thinking through all the details. First of all, start with nutrition, because we are what we eat.
  2. Do not come up with excuses, you just have to give free rein to laziness, and there are a lot of reasons why you don’t need to go to training today.
  3. Exercise at every opportunity, spend more time outdoors, replace the elevator with stairs.
  4. If you can't work out at the same time, develop for yourself individual plan The main thing is to train regularly and at least 3 times a week.
  5. Over time, you will begin to listen to your body and better understand what is good and what is bad, so take your time and do not overdo it. After all, why do you need to play sports? Just to be healthy healthy man most often handsome and successful.

Not sure what time of day is best to exercise? After reading this article, you will determine the most optimal time for classes in gym.

Drawing up a training process is not an easy task. It is necessary to provide for many subtleties and nuances. Proper nutrition, list effective exercises, recovery time, sleep, discipline and more will help you build a beautiful body.

Few people know that in order to achieve the desired result, it is necessary to correctly choose the time for training. The fact is that not all hours during the day are equally suitable for sports. Let's look at what can affect the choice of time for training, and what part of the day is the most fruitful.


What do you want to achieve from visiting the gym? Everyone knows what they want and you are no exception.

Properly chosen time for training contributes to the accelerated achievement of the final result.

AND are the most desirable goals that have settled in the minds of many people who have decided to work on themselves and change for the better.

  • Fat burning

The human body is designed in such a way that after waking up, the blood sugar level is lowered, and the metabolism is accelerated.

If you train at the beginning of the day, then it is fat that will become the main source of energy, not carbohydrates. Therefore, in the morning you will be able to burn much more fat than during an evening workout.

If you exercise before breakfast, your body will lose more calories than after breakfast.

But I must say that doing on an empty stomach, you will have a lack of strength, therefore, you will quickly get tired. Therefore, do not overload your body, otherwise you will drive it into a state of stress.

Thus, morning sports will be much more effective if you decide to lose weight. But the training process must be approached wisely and correctly calculate the load.

Useful article:.

  • Mass gain

Evening workouts contribute to a set of muscle mass and an increase in strength indicators. As you know, hormones such as testosterone and cortisol have a strong influence on muscle mass gain. If testosterone promotes muscle growth, then cortisol, on the contrary, destroys muscle fibers.

Testosterone levels after evening workouts are much higher than after morning workouts. The level of cortisol, known as the stress hormone, on the contrary, is much lower in the evening than in the morning.

Therefore, exercising in the evening, it is likely to gain muscle mass much faster than exercising in the morning.

Useful article:.

Kind of activity

If you sit in front of a computer all day and lead a sedentary lifestyle, then at the end of the day you need to stretch your body. IN this case evening workout is the best remedy from muscle atrophy. Physical exercise raise testosterone , will improve blood circulation and help keep muscles in good shape.

If you are engaged in physically difficult work associated with constant travel, active movement and weight lifting, you will not have the strength for an evening workout. Therefore, morning workouts are for you. the best choice. By exercising at the beginning of the day, you are guaranteed to cheer up and activate brain and muscle activity. The main thing is not to overdo it in training, otherwise you will not be able to effectively cope with work responsibilities.


Also, the choice of time for training is influenced by the daily routine. Each person lives in his own rhythm and organizes the day in a way that suits him.

If you work from morning to 5-6 pm, then, of course, you have no opportunity to train in the morning. You have nothing left to do but come to the gym in the evening.

If you have a relatively free work schedule and you can choose absolutely any time to work out in the gym, then you are fabulously lucky. Build your day the way you want, but do not forget that you always need to train at the same time. The body must adapt to consistently receive the next dose of load.

You should not train haphazardly: either in the morning or in the evening. Such instability will inevitably lead to stress, because the body will not be able to adapt to an ever-changing schedule. In this case, accuracy and method are important.

Proper organization of the day will bring you the benefits of exercising in the gym, as well as make you more disciplined.

Morning workouts have another advantage - a small number of people in the gym. In the evening, the halls are packed to capacity and look more like a jar of sprats than a sports club. Therefore, if you can go to training in the morning, then you have a unique opportunity to practice in an almost empty gym, and not stand in line for 10 minutes at the right simulator or projectile. In addition, in many halls, a morning subscription is much cheaper than an evening one.

It should be noted that in the morning your muscles and ligaments are less elastic and flexible than in the middle or at the end of the day. Therefore, before the morning workout, you need to devote enough time toto warm up muscles, stretch ligaments and tune nervous system for productive sports.

Do not neglect the warm-up during evening workouts, otherwise the risk of injury increases. It is much easier and easier to damage an unrumpled body in the morning than at sunset, but evening time is not insurance against injury.

body type

Oddly enough, but the type of physique also affects the choice of time for exercising in the gym.

  • Ectomorph

People with this constitution have a fast metabolism.usually tall, thin, with long limbs, narrow bones and long muscles. If you are one of them, then train in the evening, because by this time of day your body will have accumulated enough calories that can be used as an energy source.

  • Mesomorph

People with such a physique, as a rule, have average proportions that are close to normal. Mesomorphs have muscular legs and arms, as well as broad shoulders and chest.

This body type is universal, so the benefits of morning workouts approximately equals the benefits of evening workouts. Again, I would like to mention that the goal and work schedule will mainly determine the timing of classes.

  • Endomorph

People of this physique are usually prone to gaining excess weight.

If you are an endomorph, then your body has a slow metabolism. You are advised to exercise at the beginning of the day in order to burn the annoying fat to the maximum.


The choice of time for training is a purely individual thing. After analyzing your lifestyle, your goals and desires, you can easily determine this important factor, which will certainly help you in your difficult task.

The main thing is not to torture yourself too much. If you can’t wake up normally and recover in the morning, and your productivity in the morning is zero, then you don’t need to mock yourself - train in the evening. Conversely, if by the end of the day your strength is running out, but with the first rays of the sun you are full of energy, then train in the morning.

Remember, life should be enjoyed, and training and working on yourself is an integral part of your life.

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